Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import; import; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; /** * The default implementation of storage container controller. * * <p>The goal of this controller is uniformly distributing storage containers across all alive servers in * the cluster. * * <p>The algorithm here is based on the count-based stream balancer in distributedlog-proxy-server. */ @Slf4j public class DefaultStorageContainerController implements StorageContainerController { static final class ServerAssignmentDataComparator implements Comparator<Pair<BookieSocketAddress, LinkedList<Long>>> { @Override public int compare(Pair<BookieSocketAddress, LinkedList<Long>> o1, Pair<BookieSocketAddress, LinkedList<Long>> o2) { int res =, o2.getValue().size()); if (0 == res) { // two servers have same number of container // the order of these two servers doesn't matter, so use any attribute than can provide deterministic // ordering during state computation is good enough return, o2.getKey().toString()); } else { return res; } } } @Override public ClusterAssignmentData computeIdealState(ClusterMetadata clusterMetadata, ClusterAssignmentData currentState, Set<BookieSocketAddress> currentCluster) { if (currentCluster.isEmpty()) {"Current cluster is empty. No alive server is found."); return currentState; } // 1. get current server assignments Map<BookieSocketAddress, Set<Long>> currentServerAssignments; try { currentServerAssignments = currentState.getServersMap().entrySet().stream() .collect(Collectors.toMap(e1 -> { try { return new BookieSocketAddress(e1.getKey()); } catch (UnknownHostException uhe) { log.error("Invalid cluster "); throw new UncheckedExecutionException( "Invalid server found in current assignment map" + e1.getKey(), uhe); } }, e2 -> e2.getValue().getContainersList().stream().collect(Collectors.toSet()))); } catch (UncheckedExecutionException uee) { log.warn("Invalid cluster assignment data is found : {} - {}. Recompute assignment from empty state", currentState, uee.getCause().getMessage()); currentServerAssignments = Maps.newHashMap(); } Set<BookieSocketAddress> currentServersAssigned = currentServerAssignments.keySet(); // 2. if no servers is assigned, initialize the ideal state if (currentServersAssigned.isEmpty()) { return initializeIdealState(clusterMetadata, currentCluster); } // 3. get the cluster diffs Set<BookieSocketAddress> serversAdded = Sets.difference(currentCluster, currentServersAssigned) .immutableCopy(); Set<BookieSocketAddress> serversRemoved = Sets.difference(currentServersAssigned, currentCluster) .immutableCopy(); if (serversAdded.isEmpty() && serversRemoved.isEmpty()) { // cluster is unchanged, assuming the current state is ideal, no re-assignment is required. return currentState; } "Storage container controller detects cluster changed:\n" + "\t {} servers added: {}\n\t {} servers removed: {}", serversAdded.size(), serversAdded, serversRemoved.size(), serversRemoved); // 4. compute the containers that owned by servers removed. these containers are needed to be reassigned. Set<Long> containersToReassign = currentServerAssignments.entrySet().stream() .filter(serverEntry -> !currentCluster.contains(serverEntry.getKey())) .flatMap(serverEntry -> serverEntry.getValue().stream()).collect(Collectors.toSet()); // 5. use an ordered set as priority deque to sort the servers by the number of assigned containers TreeSet<Pair<BookieSocketAddress, LinkedList<Long>>> assignmentQueue = new TreeSet<>( new ServerAssignmentDataComparator()); for (Map.Entry<BookieSocketAddress, Set<Long>> entry : currentServerAssignments.entrySet()) { BookieSocketAddress host = entry.getKey(); if (!currentCluster.contains(host)) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Host {} is not in current cluster anymore", host); } continue; } else { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Adding host {} to assignment queue", host); } assignmentQueue.add(Pair.of(host, Lists.newLinkedList(entry.getValue()))); } } // 6. add new servers for (BookieSocketAddress server : serversAdded) { assignmentQueue.add(Pair.of(server, Lists.newLinkedList())); } // 7. assign the containers that are needed to be reassigned. for (Long containerId : containersToReassign) { Pair<BookieSocketAddress, LinkedList<Long>> leastLoadedServer = assignmentQueue.pollFirst(); leastLoadedServer.getValue().add(containerId); assignmentQueue.add(leastLoadedServer); } // 8. rebalance the containers if needed int diffAllowed; if (assignmentQueue.size() > clusterMetadata.getNumStorageContainers()) { diffAllowed = 1; } else { diffAllowed = clusterMetadata.getNumStorageContainers() % assignmentQueue.size() == 0 ? 0 : 1; } Pair<BookieSocketAddress, LinkedList<Long>> leastLoaded = assignmentQueue.first(); Pair<BookieSocketAddress, LinkedList<Long>> mostLoaded = assignmentQueue.last(); while (mostLoaded.getValue().size() - leastLoaded.getValue().size() > diffAllowed) { leastLoaded = assignmentQueue.pollFirst(); mostLoaded = assignmentQueue.pollLast(); // move container from mostLoaded to leastLoaded Long containerId = mostLoaded.getValue().removeFirst(); // add the container to the end to avoid balancing this container again. leastLoaded.getValue().addLast(containerId); assignmentQueue.add(leastLoaded); assignmentQueue.add(mostLoaded); leastLoaded = assignmentQueue.first(); mostLoaded = assignmentQueue.last(); } // 9. the new ideal state is computed, finalize it Map<String, ServerAssignmentData> newAssignmentMap = Maps.newHashMap(); assignmentQueue.forEach(assignment -> newAssignmentMap.put(assignment.getKey().toString(), ServerAssignmentData.newBuilder().addAllContainers(assignment.getValue()).build())); return ClusterAssignmentData.newBuilder().putAllServers(newAssignmentMap).build(); } static ClusterAssignmentData initializeIdealState(ClusterMetadata clusterMetadata, Set<BookieSocketAddress> currentCluster) { List<BookieSocketAddress> serverList = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(currentCluster.size()); serverList.addAll(currentCluster); Collections.shuffle(serverList); int numServers = currentCluster.size(); int numTotalContainers = (int) clusterMetadata.getNumStorageContainers(); int numContainersPerServer = numTotalContainers / currentCluster.size(); Map<String, ServerAssignmentData> assignmentMap = Maps.newHashMap(); for (int serverIdx = 0; serverIdx < serverList.size(); serverIdx++) { BookieSocketAddress server = serverList.get(serverIdx); int finalServerIdx = serverIdx; ServerAssignmentData assignmentData = ServerAssignmentData.newBuilder() .addAllContainers(LongStream.rangeClosed(0, numContainersPerServer).boxed() .map(j -> j * numServers + finalServerIdx) .filter(containerId -> containerId < numTotalContainers).collect(Collectors.toSet())) .build(); assignmentMap.put(server.toString(), assignmentData); } return ClusterAssignmentData.newBuilder().putAllServers(assignmentMap).build(); } }