Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.bookkeeper.statelib.impl.mvcc; import static io.netty.util.ReferenceCountUtil.retain; import static org.apache.bookkeeper.statelib.impl.Constants.NULL_END_KEY; import static org.apache.bookkeeper.statelib.impl.Constants.NULL_START_KEY; import; import; import; import; import; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import io.netty.buffer.PooledByteBufAllocator; import io.netty.buffer.Unpooled; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import org.apache.bookkeeper.api.kv.impl.op.OpFactoryImpl; import org.apache.bookkeeper.api.kv.impl.result.DeleteResultImpl; import org.apache.bookkeeper.api.kv.impl.result.IncrementResultImpl; import org.apache.bookkeeper.api.kv.impl.result.KeyValueFactory; import org.apache.bookkeeper.api.kv.impl.result.KeyValueImpl; import org.apache.bookkeeper.api.kv.impl.result.PutResultImpl; import org.apache.bookkeeper.api.kv.impl.result.RangeResultImpl; import org.apache.bookkeeper.api.kv.impl.result.ResultFactory; import org.apache.bookkeeper.api.kv.impl.result.TxnResultImpl; import org.apache.bookkeeper.api.kv.op.CompareOp; import org.apache.bookkeeper.api.kv.op.CompareResult; import org.apache.bookkeeper.api.kv.op.CompareTarget; import org.apache.bookkeeper.api.kv.op.DeleteOp; import org.apache.bookkeeper.api.kv.op.IncrementOp; import org.apache.bookkeeper.api.kv.op.Op; import org.apache.bookkeeper.api.kv.op.OpFactory; import org.apache.bookkeeper.api.kv.op.PutOp; import org.apache.bookkeeper.api.kv.op.RangeOp; import org.apache.bookkeeper.api.kv.op.TxnOp; import org.apache.bookkeeper.api.kv.options.Options; import org.apache.bookkeeper.api.kv.options.RangeOption; import org.apache.bookkeeper.api.kv.result.Code; import org.apache.bookkeeper.api.kv.result.DeleteResult; import org.apache.bookkeeper.api.kv.result.IncrementResult; import org.apache.bookkeeper.api.kv.result.KeyValue; import org.apache.bookkeeper.api.kv.result.PutResult; import org.apache.bookkeeper.api.kv.result.RangeResult; import org.apache.bookkeeper.api.kv.result.Result; import org.apache.bookkeeper.api.kv.result.TxnResult; import org.apache.bookkeeper.common.coder.Coder; import org.apache.bookkeeper.common.kv.KV; import org.apache.bookkeeper.common.kv.KVImpl; import org.apache.bookkeeper.statelib.api.exceptions.InvalidStateStoreException; import org.apache.bookkeeper.statelib.api.exceptions.MVCCStoreException; import org.apache.bookkeeper.statelib.api.exceptions.StateStoreRuntimeException; import org.apache.bookkeeper.statelib.api.kv.KVIterator; import org.apache.bookkeeper.statelib.api.kv.KVMulti; import org.apache.bookkeeper.statelib.api.mvcc.MVCCStore; import org.apache.bookkeeper.statelib.impl.Constants; import org.apache.bookkeeper.statelib.impl.kv.RocksdbKVStore; import org.apache.bookkeeper.statelib.impl.rocksdb.RocksUtils; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.mutable.MutableLong; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import org.rocksdb.RocksDBException; import org.rocksdb.RocksIterator; import org.rocksdb.WriteBatch; /** * MVCC Store Implementation. * * <p>The current implementation executes write operations in one single io thread. * It can be improved later to leverage the revision numbers to achieve mvcc. */ @Slf4j class MVCCStoreImpl<K, V> extends RocksdbKVStore<K, V> implements MVCCStore<K, V> { private static final Comparator<byte[]> COMPARATOR = UnsignedBytes.lexicographicalComparator(); private final ResultFactory<K, V> resultFactory; private final KeyValueFactory<K, V> recordFactory; private final OpFactory<K, V> opFactory; private final Coder<MVCCRecord> recordCoder = MVCCRecordCoder.of(); MVCCStoreImpl() { this.resultFactory = new ResultFactory<>(); this.recordFactory = new KeyValueFactory<>(); this.opFactory = new OpFactoryImpl<>(); } @Override public OpFactory<K, V> getOpFactory() { return opFactory; } @Override public void put(K key, V value) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Please use #put(PutOp op) instead"); } @Override public synchronized V putIfAbsent(K key, V value) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Please use #put(PutOp op) instead"); } @Override public synchronized KVMulti<K, V> multi() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Please use #txn(TxnOp op) instead"); } @Override public synchronized V delete(K key) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Please use #delete(DeleteOp op) instead"); } void increment(K key, long amount, long revision) { try (IncrementOp<K, V> op = opFactory.newIncrement(key, amount, Options.blindIncrement())) { try (IncrementResult<K, V> result = increment(revision, op)) { if (Code.OK != result.code()) { throw new MVCCStoreException(result.code(), "Failed to increment (" + key + ", " + amount + ") to state store " + name); } } } } void put(K key, V value, long revision) { try (PutOp<K, V> op = opFactory.newPut(key, value, Options.blindPut())) { try (PutResult<K, V> result = put(revision, op)) { if (Code.OK != result.code()) { throw new MVCCStoreException(result.code(), "Failed to put (" + key + ", " + value + ", " + revision + ") to state store " + name); } } } } void delete(K key, long revision) { try (DeleteOp<K, V> op = opFactory.newDelete(key, Options.delete())) { try (DeleteResult<K, V> result = delete(revision, op)) { if (Code.OK != result.code()) { throw new MVCCStoreException(result.code(), "Failed to delete key=" + key + "from state store " + name); } } } } void deleteRange(K key, K endKey, long revision) { try (DeleteOp<K, V> op = opFactory.newDelete(key, opFactory.optionFactory().newDeleteOption().endKey(endKey).prevKv(false).build())) { try (DeleteResult<K, V> result = delete(revision, op)) { if (Code.OK != result.code()) { throw new MVCCStoreException(result.code(), "Failed to delete key=" + key + "from state store " + name); } } } } Long getNumber(K key) { try (RangeOp<K, V> op = opFactory.newRange(key, opFactory.optionFactory().newRangeOption().limit(1).build())) { try (RangeResult<K, V> result = range(op)) { if (Code.OK != result.code()) { throw new MVCCStoreException(result.code(), "Failed to retrieve key from store " + name + " : code = " + result.code()); } if (result.count() <= 0) { return null; } else { return result.kvs().get(0).numberValue(); } } } } @Override public synchronized V get(K key) { try (RangeOp<K, V> op = opFactory.newRange(key, opFactory.optionFactory().newRangeOption().limit(1).build())) { try (RangeResult<K, V> result = range(op)) { if (Code.OK != result.code()) { throw new MVCCStoreException(result.code(), "Failed to retrieve key from store " + name + " : code = " + result.code()); } if (result.count() <= 0) { return null; } else { return retain(result.kvs().get(0).value()); } } } } @Override public synchronized KVIterator<K, V> range(K from, K to) { checkStoreOpen(); RangeResultIterator iter = new RangeResultIterator(from, to); kvIters.add(iter); return iter; } class RangeResultIterator implements KVIterator<K, V> { private final K to; private K next; private RangeResult<K, V> result; private PeekingIterator<KeyValue<K, V>> resultIter; private boolean eor = false; private volatile boolean closed = false; RangeResultIterator(K from, K to) { = to; = from; } private void ensureIteratorOpen() { if (closed) { throw new InvalidStateStoreException("MVCC state store " + name + " is already closed."); } } @Override public void close() { kvIters.remove(this); if (null != result) { result.close(); } closed = true; } private void getNextBatch() { try (RangeOp<K, V> op = opFactory.newRange(next, opFactory.optionFactory().newRangeOption().endKey(to).limit(32).build())) { this.result = range(op); } if (Code.OK != result.code()) { throw new MVCCStoreException(result.code(), "Failed to fetch kv pairs at range [" + next + ", " + to + "] from state store " + name); } this.resultIter = Iterators.peekingIterator(result.kvs().iterator()); } private void skipFirstKey() { while (this.resultIter.hasNext()) { KeyValue<K, V> kv = this.resultIter.peek(); if (!kv.key().equals(next)) { break; }; } } @Override public boolean hasNext() { ensureIteratorOpen(); if (eor) { return false; } if (null == result) { getNextBatch(); } if (!this.resultIter.hasNext()) { if (this.result.more()) { this.result.close(); getNextBatch(); skipFirstKey(); return hasNext(); } else { eor = true; return false; } } return true; } @Override public KV<K, V> next() { if (!hasNext()) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } KeyValue<K, V> kv =; next = kv.key(); if (next.equals(to)) { eor = true; } return new KVImpl<>(kv.key(), kv.value()); } } // // Write View // private void executeBatch(WriteBatch batch) { try { db.write(writeOpts, batch); } catch (RocksDBException e) { throw new StateStoreRuntimeException("Error while executing a multi operation from state store " + name, e); } } /** * TODO: the increment operation can be optimized using rocksdb merge operator. */ @Override public IncrementResult<K, V> increment(long revision, IncrementOp<K, V> op) { try { return processIncrement(revision, op); } catch (MVCCStoreException e) { IncrementResultImpl<K, V> result = resultFactory.newIncrementResult(revision); result.code(e.getCode()); return result; } catch (StateStoreRuntimeException e) { IncrementResultImpl<K, V> result = resultFactory.newIncrementResult(revision); result.code(Code.INTERNAL_ERROR); return result; } } synchronized IncrementResult<K, V> processIncrement(long revision, IncrementOp<K, V> op) { checkStoreOpen(); WriteBatch batch = new WriteBatch(); IncrementResult<K, V> result = null; try { result = increment(revision, batch, op); executeBatch(batch); return result; } catch (StateStoreRuntimeException e) { if (null != result) { result.close(); } throw e; } finally { RocksUtils.close(batch); } } private IncrementResult<K, V> increment(long revision, WriteBatch batch, IncrementOp<K, V> op) { // parameters final K key = op.key(); final long amount = op.amount(); // raw key final byte[] rawKey = keyCoder.encode(key); MVCCRecord record; try { record = getKeyRecord(key, rawKey); } catch (StateStoreRuntimeException e) { throw e; } // result final IncrementResultImpl<K, V> result = resultFactory.newIncrementResult(revision); try { long oldAmount = 0L; if (null != record) { // validate the update revision before applying the update to the record if (record.compareModRev(revision) >= 0) { result.code(Code.SMALLER_REVISION); return result; } if (ValueType.NUMBER != record.getValueType()) { result.code(Code.ILLEGAL_OP); return result; } record.setVersion(record.getVersion() + 1); oldAmount = record.getValue().getLong(0); } else { record = MVCCRecord.newRecord(); record.setCreateRev(revision); record.setVersion(0L); record.setValue(PooledByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT.buffer(Long.BYTES), ValueType.NUMBER); } long newAmount = oldAmount + amount; record.getValue().writerIndex(0); record.getValue().writeLong(newAmount); record.setModRev(revision); // write the mvcc record back batch.put(dataCfHandle, rawKey, recordCoder.encode(record)); // finalize the result result.code(Code.OK); if (op.option().getTotal()) { result.totalAmount(newAmount); } return result; } catch (RocksDBException rde) { result.close(); throw new StateStoreRuntimeException(rde); } catch (StateStoreRuntimeException e) { result.close(); throw e; } finally { if (null != record) { record.recycle(); } } } @Override public PutResult<K, V> put(long revision, PutOp<K, V> op) { try { return processPut(revision, op); } catch (MVCCStoreException e) { PutResultImpl<K, V> result = resultFactory.newPutResult(revision); result.code(e.getCode()); return result; } catch (StateStoreRuntimeException e) { PutResultImpl<K, V> result = resultFactory.newPutResult(revision); result.code(Code.INTERNAL_ERROR); return result; } } synchronized PutResult<K, V> processPut(long revision, PutOp<K, V> op) { checkStoreOpen(); WriteBatch batch = new WriteBatch(); PutResult<K, V> result = null; try { result = put(revision, batch, op); executeBatch(batch); return result; } catch (StateStoreRuntimeException e) { if (null != result) { result.close(); } throw e; } finally { RocksUtils.close(batch); } } private PutResult<K, V> put(long revision, WriteBatch batch, PutOp<K, V> op) { // parameters final K key = op.key(); final V val = op.value(); // raw key & value final byte[] rawKey = keyCoder.encode(key); final ByteBuf rawValBuf = valCoder.encodeBuf(val); MVCCRecord record; try { record = getKeyRecord(key, rawKey); } catch (StateStoreRuntimeException e) { rawValBuf.release(); throw e; } // result final PutResultImpl<K, V> result = resultFactory.newPutResult(revision); MVCCRecord oldRecord = null; try { if (null != record) { // validate the update revision before applying the update to the record if (record.compareModRev(revision) >= 0) { result.code(Code.SMALLER_REVISION); return result; } if (ValueType.BYTES != record.getValueType()) { result.code(Code.ILLEGAL_OP); return result; } if (op.option().prevKv()) { // make a copy before modification oldRecord = record.duplicate(); } record.setVersion(record.getVersion() + 1); } else { record = MVCCRecord.newRecord(); record.setCreateRev(revision); record.setVersion(0); } record.setValue(rawValBuf, ValueType.BYTES); record.setModRev(revision); // write the mvcc record back batch.put(dataCfHandle, rawKey, recordCoder.encode(record)); // finalize the result result.code(Code.OK); if (null != oldRecord) { KeyValueImpl<K, V> prevKV = oldRecord.asKVRecord(recordFactory, key, valCoder); result.prevKv(prevKV); } return result; } catch (StateStoreRuntimeException e) { result.close(); throw e; } catch (RocksDBException e) { result.close(); throw new StateStoreRuntimeException(e); } finally { if (null != record) { record.recycle(); } if (null != oldRecord) { oldRecord.recycle(); } } } // // Delete Op // @Override public DeleteResult<K, V> delete(long revision, DeleteOp<K, V> op) { try { return processDelete(revision, op); } catch (MVCCStoreException e) { DeleteResultImpl<K, V> result = resultFactory.newDeleteResult(revision); result.code(e.getCode()); return result; } catch (StateStoreRuntimeException e) { DeleteResultImpl<K, V> result = resultFactory.newDeleteResult(revision); result.code(Code.INTERNAL_ERROR); return result; } } synchronized DeleteResult<K, V> processDelete(long revision, DeleteOp<K, V> op) { checkStoreOpen(); WriteBatch batch = new WriteBatch(); DeleteResult<K, V> result = null; try { result = delete(revision, batch, op, true); executeBatch(batch); return result; } catch (StateStoreRuntimeException e) { if (null != result) { result.close(); } throw e; } finally { RocksUtils.close(batch); } } DeleteResult<K, V> delete(long revision, WriteBatch batch, DeleteOp<K, V> op, boolean allowBlind) { // parameters final K key = op.key(); final K endKey = op.option().endKey(); final boolean blind = allowBlind && !op.option().prevKv(); final byte[] rawKey = (null != key) ? keyCoder.encode(key) : NULL_START_KEY; final byte[] rawEndKey = (null != endKey) ? keyCoder.encode(endKey) : null; // result final DeleteResultImpl<K, V> result = resultFactory.newDeleteResult(revision); final List<byte[]> keys = Lists.newArrayList(); final List<MVCCRecord> records = Lists.newArrayList(); try { long numDeleted; if (blind) { deleteBlind(batch, rawKey, rawEndKey); numDeleted = 0; } else { numDeleted = deleteUsingIter(batch, key, rawKey, rawEndKey, keys, records, false); } List<KeyValue<K, V>> kvs = toKvs(keys, records); result.code(Code.OK); result.prevKvs(kvs); result.numDeleted(numDeleted); } catch (StateStoreRuntimeException e) { result.close(); throw e; } finally { records.forEach(MVCCRecord::recycle); } return result; } /** * Delete blind should be call as the last op in the delete operations. * Since we need to modify endKey to make {@link WriteBatch#deleteRange(byte[], byte[])} * delete the end key. */ void deleteBlind(WriteBatch batch, byte[] key, @Nullable byte[] endKey) { try { if (null == endKey) { batch.delete(key); } else { Pair<byte[], byte[]> realRange = getRealRange(key, endKey); endKey = realRange.getRight(); ++endKey[endKey.length - 1]; batch.deleteRange(realRange.getLeft(), endKey); } } catch (RocksDBException e) { throw new StateStoreRuntimeException(e); } } long deleteUsingIter(WriteBatch batch, K key, byte[] rawKey, @Nullable byte[] rawEndKey, List<byte[]> resultKeys, List<MVCCRecord> resultValues, boolean countOnly) { MutableLong numKvs = new MutableLong(0L); if (null == rawEndKey) { MVCCRecord record = getKeyRecord(key, rawKey); if (null != record) { if (!countOnly) { resultKeys.add(rawKey); resultValues.add(record); } else { record.recycle(); } numKvs.add(1L); try { batch.delete(rawKey); } catch (RocksDBException e) { throw new StateStoreRuntimeException(e); } } } else { Pair<byte[], byte[]> realRange = getRealRange(rawKey, rawEndKey); rawKey = realRange.getLeft(); rawEndKey = realRange.getRight(); getKeyRecords(rawKey, rawEndKey, resultKeys, resultValues, numKvs, null, -1, countOnly); deleteBlind(batch, rawKey, rawEndKey); } return numKvs.longValue(); } // // Txn Op // @Override public synchronized TxnResult<K, V> txn(long revision, TxnOp<K, V> op) { try { return processTxn(revision, op); } catch (MVCCStoreException e) { TxnResultImpl<K, V> result = resultFactory.newTxnResult(revision); result.code(e.getCode()); return result; } catch (StateStoreRuntimeException e) { TxnResultImpl<K, V> result = resultFactory.newTxnResult(revision); result.code(Code.INTERNAL_ERROR); return result; } } synchronized TxnResult<K, V> processTxn(long revision, TxnOp<K, V> op) { checkStoreOpen(); // 1. process the compares boolean success = processCompares(op); // 2. prepare the response list List<Op<K, V>> operations; List<Result<K, V>> results; if (success) { operations = op.successOps(); } else { operations = op.failureOps(); } if (operations == null) { operations = Collections.emptyList(); } results = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(operations.size()); // 3. process the operations try (WriteBatch batch = new WriteBatch()) { for (Op<K, V> o : operations) { results.add(executeOp(revision, batch, o)); } executeBatch(batch); // 4. repare the result TxnResultImpl<K, V> txnResult = resultFactory.newTxnResult(revision); txnResult.isSuccess(success); txnResult.results(results); txnResult.code(Code.OK); return txnResult; } catch (StateStoreRuntimeException e) { results.forEach(Result::close); throw e; } } boolean processCompareOp(CompareOp<K, V> op) { MVCCRecord record = null; K key = op.key(); byte[] rawKey = keyCoder.encode(key); try { record = getKeyRecord(key, rawKey); if (null == record) { if (CompareTarget.VALUE != { throw new MVCCStoreException(Code.KEY_NOT_FOUND, "Key '" + TextFormat.escapeBytes(rawKey) + "' is not found"); } } return processCompareOp(record, op); } finally { if (null != record) { record.recycle(); } } } boolean processCompareOp(@Nullable MVCCRecord record, CompareOp<K, V> op) { int cmp; switch ( { case MOD: cmp = record.compareModRev(op.revision()); break; case CREATE: cmp = record.compareCreateRev(op.revision()); break; case VERSION: cmp = record.compareVersion(op.revision()); break; case VALUE: if (null == record) { // key not found if (CompareResult.EQUAL == op.result()) { return op.value() == null; } else if (CompareResult.NOT_EQUAL == op.result()) { return op.value() != null; } else { return false; } } // key is found and value-to-compare is present if (op.value() != null) { byte[] rawValue = valCoder.encode(op.value()); cmp = record.getValue().compareTo(Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(rawValue)); } else { // key is found but value-to-compare is missing switch (op.result()) { case EQUAL: case LESS: return false; default: return true; } } break; default: return false; } boolean success; switch (op.result()) { case LESS: success = cmp < 0; break; case EQUAL: success = cmp == 0; break; case GREATER: success = cmp > 0; break; case NOT_EQUAL: success = cmp != 0; break; default: success = false; break; } return success; } boolean processCompares(TxnOp<K, V> op) { for (CompareOp<K, V> compare : op.compareOps()) { if (processCompareOp(compare)) { continue; } return false; } return true; } private Result<K, V> executeOp(long revision, WriteBatch batch, Op<K, V> op) { if (op instanceof PutOp) { return put(revision, batch, (PutOp<K, V>) op); } else if (op instanceof DeleteOp) { return delete(revision, batch, (DeleteOp<K, V>) op, true); } else if (op instanceof RangeOp) { return range((RangeOp<K, V>) op); } else { throw new MVCCStoreException(Code.ILLEGAL_OP, "Unknown operation in a transaction : " + op); } } // // Read View // private boolean getKeyRecords(byte[] rawKey, byte[] rawEndKey, List<byte[]> resultKeys, List<MVCCRecord> resultValues, MutableLong numKvs, RangeOption<K> rangeOption, long limit, boolean countOnly) { try (RocksIterator iter = db.newIterator(dataCfHandle)) {; boolean eor = false; while (iter.isValid() && (limit < 0 || resultKeys.size() < limit)) { byte[] key = iter.key(); if (, key) < 0) { eor = true; break; } MVCCRecord val = recordCoder.decode(iter.value()); processRecord(key, val, resultKeys, resultValues, numKvs, rangeOption, countOnly);; } if (eor) { return false; } else { return iter.isValid(); } } } private void processRecord(byte[] key, MVCCRecord record, List<byte[]> resultKeys, List<MVCCRecord> resultValues, MutableLong numKvs, RangeOption<K> rangeOption, boolean countOnly) { if (null == rangeOption && countOnly) { numKvs.increment(); return; } if (record.test(rangeOption)) { numKvs.increment(); if (countOnly) { record.recycle(); } else { resultKeys.add(key); resultValues.add(record); } } else { record.recycle(); } } private MVCCRecord getKeyRecord(K key, byte[] keyBytes) { try { byte[] valBytes = this.db.get(dataCfHandle, keyBytes); if (null == valBytes) { return null; } return recordCoder.decode(valBytes); } catch (RocksDBException e) { throw new StateStoreRuntimeException( "Error while getting value for key " + key + " from state store " + name, e); } } @Override public RangeResult<K, V> range(RangeOp<K, V> rangeOp) { try { return processRange(rangeOp); } catch (MVCCStoreException e) { RangeResultImpl<K, V> result = resultFactory.newRangeResult(-1L); result.code(e.getCode()); return result; } catch (StateStoreRuntimeException e) { RangeResultImpl<K, V> result = resultFactory.newRangeResult(-1L); result.code(Code.INTERNAL_ERROR); return result; } } synchronized RangeResult<K, V> processRange(RangeOp<K, V> rangeOp) { checkStoreOpen(); // parameters final K key = rangeOp.key(); final K endKey = rangeOp.option().endKey(); // result final RangeResultImpl<K, V> result = resultFactory.newRangeResult(-1L); // raw key byte[] rawKey = (null != key) ? keyCoder.encode(key) : NULL_START_KEY; if (null == endKey) { // point lookup MVCCRecord record = getKeyRecord(key, rawKey); try { if (null == record || !record.test(rangeOp.option())) { result.count(0); result.kvs(Collections.emptyList()); } else { result.count(1); result.kvs(Lists.newArrayList(record.asKVRecord(recordFactory, key, valCoder))); } result.more(false); result.code(Code.OK); return result; } finally { if (null != record) { record.recycle(); } } } byte[] rawEndKey = (null != endKey) ? keyCoder.encode(endKey) : NULL_END_KEY; Pair<byte[], byte[]> realRange = getRealRange(rawKey, rawEndKey); rawKey = realRange.getLeft(); rawEndKey = realRange.getRight(); // range lookup List<byte[]> keys = Lists.newArrayList(); List<MVCCRecord> records = Lists.newArrayList(); MutableLong numKvs = new MutableLong(0L); try { boolean hasMore = getKeyRecords(rawKey, rawEndKey, keys, records, numKvs, rangeOp.option(), rangeOp.option().limit(), false); List<KeyValue<K, V>> kvs = toKvs(keys, records); result.code(Code.OK); result.kvs(kvs); result.count(kvs.size()); result.more(hasMore); } finally { records.forEach(MVCCRecord::recycle); } return result; } private List<KeyValue<K, V>> toKvs(List<byte[]> keys, List<MVCCRecord> records) { List<KeyValue<K, V>> kvs = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(keys.size()); for (int i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++) { byte[] keyBytes = keys.get(i); MVCCRecord record = records.get(i); kvs.add(record.asKVRecord(recordFactory, keyCoder.decode(keyBytes), valCoder)); } return kvs; } private Pair<byte[], byte[]> getRealRange(byte[] rawKey, byte[] rawEndKey) { boolean isNullStartKey = Constants.isNullStartKey(rawKey); boolean isNullEndKey = Constants.isNullEndKey(rawEndKey); if (isNullStartKey || isNullEndKey) { try (RocksIterator iter = db.newIterator(dataCfHandle)) { if (isNullStartKey) { iter.seekToFirst(); if (!iter.isValid()) { // no key to delete return null; } rawKey = iter.key(); } if (isNullEndKey) { iter.seekToLast(); if (!iter.isValid()) { // no key to delete return null; } rawEndKey = iter.key(); } } } return Pair.of(rawKey, rawEndKey); } }