Java tutorial
/** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ package org.apache.bookkeeper.bookie; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import io.netty.buffer.UnpooledByteBufAllocator; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.PrimitiveIterator.OfLong; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.function.Consumer; import; import org.apache.bookkeeper.client.BookKeeper; import org.apache.bookkeeper.client.LedgerHandle; import org.apache.bookkeeper.conf.ClientConfiguration; import org.apache.bookkeeper.conf.ServerConfiguration; import org.apache.bookkeeper.proto.checksum.DigestManager; import org.apache.bookkeeper.test.BookKeeperClusterTestCase; import org.apache.bookkeeper.util.TestUtils; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; /** * Test ledger storage. */ public class LedgerStorageTest extends BookKeeperClusterTestCase { public LedgerStorageTest() { super(1); } @Test public void testLedgerDeleteNotification() throws Exception { LedgerStorage ledgerStorage = bs.get(0).getBookie().ledgerStorage; long deletedLedgerId = 5; ledgerStorage.setMasterKey(deletedLedgerId, new byte[0]); CountDownLatch counter = new CountDownLatch(1); ledgerStorage.registerLedgerDeletionListener(ledgerId -> { assertEquals(deletedLedgerId, ledgerId); counter.countDown(); }); ledgerStorage.deleteLedger(deletedLedgerId); counter.await(); } @Test public void testExplicitLacWriteToJournalWithValidVersions() throws Exception { /* * to persist explicitLac, journalFormatVersionToWrite should be atleast * V6 and fileInfoFormatVersionToWrite should be atleast V1 */ testExplicitLacWriteToJournal(6, 1); } @Test public void testExplicitLacWriteToJournalWithOlderVersions() throws Exception { /* * to persist explicitLac, journalFormatVersionToWrite should be atleast * V6 and fileInfoFormatVersionToWrite should be atleast V1 */ testExplicitLacWriteToJournal(5, 0); } public void testExplicitLacWriteToJournal(int journalFormatVersionToWrite, int fileInfoFormatVersionToWrite) throws Exception { ServerConfiguration bookieServerConfig = bsConfs.get(0); bookieServerConfig.setJournalFormatVersionToWrite(journalFormatVersionToWrite); bookieServerConfig.setFileInfoFormatVersionToWrite(fileInfoFormatVersionToWrite); restartBookies(bookieServerConfig); ClientConfiguration confWithExplicitLAC = new ClientConfiguration(); confWithExplicitLAC.setMetadataServiceUri(zkUtil.getMetadataServiceUri()); /* * enable explicitLacFlush by setting non-zero value for * explictLacInterval */ int explictLacInterval = 100; BookKeeper.DigestType digestType = BookKeeper.DigestType.CRC32; byte[] passwdBytes = "testPasswd".getBytes(); confWithExplicitLAC.setExplictLacInterval(explictLacInterval); BookKeeper bkcWithExplicitLAC = new BookKeeper(confWithExplicitLAC); LedgerHandle wlh = bkcWithExplicitLAC.createLedger(1, 1, 1, digestType, passwdBytes); long ledgerId = wlh.getId(); int numOfEntries = 5; for (int i = 0; i < numOfEntries; i++) { wlh.addEntry(("foobar" + i).getBytes()); } LedgerHandle rlh = bkcWithExplicitLAC.openLedgerNoRecovery(ledgerId, digestType, passwdBytes); assertEquals("LAC of rlh", (long) numOfEntries - 2, rlh.getLastAddConfirmed()); assertEquals("Read explicit LAC of rlh", (long) numOfEntries - 2, rlh.readExplicitLastConfirmed()); /* * we need to wait for atleast 2 explicitlacintervals, since in * writehandle for the first call lh.getExplicitLastAddConfirmed() will * be < lh.getPiggyBackedLastAddConfirmed(), so it wont make explicit * writelac in the first run */ long readExplicitLastConfirmed = TestUtils.waitUntilExplicitLacUpdated(rlh, numOfEntries - 1); assertEquals("Read explicit LAC of rlh after wait for explicitlacflush", (numOfEntries - 1), readExplicitLastConfirmed); ServerConfiguration newBookieConf = new ServerConfiguration(bsConfs.get(0)); /* * by reusing bookieServerConfig and setting metadataServiceUri to null * we can create/start new Bookie instance using the same data * (journal/ledger/index) of the existing BookeieServer for our testing * purpose. */ newBookieConf.setMetadataServiceUri(null); Bookie newbookie = new Bookie(newBookieConf); /* * since 'newbookie' uses the same data as original Bookie, it should be * able to read journal of the original bookie and hence explicitLac buf * entry written to Journal in the original bookie. */ newbookie.readJournal(); ByteBuf explicitLacBuf = newbookie.getExplicitLac(ledgerId); if ((journalFormatVersionToWrite >= 6) && (fileInfoFormatVersionToWrite >= 1)) { DigestManager digestManager = DigestManager.instantiate(ledgerId, passwdBytes, BookKeeper.DigestType.toProtoDigestType(digestType), UnpooledByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT, confWithExplicitLAC.getUseV2WireProtocol()); long explicitLacPersistedInJournal = digestManager.verifyDigestAndReturnLac(explicitLacBuf); assertEquals("explicitLac persisted in journal", (numOfEntries - 1), explicitLacPersistedInJournal); } else { assertEquals("explicitLac is not expected to be persisted, so it should be null", null, explicitLacBuf); } bkcWithExplicitLAC.close(); } @Test public void testExplicitLacWriteToFileInfoWithValidVersions() throws Exception { /* * to persist explicitLac, journalFormatVersionToWrite should be atleast * V6 and fileInfoFormatVersionToWrite should be atleast V1 */ testExplicitLacWriteToFileInfo(6, 1); } @Test public void testExplicitLacWriteToFileInfoWithOlderVersions() throws Exception { /* * to persist explicitLac, journalFormatVersionToWrite should be atleast * V6 and fileInfoFormatVersionToWrite should be atleast V1 */ testExplicitLacWriteToFileInfo(5, 0); } public void testExplicitLacWriteToFileInfo(int journalFormatVersionToWrite, int fileInfoFormatVersionToWrite) throws Exception { ServerConfiguration bookieServerConfig = bsConfs.get(0); bookieServerConfig.setJournalFormatVersionToWrite(journalFormatVersionToWrite); bookieServerConfig.setFileInfoFormatVersionToWrite(fileInfoFormatVersionToWrite); restartBookies(bookieServerConfig); ClientConfiguration confWithExplicitLAC = new ClientConfiguration(); confWithExplicitLAC.setMetadataServiceUri(zkUtil.getMetadataServiceUri()); /* * enable explicitLacFlush by setting non-zero value for * explictLacInterval */ int explictLacInterval = 100; BookKeeper.DigestType digestType = BookKeeper.DigestType.CRC32; byte[] passwdBytes = "testPasswd".getBytes(); confWithExplicitLAC.setExplictLacInterval(explictLacInterval); BookKeeper bkcWithExplicitLAC = new BookKeeper(confWithExplicitLAC); LedgerHandle wlh = bkcWithExplicitLAC.createLedger(1, 1, 1, digestType, passwdBytes); long ledgerId = wlh.getId(); int numOfEntries = 5; for (int i = 0; i < numOfEntries; i++) { wlh.addEntry(("foobar" + i).getBytes()); } LedgerHandle rlh = bkcWithExplicitLAC.openLedgerNoRecovery(ledgerId, digestType, passwdBytes); assertEquals("LAC of rlh", (long) numOfEntries - 2, rlh.getLastAddConfirmed()); assertEquals("Read explicit LAC of rlh", (long) numOfEntries - 2, rlh.readExplicitLastConfirmed()); /* * we need to wait for atleast 2 explicitlacintervals, since in * writehandle for the first call lh.getExplicitLastAddConfirmed() will * be < lh.getPiggyBackedLastAddConfirmed(), so it wont make explicit * writelac in the first run */ long readExplicitLastConfirmed = TestUtils.waitUntilExplicitLacUpdated(rlh, numOfEntries - 1); assertEquals("Read explicit LAC of rlh after wait for explicitlacflush", (numOfEntries - 1), readExplicitLastConfirmed); /* * flush ledgerStorage so that header of fileinfo is flushed. */ bs.get(0).getBookie().ledgerStorage.flush(); ReadOnlyFileInfo fileInfo = getFileInfo(ledgerId, Bookie.getCurrentDirectories(bsConfs.get(0).getLedgerDirs())); fileInfo.readHeader(); ByteBuf explicitLacBufReadFromFileInfo = fileInfo.getExplicitLac(); if ((journalFormatVersionToWrite >= 6) && (fileInfoFormatVersionToWrite >= 1)) { DigestManager digestManager = DigestManager.instantiate(ledgerId, passwdBytes, BookKeeper.DigestType.toProtoDigestType(digestType), UnpooledByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT, confWithExplicitLAC.getUseV2WireProtocol()); long explicitLacReadFromFileInfo = digestManager .verifyDigestAndReturnLac(explicitLacBufReadFromFileInfo); assertEquals("explicitLac persisted in FileInfo", (numOfEntries - 1), explicitLacReadFromFileInfo); } else { assertEquals("explicitLac is not expected to be persisted, so it should be null", null, explicitLacBufReadFromFileInfo); } bkcWithExplicitLAC.close(); } /** * Get the ledger file of a specified ledger. * * @param ledgerId Ledger Id * * @return file object. */ private File getLedgerFile(long ledgerId, File[] indexDirectories) { String ledgerName = IndexPersistenceMgr.getLedgerName(ledgerId); File lf = null; for (File d : indexDirectories) { lf = new File(d, ledgerName); if (lf.exists()) { break; } lf = null; } return lf; } /** * Get FileInfo for a specified ledger. * * @param ledgerId Ledger Id * @return read only file info instance */ ReadOnlyFileInfo getFileInfo(long ledgerId, File[] indexDirectories) throws IOException { File ledgerFile = getLedgerFile(ledgerId, indexDirectories); if (null == ledgerFile) { throw new FileNotFoundException( "No index file found for ledger " + ledgerId + ". It may be not flushed yet."); } ReadOnlyFileInfo fi = new ReadOnlyFileInfo(ledgerFile, null); fi.readHeader(); return fi; } @Test public void testGetListOfEntriesOfLedger() throws Exception { ClientConfiguration conf = new ClientConfiguration(); conf.setMetadataServiceUri(zkUtil.getMetadataServiceUri()); int numOfBookies = bs.size(); int numOfEntries = 5; BookKeeper.DigestType digestType = BookKeeper.DigestType.CRC32; BookKeeper bkc = new BookKeeper(conf); LedgerHandle lh = bkc.createLedger(numOfBookies, numOfBookies, digestType, "testPasswd".getBytes()); long lId = lh.getId(); for (int i = 0; i < numOfEntries; i++) { lh.addEntry("000".getBytes()); } ServerConfiguration newBookieConf = new ServerConfiguration(bsConfs.get(0)); /* * by reusing bookieServerConfig and setting metadataServiceUri to null * we can create/start new Bookie instance using the same data * (journal/ledger/index) of the existing BookeieServer for our testing * purpose. */ newBookieConf.setMetadataServiceUri(null); Bookie newbookie = new Bookie(newBookieConf); /* * since 'newbookie' uses the same data as original Bookie, it should be * able to read journal of the original bookie. */ newbookie.readJournal(); OfLong listOfEntriesItr = newbookie.getListOfEntriesOfLedger(lId); ArrayList<Long> arrayList = new ArrayList<Long>(); Consumer<Long> addMethod = arrayList::add; listOfEntriesItr.forEachRemaining(addMethod); assertEquals("Num Of Entries", numOfEntries, arrayList.size()); Assert.assertTrue("Iterator should be sorted", IntStream.range(0, arrayList.size() - 1).allMatch(k -> arrayList.get(k) <= arrayList.get(k + 1))); bkc.close(); } }