Java tutorial
/** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ package org.apache.bookkeeper.bookie; import static org.apache.bookkeeper.bookie.BookKeeperServerStats.BOOKIE_SCOPE; import static org.apache.bookkeeper.bookie.BookKeeperServerStats.STORAGE_SCRUB_PAGE_RETRIES; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import io.netty.buffer.Unpooled; import io.netty.buffer.UnpooledByteBufAllocator; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.bookkeeper.bookie.CheckpointSource.Checkpoint; import org.apache.bookkeeper.conf.ServerConfiguration; import org.apache.bookkeeper.conf.TestBKConfiguration; import org.apache.bookkeeper.stats.NullStatsLogger; import org.apache.bookkeeper.stats.StatsLogger; import org.apache.bookkeeper.test.TestStatsProvider; import org.apache.bookkeeper.util.DiskChecker; import org.apache.bookkeeper.util.EntryFormatter; import org.apache.bookkeeper.util.LedgerIdFormatter; import org.apache.commons.lang.mutable.MutableInt; import org.apache.commons.lang.mutable.MutableLong; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.Parameterized; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Test for InterleavedLedgerStorage. */ @RunWith(Parameterized.class) public class InterleavedLedgerStorageTest { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(InterleavedLedgerStorageTest.class); @Parameterized.Parameters public static Iterable<Boolean> elplSetting() { return Arrays.asList(true, false); } public InterleavedLedgerStorageTest(boolean elplSetting) { conf.setEntryLogSizeLimit(2048); conf.setEntryLogPerLedgerEnabled(elplSetting); } CheckpointSource checkpointSource = new CheckpointSource() { @Override public Checkpoint newCheckpoint() { return Checkpoint.MAX; } @Override public void checkpointComplete(Checkpoint checkpoint, boolean compact) throws IOException { } }; Checkpointer checkpointer = new Checkpointer() { @Override public void startCheckpoint(Checkpoint checkpoint) { // No-op } @Override public void start() { // no-op } }; static class TestableEntryLogger extends EntryLogger { public interface CheckEntryListener { void accept(long ledgerId, long entryId, long entryLogId, long pos); } volatile CheckEntryListener testPoint; public TestableEntryLogger(ServerConfiguration conf, LedgerDirsManager ledgerDirsManager, EntryLogListener listener, StatsLogger statsLogger) throws IOException { super(conf, ledgerDirsManager, listener, statsLogger, UnpooledByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT); } void setCheckEntryTestPoint(CheckEntryListener testPoint) throws InterruptedException { this.testPoint = testPoint; } @Override void checkEntry(long ledgerId, long entryId, long location) throws EntryLookupException, IOException { CheckEntryListener runBefore = testPoint; if (runBefore != null) { runBefore.accept(ledgerId, entryId, logIdForOffset(location), posForOffset(location)); } super.checkEntry(ledgerId, entryId, location); } } TestStatsProvider statsProvider = new TestStatsProvider(); ServerConfiguration conf = TestBKConfiguration.newServerConfiguration(); LedgerDirsManager ledgerDirsManager; TestableEntryLogger entryLogger; InterleavedLedgerStorage interleavedStorage = new InterleavedLedgerStorage(); final long numWrites = 2000; final long entriesPerWrite = 2; @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { File tmpDir = File.createTempFile("bkTest", ".dir"); tmpDir.delete(); tmpDir.mkdir(); File curDir = Bookie.getCurrentDirectory(tmpDir); Bookie.checkDirectoryStructure(curDir); conf.setLedgerDirNames(new String[] { tmpDir.toString() }); ledgerDirsManager = new LedgerDirsManager(conf, conf.getLedgerDirs(), new DiskChecker(conf.getDiskUsageThreshold(), conf.getDiskUsageWarnThreshold())); entryLogger = new TestableEntryLogger(conf, ledgerDirsManager, null, NullStatsLogger.INSTANCE); interleavedStorage.initializeWithEntryLogger(conf, null, ledgerDirsManager, ledgerDirsManager, null, checkpointSource, checkpointer, entryLogger, statsProvider.getStatsLogger(BOOKIE_SCOPE)); // Insert some ledger & entries in the interleaved storage for (long entryId = 0; entryId < numWrites; entryId++) { for (long ledgerId = 0; ledgerId < 5; ledgerId++) { if (entryId == 0) { interleavedStorage.setMasterKey(ledgerId, ("ledger-" + ledgerId).getBytes()); interleavedStorage.setFenced(ledgerId); } ByteBuf entry = Unpooled.buffer(128); entry.writeLong(ledgerId); entry.writeLong(entryId * entriesPerWrite); entry.writeBytes(("entry-" + entryId).getBytes()); interleavedStorage.addEntry(entry); } } } @Test public void testIndexEntryIterator() throws Exception { try (LedgerCache.PageEntriesIterable pages = interleavedStorage.getIndexEntries(0)) { MutableLong curEntry = new MutableLong(0); for (LedgerCache.PageEntries page : pages) { try (LedgerEntryPage lep = page.getLEP()) { lep.getEntries((entry, offset) -> { Assert.assertEquals(curEntry.longValue(), entry); Assert.assertNotEquals(0, offset); curEntry.setValue(entriesPerWrite + entry); return true; }); } } Assert.assertEquals(entriesPerWrite * numWrites, curEntry.longValue()); } } @Test public void testConsistencyCheckConcurrentGC() throws Exception { final long signalDone = -1; final List<Exception> asyncErrors = new ArrayList<>(); final LinkedBlockingQueue<Long> toCompact = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(); final Semaphore awaitingCompaction = new Semaphore(0); interleavedStorage.flush(); final long lastLogId = entryLogger.getLeastUnflushedLogId(); final MutableInt counter = new MutableInt(0); entryLogger.setCheckEntryTestPoint((ledgerId, entryId, entryLogId, pos) -> { if (entryLogId < lastLogId) { if (counter.intValue() % 100 == 0) { try { toCompact.put(entryLogId); awaitingCompaction.acquire(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { asyncErrors.add(e); } } counter.increment(); } }); Thread mutator = new Thread(() -> { EntryLogCompactor compactor = new EntryLogCompactor(conf, entryLogger, interleavedStorage, entryLogger::removeEntryLog); while (true) { Long next = null; try { next = toCompact.take(); if (next == null || next == signalDone) { break; } compactor.compact(entryLogger.getEntryLogMetadata(next)); } catch (BufferedChannelBase.BufferedChannelClosedException e) { // next was already removed, ignore } catch (Exception e) { asyncErrors.add(e); break; } finally { if (next != null) { awaitingCompaction.release(); } } } }); mutator.start(); List<LedgerStorage.DetectedInconsistency> inconsistencies = interleavedStorage .localConsistencyCheck(Optional.empty()); for (LedgerStorage.DetectedInconsistency e : inconsistencies) { LOG.error("Found: {}", e); } Assert.assertEquals(0, inconsistencies.size()); toCompact.offer(signalDone); mutator.join(); for (Exception e : asyncErrors) { throw e; } if (!conf.isEntryLogPerLedgerEnabled()) { Assert.assertNotEquals(0, statsProvider.getCounter(BOOKIE_SCOPE + "." + STORAGE_SCRUB_PAGE_RETRIES).get().longValue()); } } @Test public void testConsistencyMissingEntry() throws Exception { // set 1, 1 to nonsense interleavedStorage.ledgerCache.putEntryOffset(1, 1, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL); List<LedgerStorage.DetectedInconsistency> errors = interleavedStorage .localConsistencyCheck(Optional.empty()); Assert.assertEquals(1, errors.size()); LedgerStorage.DetectedInconsistency inconsistency = errors.remove(0); Assert.assertEquals(1, inconsistency.getEntryId()); Assert.assertEquals(1, inconsistency.getLedgerId()); } @Test public void testWrongEntry() throws Exception { // set 1, 1 to nonsense interleavedStorage.ledgerCache.putEntryOffset(1, 1, interleavedStorage.ledgerCache.getEntryOffset(0, 0)); List<LedgerStorage.DetectedInconsistency> errors = interleavedStorage .localConsistencyCheck(Optional.empty()); Assert.assertEquals(1, errors.size()); LedgerStorage.DetectedInconsistency inconsistency = errors.remove(0); Assert.assertEquals(1, inconsistency.getEntryId()); Assert.assertEquals(1, inconsistency.getLedgerId()); } @Test public void testShellCommands() throws Exception { interleavedStorage.flush(); interleavedStorage.shutdown(); final Pattern entryPattern = Pattern .compile("entry (?<entry>\\d+)\t:\t((?<na>N/A)|\\(log:(?<logid>\\d+), pos: (?<pos>\\d+)\\))"); class Metadata { final Pattern keyPattern = Pattern.compile("master key +: ([0-9a-f])"); final Pattern sizePattern = Pattern.compile("size +: (\\d+)"); final Pattern entriesPattern = Pattern.compile("entries +: (\\d+)"); final Pattern isFencedPattern = Pattern.compile("isFenced +: (\\w+)"); public String masterKey; public long size = -1; public long entries = -1; public boolean foundFenced = false; void check(String s) { Matcher keyMatcher = keyPattern.matcher(s); if (keyMatcher.matches()) { masterKey =; return; } Matcher sizeMatcher = sizePattern.matcher(s); if (sizeMatcher.matches()) { size = Long.valueOf(; return; } Matcher entriesMatcher = entriesPattern.matcher(s); if (entriesMatcher.matches()) { entries = Long.valueOf(; return; } Matcher isFencedMatcher = isFencedPattern.matcher(s); if (isFencedMatcher.matches()) { Assert.assertEquals("true",; foundFenced = true; return; } } void validate(long foundEntries) { Assert.assertTrue(entries >= numWrites * entriesPerWrite); Assert.assertEquals(entries, foundEntries); Assert.assertTrue(foundFenced); Assert.assertNotEquals(-1, size); } } final Metadata foundMetadata = new Metadata(); AtomicLong curEntry = new AtomicLong(0); AtomicLong someEntryLogger = new AtomicLong(-1); BookieShell shell = new BookieShell(LedgerIdFormatter.LONG_LEDGERID_FORMATTER, EntryFormatter.STRING_FORMATTER) { @Override void printInfoLine(String s) { Matcher matcher = entryPattern.matcher(s); System.out.println(s); if (matcher.matches()) { assertEquals(Long.toString(curEntry.get()),"entry")); if ("na") == null) { String logId ="logid"); Assert.assertNotEquals("logid"), null); Assert.assertNotEquals("pos"), null); Assert.assertTrue((curEntry.get() % entriesPerWrite) == 0); Assert.assertTrue(curEntry.get() <= numWrites * entriesPerWrite); if (someEntryLogger.get() == -1) { someEntryLogger.set(Long.valueOf(logId)); } } else { Assert.assertEquals("logid"), null); Assert.assertEquals("pos"), null); Assert.assertTrue(((curEntry.get() % entriesPerWrite) != 0) || ((curEntry.get() >= (entriesPerWrite * numWrites)))); } curEntry.incrementAndGet(); } else { foundMetadata.check(s); } } }; shell.setConf(conf); int res = String[] { "ledger", "-m", "0" }); Assert.assertEquals(0, res); Assert.assertTrue(curEntry.get() >= numWrites * entriesPerWrite); foundMetadata.validate(curEntry.get()); // Should pass consistency checker res = String[] { "localconsistencycheck" }); Assert.assertEquals(0, res); // Remove a logger EntryLogger entryLogger = new EntryLogger(conf); entryLogger.removeEntryLog(someEntryLogger.get()); // Should fail consistency checker res = String[] { "localconsistencycheck" }); Assert.assertEquals(1, res); } }