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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import static;
import static;

import com.mongodb.DB;
import com.mongodb.DBCursor;
import com.mongodb.DBObject;
import com.mongodb.Mongo;
import com.mongodb.MongoURI;
import com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFS;
import com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFSDBFile;
import com.mongodb.gridfs.GridFSInputFile;
import com.mongodb.util.JSON;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.annotations.Experimental;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.coders.Coder;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.coders.SerializableCoder;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.coders.StringUtf8Coder;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.options.PipelineOptions;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.DoFn;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.PTransform;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.ParDo;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.display.DisplayData;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.values.PBegin;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.values.PCollection;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.values.PDone;
import org.bson.types.ObjectId;
import org.joda.time.Duration;
import org.joda.time.Instant;

 * IO to read and write data on MongoDB GridFS.
 * <h3>Reading from MongoDB via GridFS</h3>
 * <p>MongoDbGridFSIO source returns a bounded collection of Objects as {@code PCollection<T>}.
 * <p>To configure the MongoDB GridFS source, you can provide the connection URI, the database name
 * and the bucket name. If unspecified, the default values from the GridFS driver are used.
 * <p>The following example illustrates various options for configuring the source:
 * <pre>{@code
 * pipeline.apply(MongoDbGridFSIO.<String>read()
 *   .withUri("mongodb://localhost:27017")
 *   .withDatabase("my-database")
 *   .withBucket("my-bucket"))
 * }</pre>
 * <p>The source also accepts an optional configuration: {@code withQueryFilter()} allows you to
 * define a JSON filter to get subset of files in the database.
 * <p>There is also an optional {@code Parser} (and associated {@code Coder}) that can be specified
 * that can be used to parse the InputStream into objects usable with Beam. By default,
 * MongoDbGridFSIO will parse into Strings, splitting on line breaks and using the uploadDate of the
 * file as the timestamp. When using a parser that outputs with custom timestamps, you may also need
 * to specify the allowedTimestampSkew option.
 * <h3>Writing to MongoDB via GridFS</h3>
 * <p>MongoDBGridFS supports writing of data to a file in a MongoDB GridFS collection.
 * <p>To configure a MongoDB GridFS sink, you can provide the connection URI, the database name and
 * the bucket name. You must also provide the filename to write to. Another optional parameter is
 * the GridFS file chunkSize.
 * <p>For instance:
 * <pre>{@code
 * pipeline
 *   .apply(...)
 *   .apply(MongoDbGridFSIO.write()
 *     .withUri("mongodb://localhost:27017")
 *     .withDatabase("my-database")
 *     .withBucket("my-bucket")
 *     .withChunkSize(256000L)
 *     .withFilename("my-output.txt"))
 * }</pre>
 * <p>There is also an optional argument to the {@code create()} method to specify a writer that is
 * used to write the data to the OutputStream. By default, it writes UTF-8 strings to the file
 * separated with line feeds.
public class MongoDbGridFSIO {

    /** Callback for the parser to use to submit data. */
    public interface ParserCallback<T> extends Serializable {
        /** Output the object. The default timestamp will be the GridFSDBFile creation timestamp. */
        void output(T output);

        /** Output the object using the specified timestamp. */
        void output(T output, Instant timestamp);

    /** Interface for the parser that is used to parse the GridFSDBFile into the appropriate types. */
    public interface Parser<T> extends Serializable {
        void parse(GridFSDBFile input, ParserCallback<T> callback) throws IOException;

     * For the default {@code Read<String>} case, this is the parser that is used to split the input
     * file into Strings. It uses the timestamp of the file for the event timestamp.
    private static final Parser<String> TEXT_PARSER = (input, callback) -> {
        final Instant time = new Instant(input.getUploadDate().getTime());
        try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(
                new InputStreamReader(input.getInputStream(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8))) {
            for (String line = reader.readLine(); line != null; line = reader.readLine()) {
                callback.output(line, time);

    /** Read data from GridFS. Default behavior with String. */
    public static Read<String> read() {
        return new AutoValue_MongoDbGridFSIO_Read.Builder<String>().setParser(TEXT_PARSER)

    /** Write data to GridFS. Default behavior with String. */
    public static Write<String> write() {
        return new AutoValue_MongoDbGridFSIO_Write.Builder<String>()
                .setConnectionConfiguration(ConnectionConfiguration.create()).setWriteFn((output, outStream) -> {

    public static <T> Write<T> write(WriteFn<T> fn) {
        return new AutoValue_MongoDbGridFSIO_Write.Builder<T>().setWriteFn(fn)

    /** Encapsulate the MongoDB GridFS connection logic. */
    public abstract static class ConnectionConfiguration implements Serializable {
        abstract String uri();

        abstract String database();

        abstract String bucket();

        static ConnectionConfiguration create() {
            return new AutoValue_MongoDbGridFSIO_ConnectionConfiguration(null, null, null);

        static ConnectionConfiguration create(String uri, String database, String bucket) {
            return new AutoValue_MongoDbGridFSIO_ConnectionConfiguration(uri, database, bucket);

        Mongo setupMongo() {
            return uri() == null ? new Mongo() : new Mongo(new MongoURI(uri()));

        GridFS setupGridFS(Mongo mongo) {
            DB db = database() == null ? mongo.getDB("gridfs") : mongo.getDB(database());
            return bucket() == null ? new GridFS(db) : new GridFS(db, bucket());

    /** A {@link PTransform} to read data from MongoDB GridFS. */
    public abstract static class Read<T> extends PTransform<PBegin, PCollection<T>> {

        abstract ConnectionConfiguration connectionConfiguration();

        abstract Parser<T> parser();

        abstract Coder<T> coder();

        abstract Duration skew();

        abstract String filter();

        abstract Builder<T> toBuilder();

        abstract static class Builder<T> {
            abstract Builder<T> setConnectionConfiguration(ConnectionConfiguration connection);

            abstract Builder<T> setParser(Parser<T> parser);

            abstract Builder<T> setCoder(Coder<T> coder);

            abstract Builder<T> setSkew(Duration skew);

            abstract Builder<T> setFilter(String filter);

            abstract Read<T> build();

        public Read<T> withUri(String uri) {
            ConnectionConfiguration config = ConnectionConfiguration.create(uri,
                    connectionConfiguration().database(), connectionConfiguration().bucket());
            return toBuilder().setConnectionConfiguration(config).build();

        public Read<T> withDatabase(String database) {
            ConnectionConfiguration config = ConnectionConfiguration.create(connectionConfiguration().uri(),
                    database, connectionConfiguration().bucket());
            return toBuilder().setConnectionConfiguration(config).build();

        public Read<T> withBucket(String bucket) {
            ConnectionConfiguration config = ConnectionConfiguration.create(connectionConfiguration().uri(),
                    connectionConfiguration().database(), bucket);
            return toBuilder().setConnectionConfiguration(config).build();

        public <X> Read<X> withParser(Parser<X> parser) {
            Builder<X> builder = (Builder<X>) toBuilder();
            return builder.setParser(parser).setCoder(null).build();

        public Read<T> withCoder(Coder<T> coder) {
            return toBuilder().setCoder(coder).build();

        public Read<T> withSkew(Duration skew) {
            return toBuilder().setSkew(skew == null ? Duration.ZERO : skew).build();

        public Read<T> withFilter(String filter) {
            return toBuilder().setFilter(filter).build();

        public void populateDisplayData(DisplayData.Builder builder) {
            builder.addIfNotNull(DisplayData.item("uri", connectionConfiguration().uri()));
            builder.addIfNotNull(DisplayData.item("database", connectionConfiguration().database()));
            builder.addIfNotNull(DisplayData.item("bucket", connectionConfiguration().bucket()));
            builder.addIfNotNull(DisplayData.item("parser", parser().getClass().getName()));
            builder.addIfNotNull(DisplayData.item("coder", coder().getClass().getName()));
            builder.addIfNotNull(DisplayData.item("skew", skew()));
            builder.addIfNotNull(DisplayData.item("filter", filter()));

        public PCollection<T> expand(PBegin input) {
            final BoundedGridFSSource source = new BoundedGridFSSource(this, null);
  <ObjectId> objectIds =;
            PCollection<T> output = input.getPipeline().apply(objectIds).apply(ParDo.of(new DoFn<ObjectId, T>() {
                Mongo mongo;
                GridFS gridfs;

                public void setup() {
                    mongo = source.spec.connectionConfiguration().setupMongo();
                    gridfs = source.spec.connectionConfiguration().setupGridFS(mongo);

                public void teardown() {

                public void processElement(final ProcessContext c) throws IOException {
                    ObjectId oid = c.element();
                    GridFSDBFile file = gridfs.find(oid);
                    parser().parse(file, new ParserCallback<T>() {
                        public void output(T output, Instant timestamp) {
                            c.outputWithTimestamp(output, timestamp);

                        public void output(T output) {

                public Duration getAllowedTimestampSkew() {
                    return skew();
            if (coder() != null) {
            return output;

        /** A {@link BoundedSource} for MongoDB GridFS. */
        protected static class BoundedGridFSSource extends BoundedSource<ObjectId> {

            private Read<?> spec;

            private List<ObjectId> objectIds;

            BoundedGridFSSource(Read<?> spec, List<ObjectId> objectIds) {
                this.spec = spec;
                this.objectIds = objectIds;

            private DBCursor createCursor(GridFS gridfs) {
                if (spec.filter() != null) {
                    DBObject query = (DBObject) JSON.parse(spec.filter());
                    return gridfs.getFileList(query);
                return gridfs.getFileList();

            public List<? extends BoundedSource<ObjectId>> split(long desiredBundleSizeBytes,
                    PipelineOptions options) throws Exception {
                Mongo mongo = spec.connectionConfiguration().setupMongo();
                try {
                    GridFS gridfs = spec.connectionConfiguration().setupGridFS(mongo);
                    DBCursor cursor = createCursor(gridfs);
                    long size = 0;
                    List<BoundedGridFSSource> list = new ArrayList<>();
                    List<ObjectId> objects = new ArrayList<>();
                    while (cursor.hasNext()) {
                        GridFSDBFile file = (GridFSDBFile);
                        long len = file.getLength();
                        if ((size + len) > desiredBundleSizeBytes && !objects.isEmpty()) {
                            list.add(new BoundedGridFSSource(spec, objects));
                            size = 0;
                            objects = new ArrayList<>();
                        objects.add((ObjectId) file.getId());
                        size += len;
                    if (!objects.isEmpty() || list.isEmpty()) {
                        list.add(new BoundedGridFSSource(spec, objects));
                    return list;
                } finally {

            public long getEstimatedSizeBytes(PipelineOptions options) throws Exception {
                Mongo mongo = spec.connectionConfiguration().setupMongo();
                try {
                    GridFS gridfs = spec.connectionConfiguration().setupGridFS(mongo);
                    DBCursor cursor = createCursor(gridfs);
                    long size = 0;
                    while (cursor.hasNext()) {
                        GridFSDBFile file = (GridFSDBFile);
                        size += file.getLength();
                    return size;
                } finally {

            public BoundedSource.BoundedReader<ObjectId> createReader(PipelineOptions options) throws IOException {
                return new GridFSReader(this, objectIds);

            public void populateDisplayData(DisplayData.Builder builder) {

            public Coder<ObjectId> getOutputCoder() {
                return SerializableCoder.of(ObjectId.class);

            static class GridFSReader extends BoundedSource.BoundedReader<ObjectId> {
                final BoundedGridFSSource source;

                /* When split into bundles, this records the ObjectId's of the files for
                 * this bundle.  Otherwise, this is null.  When null, a DBCursor of the
                 * files is used directly to avoid having the ObjectId's queried and
                 * loaded ahead of time saving time and memory.
                final List<ObjectId> objects;

                Mongo mongo;
                DBCursor cursor;
                Iterator<ObjectId> iterator;
                ObjectId current;

                GridFSReader(BoundedGridFSSource source, List<ObjectId> objects) {
                    this.source = source;
                    this.objects = objects;

                public BoundedSource<ObjectId> getCurrentSource() {
                    return source;

                public boolean start() throws IOException {
                    if (objects == null) {
                        mongo = source.spec.connectionConfiguration().setupMongo();
                        GridFS gridfs = source.spec.connectionConfiguration().setupGridFS(mongo);
                        cursor = source.createCursor(gridfs);
                    } else {
                        iterator = objects.iterator();
                    return advance();

                public boolean advance() throws IOException {
                    if (iterator != null && iterator.hasNext()) {
                        current =;
                        return true;
                    } else if (cursor != null && cursor.hasNext()) {
                        GridFSDBFile file = (GridFSDBFile);
                        current = (ObjectId) file.getId();
                        return true;
                    current = null;
                    return false;

                public ObjectId getCurrent() throws NoSuchElementException {
                    if (current == null) {
                        throw new NoSuchElementException();
                    return current;

                public Instant getCurrentTimestamp() throws NoSuchElementException {
                    if (current == null) {
                        throw new NoSuchElementException();
                    long time = current.getTimestamp();
                    time *= 1000L;
                    return new Instant(time);

                public void close() throws IOException {
                    if (mongo != null) {

    /** Function that is called to write the data to the give GridFS OutputStream. */
    public interface WriteFn<T> extends Serializable {
         * Output the object to the given OutputStream.
         * @param output The data to output
         * @param outStream The OutputStream
        void write(T output, OutputStream outStream) throws IOException;

    /** A {@link PTransform} to write data to MongoDB GridFS. */
    public abstract static class Write<T> extends PTransform<PCollection<T>, PDone> {
        abstract ConnectionConfiguration connectionConfiguration();

        abstract Long chunkSize();

        abstract WriteFn<T> writeFn();

        abstract String filename();

        abstract Builder<T> toBuilder();

        abstract static class Builder<T> {
            abstract Builder<T> setConnectionConfiguration(ConnectionConfiguration connection);

            abstract Builder<T> setFilename(String filename);

            abstract Builder<T> setChunkSize(Long chunkSize);

            abstract Builder<T> setWriteFn(WriteFn<T> fn);

            abstract Write<T> build();

        public Write<T> withUri(String uri) {
            ConnectionConfiguration config = ConnectionConfiguration.create(uri,
                    connectionConfiguration().database(), connectionConfiguration().bucket());
            return toBuilder().setConnectionConfiguration(config).build();

        public Write<T> withDatabase(String database) {
            ConnectionConfiguration config = ConnectionConfiguration.create(connectionConfiguration().uri(),
                    database, connectionConfiguration().bucket());
            return toBuilder().setConnectionConfiguration(config).build();

        public Write<T> withBucket(String bucket) {
            ConnectionConfiguration config = ConnectionConfiguration.create(connectionConfiguration().uri(),
                    connectionConfiguration().database(), bucket);
            return toBuilder().setConnectionConfiguration(config).build();

        public Write<T> withFilename(String filename) {
            return toBuilder().setFilename(filename).build();

        public Write<T> withChunkSize(Long chunkSize) {
            checkArgument(chunkSize > 1, "Chunk Size must be greater than 1", chunkSize);
            return toBuilder().setChunkSize(chunkSize).build();

        public void validate(T input) {
            checkNotNull(filename(), "filename");
            checkNotNull(writeFn(), "writeFn");

        public void populateDisplayData(DisplayData.Builder builder) {
            builder.addIfNotNull(DisplayData.item("uri", connectionConfiguration().uri()));
            builder.addIfNotNull(DisplayData.item("database", connectionConfiguration().database()));
            builder.addIfNotNull(DisplayData.item("bucket", connectionConfiguration().bucket()));
            builder.addIfNotNull(DisplayData.item("chunkSize", chunkSize()));
            builder.addIfNotNull(DisplayData.item("filename", filename()));

        public PDone expand(PCollection<T> input) {
            input.apply(ParDo.of(new GridFsWriteFn<>(this)));

    private static class GridFsWriteFn<T> extends DoFn<T, Void> {

        private final Write<T> spec;

        private transient Mongo mongo;
        private transient GridFS gridfs;

        private transient GridFSInputFile gridFsFile;
        private transient OutputStream outputStream;

        public GridFsWriteFn(Write<T> spec) {
            this.spec = spec;

        public void setup() throws Exception {
            mongo = spec.connectionConfiguration().setupMongo();
            gridfs = spec.connectionConfiguration().setupGridFS(mongo);

        public void startBundle() {
            gridFsFile = gridfs.createFile(spec.filename());
            if (spec.chunkSize() != null) {
            outputStream = gridFsFile.getOutputStream();

        public void processElement(ProcessContext context) throws Exception {
            T record = context.element();
            spec.writeFn().write(record, outputStream);

        public void finishBundle() throws Exception {
            if (gridFsFile != null) {
                outputStream = null;
                gridFsFile = null;

        public void teardown() throws Exception {
            try {
                if (gridFsFile != null) {
                    outputStream = null;
                    gridFsFile = null;
            } finally {
                if (mongo != null) {
                    mongo = null;
                    gridfs = null;