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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

 * This class is responsible for establishing the initial set of shards that existed at the given
 * starting point.
class StartingPointShardsFinder implements Serializable {

    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StartingPointShardsFinder.class);

     * Finds all the shards at the given startingPoint. This method starts by gathering the oldest
     * shards in the stream and considers them as initial shards set. Then it validates the shards by
     * getting an iterator at the given starting point and trying to read some records. If shard
     * passes the validation then it is added to the result shards set. If not then it is regarded as
     * expired and its successors are taken into consideration. This step is repeated until all valid
     * shards are found.
     * <p>The following diagram depicts sample split and merge operations on a stream with 3 initial
     * shards. Let's consider what happens when T1, T2, T3 or T4 timestamps are passed as the
     * startingPoint.
     * <ul>
     *   <li>T1 timestamp (or TRIM_HORIZON marker) - 0000, 0001 and 0002 shards are the oldest so they
     *       are gathered as initial shards set. All of them are valid at T1 timestamp so they are all
     *       returned from the method.
     *   <li>T2 timestamp - 0000, 0001 and 0002 shards form the initial shards set.
     *       <ul>
     *         <li>0000 passes the validation at T2 timestamp so it is added to the result set
     *         <li>0001 does not pass the validation as it is already closed at T2 timestamp so its
     *             successors 0003 and 0004 are considered. Both are valid at T2 timestamp so they are
     *             added to the resulting set.
     *         <li>0002 also does not pass the validation so its successors 0005 and 0006 are
     *             considered and both are valid.
     *       </ul>
     *       Finally the resulting set contains 0000, 0003, 0004, 0005 and 0006 shards.
     *   <li>T3 timestamp - the beginning is the same as in T2 case.
     *       <ul>
     *         <li>0000 is valid
     *         <li>0001 is already closed at T2 timestamp so its successors 0003 and 0004 are next.
     *             0003 is valid but 0004 is already closed at T3 timestamp. It has one successor 0007
     *             which is the result of merging 0004 and 0005 shards. 0007 has two parent shards
     *             then stored in {@link Shard#parentShardId} and {@link Shard#adjacentParentShardId}
     *             fields. Only one of them should follow the relation to its successor so it is
     *             always the shard stored in parentShardId field. Let's assume that it was 0004 shard
     *             and it's the one that considers 0007 its successor. 0007 is valid at T3 timestamp
     *             and it's added to the result set.
     *         <li>0002 is closed at T3 timestamp so its successors 0005 and 0006 are next. 0005 is
     *             also closed because it was merged with 0004 shard. Their successor is 0007 and it
     *             was already considered by 0004 shard so no action here is needed. Shard 0006 is
     *             valid.
     *       </ul>
     *   <li>T4 timestamp (or LATEST marker) - following the same reasoning as in previous cases it
     *       end's up with 0000, 0003, 0008 and 0010 shards.
     * </ul>
     * <pre>
     *      T1                T2          T3                      T4
     *      |                 |           |                       |
     * 0000-----------------------------------------------------------
     *             0003-----------------------------------------------
     *            /
     * 0001------+
     *            \
     *             0004-----------+             0008------------------
     *                             \           /
     *                              0007------+
     *                             /           \
     *                  0005------+             0009------+
     *                 /                                   \
     * 0002-----------+                                     0010------
     *                 \                                   /
     *                  0006------------------------------+
     * </pre>
    Set<Shard> findShardsAtStartingPoint(SimplifiedKinesisClient kinesis, String streamName,
            StartingPoint startingPoint) throws TransientKinesisException {
        List<Shard> allShards = kinesis.listShards(streamName);
        Set<Shard> initialShards = findInitialShardsWithoutParents(streamName, allShards);

        Set<Shard> startingPointShards = new HashSet<>();
        Set<Shard> expiredShards;
        do {
            Set<Shard> validShards = validateShards(kinesis, initialShards, streamName, startingPoint);
            expiredShards = Sets.difference(initialShards, validShards);
            if (!expiredShards.isEmpty()) {
      "Following shards expired for {} stream at '{}' starting point: {}", streamName,
                        startingPoint, expiredShards);
            initialShards = findNextShards(allShards, expiredShards);
        } while (!expiredShards.isEmpty());
        return startingPointShards;

    private Set<Shard> findNextShards(List<Shard> allShards, Set<Shard> expiredShards) {
        Set<Shard> nextShards = new HashSet<>();
        for (Shard expiredShard : expiredShards) {
            boolean successorFound = false;
            for (Shard shard : allShards) {
                if (Objects.equals(expiredShard.getShardId(), shard.getParentShardId())) {
                    successorFound = true;
                } else if (Objects.equals(expiredShard.getShardId(), shard.getAdjacentParentShardId())) {
                    successorFound = true;
            if (!successorFound) {
                // This can potentially happen during split/merge operation. Newly created shards might be
                // not listed in the allShards list and their predecessor is already considered expired.
                // Retrying should solve the issue.
                throw new IllegalStateException("No successors were found for shard: " + expiredShard);
        return nextShards;

     * Finds the initial set of shards (the oldest ones). These shards do not have their parents in
     * the shard list.
    private Set<Shard> findInitialShardsWithoutParents(String streamName, List<Shard> allShards) {
        Set<String> shardIds = new HashSet<>();
        for (Shard shard : allShards) {
        }"Stream {} has following shards: {}", streamName, shardIds);
        Set<Shard> shardsWithoutParents = new HashSet<>();
        for (Shard shard : allShards) {
            if (!shardIds.contains(shard.getParentShardId())) {
        return shardsWithoutParents;

     * Validates the shards at the given startingPoint. Validity is checked by getting an iterator at
     * the startingPoint and then trying to read some records. This action does not affect the records
     * at all. If the shard is valid then it will get read from exactly the same point and these
     * records will be read again.
    private Set<Shard> validateShards(SimplifiedKinesisClient kinesis, Iterable<Shard> rootShards,
            String streamName, StartingPoint startingPoint) throws TransientKinesisException {
        Set<Shard> validShards = new HashSet<>();
        ShardIteratorType shardIteratorType = ShardIteratorType.fromValue(startingPoint.getPositionName());
        for (Shard shard : rootShards) {
            String shardIterator = kinesis.getShardIterator(streamName, shard.getShardId(), shardIteratorType, null,
            GetKinesisRecordsResult records = kinesis.getRecords(shardIterator, streamName, shard.getShardId());
            if (records.getNextShardIterator() != null || !records.getRecords().isEmpty()) {
        return validShards;