Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import static; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import org.apache.beam.runners.core.ReadyCheckingSideInputReader; import org.apache.beam.runners.core.SideInputReader; import org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.windowing.BoundedWindow; import org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.windowing.PaneInfo; import org.apache.beam.sdk.util.WindowedValue; import org.apache.beam.sdk.values.PCollectionView; import org.apache.beam.sdk.values.WindowingStrategy; /** * An in-process container for {@link PCollectionView PCollectionViews}, which provides methods for * constructing {@link SideInputReader SideInputReaders} which block until a side input is * available and writing to a {@link PCollectionView}. */ class SideInputContainer { private final Collection<PCollectionView<?>> containedViews; private final LoadingCache<PCollectionViewWindow<?>, AtomicReference<Iterable<? extends WindowedValue<?>>>> viewByWindows; /** * Create a new {@link SideInputContainer} with the provided views and the provided * context. */ public static SideInputContainer create(final EvaluationContext context, Collection<PCollectionView<?>> containedViews) { LoadingCache<PCollectionViewWindow<?>, AtomicReference<Iterable<? extends WindowedValue<?>>>> viewByWindows = CacheBuilder .newBuilder().build(new CallbackSchedulingLoader(context)); return new SideInputContainer(containedViews, viewByWindows); } private SideInputContainer(Collection<PCollectionView<?>> containedViews, LoadingCache<PCollectionViewWindow<?>, AtomicReference<Iterable<? extends WindowedValue<?>>>> viewByWindows) { this.containedViews = ImmutableSet.copyOf(containedViews); this.viewByWindows = viewByWindows; } /** * Return a view of this {@link SideInputContainer} that contains only the views in the * provided argument. The returned {@link SideInputContainer} is unmodifiable without * casting, but will change as this {@link SideInputContainer} is modified. */ public ReadyCheckingSideInputReader createReaderForViews(Collection<PCollectionView<?>> newContainedViews) { if (!containedViews.containsAll(newContainedViews)) { Set<PCollectionView<?>> currentlyContained = ImmutableSet.copyOf(containedViews); Set<PCollectionView<?>> newRequested = ImmutableSet.copyOf(newContainedViews); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't create a SideInputReader with unknown views " + Sets.difference(newRequested, currentlyContained)); } return new SideInputContainerSideInputReader(newContainedViews); } /** * Write the provided values to the provided view. * * <p>The windowed values are first exploded, then for each window the pane is determined. For * each window, if the pane is later than the current pane stored within this container, write * all of the values to the container as the new values of the {@link PCollectionView}. * * <p>The provided iterable is expected to contain only a single window and pane. */ public void write(PCollectionView<?> view, Iterable<? extends WindowedValue<?>> values) { Map<BoundedWindow, Collection<WindowedValue<?>>> valuesPerWindow = indexValuesByWindow(values); for (Map.Entry<BoundedWindow, Collection<WindowedValue<?>>> windowValues : valuesPerWindow.entrySet()) { updatePCollectionViewWindowValues(view, windowValues.getKey(), windowValues.getValue()); } } /** * Index the provided values by all {@link BoundedWindow windows} in which they appear. */ private Map<BoundedWindow, Collection<WindowedValue<?>>> indexValuesByWindow( Iterable<? extends WindowedValue<?>> values) { Map<BoundedWindow, Collection<WindowedValue<?>>> valuesPerWindow = new HashMap<>(); for (WindowedValue<?> value : values) { for (BoundedWindow window : value.getWindows()) { Collection<WindowedValue<?>> windowValues = valuesPerWindow.get(window); if (windowValues == null) { windowValues = new ArrayList<>(); valuesPerWindow.put(window, windowValues); } windowValues.add(value); } } return valuesPerWindow; } /** * Set the value of the {@link PCollectionView} in the {@link BoundedWindow} to be based on the * specified values, if the values are part of a later pane than currently exist within the * {@link PCollectionViewWindow}. */ private void updatePCollectionViewWindowValues(PCollectionView<?> view, BoundedWindow window, Collection<WindowedValue<?>> windowValues) { PCollectionViewWindow<?> windowedView = PCollectionViewWindow.of(view, window); AtomicReference<Iterable<? extends WindowedValue<?>>> contents = viewByWindows.getUnchecked(windowedView); if (contents.compareAndSet(null, windowValues)) { // the value had never been set, so we set it and are done. return; } PaneInfo newPane = windowValues.iterator().next().getPane(); Iterable<? extends WindowedValue<?>> existingValues; long existingPane; do { existingValues = contents.get(); existingPane = Iterables.isEmpty(existingValues) ? -1L : existingValues.iterator().next().getPane().getIndex(); } while (newPane.getIndex() > existingPane && !contents.compareAndSet(existingValues, windowValues)); } private static class CallbackSchedulingLoader extends CacheLoader<PCollectionViewWindow<?>, AtomicReference<Iterable<? extends WindowedValue<?>>>> { private final EvaluationContext context; public CallbackSchedulingLoader(EvaluationContext context) { this.context = context; } @Override public AtomicReference<Iterable<? extends WindowedValue<?>>> load(PCollectionViewWindow<?> view) { AtomicReference<Iterable<? extends WindowedValue<?>>> contents = new AtomicReference<>(); WindowingStrategy<?, ?> windowingStrategy = view.getView().getWindowingStrategyInternal(); context.scheduleAfterOutputWouldBeProduced(view.getView(), view.getWindow(), windowingStrategy, new WriteEmptyViewContents(view.getView(), view.getWindow(), contents)); return contents; } } private static class WriteEmptyViewContents implements Runnable { private final PCollectionView<?> view; private final BoundedWindow window; private final AtomicReference<Iterable<? extends WindowedValue<?>>> contents; private WriteEmptyViewContents(PCollectionView<?> view, BoundedWindow window, AtomicReference<Iterable<? extends WindowedValue<?>>> contents) { this.contents = contents; this.view = view; this.window = window; } @Override public void run() { // The requested window has closed without producing elements, so reflect that in // the PCollectionView. If set has already been called, will do nothing. contents.compareAndSet(null, Collections.<WindowedValue<?>>emptyList()); } @Override public String toString() { return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(this).add("view", view).add("window", window).toString(); } } private final class SideInputContainerSideInputReader implements ReadyCheckingSideInputReader { private final Collection<PCollectionView<?>> readerViews; private final LoadingCache<PCollectionViewWindow<?>, Optional<? extends Iterable<? extends WindowedValue<?>>>> viewContents; private SideInputContainerSideInputReader(Collection<PCollectionView<?>> readerViews) { this.readerViews = ImmutableSet.copyOf(readerViews); this.viewContents = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().build(new CurrentViewContentsLoader()); } @Override public boolean isReady(final PCollectionView<?> view, final BoundedWindow window) { checkArgument(readerViews.contains(view), "Tried to check if view %s was ready in a SideInputReader that does not contain it. " + "Contained views; %s", view, readerViews); return viewContents.getUnchecked(PCollectionViewWindow.of(view, window)).isPresent(); } @Override @Nullable public <T> T get(final PCollectionView<T> view, final BoundedWindow window) { checkArgument(readerViews.contains(view), "call to get(PCollectionView) with unknown view: %s", view); checkArgument(isReady(view, window), "calling get() on PCollectionView %s that is not ready in window %s", view, window); // Safe covariant cast @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Iterable<WindowedValue<?>> values = (Iterable<WindowedValue<?>>) viewContents .getUnchecked(PCollectionViewWindow.of(view, window)).get(); return view.getViewFn().apply(values); } @Override public <T> boolean contains(PCollectionView<T> view) { return readerViews.contains(view); } @Override public boolean isEmpty() { return readerViews.isEmpty(); } } /** * A {@link CacheLoader} that loads the current contents of a {@link PCollectionViewWindow} into * an optional. */ private class CurrentViewContentsLoader extends CacheLoader<PCollectionViewWindow<?>, Optional<? extends Iterable<? extends WindowedValue<?>>>> { @Override public Optional<? extends Iterable<? extends WindowedValue<?>>> load(PCollectionViewWindow<?> key) { return Optional.fromNullable(viewByWindows.getUnchecked(key).get()); } } }