Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2004,2005 The Apache Software Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.axis2.transport.amqp.out; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.axis2.AxisFault; import org.apache.axis2.context.MessageContext; import org.apache.axis2.context.ConfigurationContext; import org.apache.axis2.description.TransportOutDescription; import org.apache.axis2.transport.TransportUtils; import org.apache.axis2.transport.MessageFormatter; import org.apache.axis2.transport.OutTransportInfo; import org.apache.axis2.transport.base.*; import org.apache.axis2.transport.base.streams.WriterOutputStream; import org.apache.axis2.transport.http.HTTPConstants; import org.apache.axis2.transport.amqp.common.AMQPConnectionFactory; import org.apache.axis2.transport.amqp.common.AMQPConnectionFactoryManager; import org.apache.axis2.transport.amqp.common.AMQPConstants; import org.apache.axis2.transport.amqp.common.AMQPException; import org.apache.axis2.transport.amqp.common.AMQPMessage; import org.apache.axis2.transport.amqp.common.AMQPTransportInfo; import org.apache.axis2.transport.amqp.common.AMQPUtils; import org.apache.axis2.transport.amqp.common.Destination; import org.apache.axis2.transport.amqp.common.DestinationFactory; import com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP; import com.rabbitmq.client.Connection; import com.rabbitmq.client.Channel; import com.rabbitmq.client.ConsumerCancelledException; import com.rabbitmq.client.QueueingConsumer; import com.rabbitmq.client.ShutdownSignalException; import javax.activation.DataHandler; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException; import java.util.*; /** * The TransportSender for AMQP */ public class AMQPSender extends AbstractTransportSender implements ManagementSupport { public static final String TRANSPORT_NAME = AMQPConstants.TRANSPORT_AMQP; /** * The AMQP connection factory manager to be used when sending messages out */ private AMQPConnectionFactoryManager connFacManager; /** * Initialize the transport sender by reading pre-defined connection * factories for outgoing messages. * * @param cfgCtx * the configuration context * @param transportOut * the transport sender definition from axis2.xml * @throws AxisFault * on error */ @Override public void init(ConfigurationContext cfgCtx, TransportOutDescription transportOut) throws AxisFault { super.init(cfgCtx, transportOut); connFacManager = new AMQPConnectionFactoryManager(transportOut);"AMQP Transport Sender initialized..."); } /** * Get corresponding AMQP connection factory defined within the transport * sender for the transport-out information - usually constructed from a * targetEPR * * @param trpInfo * the transport-out information * @return the corresponding AMQP connection factory, if any */ private AMQPConnectionFactory getAMQPConnectionFactory(AMQPTransportInfo trpInfo) { Map<String, String> props = trpInfo.getProperties(); if (trpInfo.getProperties() != null) { String connectionFactoryName = props.get(AMQPConstants.PARAM_AMQP_CONFAC); if (connectionFactoryName != null) { return connFacManager.getAMQPConnectionFactory(connectionFactoryName); } else { return connFacManager.getAMQPConnectionFactory(props); } } else { return null; } } /** * Performs the actual sending of the AMQP message */ @Override public void sendMessage(MessageContext msgCtx, String targetAddress, OutTransportInfo outTransportInfo) throws AxisFault { AMQPConnectionFactory conFac = null; AMQPTransportInfo amqpOut = null; AMQPMessageSender messageSender = null; Connection con = null; Channel chan = null; if (targetAddress != null) { amqpOut = new AMQPTransportInfo(targetAddress); // do we have a definition for a connection factory to use for this // address? conFac = getAMQPConnectionFactory(amqpOut); try { if (conFac != null) { con = conFac.getConnection(); chan = con.createChannel(); messageSender = new AMQPMessageSender(chan, DestinationFactory.parseAddress(targetAddress)); } else { messageSender = amqpOut.createAMQPSender(); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (outTransportInfo != null && outTransportInfo instanceof AMQPTransportInfo) { amqpOut = (AMQPTransportInfo) outTransportInfo; try { messageSender = amqpOut.createAMQPSender(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // The message property to be used to send the content type is // determined by the out transport info, i.e. either from the EPR if we are sending a // request, or, if we are sending a response, from the configuration of the // service that received the request). The property name can be overridden by a // message context property. String contentTypeProperty = (String) msgCtx.getProperty(AMQPConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_PROPERTY_PARAM); if (contentTypeProperty == null) { contentTypeProperty = amqpOut.getContentTypeProperty(); } try { sendOverAMQP(msgCtx, messageSender, contentTypeProperty, chan, amqpOut); } finally { try { chan.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * Perform actual sending of the AMQP message */ private void sendOverAMQP(MessageContext msgCtx, AMQPMessageSender messageSender, String contentTypeProperty, Channel chan, AMQPTransportInfo amqpOut) throws AxisFault { // convert the axis message context into a AMQP Message that we can send // over AMQP AMQPMessage message = null; AMQP.BasicProperties msg_prop = null; String correlationId = null; String replyDestType = null; String replyDestName = null; Destination replyDestination = null; // should we wait for a synchronous response on this same thread? boolean waitForResponse = waitForSynchronousResponse(msgCtx); message = createMessage(msgCtx, contentTypeProperty); msg_prop = message.getProperties(); correlationId = msg_prop.getCorrelationId(); if ((correlationId == null) || (correlationId.equals(""))) { correlationId = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); msg_prop = msg_prop.builder().correlationId(correlationId).build(); } replyDestination = amqpOut.getReplyDestination(); // if this is a synchronous out-in, prepare to listen on the response destination if (waitForResponse) { replyDestName = (String) msgCtx.getProperty(AMQPConstants.AMQP_REPLY_TO); if (replyDestName == null && amqpOut != null) { replyDestName = amqpOut.getReplyDestination().getName(); } replyDestType = (String) msgCtx.getProperty(AMQPConstants.AMQP_REPLY_TO_TYPE); if (replyDestType == null && amqpOut != null) { replyDestType = Destination.destination_type_to_param(amqpOut.getReplyDestination().getType()); } replyDestination = DestinationFactory.exchangeDestination(replyDestName, Destination.param_to_destination_type(replyDestType), null); } try { messageSender.send(message, msgCtx); } catch (IOException e) { log.error(e); } metrics.incrementMessagesSent(msgCtx); metrics.incrementBytesSent(msgCtx, message.getProperties().getBodySize()); // if we are expecting a synchronous response back for the message sent // out if (waitForResponse) { waitForResponseAndProcess(chan, replyDestination, msgCtx, correlationId, contentTypeProperty); } } /** * Create a Consumer for the reply destination and wait for the response AMQP * message synchronously. If a message arrives within the specified time * interval, process it through Axis2 * * @param chan * the session to use to listen for the response * @param replyDestination * the AMQP reply Destination * @param msgCtx * the outgoing message for which we are expecting the response * @param contentTypeProperty * the message property used to determine the content type of the * response message * @throws AxisFault * on error */ private void waitForResponseAndProcess(Channel chan, Destination replyDestination, MessageContext msgCtx, String correlationId, String contentTypeProperty) throws AxisFault { byte[] body = null; AMQP.BasicProperties props = null; long deliveryTag = 0; QueueingConsumer qi = new QueueingConsumer(chan); QueueingConsumer.Delivery delivery = null; String waitReply = null; long timeout = AMQPConstants.DEFAULT_AMQP_TIMEOUT; waitReply = (String) msgCtx.getProperty(AMQPConstants.AMQP_WAIT_REPLY); if (waitReply != null) timeout = Long.valueOf(waitReply).longValue(); log.debug("Waiting for a maximum of " + timeout + "ms for a response message to destination : " + replyDestination + " with AMQP correlation ID : " + correlationId); try { delivery = qi.nextDelivery(timeout); if (delivery == null) { // shut down your consumer here - no events arrived // before the timeout was reached log.warn("Did not receive a AMQP response within " + timeout + " ms to destination : " + replyDestination + " with AMQP correlation ID : " + correlationId); metrics.incrementTimeoutsReceiving(); return; } else { props = delivery.getProperties(); body = delivery.getBody(); deliveryTag = delivery.getEnvelope().getDeliveryTag(); AMQPMessage reply = new AMQPMessage("" + deliveryTag, delivery.getEnvelope(), props, body); if (correlationId.equals(props.getCorrelationId())) { chan.basicAck(deliveryTag, false); // acknowledge receipt of the message metrics.incrementMessagesReceived(); metrics.incrementBytesReceived(props.getBodySize()); processSyncResponse(msgCtx, reply, contentTypeProperty); metrics.incrementMessagesReceived(); } } } catch (AxisFault e) { metrics.incrementFaultsReceiving(); throw e; } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Exception while acking message: " + e); } catch (ShutdownSignalException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ConsumerCancelledException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Create a AMQP Message from the given MessageContext and using the given * session * * @param msgContext * the MessageContext * @param chan * the AMQP session * @param contentTypeProperty * the message property to be used to store the content type * @return a AMQP message from the context and session * @throws AMQPException * on exception * @throws AxisFault * on exception */ private AMQPMessage createMessage(MessageContext msgContext, String contentTypeProperty) throws AMQPException, AxisFault { AMQPMessage message = null; AMQP.BasicProperties msg_prop = null; ByteArrayOutputStream bos = null; OutputStream out = null; String contentType = null; String payloadType = null; Map<String, Object> headers = null; StringWriter sw = null; String msgType = getProperty(msgContext, AMQPConstants.AMQP_MESSAGE_TYPE); message = new AMQPMessage(); msg_prop = message.getProperties(); // check the first element of the SOAP body, do we have content wrapped // using the // default wrapper elements for binary // (BaseConstants.DEFAULT_BINARY_WRAPPER) or // text (BaseConstants.DEFAULT_TEXT_WRAPPER) ? If so, do not create SOAP // messages // for AMQP but just get the payload in its native format payloadType = guessMessageType(msgContext); bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); if (payloadType == null) { OMOutputFormat format = BaseUtils.getOMOutputFormat(msgContext); MessageFormatter messageFormatter = null; try { messageFormatter = TransportUtils.getMessageFormatter(msgContext); } catch (AxisFault axisFault) { throw new AMQPException("Unable to get the message formatter to use"); } contentType = messageFormatter.getContentType(msgContext, format, msgContext.getSoapAction()); boolean useBytesMessage = msgType != null && AMQPConstants.AMQP_BYTE_MESSAGE.equals(msgType) || contentType.indexOf(HTTPConstants.HEADER_ACCEPT_MULTIPART_RELATED) > -1; if (useBytesMessage) { sw = null; out = bos; } else { sw = new StringWriter(); try { out = new WriterOutputStream(sw, format.getCharSetEncoding()); } catch (UnsupportedCharsetException ex) { handleException("Unsupported encoding " + format.getCharSetEncoding(), ex); return null; } } try { messageFormatter.writeTo(msgContext, format, out, true); out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { handleException("IO Error while creating BytesMessage", e); } if (!useBytesMessage) message.setBody(sw.toString().getBytes()); if (contentTypeProperty != null) { headers = msg_prop.getHeaders(); if (headers == null) headers = new HashMap<String, Object>(); headers.put(contentTypeProperty, contentType); msg_prop = msg_prop.builder().headers(headers).build(); } } else if (AMQPConstants.AMQP_BYTE_MESSAGE.equals(payloadType)) { OMElement wrapper = msgContext.getEnvelope().getBody() .getFirstChildWithName(BaseConstants.DEFAULT_BINARY_WRAPPER); OMNode omNode = wrapper.getFirstOMChild(); if (omNode != null && omNode instanceof OMText) { Object dh = ((OMText) omNode).getDataHandler(); if (dh != null && dh instanceof DataHandler) { try { ((DataHandler) dh).writeTo(bos); message.setBody(bos.toByteArray()); } catch (IOException e) { handleException("Error serializing binary content of element : " + BaseConstants.DEFAULT_BINARY_WRAPPER, e); } } } } else if (AMQPConstants.AMQP_TEXT_MESSAGE.equals(payloadType)) { message.setBody(msgContext.getEnvelope().getBody() .getFirstChildWithName(BaseConstants.DEFAULT_TEXT_WRAPPER).getText().getBytes()); } // set the AMQP correlation ID if specified String correlationId = getProperty(msgContext, AMQPConstants.AMQP_CORRELATION_ID); if (correlationId == null && msgContext.getRelatesTo() != null) { correlationId = msgContext.getRelatesTo().getValue(); } msg_prop = message.getProperties(); if (correlationId != null) { msg_prop = msg_prop.builder().correlationId(correlationId).build(); } if (msgContext.isServerSide()) { // set SOAP Action as a property on the AMQP message setProperty(message, msgContext, BaseConstants.SOAPACTION); } else { String action = msgContext.getOptions().getAction(); if (action != null) { headers = msg_prop.getHeaders(); if (headers == null) headers = new HashMap<String, Object>(); headers.put(BaseConstants.SOAPACTION, action); msg_prop = msg_prop.builder().headers(headers).build(); } } AMQPUtils.setTransportHeaders(msgContext, message); return message; } /** * Guess the message type to use for AMQP looking at the message contexts' * envelope * * @param msgContext * the message context * @return AMQPConstants.AMQP_BYTE_MESSAGE or AMQPConstants.AMQP_TEXT_MESSAGE * or null */ private String guessMessageType(MessageContext msgContext) { OMElement firstChild = msgContext.getEnvelope().getBody().getFirstElement(); if (firstChild != null) { if (BaseConstants.DEFAULT_BINARY_WRAPPER.equals(firstChild.getQName())) { return AMQPConstants.AMQP_BYTE_MESSAGE; } else if (BaseConstants.DEFAULT_TEXT_WRAPPER.equals(firstChild.getQName())) { return AMQPConstants.AMQP_TEXT_MESSAGE; } } return null; } /** * Creates an Axis MessageContext for the received AMQP message and sets up * the transports and various properties * * @param outMsgCtx * the outgoing message for which we are expecting the response * @param message * the AMQP response message received * @param contentTypeProperty * the message property used to determine the content type of the * response message * @throws AxisFault * on error */ private void processSyncResponse(MessageContext outMsgCtx, AMQPMessage message, String contentTypeProperty) throws AxisFault { MessageContext responseMsgCtx = createResponseMessageContext(outMsgCtx); // load any transport headers from received message AMQPUtils.loadTransportHeaders(message, responseMsgCtx); String contentType = contentTypeProperty == null ? null : AMQPUtils.getProperty(message, contentTypeProperty); AMQPUtils.setSOAPEnvelope(message, responseMsgCtx, contentType); handleIncomingMessage(responseMsgCtx, AMQPUtils.getTransportHeaders(message), AMQPUtils.getProperty(message, BaseConstants.SOAPACTION), contentType); } private void setProperty(AMQPMessage message, MessageContext msgCtx, String key) { AMQP.BasicProperties msg_props = null; Map<String, Object> headers = null; String value = getProperty(msgCtx, key); msg_props = message.getProperties(); headers = msg_props.getHeaders(); if (value != null) { headers.put(key, value); msg_props = msg_props.builder().headers(headers).build(); } } private String getProperty(MessageContext mc, String key) { return (String) mc.getProperty(key); } }