Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.axis2.deployment; import; import; import org.apache.axis2.AxisFault; import org.apache.axis2.Constants; import org.apache.axis2.builder.Builder; import org.apache.axis2.context.ConfigurationContext; import org.apache.axis2.description.AxisOperation; import org.apache.axis2.description.AxisService; import org.apache.axis2.description.Flow; import org.apache.axis2.description.HandlerDescription; import org.apache.axis2.description.Parameter; import org.apache.axis2.description.ParameterInclude; import org.apache.axis2.description.PhaseRule; import org.apache.axis2.description.PolicyInclude; import org.apache.axis2.description.PolicySubject; import org.apache.axis2.description.WSDL2Constants; import org.apache.axis2.engine.AxisConfiguration; import org.apache.axis2.engine.MessageReceiver; import org.apache.axis2.i18n.Messages; import org.apache.axis2.transport.MessageFormatter; import org.apache.axis2.util.Loader; import org.apache.axis2.util.XMLUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.neethi.Policy; import org.apache.neethi.PolicyEngine; import org.apache.neethi.PolicyReference; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; /** * This class does the common tasks for all *Builder class. */ public class DescriptionBuilder implements DeploymentConstants { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(DescriptionBuilder.class); protected ConfigurationContext configCtx; protected AxisConfiguration axisConfig; protected InputStream descriptionStream; public DescriptionBuilder() { } public DescriptionBuilder(InputStream serviceInputStream, ConfigurationContext configCtx) { this.configCtx = configCtx; this.descriptionStream = serviceInputStream; this.axisConfig = this.configCtx.getAxisConfiguration(); } public DescriptionBuilder(InputStream serviceInputStream, AxisConfiguration axisConfig) { this.descriptionStream = serviceInputStream; this.axisConfig = axisConfig; } /** * Creates OMElement for a given description document (axis2.xml , * services.xml and module.xml). * * @return Returns <code>OMElement</code> . * @throws * */ public OMElement buildOM() throws XMLStreamException { OMElement element = (OMElement) XMLUtils.toOM(descriptionStream);; return element; } /** * Loads default message receivers. First searches in Axiservice for the * given mepURL, if not found searches in AxisConfiguration with the given * mepURL. * * @param mepURL : * can be null * @param service : * This can be null <code>AxisService</code> */ protected MessageReceiver loadDefaultMessageReceiver(String mepURL, AxisService service) { MessageReceiver messageReceiver; if (mepURL == null) { mepURL = WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_IN_OUT; } if (service != null) { messageReceiver = service.getMessageReceiver(mepURL); if (messageReceiver != null) { return messageReceiver; } } return axisConfig.getMessageReceiver(mepURL); } /** * Processes default message receivers specified either in axis2.xml or * services.xml. * */ protected HashMap<String, MessageReceiver> processMessageReceivers(OMElement messageReceivers) throws DeploymentException { HashMap<String, MessageReceiver> mr_mep = new HashMap<String, MessageReceiver>(); Iterator msgReceivers = messageReceivers.getChildrenWithName(new QName(TAG_MESSAGE_RECEIVER)); while (msgReceivers.hasNext()) { OMElement msgReceiver = (OMElement); final OMElement tempMsgReceiver = msgReceiver; MessageReceiver receiver = null; try { receiver = .doPrivileged(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<MessageReceiver>() { public MessageReceiver run() throws org.apache.axis2.deployment.DeploymentException { return loadMessageReceiver(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(), tempMsgReceiver); } }); } catch (PrivilegedActionException e) { throw (DeploymentException) e.getException(); } OMAttribute mepAtt = msgReceiver.getAttribute(new QName(TAG_MEP)); mr_mep.put(mepAtt.getAttributeValue(), receiver); } return mr_mep; } /** * Processes default message receivers specified either in axis2.xml or * services.xml. * */ protected HashMap<String, MessageReceiver> processMessageReceivers(ClassLoader loader, OMElement element) throws DeploymentException { HashMap<String, MessageReceiver> meps = new HashMap<String, MessageReceiver>(); Iterator iterator = element.getChildrenWithName(new QName(TAG_MESSAGE_RECEIVER)); while (iterator.hasNext()) { OMElement receiverElement = (OMElement); MessageReceiver receiver = loadMessageReceiver(loader, receiverElement); OMAttribute mepAtt = receiverElement.getAttribute(new QName(TAG_MEP)); meps.put(mepAtt.getAttributeValue(), receiver); } return meps; } protected MessageReceiver loadMessageReceiver(ClassLoader loader, OMElement element) throws DeploymentException { OMAttribute receiverName = element.getAttribute(new QName(TAG_CLASS_NAME)); String className = receiverName.getAttributeValue(); MessageReceiver receiver = null; try { Class messageReceiver; if ((className != null) && !"".equals(className)) { messageReceiver = Loader.loadClass(loader, className); receiver = (MessageReceiver) messageReceiver.newInstance(); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new DeploymentException(Messages.getMessage(DeploymentErrorMsgs.ERROR_IN_LOADING_MESSAGE_RECEIVER, "ClassNotFoundException", className), e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new DeploymentException(Messages.getMessage(DeploymentErrorMsgs.ERROR_IN_LOADING_MESSAGE_RECEIVER, "IllegalAccessException", className), e); } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new DeploymentException(Messages.getMessage(DeploymentErrorMsgs.ERROR_IN_LOADING_MESSAGE_RECEIVER, "InstantiationException", className), e); } return receiver; } /** * Processes the message builders specified in axis2.xml or services.xml. * * @param messageBuildersElement */ protected HashMap processMessageBuilders(OMElement messageBuildersElement) throws DeploymentException { HashMap builderSelector = new HashMap(); Iterator msgBuilders = messageBuildersElement.getChildrenWithName(new QName(TAG_MESSAGE_BUILDER)); while (msgBuilders.hasNext()) { OMElement msgBuilderElement = (OMElement); OMAttribute builderName = msgBuilderElement.getAttribute(new QName(TAG_CLASS_NAME)); String className = builderName.getAttributeValue(); Class builderClass = null; Builder builderObject; try { builderClass = findAndValidateSelectorClass(className, DeploymentErrorMsgs.ERROR_LOADING_MESSAGE_BUILDER); builderObject = (Builder) builderClass.newInstance(); } catch (PrivilegedActionException e) { throw (DeploymentException) e.getException(); } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new DeploymentException( "Cannot instantiate the specified Builder Class : " + builderClass.getName() + ".", e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new DeploymentException( "Cannot instantiate the specified Builder Class : " + builderClass.getName() + ".", e); } OMAttribute contentTypeAtt = msgBuilderElement.getAttribute(new QName(TAG_CONTENT_TYPE)); builderSelector.put(contentTypeAtt.getAttributeValue(), builderObject); } return builderSelector; } /** * Processes the message builders specified in axis2.xml or services.xml. */ protected HashMap processMessageFormatters(OMElement messageFormattersElement) throws DeploymentException { HashMap messageFormatters = new HashMap(); Iterator msgFormatters = messageFormattersElement.getChildrenWithName(new QName(TAG_MESSAGE_FORMATTER)); while (msgFormatters.hasNext()) { OMElement msgFormatterElement = (OMElement); OMElement tempMsgFormatter = msgFormatterElement; OMAttribute formatterName = tempMsgFormatter.getAttribute(new QName(TAG_CLASS_NAME)); String className = formatterName.getAttributeValue(); MessageFormatter formatterObject; Class formatterClass = null; try { formatterClass = findAndValidateSelectorClass(className, DeploymentErrorMsgs.ERROR_LOADING_MESSAGE_FORMATTER); formatterObject = (MessageFormatter) formatterClass.newInstance(); } catch (PrivilegedActionException e) { throw (DeploymentException) e.getException(); } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new DeploymentException( "Cannot instantiate the specified Formatter Class : " + formatterClass.getName() + ".", e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new DeploymentException( "Cannot instantiate the specified Formatter Class : " + formatterClass.getName() + ".", e); } OMAttribute contentTypeAtt = msgFormatterElement.getAttribute(new QName(TAG_CONTENT_TYPE)); messageFormatters.put(contentTypeAtt.getAttributeValue(), formatterObject); } return messageFormatters; } protected Class findAndValidateSelectorClass(final String className, final String errorMsg) throws PrivilegedActionException { return (Class) .doPrivileged(new PrivilegedExceptionAction() { public Object run() throws org.apache.axis2.deployment.DeploymentException { Class selectorClass; try { if ((className != null) && !"".equals(className)) { selectorClass = Loader.loadClass(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(), className); } else { throw new DeploymentException( Messages.getMessage(errorMsg, "Invalid Class Name", className)); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new DeploymentException( Messages.getMessage(errorMsg, "ClassNotFoundException", className), e); } return selectorClass; } }); } /** * Processes flow elements in services.xml . * * @param flowelement <code>OMElement</code> * @return Returns Flow. * @throws DeploymentException <code>DeploymentException</code> */ protected Flow processFlow(OMElement flowelement, ParameterInclude parent) throws DeploymentException { Flow flow = new Flow(); if (flowelement == null) { return flow; } Iterator handlers = flowelement.getChildrenWithName(new QName(TAG_HANDLER)); while (handlers.hasNext()) { OMElement handlerElement = (OMElement); flow.addHandler(processHandler(handlerElement, parent)); } return flow; } protected String[] processSupportedPolicyNamespaces(OMElement supportedPolicyElements) { OMAttribute namespaces = supportedPolicyElements.getAttribute(new QName(TAG_NAMESPACES)); if (namespaces != null) { String value = namespaces.getAttributeValue(); if (value.trim().length() != 0) { return value.split(" "); } } return null; } protected QName[] getLocalPolicyAssertionNames(OMElement localPolicyAssertionsElement) { Iterator iterator = localPolicyAssertionsElement.getChildElements(); if (!iterator.hasNext()) { return null; } ArrayList qnames = new ArrayList(); OMElement childElement; for (; iterator.hasNext();) { childElement = (OMElement); qnames.add(childElement.getQName()); } QName[] buffer = new QName[qnames.size()]; System.arraycopy(qnames.toArray(), 0, buffer, 0, qnames.size()); return buffer; } protected HandlerDescription processHandler(OMElement handler_element, ParameterInclude parent) throws DeploymentException { return processHandler(handler_element, parent, null); } /** * Processes Handler element. * * @param handler_element <code>OMElement</code> * @return Returns HandlerDescription. * @throws DeploymentException <code>DeploymentException</code> */ protected HandlerDescription processHandler(OMElement handler_element, ParameterInclude parent, String containingPhase) throws DeploymentException { // Setting handler name OMAttribute name_attribute = handler_element.getAttribute(new QName(ATTRIBUTE_NAME)); if (name_attribute == null || name_attribute.getAttributeValue().equals("")) { throw new DeploymentException( Messages.getMessage(DeploymentErrorMsgs.INVALID_HANDLER, "Unknown", "Name missing")); } HandlerDescription handler = new HandlerDescription(name_attribute.getAttributeValue()); // Setting handler class name OMAttribute class_attribute = handler_element.getAttribute(new QName(TAG_CLASS_NAME)); if (class_attribute == null) { throw new DeploymentException((Messages.getMessage(DeploymentErrorMsgs.INVALID_HANDLER, name_attribute.getAttributeValue(), "class name is missing"))); } else { handler.setClassName(class_attribute.getAttributeValue()); } // processing phase rules (order) OMElement order_element = handler_element.getFirstChildWithName(new QName(TAG_ORDER)); PhaseRule rules = handler.getRules(); if (order_element == null) { if (containingPhase == null) { // TODO : Include more information (which handler?) in message! throw new DeploymentException((Messages.getMessage(DeploymentErrorMsgs.INVALID_HANDLER, name_attribute.getAttributeValue(), "phase rule has not been specified"))); } rules.setPhaseName(containingPhase); } else { Iterator order_itr = order_element.getAllAttributes(); while (order_itr.hasNext()) { OMAttribute orderAttribute = (OMAttribute); String name = orderAttribute.getQName().getLocalPart(); String value = orderAttribute.getAttributeValue(); if (TAG_AFTER.equals(name)) { rules.setAfter(value); } else if (TAG_BEFORE.equals(name)) { rules.setBefore(value); } else if (TAG_PHASE.equals(name)) { rules.setPhaseName(value); } else if (TAG_PHASE_FIRST.equals(name)) { String boolval = getValue(value); if (boolval.equals(BOOLEAN_TRUE)) { rules.setPhaseFirst(true); } else if (boolval.equals(BOOLEAN_FALSE)) { rules.setPhaseFirst(false); } } else if (TAG_PHASE_LAST.equals(name)) { String boolval = getValue(value); if (boolval.equals(BOOLEAN_TRUE)) { rules.setPhaseLast(true); } else if (boolval.equals(BOOLEAN_FALSE)) { rules.setPhaseLast(false); } } } Iterator parameters = handler_element.getChildrenWithName(new QName(TAG_PARAMETER)); try { processParameters(parameters, handler, parent); } catch (AxisFault axisFault) { throw new DeploymentException(axisFault); } } handler.setParent(parent); return handler; } protected void processOperationModuleRefs(Iterator moduleRefs, AxisOperation operation) throws DeploymentException { // try { while (moduleRefs.hasNext()) { OMElement moduleref = (OMElement); OMAttribute moduleRefAttribute = moduleref.getAttribute(new QName(TAG_REFERENCE)); if (moduleRefAttribute != null) { String refName = moduleRefAttribute.getAttributeValue(); operation.addModule(refName); // if (axisConfig.getModule(refName) == null) { // throw new DeploymentException(Messages.getMessage( // DeploymentErrorMsgs.MODULE_NOT_FOUND, refName)); // } else { // operation.addModule(refName); // } } } // } catch (AxisFault axisFault) { // throw new DeploymentException(Messages.getMessage( // DeploymentErrorMsgs.MODULE_NOT_FOUND, axisFault // .getMessage()), axisFault); // } } /** * Gets the Parameter object from the OM. * * @param parameters <code>Parameter</code> * @param parameterInclude <code>ParameterInclude</code> * @param parent <code>ParameterInclude</code> */ protected void processParameters(Iterator parameters, ParameterInclude parameterInclude, ParameterInclude parent) throws DeploymentException { while (parameters.hasNext()) { // this is to check whether some one has locked the parmeter at the // top level OMElement parameterElement = (OMElement); Parameter parameter = new Parameter(); // setting parameterElement parameter.setParameterElement(parameterElement); // setting parameter Name OMAttribute paramName = parameterElement.getAttribute(new QName(ATTRIBUTE_NAME)); if (paramName == null) { throw new DeploymentException(Messages.getMessage(DeploymentErrorMsgs.BAD_PARAMETER_ARGUMENT, parameterElement.toString())); } parameter.setName(paramName.getAttributeValue()); // setting parameter Value (the child element of the parameter) OMElement paramValue = parameterElement.getFirstElement(); if (paramValue != null) { parameter.setValue(parameterElement); parameter.setParameterType(Parameter.OM_PARAMETER); } else { String paratextValue = parameterElement.getText(); parameter.setValue(paratextValue); parameter.setParameterType(Parameter.TEXT_PARAMETER); } // setting locking attribute OMAttribute paramLocked = parameterElement.getAttribute(new QName(ATTRIBUTE_LOCKED)); Parameter parentParam = null; if (parent != null) { parentParam = parent.getParameter(parameter.getName()); } if (paramLocked != null) { String lockedValue = paramLocked.getAttributeValue(); if (BOOLEAN_TRUE.equals(lockedValue)) { // if the parameter is locked at some level parameter value // replace by that if ((parent != null) && parent.isParameterLocked(parameter.getName())) { throw new DeploymentException( Messages.getMessage(DeploymentErrorMsgs.PARAMETER_LOCKED, parameter.getName())); } else { parameter.setLocked(true); } } else { parameter.setLocked(false); } } try { if (parent != null) { if ((parentParam == null) || !parent.isParameterLocked(parameter.getName())) { parameterInclude.addParameter(parameter); } } else { parameterInclude.addParameter(parameter); } } catch (AxisFault axisFault) { throw new DeploymentException(axisFault); } } } /** * Populate the AxisOperation with details from the actionMapping, * outputActionMapping and faultActionMapping elements from the operation * element. * * @param operation * @param op_descrip */ protected void processActionMappings(OMElement operation, AxisOperation op_descrip) { Iterator mappingIterator = operation.getChildrenWithName(new QName(Constants.ACTION_MAPPING)); ArrayList mappingList = new ArrayList(); while (mappingIterator.hasNext()) { OMElement mappingElement = (OMElement); String inputActionString = mappingElement.getText().trim(); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Input Action Mapping found: " + inputActionString); } if (!"".equals(inputActionString)) { mappingList.add(inputActionString); } else { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Zero length input action string found. Not added to mapping"); } } } op_descrip.setWsamappingList(mappingList); OMElement outputAction = operation.getFirstChildWithName(new QName(Constants.OUTPUT_ACTION_MAPPING)); if ((outputAction != null) && (outputAction.getText() != null)) { String outputActionString = outputAction.getText().trim(); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Output Action Mapping found: " + outputActionString); } op_descrip.setOutputAction(outputActionString); } Iterator faultActionsIterator = operation.getChildrenWithName(new QName(Constants.FAULT_ACTION_MAPPING)); while (faultActionsIterator.hasNext()) { OMElement faultMappingElement = (OMElement); String faultActionString = faultMappingElement.getText().trim(); String faultActionName = faultMappingElement.getAttributeValue(new QName(Constants.FAULT_ACTION_NAME)); if (faultActionName != null && faultActionString != null) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Fault Action Mapping found: " + faultActionName + ", " + faultActionString); } op_descrip.addFaultAction(faultActionName, faultActionString); } } } protected void processPolicyElements(Iterator policyElements, PolicySubject policySubject) { while (policyElements.hasNext()) { Policy p = PolicyEngine.getPolicy((OMElement); policySubject.attachPolicy(p); } } protected void processPolicyRefElements(Iterator policyRefElements, PolicySubject policySubject) { while (policyRefElements.hasNext()) { PolicyReference policyReference = PolicyEngine.getPolicyReference((OMElement); policySubject.attachPolicyReference(policyReference); } } /** * Gets the short file name. Short file name is the name before the dot. * * @param fileName * @return Returns String. */ public static String getShortFileName(String fileName) { char seperator = SEPARATOR_DOT; String value; int index = fileName.lastIndexOf(seperator); if (index > 0) { value = fileName.substring(0, index); return value; } return fileName; } /** * Gets the value of an attribute. eg xsd:anyVal --> anyVal * * @return Returns String. */ protected String getValue(String in) { char seperator = SEPARATOR_COLON; String value; int index = in.indexOf(seperator); if (index > 0) { value = in.substring(index + 1, in.length()); return value; } return in; } }