Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2001-2004 The Apache Software Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.util.Properties; import javax.naming.Context; import javax.naming.InitialContext; import org.apache.axis.AxisFault; import org.apache.axis.Constants; import org.apache.axis.Handler; import org.apache.axis.MessageContext; import org.apache.axis.components.logger.LogFactory; import org.apache.axis.handlers.soap.SOAPService; import org.apache.axis.utils.ClassUtils; import org.apache.axis.utils.Messages; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; /** * A basic EJB Provider * * @author Carl Woolf ( * @author Tom Jordahl ( * @author C?dric Chabanois ( */ public class EJBProvider extends RPCProvider { protected static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(EJBProvider.class.getName()); // The enterprise category is for stuff that an enterprise product might // want to track, but in a simple environment (like the AXIS build) would // be nothing more than a nuisance. protected static Log entLog = LogFactory.getLog(Constants.ENTERPRISE_LOG_CATEGORY); public static final String OPTION_BEANNAME = "beanJndiName"; public static final String OPTION_HOMEINTERFACENAME = "homeInterfaceName"; public static final String OPTION_REMOTEINTERFACENAME = "remoteInterfaceName"; public static final String OPTION_LOCALHOMEINTERFACENAME = "localHomeInterfaceName"; public static final String OPTION_LOCALINTERFACENAME = "localInterfaceName"; public static final String jndiContextClass = "jndiContextClass"; public static final String jndiURL = "jndiURL"; public static final String jndiUsername = "jndiUser"; public static final String jndiPassword = "jndiPassword"; protected static final Class[] empty_class_array = new Class[0]; protected static final Object[] empty_object_array = new Object[0]; private static InitialContext cached_context = null; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////// Default methods from JavaProvider ancestor, overridden /////// for ejbeans /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Return a object which implements the service. * * @param msgContext the message context * @param clsName The JNDI name of the EJB home class * @return an object that implements the service */ protected Object makeNewServiceObject(MessageContext msgContext, String clsName) throws Exception { String remoteHomeName = getStrOption(OPTION_HOMEINTERFACENAME, msgContext.getService()); String localHomeName = getStrOption(OPTION_LOCALHOMEINTERFACENAME, msgContext.getService()); String homeName = (remoteHomeName != null ? remoteHomeName : localHomeName); if (homeName == null) { // cannot find both remote home and local home throw new AxisFault( Messages.getMessage("noOption00", OPTION_HOMEINTERFACENAME, msgContext.getTargetService())); } // Load the Home class name given in the config file Class homeClass = ClassUtils.forName(homeName, true, msgContext.getClassLoader()); // we create either the ejb using either the RemoteHome or LocalHome object if (remoteHomeName != null) return createRemoteEJB(msgContext, clsName, homeClass); else return createLocalEJB(msgContext, clsName, homeClass); } /** * Create an EJB using a remote home object * * @param msgContext the message context * @param beanJndiName The JNDI name of the EJB remote home class * @param homeClass the class of the home interface * @return an EJB */ private Object createRemoteEJB(MessageContext msgContext, String beanJndiName, Class homeClass) throws Exception { // Get the EJB Home object from JNDI Object ejbHome = getEJBHome(msgContext.getService(), msgContext, beanJndiName); Object ehome = javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject.narrow(ejbHome, homeClass); // Invoke the create method of the ejbHome class without actually // touching any EJB classes (i.e. no cast to EJBHome) Method createMethod = homeClass.getMethod("create", empty_class_array); Object result = createMethod.invoke(ehome, empty_object_array); return result; } /** * Create an EJB using a local home object * * @param msgContext the message context * @param beanJndiName The JNDI name of the EJB local home class * @param homeClass the class of the home interface * @return an EJB */ private Object createLocalEJB(MessageContext msgContext, String beanJndiName, Class homeClass) throws Exception { // Get the EJB Home object from JNDI Object ejbHome = getEJBHome(msgContext.getService(), msgContext, beanJndiName); // the home object is a local home object Object ehome; if (homeClass.isInstance(ejbHome)) ehome = ejbHome; else throw new ClassCastException(Messages.getMessage("badEjbHomeType")); // Invoke the create method of the ejbHome class without actually // touching any EJB classes (i.e. no cast to EJBLocalHome) Method createMethod = homeClass.getMethod("create", empty_class_array); Object result = createMethod.invoke(ehome, empty_object_array); return result; } /** * Tells if the ejb that will be used to handle this service is a remote * one */ private boolean isRemoteEjb(SOAPService service) { return getStrOption(OPTION_HOMEINTERFACENAME, service) != null; } /** * Tells if the ejb that will be used to handle this service is a local * one */ private boolean isLocalEjb(SOAPService service) { return (!isRemoteEjb(service)) && (getStrOption(OPTION_LOCALHOMEINTERFACENAME, service) != null); } /** * Return the option in the configuration that contains the service class * name. In the EJB case, it is the JNDI name of the bean. */ protected String getServiceClassNameOptionName() { return OPTION_BEANNAME; } /** * Get a String option by looking first in the service options, * and then at the Handler's options. This allows defaults to be * specified at the provider level, and then overriden for particular * services. * * @param optionName the option to retrieve * @return String the value of the option or null if not found in * either scope */ protected String getStrOption(String optionName, Handler service) { String value = null; if (service != null) value = (String) service.getOption(optionName); if (value == null) value = (String) getOption(optionName); return value; } /** * Get the remote interface of an ejb from its home class. * This function can only be used for remote ejbs * * @param beanJndiName the jndi name of the ejb * @param service the soap service * @param msgContext the message context (can be null) */ private Class getRemoteInterfaceClassFromHome(String beanJndiName, SOAPService service, MessageContext msgContext) throws Exception { // Get the EJB Home object from JNDI Object ejbHome = getEJBHome(service, msgContext, beanJndiName); String homeName = getStrOption(OPTION_HOMEINTERFACENAME, service); if (homeName == null) throw new AxisFault(Messages.getMessage("noOption00", OPTION_HOMEINTERFACENAME, service.getName())); // Load the Home class name given in the config file ClassLoader cl = (msgContext != null) ? msgContext.getClassLoader() : Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); Class homeClass = ClassUtils.forName(homeName, true, cl); // Make sure the object we got back from JNDI is the same type // as the what is specified in the config file Object ehome = javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject.narrow(ejbHome, homeClass); // This code requires the use of ejb.jar, so we do the stuff below // EJBHome ejbHome = (EJBHome) ehome; // EJBMetaData meta = ejbHome.getEJBMetaData(); // Class interfaceClass = meta.getRemoteInterfaceClass(); // Invoke the getEJBMetaData method of the ejbHome class without // actually touching any EJB classes (i.e. no cast to EJBHome) Method getEJBMetaData = homeClass.getMethod("getEJBMetaData", empty_class_array); Object metaData = getEJBMetaData.invoke(ehome, empty_object_array); Method getRemoteInterfaceClass = metaData.getClass().getMethod("getRemoteInterfaceClass", empty_class_array); return (Class) getRemoteInterfaceClass.invoke(metaData, empty_object_array); } /** * Get the class description for the EJB Remote or Local Interface, * which is what we are interested in exposing to the world (i.e. in WSDL). * * @param msgContext the message context (can be null) * @param beanJndiName the JNDI name of the EJB * @return the class info of the EJB remote or local interface */ protected Class getServiceClass(String beanJndiName, SOAPService service, MessageContext msgContext) throws AxisFault { Class interfaceClass = null; try { // First try to get the interface class from the configuation // Note that we don't verify that remote remoteInterfaceName is used for // remote ejb and localInterfaceName for local ejb. Should we ? String remoteInterfaceName = getStrOption(OPTION_REMOTEINTERFACENAME, service); String localInterfaceName = getStrOption(OPTION_LOCALINTERFACENAME, service); String interfaceName = (remoteInterfaceName != null ? remoteInterfaceName : localInterfaceName); if (interfaceName != null) { ClassLoader cl = (msgContext != null) ? msgContext.getClassLoader() : Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); interfaceClass = ClassUtils.forName(interfaceName, true, cl); } else { // cannot get the interface name from the configuration, we get // it from the EJB Home (if remote) if (isRemoteEjb(service)) { interfaceClass = getRemoteInterfaceClassFromHome(beanJndiName, service, msgContext); } else if (isLocalEjb(service)) { // we cannot get the local interface from the local ejb home // localInterfaceName is mandatory for local ejbs throw new AxisFault( Messages.getMessage("noOption00", OPTION_LOCALINTERFACENAME, service.getName())); } else { // neither a local ejb or a remote one ... throw new AxisFault( Messages.getMessage("noOption00", OPTION_HOMEINTERFACENAME, service.getName())); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw AxisFault.makeFault(e); } // got it, return it return interfaceClass; } /** * Common routine to do the JNDI lookup on the Home interface object * username and password for jndi lookup are got from the configuration or from * the messageContext if not found in the configuration */ private Object getEJBHome(SOAPService serviceHandler, MessageContext msgContext, String beanJndiName) throws AxisFault { Object ejbHome = null; // Set up an InitialContext and use it get the beanJndiName from JNDI try { Properties properties = null; // collect all the properties we need to access JNDI: // username, password, factoryclass, contextUrl // username String username = getStrOption(jndiUsername, serviceHandler); if ((username == null) && (msgContext != null)) username = msgContext.getUsername(); if (username != null) { if (properties == null) properties = new Properties(); properties.setProperty(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, username); } // password String password = getStrOption(jndiPassword, serviceHandler); if ((password == null) && (msgContext != null)) password = msgContext.getPassword(); if (password != null) { if (properties == null) properties = new Properties(); properties.setProperty(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, password); } // factory class String factoryClass = getStrOption(jndiContextClass, serviceHandler); if (factoryClass != null) { if (properties == null) properties = new Properties(); properties.setProperty(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, factoryClass); } // contextUrl String contextUrl = getStrOption(jndiURL, serviceHandler); if (contextUrl != null) { if (properties == null) properties = new Properties(); properties.setProperty(Context.PROVIDER_URL, contextUrl); } // get context using these properties InitialContext context = getContext(properties); // if we didn't get a context, fail if (context == null) throw new AxisFault(Messages.getMessage("cannotCreateInitialContext00")); ejbHome = getEJBHome(context, beanJndiName); if (ejbHome == null) throw new AxisFault(Messages.getMessage("cannotFindJNDIHome00", beanJndiName)); } // Should probably catch javax.naming.NameNotFoundException here catch (Exception exception) {"toAxisFault00"), exception); throw AxisFault.makeFault(exception); } return ejbHome; } protected InitialContext getCachedContext() throws javax.naming.NamingException { if (cached_context == null) cached_context = new InitialContext(); return cached_context; } protected InitialContext getContext(Properties properties) throws AxisFault, javax.naming.NamingException { // if we got any stuff from the configuration file // create a new context using these properties // otherwise, we get a default context and cache it for next time return ((properties == null) ? getCachedContext() : new InitialContext(properties)); } protected Object getEJBHome(InitialContext context, String beanJndiName) throws AxisFault, javax.naming.NamingException { // Do the JNDI lookup return context.lookup(beanJndiName); } /** * Override the default implementation such that we can include * special handling for {@link java.rmi.ServerException}. * <p/> * Converts {@link java.rmi.ServerException} exceptions to * {@link InvocationTargetException} exceptions with the same cause. * This allows the axis framework to create a SOAP fault. * </p> * * @see, java.lang.reflect.Method, java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[]) */ protected Object invokeMethod(MessageContext msgContext, Method method, Object obj, Object[] argValues) throws Exception { try { return super.invokeMethod(msgContext, method, obj, argValues); } catch (InvocationTargetException ite) { Throwable cause = getCause(ite); if (cause instanceof java.rmi.ServerException) { throw new InvocationTargetException(getCause(cause)); } throw ite; } } /** * Get the cause of an exception, using reflection so that * it still works under JDK 1.3 * * @param original the original exception * @return the cause of the exception, or the given exception if the cause cannot be discovered. */ private Throwable getCause(Throwable original) { try { Method method = original.getClass().getMethod("getCause", null); Throwable cause = (Throwable) method.invoke(original, null); if (cause != null) { return cause; } } catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme) { // ignore, this occurs under JDK 1.3 } catch (Throwable t) { } return original; } }