Java tutorial
/** * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.aurora.common.zookeeper; import; import; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArraySet; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.aurora.common.base.Command; import; import org.apache.aurora.common.quantity.Amount; import org.apache.aurora.common.quantity.Time; import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException; import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException.SessionExpiredException; import org.apache.zookeeper.WatchedEvent; import org.apache.zookeeper.Watcher; import org.apache.zookeeper.Watcher.Event.EventType; import org.apache.zookeeper.Watcher.Event.KeeperState; import org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper; import org.apache.zookeeper.common.PathUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Manages a connection to a ZooKeeper cluster. */ public class ZooKeeperClient { /** * Indicates an error connecting to a zookeeper cluster. */ public class ZooKeeperConnectionException extends Exception { ZooKeeperConnectionException(String message, Throwable cause) { super(message, cause); } } private final class SessionState { private final long sessionId; private final byte[] sessionPasswd; private SessionState(long sessionId, byte[] sessionPasswd) { this.sessionId = sessionId; this.sessionPasswd = sessionPasswd; } } private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ZooKeeperClient.class); private static final Amount<Long, Time> WAIT_FOREVER = Amount.of(0L, Time.MILLISECONDS); private final int sessionTimeoutMs; private final Optional<Credentials> credentials; private final String zooKeeperServers; // GuardedBy "this", but still volatile for tests, where we want to be able to see writes // made from within long synchronized blocks. private volatile ZooKeeper zooKeeper; private SessionState sessionState; private final Set<Watcher> watchers = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<Watcher>(); private final BlockingQueue<WatchedEvent> eventQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<WatchedEvent>(); private static Iterable<InetSocketAddress> combine(InetSocketAddress address, InetSocketAddress... addresses) { return ImmutableSet.<InetSocketAddress>builder().add(address).add(addresses).build(); } /** * Creates an unconnected client that will lazily attempt to connect on the first call to * {@link #get()}. * * @param sessionTimeout the ZK session timeout * @param zooKeeperServer the first, required ZK server * @param zooKeeperServers any additional servers forming the ZK cluster */ public ZooKeeperClient(Amount<Integer, Time> sessionTimeout, InetSocketAddress zooKeeperServer, InetSocketAddress... zooKeeperServers) { this(sessionTimeout, combine(zooKeeperServer, zooKeeperServers)); } /** * Creates an unconnected client that will lazily attempt to connect on the first call to * {@link #get}. * * @param sessionTimeout the ZK session timeout * @param zooKeeperServers the set of servers forming the ZK cluster */ public ZooKeeperClient(Amount<Integer, Time> sessionTimeout, Iterable<InetSocketAddress> zooKeeperServers) { this(sessionTimeout, Optional.absent(), Optional.absent(), zooKeeperServers); } /** * Creates an unconnected client that will lazily attempt to connect on the first call to * {@link #get()}. All successful connections will be authenticated with the given * {@code credentials}. * * @param sessionTimeout the ZK session timeout * @param credentials the credentials to authenticate with * @param zooKeeperServer the first, required ZK server * @param zooKeeperServers any additional servers forming the ZK cluster */ public ZooKeeperClient(Amount<Integer, Time> sessionTimeout, Credentials credentials, InetSocketAddress zooKeeperServer, InetSocketAddress... zooKeeperServers) { this(sessionTimeout, Optional.of(credentials), Optional.absent(), combine(zooKeeperServer, zooKeeperServers)); } /** * Creates an unconnected client that will lazily attempt to connect on the first call to * {@link #get}. All successful connections will be authenticated with the given * {@code credentials}. * * @param sessionTimeout the ZK session timeout * @param credentials the credentials to authenticate with * @param zooKeeperServers the set of servers forming the ZK cluster */ public ZooKeeperClient(Amount<Integer, Time> sessionTimeout, Credentials credentials, Iterable<InetSocketAddress> zooKeeperServers) { this(sessionTimeout, Optional.of(credentials), Optional.absent(), zooKeeperServers); } /** * Creates an unconnected client that will lazily attempt to connect on the first call to * {@link #get}. All successful connections will be authenticated with the given * {@code credentials}. * * @param sessionTimeout the ZK session timeout * @param credentials the credentials to authenticate with * @param chrootPath an optional chroot path * @param zooKeeperServers the set of servers forming the ZK cluster */ public ZooKeeperClient(Amount<Integer, Time> sessionTimeout, Optional<Credentials> credentials, Optional<String> chrootPath, Iterable<InetSocketAddress> zooKeeperServers) { this.sessionTimeoutMs = Preconditions.checkNotNull(sessionTimeout).as(Time.MILLISECONDS); this.credentials = Preconditions.checkNotNull(credentials); if (chrootPath.isPresent()) { PathUtils.validatePath(chrootPath.get()); } Preconditions.checkNotNull(zooKeeperServers); Preconditions.checkArgument(!Iterables.isEmpty(zooKeeperServers), "Must present at least 1 ZK server"); Thread watcherProcessor = new Thread("ZookeeperClient-watcherProcessor") { @Override public void run() { while (true) { try { WatchedEvent event = eventQueue.take(); for (Watcher watcher : watchers) { watcher.process(event); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { /* ignore */ } } } }; watcherProcessor.setDaemon(true); watcherProcessor.start(); Iterable<String> servers = Iterables.transform(ImmutableSet.copyOf(zooKeeperServers), InetSocketAddressHelper::toString); this.zooKeeperServers = Joiner.on(',').join(servers).concat(chrootPath.or("")); } /** * Returns the current active ZK connection or establishes a new one if none has yet been * established or a previous connection was disconnected or had its session time out. This method * will attempt to re-use sessions when possible. Equivalent to: * <pre>get(Amount.of(0L, ...)</pre>. * * @return a connected ZooKeeper client * @throws ZooKeeperConnectionException if there was a problem connecting to the ZK cluster * @throws InterruptedException if interrupted while waiting for a connection to be established */ public synchronized ZooKeeper get() throws ZooKeeperConnectionException, InterruptedException { try { return get(WAIT_FOREVER); } catch (TimeoutException e) { InterruptedException interruptedException = new InterruptedException( "Got an unexpected TimeoutException for 0 wait"); interruptedException.initCause(e); throw interruptedException; } } /** * Returns the current active ZK connection or establishes a new one if none has yet been * established or a previous connection was disconnected or had its session time out. This * method will attempt to re-use sessions when possible. * * @param connectionTimeout the maximum amount of time to wait for the connection to the ZK * cluster to be established; 0 to wait forever * @return a connected ZooKeeper client * @throws ZooKeeperConnectionException if there was a problem connecting to the ZK cluster * @throws InterruptedException if interrupted while waiting for a connection to be established * @throws TimeoutException if a connection could not be established within the configured * session timeout */ public synchronized ZooKeeper get(Amount<Long, Time> connectionTimeout) throws ZooKeeperConnectionException, InterruptedException, TimeoutException { if (zooKeeper == null) { final CountDownLatch connected = new CountDownLatch(1); Watcher watcher = event -> { switch (event.getType()) { // Guard the None type since this watch may be used as the default watch on calls by // the client outside our control. case None: switch (event.getState()) { case Expired:"Zookeeper session expired. Event: " + event); close(); break; case SyncConnected: connected.countDown(); break; } } eventQueue.offer(event); }; try { zooKeeper = (sessionState != null) ? new ZooKeeper(zooKeeperServers, sessionTimeoutMs, watcher, sessionState.sessionId, sessionState.sessionPasswd) : new ZooKeeper(zooKeeperServers, sessionTimeoutMs, watcher); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ZooKeeperConnectionException("Problem connecting to servers: " + zooKeeperServers, e); } if (connectionTimeout.getValue() > 0) { if (!connected.await(, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) { close(); throw new TimeoutException("Timed out waiting for a ZK connection after " + connectionTimeout); } } else { try { connected.await(); } catch (InterruptedException ex) {"Interrupted while waiting to connect to zooKeeper"); close(); throw ex; } } if (credentials.isPresent()) { Credentials zkCredentials = credentials.get(); zooKeeper.addAuthInfo(zkCredentials.scheme(), zkCredentials.authToken()); } sessionState = new SessionState(zooKeeper.getSessionId(), zooKeeper.getSessionPasswd()); } return zooKeeper; } /** * Clients that need to re-establish state after session expiration can register an * {@code onExpired} command to execute. * * @param onExpired the {@code Command} to register * @return the new {@link Watcher} which can later be passed to {@link #unregister} for * removal. */ public Watcher registerExpirationHandler(final Command onExpired) { Watcher watcher = event -> { if (event.getType() == EventType.None && event.getState() == KeeperState.Expired) { onExpired.execute(); } }; register(watcher); return watcher; } /** * Clients that need to register a top-level {@code Watcher} should do so using this method. The * registered {@code watcher} will remain registered across re-connects and session expiration * events. * * @param watcher the {@code Watcher to register} */ public void register(Watcher watcher) { watchers.add(watcher); } /** * Clients can attempt to unregister a top-level {@code Watcher} that has previously been * registered. * * @param watcher the {@code Watcher} to unregister as a top-level, persistent watch * @return whether the given {@code Watcher} was found and removed from the active set */ public boolean unregister(Watcher watcher) { return watchers.remove(watcher); } /** * Checks to see if the client might reasonably re-try an operation given the exception thrown * while attempting it. If the ZooKeeper session should be expired to enable the re-try to * succeed this method will expire it as a side-effect. * * @param e the exception to test * @return true if a retry can be attempted */ public boolean shouldRetry(KeeperException e) { if (e instanceof SessionExpiredException) { close(); } return ZooKeeperUtils.isRetryable(e); } /** * Closes the current connection if any expiring the current ZooKeeper session. Any subsequent * calls to this method will no-op until the next successful {@link #get}. */ public synchronized void close() { if (zooKeeper != null) { try { zooKeeper.close(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); LOG.warn("Interrupted trying to close zooKeeper"); } finally { zooKeeper = null; sessionState = null; } } } @VisibleForTesting synchronized boolean isClosed() { return zooKeeper == null; } @VisibleForTesting ZooKeeper getZooKeeperClientForTests() { return zooKeeper; } }