Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.asterix.extension.grammar; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.apache.asterix.external.input.record.CharArrayRecord; import org.apache.asterix.external.util.ExternalDataConstants; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.common.utils.Pair; import org.apache.maven.plugin.AbstractMojo; import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException; import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Mojo; import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Parameter; /** * a Mojo for creating a grammar extension */ @Mojo(name = "grammarix") public class GrammarExtensionMojo extends AbstractMojo { private static final String PARSER_BEGIN = "PARSER_BEGIN"; private static final String PARSER_END = "PARSER_END"; private static final char OPEN_BRACE = '{'; private static final char CLOSE_BRACE = '}'; private static final char OPEN_ANGULAR = '<'; private static final char CLOSE_ANGULAR = '>'; private static final char OPEN_PAREN = '('; private static final char CLOSE_PAREN = ')'; private static final char SEMICOLON = ';'; private static final List<Character> SIG_SPECIAL_CHARS = Arrays .asList(new Character[] { '(', ')', ':', '<', '>', ';', '.' }); private static final String KWCLASS = "class"; private static final String KWIMPORT = "import"; private static final String KWUNIMPORT = "unimport"; private static final String KWPACKAGE = "package"; private static final String NEWPRODUCTION = "@new"; private static final String MERGEPRODUCTION = "@merge"; private static final String OVERRIDEPRODUCTION = "@override"; private static final String BEFORE = "before:"; private static final String AFTER = "after:"; private static final String REPLACE = "replace"; private static final String WITH = "with"; private static final List<String> KEYWORDS = Arrays .asList(new String[] { KWCLASS, KWIMPORT, KWPACKAGE, PARSER_BEGIN, PARSER_END }); private static final List<String> EXTENSIONKEYWORDS = Arrays .asList(new String[] { KWIMPORT, KWUNIMPORT, NEWPRODUCTION, OVERRIDEPRODUCTION, MERGEPRODUCTION }); private static final String REGEX_WS_DOT_SEMICOLON = "\\s|[.]|[;]"; private static final String REGEX_WS_PAREN = "\\s|[(]|[)]"; private static final String OPTIONS = "options"; private CharArrayRecord record = new CharArrayRecord(); private Position position = new Position(); private Map<String, Pair<String, String>> extensibles = new HashMap<>(); private Map<String, String[]> mergeElements = new HashMap<>(); private List<Pair<String, String>> baseFinals = new ArrayList<>(); private List<Pair<String, String>> extensionFinals = new ArrayList<>(); private List<List<String>> imports = new ArrayList<>(); private String baseClassName; private String baseClassDef; private String optionsBlock; private boolean read = false; private boolean shouldReplace = false; private String oldWord = null; private String newWord = null; @Parameter(property = "grammarix.base") private String base; @Parameter(property = "grammarix.gbase") private String gbase; @Parameter(property = "grammarix.gextension") private String gextension; @Parameter(property = "grammarix.output") private String output; @Parameter(property = "grammarix.packageName") private String packageName; @Parameter(property = "grammarix.parserClassName") private String parserClassName; private String lastIdentifier; @Override public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException { base = new File(base).getAbsolutePath(); getLog().info("Base dir: " + base); getLog().info("Grammar-base: " + gbase); getLog().info("Grammar-extension: " + gextension); processBase(); processExtension(); generateOutput(); } private void generateOutput() throws MojoExecutionException { File outputFile = prepareOutputFile(); try (BufferedWriter writer = Files.newBufferedWriter(outputFile.toPath(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) { // Options if (optionsBlock != null) { writer.write(OPTIONS); writer.write(optionsBlock); } writer.newLine(); // Parser Begin writer.write(PARSER_BEGIN); writer.write(OPEN_PAREN); writer.write(parserClassName); writer.write(CLOSE_PAREN); writer.newLine(); writer.newLine(); // Package writer.write(KWPACKAGE); writer.write(" "); writer.write(packageName); writer.write(SEMICOLON); writer.newLine(); writer.newLine(); // Imports List<String> importList = new ArrayList<>(); for (List<String> importTokens : imports) { importList.add(importToString(importTokens)); } Collections.sort(importList); for (String importStatement : importList) { writer.write(importStatement); writer.newLine(); } writer.newLine(); // Class definition writer.write(baseClassDef.replaceAll(baseClassName, parserClassName)); writer.newLine(); // Parser End writer.write(PARSER_END); writer.write(OPEN_PAREN); writer.write(parserClassName); writer.write(CLOSE_PAREN); writer.newLine(); writer.newLine(); // Extinsibles for (Entry<String, Pair<String, String>> entry : extensibles.entrySet()) { writer.newLine(); String signature = entry.getKey(); if (mergeElements.containsKey(signature)) { writer.write("// Merged Non-terminal"); writer.newLine(); } writer.write(extensibleSignatureToOutput(signature)); writer.newLine(); if (mergeElements.containsKey(signature)) { merge(writer, entry.getValue(), mergeElements.get(signature)); } else { writer.write(entry.getValue().first); writer.newLine(); if (entry.getValue().second != null) { writer.write(entry.getValue().second); writer.newLine(); } } } for (Pair<String, String> element : extensionFinals) { writer.write(toOutput(element.first)); writer.newLine(); writer.write(element.second); writer.newLine(); } for (Pair<String, String> element : baseFinals) { writer.write(toOutput(element.first)); writer.newLine(); writer.write(element.second); writer.newLine(); } } catch (Exception e) { getLog().error(e); throw new MojoExecutionException(e.getMessage(), e); } } private String extensibleSignatureToOutput(String signature) { StringBuilder aString = new StringBuilder(); String[] tokens = signature.split(" "); aString.append(tokens[0]); for (int i = 1; i < tokens.length; i++) { if (tokens[i - 1].charAt(tokens[i - 1].length() - 1) == CLOSE_PAREN || (!SIG_SPECIAL_CHARS.contains(tokens[i].charAt(0)) && !SIG_SPECIAL_CHARS.contains(tokens[i - 1].charAt(tokens[i - 1].length() - 1)))) { aString.append(" "); } aString.append(tokens[i]); } return aString.toString(); } private String toOutput(String signature) { if (signature.indexOf(OPEN_ANGULAR) == 0) { // a final StringBuilder aString = new StringBuilder(); aString.append(signature.substring(0, signature.indexOf(CLOSE_ANGULAR) + 1)); aString.append('\n'); aString.append(signature.substring(signature.indexOf(CLOSE_ANGULAR) + 1)); return aString.toString(); } else { return signature; } } private void merge(BufferedWriter writer, Pair<String, String> baseBlocks, String[] extensions) throws IOException, MojoExecutionException { String errorMessage = "Merged base node doesn't conform to expected mergable node structure"; int block1Open = baseBlocks.first.indexOf(OPEN_BRACE); int block1Close = baseBlocks.first.lastIndexOf(CLOSE_BRACE); // first block writer.write(OPEN_BRACE); if (extensions[0] != null) { writer.write(extensions[0]); } writer.write(baseBlocks.first.substring(block1Open + 1, block1Close)); if (extensions[1] != null) { writer.write(extensions[1]); } writer.write(CLOSE_BRACE); writer.newLine(); // second block writer.write(OPEN_BRACE); writer.newLine(); if (extensions[2] != null) { writer.write(extensions[2]); } String innerBlock2String = null; if (baseBlocks.second != null) { BufferedReader blockReader = stringToReader(baseBlocks.second); Position blockPosition = new Position(); blockPosition.index = 0; blockPosition.line = blockReader.readLine(); while (blockPosition.line != null && (blockPosition.line.trim().length() == 0 || blockPosition.line.indexOf(OPEN_BRACE) < 0)) { if (blockPosition.line.trim().length() > 0) { writer.write(blockPosition.line); writer.newLine(); } blockPosition.line = blockReader.readLine(); } if (blockPosition.line == null) { throw new MojoExecutionException(errorMessage); } int block2Open = blockPosition.line.indexOf(OPEN_BRACE); blockPosition.line = blockPosition.line.substring(block2Open + 1); while (blockPosition.line != null && (blockPosition.line.trim().length() == 0 || blockPosition.line.indexOf(OPEN_PAREN) < 0)) { if (blockPosition.line.trim().length() > 0) { writer.write(blockPosition.line); writer.newLine(); } blockPosition.line = blockReader.readLine(); } if (blockPosition.line == null) { throw new MojoExecutionException(errorMessage); } int innerBlock1Open = blockPosition.line.indexOf(OPEN_PAREN); writer.write(" "); writer.write(OPEN_PAREN); blockPosition.index = innerBlock1Open; readBlock(blockReader, OPEN_PAREN, CLOSE_PAREN, blockPosition); String innerBlock1String = record.toString(); writer.newLine(); writer.write(" "); writer.write(innerBlock1String.substring(innerBlock1String.indexOf(OPEN_PAREN) + 1, innerBlock1String.lastIndexOf(CLOSE_PAREN)).trim()); writer.newLine(); record.reset(); // read second inner block blockPosition.line = blockReader.readLine(); while (blockPosition.line != null && blockPosition.line.trim().length() == 0) { blockPosition.line = blockReader.readLine(); } int innerBlock2Open = blockPosition.line.indexOf(OPEN_BRACE); if (innerBlock2Open < 0) { throw new MojoExecutionException(errorMessage); } blockPosition.index = innerBlock2Open; readBlock(blockReader, OPEN_BRACE, CLOSE_BRACE, blockPosition); innerBlock2String = record.toString(); record.reset(); } if (extensions[3] != null) { writer.write(extensions[3]); } writer.newLine(); writer.write(" "); writer.write(CLOSE_PAREN); writer.newLine(); writer.write(" "); writer.write(OPEN_BRACE); if (extensions[4] != null) { writer.write(extensions[4]); } if (innerBlock2String != null) { writer.newLine(); writer.write(" "); writer.write(innerBlock2String.substring(innerBlock2String.indexOf(OPEN_BRACE) + 1, innerBlock2String.lastIndexOf(CLOSE_BRACE)).trim()); writer.newLine(); } if (extensions[5] != null) { writer.write(extensions[5]); } // Close inner second block writer.write(" "); writer.write(CLOSE_BRACE); writer.newLine(); // Close second block writer.write(CLOSE_BRACE); writer.newLine(); } class Position { String line; int index; } private void readBlock(BufferedReader reader, char start, char end) throws IOException, MojoExecutionException { readBlock(reader, start, end, position); } private void readBlock(BufferedReader reader, char start, char end, Position position) throws IOException, MojoExecutionException { record.reset(); char[] chars = position.line.toCharArray(); if (chars[position.index] != start) { throw new MojoExecutionException( "attempt to read a non terminal that doesn't start with a brace. @Line: " + position.line); } boolean prevCharEscape = false; boolean inString = false; boolean hasFinished = false; int depth = 0; int bufferPosn = position.index; int bufferLength = chars.length; do { int startPosn = bufferPosn; if (bufferPosn >= bufferLength) { startPosn = bufferPosn = 0; record.append("\n".toCharArray()); position.line = reader.readLine(); chars = position.line.toCharArray(); bufferLength = chars.length; } for (; bufferPosn < bufferLength; ++bufferPosn) { if (inString) { // we are in a string, we only care about the string end if (chars[bufferPosn] == ExternalDataConstants.QUOTE && !prevCharEscape) { inString = false; } if (prevCharEscape) { prevCharEscape = false; } else { prevCharEscape = chars[bufferPosn] == ExternalDataConstants.ESCAPE; } } else { if (chars[bufferPosn] == ExternalDataConstants.QUOTE) { inString = true; } else if (chars[bufferPosn] == start) { depth += 1; } else if (chars[bufferPosn] == end) { depth -= 1; if (depth == 0) { hasFinished = true; bufferPosn++; position.index = bufferPosn; break; } } } } int appendLength = bufferPosn - startPosn; if (appendLength > 0) { record.append(chars, startPosn, appendLength); } } while (!hasFinished); record.endRecord(); } private void processBase() throws MojoExecutionException { try (BufferedReader reader = Files.newBufferedReader(Paths.get(base, gbase), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) { StringBuilder identifier = new StringBuilder(); while ((position.line = reader.readLine()) != null) { if (position.line.trim().startsWith("//")) { // skip comments continue; } String[] tokens = position.line.split(REGEX_WS_PAREN); position.index = 0; int openBraceIndex = position.line.indexOf(OPEN_BRACE); int openAngularIndex = position.line.trim().indexOf(OPEN_ANGULAR); if (tokens.length > 0 && identifier.length() == 0 && KEYWORDS.contains(tokens[0])) { handleSpecialToken(tokens[0], reader); } else if (openBraceIndex >= 0 && openAngularIndex < 0) { String beforeBrace = position.line.substring(0, openBraceIndex); if (beforeBrace.trim().length() > 0) { identifier.append(beforeBrace); } else if (identifier.length() == 0) { identifier.append(lastIdentifier); } position.index = openBraceIndex; readBlock(reader, OPEN_BRACE, CLOSE_BRACE); // if next non-white space character is an open brace, then we need to append addExtensibleProduction(identifier); } else if (openAngularIndex == 0) { position.index = position.line.indexOf(OPEN_ANGULAR); readFinalProduction(identifier, reader); addFinalProduction(identifier, baseFinals); } else if (identifier.length() > 0 || position.line.trim().length() > 0) { identifier.append(position.line); identifier.append('\n'); } } } catch (Exception e) { getLog().error(e); throw new MojoExecutionException(e.getMessage(), e); } } private void handleSpecialToken(String token, BufferedReader reader) throws IOException, MojoExecutionException { switch (token) { case PARSER_BEGIN: // parser begin. duh! parserBegin(reader); break; case PARSER_END: // parser end parserEnd(reader); break; case KWCLASS: // class declaration handleClassDeclaration(reader); break; case KWPACKAGE: // package declaration skipPackageDeclaration(reader); break; case KWIMPORT: handleImport(reader); // import statement break; default: break; } } private void addFinalProduction(StringBuilder identifier, List<Pair<String, String>> finals) { String sig = toSignature(identifier.toString()); finals.add(new Pair<String, String>(sig, record.toString())); record.reset(); identifier.setLength(0); lastIdentifier = null; } private void handleImport(BufferedReader reader) throws IOException { // will not work on two imports on a single line ArrayList<String> importList = new ArrayList<>(); String[] tokens = position.line.split(REGEX_WS_DOT_SEMICOLON); importList.addAll(Arrays.asList(tokens)); while (position.line.indexOf(SEMICOLON) < 0) { position.line = reader.readLine(); tokens = position.line.split(REGEX_WS_DOT_SEMICOLON); importList.addAll(Arrays.asList(tokens)); } imports.add(importList); } private void handleUnImport(BufferedReader reader) throws IOException { ArrayList<String> importList = new ArrayList<>(); String[] tokens = position.line.split(REGEX_WS_DOT_SEMICOLON); importList.addAll(Arrays.asList(tokens)); while (position.line.indexOf(SEMICOLON) < 0) { position.line = reader.readLine(); tokens = position.line.split(REGEX_WS_DOT_SEMICOLON); importList.addAll(Arrays.asList(tokens)); } // remove from imports Iterator<List<String>> it = imports.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { List<String> anImport =; if (anImport.size() == importList.size()) { boolean equals = true; for (int i = 1; i < anImport.size(); i++) { if (!anImport.get(i).equals(importList.get(i))) { equals = false; break; } } if (equals) { it.remove(); } } } } private String importToString(List<String> importTokens) { return "import " + StringUtils.join(importTokens.subList(1, importTokens.size()), '.') + ";"; } private void skipPackageDeclaration(BufferedReader reader) throws IOException { while (position.line.indexOf(SEMICOLON) < 0) { position.line = reader.readLine(); } } private void handleClassDeclaration(BufferedReader reader) throws IOException, MojoExecutionException { StringBuilder parserDef = new StringBuilder(); int classPosition = position.line.indexOf(KWCLASS); int startIndex = position.line.indexOf(OPEN_BRACE, classPosition); if (startIndex < 0) { position.line = position.line.substring(classPosition).replace(baseClassName, parserClassName); while (startIndex < 0) { parserDef.append(position.line); parserDef.append('\n'); position.line = reader.readLine(); startIndex = position.line.indexOf(OPEN_BRACE); } parserDef.append(position.line, 0, startIndex); } else { parserDef.append(position.line, classPosition, startIndex); } position.index = startIndex; readBlock(reader, OPEN_BRACE, CLOSE_BRACE); String classBody = record.toString(); parserDef.append(classBody); parserDef.append('\n'); baseClassDef = parserDef.toString(); } private void parserEnd(BufferedReader reader) throws IOException { int endIndex = position.line.indexOf(CLOSE_PAREN, position.index); while (endIndex < 0) { position.line = reader.readLine(); endIndex = position.line.indexOf(CLOSE_PAREN); } position.index = endIndex; } private void parserBegin(BufferedReader reader) throws IOException { StringBuilder aStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); int startIndex = position.line.indexOf(OPEN_PAREN, position.index); while (startIndex < 0) { position.line = reader.readLine(); startIndex = position.line.indexOf(OPEN_PAREN); } int endIndex = position.line.indexOf(CLOSE_PAREN, startIndex); if (endIndex < 0) { // start and end on different lines position.line = position.line.substring(startIndex + 1); while (endIndex < 0) { aStringBuilder.append(position.line); position.line = reader.readLine(); endIndex = position.line.indexOf(CLOSE_PAREN); } aStringBuilder.append(position.line, 0, endIndex); } else { // start and end on the same line aStringBuilder.append(position.line.substring(startIndex + 1, endIndex)); } position.index = endIndex; baseClassName = aStringBuilder.toString().trim(); } private void readFinalProduction(StringBuilder identifier, BufferedReader reader) throws IOException, MojoExecutionException { int blockStart = position.line.indexOf(OPEN_BRACE); if (blockStart < 0) { position.line = position.line.substring(position.index); while (blockStart < 0) { identifier.append(position.line); identifier.append('\n'); position.line = reader.readLine(); blockStart = position.line.indexOf(OPEN_BRACE); } identifier.append(position.line.substring(0, blockStart)); } else { identifier.append(position.line.substring(position.index, blockStart)); } position.index = blockStart; readBlock(reader, OPEN_BRACE, CLOSE_BRACE); } private void addExtensibleProduction(StringBuilder identifier) { if (identifier.toString().trim().equals(OPTIONS)) { optionsBlock = record.toString(); } else { String sig = toSignature(identifier.toString()); Pair<String, String> pair = extensibles.get(sig); if (pair == null) { pair = new Pair<>(record.toString(), null); extensibles.put(sig, pair); } else { pair.second = record.toString(); } lastIdentifier = identifier.toString(); } record.reset(); identifier.setLength(0); } private void processExtension() throws MojoExecutionException { try (BufferedReader reader = Files.newBufferedReader(Paths.get(base, gextension), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) { StringBuilder identifier = new StringBuilder(); String nextOperation = OVERRIDEPRODUCTION; while (read || (position.line = reader.readLine()) != null) { read = false; if (position.line.trim().startsWith("//")) { // skip comments continue; } String[] tokens = position.line.split(REGEX_WS_PAREN); position.index = 0; int openBraceIndex = position.line.indexOf(OPEN_BRACE); int openAngularIndex = position.line.trim().indexOf(OPEN_ANGULAR); if (tokens.length > 0 && identifier.length() == 0 && EXTENSIONKEYWORDS.contains(tokens[0])) { switch (tokens[0]) { case KWIMPORT: handleImport(reader); break; case KWUNIMPORT: handleUnImport(reader); break; case NEWPRODUCTION: nextOperation = NEWPRODUCTION; break; case MERGEPRODUCTION: nextOperation = MERGEPRODUCTION; shouldReplace = shouldReplace(tokens); break; case OVERRIDEPRODUCTION: nextOperation = OVERRIDEPRODUCTION; break; default: break; } } else if (openBraceIndex >= 0 && openAngularIndex < 0) { String beforeBrace = position.line.substring(0, openBraceIndex); if (beforeBrace.trim().length() > 0) { identifier.append(beforeBrace); } else if (identifier.length() == 0) { identifier.append(lastIdentifier); } position.index = openBraceIndex; switch (nextOperation) { case NEWPRODUCTION: handleNew(identifier, reader); break; case OVERRIDEPRODUCTION: handleOverride(identifier, reader); break; case MERGEPRODUCTION: handleMerge(identifier, reader); break; default: throw new MojoExecutionException("Malformed extention file"); } nextOperation = NEWPRODUCTION; } else if (openAngularIndex == 0) { if (nextOperation != NEWPRODUCTION) { throw new MojoExecutionException("Can only add new REGEX production kind"); } position.index = position.line.indexOf(OPEN_ANGULAR); readFinalProduction(identifier, reader); addFinalProduction(identifier, extensionFinals); } else if (identifier.length() > 0 || position.line.trim().length() > 0) { identifier.append(position.line); identifier.append('\n'); } } } catch (Exception e) { getLog().error(e); throw new MojoExecutionException(e.getMessage(), e); } } private boolean shouldReplace(String[] tokens) throws MojoExecutionException { boolean replace = false; if (tokens.length == 5) { if (tokens[1].equals(REPLACE) && tokens[3].equals(WITH)) { shouldReplace = true; oldWord = tokens[2]; newWord = tokens[4]; } else { throw new MojoExecutionException("Allowed syntax after @merge: <REPLACE> oldWord <WITH> newWord"); } } return replace; } private void handleOverride(StringBuilder identifier, BufferedReader reader) throws MojoExecutionException, IOException { readBlock(reader, OPEN_BRACE, CLOSE_BRACE); Pair<String, String> pair = new Pair<>(record.toString(), null); String sig = toSignature(identifier.toString()); extensibles.put(sig, pair); record.reset(); identifier.setLength(0); // will read ahead of loop cycle read = true; position.index = 0; position.line = reader.readLine(); while (position.line != null && position.line.trim().length() == 0) { position.line = reader.readLine(); } int openBraceIndex = position.line.indexOf(OPEN_BRACE); if (openBraceIndex > -1) { // consume read = false; position.index = openBraceIndex; readBlock(reader, OPEN_BRACE, CLOSE_BRACE); pair.second = record.toString(); record.reset(); } } private void handleNew(StringBuilder identifier, BufferedReader reader) throws MojoExecutionException, IOException { String sig = toSignature(identifier.toString()); if (extensibles.containsKey(sig)) { throw new MojoExecutionException(identifier.toString() + " already exists in base grammar"); } handleOverride(identifier, reader); } private void handleMerge(StringBuilder identifier, BufferedReader reader) throws MojoExecutionException, IOException { String sig = toSignature(identifier.toString()); if (!extensibles.containsKey(sig)) { throw new MojoExecutionException(identifier.toString() + " doesn't exist in base grammar"); } else if (shouldReplace) { Pair<String, String> baseMethods = extensibles.get(sig); baseMethods.first = baseMethods.first.replaceAll(oldWord, newWord); baseMethods.second = baseMethods.second.replaceAll(oldWord, newWord); shouldReplace = false; } String[] amendments = new String[6]; mergeElements.put(sig, amendments); // we don't need the identifier anymore identifier.setLength(0); readBlock(reader, OPEN_BRACE, CLOSE_BRACE); String block = record.toString(); extractBeforeAndAfter(block, amendments, 0, 1); record.reset(); position.index = 0; position.line = reader.readLine(); while (position.line != null && position.line.trim().length() == 0) { position.line = reader.readLine(); } int openBraceIndex = position.line.indexOf(OPEN_BRACE); if (openBraceIndex > -1) { position.index = openBraceIndex; readBlock(reader, OPEN_BRACE, CLOSE_BRACE); } else { throw new MojoExecutionException("merge element doesn't have a second block"); } block = record.toString(); BufferedReader blockReader = stringToReader(block); String line = blockReader.readLine(); while (line != null && line.indexOf(OPEN_BRACE) < 0) { line = blockReader.readLine(); } if (line == null) { throw new MojoExecutionException("merge element doesn't have a correct second block"); } line = line.substring(line.indexOf(OPEN_BRACE) + 1); while (line != null && line.trim().length() == 0) { line = blockReader.readLine(); } if (line == null) { throw new MojoExecutionException("merge element doesn't have a correct second block"); } int openParenIndex = line.indexOf(OPEN_PAREN); if (openParenIndex < 0) { throw new MojoExecutionException("second block in merge element doesn't have a correct () block"); } Position blockPosition = new Position(); blockPosition.line = line; blockPosition.index = openParenIndex; readBlock(blockReader, OPEN_PAREN, CLOSE_PAREN, blockPosition); extractBeforeAndAfter(record.toString(), amendments, 2, 3); record.reset(); // process third block: blockPosition.index = 0; blockPosition.line = blockReader.readLine(); while (blockPosition.line != null && blockPosition.line.trim().length() == 0) { blockPosition.line = blockReader.readLine(); } openBraceIndex = blockPosition.line.indexOf(OPEN_BRACE); if (openBraceIndex > -1) { blockPosition.index = openBraceIndex; readBlock(blockReader, OPEN_BRACE, CLOSE_BRACE, blockPosition); } else { throw new MojoExecutionException("merge element doesn't have a second block"); } extractBeforeAndAfter(record.toString(), amendments, 4, 5); record.reset(); } private void extractBeforeAndAfter(String block, String[] amendments, int beforeIndex, int afterIndex) { int before = block.indexOf(BEFORE); int after = block.indexOf(AFTER); if (before >= 0) { // before exists amendments[beforeIndex] = block.substring(before + BEFORE.length(), (after >= 0) ? after : block.length() - 1); if (amendments[beforeIndex].trim().length() == 0) { amendments[beforeIndex] = null; } } if (after >= 0) { // after exists amendments[afterIndex] = block.substring(after + AFTER.length(), block.length() - 1); if (amendments[afterIndex].trim().length() == 0) { amendments[afterIndex] = null; } } } private BufferedReader stringToReader(String aString) { InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(aString.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); return new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); } private File prepareOutputFile() throws MojoExecutionException { // write output File outputFile = new File(base, output); if (outputFile.exists() && (!outputFile.delete())) { throw new MojoExecutionException("Unable to delete file " + output); } try { outputFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); if (!outputFile.createNewFile()) { throw new MojoExecutionException("Unable to create file " + output); } } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new MojoExecutionException("Unable to create file " + output, ioe); } return outputFile; } private String toSignature(String identifier) { StringBuilder aString = new StringBuilder(); char[] chars = identifier.toCharArray(); int index = 0; boolean first = true; while (index < chars.length) { int begin; while (Character.isWhitespace(chars[index])) { index++; if (index == chars.length) { break; } } if (index == chars.length) { break; } begin = index; while (!Character.isWhitespace(chars[index])) { index++; if ((index == chars.length) || SIG_SPECIAL_CHARS.contains(chars[index - 1]) || ((index < chars.length - 1) && SIG_SPECIAL_CHARS.contains(chars[index]))) { break; } } if (!first) { aString.append(' '); } aString.append(new String(chars, begin, index - begin)); first = false; } return aString.toString(); } }