Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.asterix.experiment.builder; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import org.apache.asterix.experiment.action.base.AbstractAction; import org.apache.asterix.experiment.action.base.ParallelActionSet; import org.apache.asterix.experiment.action.base.SequentialActionList; import org.apache.asterix.experiment.action.derived.AbstractRemoteExecutableAction; import org.apache.asterix.experiment.action.derived.RunAQLStringAction; import org.apache.asterix.experiment.action.derived.RunRESTIOWaitAction; import org.apache.asterix.experiment.action.derived.SleepAction; import org.apache.asterix.experiment.action.derived.TimedAction; import org.apache.asterix.experiment.client.LSMExperimentConstants; import org.apache.asterix.experiment.client.LSMExperimentSetRunner.LSMExperimentSetRunnerConfig; import org.apache.asterix.experiment.client.OrchestratorServer; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; public abstract class AbstractExperiment8Builder extends AbstractLSMBaseExperimentBuilder { private static final long DOMAIN_SIZE = (1L << 32); private static final long EXPECTED_RANGE_CARDINALITY = 50000; private static int N_PARTITIONS = 16; private final int nIntervals; private final String orchHost; private final int orchPort; protected final long dataInterval; protected final int nQueryRuns; protected final Random randGen; private final String pointQueryTemplate; private final String rangeQueryTemplate; public AbstractExperiment8Builder(String name, LSMExperimentSetRunnerConfig config, String clusterConfigFileName, String ingestFileName, String dgenFileName) throws IOException { super(name, config, clusterConfigFileName, ingestFileName, dgenFileName, null); nIntervals = config.getNIntervals(); orchHost = config.getOrchestratorHost(); orchPort = config.getOrchestratorPort(); dataInterval = config.getDataInterval(); this.nQueryRuns = config.getNQueryRuns(); this.randGen = new Random(); this.pointQueryTemplate = getPointQueryTemplate(); this.rangeQueryTemplate = getRangeQueryTemplate(); } protected void doBuildProtocolAction(SequentialActionList seq, int round) throws Exception { for (int i = 0; i < nQueryRuns; ++i) { // String aql = getPointLookUpAQL(round); // seq.add(new TimedAction(new RunAQLStringAction(httpClient, restHost, restPort, aql))); String aql = getRangeAQL(round); seq.add(new TimedAction(new RunAQLStringAction(httpClient, restHost, restPort, aql))); } } @Override protected void doBuildDataGen(SequentialActionList seq, Map<String, List<String>> dgenPairs) throws Exception { //start datagen SequentialActionList[] protocolActions = new SequentialActionList[nIntervals]; for (int i = 0; i < nIntervals; i++) { protocolActions[i] = new SequentialActionList(); protocolActions[i].add(new SleepAction(10000)); protocolActions[i].add(new RunRESTIOWaitAction(httpClient, restHost, restPort)); protocolActions[i].add(new SleepAction(10000)); doBuildProtocolAction(protocolActions[i], i); } int nDgens = 0; for (List<String> v : dgenPairs.values()) { nDgens += v.size(); } final OrchestratorServer oServer = new OrchestratorServer(orchPort, nDgens, nIntervals, protocolActions); seq.add(new AbstractAction() { @Override protected void doPerform() throws Exception { oServer.start(); } }); ParallelActionSet dgenActions = new ParallelActionSet(); int partition = 0; // run dgen for (String dgenHost : dgenPairs.keySet()) { final List<String> rcvrs = dgenPairs.get(dgenHost); final int p = partition; dgenActions.add(new AbstractRemoteExecutableAction(dgenHost, username, sshKeyLocation) { @Override protected String getCommand() { String ipPortPairs = StringUtils.join(rcvrs.iterator(), " "); String binary = "JAVA_HOME=" + javaHomePath + " " + localExperimentRoot.resolve("bin").resolve("datagenrunner").toString(); return StringUtils.join(new String[] { binary, "-si", "" + locationSampleInterval, "-of", openStreetMapFilePath, "-p", "" + p, "-di", "" + dataInterval, "-ni", "" + nIntervals, "-oh", orchHost, "-op", "" + orchPort, ipPortPairs }, " "); } }); partition += rcvrs.size(); } seq.add(dgenActions); // wait until all dgen / queries are done seq.add(new AbstractAction() { @Override protected void doPerform() throws Exception { oServer.awaitFinished(); } }); } private String getRangeQueryTemplate() throws IOException { Path aqlTemplateFilePath = localExperimentRoot.resolve(LSMExperimentConstants.AQL_DIR).resolve("8_q2.aql"); return StandardCharsets.UTF_8.decode(ByteBuffer.wrap(Files.readAllBytes(aqlTemplateFilePath))).toString(); } private String getPointQueryTemplate() throws IOException { Path aqlTemplateFilePath = localExperimentRoot.resolve(LSMExperimentConstants.AQL_DIR).resolve("8_q1.aql"); return StandardCharsets.UTF_8.decode(ByteBuffer.wrap(Files.readAllBytes(aqlTemplateFilePath))).toString(); } protected String getPointLookUpAQL(int round) { ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(8); bb.put((byte) 0); bb.put((byte) randGen.nextInt(N_PARTITIONS)); bb.putShort((short) 0); bb.putInt(randGen.nextInt((int) (((1 + round) * dataInterval) / 1000))); bb.flip(); long key = bb.getLong(); return pointQueryTemplate.replaceAll("\\$KEY\\$", Long.toString(key)); } protected String getRangeAQL(int round) { long numKeys = (((1 + round) * dataInterval) / 1000) * N_PARTITIONS; long rangeSize = (long) ((EXPECTED_RANGE_CARDINALITY / (double) numKeys) * DOMAIN_SIZE); int lowKey = randGen.nextInt(); long maxLowKey = Integer.MAX_VALUE - rangeSize; if (lowKey > maxLowKey) { lowKey = (int) maxLowKey; } int highKey = (int) (lowKey + rangeSize); return rangeQueryTemplate.replaceAll("\\$LKEY\\$", Long.toString(lowKey)).replaceAll("\\$HKEY\\$", Long.toString(highKey)); } }