Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


package org.apache.archiva.policies;

 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

import org.apache.archiva.common.utils.FileUtil;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.rules.TestName;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.springframework.test.context.ContextConfiguration;

import java.util.Properties;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.inject.Named;
import org.apache.archiva.test.utils.ArchivaSpringJUnit4ClassRunner;

import static org.junit.Assert.*;

 * ChecksumPolicyTest
@ContextConfiguration(locations = { "classpath*:/META-INF/spring-context.xml", "classpath*:/spring-context.xml" })
public class ChecksumPolicyTest {
    private static final String GOOD = "good";

    private static final String BAD = "bad";

    @Named(value = "postDownloadPolicy#checksum")
    PostDownloadPolicy downloadPolicy;

    public TestName name = new TestName();

    private PostDownloadPolicy lookupPolicy() throws Exception {
        return downloadPolicy;

    public void testFailOnFileOnly() throws Exception {
        assertFailSetting(false, null, null);

    public void testFailOnFileWithBadMd5AndBadSha1() throws Exception {
        assertFailSetting(false, BAD, BAD);

    public void testFailOnFileWithBadMd5AndGoodSha1() throws Exception {
        assertFailSetting(false, BAD, GOOD);

    public void testFailOnFileWithBadMd5Only() throws Exception {
        assertFailSetting(false, BAD, null);

    public void testFailOnFileWithBadSha1Only() throws Exception {
        assertFailSetting(false, null, BAD);

    public void testFailOnFileWithGoodMd5AndBadSha1() throws Exception {
        assertFailSetting(false, GOOD, BAD);

    public void testFailOnFileWithGoodMd5AndGoodSha1() throws Exception {
        assertFailSetting(true, GOOD, GOOD);

    public void testFailOnFileWithGoodMd5Only() throws Exception {
        assertFailSetting(true, GOOD, null);

    public void testFailOnFileWithGoodSha1Only() throws Exception {
        assertFailSetting(true, null, GOOD);

    public void testFixOnFileOnly() throws Exception {
        assertFixSetting(true, null, null);

    public void testFixOnFileWithBadMd5AndBadSha1() throws Exception {
        assertFixSetting(true, BAD, BAD);

    public void testFixOnFileWithBadMd5AndGoodSha1() throws Exception {
        assertFixSetting(true, BAD, GOOD);

    public void testFixOnFileWithBadMd5Only() throws Exception {
        assertFixSetting(true, BAD, null);

    public void testFixOnFileWithBadSha1Only() throws Exception {
        assertFixSetting(true, null, BAD);

    public void testFixOnFileWithGoodMd5AndBadSha1() throws Exception {
        assertFixSetting(true, GOOD, BAD);

    public void testFixOnFileWithGoodMd5AndGoodSha1() throws Exception {
        assertFixSetting(true, GOOD, GOOD);

    public void testFixOnFileWithGoodMd5Only() throws Exception {
        assertFixSetting(true, GOOD, null);

    public void testFixOnFileWithGoodSha1Only() throws Exception {
        assertFixSetting(true, null, GOOD);

    public void testIgnore() throws Exception {
        PostDownloadPolicy policy = lookupPolicy();
        File localFile = createTestableFiles(null, null);
        Properties request = createRequest();

        policy.applyPolicy(ChecksumPolicy.IGNORE, request, localFile);

    private void assertFailSetting(boolean expectedResult, String md5State, String sha1State) throws Exception {
        PostDownloadPolicy policy = lookupPolicy();
        File localFile = createTestableFiles(md5State, sha1State);
        Properties request = createRequest();

        boolean actualResult;

        try {
            policy.applyPolicy(ChecksumPolicy.FAIL, request, localFile);
            actualResult = true;
        } catch (PolicyViolationException e) {
            actualResult = false;
            String msg = createMessage(ChecksumPolicy.FAIL, md5State, sha1State);

            assertFalse(msg + " local file should not exist:", localFile.exists());
            File md5File = new File(localFile.getAbsolutePath() + ".sha1");
            File sha1File = new File(localFile.getAbsolutePath() + ".md5");
            assertFalse(msg + " local md5 file should not exist:", md5File.exists());
            assertFalse(msg + " local sha1 file should not exist:", sha1File.exists());

        assertEquals(createMessage(ChecksumPolicy.FAIL, md5State, sha1State), expectedResult, actualResult);

    private void assertFixSetting(boolean expectedResult, String md5State, String sha1State) throws Exception {
        PostDownloadPolicy policy = lookupPolicy();
        File localFile = createTestableFiles(md5State, sha1State);
        Properties request = createRequest();

        boolean actualResult;

        try {
            policy.applyPolicy(ChecksumPolicy.FIX, request, localFile);
            actualResult = true;
        } catch (PolicyViolationException e) {
            actualResult = false;

        assertEquals(createMessage(ChecksumPolicy.FIX, md5State, sha1State), expectedResult, actualResult);

        // End result should be legitimate SHA1 and MD5 files.
        File md5File = new File(localFile.getAbsolutePath() + ".md5");
        File sha1File = new File(localFile.getAbsolutePath() + ".sha1");

        assertTrue("ChecksumPolicy.apply(FIX) md5 should exist.", md5File.exists() && md5File.isFile());
        assertTrue("ChecksumPolicy.apply(FIX) sha1 should exist.", sha1File.exists() && sha1File.isFile());

        String actualMd5Contents = readChecksumFile(md5File);
        String actualSha1Contents = readChecksumFile(sha1File);

        String expectedMd5Contents = "360ccd01d8a0a2d94b86f9802c2fc548  artifact.jar";
        String expectedSha1Contents = "7dd8929150664f182db60ad15f20359d875f059f  artifact.jar";

        assertEquals("ChecksumPolicy.apply(FIX) md5 contents:", expectedMd5Contents, actualMd5Contents);
        assertEquals("ChecksumPolicy.apply(FIX) sha1 contents:", expectedSha1Contents, actualSha1Contents);

     * Read the first line from the checksum file, and return it (trimmed).
    private String readChecksumFile(File checksumFile) throws Exception {
        FileReader freader = null;
        BufferedReader buf = null;

        try {
            freader = new FileReader(checksumFile);
            buf = new BufferedReader(freader);
            return buf.readLine();
        } finally {
            if (buf != null) {

            if (freader != null) {

    private String createMessage(String settingType, String md5State, String sha1State) {
        StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder();
        msg.append("Expected result of ChecksumPolicy.apply(");
        msg.append(") when working with ");
        if (md5State == null) {
        } else {
            msg.append("a ").append(md5State.toUpperCase());

        msg.append(" MD5 and ");

        if (sha1State == null) {
        } else {
            msg.append("a ").append(sha1State.toUpperCase());
        msg.append(" SHA1:");

        return msg.toString();

    private Properties createRequest() {
        Properties request = new Properties();

        request.setProperty("url", "");

        return request;

    private File createTestableFiles(String md5State, String sha1State) throws Exception {
        File sourceDir = getTestFile("src/test/resources/checksums/");
        File destDir = getTestFile("target/checksum-tests/" + name.getMethodName() + "/");

        FileUtils.copyFileToDirectory(new File(sourceDir, "artifact.jar"), destDir);

        if (md5State != null) {
            File md5File = new File(sourceDir, "artifact.jar.md5-" + md5State);
            assertTrue("Testable file exists: " + md5File.getName() + ":", md5File.exists() && md5File.isFile());
            File destFile = new File(destDir, "artifact.jar.md5");
            FileUtils.copyFile(md5File, destFile);

        if (sha1State != null) {
            File sha1File = new File(sourceDir, "artifact.jar.sha1-" + sha1State);
            assertTrue("Testable file exists: " + sha1File.getName() + ":", sha1File.exists() && sha1File.isFile());
            File destFile = new File(destDir, "artifact.jar.sha1");
            FileUtils.copyFile(sha1File, destFile);

        File localFile = new File(destDir, "artifact.jar");
        return localFile;

    public static File getTestFile(String path) {
        return new File(FileUtil.getBasedir(), path);
