Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.any23.extractor.microdata; import org.apache.any23.extractor.html.DomUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.traversal.DocumentTraversal; import org.w3c.dom.traversal.NodeFilter; import org.w3c.dom.traversal.TreeWalker; import; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * This class provides utility methods for handling <b>Microdata</b> * nodes contained within a <i>DOM</i> document. * * @author Michele Mostarda ( */ public class MicrodataParser { enum ErrorMode { /** This mode raises an exception at first encountered error. */ STOP_AT_FIRST_ERROR, /** This mode produces a full error report. */ FULL_REPORT } private final Document document; /** * This set holds the name of properties being dereferenced. * The {@link #deferProperties(Node, String...)} checks first if the * required dereference has been already asked, if so raises * a loop detection error. This map works in coordination * with {@link #dereferenceRecursionCounter}, so that at the end of * {@link #deferProperties(Node, String...)} call recursion the * {@link #loopDetectorSet} can be cleaned up. */ private final Set<String> loopDetectorSet = new HashSet<>(); /** * {@link ItemScope} cache. */ private final Map<Node, ItemScope> itemScopes = new HashMap<>(); /** * {@link ItemPropValue} cache. */ private final Map<Node, ItemPropValue> itemPropValues = new HashMap<>(); /** * Counts the recursive call of {@link #deferProperties(Node, String...)}. * It helps to cleanup the {@link #loopDetectorSet} when recursion ends. */ private int dereferenceRecursionCounter = 0; /** * Current error mode. */ private ErrorMode errorMode = ErrorMode.FULL_REPORT; /** * List of collected errors. Used when {@link #errorMode} <code>==</code> {@link ErrorMode#FULL_REPORT}. */ private final List<MicrodataParserException> errors = new ArrayList<>(); public static final String ITEMSCOPE_ATTRIBUTE = "itemscope"; public static final String ITEMPROP_ATTRIBUTE = "itemprop"; /** * List of tags providing the <code>src</code> property. */ public static final Set<String> SRC_TAGS = Collections .unmodifiableSet(new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("audio", "embed", "frame", "iframe", "img", "source", "track", "video", "input", "layer", "script", "textarea"))); /** * List of tags providing the <code>href</code> property. */ public static final Set<String> HREF_TAGS = Collections .unmodifiableSet(new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("a", "area", "link"))); public MicrodataParser(Document document) { if (document == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Document cannot be null."); } this.document = document; } /** * Returns all the <i>itemScope</i>s detected within the given root node. * * @param node root node to search in. * @return list of detected items. */ public static List<Node> getItemScopeNodes(Node node) { return DomUtils.findAllByAttributeName(node, ITEMSCOPE_ATTRIBUTE); } /** * Check whether a node is an <i>itemScope</i>. * * @param node node to check. * @return <code>true</code> if the node is an <i>itemScope</i>., <code>false</code> otherwise. */ public static boolean isItemScope(Node node) { return DomUtils.readAttribute(node, ITEMSCOPE_ATTRIBUTE, null) != null; } /** * Returns all the <i>itemProp</i>s detected within the given root node. * * @param node root node to search in. * @return list of detected items. */ public static List<Node> getItemPropNodes(Node node) { return DomUtils.findAllByAttributeName(node, ITEMPROP_ATTRIBUTE); } /** * Check whether a node is an <i>itemProp</i>. * * @param node node to check. * @return <code>true</code> if the node is an <i>itemProp</i>., <code>false</code> otherwise. */ public static boolean isItemProp(Node node) { return DomUtils.readAttribute(node, ITEMPROP_ATTRIBUTE, null) != null; } /** * Returns only the <i>itemScope</i>s that are top level items. * * @param node root node to search in. * @return list of detected top item scopes. */ public static List<Node> getTopLevelItemScopeNodes(Node node) { final List<Node> itemScopes = getItemScopeNodes(node); final List<Node> topLevelItemScopes = new ArrayList<>(); for (Node itemScope : itemScopes) { if (!isItemProp(itemScope)) { topLevelItemScopes.add(itemScope); } } // ANY23-131 Nested Microdata are not extracted //return getUnnestedNodes( topLevelItemScopes ); return topLevelItemScopes; } /** * Returns all the <b>Microdata items</b> detected within the given <code>document</code>. * * @param document document to be processed. * @param errorMode error management policy. * @return list of <b>itemscope</b> items. * @throws MicrodataParserException if * <code>errorMode == {@link org.apache.any23.extractor.microdata.MicrodataParser.ErrorMode#STOP_AT_FIRST_ERROR}</code> * and an error occurs. */ public static MicrodataParserReport getMicrodata(Document document, ErrorMode errorMode) throws MicrodataParserException { final List<Node> itemNodes = getTopLevelItemScopeNodes(document); final List<ItemScope> items = new ArrayList<>(); final MicrodataParser microdataParser = new MicrodataParser(document); microdataParser.setErrorMode(errorMode); for (Node itemNode : itemNodes) { items.add(microdataParser.getItemScope(itemNode)); } return new MicrodataParserReport(items.toArray(new ItemScope[items.size()]), microdataParser.getErrors()); } /** * Returns all the <b>Microdata items</b> detected within the given <code>document</code>, * works in full report mode. * * @param document document to be processed. * @return list of <b>itemscope</b> items. */ public static MicrodataParserReport getMicrodata(Document document) { try { return getMicrodata(document, ErrorMode.FULL_REPORT); } catch (MicrodataParserException mpe) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected exception.", mpe); } } /** * Returns a <i>JSON</i> containing the list of all extracted Microdata, * as described at <a href="">Microdata JSON Specification</a>. * * @param document document to be processed. * @param ps the {@link} to write JSON to */ public static void getMicrodataAsJSON(Document document, PrintStream ps) { final MicrodataParserReport report = getMicrodata(document); final ItemScope[] itemScopes = report.getDetectedItemScopes(); final MicrodataParserException[] errors = report.getErrors(); ps.append("{ "); // Results. ps.append("\"result\" : ["); for (int i = 0; i < itemScopes.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { ps.print(", "); } ps.print(itemScopes[i].toJSON()); } ps.append("] "); // Errors. if (errors != null && errors.length > 0) { ps.append(", "); ps.append("\"errors\" : ["); for (int i = 0; i < errors.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { ps.print(", "); } ps.print(errors[i].toJSON()); } ps.append("] "); } ps.append("}"); } /** * Returns only nodes that are <b>not</b> nested one each other. * * @param candidates list of candidate nodes. * @return list of unnested nodes. */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static List<Node> getUnnestedNodes(List<Node> candidates) { final List<Node> unnesteds = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < candidates.size(); i++) { boolean skip = false; for (int j = 0; j < candidates.size(); j++) { if (i == j) continue; if (DomUtils.isAncestorOf(candidates.get(j), candidates.get(i), true)) { skip = true; break; } } if (!skip) { unnesteds.add(candidates.get(i)); } } return unnesteds; } public void setErrorMode(ErrorMode errorMode) { if (errorMode == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("errorMode must be not null."); this.errorMode = errorMode; } public ErrorMode getErrorMode() { return this.errorMode; } public MicrodataParserException[] getErrors() { return errors == null ? new MicrodataParserException[0] : errors.toArray(new MicrodataParserException[errors.size()]); } /** * Reads the value of a <b>itemprop</b> node. * * @param node itemprop node. * @return value detected within the given <code>node</code>. * @throws MicrodataParserException if an error occurs while extracting a nested item scope. */ public ItemPropValue getPropertyValue(Node node) throws MicrodataParserException { final ItemPropValue itemPropValue = itemPropValues.get(node); if (itemPropValue != null) return itemPropValue; final String nodeName = node.getNodeName().toLowerCase(); if (DomUtils.hasAttribute(node, "content")) { return new ItemPropValue(DomUtils.readAttribute(node, "content"), ItemPropValue.Type.Plain); } if (SRC_TAGS.contains(nodeName)) { return new ItemPropValue(DomUtils.readAttribute(node, "src"), ItemPropValue.Type.Link); } if (HREF_TAGS.contains(nodeName)) { return new ItemPropValue(DomUtils.readAttribute(node, "href"), ItemPropValue.Type.Link); } if ("object".equals(nodeName)) { return new ItemPropValue(DomUtils.readAttribute(node, "data"), ItemPropValue.Type.Link); } if ("time".equals(nodeName)) { final String dateTimeStr = DomUtils.readAttribute(node, "datetime"); final Date dateTime; try { dateTime = ItemPropValue.parseDateTime(dateTimeStr); } catch (ParseException pe) { throw new MicrodataParserException(String.format("Invalid format for datetime '%s'", dateTimeStr), node); } return new ItemPropValue(dateTime, ItemPropValue.Type.Date); } if (isItemScope(node)) { return new ItemPropValue(getItemScope(node), ItemPropValue.Type.Nested); } final ItemPropValue newItemPropValue = new ItemPropValue(node.getTextContent(), ItemPropValue.Type.Plain); itemPropValues.put(node, newItemPropValue); return newItemPropValue; } /** * Returns all the <b>itemprop</b>s for the given <b>itemscope</b> node. * * @param scopeNode node representing the <b>itemscope</b> * @param skipRoot if <code>true</code> the given root <code>node</code> * will be not read as a property, even if it contains the <b>itemprop</b> attribute. * @return the list of <b>itemprop</b>s detected within the given <b>itemscope</b>. * @throws MicrodataParserException if an error occurs while retrieving an property value. */ public List<ItemProp> getItemProps(final Node scopeNode, boolean skipRoot) throws MicrodataParserException { final Set<Node> accepted = new LinkedHashSet<>(); if (!skipRoot) { NamedNodeMap attributes = scopeNode.getAttributes(); if (attributes.getNamedItem(ITEMPROP_ATTRIBUTE) != null) { accepted.add(scopeNode); } } // TreeWalker to walk DOM tree starting with the scopeNode. Nodes maybe visited multiple times. TreeWalker treeWalker = ((DocumentTraversal) scopeNode.getOwnerDocument()).createTreeWalker(scopeNode, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT, new NodeFilter() { @Override public short acceptNode(Node node) { if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { NamedNodeMap attributes = node.getAttributes(); if (attributes.getNamedItem(ITEMPROP_ATTRIBUTE) != null && !scopeNode.equals(node)) { accepted.add(node); } if (attributes.getNamedItem(ITEMSCOPE_ATTRIBUTE) != null) { // Don't visit descendants of nodes that define a new scope return FILTER_REJECT; } } return FILTER_ACCEPT; } }, false); // To populate accepted we only need to walk the tree. while (treeWalker.nextNode() != null) ; final List<ItemProp> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (Node itemPropNode : accepted) { final String itemProp = DomUtils.readAttribute(itemPropNode, ITEMPROP_ATTRIBUTE, null); if (StringUtils.isBlank(itemProp)) { manageError(new MicrodataParserException("invalid property name '" + itemProp + "'", itemPropNode)); continue; } final String[] propertyNames = itemProp.trim().split("\\s+"); ItemPropValue itemPropValue; for (String propertyName : propertyNames) { try { itemPropValue = getPropertyValue(itemPropNode); } catch (MicrodataParserException mpe) { manageError(mpe); continue; } result.add(new ItemProp(DomUtils.getXPathForNode(itemPropNode), propertyName, itemPropValue)); } } return result; } /** * Given a document and a list of <b>itemprop</b> names this method will return * such <b>itemprops</b>. * * @param node a {@link org.w3c.dom.Node} to which the refs belong * @param refs list of references. * @return list of retrieved <b>itemprop</b>s. * @throws MicrodataParserException if a loop is detected or a property name is missing. */ public ItemProp[] deferProperties(Node node, String... refs) throws MicrodataParserException { dereferenceRecursionCounter++; final List<ItemProp> result = new ArrayList<>(); try { for (String ref : refs) { if (loopDetectorSet.contains(ref)) { throw new MicrodataParserException( String.format("Loop detected with depth %d while dereferencing itemProp '%s' .", dereferenceRecursionCounter - 1, ref), null); } loopDetectorSet.add(ref); Element element = (Element) node; if (element == null) { manageError(new MicrodataParserException(String.format("Unknown itemProp id '%s'", ref), null)); continue; } List<ItemProp> propList = getItemProps(element, false); if (!result.containsAll(propList)) { result.addAll(propList); } } } catch (MicrodataParserException mpe) { if (dereferenceRecursionCounter == 1) manageError(mpe); else throw mpe; // Recursion end, this the the top call. } finally { dereferenceRecursionCounter--; if (dereferenceRecursionCounter == 0) { // Recursion end, this the the top call. loopDetectorSet.clear(); } } return result.toArray(new ItemProp[result.size()]); } /** * Returns the {@link ItemScope} instance described within the specified <code>node</code>. * * @param node node describing an <i>itemscope</i>. * @return instance of ItemScope object. * @throws MicrodataParserException if an error occurs while dereferencing properties. */ public ItemScope getItemScope(Node node) throws MicrodataParserException { final ItemScope itemScope = itemScopes.get(node); if (itemScope != null) return itemScope; final String id = DomUtils.readAttribute(node, "id", null); final String itemref = DomUtils.readAttribute(node, "itemref", null); final String itemType = DomUtils.readAttribute(node, "itemtype", null); final String itemId = DomUtils.readAttribute(node, "itemid", null); final List<ItemProp> itemProps = getItemProps(node, true); final String[] itemrefIDs = itemref == null ? new String[0] : itemref.split(" "); final ItemProp[] deferredProperties; try { deferredProperties = deferProperties(node, itemrefIDs); } catch (MicrodataParserException mpe) { mpe.setErrorNode(node); throw mpe; } for (ItemProp deferredProperty : deferredProperties) { if (itemProps.contains(deferredProperty)) { manageError(new MicrodataParserException( String.format("Duplicated deferred itemProp '%s'.", deferredProperty.getName()), node)); continue; } itemProps.add(deferredProperty); } URL type; try { type = ItemScope.stringToUrl(itemType); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { manageError(new MicrodataParserException(e.getMessage(), node)); type = null; } final ItemScope newItemScope = new ItemScope(DomUtils.getXPathForNode(node), itemProps.toArray(new ItemProp[itemProps.size()]), id, itemrefIDs, type, itemId); itemScopes.put(node, newItemScope); return newItemScope; } private void manageError(MicrodataParserException mpe) throws MicrodataParserException { switch (errorMode) { case FULL_REPORT: errors.add(mpe); break; case STOP_AT_FIRST_ERROR: throw mpe; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unsupported mode " + errorMode); } } }