Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.ambari.servicemonitor.clients; import org.apache.ambari.servicemonitor.utils.ColorLog; import org.apache.ambari.servicemonitor.utils.DFSUtils; import org.apache.ambari.servicemonitor.utils.KillHungProcess; import org.apache.ambari.servicemonitor.utils.OptionHelper; import org.apache.ambari.servicemonitor.utils.ToolPlusImpl; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.Option; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.PatternOptionBuilder; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; /** * This client is the base class for any monitoring test clients. It is also * intended for use in test runs. */ public abstract class BaseClient extends ToolPlusImpl implements ClientEventListener { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(BaseClient.class); public static final int DEFAULT_SLEEP = 1000; protected ColorLog out = new ColorLog(false); public int attempts; public int attemptLimit = -1; public int successCount; public int successLimit; public int failCount, failLimit = -1; public int timeoutCount, timeoutLimit = -1; public boolean keepHistory; public List<Operation> history = new ArrayList<Operation>(); public boolean blockingIO; public int sleepTime = DEFAULT_SLEEP; private ClientEventListener listener = this; protected final AtomicBoolean shouldExit = new AtomicBoolean(false); private KillHungProcess killHungProcess; boolean getShouldExit() { return shouldExit.get(); } void setShouldExit(boolean value) { shouldExit.set(value); } @Override public int run(String[] args) throws Exception { return initAndRun(getCommandLine()); } public int initAndRun(CommandLine commandLine) throws Exception { init(commandLine); return executeAll() ? 0 : 1; } /** * process the arguments */ protected void init(CommandLine commandLine) throws IOException { processBaseOptions(getConf(), commandLine); } public ClientEventListener getListener() { return listener; } public void setListener(ClientEventListener listener) { this.listener = listener; } public void info(String text) throws ExitClientRunException { listener.message(text); } void info(String text, Throwable throwable) {, throwable); } public void debug(String text) throws ExitClientRunException { info(text); } @Override public void message(String text) {; } @Override public void startedEvent(Operation operation) throws ExitClientRunException { info("Started: " + operation.toString()); } @Override public void waitingEvent(Operation operation) throws ExitClientRunException { LOG.debug("Waiting: " + operation); } @Override public void finishedEvent(Operation operation) throws ExitClientRunException { info("Finished: " + operation, operation.thrown); } @Override public void endListening() { } /** * this should be called by the client as an operation begins * * @param operation operation that has started */ public void started(Operation operation) throws ExitClientRunException { listener.startedEvent(operation); } protected void waiting(Operation operation) throws ExitClientRunException { listener.waitingEvent(operation); } public void finished(Operation operation) throws ExitClientRunException { listener.finishedEvent(operation); } /** * Increment the counters and check the limits * * @param operation operation to check * @throws LimitsExceededException if a limit was reached */ protected void operationFinished(Operation operation) throws LimitsExceededException, ExitClientRunException { finished(operation); if (operation.getText() != null) {; } if (operation.getSucceeded()) { successCount++; } if (operation.getFailed()) { failCount++; } if (operation.timedout()) { timeoutCount++; } checkLimits(operation); } protected void checkLimits(Operation operation) throws LimitsExceededException { hasExceeded(operation, "successes", successLimit, successCount); hasExceeded(operation, "failures", failLimit, failCount); hasExceeded(operation, "timeouts", timeoutLimit, timeoutCount); } protected void hasExceeded(Operation operation, String limitName, int limitValue, int currentValue) throws LimitsExceededException { if (limitValue > 0 && currentValue >= limitValue) { throw new LimitsExceededException(operation, "Limit " + limitName + " reached"); } } protected void setup() throws IOException { Configuration conf = getConf(); if (blockingIO) {"DFS client set to block on failures"); DFSUtils.makeDfsCallsBlocking(conf); } else { DFSUtils.makeDfsCallsNonBlocking(conf); } } protected void teardown() throws IOException { listener.endListening(); } protected abstract Operation executeOneOperation() throws IOException; protected FileSystem createUncachedFilesystem() throws IOException { Configuration conf = getConf(); return DFSUtils.createUncachedDFS(conf); } /** * Execute all * * @return true iff no failures occurred * @throws IOException IO issues */ protected boolean executeAll() throws IOException, ExitClientRunException { boolean unlimited = attemptLimit < 0; setup(); try { if (keepHistory && unlimited) { info("Can't keep the history for an unlimited run"); } while (!shouldExit.get()) { Operation operation = executeOneOperation(); operationFinished(operation); hasExceeded(operation, "attempts", attemptLimit, attempts++); if (keepHistory) { history.add(operation); } waiting(operation); if (sleepTime > 0) { Thread.sleep(sleepTime); } } } catch (LimitsExceededException limited) { info(this + "\n" + limited.getMessage()); } catch (ExitClientRunException e) { //client run exit requested ... fall through into teardown shouldExit.set(true); } catch (Exception e) { info("Operation: failed" + e, e); } finally { teardown(); } return failCount == 0; } @Override public Options createToolSpecificOptions() { Options options = createBaseOptions(); addToolOptions(options, true); return createChildOptions(options); } /** * For overriding * * @param options options in * @return options out */ protected Options createChildOptions(Options options) { return options; } protected Options createBaseOptions() { Options options = new Options(); options.addOption("v", "verbose", false, "verbose output"); options.addOption("c", "color", false, "color output"); options.addOption("b", "blocking", false, "blocking operations"); options.addOption("h", "history", false, "build a history of all operations"); OptionHelper.addIntOpt(options, "st", "sleeptime", "sleep time in milliseconds"); OptionHelper.addIntOpt(options, "al", "attempts", "number of attempts (or -1 for no limit)"); OptionHelper.addIntOpt(options, "fl", "faillimit", "number of failures before halting (or -1 for no limit)"); OptionHelper.addIntOpt(options, "sl", "successlimit", "number of successes (or -1 for no limit)"); OptionHelper.addIntOpt(options, "pt", "processtimeout", "time in milliseconds before the process terminates abnormally if it is still running"); return options; } private void addToolOptions(Options options, boolean confRequired) { //conf is required Option option = OptionHelper.addStringArgOpt(options, "cf", "conf", "configuration file"); option.setType(PatternOptionBuilder.FILE_VALUE); option.setRequired(confRequired); OptionHelper.addStringArgOpt(options, "fs", "filesystem", "filesystem to use"); OptionHelper.addStringArgOpt(options, "jt", "jobtracker", "job tracker to connect to"); } private void processBaseOptions(Configuration conf, CommandLine commandLine) { if (commandLine.hasOption('v')) { out.setVerbose(true); } if (commandLine.hasOption('c')) { out.setColorsSet(true); } if (commandLine.hasOption('b')) {"blocking"); blockingIO = true; } else {"non-blocking"); } if (commandLine.hasOption('h')) { keepHistory = true; } attemptLimit = getIntOption(commandLine, "al"); int processTimeout = getIntOption(commandLine, "processtimeout"); if (processTimeout > 0) { killHungProcess = new KillHungProcess(processTimeout, "Timeout executing process"); } failLimit = getIntOption(commandLine, "fl"); successLimit = getIntOption(commandLine, "sl"); sleepTime = getIntOption(commandLine, "st"); if (sleepTime < 0) { sleepTime = DEFAULT_SLEEP; } if (commandLine.hasOption("fs")) { FileSystem.setDefaultUri(conf, commandLine.getOptionValue("fs")); } if (commandLine.hasOption("jt")) { conf.set("mapred.job.tracker", commandLine.getOptionValue("jt")); } if (commandLine.hasOption("conf")) { String[] values = commandLine.getOptionValues("conf"); for (String value : values) { conf.addResource(new Path(value)); } } } protected int getIntOption(CommandLine commandLine, String key) { return OptionHelper.getIntOption(commandLine, key, -1); } public int getAttempts() { return attempts; } public int getAttemptLimit() { return attemptLimit; } public int getSuccessCount() { return successCount; } public int getSuccessLimit() { return successLimit; } public int getFailCount() { return failCount; } public int getFailLimit() { return failLimit; } public int getTimeoutCount() { return timeoutCount; } public int getTimeoutLimit() { return timeoutLimit; } public abstract String getDescription(); @Override public String toString() { return getDescription() + " {" + " attempts: " + getAttempts() + " of " + getAttemptLimit() + " successes: " + getSuccessCount() + " of " + getSuccessLimit() + " failures: " + getFailCount() + " of " + getFailLimit() + " }"; } /** * Exception thrown when the limits of a run are exceeded */ private static class LimitsExceededException extends IOException { private final Operation op; private LimitsExceededException(Operation op, String message) { super(message, op.thrown); this.op = op; } public Operation getOp() { return op; } } }