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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.ambari.server.orm.dao;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;

import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
import javax.persistence.TypedQuery;
import javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery;
import javax.persistence.criteria.Order;
import javax.persistence.metamodel.SingularAttribute;

import org.apache.ambari.annotations.Experimental;
import org.apache.ambari.annotations.ExperimentalFeature;
import org.apache.ambari.server.AmbariException;
import org.apache.ambari.server.api.query.JpaPredicateVisitor;
import org.apache.ambari.server.api.query.JpaSortBuilder;
import org.apache.ambari.server.cleanup.TimeBasedCleanupPolicy;
import org.apache.ambari.server.configuration.Configuration;
import org.apache.ambari.server.controller.AlertCurrentRequest;
import org.apache.ambari.server.controller.AlertHistoryRequest;
import org.apache.ambari.server.controller.spi.Predicate;
import org.apache.ambari.server.controller.utilities.PredicateHelper;
import org.apache.ambari.server.orm.RequiresSession;
import org.apache.ambari.server.orm.entities.AlertCurrentEntity;
import org.apache.ambari.server.orm.entities.AlertCurrentEntity_;
import org.apache.ambari.server.orm.entities.AlertHistoryEntity;
import org.apache.ambari.server.orm.entities.AlertHistoryEntity_;
import org.apache.ambari.server.orm.entities.AlertNoticeEntity;
import org.apache.ambari.server.state.AlertState;
import org.apache.ambari.server.state.Cluster;
import org.apache.ambari.server.state.Clusters;
import org.apache.ambari.server.state.MaintenanceState;
import org.apache.ambari.server.state.alert.Scope;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;


 * The {@link AlertsDAO} class manages the {@link AlertHistoryEntity} and
 * {@link AlertCurrentEntity} instances. Each {@link AlertHistoryEntity} is
 * known as an "alert" that has been triggered and received.
 * <p/>
 * If alert caching is enabled, then updates to {@link AlertCurrentEntity} are
 * not immediately persisted to JPA. Instead, they are kept in a cache and
 * periodically flushed. This means that many queries will need to swap in the
 * cached {@link AlertCurrentEntity} with that returned from the EclipseLink JPA
 * entity manager.
@Experimental(feature = ExperimentalFeature.ALERT_CACHING)
public class AlertsDAO implements Cleanable {
     * Logger.
    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AlertsDAO.class);

     * A template of JPQL for getting the number of hosts in various states.
    private static final String ALERT_COUNT_SQL_TEMPLATE = "SELECT NEW %s("
            + "SUM(CASE WHEN history.alertState = :okState AND alert.maintenanceState = :maintenanceStateOff THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), "
            + "SUM(CASE WHEN history.alertState = :warningState AND alert.maintenanceState = :maintenanceStateOff THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), "
            + "SUM(CASE WHEN history.alertState = :criticalState AND alert.maintenanceState = :maintenanceStateOff THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), "
            + "SUM(CASE WHEN history.alertState = :unknownState AND alert.maintenanceState = :maintenanceStateOff THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), "
            + "SUM(CASE WHEN alert.maintenanceState != :maintenanceStateOff THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)) "
            + "FROM AlertCurrentEntity alert JOIN alert.alertHistory history WHERE history.clusterId = :clusterId";

    private static final String ALERT_COUNT_PER_HOST_SQL_TEMPLATE = "SELECT NEW %s(" + "history.hostName, "
            + "SUM(CASE WHEN history.alertState = :okState AND alert.maintenanceState = :maintenanceStateOff THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), "
            + "SUM(CASE WHEN history.alertState = :warningState AND alert.maintenanceState = :maintenanceStateOff THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), "
            + "SUM(CASE WHEN history.alertState = :criticalState AND alert.maintenanceState = :maintenanceStateOff THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), "
            + "SUM(CASE WHEN history.alertState = :unknownState AND alert.maintenanceState = :maintenanceStateOff THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), "
            + "SUM(CASE WHEN alert.maintenanceState != :maintenanceStateOff THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)) "
            + "FROM AlertCurrentEntity alert JOIN alert.alertHistory history WHERE history.clusterId = :clusterId GROUP BY history.hostName";

     * JPA entity manager
    private Provider<EntityManager> m_entityManagerProvider;

     * DAO utilities for dealing mostly with {@link TypedQuery} results.
    private DaoUtils m_daoUtils;

     * Publishes alert events when particular DAO methods are called.
    private AlertEventPublisher m_alertEventPublisher;

     * Used to lookup clusters.
    private Provider<Clusters> m_clusters;

     * Configuration.
    private final Configuration m_configuration;

     * A cache of current alert information. The {@link AlertCurrentEntity}
     * instances cached are currently managed. This allows the cached instances to
     * be easiler flushed from the cache to JPA.
     * <p/>
     * This also means that the cache is holding onto a rather large map of JPA
     * entities. This could lead to OOM errors over time if the indirectly
     * referenced entity map contains more than just {@link AlertCurrentEntity}.
    private LoadingCache<AlertCacheKey, AlertCurrentEntity> m_currentAlertCache = null;

     * Batch size to query the DB and use the results in an IN clause.
    private static final int BATCH_SIZE = 999;

     * Constructor.
    public AlertsDAO(Configuration configuration) {
        m_configuration = configuration;

        if (m_configuration.isAlertCacheEnabled()) {
            int maximumSize = m_configuration.getAlertCacheSize();

  "Alert caching is enabled (size={}, flushInterval={}m)", maximumSize,

            // construct a cache for current alerts which will prevent database hits
            // on every heartbeat
            m_currentAlertCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().maximumSize(maximumSize)
                    .build(new CacheLoader<AlertCacheKey, AlertCurrentEntity>() {
                        public AlertCurrentEntity load(AlertCacheKey key) throws Exception {
                            LOG.debug("Cache miss for alert key {}, fetching from JPA", key);

                            final AlertCurrentEntity alertCurrentEntity;

                            long clusterId = key.getClusterId();
                            String alertDefinitionName = key.getAlertDefinitionName();
                            String hostName = key.getHostName();

                            if (StringUtils.isEmpty(hostName)) {
                                alertCurrentEntity = findCurrentByNameNoHostInternalInJPA(clusterId,
                            } else {
                                alertCurrentEntity = findCurrentByHostAndNameInJPA(clusterId, hostName,

                            if (null == alertCurrentEntity) {
                                LOG.trace("Cache lookup failed for {} because the alert does not yet exist", key);
                                throw new AlertNotYetCreatedException();

                            return alertCurrentEntity;

     * Gets an alert with the specified ID.
     * @param alertId
     *          the ID of the alert to retrieve.
     * @return the alert or {@code null} if none exists.
    public AlertHistoryEntity findById(long alertId) {
        return m_entityManagerProvider.get().find(AlertHistoryEntity.class, alertId);

     * Gets all alerts stored in the database across all clusters.
     * @return all alerts or an empty list if none exist (never {@code null}).
    public List<AlertHistoryEntity> findAll() {
        TypedQuery<AlertHistoryEntity> query = m_entityManagerProvider.get()
                .createNamedQuery("AlertHistoryEntity.findAll", AlertHistoryEntity.class);

        return m_daoUtils.selectList(query);

     * Gets all alerts stored in the database for the given cluster.
     * @param clusterId
     *          the ID of the cluster.
     * @return all alerts in the specified cluster or an empty list if none exist
     *         (never {@code null}).
    public List<AlertHistoryEntity> findAll(long clusterId) {
        TypedQuery<AlertHistoryEntity> query = m_entityManagerProvider.get()
                .createNamedQuery("AlertHistoryEntity.findAllInCluster", AlertHistoryEntity.class);

        query.setParameter("clusterId", clusterId);

        return m_daoUtils.selectList(query);

     * Gets all alerts stored in the database for the given cluster that have one
     * of the specified alert states.
     * @param clusterId
     *          the ID of the cluster.
     * @param alertStates
     *          the states to match for the retrieved alerts (not {@code null}).
     * @return the alerts matching the specified states and cluster, or an empty
     *         list if none.
    public List<AlertHistoryEntity> findAll(long clusterId, List<AlertState> alertStates) {
        if (null == alertStates || alertStates.size() == 0) {
            return Collections.emptyList();

        TypedQuery<AlertHistoryEntity> query = m_entityManagerProvider.get()
                .createNamedQuery("AlertHistoryEntity.findAllInClusterWithState", AlertHistoryEntity.class);

        query.setParameter("clusterId", clusterId);
        query.setParameter("alertStates", alertStates);

        return m_daoUtils.selectList(query);

     * Gets all alerts stored in the database for the given cluster and that fall
     * withing the specified date range. Dates are expected to be in milliseconds
     * since the epoch, normalized to UTC time.
     * @param clusterId
     *          the ID of the cluster.
     * @param startDate
     *          the date that the earliest entry must occur after, normalized to
     *          UTC, or {@code null} for all entries that occur before the given
     *          end date.
     * @param endDate
     *          the date that the latest entry must occur before, normalized to
     *          UTC, or {@code null} for all entries that occur after the given
     *          start date.
     * @return the alerts matching the specified date range.
    public List<AlertHistoryEntity> findAll(long clusterId, Date startDate, Date endDate) {
        if (null == startDate && null == endDate) {
            return Collections.emptyList();

        TypedQuery<AlertHistoryEntity> query = null;

        if (null != startDate && null != endDate) {
            if (startDate.after(endDate)) {
                return Collections.emptyList();

            query = m_entityManagerProvider.get()
                    .createNamedQuery("AlertHistoryEntity.findAllInClusterBetweenDates", AlertHistoryEntity.class);

            query.setParameter("clusterId", clusterId);
            query.setParameter("startDate", startDate.getTime());
            query.setParameter("endDate", endDate.getTime());
        } else if (null != startDate) {
            query = m_entityManagerProvider.get().createNamedQuery("AlertHistoryEntity.findAllInClusterAfterDate",

            query.setParameter("clusterId", clusterId);
            query.setParameter("afterDate", startDate.getTime());
        } else if (null != endDate) {
            query = m_entityManagerProvider.get().createNamedQuery("AlertHistoryEntity.findAllInClusterBeforeDate",

            query.setParameter("clusterId", clusterId);
            query.setParameter("beforeDate", endDate.getTime());

        if (null == query) {
            return Collections.emptyList();

        return m_daoUtils.selectList(query);

     * Finds all {@link AlertHistoryEntity} that match the provided
     * {@link AlertHistoryRequest}. This method will make JPA do the heavy lifting
     * of providing a slice of the result set.
     * @param request
     * @return
    public List<AlertHistoryEntity> findAll(AlertHistoryRequest request) {
        EntityManager entityManager = m_entityManagerProvider.get();

        // convert the Ambari predicate into a JPA predicate
        HistoryPredicateVisitor visitor = new HistoryPredicateVisitor();
        PredicateHelper.visit(request.Predicate, visitor);

        CriteriaQuery<AlertHistoryEntity> query = visitor.getCriteriaQuery();
        javax.persistence.criteria.Predicate jpaPredicate = visitor.getJpaPredicate();

        if (null != jpaPredicate) {

        // sorting
        JpaSortBuilder<AlertHistoryEntity> sortBuilder = new JpaSortBuilder<AlertHistoryEntity>();
        List<Order> sortOrders = sortBuilder.buildSortOrders(request.Sort, visitor);

        // pagination
        TypedQuery<AlertHistoryEntity> typedQuery = entityManager.createQuery(query);
        if (null != request.Pagination) {

        return m_daoUtils.selectList(typedQuery);

     * Finds all {@link AlertCurrentEntity} that match the provided
     * {@link AlertCurrentRequest}. This method will make JPA do the heavy lifting
     * of providing a slice of the result set.
     * @param request
     * @return
    public List<AlertCurrentEntity> findAll(AlertCurrentRequest request) {
        EntityManager entityManager = m_entityManagerProvider.get();

        // convert the Ambari predicate into a JPA predicate
        CurrentPredicateVisitor visitor = new CurrentPredicateVisitor();
        PredicateHelper.visit(request.Predicate, visitor);

        CriteriaQuery<AlertCurrentEntity> query = visitor.getCriteriaQuery();
        javax.persistence.criteria.Predicate jpaPredicate = visitor.getJpaPredicate();

        if (null != jpaPredicate) {

        // sorting
        JpaSortBuilder<AlertCurrentEntity> sortBuilder = new JpaSortBuilder<AlertCurrentEntity>();
        List<Order> sortOrders = sortBuilder.buildSortOrders(request.Sort, visitor);

        // pagination
        TypedQuery<AlertCurrentEntity> typedQuery = entityManager.createQuery(query);
        if (null != request.Pagination) {
            // prevent JPA errors when -1 is passed in by accident
            int offset = request.Pagination.getOffset();
            if (offset < 0) {
                offset = 0;


        List<AlertCurrentEntity> alerts = m_daoUtils.selectList(typedQuery);

        // if caching is enabled, replace results with cached values when present
        if (m_configuration.isAlertCacheEnabled()) {
            alerts = supplementWithCachedAlerts(alerts);

        return alerts;

     * Gets the total count of all {@link AlertHistoryEntity} rows that match the
     * specified {@link Predicate}.
     * @param predicate
     *          the predicate to apply, or {@code null} for none.
     * @return the total count of rows that would be returned in a result set.
    public int getCount(Predicate predicate) {
        return 0;

     * Gets the current alerts.
     * @return the current alerts or an empty list if none exist (never
     *         {@code null}).
    public List<AlertCurrentEntity> findCurrent() {
        TypedQuery<AlertCurrentEntity> query = m_entityManagerProvider.get()
                .createNamedQuery("AlertCurrentEntity.findAll", AlertCurrentEntity.class);

        List<AlertCurrentEntity> alerts = m_daoUtils.selectList(query);

        // if caching is enabled, replace results with cached values when present
        if (m_configuration.isAlertCacheEnabled()) {
            alerts = supplementWithCachedAlerts(alerts);

        return alerts;

     * Gets a current alert with the specified ID.
     * @param alertId
     *          the ID of the alert to retrieve.
     * @return the alert or {@code null} if none exists.
    public AlertCurrentEntity findCurrentById(long alertId) {
        return m_entityManagerProvider.get().find(AlertCurrentEntity.class, alertId);

     * Gets the current alerts for the specified definition ID.
     * @param definitionId
     *          the ID of the definition to retrieve current alerts for.
     * @return the current alerts for the definition or an empty list if none
     *         exist (never {@code null}).
    public List<AlertCurrentEntity> findCurrentByDefinitionId(long definitionId) {
        TypedQuery<AlertCurrentEntity> query = m_entityManagerProvider.get()
                .createNamedQuery("AlertCurrentEntity.findByDefinitionId", AlertCurrentEntity.class);

        query.setParameter("definitionId", Long.valueOf(definitionId));

        List<AlertCurrentEntity> alerts = m_daoUtils.selectList(query);

        // if caching is enabled, replace results with cached values when present
        if (m_configuration.isAlertCacheEnabled()) {
            alerts = supplementWithCachedAlerts(alerts);

        return alerts;

     * Gets the current alerts for a given cluster.
     * @return the current alerts for the given cluster or an empty list if none
     *         exist (never {@code null}).
    public List<AlertCurrentEntity> findCurrentByCluster(long clusterId) {
        TypedQuery<AlertCurrentEntity> query = m_entityManagerProvider.get()
                .createNamedQuery("AlertCurrentEntity.findByCluster", AlertCurrentEntity.class);

        query.setParameter("clusterId", Long.valueOf(clusterId));

        List<AlertCurrentEntity> alerts = m_daoUtils.selectList(query);

        // if caching is enabled, replace results with cached values when present
        if (m_configuration.isAlertCacheEnabled()) {
            alerts = supplementWithCachedAlerts(alerts);

        return alerts;

     * Retrieves the summary information for a particular scope. The result is a
     * DTO since the columns are aggregated and don't fit to an entity.
     * @param clusterId
     *          the cluster id
     * @param serviceName
     *          the service name. Use {@code null} to not filter on service.
     * @param hostName
     *          the host name. Use {@code null} to not filter on host.
     * @return the summary DTO
    public AlertSummaryDTO findCurrentCounts(long clusterId, String serviceName, String hostName) {
        String sql = String.format(ALERT_COUNT_SQL_TEMPLATE, AlertSummaryDTO.class.getName());

        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(sql);

        if (null != serviceName) {
            sb.append(" AND history.serviceName = :serviceName");

        if (null != hostName) {
            sb.append(" AND history.hostName = :hostName");

        TypedQuery<AlertSummaryDTO> query = m_entityManagerProvider.get().createQuery(sb.toString(),

        query.setParameter("clusterId", Long.valueOf(clusterId));
        query.setParameter("okState", AlertState.OK);
        query.setParameter("warningState", AlertState.WARNING);
        query.setParameter("criticalState", AlertState.CRITICAL);
        query.setParameter("unknownState", AlertState.UNKNOWN);
        query.setParameter("maintenanceStateOff", MaintenanceState.OFF);

        if (null != serviceName) {
            query.setParameter("serviceName", serviceName);

        if (null != hostName) {
            query.setParameter("hostName", hostName);

        return m_daoUtils.selectSingle(query);

     * Retrieves the summary information for all the hosts in the provided cluster.
     * The result is mapping from hostname to summary DTO.
     * @param clusterId
     *          the cluster id
     * @return map from hostnames to summary DTO
    public Map<String, AlertSummaryDTO> findCurrentPerHostCounts(long clusterId) {
        String sql = String.format(ALERT_COUNT_PER_HOST_SQL_TEMPLATE, HostAlertSummaryDTO.class.getName());

        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(sql);

        TypedQuery<HostAlertSummaryDTO> query = m_entityManagerProvider.get().createQuery(sb.toString(),

        query.setParameter("clusterId", Long.valueOf(clusterId));
        query.setParameter("okState", AlertState.OK);
        query.setParameter("warningState", AlertState.WARNING);
        query.setParameter("criticalState", AlertState.CRITICAL);
        query.setParameter("unknownState", AlertState.UNKNOWN);
        query.setParameter("maintenanceStateOff", MaintenanceState.OFF);

        Map<String, AlertSummaryDTO> map = new HashMap<String, AlertSummaryDTO>();
        List<HostAlertSummaryDTO> resultList = m_daoUtils.selectList(query);
        for (HostAlertSummaryDTO result : resultList) {
            map.put(result.getHostName(), result);
        return map;

     * Retrieve the summary alert information for all hosts. This is different
     * from {@link #findCurrentCounts(long, String, String)} since this will
     * return only alerts related to hosts and those values will be the total
     * number of hosts affected, not the total number of alerts.
     * @param clusterId
     *          the cluster id
     * @return the summary DTO for host alerts.
    public AlertHostSummaryDTO findCurrentHostCounts(long clusterId) {
        String sql = String.format(ALERT_COUNT_PER_HOST_SQL_TEMPLATE, HostAlertSummaryDTO.class.getName());

        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(sql);

        TypedQuery<HostAlertSummaryDTO> query = m_entityManagerProvider.get().createQuery(sb.toString(),

        query.setParameter("clusterId", Long.valueOf(clusterId));
        query.setParameter("okState", AlertState.OK);
        query.setParameter("criticalState", AlertState.CRITICAL);
        query.setParameter("warningState", AlertState.WARNING);
        query.setParameter("unknownState", AlertState.UNKNOWN);
        query.setParameter("maintenanceStateOff", MaintenanceState.OFF);

        int okCount = 0;
        int warningCount = 0;
        int criticalCount = 0;
        int unknownCount = 0;

        List<HostAlertSummaryDTO> resultList = m_daoUtils.selectList(query);
        for (HostAlertSummaryDTO result : resultList) {
            if (result.getHostName() == null) {
            if (result.getCriticalCount() > 0) {
            } else if (result.getWarningCount() > 0) {
            } else if (result.getUnknownCount() > 0) {
            } else {

        AlertHostSummaryDTO hostSummary = new AlertHostSummaryDTO(okCount, unknownCount, warningCount,

        return hostSummary;

     * Gets the current alerts for a given service.
     * @return the current alerts for the given service or an empty list if none
     *         exist (never {@code null}).
    public List<AlertCurrentEntity> findCurrentByService(long clusterId, String serviceName) {
        TypedQuery<AlertCurrentEntity> query = m_entityManagerProvider.get()
                .createNamedQuery("AlertCurrentEntity.findByService", AlertCurrentEntity.class);

        query.setParameter("clusterId", clusterId);
        query.setParameter("serviceName", serviceName);
        query.setParameter("inlist", EnumSet.of(Scope.ANY, Scope.SERVICE));

        List<AlertCurrentEntity> alerts = m_daoUtils.selectList(query);

        // if caching is enabled, replace results with cached values when present
        if (m_configuration.isAlertCacheEnabled()) {
            alerts = supplementWithCachedAlerts(alerts);

        return alerts;

     * Locate the current alert for the provided service and alert name. This
     * method will first consult the cache if configured with
     * {@link Configuration#isAlertCacheEnabled()}.
     * @param clusterId
     *          the cluster id
     * @param hostName
     *          the name of the host (not {@code null}).
     * @param alertName
     *          the name of the alert (not {@code null}).
     * @return the current record, or {@code null} if not found
    public AlertCurrentEntity findCurrentByHostAndName(long clusterId, String hostName, String alertName) {

        if (m_configuration.isAlertCacheEnabled()) {
            AlertCacheKey key = new AlertCacheKey(clusterId, alertName, hostName);

            try {
                return m_currentAlertCache.get(key);
            } catch (ExecutionException executionException) {
                Throwable cause = executionException.getCause();
                if (!(cause instanceof AlertNotYetCreatedException)) {
                    LOG.warn("Unable to retrieve alert for key {} from the cache", key);

        return findCurrentByHostAndNameInJPA(clusterId, hostName, alertName);

     * Locate the current alert for the provided service and alert name.
     * @param clusterId
     *          the cluster id
     * @param hostName
     *          the name of the host (not {@code null}).
     * @param alertName
     *          the name of the alert (not {@code null}).
     * @return the current record, or {@code null} if not found
    private AlertCurrentEntity findCurrentByHostAndNameInJPA(long clusterId, String hostName, String alertName) {
        TypedQuery<AlertCurrentEntity> query = m_entityManagerProvider.get()
                .createNamedQuery("AlertCurrentEntity.findByHostAndName", AlertCurrentEntity.class);

        query.setParameter("clusterId", Long.valueOf(clusterId));
        query.setParameter("hostName", hostName);
        query.setParameter("definitionName", alertName);

        return m_daoUtils.selectOne(query);

     * Removes alert history and current alerts for the specified alert defintiion
     * ID. This will invoke {@link EntityManager#clear()} when completed since the
     * JPQL statement will remove entries without going through the EM.
     * @param definitionId
     *          the ID of the definition to remove.
    public void removeByDefinitionId(long definitionId) {
        EntityManager entityManager = m_entityManagerProvider.get();
        TypedQuery<AlertCurrentEntity> currentQuery = entityManager
                .createNamedQuery("AlertCurrentEntity.removeByDefinitionId", AlertCurrentEntity.class);

        currentQuery.setParameter("definitionId", definitionId);

        TypedQuery<AlertHistoryEntity> historyQuery = entityManager
                .createNamedQuery("AlertHistoryEntity.removeByDefinitionId", AlertHistoryEntity.class);

        historyQuery.setParameter("definitionId", definitionId);


        // if caching is enabled, invalidate the cache to force the latest values
        // back from the DB
        if (m_configuration.isAlertCacheEnabled()) {

     * Remove a current alert whose history entry matches the specfied ID.
     * @param   historyId the ID of the history entry.
     * @return  the number of alerts removed.
    public int removeCurrentByHistoryId(long historyId) {
        TypedQuery<AlertCurrentEntity> query = m_entityManagerProvider.get()
                .createNamedQuery("AlertCurrentEntity.removeByHistoryId", AlertCurrentEntity.class);

        query.setParameter("historyId", historyId);
        int rowsRemoved = query.executeUpdate();

        // if caching is enabled, invalidate the cache to force the latest values
        // back from the DB
        if (m_configuration.isAlertCacheEnabled()) {

        return rowsRemoved;

     * Remove all current alerts that are disabled.
     * @return the number of alerts removed.
    public int removeCurrentDisabledAlerts() {
        TypedQuery<AlertCurrentEntity> query = m_entityManagerProvider.get()
                .createNamedQuery("AlertCurrentEntity.findDisabled", AlertCurrentEntity.class);

        int rowsRemoved = 0;
        List<AlertCurrentEntity> currentEntities = m_daoUtils.selectList(query);
        if (currentEntities != null) {
            for (AlertCurrentEntity currentEntity : currentEntities) {

        // if caching is enabled, invalidate the cache to force the latest values
        // back from the DB
        if (m_configuration.isAlertCacheEnabled()) {

        return rowsRemoved;

     * Remove the current alert that matches the given service. This is used in
     * cases where the service was removed from the cluster.
     * <p>
     * This method will also fire an {@link AggregateAlertRecalculateEvent} in
     * order to recalculate all aggregates.
     * @param clusterId
     *          the ID of the cluster.
     * @param serviceName
     *          the name of the service that the current alerts are being removed
     *          for (not {@code null}).
     * @return the number of alerts removed.
    public int removeCurrentByService(long clusterId, String serviceName) {
        TypedQuery<AlertCurrentEntity> query = m_entityManagerProvider.get()
                .createNamedQuery("AlertCurrentEntity.findByServiceName", AlertCurrentEntity.class);

        query.setParameter("serviceName", serviceName);

        int removedItems = 0;
        List<AlertCurrentEntity> currentEntities = m_daoUtils.selectList(query);
        if (currentEntities != null) {
            for (AlertCurrentEntity currentEntity : currentEntities) {

        // if caching is enabled, invalidate the cache to force the latest values
        // back from the DB
        if (m_configuration.isAlertCacheEnabled()) {

        // publish the event to recalculate aggregates
        m_alertEventPublisher.publish(new AggregateAlertRecalculateEvent(clusterId));
        return removedItems;

     * Remove the current alert that matches the given host. This is used in cases
     * where the host was removed from the cluster.
     * <p>
     * This method will also fire an {@link AggregateAlertRecalculateEvent} in
     * order to recalculate all aggregates.
     * @param hostName
     *          the name of the host that the current alerts are being removed for
     *          (not {@code null}).
     * @return the number of alerts removed.
    public int removeCurrentByHost(String hostName) {
        TypedQuery<AlertCurrentEntity> query = m_entityManagerProvider.get()
                .createNamedQuery("AlertCurrentEntity.findByHost", AlertCurrentEntity.class);

        query.setParameter("hostName", hostName);
        List<AlertCurrentEntity> currentEntities = m_daoUtils.selectList(query);
        int removedItems = 0;
        if (currentEntities != null) {
            for (AlertCurrentEntity currentEntity : currentEntities) {

        // if caching is enabled, invalidate the cache to force the latest values
        // back from the DB
        if (m_configuration.isAlertCacheEnabled()) {

        // publish the event to recalculate aggregates for every cluster since a host could potentially have several clusters
        try {
            Map<String, Cluster> clusters = m_clusters.get().getClusters();
            for (Map.Entry<String, Cluster> entry : clusters.entrySet()) {
                m_alertEventPublisher.publish(new AggregateAlertRecalculateEvent(entry.getValue().getClusterId()));

        } catch (Exception ambariException) {
            LOG.warn("Unable to recalcuate aggregate alerts after removing host {}", hostName);

        return removedItems;

     * Remove the current alert that matches the given service, component and
     * host. This is used in cases where the component was removed from the host.
     * <p>
     * This method will also fire an {@link AggregateAlertRecalculateEvent} in
     * order to recalculate all aggregates.
     * @param clusterId
     *          the ID of the cluster.
     * @param serviceName
     *          the name of the service that the current alerts are being removed
     *          for (not {@code null}).
     * @param componentName
     *          the name of the component that the current alerts are being
     *          removed for (not {@code null}).
     * @param hostName
     *          the name of the host that the current alerts are being removed for
     *          (not {@code null}).
     * @return the number of alerts removed.
    public int removeCurrentByServiceComponentHost(long clusterId, String serviceName, String componentName,
            String hostName) {

        TypedQuery<AlertCurrentEntity> query = m_entityManagerProvider.get()
                .createNamedQuery("AlertCurrentEntity.findByHostComponent", AlertCurrentEntity.class);

        query.setParameter("serviceName", serviceName);
        query.setParameter("componentName", componentName);
        query.setParameter("hostName", hostName);

        List<AlertCurrentEntity> currentEntities = m_daoUtils.selectList(query);
        int removedItems = 0;
        if (currentEntities != null) {
            for (AlertCurrentEntity currentEntity : currentEntities) {

        // if caching is enabled, invalidate the cache to force the latest values
        // back from the DB
        if (m_configuration.isAlertCacheEnabled()) {

        // publish the event to recalculate aggregates
        m_alertEventPublisher.publish(new AggregateAlertRecalculateEvent(clusterId));

        return removedItems;

     * Persists a new alert.
     * @param alert
     *          the alert to persist (not {@code null}).
    public void create(AlertHistoryEntity alert) {

     * Refresh the state of the alert from the database.
     * @param alert
     *          the alert to refresh (not {@code null}).
    public void refresh(AlertHistoryEntity alert) {

     * Merge the speicified alert with the existing alert in the database.
     * @param alert
     *          the alert to merge (not {@code null}).
     * @return the updated alert with merged content (never {@code null}).
    public AlertHistoryEntity merge(AlertHistoryEntity alert) {
        return m_entityManagerProvider.get().merge(alert);

     * Removes the specified alert from the database.
     * @param alert
     *          the alert to remove.
    public void remove(AlertHistoryEntity alert) {
        alert = merge(alert);


     * Persists a new current alert.
     * @param alert
     *          the current alert to persist (not {@code null}).
    public void create(AlertCurrentEntity alert) {

     * Refresh the state of the current alert from the database.
     * @param alert
     *          the current alert to refresh (not {@code null}).
    public void refresh(AlertCurrentEntity alert) {

     * Merge the speicified current alert with the existing alert in the database.
     * @param alert
     *          the current alert to merge (not {@code null}).
     * @return the updated current alert with merged content (never {@code null}).
    public AlertCurrentEntity merge(AlertCurrentEntity alert) {
        // perform the JPA merge
        alert = m_entityManagerProvider.get().merge(alert);

        // if caching is enabled, update the cache
        if (m_configuration.isAlertCacheEnabled()) {
            AlertCacheKey key =;
            m_currentAlertCache.put(key, alert);

        return alert;

     * Updates the internal cache of alerts with the specified alert. Unlike
     * {@link #merge(AlertCurrentEntity)}, this is not transactional and only
     * updates the cache.
     * <p/>
     * The alert should already exist in JPA - this is mainly to update the text
     * and timestamp.
     * @param alert
     *          the alert to update in the cache (not {@code null}).
     * @param updateCacheOnly
     *          if {@code true}, then only the cache is updated and not JPA.
     * @see Configuration#isAlertCacheEnabled()
    public AlertCurrentEntity merge(AlertCurrentEntity alert, boolean updateCacheOnly) {
        // cache only updates
        if (updateCacheOnly) {
            AlertCacheKey key =;

            // cache not configured, log error
            if (!m_configuration.isAlertCacheEnabled()) {
                LOG.error("Unable to update a cached alert instance for {} because cached alerts are not enabled",
            } else {
                // update cache and return alert; no database work
                m_currentAlertCache.put(key, alert);
                return alert;

        return merge(alert);

     * Removes the specified current alert from the database.
     * @param alert
     *          the current alert to remove.
    public void remove(AlertCurrentEntity alert) {

     * Finds the aggregate counts for an alert name, across all hosts.
     * @param clusterId the cluster id
     * @param alertName the name of the alert to find the aggregate
     * @return the summary data
    public AlertSummaryDTO findAggregateCounts(long clusterId, String alertName) {
        String sql = String.format(ALERT_COUNT_SQL_TEMPLATE, AlertSummaryDTO.class.getName());

        StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(sql);
        buffer.append(" AND history.alertDefinition.definitionName = :definitionName");

        TypedQuery<AlertSummaryDTO> query = m_entityManagerProvider.get().createQuery(buffer.toString(),

        query.setParameter("clusterId", Long.valueOf(clusterId));
        query.setParameter("okState", AlertState.OK);
        query.setParameter("warningState", AlertState.WARNING);
        query.setParameter("criticalState", AlertState.CRITICAL);
        query.setParameter("unknownState", AlertState.UNKNOWN);
        query.setParameter("maintenanceStateOff", MaintenanceState.OFF);
        query.setParameter("definitionName", alertName);

        return m_daoUtils.selectSingle(query);

     * Locate the current alert for the provided service and alert name, but when
     * host is not set ({@code IS NULL}). This method will first consult the cache
     * if configured with {@link Configuration#isAlertCacheEnabled()}.
     * @param clusterId
     *          the cluster id
     * @param alertName
     *          the name of the alert
     * @return the current record, or {@code null} if not found
    public AlertCurrentEntity findCurrentByNameNoHost(long clusterId, String alertName) {
        if (m_configuration.isAlertCacheEnabled()) {
            AlertCacheKey key = new AlertCacheKey(clusterId, alertName);

            try {
                return m_currentAlertCache.get(key);
            } catch (ExecutionException executionException) {
                Throwable cause = executionException.getCause();

                if (!(cause instanceof AlertNotYetCreatedException)) {
                    LOG.warn("Unable to retrieve alert for key {} from, the cache", key);

        return findCurrentByNameNoHostInternalInJPA(clusterId, alertName);

     * Locate the current alert for the provided service and alert name, but when
     * host is not set ({@code IS NULL}). This method
     * @param clusterId
     *          the cluster id
     * @param alertName
     *          the name of the alert
     * @return the current record, or {@code null} if not found
    private AlertCurrentEntity findCurrentByNameNoHostInternalInJPA(long clusterId, String alertName) {
        TypedQuery<AlertCurrentEntity> query = m_entityManagerProvider.get()
                .createNamedQuery("AlertCurrentEntity.findByNameAndNoHost", AlertCurrentEntity.class);

        query.setParameter("clusterId", Long.valueOf(clusterId));
        query.setParameter("definitionName", alertName);

        return m_daoUtils.selectOne(query);

     * Writes all cached {@link AlertCurrentEntity} instances to the database and
     * clears the cache.
    public void flushCachedEntitiesToJPA() {
        if (!m_configuration.isAlertCacheEnabled()) {
            LOG.warn("Unable to flush cached alerts to JPA because caching is not enabled");

        // capture for logging purposes
        long cachedEntityCount = m_currentAlertCache.size();

        ConcurrentMap<AlertCacheKey, AlertCurrentEntity> map = m_currentAlertCache.asMap();
        Set<Entry<AlertCacheKey, AlertCurrentEntity>> entries = map.entrySet();
        for (Entry<AlertCacheKey, AlertCurrentEntity> entry : entries) {

        m_currentAlertCache.invalidateAll();"Flushed {} cached alerts to the database", cachedEntityCount);

     * Gets a list that is comprised of the original values replaced by any cached
     * values from {@link #m_currentAlertCache}. This method should only be
     * invoked if {@link Configuration#isAlertCacheEnabled()} is {@code true}
     * @param alerts
     *          the list of alerts to iterate over and replace with cached
     *          instances.
     * @return the list of alerts from JPA combined with any cached alerts.
    private List<AlertCurrentEntity> supplementWithCachedAlerts(List<AlertCurrentEntity> alerts) {
        List<AlertCurrentEntity> cachedAlerts = new ArrayList<>(alerts.size());

        for (AlertCurrentEntity alert : alerts) {
            AlertCacheKey key =;
            AlertCurrentEntity cachedEntity = m_currentAlertCache.getIfPresent(key);
            if (null != cachedEntity) {
                alert = cachedEntity;


        return cachedAlerts;

    public long cleanup(TimeBasedCleanupPolicy policy) {
        long affectedRows = 0;
        Long clusterId = null;
        try {
            clusterId = m_clusters.get().getCluster(policy.getClusterName()).getClusterId();
            affectedRows += cleanAlertNoticesForClusterBeforeDate(clusterId, policy.getToDateInMillis());
            affectedRows += cleanAlertCurrentsForClusterBeforeDate(clusterId, policy.getToDateInMillis());
            affectedRows += cleanAlertHistoriesForClusterBeforeDate(clusterId, policy.getToDateInMillis());
        } catch (AmbariException e) {
            LOG.error("Error while looking up cluster with name: {}", policy.getClusterName(), e);
            throw new IllegalStateException(e);

        return affectedRows;

     * The {@link HistoryPredicateVisitor} is used to convert an Ambari
     * {@link Predicate} into a JPA {@link javax.persistence.criteria.Predicate}.
    private final class HistoryPredicateVisitor extends JpaPredicateVisitor<AlertHistoryEntity> {

         * Constructor.
        public HistoryPredicateVisitor() {
            super(m_entityManagerProvider.get(), AlertHistoryEntity.class);

         * {@inheritDoc}
        public Class<AlertHistoryEntity> getEntityClass() {
            return AlertHistoryEntity.class;

         * {@inheritDoc}
        public List<? extends SingularAttribute<?, ?>> getPredicateMapping(String propertyId) {
            return AlertHistoryEntity_.getPredicateMapping().get(propertyId);

     * The {@link CurrentPredicateVisitor} is used to convert an Ambari
     * {@link Predicate} into a JPA {@link javax.persistence.criteria.Predicate}.
    private final class CurrentPredicateVisitor extends JpaPredicateVisitor<AlertCurrentEntity> {

         * Constructor.
        public CurrentPredicateVisitor() {
            super(m_entityManagerProvider.get(), AlertCurrentEntity.class);

         * {@inheritDoc}
        public Class<AlertCurrentEntity> getEntityClass() {
            return AlertCurrentEntity.class;

         * {@inheritDoc}
        public List<? extends SingularAttribute<?, ?>> getPredicateMapping(String propertyId) {
            return AlertCurrentEntity_.getPredicateMapping().get(propertyId);

     * The {@link AlertCacheKey} class is used as a key in the cache of
     * {@link AlertCurrentEntity}.
    private final static class AlertCacheKey {
        private final long m_clusterId;
        private final String m_hostName;
        private final String m_alertDefinitionName;

         * Constructor.
         * @param clusterId
         * @param alertDefinitionName
        private AlertCacheKey(long clusterId, String alertDefinitionName) {
            this(clusterId, alertDefinitionName, null);

         * Constructor.
         * @param clusterId
         * @param alertDefinitionName
         * @param hostName
        private AlertCacheKey(long clusterId, String alertDefinitionName, String hostName) {
            m_clusterId = clusterId;
            m_alertDefinitionName = alertDefinitionName;
            m_hostName = hostName;

         * Builds a key from an entity.
         * @param current
         *          the entity to create the key for.
         * @return the key (never {@code null}).
        public static AlertCacheKey build(AlertCurrentEntity current) {
            AlertHistoryEntity history = current.getAlertHistory();
            AlertCacheKey key = new AlertCacheKey(history.getClusterId(),
                    history.getAlertDefinition().getDefinitionName(), history.getHostName());

            return key;

         * Gets the ID of the cluster that the alert is for.
         * @return the clusterId
        public long getClusterId() {
            return m_clusterId;

         * Gets the host name, or {@code null} if none.
         * @return the hostName, or {@code null} if none.
        public String getHostName() {
            return m_hostName;

         * Gets the unique name of the alert definition.
         * @return the alertDefinitionName
        public String getAlertDefinitionName() {
            return m_alertDefinitionName;

         * {@inheritDoc}
        public int hashCode() {
            final int prime = 31;
            int result = 1;
            result = prime * result + ((m_alertDefinitionName == null) ? 0 : m_alertDefinitionName.hashCode());
            result = prime * result + (int) (m_clusterId ^ (m_clusterId >>> 32));
            result = prime * result + ((m_hostName == null) ? 0 : m_hostName.hashCode());
            return result;

         * {@inheritDoc}
        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
            if (this == obj) {
                return true;

            if (obj == null) {
                return false;

            if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
                return false;

            AlertCacheKey other = (AlertCacheKey) obj;

            if (m_clusterId != other.m_clusterId) {
                return false;

            if (m_alertDefinitionName == null) {
                if (other.m_alertDefinitionName != null) {
                    return false;
            } else if (!m_alertDefinitionName.equals(other.m_alertDefinitionName)) {
                return false;

            if (m_hostName == null) {
                if (other.m_hostName != null) {
                    return false;
            } else if (!m_hostName.equals(other.m_hostName)) {
                return false;

            return true;

         * {@inheritDoc}
        public String toString() {
            StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder("AlertCacheKey{");
            buffer.append(", alertName=").append(m_alertDefinitionName);

            if (null != m_hostName) {
                buffer.append(", hostName=").append(m_hostName);

            return buffer.toString();

     * The {@link AlertNotYetCreatedException} is used as a way to signal to the
     * {@link CacheLoader} that there is no value for the specified
     * {@link AlertCacheKey}. Because this cache doesn't understand {@code null}
     * values, we use the exception mechanism to indicate that it should be
     * created and that the {@code null} value should not be cached.
    private static final class AlertNotYetCreatedException extends Exception {

     * Find all @AlertHistoryEntity with date before provided date.
     * @param clusterId cluster id
     * @param beforeDateMillis timestamp in millis
     * @return List<Integer> ids
    private List<Integer> findAllAlertHistoryIdsBeforeDate(Long clusterId, long beforeDateMillis) {

        EntityManager entityManager = m_entityManagerProvider.get();
        TypedQuery<Integer> alertHistoryQuery = entityManager
                .createNamedQuery("AlertHistoryEntity.findAllIdsInClusterBeforeDate", Integer.class);

        alertHistoryQuery.setParameter("clusterId", clusterId);
        alertHistoryQuery.setParameter("beforeDate", beforeDateMillis);

        return m_daoUtils.selectList(alertHistoryQuery);

     * Deletes AlertNotice records in relation with AlertHistory entries older than the given date.
     * @param clusterId        the identifier of the cluster the AlertNotices belong to
     * @param beforeDateMillis the date in milliseconds the
     * @return a long representing the number of affected (deleted) records
    private int cleanAlertNoticesForClusterBeforeDate(Long clusterId, long beforeDateMillis) {"Deleting AlertNotice entities before date " + new Date(beforeDateMillis));
        EntityManager entityManager = m_entityManagerProvider.get();
        List<Integer> ids = findAllAlertHistoryIdsBeforeDate(clusterId, beforeDateMillis);
        int affectedRows = 0;
        // Batch delete
        TypedQuery<AlertNoticeEntity> noticeQuery = entityManager
                .createNamedQuery("AlertNoticeEntity.removeByHistoryIds", AlertNoticeEntity.class);
        if (ids != null && !ids.isEmpty()) {
            for (int i = 0; i < ids.size(); i += BATCH_SIZE) {
                int endIndex = (i + BATCH_SIZE) > ids.size() ? ids.size() : (i + BATCH_SIZE);
                List<Integer> idsSubList = ids.subList(i, endIndex);
      "Deleting AlertNotice entity batch with history ids: " + idsSubList.get(0) + " - "
                        + idsSubList.get(idsSubList.size() - 1));
                noticeQuery.setParameter("historyIds", idsSubList);
                affectedRows += noticeQuery.executeUpdate();

        return affectedRows;

     * Deletes AlertCurrent records in relation with AlertHistory entries older than the given date.
     * @param clusterId        the identifier of the cluster the AlertCurrents belong to
     * @param beforeDateMillis the date in milliseconds the
     * @return a long representing the number of affected (deleted) records
    private int cleanAlertCurrentsForClusterBeforeDate(long clusterId, long beforeDateMillis) {"Deleting AlertCurrent entities before date " + new Date(beforeDateMillis));
        EntityManager entityManager = m_entityManagerProvider.get();
        List<Integer> ids = findAllAlertHistoryIdsBeforeDate(clusterId, beforeDateMillis);
        int affectedRows = 0;
        TypedQuery<AlertCurrentEntity> currentQuery = entityManager
                .createNamedQuery("AlertCurrentEntity.removeByHistoryIds", AlertCurrentEntity.class);
        if (ids != null && !ids.isEmpty()) {
            for (int i = 0; i < ids.size(); i += BATCH_SIZE) {
                int endIndex = (i + BATCH_SIZE) > ids.size() ? ids.size() : (i + BATCH_SIZE);
                List<Integer> idsSubList = ids.subList(i, endIndex);
      "Deleting AlertCurrent entity batch with history ids: " + idsSubList.get(0) + " - "
                        + idsSubList.get(idsSubList.size() - 1));
                currentQuery.setParameter("historyIds", ids.subList(i, endIndex));
                affectedRows += currentQuery.executeUpdate();

        return affectedRows;

     * Deletes AlertHistory entries in a cluster older than the given date.
     * @param clusterId        the identifier of the cluster the AlertHistory entries belong to
     * @param beforeDateMillis the date in milliseconds the
     * @return a long representing the number of affected (deleted) records

    private int cleanAlertHistoriesForClusterBeforeDate(Long clusterId, long beforeDateMillis) {
        return executeQuery("AlertHistoryEntity.removeInClusterBeforeDate", AlertHistoryEntity.class, clusterId,

     * Utility method for executing update or delete named queries having as input parameters the cluster id and a timestamp.
     * @param namedQuery the named query to be executed
     * @param entityType the type of the entity
     * @param clusterId  the cluster identifier
     * @param timestamp  timestamp
     * @return the number of rows affected by the query execution.
    private int executeQuery(String namedQuery, Class entityType, long clusterId, long timestamp) {"Starting: Delete/update entries older than [ {} ] for entity [{}]", timestamp, entityType);
        TypedQuery query = m_entityManagerProvider.get().createNamedQuery(namedQuery, entityType);

        query.setParameter("clusterId", clusterId);
        query.setParameter("beforeDate", timestamp);

        int affectedRows = query.executeUpdate();

                "Completed: Delete/update entries older than [ {} ] for entity: [{}]. Number of entities deleted: [{}]",
                timestamp, entityType, affectedRows);

        return affectedRows;
