Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.ambari.server.controller; import static org.apache.ambari.server.agent.ExecutionCommand.KeyNames.AMBARI_DB_RCA_DRIVER; import static org.apache.ambari.server.agent.ExecutionCommand.KeyNames.AMBARI_DB_RCA_PASSWORD; import static org.apache.ambari.server.agent.ExecutionCommand.KeyNames.AMBARI_DB_RCA_URL; import static org.apache.ambari.server.agent.ExecutionCommand.KeyNames.AMBARI_DB_RCA_USERNAME; import static org.apache.ambari.server.agent.ExecutionCommand.KeyNames.CLIENTS_TO_UPDATE_CONFIGS; import static org.apache.ambari.server.agent.ExecutionCommand.KeyNames.COMMAND_TIMEOUT; import static org.apache.ambari.server.agent.ExecutionCommand.KeyNames.DB_DRIVER_FILENAME; import static org.apache.ambari.server.agent.ExecutionCommand.KeyNames.GROUP_LIST; import static org.apache.ambari.server.agent.ExecutionCommand.KeyNames.HOOKS_FOLDER; import static org.apache.ambari.server.agent.ExecutionCommand.KeyNames.PACKAGE_LIST; import static org.apache.ambari.server.agent.ExecutionCommand.KeyNames.REPO_INFO; import static org.apache.ambari.server.agent.ExecutionCommand.KeyNames.SCRIPT; import static org.apache.ambari.server.agent.ExecutionCommand.KeyNames.SCRIPT_TYPE; import static org.apache.ambari.server.agent.ExecutionCommand.KeyNames.SERVICE_PACKAGE_FOLDER; import static org.apache.ambari.server.agent.ExecutionCommand.KeyNames.SERVICE_REPO_INFO; import static org.apache.ambari.server.agent.ExecutionCommand.KeyNames.USER_LIST; import static org.apache.ambari.server.agent.ExecutionCommand.KeyNames.VERSION; import; import; import; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.EnumMap; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import; import org.apache.ambari.server.AmbariException; import org.apache.ambari.server.ClusterNotFoundException; import org.apache.ambari.server.DuplicateResourceException; import org.apache.ambari.server.HostNotFoundException; import org.apache.ambari.server.ObjectNotFoundException; import org.apache.ambari.server.ParentObjectNotFoundException; import org.apache.ambari.server.Role; import org.apache.ambari.server.RoleCommand; import org.apache.ambari.server.ServiceComponentHostNotFoundException; import org.apache.ambari.server.ServiceComponentNotFoundException; import org.apache.ambari.server.ServiceNotFoundException; import org.apache.ambari.server.StackAccessException; import org.apache.ambari.server.actionmanager.ActionManager; import org.apache.ambari.server.actionmanager.HostRoleCommand; import org.apache.ambari.server.actionmanager.RequestFactory; import org.apache.ambari.server.actionmanager.Stage; import org.apache.ambari.server.actionmanager.StageFactory; import org.apache.ambari.server.agent.ExecutionCommand; import; import org.apache.ambari.server.configuration.Configuration; import org.apache.ambari.server.configuration.Configuration.DatabaseType; import org.apache.ambari.server.controller.internal.RequestOperationLevel; import org.apache.ambari.server.controller.internal.RequestResourceFilter; import org.apache.ambari.server.controller.internal.RequestStageContainer; import org.apache.ambari.server.controller.internal.URLStreamProvider; import org.apache.ambari.server.controller.license.LicenseManager; import org.apache.ambari.server.controller.spi.Resource; import org.apache.ambari.server.customactions.ActionDefinition; import org.apache.ambari.server.metadata.ActionMetadata; import org.apache.ambari.server.metadata.RoleCommandOrder; import org.apache.ambari.server.orm.dao.RepositoryVersionDAO; import org.apache.ambari.server.orm.entities.ClusterVersionEntity; import org.apache.ambari.server.orm.entities.OperatingSystemEntity; import org.apache.ambari.server.orm.entities.RepositoryEntity; import org.apache.ambari.server.orm.entities.RepositoryVersionEntity; import org.apache.ambari.server.scheduler.ExecutionScheduleManager; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.ambari.server.serveraction.kerberos.KerberosInvalidConfigurationException; import org.apache.ambari.server.serveraction.kerberos.KerberosOperationException; import org.apache.ambari.server.stageplanner.RoleGraph; import org.apache.ambari.server.state.Cluster; import org.apache.ambari.server.state.Clusters; import org.apache.ambari.server.state.CommandScriptDefinition; import org.apache.ambari.server.state.ComponentInfo; import org.apache.ambari.server.state.Config; import org.apache.ambari.server.state.ConfigFactory; import org.apache.ambari.server.state.ConfigHelper; import org.apache.ambari.server.state.Host; import org.apache.ambari.server.state.HostComponentAdminState; import org.apache.ambari.server.state.HostState; import org.apache.ambari.server.state.MaintenanceState; import org.apache.ambari.server.state.OperatingSystemInfo; import org.apache.ambari.server.state.PropertyInfo; import org.apache.ambari.server.state.PropertyInfo.PropertyType; import org.apache.ambari.server.state.RepositoryInfo; import org.apache.ambari.server.state.SecurityType; import org.apache.ambari.server.state.Service; import org.apache.ambari.server.state.ServiceComponent; import org.apache.ambari.server.state.ServiceComponentFactory; import org.apache.ambari.server.state.ServiceComponentHost; import org.apache.ambari.server.state.ServiceComponentHostEvent; import org.apache.ambari.server.state.ServiceComponentHostFactory; import org.apache.ambari.server.state.ServiceFactory; import org.apache.ambari.server.state.ServiceInfo; import org.apache.ambari.server.state.ServiceOsSpecific; import org.apache.ambari.server.state.StackId; import org.apache.ambari.server.state.StackInfo; import org.apache.ambari.server.state.State; import org.apache.ambari.server.state.configgroup.ConfigGroupFactory; import org.apache.ambari.server.state.scheduler.RequestExecutionFactory; import org.apache.ambari.server.state.svccomphost.*; import org.apache.ambari.server.utils.StageUtils; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.math.NumberUtils; import org.apache.http.client.utils.URIBuilder; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; @Singleton public class AmbariManagementControllerImpl implements AmbariManagementController { private final static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AmbariManagementControllerImpl.class); /** * Property name of request context. */ private static final String REQUEST_CONTEXT_PROPERTY = "context"; private static final String BASE_LOG_DIR = "/tmp/ambari"; private final Clusters clusters; private final ActionManager actionManager; private final Injector injector; private final Gson gson; @Inject private ServiceFactory serviceFactory; @Inject private ServiceComponentFactory serviceComponentFactory; @Inject private ServiceComponentHostFactory serviceComponentHostFactory; @Inject private ConfigFactory configFactory; @Inject private StageFactory stageFactory; @Inject private RequestFactory requestFactory; @Inject private ActionMetadata actionMetadata; @Inject private AmbariMetaInfo ambariMetaInfo; @Inject private Users users; @Inject private HostsMap hostsMap; @Inject private Configuration configs; @Inject private AbstractRootServiceResponseFactory rootServiceResponseFactory; @Inject private ConfigGroupFactory configGroupFactory; @Inject private ConfigHelper configHelper; @Inject private RequestExecutionFactory requestExecutionFactory; @Inject private ExecutionScheduleManager executionScheduleManager; @Inject private AmbariLdapDataPopulator ldapDataPopulator; @Inject private RepositoryVersionDAO repositoryVersionDAO; @Inject private LicenseManager licenseManager; private MaintenanceStateHelper maintenanceStateHelper; /** * The KerberosHelper to help setup for enabling for disabling Kerberos */ private KerberosHelper kerberosHelper; final private String masterHostname; final private Integer masterPort; final private String masterProtocol; final private static String JDK_RESOURCE_LOCATION = "/resources/"; final private static int REPO_URL_CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 3000; final private static int REPO_URL_READ_TIMEOUT = 2000; final private String jdkResourceUrl; final private String javaHome; final private String jdkName; final private String jceName; final private String ojdbcUrl; final private String serverDB; final private String mysqljdbcUrl; private boolean ldapSyncInProgress; private Cache<ClusterRequest, ClusterResponse> clusterUpdateCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder() .expireAfterWrite(5, TimeUnit.MINUTES).build(); @Inject private AmbariCustomCommandExecutionHelper customCommandExecutionHelper; @Inject private AmbariActionExecutionHelper actionExecutionHelper; @Inject public AmbariManagementControllerImpl(ActionManager actionManager, Clusters clusters, Injector injector) throws Exception { this.clusters = clusters; this.actionManager = actionManager; this.injector = injector; injector.injectMembers(this); gson = injector.getInstance(Gson.class);"Initializing the AmbariManagementControllerImpl"); masterHostname = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getCanonicalHostName(); maintenanceStateHelper = injector.getInstance(MaintenanceStateHelper.class); kerberosHelper = injector.getInstance(KerberosHelper.class); if (configs != null) { if (configs.getApiSSLAuthentication()) { masterProtocol = "https"; masterPort = configs.getClientSSLApiPort(); } else { masterProtocol = "http"; masterPort = configs.getClientApiPort(); } jdkResourceUrl = getAmbariServerURI(JDK_RESOURCE_LOCATION); javaHome = configs.getJavaHome(); jdkName = configs.getJDKName(); jceName = configs.getJCEName(); ojdbcUrl = getAmbariServerURI(JDK_RESOURCE_LOCATION + "/" + configs.getOjdbcJarName()); mysqljdbcUrl = getAmbariServerURI(JDK_RESOURCE_LOCATION + "/" + configs.getMySQLJarName()); serverDB = configs.getServerDBName(); } else { masterProtocol = null; masterPort = null; jdkResourceUrl = null; javaHome = null; jdkName = null; jceName = null; ojdbcUrl = null; mysqljdbcUrl = null; serverDB = null; } } @Override public String getAmbariServerURI(String path) { if (masterProtocol == null || masterHostname == null || masterPort == null) { return null; } URIBuilder uriBuilder = new URIBuilder(); uriBuilder.setScheme(masterProtocol); uriBuilder.setHost(masterHostname); uriBuilder.setPort(masterPort); uriBuilder.setPath(path); return uriBuilder.toString(); } @Override public RoleCommandOrder getRoleCommandOrder(Cluster cluster) { RoleCommandOrder rco; rco = injector.getInstance(RoleCommandOrder.class); rco.initialize(cluster); return rco; } @Override public void createCluster(ClusterRequest request) throws AmbariException { if (request.getClusterName() == null || request.getClusterName().isEmpty() || request.getClusterId() != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cluster name should be provided" + " and clusterId should be null"); } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Received a createCluster request" + ", clusterName=" + request.getClusterName() + ", request=" + request); } if (request.getStackVersion() == null || request.getStackVersion().isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Stack information should be" + " provided when creating a cluster"); } StackId stackId = new StackId(request.getStackVersion()); StackInfo stackInfo = ambariMetaInfo.getStack(stackId.getStackName(), stackId.getStackVersion()); if (stackInfo == null) { throw new StackAccessException( "stackName=" + stackId.getStackName() + ", stackVersion=" + stackId.getStackVersion()); } // FIXME add support for desired configs at cluster level boolean foundInvalidHosts = false; StringBuilder invalidHostsStr = new StringBuilder(); if (request.getHostNames() != null) { for (String hostname : request.getHostNames()) { try { clusters.getHost(hostname); } catch (HostNotFoundException e) { if (foundInvalidHosts) { invalidHostsStr.append(","); } foundInvalidHosts = true; invalidHostsStr.append(hostname); } } } if (foundInvalidHosts) { throw new HostNotFoundException(invalidHostsStr.toString()); } clusters.addCluster(request.getClusterName()); Cluster c = clusters.getCluster(request.getClusterName()); if (request.getStackVersion() != null) { StackId newStackId = new StackId(request.getStackVersion()); c.setDesiredStackVersion(newStackId); clusters.setCurrentStackVersion(request.getClusterName(), newStackId); } if (request.getHostNames() != null) { clusters.mapHostsToCluster(request.getHostNames(), request.getClusterName()); } } @Override public synchronized void createHostComponents(Set<ServiceComponentHostRequest> requests) throws AmbariException { if (requests.isEmpty()) { LOG.warn("Received an empty requests set"); return; } // do all validation checks Map<String, Map<String, Map<String, Set<String>>>> hostComponentNames = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Map<String, Set<String>>>>(); Set<String> duplicates = new HashSet<String>(); // store request removed duplicated, by florian Set<ServiceComponentHostRequest> filtedRequests = new HashSet<ServiceComponentHostRequest>(requests.size()); for (ServiceComponentHostRequest request : requests) { validateServiceComponentHostRequest(request); Cluster cluster; try { cluster = clusters.getCluster(request.getClusterName()); } catch (ClusterNotFoundException e) { throw new ParentObjectNotFoundException( "Attempted to add a host_component to a cluster which doesn't exist: ", e); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(request.getServiceName())) { request.setServiceName(findServiceName(cluster, request.getComponentName())); } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Received a createHostComponent request" + ", clusterName=" + request.getClusterName() + ", serviceName=" + request.getServiceName() + ", componentName=" + request.getComponentName() + ", hostname=" + request.getHostname() + ", request=" + request); } if (!hostComponentNames.containsKey(request.getClusterName())) { hostComponentNames.put(request.getClusterName(), new HashMap<String, Map<String, Set<String>>>()); } if (!hostComponentNames.get(request.getClusterName()).containsKey(request.getServiceName())) { hostComponentNames.get(request.getClusterName()).put(request.getServiceName(), new HashMap<String, Set<String>>()); } if (!hostComponentNames.get(request.getClusterName()).get(request.getServiceName()) .containsKey(request.getComponentName())) { hostComponentNames.get(request.getClusterName()).get(request.getServiceName()) .put(request.getComponentName(), new HashSet<String>()); } if (hostComponentNames.get(request.getClusterName()).get(request.getServiceName()) .get(request.getComponentName()).contains(request.getHostname())) { duplicates.add("[clusterName=" + request.getClusterName() + ", hostName=" + request.getHostname() + ", componentName=" + request.getComponentName() + ']'); continue; } hostComponentNames.get(request.getClusterName()).get(request.getServiceName()) .get(request.getComponentName()).add(request.getHostname()); if (request.getDesiredState() != null && !request.getDesiredState().isEmpty()) { State state = State.valueOf(request.getDesiredState()); if (!state.isValidDesiredState() || state != State.INIT) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Invalid desired state" + " only INIT state allowed during creation" + ", providedDesiredState=" + request.getDesiredState()); } } Service s; try { s = cluster.getService(request.getServiceName()); } catch (ServiceNotFoundException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The service[" + request.getServiceName() + "] associated with the component[" + request.getComponentName() + "] doesn't exist for the cluster[" + request.getClusterName() + "]"); } ServiceComponent sc = s.getServiceComponent(request.getComponentName()); setRestartRequiredServices(s, request.getHostname()); Host host; try { host = clusters.getHost(request.getHostname()); } catch (HostNotFoundException e) { throw new ParentObjectNotFoundException( "Attempted to add a host_component to a host that doesn't exist: ", e); } Set<Cluster> mappedClusters = clusters.getClustersForHost(request.getHostname()); boolean validCluster = false; if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Looking to match host to cluster" + ", hostnameViaReg=" + host.getHostName() + ", hostname=" + request.getHostname() + ", clusterName=" + request.getClusterName() + ", hostClusterMapCount=" + mappedClusters.size()); } for (Cluster mappedCluster : mappedClusters) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Host belongs to cluster" + ", hostname=" + request.getHostname() + ", clusterName=" + mappedCluster.getClusterName()); } if (mappedCluster.getClusterName().equals(request.getClusterName())) { validCluster = true; break; } } if (!validCluster) { throw new ParentObjectNotFoundException( "Attempted to add a host_component to a host that doesn't exist: " + "clusterName=" + request.getClusterName() + ", hostName=" + request.getHostname()); } try { ServiceComponentHost sch = sc.getServiceComponentHost(request.getHostname()); if (sch != null) { duplicates.add("[clusterName=" + request.getClusterName() + ", hostName=" + request.getHostname() + ", componentName=" + request.getComponentName() + ']'); continue; } } catch (AmbariException e) { // Expected } filtedRequests.add(request); } // ensure only a single cluster update if (hostComponentNames.size() != 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Invalid arguments - updates allowed" + " on only one cluster at a time"); } requests = filtedRequests; // if (!duplicates.isEmpty()) { // StringBuilder names = new StringBuilder(); // boolean first = true; // for (String hName : duplicates) { // if (!first) { // names.append(","); // } // first = false; // names.append(hName); // } // String msg; // if (duplicates.size() == 1) { // msg = "Attempted to create a host_component which already exists: "; // } else { // msg = "Attempted to create host_component's which already exist: "; // } // throw new DuplicateResourceException(msg + names.toString()); // } // set restartRequired flag for monitoring services setMonitoringServicesRestartRequired(requests); // now doing actual work persistServiceComponentHosts(requests); } @Transactional void persistServiceComponentHosts(Set<ServiceComponentHostRequest> requests) throws AmbariException { for (ServiceComponentHostRequest request : requests) { Cluster cluster = clusters.getCluster(request.getClusterName()); Service s = cluster.getService(request.getServiceName()); ServiceComponent sc = s.getServiceComponent(request.getComponentName()); // do not create duplicated component host try { sc.getServiceComponentHost(request.getHostname()); } catch (ServiceComponentHostNotFoundException e) { ServiceComponentHost sch = serviceComponentHostFactory.createNew(sc, request.getHostname()); if (request.getDesiredState() != null && !request.getDesiredState().isEmpty()) { State state = State.valueOf(request.getDesiredState()); sch.setDesiredState(state); } sch.setDesiredStackVersion(sc.getDesiredStackVersion()); sc.addServiceComponentHost(sch); sch.persist(); } } } private void setMonitoringServicesRestartRequired(Set<ServiceComponentHostRequest> requests) throws AmbariException { for (ServiceComponentHostRequest request : requests) { Cluster cluster = clusters.getCluster(request.getClusterName()); StackId stackId = cluster.getCurrentStackVersion(); Collection<String> monitoringServices = ambariMetaInfo.getMonitoringServiceNames(stackId.getStackName(), stackId.getStackVersion()); for (String serviceName : monitoringServices) { if (cluster.getServices().containsKey(serviceName)) { Service service = cluster.getService(serviceName); for (ServiceComponent sc : service.getServiceComponents().values()) { if (sc.isMasterComponent()) { for (ServiceComponentHost sch : sc.getServiceComponentHosts().values()) { sch.setRestartRequired(true); } continue; } String hostname = request.getHostname(); if (sc.getServiceComponentHosts().containsKey(hostname)) { ServiceComponentHost sch = sc.getServiceComponentHost(hostname); sch.setRestartRequired(true); } } } } } } private void setRestartRequiredServices(Service service, String hostName) throws AmbariException { Cluster cluster = service.getCluster(); StackId stackId = cluster.getCurrentStackVersion(); Set<String> needRestartServices = ambariMetaInfo.getRestartRequiredServicesNames(stackId.getStackName(), stackId.getStackVersion()); if (needRestartServices.contains(service.getName())) { Map<String, ServiceComponent> m = service.getServiceComponents(); for (Entry<String, ServiceComponent> entry : m.entrySet()) { ServiceComponent serviceComponent = entry.getValue(); //Modified by junz: remove the test so that restart all components not just masters //if (serviceComponent.isMasterComponent()) { Map<String, ServiceComponentHost> schMap = serviceComponent.getServiceComponentHosts(); //schMap will only contain hostName when deleting a host; when adding a host the test skips the loop //Modified by junz: remove the test so that adding a host also triggers master component restart //if(schMap.containsKey(hostName)) { for (Entry<String, ServiceComponentHost> sch : schMap.entrySet()) { ServiceComponentHost serviceComponentHost = sch.getValue(); serviceComponentHost.setRestartRequired(true); } //} //} } } } @Override public synchronized ConfigurationResponse createConfiguration(ConfigurationRequest request) throws AmbariException { if (null == request.getClusterName() || request.getClusterName().isEmpty() || null == request.getType() || request.getType().isEmpty() || null == request.getProperties()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid Arguments," + " clustername, config type and configs should not" + " be null or empty"); } Cluster cluster = clusters.getCluster(request.getClusterName()); Map<String, Config> configs = cluster.getConfigsByType(request.getType()); if (null == configs) { configs = new HashMap<String, Config>(); } // Configuration attributes are optional. If not present, use empty map Map<String, Map<String, String>> propertiesAttributes = request.getPropertiesAttributes(); if (null == propertiesAttributes) { propertiesAttributes = new HashMap<String, Map<String, String>>(); } if (configs.containsKey(request.getVersionTag())) { throw new AmbariException(MessageFormat.format("Configuration with tag ''{0}'' exists for ''{1}''", request.getVersionTag(), request.getType())); } handleGlobalsBackwardsCompability(request, propertiesAttributes); Config config = createConfig(cluster, request.getType(), request.getProperties(), request.getVersionTag(), propertiesAttributes); return new ConfigurationResponse(cluster.getClusterName(), config.getType(), config.getTag(), config.getVersion(), config.getProperties(), config.getPropertiesAttributes()); } private void handleGlobalsBackwardsCompability(ConfigurationRequest request, Map<String, Map<String, String>> propertiesAttributes) throws AmbariException { Cluster cluster = clusters.getCluster(request.getClusterName()); if (request.getType().equals(Configuration.GLOBAL_CONFIG_TAG)) { Map<String, Map<String, String>> configTypes = new HashMap<String, Map<String, String>>(); configTypes.put(Configuration.GLOBAL_CONFIG_TAG, request.getProperties()); configHelper.moveDeprecatedGlobals(cluster.getCurrentStackVersion(), configTypes, cluster.getClusterName()); for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, String>> configType : configTypes.entrySet()) { String configTypeName = configType.getKey(); Map<String, String> properties = configType.getValue(); if (configTypeName.equals(Configuration.GLOBAL_CONFIG_TAG)) { continue; } String tag; if (cluster.getConfigsByType(configTypeName) == null) { tag = "version1"; } else { tag = "version" + System.currentTimeMillis(); } Config config = createConfig(cluster, configTypeName, properties, tag, propertiesAttributes); if (config != null) { String authName = getAuthName(); if (cluster.addDesiredConfig(authName, Collections.singleton(config)) != null) {"cluster '" + cluster.getClusterName() + "' " + "changed by: '" + authName + "'; " + "type='" + config.getType() + "' " + "tag='" + config.getTag()); } } } } } private Config createConfig(Cluster cluster, String type, Map<String, String> properties, String versionTag, Map<String, Map<String, String>> propertiesAttributes) { Config config = configFactory.createNew(cluster, type, properties, propertiesAttributes); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(versionTag)) { config.setTag(versionTag); } config.persist(); cluster.addConfig(config); return config; } @Override public void createUsers(Set<UserRequest> requests) throws AmbariException { for (UserRequest request : requests) { if (null == request.getUsername() || request.getUsername().isEmpty() || null == request.getPassword() || request.getPassword().isEmpty()) { throw new AmbariException("Username and password must be supplied."); } users.createUser(request.getUsername(), request.getPassword(), request.isActive(), request.isAdmin(), false); } } @Override public void createGroups(Set<GroupRequest> requests) throws AmbariException { for (GroupRequest request : requests) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(request.getGroupName())) { throw new AmbariException("Group name must be supplied."); } final Group group = users.getGroup(request.getGroupName()); if (group != null) { throw new AmbariException("Group already exists."); } users.createGroup(request.getGroupName()); } } @Override public void createMembers(Set<MemberRequest> requests) throws AmbariException { for (MemberRequest request : requests) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(request.getGroupName()) || StringUtils.isBlank(request.getUserName())) { throw new AmbariException("Both group name and user name must be supplied."); } users.addMemberToGroup(request.getGroupName(), request.getUserName()); } } @Override public Set<MemberResponse> getMembers(Set<MemberRequest> requests) throws AmbariException { final Set<MemberResponse> responses = new HashSet<MemberResponse>(); for (MemberRequest request : requests) { LOG.debug("Received a getMembers request, " + request.toString()); final Group group = users.getGroup(request.getGroupName()); if (null == group) { if (requests.size() == 1) { // only throw exception if there is a single request // if there are multiple requests, this indicates an OR predicate throw new ObjectNotFoundException("Cannot find group '" + request.getGroupName() + "'"); } } else { for (User user : users.getGroupMembers(group.getGroupName())) { final MemberResponse response = new MemberResponse(group.getGroupName(), user.getUserName()); responses.add(response); } } } return responses; } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public synchronized void updateMembers(Set<MemberRequest> requests) throws AmbariException { // validate String groupName = null; for (MemberRequest request : requests) { if (groupName != null && !request.getGroupName().equals(groupName)) { throw new AmbariException("Can't manage members of different groups in one request"); } groupName = request.getGroupName(); } final List<String> requiredMembers = new ArrayList<String>(); for (MemberRequest request : requests) { if (request.getUserName() != null) { requiredMembers.add(request.getUserName()); } } final List<String> currentMembers = users.getAllMembers(groupName); for (String user : (Collection<String>) CollectionUtils.subtract(currentMembers, requiredMembers)) { users.removeMemberFromGroup(groupName, user); } for (String user : (Collection<String>) CollectionUtils.subtract(requiredMembers, currentMembers)) { users.addMemberToGroup(groupName, user); } } private Stage createNewStage(long id, Cluster cluster, long requestId, String requestContext, String clusterHostInfo, String commandParamsStage, String hostParamsStage) { String logDir = BASE_LOG_DIR + File.pathSeparator + requestId; Stage stage = stageFactory.createNew(requestId, logDir, null == cluster ? null : cluster.getClusterName(), null == cluster ? -1L : cluster.getClusterId(), requestContext, clusterHostInfo, commandParamsStage, hostParamsStage); stage.setStageId(id); return stage; } private Set<ClusterResponse> getClusters(ClusterRequest request) throws AmbariException { Set<ClusterResponse> response = new HashSet<ClusterResponse>(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Received a getClusters request" + ", clusterName=" + request.getClusterName() + ", clusterId=" + request.getClusterId() + ", stackInfo=" + request.getStackVersion()); } Cluster singleCluster = null; if (request.getClusterName() != null) { singleCluster = clusters.getCluster(request.getClusterName()); } else if (request.getClusterId() != null) { singleCluster = clusters.getClusterById(request.getClusterId()); } if (singleCluster != null) { ClusterResponse cr = singleCluster.convertToResponse(); cr.setDesiredConfigs(singleCluster.getDesiredConfigs()); cr.setDesiredServiceConfigVersions(singleCluster.getActiveServiceConfigVersions()); response.add(cr); return response; } Map<String, Cluster> allClusters = clusters.getClusters(); for (Cluster c : allClusters.values()) { if (request.getStackVersion() != null) { if (!request.getStackVersion().equals(c.getDesiredStackVersion().getStackId())) { // skip non matching stack versions continue; } } response.add(c.convertToResponse()); } StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { clusters.debugDump(builder); LOG.debug("Cluster State for cluster " + builder.toString()); } return response; } private Set<ServiceComponentHostResponse> getHostComponents(ServiceComponentHostRequest request) throws AmbariException { LOG.debug("Processing request {}", request); if (request.getClusterName() == null || request.getClusterName().isEmpty()) { IllegalArgumentException e = new IllegalArgumentException( "Invalid arguments, cluster name should not be null"); LOG.debug("Cluster not specified in request", e); throw e; } final Cluster cluster; try { cluster = clusters.getCluster(request.getClusterName()); } catch (ClusterNotFoundException e) { LOG.error("Cluster not found ", e); throw new ParentObjectNotFoundException("Parent Cluster resource doesn't exist", e); } if (request.getHostname() != null) { try { if (!clusters.getClustersForHost(request.getHostname()).contains(cluster)) { // case where host exists but not associated with given cluster LOG.error("Host doesn't belong to cluster"); throw new ParentObjectNotFoundException("Parent Host resource doesn't exist", new HostNotFoundException(request.getClusterName(), request.getHostname())); } } catch (HostNotFoundException e) { LOG.error("Host not found", e); // creating new HostNotFoundException to add cluster name throw new ParentObjectNotFoundException("Parent Host resource doesn't exist", new HostNotFoundException(request.getClusterName(), request.getHostname())); } } if (request.getComponentName() != null) { if (request.getServiceName() == null || request.getServiceName().isEmpty()) { StackId stackId = cluster.getDesiredStackVersion(); String serviceName = ambariMetaInfo.getComponentToService(stackId.getStackName(), stackId.getStackVersion(), request.getComponentName()); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Looking up service name for component" + ", componentName=" + request.getComponentName() + ", serviceName=" + serviceName + ", stackInfo=" + stackId.getStackId()); } if (serviceName == null || serviceName.isEmpty()) { LOG.error("Unable to find service for component {}", request.getComponentName()); throw new ServiceComponentHostNotFoundException(cluster.getClusterName(), null, request.getComponentName(), request.getHostname()); } request.setServiceName(serviceName); } } Set<Service> services = new HashSet<Service>(); if (request.getServiceName() != null && !request.getServiceName().isEmpty()) { services.add(cluster.getService(request.getServiceName())); } else { services.addAll(cluster.getServices().values()); } Set<ServiceComponentHostResponse> response = new HashSet<ServiceComponentHostResponse>(); boolean checkDesiredState = false; State desiredStateToCheck = null; boolean filterBasedConfigStaleness = false; boolean staleConfig = true; if (request.getStaleConfig() != null) { filterBasedConfigStaleness = true; staleConfig = "true".equals(request.getStaleConfig().toLowerCase()); } if (request.getDesiredState() != null && !request.getDesiredState().isEmpty()) { desiredStateToCheck = State.valueOf(request.getDesiredState()); if (!desiredStateToCheck.isValidDesiredState()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Invalid arguments, invalid desired" + " state, desiredState=" + desiredStateToCheck); } checkDesiredState = true; } Map<String, Host> hosts = clusters.getHostsForCluster(cluster.getClusterName()); for (Service s : services) { // filter on component name if provided Set<ServiceComponent> components = new HashSet<ServiceComponent>(); if (request.getComponentName() != null) { components.add(s.getServiceComponent(request.getComponentName())); } else { components.addAll(s.getServiceComponents().values()); } for (ServiceComponent sc : components) { if (request.getComponentName() != null) { if (!sc.getName().equals(request.getComponentName())) { continue; } } // filter on hostname if provided // filter on desired state if provided Map<String, ServiceComponentHost> serviceComponentHostMap = sc.getServiceComponentHosts(); if (request.getHostname() != null) { try { if (serviceComponentHostMap == null || !serviceComponentHostMap.containsKey(request.getHostname())) { throw new ServiceComponentHostNotFoundException(cluster.getClusterName(), s.getName(), sc.getName(), request.getHostname()); } ServiceComponentHost sch = serviceComponentHostMap.get(request.getHostname()); if (checkDesiredState && (desiredStateToCheck != sch.getDesiredState())) { continue; } if (request.getAdminState() != null) { String stringToMatch = sch.getComponentAdminState() == null ? "" : sch.getComponentAdminState().name(); if (!request.getAdminState().equals(stringToMatch)) { continue; } } ServiceComponentHostResponse r = sch.convertToResponse(); if (filterBasedConfigStaleness && r.isStaleConfig() != staleConfig) { continue; } Host host = hosts.get(sch.getHostName()); if (host == null) { throw new HostNotFoundException(cluster.getClusterName(), sch.getHostName()); } r.setMaintenanceState(maintenanceStateHelper.getEffectiveState(sch, host).name()); response.add(r); } catch (ServiceComponentHostNotFoundException e) { if (request.getServiceName() == null || request.getComponentName() == null) { // Ignore the exception if either the service name or component name are not specified. // This is an artifact of how we get host_components and can happen in the case where // we get all host_components for a host, for example. LOG.debug("Ignoring not specified host_component ", e); } else { // Otherwise rethrow the exception and let the caller decide if it's an error condition. // Logging the exception as debug since this does not necessarily indicate an error // condition. LOG.debug("ServiceComponentHost not found ", e); throw new ServiceComponentHostNotFoundException(cluster.getClusterName(), request.getServiceName(), request.getComponentName(), request.getHostname()); } } } else { for (ServiceComponentHost sch : serviceComponentHostMap.values()) { if (checkDesiredState && (desiredStateToCheck != sch.getDesiredState())) { continue; } if (request.getAdminState() != null) { String stringToMatch = sch.getComponentAdminState() == null ? "" : sch.getComponentAdminState().name(); if (!request.getAdminState().equals(stringToMatch)) { continue; } } ServiceComponentHostResponse r = sch.convertToResponse(); if (filterBasedConfigStaleness && r.isStaleConfig() != staleConfig) { continue; } Host host = hosts.get(sch.getHostName()); if (host == null) { throw new HostNotFoundException(cluster.getClusterName(), sch.getHostName()); } r.setMaintenanceState(maintenanceStateHelper.getEffectiveState(sch, host).name()); response.add(r); } } } } return response; } @Override public MaintenanceState getEffectiveMaintenanceState(ServiceComponentHost sch) throws AmbariException { return maintenanceStateHelper.getEffectiveState(sch); } private Set<ConfigurationResponse> getConfigurations(ConfigurationRequest request) throws AmbariException { if (request.getClusterName() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid arguments, cluster name" + " should not be null"); } Cluster cluster = clusters.getCluster(request.getClusterName()); Set<ConfigurationResponse> responses = new HashSet<ConfigurationResponse>(); // !!! if only one, then we need full properties if (null != request.getType() && null != request.getVersionTag()) { Config config = cluster.getConfig(request.getType(), request.getVersionTag()); if (null != config) { ConfigurationResponse response = new ConfigurationResponse(cluster.getClusterName(), config.getType(), config.getTag(), config.getVersion(), config.getProperties(), config.getPropertiesAttributes()); responses.add(response); } } else { boolean includeProps = request.includeProperties(); if (null != request.getType()) { Map<String, Config> configs = cluster.getConfigsByType(request.getType()); if (null != configs) { for (Entry<String, Config> entry : configs.entrySet()) { Config config = entry.getValue(); ConfigurationResponse response = new ConfigurationResponse(cluster.getClusterName(), request.getType(), config.getTag(), entry.getValue().getVersion(), includeProps ? config.getProperties() : new HashMap<String, String>(), includeProps ? config.getPropertiesAttributes() : new HashMap<String, Map<String, String>>()); responses.add(response); } } } else { // !!! all configuration Collection<Config> all = cluster.getAllConfigs(); for (Config config : all) { ConfigurationResponse response = new ConfigurationResponse(cluster.getClusterName(), config.getType(), config.getTag(), config.getVersion(), includeProps ? config.getProperties() : new HashMap<String, String>(), includeProps ? config.getPropertiesAttributes() : new HashMap<String, Map<String, String>>()); responses.add(response); } } } return responses; } @Override public synchronized RequestStatusResponse updateClusters(Set<ClusterRequest> requests, Map<String, String> requestProperties) throws AmbariException { RequestStatusResponse response = null; // We have to allow for multiple requests to account for multiple // configuration updates (create multiple configuration resources)... for (ClusterRequest request : requests) { // TODO : Is there ever a real world case where we could have multiple non-null responses? // *************************************************** // set any session attributes for this cluster request Cluster cluster; if (request.getClusterId() == null) { cluster = clusters.getCluster(request.getClusterName()); } else { cluster = clusters.getClusterById(request.getClusterId()); } if (cluster == null) { throw new AmbariException("The cluster may not be null"); } cluster.addSessionAttributes(request.getSessionAttributes()); // // *************************************************** response = updateCluster(request, requestProperties); } return response; } private synchronized RequestStatusResponse updateCluster(ClusterRequest request, Map<String, String> requestProperties) throws AmbariException { RequestStageContainer requestStageContainer = null; if (request.getClusterId() == null && (request.getClusterName() == null || request.getClusterName().isEmpty())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid arguments, cluster id or cluster name should not be null"); }"Received a updateCluster request" + ", clusterId=" + request.getClusterId() + ", clusterName=" + request.getClusterName() + ", securityType=" + request.getSecurityType() + ", request=" + request); final Cluster cluster; if (request.getClusterId() == null) { cluster = clusters.getCluster(request.getClusterName()); } else { cluster = clusters.getClusterById(request.getClusterId()); } //save data to return configurations created List<ConfigurationResponse> configurationResponses = new LinkedList<ConfigurationResponse>(); ServiceConfigVersionResponse serviceConfigVersionResponse = null; if (request.getDesiredConfig() != null && request.getServiceConfigVersionRequest() != null) { String msg = "Unable to set desired configs and rollback at same time, request = " + request.toString(); LOG.error(msg); throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } // set the new name of the cluster if change is requested if (!cluster.getClusterName().equals(request.getClusterName())) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Received cluster name change request from " + cluster.getClusterName() + " to " + request.getClusterName()); } cluster.setClusterName(request.getClusterName()); } //check if desired configs are available in request and they were changed boolean isConfigurationCreationNeeded = false; if (request.getDesiredConfig() != null) { for (ConfigurationRequest desiredConfig : request.getDesiredConfig()) { Map<String, String> requestConfigProperties = desiredConfig.getProperties(); Config clusterConfig = cluster.getDesiredConfigByType(desiredConfig.getType()); Map<String, String> clusterConfigProperties = null; if (clusterConfig != null) { clusterConfigProperties = clusterConfig.getProperties(); } else { isConfigurationCreationNeeded = true; } if (requestConfigProperties == null || requestConfigProperties.isEmpty()) { Config existingConfig = cluster.getConfig(desiredConfig.getType(), desiredConfig.getVersionTag()); if (existingConfig != null) { if (!StringUtils.equals(existingConfig.getTag(), clusterConfig.getTag())) { isConfigurationCreationNeeded = true; break; } } } if (requestConfigProperties != null && clusterConfigProperties != null) { if (requestConfigProperties.size() != clusterConfigProperties.size()) { isConfigurationCreationNeeded = true; break; } else { for (Entry<String, String> property : requestConfigProperties.entrySet()) { if (!property.getValue().equals(clusterConfigProperties.get(property.getKey()))) { isConfigurationCreationNeeded = true; break; } } } } } } // set or create configuration mapping (and optionally create the map of properties) if (isConfigurationCreationNeeded) { Set<Config> configs = new HashSet<Config>(); String note = null; for (ConfigurationRequest cr : request.getDesiredConfig()) { if (null != cr.getProperties()) { // !!! empty property sets are supported, and need to be able to use // previously-defined configs (revert) Map<String, Config> all = cluster.getConfigsByType(cr.getType()); if (null == all || // none set !all.containsKey(cr.getVersionTag()) || // tag not set cr.getProperties().size() > 0) { // properties to set"Applying configuration with tag ''{0}'' to cluster ''{1}''", cr.getVersionTag(), request.getClusterName())); cr.setClusterName(cluster.getClusterName()); configurationResponses.add(createConfiguration(cr)); } } note = cr.getServiceConfigVersionNote(); configs.add(cluster.getConfig(cr.getType(), cr.getVersionTag())); } if (!configs.isEmpty()) { String authName = getAuthName(); serviceConfigVersionResponse = cluster.addDesiredConfig(authName, configs, note); if (serviceConfigVersionResponse != null) { Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("configchange"); for (Config config : configs) {"cluster '" + request.getClusterName() + "' " + "changed by: '" + authName + "'; " + "type='" + config.getType() + "' " + "tag='" + config.getTag() + "'"); } } } } StackId currentVersion = cluster.getCurrentStackVersion(); StackId desiredVersion = cluster.getDesiredStackVersion(); // Set the current version value if its not already set if (currentVersion == null) { cluster.setCurrentStackVersion(desiredVersion); } // Rolling Upgrade: unlike the workflow for creating a cluster, updating a cluster via the API will not // create any ClusterVersionEntity changes because those have to go through the Rolling Upgrade process. boolean requiresHostListUpdate = request.getHostNames() != null && !request.getHostNames().isEmpty(); if (requiresHostListUpdate) { clusters.mapHostsToCluster(request.getHostNames(), request.getClusterName()); } // set the provisioning state of the cluster if (null != request.getProvisioningState()) { State oldProvisioningState = cluster.getProvisioningState(); State provisioningState = State.valueOf(request.getProvisioningState()); if (provisioningState != State.INIT && provisioningState != State.INSTALLED) { LOG.warn("Invalid cluster provisioning state {} cannot be set on the cluster {}", provisioningState, request.getClusterName()); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid cluster provisioning state " + provisioningState + " cannot be set on cluster " + request.getClusterName()); } if (provisioningState != oldProvisioningState) { boolean isStateTransitionValid = State.isValidDesiredStateTransition(oldProvisioningState, provisioningState); if (!isStateTransitionValid) { LOG.warn( "Invalid cluster provisioning 2state {} cannot be set on the cluster {} because the current state is {}", provisioningState, request.getClusterName(), oldProvisioningState); throw new AmbariException("Invalid transition for" + " cluster provisioning state" + ", clusterName=" + cluster.getClusterName() + ", clusterId=" + cluster.getClusterId() + ", currentProvisioningState=" + oldProvisioningState + ", newProvisioningState=" + provisioningState); } } cluster.setProvisioningState(provisioningState); } if (null != request.getServiceConfigVersionRequest()) { ServiceConfigVersionRequest serviceConfigVersionRequest = request.getServiceConfigVersionRequest(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(serviceConfigVersionRequest.getServiceName()) || null == serviceConfigVersionRequest.getVersion()) { String msg = "Service name and version should be specified in service config version"; LOG.error(msg); throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } serviceConfigVersionResponse = cluster.setServiceConfigVersion( serviceConfigVersionRequest.getServiceName(), serviceConfigVersionRequest.getVersion(), getAuthName(), serviceConfigVersionRequest.getNote()); } if (serviceConfigVersionResponse != null) { if (!configurationResponses.isEmpty()) { serviceConfigVersionResponse.setConfigurations(configurationResponses); } ClusterResponse clusterResponse = new ClusterResponse(cluster.getClusterId(), cluster.getClusterName(), null, null, null, null, null, null); Map<String, Collection<ServiceConfigVersionResponse>> map = new HashMap<String, Collection<ServiceConfigVersionResponse>>(); map.put(serviceConfigVersionResponse.getServiceName(), Collections.singletonList(serviceConfigVersionResponse)); clusterResponse.setDesiredServiceConfigVersions(map); //workaround to be able to retrieve update results in resource provider //as this method only expected to return request response saveClusterUpdate(request, clusterResponse); } // set the new security type of the cluster if change is requested SecurityType securityType = request.getSecurityType(); if (securityType != null) { // if any custom operations are valid and requested, the process of executing them should be initiated, // most of the validation logic will be left to the KerberosHelper to avoid polluting the controller if (kerberosHelper.shouldExecuteCustomOperations(securityType, requestProperties)) { try { requestStageContainer = kerberosHelper.executeCustomOperations(cluster, requestProperties, requestStageContainer); } catch (KerberosOperationException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e.getMessage(), e); } } else if (cluster.getSecurityType() != securityType) {"Received cluster security type change request from {} to {}", cluster.getSecurityType().name(),; if ((securityType == SecurityType.KERBEROS) || (securityType == SecurityType.NONE)) { // Since the security state of the cluster has changed, invoke toggleKerberos to handle // adding or removing Kerberos from the cluster. This may generate multiple stages // or not depending the current state of the cluster. try { requestStageContainer = kerberosHelper.toggleKerberos(cluster, securityType, requestStageContainer); } catch (KerberosOperationException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e.getMessage(), e); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format("Unexpected security type encountered: %s",; } cluster.setSecurityType(securityType); } } if (requestStageContainer != null) { requestStageContainer.persist(); return requestStageContainer.getRequestStatusResponse(); } else { return null; } } /** * Save cluster update results to retrieve later * @param clusterRequest cluster request info * @param clusterResponse cluster response info */ public void saveClusterUpdate(ClusterRequest clusterRequest, ClusterResponse clusterResponse) { clusterUpdateCache.put(clusterRequest, clusterResponse); } @Override public ClusterResponse getClusterUpdateResults(ClusterRequest clusterRequest) { return clusterUpdateCache.getIfPresent(clusterRequest); } @Override public String getJobTrackerHost(Cluster cluster) { try { Service svc = cluster.getService("MAPREDUCE"); ServiceComponent sc = svc.getServiceComponent(Role.JOBTRACKER.toString()); if (sc.getServiceComponentHosts() != null && !sc.getServiceComponentHosts().isEmpty()) { return sc.getServiceComponentHosts().keySet().iterator().next(); } } catch (AmbariException ex) { return null; } return null; } private Set<String> getServicesForSmokeTests(Cluster cluster, Map<State, List<Service>> changedServices, Map<String, Map<State, List<ServiceComponentHost>>> changedScHosts, boolean runSmokeTest) throws AmbariException { // We choose the most general (high-level) op level here. As a result, // service checks will be only launched for services/components that // are not in a Maintenance state. Resource.Type opLvl = Resource.Type.Cluster; Set<String> smokeTestServices = new HashSet<String>(); // Adding smoke checks for changed services if (changedServices != null) { for (Entry<State, List<Service>> entry : changedServices.entrySet()) { if (State.STARTED != entry.getKey()) { continue; } for (Service s : entry.getValue()) { if (runSmokeTest && (State.INSTALLED == s.getDesiredState() && maintenanceStateHelper.isOperationAllowed(opLvl, s))) { smokeTestServices.add(s.getName()); } } } } // Adding smoke checks for changed host components Map<String, Map<String, Integer>> changedComponentCount = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Integer>>(); for (Map<State, List<ServiceComponentHost>> stateScHostMap : changedScHosts.values()) { for (Entry<State, List<ServiceComponentHost>> entry : stateScHostMap.entrySet()) { if (State.STARTED != entry.getKey()) { continue; } for (ServiceComponentHost sch : entry.getValue()) { if (State.INSTALLED != sch.getState()) { continue; } if (!maintenanceStateHelper.isOperationAllowed(opLvl, sch)) { continue; } if (!changedComponentCount.containsKey(sch.getServiceName())) { changedComponentCount.put(sch.getServiceName(), new HashMap<String, Integer>()); } if (!changedComponentCount.get(sch.getServiceName()) .containsKey(sch.getServiceComponentName())) { changedComponentCount.get(sch.getServiceName()).put(sch.getServiceComponentName(), 1); } else { Integer i = changedComponentCount.get(sch.getServiceName()) .get(sch.getServiceComponentName()); changedComponentCount.get(sch.getServiceName()).put(sch.getServiceComponentName(), ++i); } } } } // Add service checks for any changed master component hosts or if // more then one component has been changed for a service for (Entry<String, Map<String, Integer>> entry : changedComponentCount.entrySet()) { String serviceName = entry.getKey(); Service s = cluster.getService(serviceName); // smoke test service if more than one component is started if (runSmokeTest && (entry.getValue().size() > 1) && maintenanceStateHelper.isOperationAllowed(opLvl, s)) { smokeTestServices.add(serviceName); continue; } for (String componentName : changedComponentCount.get(serviceName).keySet()) { ServiceComponent sc = cluster.getService(serviceName).getServiceComponent(componentName); StackId stackId = sc.getDesiredStackVersion(); ComponentInfo compInfo = ambariMetaInfo.getComponent(stackId.getStackName(), stackId.getStackVersion(), serviceName, componentName); if (runSmokeTest && compInfo.isMaster() && // op lvl handling for service component // is the same as for service maintenanceStateHelper.isOperationAllowed(opLvl, s)) { smokeTestServices.add(serviceName); } // FIXME if master check if we need to run a smoke test for the master } } return smokeTestServices; } private void addClientSchForReinstall(Cluster cluster, Map<State, List<Service>> changedServices, Map<String, Map<State, List<ServiceComponentHost>>> changedScHosts) throws AmbariException { Set<String> services = new HashSet<String>(); // This is done to account for services with client only components. if (changedServices != null) { for (Entry<State, List<Service>> entry : changedServices.entrySet()) { if (State.STARTED != entry.getKey()) { continue; } for (Service s : entry.getValue()) { if (State.INSTALLED == s.getDesiredState()) { services.add(s.getName()); } } } } // Flatten changed Schs that are going to be Started List<ServiceComponentHost> serviceComponentHosts = new ArrayList<ServiceComponentHost>(); if (changedScHosts != null && !changedScHosts.isEmpty()) { for (Entry<String, Map<State, List<ServiceComponentHost>>> stringMapEntry : changedScHosts.entrySet()) { for (State state : stringMapEntry.getValue().keySet()) { if (state == State.STARTED) { serviceComponentHosts.addAll(stringMapEntry.getValue().get(state)); } } } } if (!serviceComponentHosts.isEmpty()) { for (ServiceComponentHost sch : serviceComponentHosts) { services.add(sch.getServiceName()); } } if (services.isEmpty()) { return; } Map<String, List<ServiceComponentHost>> clientSchs = new HashMap<String, List<ServiceComponentHost>>(); for (String serviceName : services) { Service s = cluster.getService(serviceName); for (String component : s.getServiceComponents().keySet()) { List<ServiceComponentHost> potentialHosts = new ArrayList<ServiceComponentHost>(); ServiceComponent sc = s.getServiceComponents().get(component); if (sc.isClientComponent()) { for (ServiceComponentHost potentialSch : sc.getServiceComponentHosts().values()) { Host host = clusters.getHost(potentialSch.getHostName()); // Host is alive and neither host nor SCH is in Maintenance State if (!potentialSch.getHostState().equals(HostState.HEARTBEAT_LOST) && potentialSch.getMaintenanceState() != MaintenanceState.ON && host.getMaintenanceState(cluster.getClusterId()) == MaintenanceState.OFF) { potentialHosts.add(potentialSch); } } } if (!potentialHosts.isEmpty()) { clientSchs.put(sc.getName(), potentialHosts); } } }"Client hosts for reinstall : " + clientSchs.size()); if (changedScHosts != null) { for (Entry<String, List<ServiceComponentHost>> stringListEntry : clientSchs.entrySet()) { Map<State, List<ServiceComponentHost>> schMap = new EnumMap<State, List<ServiceComponentHost>>( State.class); schMap.put(State.INSTALLED, stringListEntry.getValue()); changedScHosts.put(stringListEntry.getKey(), schMap); } } } @Override public Map<String, Map<String, String>> findConfigurationTagsWithOverrides(Cluster cluster, String hostName) throws AmbariException { return configHelper.getEffectiveDesiredTags(cluster, hostName); } @Override public RequestExecutionFactory getRequestExecutionFactory() { return requestExecutionFactory; } @Override public ExecutionScheduleManager getExecutionScheduleManager() { return executionScheduleManager; } /** * Creates and populates an EXECUTION_COMMAND for host */ private void createHostAction(Cluster cluster, Stage stage, ServiceComponentHost scHost, Map<String, Map<String, String>> configurations, Map<String, Map<String, Map<String, String>>> configurationAttributes, Map<String, Map<String, String>> configTags, RoleCommand roleCommand, Map<String, String> commandParams, ServiceComponentHostEvent event) throws AmbariException { stage.addHostRoleExecutionCommand(scHost.getHostName(), Role.valueOf(scHost.getServiceComponentName()), roleCommand, event, scHost.getClusterName(), scHost.getServiceName(), false); String serviceName = scHost.getServiceName(); String componentName = event.getServiceComponentName(); String hostname = scHost.getHostName(); String osFamily = clusters.getHost(hostname).getOsFamily(); StackId stackId = cluster.getDesiredStackVersion(); ServiceInfo serviceInfo = ambariMetaInfo.getService(stackId.getStackName(), stackId.getStackVersion(), serviceName); ComponentInfo componentInfo = ambariMetaInfo.getComponent(stackId.getStackName(), stackId.getStackVersion(), serviceName, componentName); StackInfo stackInfo = ambariMetaInfo.getStack(stackId.getStackName(), stackId.getStackVersion()); ExecutionCommand execCmd = stage .getExecutionCommandWrapper(scHost.getHostName(), scHost.getServiceComponentName()) .getExecutionCommand(); Host host = clusters.getHost(scHost.getHostName()); String jobtrackerHost = getJobTrackerHost(cluster); if (!scHost.getHostName().equals(jobtrackerHost)) { if (configTags.get(Configuration.GLOBAL_CONFIG_TAG) != null) { configHelper.applyCustomConfig(configurations, Configuration.GLOBAL_CONFIG_TAG, Configuration.RCA_ENABLED_PROPERTY, "false", false); } } execCmd.setConfigurations(configurations); execCmd.setConfigurationAttributes(configurationAttributes); execCmd.setConfigurationTags(configTags); if (commandParams == null) { // if not defined commandParams = new TreeMap<String, String>(); } boolean isInstallCommand = roleCommand.equals(RoleCommand.INSTALL); String agentDefaultCommandTimeout = configs.getDefaultAgentTaskTimeout(isInstallCommand); String scriptCommandTimeout = ""; /* * This script is only used for * default commands like INSTALL/STOP/START */ CommandScriptDefinition script = componentInfo.getCommandScript(); if (serviceInfo.getSchemaVersion().equals(AmbariMetaInfo.SCHEMA_VERSION_2)) { if (script != null) { commandParams.put(SCRIPT, script.getScript()); commandParams.put(SCRIPT_TYPE, script.getScriptType().toString()); ClusterVersionEntity currentClusterVersion = cluster.getCurrentClusterVersion(); if (currentClusterVersion != null) { commandParams.put(VERSION, currentClusterVersion.getRepositoryVersion().getVersion()); } if (script.getTimeout() > 0) { scriptCommandTimeout = String.valueOf(script.getTimeout()); } } else { String message = String.format("Component %s of service %s has no " + "command script defined", componentName, serviceName); throw new AmbariException(message); } } String actualTimeout = (!scriptCommandTimeout.equals("") ? scriptCommandTimeout : agentDefaultCommandTimeout); // Because the INSTALL command can take much longer than typical commands, set the timeout to be the max // between the script's service component timeout and the agent default timeout. if (roleCommand.equals(RoleCommand.INSTALL) && !agentDefaultCommandTimeout.equals("") && Integer.parseInt(actualTimeout) < Integer.parseInt(agentDefaultCommandTimeout)) { actualTimeout = agentDefaultCommandTimeout; } commandParams.put(COMMAND_TIMEOUT, actualTimeout); commandParams.put(SERVICE_PACKAGE_FOLDER, serviceInfo.getServicePackageFolder()); commandParams.put(HOOKS_FOLDER, stackInfo.getStackHooksFolder()); execCmd.setCommandParams(commandParams); String repoInfo = customCommandExecutionHelper.getRepoInfo(cluster, host); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Sending repo information to agent" + ", hostname=" + scHost.getHostName() + ", clusterName=" + cluster.getClusterName() + ", stackInfo=" + stackId.getStackId() + ", repoInfo=" + repoInfo); } Map<String, String> hostParams = new TreeMap<String, String>(); hostParams.put(REPO_INFO, repoInfo); hostParams.putAll(getRcaParameters()); List<ServiceOsSpecific.Package> packages = getPackagesForServiceHost(serviceInfo, hostParams, osFamily); String packageList = gson.toJson(packages); hostParams.put(PACKAGE_LIST, packageList); Set<String> userSet = configHelper.getPropertyValuesWithPropertyType(stackId, PropertyType.USER, cluster); String userList = gson.toJson(userSet); hostParams.put(USER_LIST, userList); Set<String> groupSet = configHelper.getPropertyValuesWithPropertyType(stackId, PropertyType.GROUP, cluster); String groupList = gson.toJson(groupSet); hostParams.put(GROUP_LIST, groupList); DatabaseType databaseType = configs.getDatabaseType(); if (databaseType == DatabaseType.ORACLE) { hostParams.put(DB_DRIVER_FILENAME, configs.getOjdbcJarName()); } else if (databaseType == DatabaseType.MYSQL) { hostParams.put(DB_DRIVER_FILENAME, configs.getMySQLJarName()); } List<String> clientsToUpdateConfigsList = componentInfo.getClientsToUpdateConfigs(); if (clientsToUpdateConfigsList == null) { clientsToUpdateConfigsList = new ArrayList<String>(); clientsToUpdateConfigsList.add("*"); } String clientsToUpdateConfigs = gson.toJson(clientsToUpdateConfigsList); hostParams.put(CLIENTS_TO_UPDATE_CONFIGS, clientsToUpdateConfigs); execCmd.setHostLevelParams(hostParams); Map<String, String> roleParams = new TreeMap<String, String>(); execCmd.setRoleParams(roleParams); } /** * Computes os-dependent packages for service/host. Does not take into * account package dependencies for ANY_OS. Instead of this method * you should use getPackagesForServiceHost() * because it takes into account both os-dependent and os-independent lists * of packages for service. * @param hostParams may be modified (appended SERVICE_REPO_INFO) * @return a list of os-dependent packages for host */ protected ServiceOsSpecific populateServicePackagesInfo(ServiceInfo serviceInfo, Map<String, String> hostParams, String osFamily) { ServiceOsSpecific hostOs = new ServiceOsSpecific(osFamily); List<ServiceOsSpecific> foundOSSpecifics = getOSSpecificsByFamily(serviceInfo.getOsSpecifics(), osFamily); if (!foundOSSpecifics.isEmpty()) { for (ServiceOsSpecific osSpecific : foundOSSpecifics) { hostOs.addPackages(osSpecific.getPackages()); } // Choose repo that is relevant for host ServiceOsSpecific.Repo serviceRepo = hostOs.getRepo(); if (serviceRepo != null) { String serviceRepoInfo = gson.toJson(serviceRepo); hostParams.put(SERVICE_REPO_INFO, serviceRepoInfo); } } return hostOs; } @Override public List<ServiceOsSpecific.Package> getPackagesForServiceHost(ServiceInfo serviceInfo, Map<String, String> hostParams, String osFamily) { // Write down os specific info for the service ServiceOsSpecific anyOs = null; if (serviceInfo.getOsSpecifics().containsKey(AmbariMetaInfo.ANY_OS)) { anyOs = serviceInfo.getOsSpecifics().get(AmbariMetaInfo.ANY_OS); } ServiceOsSpecific hostOs = populateServicePackagesInfo(serviceInfo, hostParams, osFamily); // Build package list that is relevant for host List<ServiceOsSpecific.Package> packages = new ArrayList<ServiceOsSpecific.Package>(); if (anyOs != null) { packages.addAll(anyOs.getPackages()); } if (hostOs != null) { packages.addAll(hostOs.getPackages()); } return packages; } private List<ServiceOsSpecific> getOSSpecificsByFamily(Map<String, ServiceOsSpecific> osSpecifics, String osFamily) { List<ServiceOsSpecific> foundedOSSpecifics = new ArrayList<ServiceOsSpecific>(); for (Entry<String, ServiceOsSpecific> osSpecific : osSpecifics.entrySet()) { if (osSpecific.getKey().contains(osFamily)) { foundedOSSpecifics.add(osSpecific.getValue()); } } return foundedOSSpecifics; } private ActionExecutionContext getActionExecutionContext(ExecuteActionRequest actionRequest) throws AmbariException { RequestOperationLevel operationLevel = actionRequest.getOperationLevel(); if (actionRequest.isCommand()) { ActionExecutionContext actionExecutionContext = new ActionExecutionContext( actionRequest.getClusterName(), actionRequest.getCommandName(), actionRequest.getResourceFilters(), actionRequest.getParameters()); actionExecutionContext.setOperationLevel(operationLevel); return actionExecutionContext; } else { // If action ActionDefinition actionDef = ambariMetaInfo.getActionDefinition(actionRequest.getActionName()); if (actionDef == null) { throw new AmbariException("Action " + actionRequest.getActionName() + " does not exist"); } ActionExecutionContext actionExecutionContext = new ActionExecutionContext( actionRequest.getClusterName(), actionRequest.getActionName(), actionRequest.getResourceFilters(), actionRequest.getParameters(), actionDef.getTargetType(), actionDef.getDefaultTimeout(), actionDef.getTargetService(), actionDef.getTargetComponent()); actionExecutionContext.setOperationLevel(operationLevel); return actionExecutionContext; } } private RequestStageContainer doStageCreation(RequestStageContainer requestStages, Cluster cluster, Map<State, List<Service>> changedServices, Map<State, List<ServiceComponent>> changedComps, Map<String, Map<State, List<ServiceComponentHost>>> changedScHosts, Map<String, String> requestParameters, Map<String, String> requestProperties, boolean runSmokeTest, boolean reconfigureClients) throws AmbariException { // TODO handle different transitions? // Say HDFS to stopped and MR to started, what order should actions be done // in? // TODO additional validation? // verify all configs // verify all required components if ((changedServices == null || changedServices.isEmpty()) && (changedComps == null || changedComps.isEmpty()) && (changedScHosts == null || changedScHosts.isEmpty())) { LOG.debug("Created 0 stages"); return requestStages; } // smoke test any service that goes from installed to started Set<String> smokeTestServices = getServicesForSmokeTests(cluster, changedServices, changedScHosts, runSmokeTest); if (reconfigureClients) { // Re-install client only hosts to reattach changed configs on service // restart addClientSchForReinstall(cluster, changedServices, changedScHosts); } if (!changedScHosts.isEmpty() || !smokeTestServices.isEmpty()) { long nowTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); // FIXME cannot work with a single stage // multiple stages may be needed for reconfigure Map<String, Set<String>> clusterHostInfo = StageUtils .getClusterHostInfo(clusters.getHostsForCluster(cluster.getClusterName()), cluster); String clusterHostInfoJson = StageUtils.getGson().toJson(clusterHostInfo); String HostParamsJson = StageUtils.getGson() .toJson(customCommandExecutionHelper.createDefaultHostParams(cluster)); Stage stage = createNewStage(requestStages.getLastStageId(), cluster, requestStages.getId(), requestProperties.get(REQUEST_CONTEXT_PROPERTY), clusterHostInfoJson, "{}", HostParamsJson); Collection<ServiceComponentHost> componentsToEnableKerberos = new ArrayList<ServiceComponentHost>(); Set<String> hostsToForceKerberosOperations = new HashSet<String>(); //HACK String jobtrackerHost = getJobTrackerHost(cluster); for (String compName : changedScHosts.keySet()) { for (State newState : changedScHosts.get(compName).keySet()) { for (ServiceComponentHost scHost : changedScHosts.get(compName).get(newState)) { // Do not create role command for hosts that are not responding if (scHost.getHostState().equals(HostState.HEARTBEAT_LOST)) {"Command is not created for servicecomponenthost " + ", clusterName=" + cluster.getClusterName() + ", clusterId=" + cluster.getClusterId() + ", serviceName=" + scHost.getServiceName() + ", componentName=" + scHost.getServiceComponentName() + ", hostname=" + scHost.getHostName() + ", hostState=" + scHost.getHostState() + ", targetNewState=" + newState); continue; } RoleCommand roleCommand; State oldSchState = scHost.getState(); ServiceComponentHostEvent event; switch (newState) { case INSTALLED: if (oldSchState == State.INIT || oldSchState == State.UNINSTALLED || oldSchState == State.INSTALLED || oldSchState == State.INSTALLING || oldSchState == State.UNKNOWN || oldSchState == State.INSTALL_FAILED) { roleCommand = RoleCommand.INSTALL; event = new ServiceComponentHostInstallEvent(scHost.getServiceComponentName(), scHost.getHostName(), nowTimestamp, scHost.getDesiredStackVersion().getStackId()); // If the state is transitioning from INIT TO INSTALLED and the cluster has Kerberos // enabled, mark this ServiceComponentHost to see if anything needs to be done to // make sure it is properly configured. The Kerberos-related stages needs to be // between the INSTALLED and STARTED states because some services need to set up // the host (i,e, create user accounts, etc...) before Kerberos-related tasks an // occur (like distribute keytabs) if ((oldSchState == State.INIT) && kerberosHelper.isClusterKerberosEnabled(cluster)) { try { kerberosHelper.configureService(cluster, scHost); } catch (KerberosInvalidConfigurationException e) { throw new AmbariException(e.getMessage(), e); } componentsToEnableKerberos.add(scHost); if ( && .equalsIgnoreCase(scHost.getServiceComponentName())) { // Since the KERBEROS/KERBEROS_CLIENT is about to be moved from the INIT to the // INSTALLED state (and it should be by the time the stages (in this request) // that need to be execute), collect the relevant hostname to make sure the // Kerberos logic doest not skip operations for it. hostsToForceKerberosOperations.add(scHost.getHostName()); } } } else if (oldSchState == State.STARTED // TODO: oldSchState == State.INSTALLED is always false, looks like a bug //|| oldSchState == State.INSTALLED || oldSchState == State.STOPPING) { roleCommand = RoleCommand.STOP; event = new ServiceComponentHostStopEvent(scHost.getServiceComponentName(), scHost.getHostName(), nowTimestamp); } else if (oldSchState == State.UPGRADING) { roleCommand = RoleCommand.UPGRADE; event = new ServiceComponentHostUpgradeEvent(scHost.getServiceComponentName(), scHost.getHostName(), nowTimestamp, scHost.getDesiredStackVersion().getStackId()); } else { throw new AmbariException("Invalid transition for" + " servicecomponenthost" + ", clusterName=" + cluster.getClusterName() + ", clusterId=" + cluster.getClusterId() + ", serviceName=" + scHost.getServiceName() + ", componentName=" + scHost.getServiceComponentName() + ", hostname=" + scHost.getHostName() + ", currentState=" + oldSchState + ", newDesiredState=" + newState); } break; case STARTED: StackId stackId = scHost.getDesiredStackVersion(); ComponentInfo compInfo = ambariMetaInfo.getComponent(stackId.getStackName(), stackId.getStackVersion(), scHost.getServiceName(), scHost.getServiceComponentName()); if (oldSchState == State.INSTALLED || oldSchState == State.STARTING || requestStages.getProjectedState(scHost.getHostName(), scHost.getServiceComponentName()) == State.INSTALLED) { roleCommand = RoleCommand.START; event = new ServiceComponentHostStartEvent(scHost.getServiceComponentName(), scHost.getHostName(), nowTimestamp); } else { String error = "Invalid transition for" + " servicecomponenthost" + ", clusterName=" + cluster.getClusterName() + ", clusterId=" + cluster.getClusterId() + ", serviceName=" + scHost.getServiceName() + ", componentName=" + scHost.getServiceComponentName() + ", hostname=" + scHost.getHostName() + ", currentState=" + oldSchState + ", newDesiredState=" + newState; if (compInfo.isMaster()) { throw new AmbariException(error); } else {"Ignoring: " + error); continue; } } break; case UNINSTALLED: if (oldSchState == State.INSTALLED || oldSchState == State.UNINSTALLING) { roleCommand = RoleCommand.UNINSTALL; event = new ServiceComponentHostUninstallEvent(scHost.getServiceComponentName(), scHost.getHostName(), nowTimestamp); } else { throw new AmbariException("Invalid transition for" + " servicecomponenthost" + ", clusterName=" + cluster.getClusterName() + ", clusterId=" + cluster.getClusterId() + ", serviceName=" + scHost.getServiceName() + ", componentName=" + scHost.getServiceComponentName() + ", hostname=" + scHost.getHostName() + ", currentState=" + oldSchState + ", newDesiredState=" + newState); } break; case INIT: throw new AmbariException("Unsupported transition to INIT for" + " servicecomponenthost" + ", clusterName=" + cluster.getClusterName() + ", clusterId=" + cluster.getClusterId() + ", serviceName=" + scHost.getServiceName() + ", componentName=" + scHost.getServiceComponentName() + ", hostname=" + scHost.getHostName() + ", currentState=" + oldSchState + ", newDesiredState=" + newState); default: throw new AmbariException( "Unsupported state change operation" + ", newState=" + newState.toString()); } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Create a new host action" + ", requestId=" + requestStages.getId() + ", componentName=" + scHost.getServiceComponentName() + ", hostname=" + scHost.getHostName() + ", roleCommand=" +; } // [ type -> [ key, value ] ] Map<String, Map<String, String>> configurations = new TreeMap<String, Map<String, String>>(); Map<String, Map<String, Map<String, String>>> configurationAttributes = new TreeMap<String, Map<String, Map<String, String>>>(); Host host = clusters.getHost(scHost.getHostName()); Map<String, Map<String, String>> configTags = findConfigurationTagsWithOverrides(cluster, host.getHostName()); // HACK - Set configs on the ExecCmd if (!scHost.getHostName().equals(jobtrackerHost)) { if (configTags.get(Configuration.GLOBAL_CONFIG_TAG) != null) { configHelper.applyCustomConfig(configurations, Configuration.GLOBAL_CONFIG_TAG, Configuration.RCA_ENABLED_PROPERTY, "false", false); } } // any targeted information String keyName = scHost.getServiceComponentName().toLowerCase(); if (requestProperties.containsKey(keyName)) { // in the case where the command is targeted, but the states // of the old and new are the same, the targeted component // may still need to get the command. This is true for Flume. if (oldSchState == newState) { switch (oldSchState) { case INSTALLED: roleCommand = RoleCommand.STOP; event = new ServiceComponentHostStopEvent(scHost.getServiceComponentName(), scHost.getHostName(), nowTimestamp); break; case STARTED: roleCommand = RoleCommand.START; event = new ServiceComponentHostStartEvent(scHost.getServiceComponentName(), scHost.getHostName(), nowTimestamp); break; default: break; } } if (null == requestParameters) { requestParameters = new HashMap<String, String>(); } requestParameters.put(keyName, requestProperties.get(keyName)); } createHostAction(cluster, stage, scHost, configurations, configurationAttributes, configTags, roleCommand, requestParameters, event); } } } for (String serviceName : smokeTestServices) { // Creates smoke test commands Service s = cluster.getService(serviceName); // find service component host ServiceComponent component = getClientComponentForRunningAction(cluster, s); String componentName = component != null ? component.getName() : null; String clientHost = getClientHostForRunningAction(cluster, s, component); String smokeTestRole = actionMetadata.getServiceCheckAction(serviceName); if (clientHost == null || smokeTestRole == null) { "Nothing to do for service check as could not find role or" + " or host to run check on" + ", clusterName=" + cluster.getClusterName() + ", serviceName=" + serviceName + ", clientHost=" + clientHost + ", serviceCheckRole=" + smokeTestRole); continue; } customCommandExecutionHelper.addServiceCheckAction(stage, clientHost, smokeTestRole, nowTimestamp, serviceName, componentName, null, false); } RoleCommandOrder rco = getRoleCommandOrder(cluster); RoleGraph rg = new RoleGraph(rco);; requestStages.addStages(rg.getStages()); if (!componentsToEnableKerberos.isEmpty()) { Map<String, Collection<String>> serviceFilter = new HashMap<String, Collection<String>>(); for (ServiceComponentHost scHost : componentsToEnableKerberos) { String serviceName = scHost.getServiceName(); Collection<String> componentFilter = serviceFilter.get(serviceName); if (componentFilter == null) { componentFilter = new HashSet<String>(); serviceFilter.put(serviceName, componentFilter); } componentFilter.add(scHost.getServiceComponentName()); } try { kerberosHelper.ensureIdentities(cluster, serviceFilter, null, hostsToForceKerberosOperations, requestStages); } catch (KerberosOperationException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e.getMessage(), e); } } List<Stage> stages = requestStages.getStages(); LOG.debug("Created {} stages", ((stages != null) ? stages.size() : 0)); } else { LOG.debug("Created 0 stages"); } return requestStages; } @Transactional void updateServiceStates(Map<State, List<Service>> changedServices, Map<State, List<ServiceComponent>> changedComps, Map<String, Map<State, List<ServiceComponentHost>>> changedScHosts, Collection<ServiceComponentHost> ignoredScHosts) { if (changedServices != null) { for (Entry<State, List<Service>> entry : changedServices.entrySet()) { State newState = entry.getKey(); for (Service s : entry.getValue()) { if (s.isClientOnlyService() && newState == State.STARTED) { continue; } s.setDesiredState(newState); } } } if (changedComps != null) { for (Entry<State, List<ServiceComponent>> entry : changedComps.entrySet()) { State newState = entry.getKey(); for (ServiceComponent sc : entry.getValue()) { sc.setDesiredState(newState); } } } for (Map<State, List<ServiceComponentHost>> stateScHostMap : changedScHosts.values()) { for (Entry<State, List<ServiceComponentHost>> entry : stateScHostMap.entrySet()) { State newState = entry.getKey(); for (ServiceComponentHost sch : entry.getValue()) { sch.setDesiredState(newState); } } } if (ignoredScHosts != null) { for (ServiceComponentHost scHost : ignoredScHosts) { scHost.setDesiredState(scHost.getState()); } } } @Override public RequestStatusResponse createAndPersistStages(Cluster cluster, Map<String, String> requestProperties, Map<String, String> requestParameters, Map<State, List<Service>> changedServices, Map<State, List<ServiceComponent>> changedComponents, Map<String, Map<State, List<ServiceComponentHost>>> changedHosts, Collection<ServiceComponentHost> ignoredHosts, boolean runSmokeTest, boolean reconfigureClients) throws AmbariException { RequestStageContainer request = addStages(null, cluster, requestProperties, requestParameters, changedServices, changedComponents, changedHosts, ignoredHosts, runSmokeTest, reconfigureClients); request.persist(); return request.getRequestStatusResponse(); } @Override public RequestStageContainer addStages(RequestStageContainer requestStages, Cluster cluster, Map<String, String> requestProperties, Map<String, String> requestParameters, Map<State, List<Service>> changedServices, Map<State, List<ServiceComponent>> changedComponents, Map<String, Map<State, List<ServiceComponentHost>>> changedHosts, Collection<ServiceComponentHost> ignoredHosts, boolean runSmokeTest, boolean reconfigureClients) throws AmbariException { if (requestStages == null) { requestStages = new RequestStageContainer(actionManager.getNextRequestId(), null, requestFactory, actionManager); } requestStages = doStageCreation(requestStages, cluster, changedServices, changedComponents, changedHosts, requestParameters, requestProperties, runSmokeTest, reconfigureClients); updateServiceStates(changedServices, changedComponents, changedHosts, ignoredHosts); return requestStages; } //todo: for now made this public since is is still used by createHostComponents //todo: delete after all host component logic is in HostComponentResourceProvider public void validateServiceComponentHostRequest(ServiceComponentHostRequest request) { if (request.getClusterName() == null || request.getClusterName().isEmpty() || request.getComponentName() == null || request.getComponentName().isEmpty() || request.getHostname() == null || request.getHostname().isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Invalid arguments" + ", cluster name, component name and host name should be" + " provided"); } if (request.getAdminState() != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Property adminState cannot be modified through update. Use service " + "specific DECOMMISSION action to decommision/recommission components."); } } @Override public String findServiceName(Cluster cluster, String componentName) throws AmbariException { StackId stackId = cluster.getDesiredStackVersion(); String serviceName = ambariMetaInfo.getComponentToService(stackId.getStackName(), stackId.getStackVersion(), componentName); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Looking up service name for component" + ", componentName=" + componentName + ", serviceName=" + serviceName); } if (serviceName == null || serviceName.isEmpty()) { throw new AmbariException("Could not find service for component" + ", componentName=" + componentName + ", clusterName=" + cluster.getClusterName() + ", stackInfo=" + stackId.getStackId()); } return serviceName; } @Override public synchronized void updateUsers(Set<UserRequest> requests) throws AmbariException { for (UserRequest request : requests) { User u = users.getAnyUser(request.getUsername()); if (null == u) { continue; } if (null != request.getOldPassword() && null != request.getPassword()) { users.modifyPassword(u.getUserName(), request.getOldPassword(), request.getPassword()); } if (null != request.isActive()) { users.setUserActive(u.getUserName(), request.isActive()); } if (null != request.isAdmin()) { if (request.isAdmin()) { users.grantAdminPrivilege(u.getUserId()); } else { users.revokeAdminPrivilege(u.getUserId()); } } } } @Override public synchronized void deleteCluster(ClusterRequest request) throws AmbariException { if (request.getClusterName() == null || request.getClusterName().isEmpty()) { // FIXME throw correct error throw new AmbariException("Invalid arguments"); }"Received a delete cluster request" + ", clusterName=" + request.getClusterName()); if (request.getHostNames() != null) { // FIXME treat this as removing a host from a cluster? } else { // deleting whole cluster clusters.deleteCluster(request.getClusterName()); } } @Override public RequestStatusResponse deleteHostComponents(Set<ServiceComponentHostRequest> requests) throws AmbariException { Set<ServiceComponentHostRequest> expanded = new HashSet<ServiceComponentHostRequest>(); // if any request are for the whole host, they need to be expanded for (ServiceComponentHostRequest request : requests) { if (null == request.getComponentName()) { if (null == request.getClusterName() || request.getClusterName().isEmpty() || null == request.getHostname() || request.getHostname().isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cluster name and hostname must be specified."); } Cluster cluster = clusters.getCluster(request.getClusterName()); for (ServiceComponentHost sch : cluster.getServiceComponentHosts(request.getHostname())) { ServiceComponentHostRequest schr = new ServiceComponentHostRequest(request.getClusterName(), sch.getServiceName(), sch.getServiceComponentName(), sch.getHostName(), null); expanded.add(schr); } } else { expanded.add(request); } } Map<ServiceComponent, Set<ServiceComponentHost>> safeToRemoveSCHs = new HashMap<ServiceComponent, Set<ServiceComponentHost>>(); for (ServiceComponentHostRequest request : expanded) { validateServiceComponentHostRequest(request); Cluster cluster = clusters.getCluster(request.getClusterName()); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(request.getServiceName())) { request.setServiceName(findServiceName(cluster, request.getComponentName())); } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Received a hostComponent DELETE request" + ", clusterName=" + request.getClusterName() + ", serviceName=" + request.getServiceName() + ", componentName=" + request.getComponentName() + ", hostname=" + request.getHostname() + ", request=" + request); } Service service = cluster.getService(request.getServiceName()); ServiceComponent component = service.getServiceComponent(request.getComponentName()); ServiceComponentHost componentHost = component.getServiceComponentHost(request.getHostname()); if (!componentHost.canBeRemoved()) { throw new AmbariException("Host Component cannot be removed" + ", clusterName=" + request.getClusterName() + ", serviceName=" + request.getServiceName() + ", componentName=" + request.getComponentName() + ", hostname=" + request.getHostname() + ", request=" + request); } // Only allow removing master/slave components in DISABLED/UNKNOWN/INSTALL_FAILED/INIT state without stages // generation. // Clients may be removed without a state check. if (!component.isClientComponent() && !componentHost.getState().isRemovableState()) { throw new AmbariException("To remove master or slave components they must be in " + "DISABLED/INIT/INSTALLED/INSTALL_FAILED/UNKNOWN state. Current=" + componentHost.getState() + "."); } setRestartRequiredServices(service, request.getHostname()); if (!safeToRemoveSCHs.containsKey(component)) { safeToRemoveSCHs.put(component, new HashSet<ServiceComponentHost>()); } safeToRemoveSCHs.get(component).add(componentHost); } for (Entry<ServiceComponent, Set<ServiceComponentHost>> entry : safeToRemoveSCHs.entrySet()) { for (ServiceComponentHost componentHost : entry.getValue()) { String included_hostname = componentHost.getHostName(); String serviceName = entry.getKey().getServiceName(); String master_component_name = null; String slave_component_name = componentHost.getServiceComponentName(); HostComponentAdminState desiredAdminState = componentHost.getComponentAdminState(); State slaveState = componentHost.getState(); //Delete hostcomponents entry.getKey().deleteServiceComponentHosts(componentHost.getHostName()); // If deleted hostcomponents support decomission and were decommited and stopped if (AmbariCustomCommandExecutionHelper.masterToSlaveMappingForDecom.containsValue( slave_component_name) && desiredAdminState.equals(HostComponentAdminState.DECOMMISSIONED) && slaveState.equals(State.INSTALLED)) { for (Entry<String, String> entrySet : AmbariCustomCommandExecutionHelper.masterToSlaveMappingForDecom .entrySet()) { if (entrySet.getValue().equals(slave_component_name)) { master_component_name = entrySet.getKey(); } } //Clear exclud file or draining list except HBASE if (!serviceName.equals(Service.Type.HBASE.toString())) { HashMap<String, String> requestProperties = new HashMap<String, String>(); requestProperties.put("context", "" + included_hostname); requestProperties.put("exclusive", "true"); HashMap<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("included_hosts", included_hostname); params.put("slave_type", slave_component_name); params.put(AmbariCustomCommandExecutionHelper.UPDATE_EXCLUDE_FILE_ONLY, "true"); //Create filter for RECOMISSION command RequestResourceFilter resourceFilter = new RequestResourceFilter(serviceName, master_component_name, null); //Create request for RECOMISSION command ExecuteActionRequest actionRequest = new ExecuteActionRequest( entry.getKey().getClusterName(), AmbariCustomCommandExecutionHelper.DECOMMISSION_COMMAND_NAME, null, Collections.singletonList(resourceFilter), null, params, true); //Send request createAction(actionRequest, requestProperties); } //Mark master component as needed to restart for remove host info from components UI Cluster cluster = clusters.getCluster(entry.getKey().getClusterName()); Service service = cluster.getService(serviceName); ServiceComponent sc = service.getServiceComponent(master_component_name); if (sc != null && sc.isMasterComponent()) { for (ServiceComponentHost sch : sc.getServiceComponentHosts().values()) { sch.setRestartRequired(true); } } } } } // set restartRequired flag for monitoring services if (!safeToRemoveSCHs.isEmpty()) { setMonitoringServicesRestartRequired(requests); } return null; } @Override public void deleteUsers(Set<UserRequest> requests) throws AmbariException { for (UserRequest r : requests) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Received a delete user request" + ", username=" + r.getUsername()); } User u = users.getAnyUser(r.getUsername()); if (null != u) { users.removeUser(u); } } } @Override public void deleteGroups(Set<GroupRequest> requests) throws AmbariException { for (GroupRequest request : requests) { LOG.debug("Received a delete group request, groupname=" + request.getGroupName()); final Group group = users.getGroup(request.getGroupName()); if (group != null) { users.removeGroup(group); } } } @Override public void deleteMembers(java.util.Set<MemberRequest> requests) throws AmbariException { for (MemberRequest request : requests) { LOG.debug("Received a delete member request, " + request); users.removeMemberFromGroup(request.getGroupName(), request.getUserName()); } } /** * Get a request response for the given request ids. Note that this method * fully populates a request resource including the set of task sub-resources * in the request response. */ RequestStatusResponse getRequestStatusResponse(long requestId) { RequestStatusResponse response = new RequestStatusResponse(requestId); List<HostRoleCommand> hostRoleCommands = actionManager.getRequestTasks(requestId); response.setRequestContext(actionManager.getRequestContext(requestId)); List<ShortTaskStatus> tasks = new ArrayList<ShortTaskStatus>(); for (HostRoleCommand hostRoleCommand : hostRoleCommands) { tasks.add(new ShortTaskStatus(hostRoleCommand)); } response.setTasks(tasks); return response; } @Override public Set<TaskStatusResponse> getTaskStatus(Set<TaskStatusRequest> requests) throws AmbariException { Collection<Long> requestIds = new ArrayList<Long>(); Collection<Long> taskIds = new ArrayList<Long>(); for (TaskStatusRequest request : requests) { if (request.getTaskId() != null) { taskIds.add(request.getTaskId()); } if (request.getRequestId() != null) { requestIds.add(request.getRequestId()); } } Set<TaskStatusResponse> responses = new HashSet<TaskStatusResponse>(); for (HostRoleCommand command : actionManager.getTasksByRequestAndTaskIds(requestIds, taskIds)) { TaskStatusResponse taskStatusResponse = new TaskStatusResponse(command); responses.add(taskStatusResponse); } if (responses.size() == 0) { throw new ObjectNotFoundException("Task resource doesn't exist."); } return responses; } @Override public Set<ClusterResponse> getClusters(Set<ClusterRequest> requests) throws AmbariException { Set<ClusterResponse> response = new HashSet<ClusterResponse>(); for (ClusterRequest request : requests) { try { response.addAll(getClusters(request)); } catch (ClusterNotFoundException e) { if (requests.size() == 1) { // only throw exception if 1 request. // there will be > 1 request in case of OR predicate throw e; } } } return response; } @Override public Set<ServiceComponentHostResponse> getHostComponents(Set<ServiceComponentHostRequest> requests) throws AmbariException { LOG.debug("Processing requests: {}", requests); Set<ServiceComponentHostResponse> response = new HashSet<ServiceComponentHostResponse>(); for (ServiceComponentHostRequest request : requests) { try { response.addAll(getHostComponents(request)); } catch (ServiceComponentHostNotFoundException e) { if (requests.size() == 1) { // only throw exception if 1 request. // there will be > 1 request in case of OR predicate throw e; } else { LOG.debug("Ignoring not found exception due to other requests", e); } } catch (ServiceNotFoundException e) { if (requests.size() == 1) { // only throw exception if 1 request. // there will be > 1 request in case of OR predicate // In 'OR' case, a host_component may be included in predicate // that has no corresponding service throw e; } else { LOG.debug("Ignoring not found exception due to other requests", e); } } catch (ServiceComponentNotFoundException e) { if (requests.size() == 1) { // only throw exception if 1 request. // there will be > 1 request in case of OR predicate // In 'OR' case, a host_component may be included in predicate // that has no corresponding component throw e; } else { LOG.debug("Ignoring not found exception due to other requests", e); } } catch (ParentObjectNotFoundException e) { // If there is only one request, always throw exception. // There will be > 1 request in case of OR predicate. // For HostNotFoundException, only throw exception if host_name is // provided in URL. If host_name is part of query, don't throw exception. boolean throwException = true; if (requests.size() > 1 && HostNotFoundException.class.isInstance(e.getCause())) { for (ServiceComponentHostRequest r : requests) { if (r.getHostname() == null) { // host_name provided in query since all requests don't have host_name set throwException = false; LOG.debug("HostNotFoundException ignored", e); break; } } } if (throwException) { throw e; } } } return response; } @Override public Set<ConfigurationResponse> getConfigurations(Set<ConfigurationRequest> requests) throws AmbariException { Set<ConfigurationResponse> response = new HashSet<ConfigurationResponse>(); for (ConfigurationRequest request : requests) { response.addAll(getConfigurations(request)); } return response; } @Override public Set<ServiceConfigVersionResponse> getServiceConfigVersions(Set<ServiceConfigVersionRequest> requests) throws AmbariException { Set<ServiceConfigVersionResponse> responses = new LinkedHashSet<ServiceConfigVersionResponse>(); for (ServiceConfigVersionRequest request : requests) { responses.addAll(getServiceConfigVersions(request)); } return responses; } private Set<ServiceConfigVersionResponse> getServiceConfigVersions(ServiceConfigVersionRequest request) throws AmbariException { if (request.getClusterName() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid arguments, cluster name" + " should not be null"); } Cluster cluster = clusters.getCluster(request.getClusterName()); Set<ServiceConfigVersionResponse> result = new LinkedHashSet<ServiceConfigVersionResponse>(); for (ServiceConfigVersionResponse response : cluster.getServiceConfigVersions()) { if (request.getServiceName() != null && !StringUtils.equals(request.getServiceName(), response.getServiceName())) { continue; } if (request.getVersion() != null &&, response.getVersion()) != 0) { continue; } if (request.getUserName() != null && !StringUtils.equals(request.getUserName(), response.getUserName())) { continue; } result.add(response); } return result; } @Override public Set<UserResponse> getUsers(Set<UserRequest> requests) throws AmbariException { Set<UserResponse> responses = new HashSet<UserResponse>(); for (UserRequest r : requests) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Received a getUsers request" + ", userRequest=" + r.toString()); } // get them all if (null == r.getUsername()) { for (User u : users.getAllUsers()) { UserResponse resp = new UserResponse(u.getUserName(), u.isLdapUser(), u.isActive(), u.isAdmin()); resp.setGroups(new HashSet<String>(u.getGroups())); responses.add(resp); } } else { User u = users.getAnyUser(r.getUsername()); if (null == u) { if (requests.size() == 1) { // only throw exceptin if there is a single request // if there are multiple requests, this indicates an OR predicate throw new ObjectNotFoundException("Cannot find user '" + r.getUsername() + "'"); } } else { UserResponse resp = new UserResponse(u.getUserName(), u.isLdapUser(), u.isActive(), u.isAdmin()); resp.setGroups(new HashSet<String>(u.getGroups())); responses.add(resp); } } } return responses; } @Override public Set<GroupResponse> getGroups(Set<GroupRequest> requests) throws AmbariException { final Set<GroupResponse> responses = new HashSet<GroupResponse>(); for (GroupRequest request : requests) { LOG.debug("Received a getGroups request, groupRequest=" + request.toString()); // get them all if (null == request.getGroupName()) { for (Group group : users.getAllGroups()) { final GroupResponse response = new GroupResponse(group.getGroupName(), group.isLdapGroup()); responses.add(response); } } else { final Group group = users.getGroup(request.getGroupName()); if (null == group) { if (requests.size() == 1) { // only throw exception if there is a single request // if there are multiple requests, this indicates an OR predicate throw new ObjectNotFoundException("Cannot find group '" + request.getGroupName() + "'"); } } else { final GroupResponse response = new GroupResponse(group.getGroupName(), group.isLdapGroup()); responses.add(response); } } } return responses; } @Override public void updateGroups(Set<GroupRequest> requests) throws AmbariException { // currently no group updates are supported } protected String getClientHostForRunningAction(Cluster cluster, Service service, ServiceComponent serviceComponent) throws AmbariException { if (serviceComponent != null && !serviceComponent.getServiceComponentHosts().isEmpty()) { Set<String> candidateHosts = serviceComponent.getServiceComponentHosts().keySet(); filterHostsForAction(candidateHosts, service, cluster, Resource.Type.Cluster); return getHealthyHost(candidateHosts); } return null; } protected ServiceComponent getClientComponentForRunningAction(Cluster cluster, Service service) throws AmbariException { /* * We assume Cluster level here. That means that we never run service * checks on clients/hosts that are in maintenance state. * That also means that we can not run service check if the only host * that has client component is in maintenance state */ StackId stackId = service.getDesiredStackVersion(); ComponentInfo compInfo = ambariMetaInfo .getService(stackId.getStackName(), stackId.getStackVersion(), service.getName()) .getClientComponent(); if (compInfo != null) { try { ServiceComponent serviceComponent = service.getServiceComponent(compInfo.getName()); if (!serviceComponent.getServiceComponentHosts().isEmpty()) { return serviceComponent; } } catch (ServiceComponentNotFoundException e) { LOG.warn("Could not find required component to run action" + ", clusterName=" + cluster.getClusterName() + ", serviceName=" + service.getName() + ", componentName=" + compInfo.getName()); } } // any component will do Map<String, ServiceComponent> components = service.getServiceComponents(); if (!components.isEmpty()) { for (ServiceComponent serviceComponent : components.values()) { if (!serviceComponent.getServiceComponentHosts().isEmpty()) { return serviceComponent; } } } return null; } /** * Utility method that filters out hosts from set based on their maintenance * state status. */ protected void filterHostsForAction(Set<String> candidateHosts, Service service, final Cluster cluster, final Resource.Type level) throws AmbariException { Set<String> ignoredHosts = maintenanceStateHelper.filterHostsInMaintenanceState(candidateHosts, new MaintenanceStateHelper.HostPredicate() { @Override public boolean shouldHostBeRemoved(final String hostname) throws AmbariException { Host host = clusters.getHost(hostname); return !maintenanceStateHelper.isOperationAllowed(host, cluster.getClusterId(), level); } }); LOG.debug("Ignoring hosts when selecting available hosts for action" + " due to maintenance state." + "Ignored hosts =" + ignoredHosts + ", cluster=" + cluster.getClusterName() + ", service=" + service.getName()); } @Override public String getHealthyHost(Set<String> hostList) throws AmbariException { String hostName = null; for (String candidateHostName : hostList) { hostName = candidateHostName; Host candidateHost = clusters.getHost(hostName); if (candidateHost.getState() == HostState.HEALTHY) { break; } } return hostName; } @Override public RequestStatusResponse createAction(ExecuteActionRequest actionRequest, Map<String, String> requestProperties) throws AmbariException { String clusterName = actionRequest.getClusterName(); String requestContext = ""; if (requestProperties != null) { requestContext = requestProperties.get(REQUEST_CONTEXT_PROPERTY); if (requestContext == null) { // guice needs a non-null value as there is no way to mark this parameter @Nullable requestContext = ""; } } Cluster cluster = null; if (null != clusterName) { cluster = clusters.getCluster(clusterName);"Received action execution request" + ", clusterName=" + actionRequest.getClusterName() + ", request=" + actionRequest.toString()); } ActionExecutionContext actionExecContext = getActionExecutionContext(actionRequest); if (actionRequest.isCommand()) { customCommandExecutionHelper.validateAction(actionRequest); } else { actionExecutionHelper.validateAction(actionRequest); } long requestId = actionManager.getNextRequestId(); RequestStageContainer requestStageContainer = new RequestStageContainer(requestId, null, requestFactory, actionManager, actionRequest); ExecuteCommandJson jsons = customCommandExecutionHelper.getCommandJson(actionExecContext, cluster); String commandParamsForStage = jsons.getCommandParamsForStage(); // If the request is to perform the Kerberos service check, set up the stages to // ensure that the (cluster-level) smoke user principal and keytab is available on all hosts boolean kerberosServiceCheck =; if (kerberosServiceCheck) { // Parse the command parameters into a map so that additional values may be added to it Map<String, String> commandParamsStage = gson.fromJson(commandParamsForStage, new TypeToken<Map<String, String>>() { }.getType()); try { requestStageContainer = kerberosHelper.createTestIdentity(cluster, commandParamsStage, requestStageContainer); } catch (KerberosOperationException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e.getMessage(), e); } // Recreate commandParamsForStage with the added values commandParamsForStage = gson.toJson(commandParamsStage); } Stage stage = createNewStage(requestStageContainer.getLastStageId(), cluster, requestId, requestContext, jsons.getClusterHostInfo(), commandParamsForStage, jsons.getHostParamsForStage()); if (actionRequest.isCommand()) { customCommandExecutionHelper.addExecutionCommandsToStage(actionExecContext, stage, requestProperties, false); } else { actionExecutionHelper.addExecutionCommandsToStage(actionExecContext, stage, false); } RoleGraph rg; if (null != cluster) { RoleCommandOrder rco = getRoleCommandOrder(cluster); rg = new RoleGraph(rco); } else { rg = new RoleGraph(); }; List<Stage> stages = rg.getStages(); if (stages != null && !stages.isEmpty()) { // If this is a Kerberos service check, set the service check stage(s) to be skip-able so that // the clean up stages will still be triggered in the event of a failure. if (kerberosServiceCheck) { for (Stage s : stages) { s.setSkippable(true); } } requestStageContainer.addStages(stages); } // If the request is to perform the Kerberos service check, delete the test-specific principal // and keytab that was created for this service check if (kerberosServiceCheck) { // Parse the command parameters into a map so that existing values may be accessed and // additional values may be added to it. Map<String, String> commandParamsStage = gson.fromJson(commandParamsForStage, new TypeToken<Map<String, String>>() { }.getType()); try { requestStageContainer = kerberosHelper.deleteTestIdentity(cluster, commandParamsStage, requestStageContainer); } catch (KerberosOperationException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e.getMessage(), e); } } requestStageContainer.persist(); return requestStageContainer.getRequestStatusResponse(); } @Override public Set<StackResponse> getStacks(Set<StackRequest> requests) throws AmbariException { Set<StackResponse> response = new HashSet<StackResponse>(); for (StackRequest request : requests) { try { response.addAll(getStacks(request)); } catch (StackAccessException e) { if (requests.size() == 1) { // only throw exception if 1 request. // there will be > 1 request in case of OR predicate throw e; } } } return response; } private Set<StackResponse> getStacks(StackRequest request) throws AmbariException { Set<StackResponse> response; String stackName = request.getStackName(); if (stackName != null) { // this will throw an exception if the stack doesn't exist ambariMetaInfo.getStacks(stackName); response = Collections.singleton(new StackResponse(stackName)); } else { Collection<StackInfo> supportedStacks = ambariMetaInfo.getStacks(); response = new HashSet<StackResponse>(); for (StackInfo stack : supportedStacks) { response.add(new StackResponse(stack.getName())); } } return response; } @Override public synchronized RequestStatusResponse updateStacks() throws AmbariException { try { ambariMetaInfo.init(); } catch (AmbariException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw new AmbariException("Ambari Meta Information can't be read from the stack root directory"); } return null; } @Override public Set<RepositoryResponse> getRepositories(Set<RepositoryRequest> requests) throws AmbariException { Set<RepositoryResponse> response = new HashSet<RepositoryResponse>(); for (RepositoryRequest request : requests) { try { String stackName = request.getStackName(); String stackVersion = request.getStackVersion(); Set<RepositoryResponse> repositories = getRepositories(request); for (RepositoryResponse repositoryResponse : repositories) { if (repositoryResponse.getStackName() == null) { repositoryResponse.setStackName(stackName); } if (repositoryResponse.getStackVersion() == null) { repositoryResponse.setStackVersion(stackVersion); } } response.addAll(repositories); } catch (StackAccessException e) { if (requests.size() == 1) { // only throw exception if 1 request. // there will be > 1 request in case of OR predicate throw e; } } } return response; } private Set<RepositoryResponse> getRepositories(RepositoryRequest request) throws AmbariException { String stackName = request.getStackName(); String stackVersion = request.getStackVersion(); String osType = request.getOsType(); String repoId = request.getRepoId(); Long repositoryVersionId = request.getRepositoryVersionId(); Set<RepositoryResponse> responses = new HashSet<RepositoryResponse>(); if (repositoryVersionId != null) { final RepositoryVersionEntity repositoryVersion = repositoryVersionDAO.findByPK(repositoryVersionId); if (repositoryVersion != null) { for (OperatingSystemEntity operatingSystem : repositoryVersion.getOperatingSystems()) { if (operatingSystem.getOsType().equals(osType)) { for (RepositoryEntity repository : operatingSystem.getRepositories()) { final RepositoryResponse response = new RepositoryResponse(repository.getBaseUrl(), osType, repository.getRepositoryId(), repository.getName(), "", "", ""); response.setRepositoryVersionId(repositoryVersionId); response.setStackName(repositoryVersion.getStackName()); response.setStackVersion(repositoryVersion.getStackVersion()); responses.add(response); } break; } } } } else { if (repoId == null) { List<RepositoryInfo> repositories = ambariMetaInfo.getRepositories(stackName, stackVersion, osType); for (RepositoryInfo repository : repositories) { responses.add(repository.convertToResponse()); } } else { RepositoryInfo repository = ambariMetaInfo.getRepository(stackName, stackVersion, osType, repoId); responses = Collections.singleton(repository.convertToResponse()); } } return responses; } @Override public void updateRepositories(Set<RepositoryRequest> requests) throws AmbariException { for (RepositoryRequest rr : requests) { if (null == rr.getStackName() || rr.getStackName().isEmpty()) { throw new AmbariException("Stack name must be specified."); } if (null == rr.getStackVersion() || rr.getStackVersion().isEmpty()) { throw new AmbariException("Stack version must be specified."); } if (null == rr.getOsType() || rr.getOsType().isEmpty()) { throw new AmbariException("OS type must be specified."); } if (null == rr.getRepoId() || rr.getRepoId().isEmpty()) { throw new AmbariException("Repo ID must be specified."); } if (null != rr.getBaseUrl()) { if (rr.isVerifyBaseUrl()) { verifyRepository(rr); } if (rr.getRepositoryVersionId() != null) { throw new AmbariException( "Can't directly update repositories in repository_version, update the repository_version instead"); } ambariMetaInfo.updateRepoBaseURL(rr.getStackName(), rr.getStackVersion(), rr.getOsType(), rr.getRepoId(), rr.getBaseUrl()); } } } @Override public void verifyRepositories(Set<RepositoryRequest> requests) throws AmbariException { for (RepositoryRequest request : requests) { if (request.getBaseUrl() == null) { throw new AmbariException("Base url is missing for request " + request); } verifyRepository(request); } } /** * Verifies single repository, see {{@link #verifyRepositories(Set)}. * * @param request request * @throws AmbariException if verification fails */ private void verifyRepository(RepositoryRequest request) throws AmbariException { URLStreamProvider usp = new URLStreamProvider(REPO_URL_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, REPO_URL_READ_TIMEOUT, null, null, null); RepositoryInfo repositoryInfo = ambariMetaInfo.getRepository(request.getStackName(), request.getStackVersion(), request.getOsType(), request.getRepoId()); String repoName = repositoryInfo.getRepoName(); String errorMessage = null; String[] suffixes = configs.getRepoValidationSuffixes(request.getOsType()); for (String suffix : suffixes) { String formatted_suffix = String.format(suffix, repoName); String spec = request.getBaseUrl().trim(); // This logic is to identify if the end of baseurl has a slash ('/') and/or the beginning of suffix String (e.g. "/repodata/repomd.xml") // has a slash and they can form a good url. // e.g. "" + "/repodata/repomd.xml" becomes "" but not "" if (spec.charAt(spec.length() - 1) != '/' && formatted_suffix.charAt(0) != '/') { spec = spec + "/" + formatted_suffix; } else if (spec.charAt(spec.length() - 1) == '/' && formatted_suffix.charAt(0) == '/') { spec = spec + formatted_suffix.substring(1); } else { spec = spec + formatted_suffix; } // if spec contains "file://" then check local file system. final String FILE_SCHEME = "file://"; if (spec.toLowerCase().startsWith(FILE_SCHEME)) { String filePath = spec.substring(FILE_SCHEME.length()); File f = new File(filePath); if (!f.exists()) { errorMessage = "Could not access base url . " + spec + " . "; break; } } else { try { IOUtils.readLines(usp.readFrom(spec)); } catch (IOException ioe) { errorMessage = "Could not access base url . " + request.getBaseUrl() + " . "; if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { errorMessage += ioe; } else { errorMessage += ioe.getMessage(); } break; } } } if (errorMessage != null) { LOG.error(errorMessage); throw new IllegalArgumentException(errorMessage); } } @Override public Set<StackVersionResponse> getStackVersions(Set<StackVersionRequest> requests) throws AmbariException { Set<StackVersionResponse> response = new HashSet<StackVersionResponse>(); for (StackVersionRequest request : requests) { String stackName = request.getStackName(); try { Set<StackVersionResponse> stackVersions = getStackVersions(request); for (StackVersionResponse stackVersionResponse : stackVersions) { stackVersionResponse.setStackName(stackName); } response.addAll(stackVersions); } catch (StackAccessException e) { if (requests.size() == 1) { // only throw exception if 1 request. // there will be > 1 request in case of OR predicate throw e; } } } return response; } private Set<StackVersionResponse> getStackVersions(StackVersionRequest request) throws AmbariException { Set<StackVersionResponse> response; String stackName = request.getStackName(); String stackVersion = request.getStackVersion(); if (stackVersion != null) { StackInfo stackInfo = ambariMetaInfo.getStack(stackName, stackVersion); response = Collections.singleton(stackInfo.convertToResponse()); } else { try { Collection<StackInfo> stackInfos = ambariMetaInfo.getStacks(stackName); response = new HashSet<StackVersionResponse>(); for (StackInfo stackInfo : stackInfos) { response.add(stackInfo.convertToResponse()); } } catch (StackAccessException e) { response = Collections.emptySet(); } } return response; } @Override public Set<StackServiceResponse> getStackServices(Set<StackServiceRequest> requests) throws AmbariException { Set<StackServiceResponse> response = new HashSet<StackServiceResponse>(); for (StackServiceRequest request : requests) { String stackName = request.getStackName(); String stackVersion = request.getStackVersion(); try { Set<StackServiceResponse> stackServices = getStackServices(request); for (StackServiceResponse stackServiceResponse : stackServices) { stackServiceResponse.setStackName(stackName); stackServiceResponse.setStackVersion(stackVersion); } response.addAll(stackServices); } catch (StackAccessException e) { if (requests.size() == 1) { // only throw exception if 1 request. // there will be > 1 request in case of OR predicate throw e; } } } return response; } private Set<StackServiceResponse> getStackServices(StackServiceRequest request) throws AmbariException { Set<StackServiceResponse> response; String stackName = request.getStackName(); String stackVersion = request.getStackVersion(); String serviceName = request.getServiceName(); if (serviceName != null) { ServiceInfo service = ambariMetaInfo.getService(stackName, stackVersion, serviceName); response = Collections.singleton(new StackServiceResponse(service)); } else { Map<String, ServiceInfo> services = ambariMetaInfo.getServices(stackName, stackVersion); response = new HashSet<StackServiceResponse>(); for (ServiceInfo service : services.values()) { response.add(new StackServiceResponse(service)); } } return response; } @Override public Set<StackConfigurationResponse> getStackLevelConfigurations(Set<StackLevelConfigurationRequest> requests) throws AmbariException { Set<StackConfigurationResponse> response = new HashSet<StackConfigurationResponse>(); for (StackLevelConfigurationRequest request : requests) { String stackName = request.getStackName(); String stackVersion = request.getStackVersion(); Set<StackConfigurationResponse> stackConfigurations = getStackLevelConfigurations(request); for (StackConfigurationResponse stackConfigurationResponse : stackConfigurations) { stackConfigurationResponse.setStackName(stackName); stackConfigurationResponse.setStackVersion(stackVersion); } response.addAll(stackConfigurations); } return response; } private Set<StackConfigurationResponse> getStackLevelConfigurations(StackLevelConfigurationRequest request) throws AmbariException { Set<StackConfigurationResponse> response = new HashSet<StackConfigurationResponse>(); String stackName = request.getStackName(); String stackVersion = request.getStackVersion(); String propertyName = request.getPropertyName(); Set<PropertyInfo> properties; if (propertyName != null) { properties = ambariMetaInfo.getStackPropertiesByName(stackName, stackVersion, propertyName); } else { properties = ambariMetaInfo.getStackProperties(stackName, stackVersion); } for (PropertyInfo property : properties) { response.add(property.convertToResponse()); } return response; } @Override public Set<StackConfigurationResponse> getStackConfigurations(Set<StackConfigurationRequest> requests) throws AmbariException { Set<StackConfigurationResponse> response = new HashSet<StackConfigurationResponse>(); for (StackConfigurationRequest request : requests) { String stackName = request.getStackName(); String stackVersion = request.getStackVersion(); String serviceName = request.getServiceName(); Set<StackConfigurationResponse> stackConfigurations = getStackConfigurations(request); for (StackConfigurationResponse stackConfigurationResponse : stackConfigurations) { stackConfigurationResponse.setStackName(stackName); stackConfigurationResponse.setStackVersion(stackVersion); stackConfigurationResponse.setServiceName(serviceName); } response.addAll(stackConfigurations); } return response; } private Set<StackConfigurationResponse> getStackConfigurations(StackConfigurationRequest request) throws AmbariException { Set<StackConfigurationResponse> response = new HashSet<StackConfigurationResponse>(); String stackName = request.getStackName(); String stackVersion = request.getStackVersion(); String serviceName = request.getServiceName(); String propertyName = request.getPropertyName(); Set<PropertyInfo> properties; if (propertyName != null) { properties = ambariMetaInfo.getPropertiesByName(stackName, stackVersion, serviceName, propertyName); } else { properties = ambariMetaInfo.getServiceProperties(stackName, stackVersion, serviceName); } for (PropertyInfo property : properties) { response.add(property.convertToResponse()); } return response; } @Override public Set<StackServiceComponentResponse> getStackComponents(Set<StackServiceComponentRequest> requests) throws AmbariException { Set<StackServiceComponentResponse> response = new HashSet<StackServiceComponentResponse>(); for (StackServiceComponentRequest request : requests) { String stackName = request.getStackName(); String stackVersion = request.getStackVersion(); String serviceName = request.getServiceName(); try { Set<StackServiceComponentResponse> stackComponents = getStackComponents(request); for (StackServiceComponentResponse stackServiceComponentResponse : stackComponents) { stackServiceComponentResponse.setStackName(stackName); stackServiceComponentResponse.setStackVersion(stackVersion); stackServiceComponentResponse.setServiceName(serviceName); } response.addAll(stackComponents); } catch (StackAccessException e) { if (requests.size() == 1) { // only throw exception if 1 request. // there will be > 1 request in case of OR predicate throw e; } } } return response; } private Set<StackServiceComponentResponse> getStackComponents(StackServiceComponentRequest request) throws AmbariException { Set<StackServiceComponentResponse> response; String stackName = request.getStackName(); String stackVersion = request.getStackVersion(); String serviceName = request.getServiceName(); String componentName = request.getComponentName(); if (componentName != null) { ComponentInfo component = ambariMetaInfo.getComponent(stackName, stackVersion, serviceName, componentName); response = Collections.singleton(new StackServiceComponentResponse(component)); } else { List<ComponentInfo> components = ambariMetaInfo.getComponentsByService(stackName, stackVersion, serviceName); response = new HashSet<StackServiceComponentResponse>(); for (ComponentInfo component : components) { response.add(new StackServiceComponentResponse(component)); } } return response; } @Override public Set<OperatingSystemResponse> getOperatingSystems(Set<OperatingSystemRequest> requests) throws AmbariException { Set<OperatingSystemResponse> response = new HashSet<OperatingSystemResponse>(); for (OperatingSystemRequest request : requests) { try { String stackName = request.getStackName(); String stackVersion = request.getStackVersion(); Set<OperatingSystemResponse> stackOperatingSystems = getOperatingSystems(request); for (OperatingSystemResponse operatingSystemResponse : stackOperatingSystems) { if (operatingSystemResponse.getStackName() == null) { operatingSystemResponse.setStackName(stackName); } if (operatingSystemResponse.getStackVersion() == null) { operatingSystemResponse.setStackVersion(stackVersion); } } response.addAll(stackOperatingSystems); } catch (StackAccessException e) { if (requests.size() == 1) { // only throw exception if 1 request. // there will be > 1 request in case of OR predicate throw e; } } } return response; } private Set<OperatingSystemResponse> getOperatingSystems(OperatingSystemRequest request) throws AmbariException { Set<OperatingSystemResponse> responses = new HashSet<OperatingSystemResponse>(); String stackName = request.getStackName(); String stackVersion = request.getStackVersion(); String osType = request.getOsType(); Long repositoryVersionId = request.getRepositoryVersionId(); if (repositoryVersionId != null) { final RepositoryVersionEntity repositoryVersion = repositoryVersionDAO.findByPK(repositoryVersionId); if (repositoryVersion != null) { for (OperatingSystemEntity operatingSystem : repositoryVersion.getOperatingSystems()) { final OperatingSystemResponse response = new OperatingSystemResponse( operatingSystem.getOsType()); response.setRepositoryVersionId(repositoryVersionId); response.setStackName(repositoryVersion.getStackName()); response.setStackVersion(repositoryVersion.getStackVersion()); responses.add(response); } } } else { if (osType != null) { OperatingSystemInfo operatingSystem = ambariMetaInfo.getOperatingSystem(stackName, stackVersion, osType); responses = Collections.singleton(operatingSystem.convertToResponse()); } else { Set<OperatingSystemInfo> operatingSystems = ambariMetaInfo.getOperatingSystems(stackName, stackVersion); for (OperatingSystemInfo operatingSystem : operatingSystems) { responses.add(operatingSystem.convertToResponse()); } } } return responses; } @Override public String getAuthName() { return AuthorizationHelper.getAuthenticatedName(configs.getAnonymousAuditName()); } @Override public Set<RootServiceResponse> getRootServices(Set<RootServiceRequest> requests) throws AmbariException { Set<RootServiceResponse> response = new HashSet<RootServiceResponse>(); for (RootServiceRequest request : requests) { try { response.addAll(getRootServices(request)); } catch (AmbariException e) { if (requests.size() == 1) { // only throw exception if 1 request. // there will be > 1 request in case of OR predicate throw e; } } } return response; } private Set<RootServiceResponse> getRootServices(RootServiceRequest request) throws AmbariException { return rootServiceResponseFactory.getRootServices(request); } @Override public Set<RootServiceComponentResponse> getRootServiceComponents(Set<RootServiceComponentRequest> requests) throws AmbariException { Set<RootServiceComponentResponse> response = new HashSet<RootServiceComponentResponse>(); for (RootServiceComponentRequest request : requests) { String serviceName = request.getServiceName(); try { Set<RootServiceComponentResponse> rootServiceComponents = getRootServiceComponents(request); for (RootServiceComponentResponse serviceComponentResponse : rootServiceComponents) { serviceComponentResponse.setServiceName(serviceName); } response.addAll(rootServiceComponents); } catch (AmbariException e) { if (requests.size() == 1) { // only throw exception if 1 request. // there will be > 1 request in case of OR predicate throw e; } } } return response; } private Set<RootServiceComponentResponse> getRootServiceComponents(RootServiceComponentRequest request) throws AmbariException { return rootServiceResponseFactory.getRootServiceComponents(request); } @Override public Clusters getClusters() { return clusters; } @Override public ConfigHelper getConfigHelper() { return configHelper; } @Override public AmbariMetaInfo getAmbariMetaInfo() { return ambariMetaInfo; } @Override public ServiceFactory getServiceFactory() { return serviceFactory; } @Override public ServiceComponentFactory getServiceComponentFactory() { return serviceComponentFactory; } @Override public ConfigGroupFactory getConfigGroupFactory() { return configGroupFactory; } @Override public AbstractRootServiceResponseFactory getRootServiceResponseFactory() { return rootServiceResponseFactory; } @Override public ActionManager getActionManager() { return actionManager; } @Override public String getJdkResourceUrl() { return jdkResourceUrl; } @Override public String getJavaHome() { return javaHome; } @Override public String getJDKName() { return jdkName; } @Override public String getJCEName() { return jceName; } @Override public String getServerDB() { return serverDB; } @Override public String getOjdbcUrl() { return ojdbcUrl; } @Override public String getMysqljdbcUrl() { return mysqljdbcUrl; } @Override public Map<String, String> getRcaParameters() { String hostName = StageUtils.getHostName(); String url = configs.getRcaDatabaseUrl(); if (url.contains(Configuration.HOSTNAME_MACRO)) { url = url.replace(Configuration.HOSTNAME_MACRO, hostsMap.getHostMap(hostName)); } Map<String, String> rcaParameters = new HashMap<String, String>(); rcaParameters.put(AMBARI_DB_RCA_URL, url); rcaParameters.put(AMBARI_DB_RCA_DRIVER, configs.getRcaDatabaseDriver()); rcaParameters.put(AMBARI_DB_RCA_USERNAME, configs.getRcaDatabaseUser()); rcaParameters.put(AMBARI_DB_RCA_PASSWORD, configs.getRcaDatabasePassword()); return rcaParameters; } @Override public boolean checkLdapConfigured() { return ldapDataPopulator.isLdapEnabled(); } @Override public LdapSyncDto getLdapSyncInfo() throws AmbariException { return ldapDataPopulator.getLdapSyncInfo(); } @Override public boolean isLdapSyncInProgress() { return ldapSyncInProgress; } @Override public synchronized LdapBatchDto synchronizeLdapUsersAndGroups(LdapSyncRequest userRequest, LdapSyncRequest groupRequest) throws AmbariException { ldapSyncInProgress = true; try { final LdapBatchDto batchInfo = new LdapBatchDto(); if (userRequest != null) { switch (userRequest.getType()) { case ALL: ldapDataPopulator.synchronizeAllLdapUsers(batchInfo); break; case EXISTING: ldapDataPopulator.synchronizeExistingLdapUsers(batchInfo); break; case SPECIFIC: ldapDataPopulator.synchronizeLdapUsers(userRequest.getPrincipalNames(), batchInfo); break; } } if (groupRequest != null) { switch (groupRequest.getType()) { case ALL: ldapDataPopulator.synchronizeAllLdapGroups(batchInfo); break; case EXISTING: ldapDataPopulator.synchronizeExistingLdapGroups(batchInfo); break; case SPECIFIC: ldapDataPopulator.synchronizeLdapGroups(groupRequest.getPrincipalNames(), batchInfo); break; } } users.processLdapSync(batchInfo); return batchInfo; } finally { ldapSyncInProgress = false; } } @Override public LicenseManager getLicenseManager() { return licenseManager; } }