Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.accumulo.core.dataImpl; import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.UUID; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.accumulo.core.dataImpl.thrift.TKeyExtent; import org.apache.accumulo.core.metadata.MetadataTable; import org.apache.accumulo.core.metadata.RootTable; import org.apache.accumulo.core.metadata.schema.MetadataSchema.TabletsSection; import org.apache.accumulo.core.util.ByteBufferUtil; import org.apache.accumulo.core.util.TextUtil; import; import; import; /** * keeps track of information needed to identify a tablet */ public class KeyExtent implements WritableComparable<KeyExtent> { private TableId tableId; private Text textEndRow; private Text textPrevEndRow; private static final TableId EMPTY_ID = TableId.of(""); private static final Text EMPTY_TEXT = new Text(""); private void check() { if (getTableId() == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("null table id not allowed"); if (getEndRow() == null || getPrevEndRow() == null) return; if (getPrevEndRow().compareTo(getEndRow()) >= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "prevEndRow (" + getPrevEndRow() + ") >= endRow (" + getEndRow() + ")"); } } /** * Default constructor * */ public KeyExtent() { this.setTableId(EMPTY_ID); this.setEndRow(new Text(), false, false); this.setPrevEndRow(new Text(), false, false); } public KeyExtent(TableId table, Text endRow, Text prevEndRow) { this.setTableId(table); this.setEndRow(endRow, false, true); this.setPrevEndRow(prevEndRow, false, true); check(); } public KeyExtent(KeyExtent extent) { // extent has already deduped table id, so there is no need to do it again this.tableId = extent.tableId; this.setEndRow(extent.getEndRow(), false, true); this.setPrevEndRow(extent.getPrevEndRow(), false, true); check(); } public KeyExtent(TKeyExtent tke) { this.setTableId(TableId.of(new String(ByteBufferUtil.toBytes(tke.table), UTF_8))); this.setEndRow(tke.endRow == null ? null : new Text(ByteBufferUtil.toBytes(tke.endRow)), false, false); this.setPrevEndRow(tke.prevEndRow == null ? null : new Text(ByteBufferUtil.toBytes(tke.prevEndRow)), false, false); check(); } /** * Returns a String representing this extent's entry in the Metadata table * */ public Text getMetadataEntry() { return TabletsSection.getRow(getTableId(), getEndRow()); } // constructor for loading extents from metadata rows public KeyExtent(Text flattenedExtent, Value prevEndRow) { decodeMetadataRow(flattenedExtent); // decode the prev row this.setPrevEndRow(decodePrevEndRow(prevEndRow), false, true); check(); } // recreates an encoded extent from a string representation // this encoding is what is stored as the row id of the metadata table public KeyExtent(Text flattenedExtent, Text prevEndRow) { decodeMetadataRow(flattenedExtent); this.setPrevEndRow(null, false, false); if (prevEndRow != null) this.setPrevEndRow(prevEndRow, false, true); check(); } /** * Sets the extents table id * */ public void setTableId(TableId tId) { Objects.requireNonNull(tId, "null table id not allowed"); this.tableId = tId; hashCode = 0; } /** * Returns the extent's table id * */ public TableId getTableId() { return tableId; } private void setEndRow(Text endRow, boolean check, boolean copy) { if (endRow != null) if (copy) this.textEndRow = new Text(endRow); else this.textEndRow = endRow; else this.textEndRow = null; hashCode = 0; if (check) check(); } /** * Sets this extent's end row * */ public void setEndRow(Text endRow) { setEndRow(endRow, true, true); } /** * Returns this extent's end row * */ public Text getEndRow() { return textEndRow; } /** * Return the previous extent's end row * */ public Text getPrevEndRow() { return textPrevEndRow; } private void setPrevEndRow(Text prevEndRow, boolean check, boolean copy) { if (prevEndRow != null) if (copy) this.textPrevEndRow = new Text(prevEndRow); else this.textPrevEndRow = prevEndRow; else this.textPrevEndRow = null; hashCode = 0; if (check) check(); } /** * Sets the previous extent's end row * */ public void setPrevEndRow(Text prevEndRow) { setPrevEndRow(prevEndRow, true, true); } @Override public void readFields(DataInput in) throws IOException { Text tid = new Text(); tid.readFields(in); setTableId(TableId.of(tid.toString())); boolean hasRow = in.readBoolean(); if (hasRow) { Text er = new Text(); er.readFields(in); setEndRow(er, false, false); } else { setEndRow(null, false, false); } boolean hasPrevRow = in.readBoolean(); if (hasPrevRow) { Text per = new Text(); per.readFields(in); setPrevEndRow(per, false, true); } else { setPrevEndRow(null); } hashCode = 0; check(); } @Override public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException { new Text(getTableId().canonical()).write(out); if (getEndRow() != null) { out.writeBoolean(true); getEndRow().write(out); } else { out.writeBoolean(false); } if (getPrevEndRow() != null) { out.writeBoolean(true); getPrevEndRow().write(out); } else { out.writeBoolean(false); } } /** * Returns a String representing the previous extent's entry in the Metadata table * */ public Mutation getPrevRowUpdateMutation() { return getPrevRowUpdateMutation(this); } public static Text decodePrevEndRow(Value ibw) { Text per = null; if (ibw.get()[0] != 0) { per = new Text(); per.set(ibw.get(), 1, ibw.get().length - 1); } return per; } public static Value encodePrevEndRow(Text per) { if (per == null) return new Value(new byte[] { 0 }); byte[] b = new byte[per.getLength() + 1]; b[0] = 1; System.arraycopy(per.getBytes(), 0, b, 1, per.getLength()); return new Value(b); } public static Mutation getPrevRowUpdateMutation(KeyExtent ke) { Mutation m = new Mutation(ke.getMetadataEntry()); TabletsSection.TabletColumnFamily.PREV_ROW_COLUMN.put(m, encodePrevEndRow(ke.getPrevEndRow())); return m; } // The last tablet in a table has no end row, so null sorts last for end row; similarly, the first // tablet has no previous end row, so null sorts first for previous end row private static final Comparator<KeyExtent> COMPARATOR = Comparator.comparing(KeyExtent::getTableId) .thenComparing(KeyExtent::getEndRow, Comparator.nullsLast(Text::compareTo)) .thenComparing(KeyExtent::getPrevEndRow, Comparator.nullsFirst(Text::compareTo)); @Override public int compareTo(KeyExtent other) { return, other); } private int hashCode = 0; @Override public int hashCode() { if (hashCode != 0) return hashCode; int prevEndRowHash = 0; int endRowHash = 0; if (this.getEndRow() != null) { endRowHash = this.getEndRow().hashCode(); } if (this.getPrevEndRow() != null) { prevEndRowHash = this.getPrevEndRow().hashCode(); } hashCode = getTableId().hashCode() + endRowHash + prevEndRowHash; return hashCode; } private boolean equals(Text t1, Text t2) { if (t1 == null || t2 == null) return t1 == t2; return t1.equals(t2); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == this) return true; if (!(o instanceof KeyExtent)) return false; KeyExtent oke = (KeyExtent) o; return tableId.equals(oke.tableId) && equals(textEndRow, oke.textEndRow) && equals(textPrevEndRow, oke.textPrevEndRow); } @Override public String toString() { String endRowString; String prevEndRowString; String tableIdString = getTableId().canonical().replaceAll(";", "\\\\;").replaceAll("\\\\", "\\\\\\\\"); if (getEndRow() == null) endRowString = "<"; else endRowString = ";" + TextUtil.truncate(getEndRow()).toString().replaceAll(";", "\\\\;") .replaceAll("\\\\", "\\\\\\\\"); if (getPrevEndRow() == null) prevEndRowString = "<"; else prevEndRowString = ";" + TextUtil.truncate(getPrevEndRow()).toString().replaceAll(";", "\\\\;") .replaceAll("\\\\", "\\\\\\\\"); return tableIdString + endRowString + prevEndRowString; } public UUID getUUID() { try { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(baos); // to get a unique hash it is important to encode the data // like it is being serialized this.write(dos); dos.close(); return UUID.nameUUIDFromBytes(baos.toByteArray()); } catch (IOException e) { // should not happen since we are writing to memory throw new RuntimeException(e); } } // note: this is only the encoding of the table id and the last row, not the prev row /** * Populates the extent's fields based on a flatted extent * */ private void decodeMetadataRow(Text flattenedExtent) { int semiPos = -1; int ltPos = -1; for (int i = 0; i < flattenedExtent.getLength(); i++) { if (flattenedExtent.getBytes()[i] == ';' && semiPos < 0) { // want the position of the first semicolon semiPos = i; } if (flattenedExtent.getBytes()[i] == '<') { ltPos = i; } } if (semiPos < 0 && ltPos < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Metadata row does not contain ; or < " + flattenedExtent); } if (semiPos < 0) { if (ltPos != flattenedExtent.getLength() - 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("< must come at end of Metadata row " + flattenedExtent); } String decodedString = new String( Arrays.copyOfRange(flattenedExtent.getBytes(), 0, flattenedExtent.getLength() - 1), UTF_8); TableId tableId = TableId.of(decodedString); this.setTableId(tableId); this.setEndRow(null, false, false); } else { TableId tableId = TableId .of(new String(Arrays.copyOfRange(flattenedExtent.getBytes(), 0, semiPos), UTF_8)); Text endRow = new Text(); endRow.set(flattenedExtent.getBytes(), semiPos + 1, flattenedExtent.getLength() - (semiPos + 1)); this.setTableId(tableId); this.setEndRow(endRow, false, false); } } public static byte[] tableOfMetadataRow(Text row) { KeyExtent ke = new KeyExtent(); ke.decodeMetadataRow(row); return ke.getTableId().canonical().getBytes(UTF_8); } public boolean contains(final ByteSequence bsrow) { if (bsrow == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Passing null to contains is ambiguous, could be in first or last extent of table"); } BinaryComparable row = new BinaryComparable() { @Override public int getLength() { return bsrow.length(); } @Override public byte[] getBytes() { if (bsrow.isBackedByArray() && bsrow.offset() == 0) return bsrow.getBackingArray(); return bsrow.toArray(); } }; return (this.getPrevEndRow() == null || this.getPrevEndRow().compareTo(row) < 0) && (this.getEndRow() == null || this.getEndRow().compareTo(row) >= 0); } public boolean contains(BinaryComparable row) { if (row == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Passing null to contains is ambiguous, could be in first or last extent of table"); } return (this.getPrevEndRow() == null || this.getPrevEndRow().compareTo(row) < 0) && (this.getEndRow() == null || this.getEndRow().compareTo(row) >= 0); } public Range toDataRange() { return new Range(getPrevEndRow(), false, getEndRow(), true); } public Range toMetadataRange() { Text metadataPrevRow = TabletsSection.getRow(getTableId(), getPrevEndRow() == null ? EMPTY_TEXT : getPrevEndRow()); return new Range(metadataPrevRow, getPrevEndRow() == null, getMetadataEntry(), true); } public static SortedSet<KeyExtent> findChildren(KeyExtent ke, SortedSet<KeyExtent> tablets) { SortedSet<KeyExtent> children = null; for (KeyExtent tabletKe : tablets) { if (ke.getPrevEndRow() == tabletKe.getPrevEndRow() || ke.getPrevEndRow() != null && tabletKe.getPrevEndRow() != null && tabletKe.getPrevEndRow().compareTo(ke.getPrevEndRow()) == 0) { children = new TreeSet<>(); } if (children != null) { children.add(tabletKe); } if (ke.getEndRow() == tabletKe.getEndRow() || ke.getEndRow() != null && tabletKe.getEndRow() != null && tabletKe.getEndRow().compareTo(ke.getEndRow()) == 0) { return children; } } return new TreeSet<>(); } public static KeyExtent findContainingExtent(KeyExtent extent, SortedSet<KeyExtent> extents) { KeyExtent lookupExtent = new KeyExtent(extent); lookupExtent.setPrevEndRow(null); SortedSet<KeyExtent> tailSet = extents.tailSet(lookupExtent); if (tailSet.isEmpty()) { return null; } KeyExtent first = tailSet.first(); if (first.getTableId().compareTo(extent.getTableId()) != 0) { return null; } if (first.getPrevEndRow() == null) { return first; } if (extent.getPrevEndRow() == null) { return null; } if (extent.getPrevEndRow().compareTo(first.getPrevEndRow()) >= 0) return first; return null; } private static boolean startsAfter(KeyExtent nke, KeyExtent ke) { int tiCmp = ke.getTableId().compareTo(nke.getTableId()); if (tiCmp > 0) { return true; } return ke.getPrevEndRow() != null && nke.getEndRow() != null && ke.getPrevEndRow().compareTo(nke.getEndRow()) >= 0; } private static Text rowAfterPrevRow(KeyExtent nke) { Text row = new Text(nke.getPrevEndRow()); row.append(new byte[] { 0 }, 0, 1); return row; } // Some duplication with TabletLocatorImpl public static Set<KeyExtent> findOverlapping(KeyExtent nke, SortedSet<KeyExtent> extents) { if (nke == null || extents == null || extents.isEmpty()) return Collections.emptySet(); SortedSet<KeyExtent> start; if (nke.getPrevEndRow() != null) { Text row = rowAfterPrevRow(nke); KeyExtent lookupKey = new KeyExtent(nke.getTableId(), row, null); start = extents.tailSet(lookupKey); } else { KeyExtent lookupKey = new KeyExtent(nke.getTableId(), new Text(), null); start = extents.tailSet(lookupKey); } TreeSet<KeyExtent> result = new TreeSet<>(); for (KeyExtent ke : start) { if (startsAfter(nke, ke)) { break; } result.add(ke); } return result; } public boolean overlaps(KeyExtent other) { SortedSet<KeyExtent> set = new TreeSet<>(); set.add(other); return !findOverlapping(this, set).isEmpty(); } // Specialization of findOverlapping(KeyExtent, SortedSet<KeyExtent> to work with SortedMap public static Set<KeyExtent> findOverlapping(KeyExtent nke, SortedMap<KeyExtent, ?> extents) { if (nke == null || extents == null || extents.isEmpty()) return Collections.emptySet(); SortedMap<KeyExtent, ?> start; if (nke.getPrevEndRow() != null) { Text row = rowAfterPrevRow(nke); KeyExtent lookupKey = new KeyExtent(nke.getTableId(), row, null); start = extents.tailMap(lookupKey); } else { KeyExtent lookupKey = new KeyExtent(nke.getTableId(), new Text(), null); start = extents.tailMap(lookupKey); } TreeSet<KeyExtent> result = new TreeSet<>(); for (Entry<KeyExtent, ?> entry : start.entrySet()) { KeyExtent ke = entry.getKey(); if (startsAfter(nke, ke)) { break; } result.add(ke); } return result; } public static Text getMetadataEntry(KeyExtent extent) { return TabletsSection.getRow(extent.getTableId(), extent.getEndRow()); } public TKeyExtent toThrift() { return new TKeyExtent(ByteBuffer.wrap(tableId.canonical().getBytes(UTF_8)), textEndRow == null ? null : TextUtil.getByteBuffer(textEndRow), textPrevEndRow == null ? null : TextUtil.getByteBuffer(textPrevEndRow)); } public boolean isPreviousExtent(KeyExtent prevExtent) { if (prevExtent == null) return getPrevEndRow() == null; if (!prevExtent.getTableId().equals(getTableId())) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot compare across tables " + prevExtent + " " + this); if (prevExtent.getEndRow() == null) return false; if (getPrevEndRow() == null) return false; return prevExtent.getEndRow().equals(getPrevEndRow()); } public boolean isMeta() { return getTableId().equals(MetadataTable.ID) || isRootTablet(); } public boolean isRootTablet() { return getTableId().equals(RootTable.ID); } }