Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. The ASF licenses this file to You * under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. For additional information regarding * copyright in this work, please see the NOTICE file in the top level * directory of this distribution. */ package org.apache.abdera2.parser.axiom; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import javax.activation.MimeType; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import org.apache.abdera2.common.Constants; import org.apache.abdera2.common.iri.IRI; import org.apache.abdera2.common.misc.ArrayBuilder; import org.apache.abdera2.common.selector.Selector; import org.apache.abdera2.model.Categories; import org.apache.abdera2.model.Category; import org.apache.abdera2.model.Collection; import org.apache.abdera2.model.Element; import org.apache.abdera2.model.Text; import; import; import; import; import; import; import static org.apache.abdera2.common.mediatype.MimeTypeHelper.*; import; @SuppressWarnings({ "deprecation", "rawtypes" }) public class FOMCollection extends FOMExtensibleElement implements Collection { private static final String[] ENTRY = { "application/atom+xml;type=\"entry\"" }; private static final long serialVersionUID = -5291734055253987136L; public FOMCollection() { super(Constants.COLLECTION); } public FOMCollection(String title, String href, String[] accepts) { this(); setTitle(title); setHref(href); setAccept(accepts); } public FOMCollection(String name, OMNamespace namespace, OMContainer parent, OMFactory factory) throws OMException { super(name, namespace, parent, factory); } public FOMCollection(QName qname, OMContainer parent, OMFactory factory) { super(qname, parent, factory); } public FOMCollection(QName qname, OMContainer parent, OMFactory factory, OMXMLParserWrapper builder) { super(qname, parent, factory, builder); } public FOMCollection(OMContainer parent, OMFactory factory) { super(COLLECTION, parent, factory); } public FOMCollection(OMContainer parent, OMFactory factory, OMXMLParserWrapper builder) { super(COLLECTION, parent, factory, builder); } public String getTitle() { Text title = this.getFirstChild(TITLE); return (title != null) ? title.getValue() : null; } private Text setTitle(String title, Text.Type type) { complete(); FOMFactory fomfactory = (FOMFactory) factory; Text text = fomfactory.newText(PREFIXED_TITLE, type); text.setValue(title); this._setChild(PREFIXED_TITLE, (OMElement) text); return text; } public Text setTitle(String title) { return setTitle(title, Text.Type.TEXT); } public Text setTitleAsHtml(String title) { return setTitle(title, Text.Type.HTML); } public Text setTitleAsXHtml(String title) { return setTitle(title, Text.Type.XHTML); } public Text getTitleElement() { return getFirstChild(TITLE); } public IRI getHref() { return _getUriValue(getAttributeValue(HREF)); } public IRI getResolvedHref() { return _resolve(getResolvedBaseUri(), getHref()); } public Collection setHref(String href) { complete(); return setAttributeValue(HREF, href == null ? null : (new IRI(href).toString())); } public String[] getAccept() { ArrayBuilder<String> accept = ArrayBuilder.list(String.class); Iterator<?> i = getChildrenWithName(ACCEPT); if (i == null || !i.hasNext()) i = getChildrenWithName(PRE_RFC_ACCEPT); while (i.hasNext()) { Element e = (Element); String t = e.getText(); if (t != null) accept.add(t.trim()); } return condense(; } public Collection setAccept(String mediaRange) { return setAccept(new String[] { mediaRange }); } public Collection setAccept(Iterable<String> mediaRanges) { return setAccept(Iterables.toArray(mediaRanges, String.class)); } public Collection setAccept(String... mediaRanges) { complete(); if (mediaRanges != null && mediaRanges.length > 0) { _removeChildren(ACCEPT, true); _removeChildren(PRE_RFC_ACCEPT, true); if (mediaRanges.length == 1 && mediaRanges[0].equals("")) { addExtension(ACCEPT); } else { mediaRanges = condense(mediaRanges); for (String type : mediaRanges) { if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("entry")) { addSimpleExtension(ACCEPT, "application/atom+xml;type=entry"); } else { addSimpleExtension(ACCEPT, unmodifiableMimeType(type).toString()); } } } } else { _removeChildren(ACCEPT, true); _removeChildren(PRE_RFC_ACCEPT, true); } return this; } public Collection addAccepts(String mediaRange) { return addAccepts(new String[] { mediaRange }); } public Collection addAccepts(String... mediaRanges) { complete(); if (mediaRanges != null) for (String type : mediaRanges) if (!accepts(type)) addSimpleExtension(ACCEPT, unmodifiableMimeType(type).toString()); return this; } public Collection addAcceptsEntry() { return addAccepts("application/atom+xml;type=entry"); } public Collection setAcceptsEntry() { return setAccept("application/atom+xml;type=entry"); } public Collection setAcceptsNothing() { return setAccept(""); } public boolean acceptsEntry() { return accepts("application/atom+xml;type=entry"); } public boolean acceptsNothing() { return accepts(""); } public boolean accepts(String mediaType) { String[] accept = getAccept(); if (accept.length == 0) accept = ENTRY; for (String a : accept) if (isMatch(a, mediaType)) return true; return false; } public boolean accepts(MimeType mediaType) { return accepts(mediaType.toString()); } public Categories addCategories() { complete(); return ((FOMFactory) factory).newCategories(this); } public Collection addCategories(Categories categories) { complete(); addChild((OMElement) categories); return this; } public Categories addCategories(String href) { complete(); Categories cats = ((FOMFactory) factory).newCategories(); cats.setHref(href); addCategories(cats); return cats; } public Categories addCategories(List<Category> categories, boolean fixed, String scheme) { complete(); Categories cats = ((FOMFactory) factory).newCategories(); cats.setFixed(fixed); if (scheme != null) cats.setScheme(scheme); if (categories != null) for (Category category : categories) cats.addCategory(category); addCategories(cats); return cats; } public List<Categories> getCategories() { List<Categories> list = _getChildrenAsSet(CATEGORIES); if (list == null || list.size() == 0) list = _getChildrenAsSet(PRE_RFC_CATEGORIES); return list; } public List<Categories> getCategories(Selector selector) { List<Categories> list = _getChildrenAsSet(CATEGORIES, selector); if (list == null || list.size() == 0) list = _getChildrenAsSet(PRE_RFC_CATEGORIES, selector); return list; } }