Source code

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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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 * under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License.
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 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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import org.apache.abdera2.common.misc.MoreFunctions;
import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;
import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex;


 * Utility Class used for Generating API Keys
public class ApiKey extends KeyBase {

    public ApiKey(byte[] key, int size) {
        super(key, size);

    public ApiKey(byte[] key, String alg, int size) {
        super(key, alg, size);

    public ApiKey(Key key, int size) {
        super(key, size);

    public ApiKey(Key key, String alg, int size) {
        super(key, alg, size);

    public ApiKey(Key key) {

    public ApiKey(String key, int size) {
        super(key, size);

    public ApiKey(String key, String alg, int size) {
        super(key, alg, size);

    public ApiKey(String key) {

     * Generates a random string that can be used as an API Key.
     * The string is generated by creating a random array of 
     * bytes, generating an hmac, then base64 encoding those. 
     * All non alphanumeric characters in the base64 encoded
     * result are then replaced with periods ('.') to simplify
     * the result a bit more. The resulting API Key can be 
     * expected to be reasonably random and suitable for use
     * within a request URI (e.g. key={apikey}).
    public String generateNext() {
        int len = Math.min(20, size);
        byte[] buf = hmac(randomBytes(len));
        buf = Base64.encodeBase64(buf, false, true);
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        for (byte b : buf)
            sb.append(Character.isLetterOrDigit(b) ? (char) b : '.');
        return sb.toString();

    public String generateNextHex() {
        int len = Math.min(20, size);
        byte[] buf = hmac(randomBytes(len));
        return Hex.encodeHexString(buf);

    public Supplier<String> asSupplier() {
        return supplier(this);

    public static ApiKey WEAK(byte[] key) {
        return new ApiKey(key, "HmacSHA1", 20);

    public static ApiKey WEAK(Key key) {
        return new ApiKey(key, "HmacSHA1", 20);

    public static ApiKey WEAK(String key) {
        return new ApiKey(key, "HmacSHA1", 20);

    public static ApiKey MEDIUM(byte[] key) {
        return new ApiKey(key, "HmacSHA256", 256);

    public static ApiKey MEDIUM(Key key) {
        return new ApiKey(key, "HmacSHA256", 256);

    public static ApiKey MEDIUM(String key) {
        return new ApiKey(key, "HmacSHA256", 256);

    public static ApiKey STRONG(byte[] key) {
        return new ApiKey(key, "HmacSHA512", 512);

    public static ApiKey STRONG(Key key) {
        return new ApiKey(key, "HmacSHA512", 512);

    public static ApiKey STRONG(String key) {
        return new ApiKey(key, "HmacSHA512", 512);

    public static Supplier<String> supplier(ApiKey key) {
        return new ApiKeySupplier(key);

    public static Supplier<String> supplierHex(ApiKey key) {
        return new ApiKeySupplier(key, true);

    public static Supplier<String> weakSupplier(byte[] key) {
        return new ApiKeySupplier(WEAK(key));

    public static Supplier<String> weakSupplier(Key key) {
        return new ApiKeySupplier(WEAK(key));

    public static Supplier<String> weakSupplier(String key) {
        return new ApiKeySupplier(WEAK(key));

    public static Supplier<String> weakSupplierHex(byte[] key) {
        return new ApiKeySupplier(WEAK(key), true);

    public static Supplier<String> weakSupplierHex(Key key) {
        return new ApiKeySupplier(WEAK(key), true);

    public static Supplier<String> weakSupplierHex(String key) {
        return new ApiKeySupplier(WEAK(key), true);

    public static Supplier<String> mediumSupplier(byte[] key) {
        return new ApiKeySupplier(MEDIUM(key));

    public static Supplier<String> mediumSupplier(Key key) {
        return new ApiKeySupplier(MEDIUM(key));

    public static Supplier<String> mediumSupplier(String key) {
        return new ApiKeySupplier(MEDIUM(key));

    public static Supplier<String> mediumSupplierHex(byte[] key) {
        return new ApiKeySupplier(MEDIUM(key), true);

    public static Supplier<String> mediumSupplierHex(Key key) {
        return new ApiKeySupplier(MEDIUM(key), true);

    public static Supplier<String> mediumSupplierHex(String key) {
        return new ApiKeySupplier(MEDIUM(key), true);

    public static Supplier<String> strongSupplier(byte[] key) {
        return new ApiKeySupplier(STRONG(key));

    public static Supplier<String> strongSupplier(Key key) {
        return new ApiKeySupplier(STRONG(key));

    public static Supplier<String> strongSupplier(String key) {
        return new ApiKeySupplier(STRONG(key));

    public static Supplier<String> strongSupplierHex(byte[] key) {
        return new ApiKeySupplier(STRONG(key), true);

    public static Supplier<String> strongSupplierHex(Key key) {
        return new ApiKeySupplier(STRONG(key), true);

    public static Supplier<String> strongSupplierHex(String key) {
        return new ApiKeySupplier(STRONG(key), true);

    private static class ApiKeySupplier implements Supplier<String> {
        private final ApiKey key;
        private final boolean hex;

        ApiKeySupplier(ApiKey key) {
            this.key = key;
            this.hex = false;

        ApiKeySupplier(ApiKey key, boolean hex) {
            this.key = key;
            this.hex = hex;

        public String get() {
            return !hex ? key.generateNext() : key.generateNextHex();

        public int hashCode() {
            return MoreFunctions.genHashCode(1, hex, key);

        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
            if (this == obj)
                return true;
            if (obj == null)
                return false;
            if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
                return false;
            ApiKeySupplier other = (ApiKeySupplier) obj;
            if (hex != other.hex)
                return false;
            if (key == null) {
                if (other.key != null)
                    return false;
            } else if (!key.equals(other.key))
                return false;
            return true;
