Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. The ASF licenses this file to You * under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. For additional information regarding * copyright in this work, please see the NOTICE file in the top level * directory of this distribution. */ package org.apache.abdera2.common.http; import; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.abdera2.common.misc.MoreFunctions; import; import; import; import; import; import static; import static; public final class CacheControl implements Serializable { static final Set<String> reserved = ImmutableSet.of("private", "public", "no-cache", "no-store", "no-transform", "only-if-cached", "must-revalidate", "proxy-revalidate", "max-age", "max-stale", "min-fresh", "stale-if-error", "stale-while-revalidate"); public static Builder make() { return new Builder(); } public static Builder make(CacheControl template) { return new Builder(template); } public static class Builder implements Supplier<CacheControl> { protected int flags = 0; protected Iterable<String> nocache_headers, private_headers; protected long max_age = -1, max_stale = -1, min_fresh = -1, smax_age = -1, staleiferror = -1, stalewhilerevalidate = -1; protected final ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Object> exts = ImmutableMap.builder(); public Builder() { defaults(); } public Builder(CacheControl cc) { from(cc); } public Builder from(CacheControl cc) { this.flags = cc.flags; this.nocache_headers = cc.nocache_headers; this.private_headers = cc.private_headers; this.max_age = cc.max_age; this.max_stale = cc.max_stale; this.min_fresh = cc.min_fresh; this.smax_age = cc.smax_age; this.staleiferror = cc.staleiferror; this.stalewhilerevalidate = cc.stalewhilerevalidate; this.exts.putAll(cc.exts); return this; } public Builder defaults() { return noCache(false).noStore(false).noTransform(false).onlyIfCached(false).maxAge(-1).maxStale(-1) .minFresh(-1).staleIfError(-1).staleWhileRevalidate(-1).mustRevalidate(false).isPrivate(false) .isPublic(false).maxAge(-1); } public CacheControl get() { return new CacheControl(this); } private void checkReserved(String name) { checkNotNull(name); checkArgument(!reserved.contains(name.toLowerCase()), "Reserved directive", name); } public Builder extensions(Map<String, Object> exts) { for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : exts.entrySet()) { String name = entry.getKey().toLowerCase(Locale.US); checkReserved(name); this.exts.put(name, entry.getValue()); } return this; } public Builder extension(String name, Object value) { checkReserved(name); exts.put(name.toLowerCase(Locale.US), value); return this; } public Builder extension(String name) { checkReserved(name); exts.put(name.toLowerCase(Locale.US), ""); return this; } public Builder staleIfError(long delta) { this.staleiferror = Math.max(-1, delta); return this; } public Builder staleWhileRevalidate(long delta) { this.stalewhilerevalidate = Math.max(-1, delta); return this; } public Builder maxAge(long max_age) { this.max_age = Math.max(-1, max_age); return this; } public Builder mustRevalidate() { toggle(true, REVALIDATE); return this; } public Builder mustRevalidate(boolean val) { toggle(val, REVALIDATE); return this; } public Builder proxyRevalidate() { toggle(true, PROXYREVALIDATE); return this; } public Builder proxyRevalidate(boolean val) { toggle(val, PROXYREVALIDATE); return this; } public Builder noCache() { toggle(true, NOCACHE); return this; } public Builder noCache(boolean val) { toggle(val, NOCACHE); return this; } public Builder noStore() { toggle(true, NOSTORE); return this; } public Builder noStore(boolean val) { toggle(val, NOSTORE); return this; } public Builder noTransform() { toggle(true, NOTRANSFORM); return this; } public Builder noTransform(boolean val) { toggle(val, NOTRANSFORM); return this; } public Builder isPublic() { toggle(true, PUBLIC); return this; } public Builder isPublic(boolean val) { toggle(val, PUBLIC); return this; } public Builder isPrivate() { toggle(true, PRIVATE); return this; } public Builder isPrivate(boolean val) { toggle(val, PRIVATE); return this; } public Builder privateHeaders(String... headers) { if (headers == null) return this; this.private_headers = ImmutableSet.copyOf(headers); if (headers.length > 0) isPrivate(); return this; } public Builder noCacheHeaders(String... headers) { if (headers == null) return this; this.nocache_headers = ImmutableSet.copyOf(headers); if (headers.length > 0) noCache(); return this; } public Builder maxStale(long max_stale) { this.max_stale = max_stale; return this; } public Builder minFresh(long min_fresh) { this.min_fresh = min_fresh; return this; } public Builder onlyIfCached() { toggle(true, ONLYIFCACHED); return this; } public Builder onlyIfCached(boolean val) { toggle(val, ONLYIFCACHED); return this; } private void toggle(boolean val, int flag) { if (val) flags |= flag; else flags &= ~flag; } } public static final Function<String, CacheControl> parser = new Function<String, CacheControl>() { public CacheControl apply(String input) { return input != null ? parse(input) : null; } }; public static CacheControl parse(String cc) { return CacheControlUtil.parseCacheControl(cc, make()).get(); } private static final long serialVersionUID = 3554586802963893228L; public final static int NOCACHE = 1, NOSTORE = 2, NOTRANSFORM = 4, PUBLIC = 8, PRIVATE = 16, REVALIDATE = 32, PROXYREVALIDATE = 64, ONLYIFCACHED = 128; final int flags; final Iterable<String> nocache_headers, private_headers; final long max_age, max_stale, min_fresh, smax_age, staleiferror, stalewhilerevalidate; final ImmutableMap<String, Object> exts; CacheControl(Builder builder) { this.flags = builder.flags; this.nocache_headers = builder.nocache_headers != null ? builder.nocache_headers : ImmutableSet.<String>of(); this.private_headers = builder.private_headers != null ? builder.private_headers : ImmutableSet.<String>of(); this.max_age = builder.max_age; this.max_stale = builder.max_stale; this.min_fresh = builder.min_fresh; this.smax_age = builder.smax_age; this.staleiferror = builder.staleiferror; this.stalewhilerevalidate = builder.stalewhilerevalidate; this.exts =; } public Object getExtension(String name) { return exts.get(name); } public Iterable<String> listExtensions() { return exts.keySet(); } protected boolean check(int flag) { return (flags & flag) == flag; } public boolean isNoCache() { return check(NOCACHE); } public boolean isNoStore() { return check(NOSTORE); } public boolean isNoTransform() { return check(NOTRANSFORM); } public long getMaxAge() { return max_age; } public Iterable<String> getNoCacheHeaders() { return isNoCache() ? nocache_headers : ImmutableSet.<String>of(); } public Iterable<String> getPrivateHeaders() { return isPrivate() ? private_headers : ImmutableSet.<String>of(); } public long getSMaxAge() { return smax_age; } public boolean isMustRevalidate() { return check(REVALIDATE); } public boolean isPrivate() { return check(PRIVATE); } public boolean isProxyRevalidate() { return check(PROXYREVALIDATE); } public boolean isPublic() { return check(PUBLIC); } public long getStaleIfError() { return staleiferror; } public long getStaleWhileRevalidate() { return stalewhilerevalidate; } public boolean isOnlyIfCached() { return check(ONLYIFCACHED); } public long getMaxStale() { return max_stale; } public long getMinFresh() { return min_fresh; } public String toString() { return CacheControlUtil.buildCacheControl(this); } @Override public int hashCode() { return MoreFunctions.genHashCode(1, flags, max_age, max_stale, min_fresh, nocache_headers, private_headers, smax_age, staleiferror, stalewhilerevalidate); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; CacheControl other = (CacheControl) obj; if (flags != other.flags) return false; if (max_age != other.max_age) return false; if (max_stale != other.max_stale) return false; if (min_fresh != other.min_fresh) return false; if (!Iterables.elementsEqual(nocache_headers, other.nocache_headers)) return false; if (!Iterables.elementsEqual(private_headers, other.private_headers)) return false; if (smax_age != other.smax_age) return false; if (staleiferror != other.staleiferror) return false; if (stalewhilerevalidate != other.stalewhilerevalidate) return false; return true; } public static CacheControl NOCACHE() { return make().noCache(true).get(); } public static CacheControl NONNOCACHE() { return make().noCache(false).get(); } public static CacheControl NOSTORE() { return make().noStore(true).get(); } public static CacheControl NONNOSTORE() { return make().noStore(false).get(); } public static CacheControl MAXAGE(long age) { return make().maxAge(age).get(); } public static CacheControl PUBLIC() { return make().isPublic(true).get(); } public static CacheControl PRIVATE() { return make().isPrivate(true).get(); } }