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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  The ASF licenses this file to You
 * under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License.
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 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.TimeZone;

import org.apache.abdera2.common.selector.Selector;
import org.apache.abdera2.common.selector.Selectors;
import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import org.joda.time.format.ISODateTimeFormat;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.joda.time.DateTimeZone;
import org.joda.time.Duration;
import org.joda.time.Interval;

import static org.apache.abdera2.common.misc.Comparisons.*;

public final class DateTimes {

    private DateTimes() {

     * Simple Function that creates a DateTime from an object..
     * the input can be a string, a long, a java.util.Date, 
     * a java.util.Calendar or another DateTime. This is 
     * mainly a convenience wrapper for the default constructor
    public static final Function<Object, DateTime> parser = new Function<Object, DateTime>() {
        public DateTime apply(Object input) {
            return new DateTime(input);

     * Simple Function that formats a DateTime object to 
     * ISO8601-compliant string. This is mainly just a 
     * convenience wrapper.
    public static final Function<DateTime, String> formatter = new Function<DateTime, String>() {
        public String apply(DateTime input) {
            return format(input);

    private static final DateTimeFormatter DTF = ISODateTimeFormat.dateTime();

     * Formats the current date/time to string using the default timezone
    public static String formatNow() {

     * Formats the given date/time to string
    public static String format(String dateTime) {
        return DTF.print(new DateTime(dateTime));

     * Formats the given date/time to string
    public static String format(DateTime dateTime) {
        return DTF.print(dateTime);

     * Formats the given date/time to string
    public static String format(Date date) {
        return DTF.print(new DateTime(date));

     * Formats the given date/time to string
    public static String format(Calendar cal) {
        return DTF.print(new DateTime(cal));

     * Formats the given date/time to string
    public static String format(long ms) {
        return DTF.print(ms);

    public static Date parse(String t) {
        return DateTime.parse(t).toDate();

     * Converts the given DateTime to the UTC TimeZone
    public static DateTime toUTC(DateTime dt) {
        return dt.toDateTime(DateTimeZone.UTC);

     * Converts the given DateTime to the given TimeZone
    public static DateTime toTimeZone(DateTime dt, TimeZone tz) {
        return dt.toDateTime(DateTimeZone.forTimeZone(tz));

     * Converts the given DateTime to the given TimeZone
    public static DateTime toTimeZone(DateTime dt, String id) {
        return dt.toDateTime(DateTimeZone.forID(id));

     * Use the DateTimeBuilder to generate a DateTime object
    public static DateTimeBuilder makeDateTime() {
        return new DateTimeBuilder();

    public static class DateTimeBuilder implements Supplier<DateTime> {
        private int year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millis;
        private DateTimeZone dtz;

        public DateTimeBuilder() {

        private DateTime _now() {
            return dtz == null ? :;

        public DateTimeBuilder thisYear() {
            this.year = _now().year().get();
            return this;

        public DateTimeBuilder thisMonth() {
            this.month = _now().monthOfYear().get();
            return this;

        public DateTimeBuilder thisDay() {
   = _now().dayOfMonth().get();
            return this;

        public DateTimeBuilder thisHour() {
            this.hour = _now().hourOfDay().get();
            return this;

        public DateTimeBuilder thisMinute() {
            this.minute = _now().minuteOfHour().get();
            return this;

        public DateTimeBuilder thisSecond() {
            this.second = _now().secondOfMinute().get();
            return this;

        public DateTimeBuilder thisMillisecond() {
            this.millis = _now().millisOfSecond().get();
            return this;

        public DateTimeBuilder thisTimeZone() {
            this.dtz = _now().getZone();
            return this;

        public DateTimeBuilder thisDate() {
            DateTime now = _now();
            this.year = now.year().get();
            this.month = now.monthOfYear().get();
   = now.dayOfMonth().get();
            return this;

        public DateTimeBuilder thisDatePlusYears(int years) {
            this.year += years;
            return this;

        public DateTimeBuilder thisDatePlusMonths(int months) {
            this.year += months / 12;
            this.month += months % 12;
            return this;

        public DateTimeBuilder thisDatePlusDays(int days) {
            this.year += days / 365;
            int rem = days % 365;
            this.month += rem / 31;
   += rem % 31;
            return this;

        public DateTimeBuilder thisTime() {
            DateTime now = _now();
            this.hour = now.hourOfDay().get();
            this.minute = now.minuteOfHour().get();
            this.second = now.secondOfMinute().get();
            this.millis = now.millisOfSecond().get();
            return this;

        public DateTimeBuilder nowUtc() {
            DateTime now = _now();
            this.year = now.year().get();
            this.month = now.monthOfYear().get();
   = now.dayOfMonth().get();
            this.hour = now.hourOfDay().get();
            this.minute = now.minuteOfHour().get();
            this.second = now.secondOfMinute().get();
            this.millis = now.millisOfSecond().get();
            return this;

        public DateTimeBuilder now() {
            DateTime now = _now();
            this.year = now.year().get();
            this.month = now.monthOfYear().get();
   = now.dayOfMonth().get();
            this.hour = now.hourOfDay().get();
            this.minute = now.minuteOfHour().get();
            this.second = now.secondOfMinute().get();
            this.millis = now.millisOfSecond().get();
            return this;

        public DateTimeBuilder year(int year) {
            this.year = year;
            return this;

        public DateTimeBuilder month(int month) {
            this.month = month;
            return this;

        public DateTimeBuilder day(int day) {
   = day;
            return this;

        public DateTimeBuilder hour(int hour) {
            this.hour = hour;
            return this;

        public DateTimeBuilder minute(int minute) {
            this.minute = minute;
            return this;

        public DateTimeBuilder second(int second) {
            this.second = second;
            return this;

        public DateTimeBuilder millisecond(int ms) {
            this.millis = ms;
            return this;

        public DateTimeBuilder timezone(TimeZone tz) {
            this.dtz = DateTimeZone.forTimeZone(tz);
            return this;

        public DateTimeBuilder timezoneUTC() {
            this.dtz = DateTimeZone.UTC;
            return this;

        public DateTimeBuilder timezone(String id) {
            this.dtz = DateTimeZone.forID(id);
            return this;

        public DateTimeBuilder timezone(int offsetHours) {
            this.dtz = DateTimeZone.forOffsetHours(offsetHours);
            return this;

        public DateTimeBuilder timezone(int offsetHours, int offsetMinutes) {
            this.dtz = DateTimeZone.forOffsetHoursMinutes(offsetHours, offsetMinutes);
            return this;

        public DateTime get() {
            return new DateTime(year, Math.min(12, Math.max(1, month)), Math.min(31, Math.max(1, day)), hour,
                    minute, second, millis, dtz);

     * Convenience Utility for Comparing DateTime instances
    public static abstract class DateTimeComparator<X> implements Comparator<X>, Serializable {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = -3081540045542491405L;

        public int innerCompare(DateTime d1, DateTime d2) {
            if (onlySecondIsNull(d1, d2))
                return 1;
            if (onlyFirstIsNull(d1, d2))
                return -1;
            if (bothAreNull(d1, d2))
                return -1;
            int ret = d1.compareTo(d2);
            return ret == 0 ? -1 : ret;

    public static DateTime utc(String dt) {
        return dt(dt, DateTimeZone.UTC);

    public static DateTime dt(String dt) {
        return new DateTime(dt);

    public static DateTime dt(String dt, DateTimeZone dtz) {
        return new DateTime(dt, dtz);

    public static DateTime dt(Date date) {
        return new DateTime(date);

    public static DateTime dt(Calendar cal) {
        return new DateTime(cal);

    public static DateTime dt(long millis) {
        return new DateTime(millis);

    public static DateTime now() {

    public static DateTime now(String tz) {

    public static DateTime now(DateTimeZone dtz) {

    public static DateTime now(TimeZone tz) {

    public static DateTime utcNow() {

    public static Selector<DateTime> selectorForRange(Range<DateTime> range) {
        return Selectors.forPredicate(range);

    public static Range<DateTime> all() {
        return Ranges.<DateTime>all();

    public static Range<DateTime> atOrAfterNow() {
        return atOrAfter(;

    public static Range<DateTime> atOrAfter(DateTime dateTime) {
        return Ranges.<DateTime>atLeast(dateTime);

    public static Range<DateTime> atOrBefore(DateTime dateTime) {
        return Ranges.<DateTime>atMost(dateTime);

    public static Range<DateTime> atOrBetween(DateTime low, DateTime high) {
        return Ranges.<DateTime>closed(low, high);

    public static Range<DateTime> atOrBetween(DateTime low, Duration duration) {
        return atOrBetween(low,;

    public static Range<DateTime> atOrBetween(Duration duration, DateTime high) {
        return atOrBetween(high.minus(duration), high);

    public static Range<DateTime> atOrBetween(Interval interval) {
        return atOrBetween(interval.getStart(), interval.getEnd());

    public static Range<DateTime> atBetweenOrBefore(DateTime low, DateTime high) {
        return Ranges.<DateTime>closedOpen(low, high);

    public static Range<DateTime> atBetweenOrBefore(DateTime low, Duration duration) {
        return atBetweenOrBefore(low,;

    public static Range<DateTime> atBetweenOrBefore(Duration duration, DateTime high) {
        return atBetweenOrBefore(high.minus(duration), high);

    public static Range<DateTime> atBetweenOrBefore(Interval interval) {
        return atBetweenOrBefore(interval.getStart(), interval.getEnd());

    public static Range<DateTime> afterNow() {
        return after(;

    public static Range<DateTime> after(DateTime dateTime) {
        return Ranges.<DateTime>greaterThan(dateTime);

    public static Range<DateTime> beforeNow() {
        return before(;

    public static Range<DateTime> before(DateTime dateTime) {
        return Ranges.<DateTime>lessThan(dateTime);

    public static Range<DateTime> between(DateTime low, DateTime high) {
        return Ranges.<DateTime>open(low, high);

    public static Range<DateTime> between(DateTime low, Duration duration) {
        return between(low,;

    public static Range<DateTime> between(Duration duration, DateTime high) {
        return between(high.minus(duration), high);

    public static Range<DateTime> between(Interval interval) {
        return between(interval.getStart(), interval.getEnd());

    public static Range<DateTime> afterBetweenOrAt(DateTime low, DateTime high) {
        return Ranges.<DateTime>openClosed(low, high);

    public static Range<DateTime> afterBetweenOrAt(DateTime low, Duration duration) {
        return afterBetweenOrAt(low,;

    public static Range<DateTime> afterBetweenOrAt(Duration duration, DateTime high) {
        return afterBetweenOrAt(high.minus(duration), high);

    public static Range<DateTime> exactlyNow() {
        return exactly(;

    public static Range<DateTime> exactly(DateTime dateTime) {
        return Ranges.<DateTime>singleton(dateTime);

    public static Range<DateTime> exactlyBefore(DateTime date, Duration duration) {
        return exactly(date.minus(duration));

    public static Range<DateTime> exactlyAfter(DateTime date, Duration duration) {
        return exactly(;

    public static Range<DateTime> exactlyBeforeNow(Duration duration) {
        return exactlyBefore(, duration);

    public static Range<DateTime> exactlyAfterNow(Duration duration) {
        return exactlyAfter(, duration);

    public static final boolean equivalent(DateTime d1, DateTime d2) {
        return Equivalence.equivalent(d1, d2);

    public static final boolean equivalent(DateTime d1, Date date) {
        return equivalent(d1, new DateTime(date));

    public static final boolean equivalent(DateTime d1, Calendar cal) {
        return equivalent(d1, new DateTime(cal));

    public static final boolean equivalent(DateTime d1, long time) {
        return equivalent(d1, new DateTime(time));

    public static final boolean equivalent(DateTime d1, String obj) {
        return equivalent(d1, new DateTime(obj));

    public static final boolean equivalent(Date d1, Date date) {
        return equivalent(new DateTime(d1), new DateTime(date));

    public static final boolean equivalent(Date d1, Calendar cal) {
        return equivalent(new DateTime(d1), new DateTime(cal));

    public static final boolean equivalent(Date d1, long time) {
        return equivalent(new DateTime(d1), new DateTime(time));

    public static final boolean equivalent(Date d1, String obj) {
        return equivalent(new DateTime(d1), new DateTime(obj));

    public static final boolean equivalent(Calendar c1, Calendar c2) {
        return equivalent(new DateTime(c1), new DateTime(c2));

    public static final boolean equivalent(Calendar c1, long time) {
        return equivalent(new DateTime(c1), new DateTime(time));

    public static final boolean equivalent(Calendar c1, String c2) {
        return equivalent(new DateTime(c1), new DateTime(c2));

    public static final boolean equivalent(long c1, long c2) {
        return equivalent(new DateTime(c1), new DateTime(c2));

    public static final boolean equivalent(long c1, String c2) {
        return equivalent(new DateTime(c1), new DateTime(c2));

    public static final boolean equivalent(String c1, String c2) {
        return equivalent(new DateTime(c1), new DateTime(c2));

    public static Predicate<DateTime> equivalentTo(Date date) {
        return equivalentTo(new DateTime(date));

    public static Predicate<DateTime> equivalentTo(Calendar cal) {
        return equivalentTo(new DateTime(cal));

    public static Predicate<DateTime> equivalentTo(long time) {
        return equivalentTo(new DateTime(time));

    public static Predicate<DateTime> equivalentTo(String dt) {
        return equivalentTo(new DateTime(dt));

    public static Predicate<DateTime> equivalentTo(DateTime dateTime) {
        return Equivalence.equivalentTo(dateTime);

    public static final Equivalence<DateTime> Equivalence = equivalence();

    private static Equivalence<DateTime> equivalence() {
        return new Equivalence<DateTime>() {
            protected boolean doEquivalent(DateTime a, DateTime b) {
                return a.compareTo(b) == 0;

            protected int doHash(DateTime t) {
                return toUTC(t).hashCode();

    public static Selector<DateTime> selectorForAll() {
        return selectorForRange(all());

    public static Selector<DateTime> selectorForAtOrAfterNow() {
        return selectorForRange(atOrAfterNow());

    public static Selector<DateTime> selectorForAtOrAfter(DateTime dateTime) {
        return selectorForRange(atOrAfter(dateTime));

    public static Selector<DateTime> selectorForAtOrBefore(DateTime dateTime) {
        return selectorForRange(atOrBefore(dateTime));

    public static Selector<DateTime> selectorForAtOrBetween(DateTime low, DateTime high) {
        return selectorForRange(atOrBetween(low, high));

    public static Selector<DateTime> selectorForAtOrBetween(DateTime low, Duration duration) {
        return selectorForRange(atOrBetween(low,;

    public static Selector<DateTime> selectorForAtOrBetween(Duration duration, DateTime high) {
        return selectorForRange(atOrBetween(high.minus(duration), high));

    public static Selector<DateTime> selectorForAtOrBetween(Interval interval) {
        return selectorForRange(atOrBetween(interval.getStart(), interval.getEnd()));

    public static Selector<DateTime> selectorForAtBetweenOrBefore(DateTime low, DateTime high) {
        return selectorForRange(atBetweenOrBefore(low, high));

    public static Selector<DateTime> selectorForAtBetweenOrBefore(DateTime low, Duration duration) {
        return selectorForRange(atBetweenOrBefore(low, duration));

    public static Selector<DateTime> selectorForAtBetweenOrBefore(Duration duration, DateTime high) {
        return selectorForRange(atBetweenOrBefore(duration, high));

    public static Selector<DateTime> selectorForAtBetweenOrBefore(Interval interval) {
        return selectorForRange(atBetweenOrBefore(interval));

    public static Selector<DateTime> selectorForAfterNow() {
        return selectorForRange(afterNow());

    public static Selector<DateTime> selectorForAfter(DateTime dateTime) {
        return selectorForRange(after(dateTime));

    public static Selector<DateTime> selectorForBeforeNow() {
        return selectorForRange(beforeNow());

    public static Selector<DateTime> selectorForBefore(DateTime dateTime) {
        return selectorForRange(before(dateTime));

    public static Selector<DateTime> selectorForBetween(DateTime low, DateTime high) {
        return selectorForRange(between(low, high));

    public static Selector<DateTime> selectorForBetween(DateTime low, Duration duration) {
        return selectorForRange(between(low, duration));

    public static Selector<DateTime> selectorForBetween(Duration duration, DateTime high) {
        return selectorForRange(between(duration, high));

    public static Selector<DateTime> selectorForBetween(Interval interval) {
        return selectorForRange(between(interval));

    public static Selector<DateTime> selectorForAfterBetweenOrAt(DateTime low, DateTime high) {
        return selectorForRange(afterBetweenOrAt(low, high));

    public static Selector<DateTime> selectorForAfterBetweenOrAt(DateTime low, Duration duration) {
        return selectorForRange(afterBetweenOrAt(low, duration));

    public static Selector<DateTime> selectorForAfterBetweenOrAt(Duration duration, DateTime high) {
        return selectorForRange(afterBetweenOrAt(duration, high));

    public static Selector<DateTime> selectorForExactlyNow() {
        return selectorForRange(exactlyNow());

    public static Selector<DateTime> selectorForExactly(DateTime dateTime) {
        return selectorForRange(exactly(dateTime));

    public static Selector<DateTime> selectorForExactlyBefore(DateTime date, Duration duration) {
        return selectorForRange(exactlyBefore(date, duration));

    public static Selector<DateTime> selectorForExactlyAfter(DateTime date, Duration duration) {
        return selectorForRange(exactlyAfter(date, duration));

    public static Selector<DateTime> selectorForExactlyBeforeNow(Duration duration) {
        return selectorForRange(exactlyBeforeNow(duration));

    public static Selector<DateTime> selectorForExactlyAfterNow(Duration duration) {
        return selectorForRange(exactlyAfterNow(duration));