Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2014 yvolk (Yuri Volkov), * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import android.text.TextUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import java.util.List; /** * Twitter API v.1.1 * */ public class ConnectionTwitter1p1 extends ConnectionTwitter { @Override public MbMessage updateStatus(String message, String inReplyToId, Uri mediaUri) throws ConnectionException { if (UriUtils.isEmpty(mediaUri)) { return super.updateStatus(message, inReplyToId, mediaUri); } return updateWithMedia(message, inReplyToId, mediaUri); } private MbMessage updateWithMedia(String message, String inReplyToId, Uri mediaUri) throws ConnectionException { JSONObject formParams = new JSONObject(); try { formParams.put("status", message); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(inReplyToId)) { formParams.put("in_reply_to_status_id", inReplyToId); } if (!UriUtils.isEmpty(mediaUri)) { formParams.put(HttpConnection.KEY_MEDIA_PART_NAME, "media[]"); formParams.put(HttpConnection.KEY_MEDIA_PART_URI, mediaUri.toString()); } } catch (JSONException e) { MyLog.e(this, e); } JSONObject jso = postRequest(ApiRoutineEnum.POST_WITH_MEDIA, formParams); return messageFromJson(jso); } @Override protected String getApiPath1(ApiRoutineEnum routine) { String url; switch (routine) { case ACCOUNT_RATE_LIMIT_STATUS: url = "application/rate_limit_status" + EXTENSION; break; case CREATE_FAVORITE: url = "favorites/create" + EXTENSION; break; case GET_FRIENDS: // TODO: see // url will be: "friends/list" + EXTENSION url = ""; break; case DESTROY_FAVORITE: url = "favorites/destroy" + EXTENSION; break; case POST_WITH_MEDIA: url = "statuses/update_with_media" + EXTENSION; break; case SEARCH_MESSAGES: // url = "search/tweets" + EXTENSION; break; case STATUSES_MENTIONS_TIMELINE: // url = "statuses/mentions_timeline" + EXTENSION; break; default: url = ""; break; } if (TextUtils.isEmpty(url)) { return super.getApiPath1(routine); } return prependWithBasicPath(url); } @Override public MbMessage createFavorite(String statusId) throws ConnectionException { JSONObject out = new JSONObject(); try { out.put("id", statusId); } catch (JSONException e) { MyLog.e(this, e); } JSONObject jso = postRequest(ApiRoutineEnum.CREATE_FAVORITE, out); return messageFromJson(jso); } @Override public MbMessage destroyFavorite(String statusId) throws ConnectionException { JSONObject out = new JSONObject(); try { out.put("id", statusId); } catch (JSONException e) { MyLog.e(this, e); } JSONObject jso = postRequest(ApiRoutineEnum.DESTROY_FAVORITE, out); return messageFromJson(jso); } @Override public List<MbTimelineItem> search(String searchQuery, int limit) throws ConnectionException { ApiRoutineEnum apiRoutine = ApiRoutineEnum.SEARCH_MESSAGES; String url = this.getApiPath(apiRoutine); Uri sUri = Uri.parse(url); Uri.Builder builder = sUri.buildUpon(); if (fixedDownloadLimitForApiRoutine(limit, apiRoutine) > 0) { builder.appendQueryParameter("count", String.valueOf(fixedDownloadLimitForApiRoutine(limit, apiRoutine))); } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(searchQuery)) { builder.appendQueryParameter("q", searchQuery); } JSONArray jArr = getRequestArrayInObject(, "statuses"); return jArrToTimeline(jArr, apiRoutine, url); } private static final String ATTACHMENTS_FIELD_NAME = "media"; @Override protected MbMessage messageFromJson(JSONObject jso) throws ConnectionException { final String method = "messageFromJson"; MbMessage message = super.messageFromJson(jso); // See JSONObject entities = jso.optJSONObject("entities"); if (entities != null && entities.has(ATTACHMENTS_FIELD_NAME)) { try { JSONArray jArr = entities.getJSONArray(ATTACHMENTS_FIELD_NAME); for (int ind = 0; ind < jArr.length(); ind++) { JSONObject attachment = (JSONObject) jArr.get(ind); URL url = UrlUtils.fromJson(attachment, "media_url_https"); if (url == null) { url = UrlUtils.fromJson(attachment, "media_url_http"); } MbAttachment mbAttachment = MbAttachment.fromUrlAndContentType(url, MyContentType.IMAGE); if (mbAttachment.isValid()) { message.attachments.add(mbAttachment); } else { MyLog.d(this, method + "; invalid attachment #" + ind + "; " + jArr.toString()); } } } catch (JSONException e) { MyLog.d(this, method, e); } } return message; } }