Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2011-2014 yvolk (Yuri Volkov), * Copyright (C) 2008 Torgny Bjers * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import android.text.TextUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; /** * Handles connection to the API of the Microblogging System (i.e. to the "Origin") * Authenticated User info (User account in the Microblogging system) and connection properties * are provided in the constructor. * * @author, torgny.bjers */ public abstract class Connection { static final String APPLICATION_ID = ""; public static final String KEY_PASSWORD = "password"; protected static final String EXTENSION = ".json"; /** * Connection APIs known */ public enum ApiEnum { UNKNOWN_API, /** Twitter API v.1 */ TWITTER1P0, /** Twitter API v.1.1 */ TWITTER1P1, /** GNU social (former: Status Net) Twitter compatible API */ GNUSOCIAL_TWITTER, /** */ PUMPIO } /** * API routines (functions, "resources" in terms of Twitter) enumerated */ public enum ApiRoutineEnum { ACCOUNT_RATE_LIMIT_STATUS, ACCOUNT_VERIFY_CREDENTIALS, /** Returns most recent direct messages sent to the authenticating user */ DIRECT_MESSAGES, CREATE_FAVORITE, DESTROY_FAVORITE, FOLLOW_USER, GET_CONFIG, /** List of users */ GET_FRIENDS, /** List of Users' IDs */ GET_FRIENDS_IDS, GET_OPEN_INSTANCES, GET_USER, POST_MESSAGE, POST_WITH_MEDIA, POST_DIRECT_MESSAGE, POST_REBLOG, DESTROY_MESSAGE, REGISTER_CLIENT, /** * Get the Home timeline (whatever it is...). * This is the equivalent of /home on the Web. */ STATUSES_HOME_TIMELINE, /** * Get the user's replies. * * Returns most recent @replies (status updates prefixed with @username) * for the authenticating user. */ STATUSES_MENTIONS_TIMELINE, /** * Get the User timeline for the user with the selectedUserId. We use credentials of Account which may be * not the same user. */ STATUSES_USER_TIMELINE(true), PUBLIC_TIMELINE(true), SEARCH_MESSAGES(true), GET_MESSAGE, STOP_FOLLOWING_USER, /** * OAuth APIs */ OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN, OAUTH_AUTHORIZE, OAUTH_REQUEST_TOKEN, /** For the "OAuth Dynamic Client Registration", * is the link proper?: */ OAUTH_REGISTER_CLIENT, /** * Simply ignore this API call */ DUMMY; private final boolean msgPublic; private ApiRoutineEnum() { this(false); } private ApiRoutineEnum(boolean msgPublic) { this.msgPublic = msgPublic; } public boolean isMsgPublic() { return msgPublic; } } protected HttpConnection http; protected OriginConnectionData data; protected Connection() { } /** * @return an empty string in case the API routine is not supported */ protected abstract String getApiPath1(ApiRoutineEnum routine); /** * Full path of the API. Logged * @return URL or throws a ConnectionException in case the API routine is not supported */ protected final String getApiPath(ApiRoutineEnum routine) throws ConnectionException { String path = this.getApiPath1(routine); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(path)) { String detailMessage = "The API is not supported: '" + routine + "'"; MyLog.e(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), detailMessage); throw new ConnectionException(StatusCode.UNSUPPORTED_API, this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": " + detailMessage); } else { if (MyLog.isLoggable(null, MyLog.VERBOSE)) { MyLog.v(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "API '" + routine + "' Path=" + path); } } return path; } /** * Use this method to check the connection's (Account's) capability before attempting to use it * and even before presenting corresponding action to the User. * @param routine * @return true if supported */ public boolean isApiSupported(ApiRoutineEnum routine) { boolean is = !TextUtils.isEmpty(this.getApiPath1(routine)); if (!is && MyLog.isLoggable(null, MyLog.VERBOSE)) { MyLog.v(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "The API routine '" + routine + "' is not supported"); } return is; } /** * Check API requests status. */ public abstract MbRateLimitStatus rateLimitStatus() throws ConnectionException; /** * Do we need password to be set? * By default password is not needed and is ignored */ public final boolean isPasswordNeeded() { return http.isPasswordNeeded(); } /** * Set User's password if the Connection object needs it */ public final void setPassword(String password) { http.setPassword(password); } public final String getPassword() { return http.getPassword(); } /** * Persist the connection data * @return true if something changed (so it needs to be rewritten to persistence...) */ public boolean save(AccountDataWriter dw) { return; } public boolean save(JSONObject jso) throws JSONException { return; } /** * Do we have enough credentials to verify them? * @return true == yes */ public final boolean getCredentialsPresent() { return http.getCredentialsPresent(); } /** * Verify the user's credentials. */ public abstract MbUser verifyCredentials() throws ConnectionException; public abstract MbMessage destroyFavorite(String statusId) throws ConnectionException; /** * Favorites the status specified in the ID parameter as the authenticating user. * Returns the favorite status when successful. * @see <a * href="">Twitter * REST API Method: favorites create</a> */ public abstract MbMessage createFavorite(String statusId) throws ConnectionException; /** * Destroys the status specified by the required ID parameter. * The authenticating user must be the author of the specified status. * @see <a * href="">Twitter * REST API Method: statuses/destroy</a> */ public abstract boolean destroyStatus(String statusId) throws ConnectionException; /** * Returns a list of users the specified user is following. */ public List<MbUser> getUsersFollowedBy(String userId) throws ConnectionException { throw ConnectionException.fromStatusCode(StatusCode.UNSUPPORTED_API, "getUsersFollowedBy for userOid=" + userId); } /** * Returns a list of IDs for every user the specified user is following. */ public List<String> getIdsOfUsersFollowedBy(String userId) throws ConnectionException { throw ConnectionException.fromStatusCode(StatusCode.UNSUPPORTED_API, "getIdsOfUsersFollowedBy for userOid=" + userId); } /** * Returns a single status, specified by the id parameter below. * The status's author will be returned inline. */ public final MbMessage getMessage(String statusId) throws ConnectionException { MbMessage msg = getMessage1(statusId); if (msg != null) { msg.setPublic(true); } return msg; } /** See {@link #getMessage(String)} */ protected abstract MbMessage getMessage1(String statusId) throws ConnectionException; /** * Update user status by posting to the Twitter REST API. * * Updates the authenticating user's status, also known as tweeting/blogging. * To upload an image to accompany the tweet, use POST statuses/update_with_media. * * @param message Text of the "status" * @param inReplyToId The ID of an existing status that the update is in reply to. * @param mediaUri * @throws ConnectionException * * @see <a * href="">Twitter * POST statuses/update</a> */ public abstract MbMessage updateStatus(String message, String inReplyToId, Uri mediaUri) throws ConnectionException; /** * Post Direct Message * @see <a * href="">POST direct_messages/new</a> * * @param message * @param userId {@link User#USER_OID} - The ID of the user who should receive the direct message * @param mediaUri * @return The sent message if successful (empty message if not) * @throws ConnectionException */ public abstract MbMessage postDirectMessage(String message, String userId, Uri mediaUri) throws ConnectionException; /** * Post reblog ("Retweet") * @see <a * href="">POST statuses/retweet/:id</a> * * @param rebloggedId id of the Reblogged message * @throws ConnectionException */ public abstract MbMessage postReblog(String rebloggedId) throws ConnectionException; /** * Universal method for several Timeline Types... * @param userId For the {@link ApiRoutineEnum#STATUSES_USER_TIMELINE}, null for the other timelines */ public abstract List<MbTimelineItem> getTimeline(ApiRoutineEnum apiRoutine, TimelinePosition sinceId, int limit, String userId) throws ConnectionException; public abstract List<MbTimelineItem> search(String searchQuery, int limit) throws ConnectionException; /** * Allows this User to follow the user specified in the userId parameter * Allows this User to stop following the user specified in the userId parameter * @param userId * @param follow true - Follow, false - Stop following * @return User object with 'following' flag set/reset * @throws ConnectionException */ public abstract MbUser followUser(String userId, Boolean follow) throws ConnectionException; /** * Get information about the specified User * @param userId * @return User object * @throws ConnectionException */ public abstract MbUser getUser(String userId) throws ConnectionException; protected final String fixSinceId(String sinceId) { String out = ""; if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(sinceId) && sinceId.length() > 1) { // For some reason "0" results in "bad request" out = sinceId; } return out; } /** * Restrict the limit to 1 - 200 * @param apiRoutine */ public int fixedDownloadLimitForApiRoutine(int limit, ApiRoutineEnum apiRoutine) { int out = 200; if (limit > 0 && limit < 200) { out = limit; } return out; } public final void setAccountData(OriginConnectionData connectionData) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { = connectionData; http = connectionData.newHttpConnection(); http.setConnectionData(HttpConnectionData.fromConnectionData(connectionData)); } public void clearAuthInformation() { http.clearAuthInformation(); } public void setUserTokenWithSecret(String token, String secret) { http.setUserTokenWithSecret(token, secret); } public OAuthConsumerAndProvider getOAuthConsumerAndProvider() { OAuthConsumerAndProvider oa = null; if (data.isOAuth()) { oa = (OAuthConsumerAndProvider) http; } return oa; } public void registerClientForAccount() throws ConnectionException { http.registerClient(getApiPath(ApiRoutineEnum.REGISTER_CLIENT)); } public void clearClientKeys() { http.clearClientKeys(); } public boolean areOAuthClientKeysPresent() { return; } public void enrichConnectionData(OriginConnectionData connectionData2) { // Nothing to do } public boolean userObjectHasMessage() { return false; } public MbConfig getConfig() throws ConnectionException { return MbConfig.getEmpty(); } public List<MbOrigin> getOpenInstances() throws ConnectionException { throw ConnectionException.fromStatusCode(StatusCode.UNSUPPORTED_API, MyLog.objTagToString(this)); } /** * @return Unix time. Returns 0 in a case of an error or absence of such a field */ public long dateFromJson(JSONObject jso, String fieldName) { long date = 0; if (jso != null && jso.has(fieldName)) { String updated = jso.optString(fieldName); if (updated.length() > 0) { date = parseDate(updated); } } return date; } /** * @return Unix time. Returns 0 in a case of an error */ public long parseDate(String stringDate) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(stringDate)) { return 0; } long unixDate = 0; String[] formats = { "", "E MMM d HH:mm:ss Z yyyy", "E, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z" }; for (String format : formats) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(format)) { try { unixDate = Date.parse(stringDate); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { MyLog.ignored(this, e); } } else { DateFormat dateFormat1 = new SimpleDateFormat(format, Locale.ENGLISH); try { unixDate = dateFormat1.parse(stringDate).getTime(); } catch (ParseException e) { MyLog.ignored(this, e); } } if (unixDate != 0) { break; } } if (unixDate == 0) { MyLog.d(this, "Failed to parse the date: '" + stringDate + "'"); } return unixDate; } protected void setMessagesPublic(List<MbTimelineItem> timeline) { for (MbTimelineItem item : timeline) { if (item.getType() == ItemType.MESSAGE) { item.mbMessage.setPublic(true); } } } public JSONArray getRequestArrayInObject(String path, String arrayName) throws ConnectionException { String method = "getRequestArrayInObject"; JSONArray jArr = null; JSONObject jso = http.getRequest(path); if (jso != null) { try { jArr = jso.getJSONArray(arrayName); } catch (JSONException e) { throw ConnectionException.loggedJsonException(this, method + ", arrayName=" + arrayName, e, jso); } } return jArr; } public void downloadFile(String url, File file) throws ConnectionException { http.downloadFile(url, file); } public HttpConnection getHttp() { return http; } protected String prependWithBasicPath(String url) { if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(url) && !url.contains("://")) { url = + "/" + url; } return url; } }