Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2016 yvolk (Yuri Volkov), * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import android.content.Context; import; import; import android.text.TextUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; public class MessageViewItem implements DuplicatesCollapsible<MessageViewItem> { public static final int MIN_LENGTH_TO_COMPARE = 5; private MyContext myContext = MyContextHolder.get(); long createdDate = 0; long sentDate = 0; DownloadStatus msgStatus = DownloadStatus.UNKNOWN; private long mMsgId; private long originId; String authorName = ""; long authorId = 0; String recipientName = ""; long inReplyToMsgId = 0; long inReplyToUserId = 0; String inReplyToName = ""; String messageSource = ""; String body = ""; boolean favorited = false; Map<Long, String> rebloggers = new HashMap<>(); boolean reblogged = false; AttachedImageFile attachedImageFile = AttachedImageFile.EMPTY; protected Drawable avatarDrawable = null; /** A message can be linked to any user, MyAccount or not */ private long linkedUserId = 0; private MyAccount linkedMyAccount = MyAccount.getEmpty(); private List<TimelineViewItem> children = new ArrayList<>(); @NonNull public MyContext getMyContext() { return myContext; } public void setMyContext(MyContext myContext) { this.myContext = myContext; } long getMsgId() { return mMsgId; } void setMsgId(long mMsgId) { this.mMsgId = mMsgId; } public long getOriginId() { return originId; } void setOriginId(long originId) { this.originId = originId; } public long getLinkedUserId() { return linkedUserId; } public void setLinkedUserAndAccount(long linkedUserId) { this.linkedUserId = linkedUserId; linkedMyAccount = getMyContext().persistentAccounts().fromUserId(linkedUserId); if (!linkedMyAccount.isValid()) { linkedMyAccount = getMyContext().persistentAccounts().getFirstSucceededForOriginId(originId); } } public MyAccount getLinkedMyAccount() { return linkedMyAccount; } public boolean isLinkedToMyAccount() { return linkedUserId != 0 && linkedMyAccount.getUserId() == linkedUserId; } protected void setCollapsedStatus(Context context, StringBuilder messageDetails) { if (isCollapsed()) { I18n.appendWithSpace(messageDetails, "(+" + children.size() + ")"); } } public void collapse(TimelineViewItem child) { this.children.addAll(child.getChildren()); child.getChildren().clear(); this.children.add(child); } public boolean isCollapsed() { return !children.isEmpty(); } public List<TimelineViewItem> getChildren() { return children; } @Override public DuplicationLink duplicates(MessageViewItem other) { DuplicationLink link = DuplicationLink.NONE; if (other == null) { return link; } if (getMsgId() == other.getMsgId()) { link = duplicatesByFavoritedAndReblogged(other); } if (link == DuplicationLink.NONE) { if (Math.abs(createdDate - other.createdDate) < TimeUnit.HOURS.toMillis(24)) { String thisBody = getCleanedBody(body); String otherBody = getCleanedBody(other.body); if (thisBody.length() < MIN_LENGTH_TO_COMPARE || otherBody.length() < MIN_LENGTH_TO_COMPARE) { // Too short to compare } else if (thisBody.equals(otherBody)) { if (createdDate == other.createdDate) { link = duplicatesByFavoritedAndReblogged(other); } else if (createdDate < other.createdDate) { link = DuplicationLink.IS_DUPLICATED; } else { link = DuplicationLink.DUPLICATES; } } else if (thisBody.contains(otherBody)) { link = DuplicationLink.DUPLICATES; } else if (otherBody.contains(thisBody)) { link = DuplicationLink.IS_DUPLICATED; } } } return link; } @NonNull private String getCleanedBody(String body) { String out = MyHtml.fromHtml(body).toLowerCase(); out = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml4(out); return out.replaceAll("\n", " ").replaceAll(" ", " ").replaceFirst(".*(favorited something by.*)", "$1"); } private DuplicationLink duplicatesByFavoritedAndReblogged(MessageViewItem other) { DuplicationLink link; if (favorited != other.favorited) { link = favorited ? DuplicationLink.IS_DUPLICATED : DuplicationLink.DUPLICATES; } else if (reblogged != other.reblogged) { link = reblogged ? DuplicationLink.IS_DUPLICATED : DuplicationLink.DUPLICATES; } else if (!getLinkedMyAccount().equals(other.getLinkedMyAccount())) { link = getLinkedMyAccount().compareTo(other.getLinkedMyAccount()) <= 0 ? DuplicationLink.IS_DUPLICATED : DuplicationLink.DUPLICATES; } else { link = rebloggers.size() > other.rebloggers.size() ? DuplicationLink.IS_DUPLICATED : DuplicationLink.DUPLICATES; } return link; } public boolean isReblogged() { return !rebloggers.isEmpty(); } public StringBuilder getDetails(Context context) { StringBuilder messageDetails = new StringBuilder(RelativeTime.getDifference(context, createdDate)); setInReplyTo(context, messageDetails); setRecipientName(context, messageDetails); setMessageSource(context, messageDetails); setMessageStatus(context, messageDetails); setCollapsedStatus(context, messageDetails); return messageDetails; } protected void setInReplyTo(Context context, StringBuilder messageDetails) { if (inReplyToMsgId != 0 && TextUtils.isEmpty(inReplyToName)) { inReplyToName = "..."; } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(inReplyToName)) { messageDetails.append(" ").append( String.format(context.getText(R.string.message_source_in_reply_to).toString(), inReplyToName)); } } private void setRecipientName(Context context, StringBuilder messageDetails) { if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(recipientName)) { messageDetails.append( " " + String.format(context.getText(R.string.message_source_to).toString(), recipientName)); } } private void setMessageSource(Context context, StringBuilder messageDetails) { if (!SharedPreferencesUtil.isEmpty(messageSource) && !"ostatus".equals(messageSource) && !"unknown".equals(messageSource)) { messageDetails.append( " " + String.format(context.getText(R.string.message_source_from).toString(), messageSource)); } } private void setMessageStatus(Context context, StringBuilder messageDetails) { if (msgStatus != DownloadStatus.LOADED) { messageDetails.append(" (").append(msgStatus.getTitle(context)).append(")"); } } @NonNull public Drawable getAvatar() { return avatarDrawable == null ? AvatarFile.getDefaultDrawable() : avatarDrawable; } public AttachedImageFile getAttachedImageFile() { return attachedImageFile; } }