Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2010-2014 yvolk (Yuri Volkov), * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import android.accounts.Account; import android.accounts.AccountManager; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Parcel; import android.os.Parcelable; import android.text.TextUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; /** * Immutable class that holds "AndStatus account"-specific information including: * a Microblogging System (, etc.), * Username in that system and {@link Connection} to it. * * @author */ public final class MyAccount { private static final String TAG = MyAccount.class.getSimpleName(); //------------------------------------------------------------ // Key names for MyAccount preferences are below: /** * The Key for the android.accounts.Account bundle; */ public static final String KEY_ACCOUNT = "account"; /** * Is the MyAccount persistent in AccountManager; */ public static final String KEY_PERSISTENT = "persistent"; /** * This Key is both global for the application and the same - for one MyAccount * Global: Username of currently selected MyAccount (Current MyAccount) * This MyAccount: Username of the {@link MyDatabase.User} corresponding to this {@link MyAccount} */ public static final String KEY_USERNAME = "username"; /** * New Username typed / selected in UI * It doesn't immediately change "Current MyAccount" */ public static final String KEY_USERNAME_NEW = "username_new"; /** * {@link MyDatabase.User#_ID} in our System. */ public static final String KEY_USER_ID = "user_id"; /** * {@link MyDatabase.User#USER_OID} in Microblogging System. */ public static final String KEY_USER_OID = "user_oid"; /** * Is OAuth on for this MyAccount? */ public static final String KEY_OAUTH = "oauth"; public static final String KEY_IS_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT = "is_default_account"; /** * Storing version of the account data */ public static final String KEY_VERSION = "myversion"; /** * This account is in the process of deletion and should be ignored... */ public static final String KEY_DELETED = "deleted"; /** @see {@link ContentResolver#getIsSyncable(Account, String)} */ public static final String KEY_IS_SYNCABLE = "is_syncable"; /** This corresponds to turning syncing on/off in Android Accounts * @see {@link ContentResolver#getSyncAutomatically(Account, String)} */ public static final String KEY_SYNC_AUTOMATICALLY = "sync_automatically"; /** Companion class used to load/create/change/delete {@link MyAccount}'s data */ public static final class Builder implements Parcelable { private static final String TAG = MyAccount.TAG + "." + Builder.class.getSimpleName(); private MyContext myContext; private final MyAccount myAccount; /** * If MyAccount with this name didn't exist yet, new temporary MyAccount will be created. */ public static Builder newOrExistingFromAccountName(MyContext myContext, String accountName, TriState isOAuthTriState) { MyAccount persistentAccount = myContext.persistentAccounts().fromAccountName(accountName); if (persistentAccount.isValid()) { return fromMyAccount(myContext, persistentAccount, "newOrExistingFromAccountName", false); } else { return newFromAccountName(myContext, accountName, isOAuthTriState); } } /** * Creates new account, which is not Persistent yet * @param accountName */ private static Builder newFromAccountName(MyContext myContext, String accountName, TriState isOAuthTriState) { MyAccount ma = new MyAccount(myContext, null); ma.oAccountName = AccountName.fromAccountName(myContext, accountName); ma.setOAuth(isOAuthTriState); return fromMyAccount(myContext, ma, "newFromAccountName", true); } private static MyAccount getEmptyAccount(MyContext myContext, String accountName) { return newFromAccountName(myContext, accountName, TriState.UNKNOWN).getAccount(); } /** * Loads existing account from Persistence * @param myContext * @param account should not be null */ protected static Builder fromAndroidAccount(MyContext myContext, android.accounts.Account account) { return fromAccountData(myContext, AccountData.fromAndroidAccount(myContext, account), "fromAndroidAccount"); } public static Builder fromJson(MyContext myContext, JSONObject jso) throws JSONException { return fromAccountData(myContext, AccountData.fromJson(jso, false), "fromJson"); } static Builder fromAccountData(MyContext myContext, AccountData accountData, String method) { return fromMyAccount(myContext, new MyAccount(myContext, accountData), method, false); } protected static Builder fromMyAccount(MyContext myContext, MyAccount ma, String method, boolean isNew) { Builder builder = new Builder(myContext, ma); builder.setConnection(); builder.fixInconsistenciesWithChangedEnvironmentSilently(); if (!isNew) { builder.logLoadResult(method); } return builder; } private Builder(MyContext myContext, MyAccount myAccount) { this.myContext = myContext; this.myAccount = myAccount; } private void setConnection() { Origin origin = myAccount.oAccountName.getOrigin(); OriginConnectionData connectionData = origin.getConnectionData(TriState.fromBoolean(myAccount.isOAuth)); connectionData.setAccountUserOid(myAccount.userOid); connectionData.setAccountUsername(myAccount.getUsername()); connectionData.setDataReader(myAccount.accountData); try { myAccount.connection = connectionData.getConnectionClass().newInstance(); myAccount.connection.enrichConnectionData(connectionData); myAccount.connection.setAccountData(connectionData); // TODO: Since API19 we will use ReflectiveOperationException as a common superclass // of these two exceptions: InstantiationException and IllegalAccessException } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e) { myAccount.connection = null; MyLog.i(TAG, e); } } private void fixInconsistenciesWithChangedEnvironmentSilently() { if (myAccount.version != MyAccount.ACCOUNT_VERSION) { return; } boolean changed = false; if (isPersistent() && myAccount.userId == 0) { changed = true; assignUserId(); MyLog.e(TAG, "MyAccount '" + myAccount.getAccountName() + "' was not connected to the User table. UserId=" + myAccount.userId); } if (myAccount.syncFrequencySeconds == 0) { changed = true; } if (!myAccount.getCredentialsPresent() && myAccount.getCredentialsVerified() == CredentialsVerificationStatus.SUCCEEDED) { MyLog.e(TAG, "User's credentials were lost?! Fixing..."); setCredentialsVerificationStatus(CredentialsVerificationStatus.NEVER); changed = true; } if (changed && isPersistent()) { saveSilently(); } } private void logLoadResult(String method) { if (myAccount.isValid()) { if (MyLog.isLoggable(TAG, MyLog.VERBOSE)) { MyLog.v(TAG, method + " Loaded " + this.toString()); } } else { MyLog.i(TAG, method + " Failed to load: Invalid account; version=" + myAccount.version + "; " + this.toString()); } } public MyAccount getAccount() { return myAccount; } /** * @return Is this object persistent */ public boolean isPersistent() { return myAccount.isPersistent(); } /** * Delete all User's data * @return true = success */ boolean deleteData() { boolean ok = true; // Old preferences file may be deleted, if it exists... ok = SharedPreferencesUtil.delete(myContext.context(), myAccount.oAccountName.prefsFilename()); if (isPersistent() && myAccount.userId != 0) { // TODO: Delete databases for this User myAccount.userId = 0; } setAndroidAccountDeleted(); return ok; } private void setAndroidAccountDeleted() { myAccount.accountData.setDataBoolean(KEY_DELETED, true); } static class SaveResult { boolean success = false; boolean changed = false; boolean savedToAccountManager = false; } void save() { if (saveSilently().savedToAccountManager && myContext.isReady()) { MyPreferences.onPreferencesChanged(); } } /** * Save this MyAccount to AccountManager * @return true if saved to AccountManager */ SaveResult saveSilently() { SaveResult result = new SaveResult(); try { if (!myAccount.isValid()) { MyLog.v(TAG, "Didn't save invalid account: " + myAccount); return result; } Account androidAccount = getNewOrExistingAndroidAccount(); myAccount.accountData.setDataString(KEY_USERNAME, myAccount.oAccountName.getUsername()); myAccount.accountData.setDataString(KEY_USER_OID, myAccount.userOid); myAccount.accountData.setDataString(Origin.KEY_ORIGIN_NAME, myAccount.oAccountName.getOriginName()); myAccount.credentialsVerified.put(myAccount.accountData); myAccount.accountData.setDataBoolean(KEY_OAUTH, myAccount.isOAuth); myAccount.accountData.setDataLong(KEY_USER_ID, myAccount.userId); if (myAccount.connection != null) {; } myAccount.accountData.setPersistent(true); myAccount.accountData.setDataBoolean(MyAccount.KEY_IS_SYNCABLE, myAccount.mIsSyncable); myAccount.accountData.setDataBoolean(MyAccount.KEY_SYNC_AUTOMATICALLY, myAccount.mSyncAutomatically); if (myAccount.syncFrequencySeconds == 0) { myAccount.syncFrequencySeconds = MyPreferences.getSyncFrequencySeconds(); } myAccount.accountData.setDataLong(MyPreferences.KEY_SYNC_FREQUENCY_SECONDS, myAccount.syncFrequencySeconds); myAccount.accountData.setDataInt(KEY_VERSION, myAccount.version); if (androidAccount != null) { myAccount.accountData.saveDataToAccount(myContext, androidAccount, result); } MyLog.v(this, (result.savedToAccountManager ? " Saved " : (result.changed ? " Didn't save?! " : " Didn't change")) + this.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { MyLog.e(this, "Saving " + myAccount.getAccountName(), e); } return result; } private Account getNewOrExistingAndroidAccount() { Account androidAccount = myAccount.getExisingAndroidAccount(); if ((androidAccount == null) && myAccount.isValidAndVerified()) { try { /** * Now add this account to the Account Manager See {@link * * createAccountManagerAccount(Context, String, String)} * Note: We could add userdata from {@link userData} Bundle, * but we decided to add it below one by one item */ androidAccount = new android.accounts.Account(myAccount.getAccountName(), AuthenticatorService.ANDROID_ACCOUNT_TYPE); android.accounts.AccountManager am = AccountManager.get(myContext.context()); am.addAccountExplicitly(androidAccount, myAccount.getPassword(), null); // Without SyncAdapter we got the error: // SyncManager(865): can't find a sync adapter for SyncAdapterType Key // {,}, // removing settings for it MyLog.v(TAG, "Persisted " + myAccount.getAccountName()); } catch (Exception e) { MyLog.e(TAG, "Adding Account to AccountManager", e); androidAccount = null; } } return androidAccount; } public boolean getOriginConfig() throws ConnectionException { boolean ok = false; if (!ok) { MbConfig config = null; try { config = myAccount.getConnection().getConfig(); ok = (!config.isEmpty()); if (ok) { Origin.Builder originBuilder = new Origin.Builder( myContext.persistentOrigins().fromId(myAccount.getOriginId()));; } } finally { MyLog.v(this, "Get Origin config " + (ok ? "succeeded" : "failed")); } } return ok; } /** * Verify the user's credentials. Returns true if authentication was * successful * * @see CredentialsVerificationStatus * @param reVerify Verify even if it was verified already * @return boolean */ public boolean verifyCredentials(boolean reVerify) throws ConnectionException { boolean ok = false; if (!reVerify && myAccount.isValidAndVerified()) { ok = true; } if (!ok) { try { MbUser user = myAccount.getConnection().verifyCredentials(); ok = onCredentialsVerified(user, null); } catch (ConnectionException e) { ok = onCredentialsVerified(null, e); } } return ok; } public boolean onCredentialsVerified(MbUser user, ConnectionException ce) throws ConnectionException { boolean ok = (ce == null) && user != null && !user.isEmpty(); if (ok && TextUtils.isEmpty(user.oid)) { ok = false; } String newName = ""; boolean errorSettingUsername = false; if (ok) { newName = user.getUserName(); Origin origin = myContext.persistentOrigins().fromId(user.originId); ok = origin.isUsernameValid(newName); errorSettingUsername = !ok; } boolean credentialsOfOtherUser = false; // We are comparing user names ignoring case, but we fix correct case // as the Originating system tells us. if (ok && !TextUtils.isEmpty(myAccount.getUsername()) && myAccount.getUsername().compareToIgnoreCase(newName) != 0) { // Credentials belong to other User ?? ok = false; credentialsOfOtherUser = true; } if (ok) { setCredentialsVerificationStatus(CredentialsVerificationStatus.SUCCEEDED); myAccount.userOid = user.oid; if (MyDatabaseConverterController.isUpgrading()) { MyLog.v(TAG, "Upgrade in progress"); myAccount.userId = myAccount.accountData.getDataLong(KEY_USER_ID, myAccount.userId); } else { DataInserter di = new DataInserter(myAccount); myAccount.userId = di.insertOrUpdateUser(user); } } if (ok && !isPersistent()) { // Now we know the name (or proper case of the name) of this User! // We don't recreate MyAccount object for the new name // in order to preserve credentials. myAccount.oAccountName = AccountName.fromOriginAndUserNames(myContext, myAccount.oAccountName.getOriginName(), newName);; setConnection(); save(); } if (!ok || !myAccount.getCredentialsPresent()) { setCredentialsVerificationStatus(CredentialsVerificationStatus.FAILED); } save(); if (ce != null) { throw ce; } if (credentialsOfOtherUser) { MyLog.e(TAG, myContext.context().getText(R.string.error_credentials_of_other_user) + ": " + newName); throw new ConnectionException(StatusCode.CREDENTIALS_OF_OTHER_USER, newName); } if (errorSettingUsername) { String msg = myContext.context().getText(R.string.error_set_username) + newName; MyLog.e(TAG, msg); throw new ConnectionException(StatusCode.AUTHENTICATION_ERROR, msg); } return ok; } public void setUserTokenWithSecret(String token, String secret) { myAccount.getConnection().setUserTokenWithSecret(token, secret); } public void setCredentialsVerificationStatus(CredentialsVerificationStatus cv) { myAccount.credentialsVerified = cv; if (cv != CredentialsVerificationStatus.SUCCEEDED && myAccount.connection != null) { myAccount.connection.clearAuthInformation(); } } public void registerClient() throws ConnectionException { MyLog.v(TAG, "Registering client application for " + myAccount.getUsername()); setConnection(); myAccount.connection.registerClientForAccount(); } /** * Password was moved to the connection object because it is needed there * * @param password */ public void setPassword(String password) { if (password.compareTo(myAccount.getConnection().getPassword()) != 0) { setCredentialsVerificationStatus(CredentialsVerificationStatus.NEVER); myAccount.getConnection().setPassword(password); } } private void assignUserId() { myAccount.userId = MyProvider.userNameToId(myAccount.getOriginId(), myAccount.getUsername()); if (myAccount.userId == 0) { DataInserter di = new DataInserter(myAccount); try { // Construct "User" from available account info // We need this User in order to be able to link Messages to him MbUser mbUser = MbUser.fromOriginAndUserOid(myAccount.getOriginId(), myAccount.userOid); mbUser.setUserName(myAccount.getUsername()); LatestUserMessages lum = new LatestUserMessages(); myAccount.userId = di.insertOrUpdateUser(mbUser, lum);; } catch (Exception e) { MyLog.e(TAG, "Construct user", e); } } } @Override public int describeContents() { return 0; } @Override public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) { save(); dest.writeParcelable(myAccount.accountData, flags); } public static final Creator<Builder> CREATOR = new Creator<Builder>() { @Override public Builder createFromParcel(Parcel source) { return fromAccountData(MyContextHolder.get(), AccountData.fromBundle(source.readBundle()), "createFromParcel"); } @Override public Builder[] newArray(int size) { return new Builder[size]; } }; @Override public String toString() { return myAccount.toString(); } public void clearClientKeys() { myAccount.connection.clearClientKeys(); } protected int getVersion() { return myAccount.version; } void setSyncFrequency(long syncFrequencySeconds) { myAccount.syncFrequencySeconds = syncFrequencySeconds; } /** * @return true if the old Android Account should be deleted */ public boolean onOriginNameChanged(String originNameNew) { if (myAccount.oAccountName.getOriginName().equals(originNameNew) || TextUtils.isEmpty(originNameNew)) { return false; } MyLog.i(TAG, "renaming origin of " + myAccount.getAccountName() + " to " + originNameNew); setAndroidAccountDeleted(); myAccount.oAccountName = AccountName.fromOriginAndUserNames(myContext, originNameNew, myAccount.oAccountName.getUsername()); saveSilently(); return true; } } private final AccountData accountData; private AccountName oAccountName; private String userOid; /** Id in the database, see {@link MyDatabase.User#_ID} */ private long userId; private Connection connection = null; /** Was this user authenticated last time _current_ credentials were verified? * CredentialsVerified.NEVER - after changes of "credentials": password/OAuth... */ private CredentialsVerificationStatus credentialsVerified = CredentialsVerificationStatus.NEVER; /** Is this user authenticated with OAuth? */ private boolean isOAuth = true; private long syncFrequencySeconds; private boolean mIsSyncable = true; private boolean mSyncAutomatically = true; private final int version; public static final int ACCOUNT_VERSION = 16; private boolean deleted; public enum CredentialsVerificationStatus { /** * NEVER - means that User was never successfully authenticated with current credentials. * This is why we reset the state to NEVER every time credentials have been changed. */ NEVER(1), FAILED(2), /** The User was successfully authenticated */ SUCCEEDED(3); private int id; static final String KEY = "credentials_verified"; private CredentialsVerificationStatus(int id) { = id; } public void put(AccountDataWriter dw) { dw.setDataInt(KEY, id); } public void put(JSONObject jso) throws JSONException { jso.put(KEY, id); } public static CredentialsVerificationStatus load(SharedPreferences sp) { int id = sp.getInt(KEY,; return fromId(id); } public static CredentialsVerificationStatus fromId(long id) { CredentialsVerificationStatus status = NEVER; for (CredentialsVerificationStatus status1 : values()) { if ( == id) { status = status1; break; } } return status; } public static CredentialsVerificationStatus load(AccountDataReader dr) { int id = dr.getDataInt(KEY,; return fromId(id); } public static CredentialsVerificationStatus load(JSONObject jso) { int id = jso.optInt(KEY,; return fromId(id); } } public static MyAccount getEmpty(MyContext myContext, String accountName) { return Builder.getEmptyAccount(myContext, accountName); } public boolean getCredentialsPresent() { return getConnection().getCredentialsPresent(); } public CredentialsVerificationStatus getCredentialsVerified() { return credentialsVerified; } public boolean isValidAndVerified() { return isValid() && getCredentialsVerified() == CredentialsVerificationStatus.SUCCEEDED; } private boolean isPersistent() { return accountData.isPersistent(); } /** * Are authenticated users from more than one different Originating system? * @return count */ public String shortestUniqueAccountName() { String uniqueName = "?"; uniqueName = getAccountName(); boolean found = false; String possiblyUnique = getUsername(); for (MyAccount persistentAccount : MyContextHolder.get().persistentAccounts().collection()) { if (!persistentAccount.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(toString()) && persistentAccount.getUsername().equalsIgnoreCase(possiblyUnique)) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { uniqueName = possiblyUnique; int indAt = uniqueName.indexOf('@'); if (indAt > 0) { possiblyUnique = uniqueName.substring(0, indAt); for (MyAccount persistentAccount : MyContextHolder.get().persistentAccounts().collection()) { if (!persistentAccount.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(toString())) { String toCompareWith = persistentAccount.getUsername(); indAt = toCompareWith.indexOf('@'); if (indAt > 0) { toCompareWith = toCompareWith.substring(0, indAt); } if (toCompareWith.equalsIgnoreCase(possiblyUnique)) { found = true; break; } } } if (!found) { uniqueName = possiblyUnique; } } } return uniqueName; } public boolean isValid() { return (!deleted && version == MyAccount.ACCOUNT_VERSION) && userId != 0 && connection != null && oAccountName.isValid() && !TextUtils.isEmpty(userOid); } private MyAccount(MyContext myContext, AccountData accountDataIn) { if (accountDataIn == null) { accountData = AccountData.fromJson(null, false); } else { accountData = accountDataIn; } oAccountName = AccountName.fromOriginAndUserNames(myContext, accountData.getDataString(Origin.KEY_ORIGIN_NAME, ""), accountData.getDataString(KEY_USERNAME, "")); version = accountData.getDataInt(KEY_VERSION, ACCOUNT_VERSION); deleted = accountData.getDataBoolean(KEY_DELETED, false); syncFrequencySeconds = accountData.getDataLong(MyPreferences.KEY_SYNC_FREQUENCY_SECONDS, 0L); mIsSyncable = accountData.getDataBoolean(KEY_IS_SYNCABLE, true); mSyncAutomatically = accountData.getDataBoolean(KEY_SYNC_AUTOMATICALLY, true); userId = accountData.getDataLong(KEY_USER_ID, 0L); userOid = accountData.getDataString(KEY_USER_OID, ""); setOAuth(TriState.UNKNOWN); credentialsVerified = CredentialsVerificationStatus.load(accountData); } private void setOAuth(TriState isOAuthTriState) { Origin origin = oAccountName.getOrigin(); boolean isOAuthBoolean = true; if (isOAuthTriState == TriState.UNKNOWN) { isOAuthBoolean = accountData.getDataBoolean(KEY_OAUTH, origin.isOAuthDefault()); } else { isOAuthBoolean = isOAuthTriState.toBoolean(origin.isOAuthDefault()); } isOAuth = origin.getOriginType().fixIsOAuth(isOAuthBoolean); } public String getUsername() { return oAccountName.getUsername(); } /** * @return account name, unique for this application and suitable for android.accounts.AccountManager * The name is permanent and cannot be changed. This is why it may be used as Id */ public String getAccountName() { return oAccountName.toString(); } /** * @return the {@link #userId} */ public long getUserId() { return userId; } public String getUserOid() { return userOid; } /** * @return The system in which the User is defined, see {@link MyDatabase.Origin} */ public Origin getOrigin() { return oAccountName.getOrigin(); } public long getOriginId() { return oAccountName.getOrigin().getId(); } /** * @return SharedPreferences of this MyAccount. Used to store preferences which are application specific * i.e. excluding data specific to Account. */ public SharedPreferences getAccountPreferences() { SharedPreferences sp = null; String prefsFileName = oAccountName.prefsFilename(); if (prefsFileName.length() > 0) { try { sp = MyPreferences.getSharedPreferences(prefsFileName); } catch (Exception e) { MyLog.e(this, "Cound't get preferences '" + prefsFileName + "'", e); sp = null; } } return sp; } public Connection getConnection() { return connection; } public boolean areClientKeysPresent() { return connection.areOAuthClientKeysPresent(); } public OAuthConsumerAndProvider getOAuthConsumerAndProvider() { return connection.getOAuthConsumerAndProvider(); } public int charactersLeftForMessage(String message) { return oAccountName.getOrigin().charactersLeftForMessage(message); } /** * {@link Origin#alternativeTermForResourceId(int)} */ public int alternativeTermForResourceId(int resId) { return oAccountName.getOrigin().alternativeTermForResourceId(resId); } /** * @return the oAuth */ public boolean isOAuth() { return isOAuth; } public String getPassword() { return getConnection().getPassword(); } /** * This is defined by Microblogging system * Starting from 2010-09 allows OAuth only */ public boolean canChangeOAuth() { return oAccountName.getOrigin().canChangeOAuth(); } public boolean isUsernameNeededToStartAddingNewAccount() { return oAccountName.getOrigin().isUsernameNeededToStartAddingNewAccount(isOAuth()); } public boolean isUsernameValid() { return oAccountName.getOrigin().isUsernameValid(getUsername()); } public boolean isGlobalSearchSupported() { return getCredentialsVerified() == CredentialsVerificationStatus.SUCCEEDED && getConnection().isApiSupported(ApiRoutineEnum.SEARCH_MESSAGES); } public void requestSync() { if (isPersistent()) { ContentResolver.requestSync(getExisingAndroidAccount(), MyProvider.AUTHORITY, new Bundle()); } } private Account getExisingAndroidAccount() { Account androidAccount = null; // Let's check if there is such an Android Account already android.accounts.AccountManager am = AccountManager.get(MyContextHolder.get().context()); android.accounts.Account[] aa = am.getAccountsByType(AuthenticatorService.ANDROID_ACCOUNT_TYPE); for (android.accounts.Account account : aa) { if (getAccountName().equals( { androidAccount = account; break; } } return androidAccount; } @Override public String toString() { String members = "accountName:" + getAccountName() + ","; try { members += "id:" + userId + ","; members += "oid:" + userOid + ","; if (!isPersistent()) { members += "not persistent,"; } if (isOAuth()) { members += "OAuth,"; } if (getCredentialsVerified() != CredentialsVerificationStatus.SUCCEEDED) { members += "verified:" + getCredentialsVerified().name() + ","; } if (getCredentialsPresent()) { members += "credentialsPresent:true,"; } if (connection == null) { members += "connection:null,"; } members += "syncFrequency:" + syncFrequencySeconds + ","; if (mIsSyncable) { members += "syncable,"; } if (mSyncAutomatically) { members += "syncauto,"; } if (deleted) { members += "deleted,"; } if (version != ACCOUNT_VERSION) { members += "version:" + version + ","; } } catch (Exception e) { MyLog.v(this, members, e); } return MyLog.formatKeyValue(TAG, members); } public JSONObject toJson() throws JSONException { JSONObject jso = new JSONObject(); jso.put(KEY_ACCOUNT, getAccountName()); jso.put(KEY_USERNAME, getUsername()); jso.put(KEY_USER_OID, userOid); jso.put(Origin.KEY_ORIGIN_NAME, oAccountName.getOriginName()); credentialsVerified.put(jso); jso.put(KEY_OAUTH, isOAuth); jso.put(KEY_USER_ID, userId); if (connection != null) {; } jso.put(MyPreferences.KEY_SYNC_FREQUENCY_SECONDS, syncFrequencySeconds); jso.put(KEY_IS_SYNCABLE, mIsSyncable); jso.put(KEY_SYNC_AUTOMATICALLY, mSyncAutomatically); jso.put(KEY_VERSION, version); return jso; } public int numberOfAccountsOfThisOrigin() { int count = 0; for (MyAccount persistentAccount : MyContextHolder.get().persistentAccounts().collection()) { if (persistentAccount.getOriginId() == this.getOriginId()) { count++; } } return count; } /** * @return this account if there are no others */ public MyAccount firstOtherAccountOfThisOrigin() { for (MyAccount persistentAccount : MyContextHolder.get().persistentAccounts().collection()) { if (persistentAccount.getOriginId() == this.getOriginId() && persistentAccount != this) { return persistentAccount; } } return this; } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; try { result = prime * result + toJson().toString(2).hashCode(); } catch (JSONException e) { MyLog.v(this, e); } return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj == null) { return false; } if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } MyAccount other = (MyAccount) obj; try { return toJson().toString(2).equals(other.toJson().toString(2)); } catch (JSONException e) { MyLog.v(this, e); } return hashCode() == other.hashCode(); } public boolean getSyncAutomatically() { return mSyncAutomatically; } }