Java tutorial
/* * * Transport map viewer for Android platform * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Roman Golovanov and other * respective project committers (see project home page) * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * */ package org.ametro.util; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.http.HttpEntity; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.StatusLine; import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import; import; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.os.Handler; public class WebUtil { private static class DownloadContext { public File Path; public long Total; public long Position; public boolean IsCanceled; public Notification Notification; public PendingIntent ContentIntent; public boolean IsUnpackFinished; public boolean IsFailed; } public static class DownloadCanceledException extends Exception { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1049597925954850843L; } public static void downloadFileAsync(final Context appContext, final File path, final URI uri, final File temp) { final DownloadContext context = new DownloadContext(); context.Path = path; context.IsCanceled = false; context.IsUnpackFinished = false; context.IsFailed = false; final NotificationManager notificationManager = (NotificationManager) appContext .getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE); final Handler handler = new Handler(); final Runnable updateProgress = new Runnable() { public void run() { if (context.Notification == null) { context.Notification = new Notification(android.R.drawable.stat_sys_download, "Downloading icons", System.currentTimeMillis()); context.Notification.flags = Notification.FLAG_NO_CLEAR; Intent notificationIntent = new Intent(); context.ContentIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(appContext, 0, notificationIntent, 0); } if (context.IsFailed) { notificationManager.cancelAll(); context.Notification = new Notification(android.R.drawable.stat_sys_warning, "Icons download failed", System.currentTimeMillis()); context.Notification.setLatestEventInfo(appContext, "aMetro", "Icons downloaded failed", context.ContentIntent); notificationManager.notify(2, context.Notification); } else if (context.IsUnpackFinished) { notificationManager.cancelAll(); context.Notification = new Notification(android.R.drawable.stat_sys_download_done, "Icons unpacked", System.currentTimeMillis()); context.Notification.setLatestEventInfo(appContext, "aMetro", "Icons downloaded and unpacked.", context.ContentIntent); notificationManager.notify(3, context.Notification); } else if (context.Position == 0 && context.Total == 0) { context.Notification.setLatestEventInfo(appContext, "aMetro", "Download icons: connecting server", context.ContentIntent); notificationManager.notify(1, context.Notification); } else if (context.Position < context.Total) { context.Notification.setLatestEventInfo(appContext, "aMetro", "Download icons: " + context.Position + "/" + context.Total, context.ContentIntent); notificationManager.notify(1, context.Notification); } else { context.Notification.setLatestEventInfo(appContext, "aMetro", "Icons unpacking", context.ContentIntent); notificationManager.notify(1, context.Notification); } } }; final Thread async = new Thread() { public void run() { WebUtil.downloadFile(context, uri, temp, false, new IDownloadListener() { public void onBegin(Object context, File file) { DownloadContext downloadContext = (DownloadContext) context; downloadContext.Total = 0; downloadContext.Position = 0; handler.removeCallbacks(updateProgress);; } public boolean onUpdate(Object context, long position, long total) { DownloadContext downloadContext = (DownloadContext) context; downloadContext.Total = total; downloadContext.Position = position; handler.removeCallbacks(updateProgress);; return !downloadContext.IsCanceled; } public void onDone(Object context, File file) throws Exception { DownloadContext downloadContext = (DownloadContext) context; File path = downloadContext.Path; ZipUtil.unzip(file, path); downloadContext.IsUnpackFinished = true; handler.removeCallbacks(updateProgress);; } public void onCanceled(Object context, File file) { DownloadContext downloadContext = (DownloadContext) context; downloadContext.IsCanceled = true; handler.removeCallbacks(updateProgress);; } public void onFailed(Object context, File file, Throwable reason) { DownloadContext downloadContext = (DownloadContext) context; downloadContext.IsFailed = true; handler.removeCallbacks(updateProgress);; } }); }; }; async.start(); } public static void downloadFileUnchecked(Object context, URI uri, File file, IDownloadListener listener) throws Exception { BufferedInputStream strm = null; if (listener != null) { listener.onBegin(context, file); } try { HttpClient client = ApplicationEx.getInstance().getHttpClient(); HttpGet request = new HttpGet(); request.setURI(uri); HttpResponse response = client.execute(request); StatusLine status = response.getStatusLine(); if (status.getStatusCode() == 200) { HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity(); long total = (int) entity.getContentLength(); long position = 0; if (file.exists()) { file.delete(); } BufferedInputStream in = null; BufferedOutputStream out = null; try { in = new BufferedInputStream(entity.getContent()); out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file)); byte[] bytes = new byte[2048]; for (int c =; c != -1; c = { out.write(bytes, 0, c); position += c; if (listener != null) { if (!listener.onUpdate(context, position, total)) { throw new DownloadCanceledException(); } } } } finally { if (in != null) { try { in.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } if (out != null) { try { out.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } } if (listener != null) { listener.onDone(context, file); } } else { String message = "Failed to download URL " + uri.toString() + " due error " + status.getStatusCode() + " " + status.getReasonPhrase(); throw new Exception(message); } } finally { if (strm != null) { try { strm.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { } } } } public static void downloadFile(Object context, URI uri, File file, boolean reuse, IDownloadListener listener) { BufferedInputStream strm = null; if (listener != null) { listener.onBegin(context, file); } try { HttpClient client = ApplicationEx.getInstance().getHttpClient(); HttpGet request = new HttpGet(); request.setURI(uri); HttpResponse response = client.execute(request); StatusLine status = response.getStatusLine(); if (status.getStatusCode() == 200) { HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity(); long total = (int) entity.getContentLength(); long position = 0; if (!(file.exists() && reuse && file.length() == total)) { if (file.exists()) { file.delete(); } BufferedInputStream in = null; BufferedOutputStream out = null; try { in = new BufferedInputStream(entity.getContent()); out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file)); byte[] bytes = new byte[2048]; for (int c =; c != -1; c = { out.write(bytes, 0, c); position += c; if (listener != null) { if (!listener.onUpdate(context, position, total)) { throw new DownloadCanceledException(); } } } } finally { if (in != null) { try { in.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } if (out != null) { try { out.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } } } if (listener != null) { listener.onDone(context, file); } } else { String message = "Failed to download URL " + uri.toString() + " due error " + status.getStatusCode() + " " + status.getReasonPhrase(); throw new Exception(message); } } catch (DownloadCanceledException ex) { if (listener != null) { listener.onCanceled(context, file); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (listener != null) { listener.onFailed(context, file, ex); } } finally { if (strm != null) { try { strm.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { } } } } }