Java tutorial
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by Public Library of Science * * * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.ambraproject.util; import org.ambraproject.views.CategoryView; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals; public class CategoryUtilsTest { private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CategoryUtilsTest.class); private CategoryView buildComplicatedExpectedTree() { // If you're having trouble debugging this I strongly suggest you draw out // the tree/DAG on paper! CategoryView root = new CategoryView("ROOT"); CategoryView a = new CategoryView("a"); CategoryView b = new CategoryView("b"); CategoryView c = new CategoryView("c"); CategoryView d = new CategoryView("d"); CategoryView e = new CategoryView("e"); root.addChild(a); root.addChild(e); root.addChild(new CategoryView("f")); root.addChild(new CategoryView("g")); root.addChild(new CategoryView("z")); a.addChild(b); b.addChild(c); a.addChild(c); c.addChild(d); d.addChild(e); c.addChild(e); root.addChild(new CategoryView("1") { { addChild(new CategoryView("2") { { addChild(new CategoryView("3")); } }); } }); root.addChild(new CategoryView("x") { { addChild(new CategoryView("y")); } }); return root; } @DataProvider(name = "makeMap") public Object[][] createMap() { final CategoryView c = new CategoryView("c"); return new Object[][] { // Simple case that's a plain tree (no nodes have multiple parents). { new ArrayList() { { add("/a"); add("/b"); add("/b/d"); add("/c"); } }, new CategoryView("ROOT") { { addChild(new CategoryView("a")); addChild(new CategoryView("b") { { addChild(new CategoryView("d")); } }); addChild(new CategoryView("c")); } } }, // Simple case where there is one node with two parents. { new ArrayList() { { add("/a"); add("/a/b"); add("/a/b/c"); add("/a/c"); } }, new CategoryView("ROOT") { { addChild(new CategoryView("a") { { addChild(new CategoryView("b") { { addChild(c); } }); addChild(c); } }); } } }, // Complicated case. { new ArrayList() { { add("/f"); add("/a/b/c"); add("/a/b/c/d"); add("/g"); add("/a/c/e"); add("/a/b/c/d/e"); add("/e"); add("/z"); add("/1/2/3"); add("/x/y"); } }, buildComplicatedExpectedTree() } }; } @DataProvider(name = "filterMap") public Object[][] filterMap() { return new Object[][] { { "a", new CategoryView("ROOT") { { addChild(new CategoryView("a")); addChild(new CategoryView("d") { { addChild(new CategoryView("e") { { addChild(new CategoryView("f") { { addChild(new CategoryView("a")); } }); } }); } }); addChild(new CategoryView("d") { { addChild(new CategoryView("e") { { addChild(new CategoryView("f") { { addChild(new CategoryView("a")); } }); } }); } }); addChild(new CategoryView("b") { { addChild(new CategoryView("a")); } }); } }, new CategoryView("ROOT") { { addChild(new CategoryView("a") { { addChild(new CategoryView("b") { { addChild(new CategoryView("c")); } }); addChild(new CategoryView("c") { { addChild(new CategoryView("e")); } }); } }); addChild(new CategoryView("d") { { addChild(new CategoryView("e") { { addChild(new CategoryView("f") { { addChild(new CategoryView("a")); } }); } }); } }); addChild(new CategoryView("g") { { addChild(new CategoryView("f")); } }); addChild(new CategoryView("a") { { addChild(new CategoryView("x")); } }); addChild(new CategoryView("b") { { addChild(new CategoryView("a")); } }); } } } }; } @DataProvider(name = "findCategory") public Object[][] findCategory() { return new Object[][] { { "F", "f", new CategoryView("ROOT") { { addChild(new CategoryView("a")); addChild(new CategoryView("d") { { addChild(new CategoryView("e") { { addChild(new CategoryView("f") { { addChild(new CategoryView("a")); } }); } }); } }); addChild(new CategoryView("d") { { addChild(new CategoryView("e") { { addChild(new CategoryView("f") { { addChild(new CategoryView("a")); } }); } }); } }); addChild(new CategoryView("b") { { addChild(new CategoryView("a")); } }); } } } }; } @Test(dataProvider = "makeMap") public void testCreateMap(List<String> before, CategoryView expected) { for (String subject : before) { log.debug(subject); } CategoryView result = CategoryUtils.createMapFromStringList(before); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Expected Map:"); printMap(expected, 0); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("\nResult Map:"); printMap(result, 0); } //Compare both ways to get around testNG bug assertEqualRecursive(result, expected); assertEqualRecursive(expected, result); } @Test(dataProvider = "filterMap") @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void testFilterMap(String filter, CategoryView expected, CategoryView source) { CategoryView result = CategoryUtils.filterMap(source, new String[] { filter }); log.debug("Source"); printMap(source, 0); log.debug("Result"); printMap(result, 0); //Compare both ways to get around testNG bug assertEqualRecursive(result, expected); assertEqualRecursive(expected, result); } @Test(dataProvider = "findCategory") @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void testFindCategory(String filter, String expected, CategoryView source) { CategoryView result = CategoryUtils.findCategory(source, filter); //Compare both ways to get around testNG bug assertEquals(result.getName(), expected); } private void assertEqualRecursive(CategoryView result, CategoryView expected) { assertEquals(result, expected); assertEquals(result.getName(), expected.getName()); for (String key : result.getChildren().keySet()) { assertEqualRecursive(result.getChild(key), expected.getChild(key)); } } private void printMap(CategoryView view, int depth) { String spacer = StringUtils.repeat("-", depth); log.debug("{}Key: {}, Children: {}", new Object[] { spacer, view.getName(), view.getChildren().size() }); for (CategoryView child : view.getChildren().values()) { printMap(child, depth + 1); } } }