Java tutorial
/* * $HeadURL$ * $Id$ * * Copyright (c) 2006-2011 by Public Library of Science * * * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. | */ package org.ambraproject.article.service; import org.ambraproject.admin.AdminBaseTest; import org.ambraproject.models.Article; import org.ambraproject.models.ArticleAsset; import org.ambraproject.models.ArticleRelationship; import org.ambraproject.models.Category; import org.ambraproject.models.Issue; import org.ambraproject.models.Journal; import org.ambraproject.service.article.NoSuchArticleIdException; import org.ambraproject.service.article.DuplicateArticleIdException; import; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import org.testng.annotations.AfterClass; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod; import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import; import static org.testng.Assert.*; /** * Test for implementation of ingester. Working directory for the test should be set to the ambra webapp home * directory * * @author Alex Kudlick Date: 5/11/11 * <p/> * org.ambraproject.article.service */ public class IngesterTest extends AdminBaseTest { @Autowired protected Ingester ingester; @Qualifier("filestoreDir") @Autowired protected String fileStoreDir; private static final String[] ingestedDirectories = new String[] { "pmed.0050082", "pgen.1002295", "pntd.0000241", "pmed.1001027", "image.pcol.v01.i10" }; //save the journals in the articles we're ingesting @BeforeMethod public void saveJournals() { for (String eIssn : Arrays.asList("1549-1676", "1935-2735", "1553-7404")) { Journal journal = new Journal(); journal.seteIssn(eIssn);; } } //clean up after the test @AfterClass public void deleteIngestedDir() throws IOException { File baseDir = new File(fileStoreDir, "10.1371"); if (baseDir.exists()) { for (String dir : ingestedDirectories) { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(new File(baseDir, dir)); } } } @Test(dataProviderClass = SampleArticleData.class, dataProvider = "sampleArticle") public void testIngest(ZipFile ingestArchive, Article expectedArticle) throws Exception { Long[] relatedArticleIds = storeRelatedArticles(); //Article Relationship that should be included in the ingested article ArticleRelationship relationship3 = new ArticleRelationship(); relationship3.setOtherArticleDoi("info:doi/10.1371/journal.pbio.0020034"); relationship3.setType("companion"); relationship3.setParentArticle(expectedArticle); expectedArticle.getRelatedArticles().add(relationship3); Article ingestedArticle = ingester.ingest(ingestArchive, false); compareArticles(ingestedArticle, expectedArticle); Article storedArticle = dummyDataStore.get(Article.class, ingestedArticle.getID()); assertNotNull(storedArticle, "Article wasn't stored to the db"); compareArticles(storedArticle, expectedArticle); assertNotNull(storedArticle.getCreated(), "Article didn't get create date set"); checkRelatedArticles(relatedArticleIds, ingestedArticle); } private void checkRelatedArticles(Long[] otherArticleIds, Article ingestedArticle) { for (Long id : otherArticleIds) { Article otherArticle = dummyDataStore.get(Article.class, id); boolean foundMatch = false; for (ArticleRelationship relationship : otherArticle.getRelatedArticles()) { if (relationship.getOtherArticleDoi().equals(ingestedArticle.getDoi())) { assertEquals(relationship.getOtherArticleID(), ingestedArticle.getID(), "Related article didn't get 'OtherArticleID' set correctly"); foundMatch = true; break; } } assertTrue(foundMatch, "Article " + otherArticle + " didn't get a relationship linking to new article"); } } /** * Store articles that the ones to be ingested relate to, so we can check the reciprocal linking on related articles * @return an array of ids for articles that should get relationships added to the new article */ public Long[] storeRelatedArticles() { //First article to relate to with an existing 'relationship' object. This should get it's 'otherArticleID' set Article articleWithExistingRelationship = new Article(); articleWithExistingRelationship.setDoi("info:doi/10.1371/journal.pmed.0050061"); List<ArticleRelationship> relationships = new ArrayList<ArticleRelationship>(1); relationships.add(new ArticleRelationship()); relationships.get(0).setParentArticle(articleWithExistingRelationship); relationships.get(0).setOtherArticleDoi("info:doi/10.1371/journal.pmed.0050082"); relationships.get(0).setType("companion"); articleWithExistingRelationship.setRelatedArticles(relationships); Long id1 = Long.valueOf(; //Second article to relate to. This should get a relationship added Article articleWithNoRelationship = new Article(); articleWithNoRelationship.setDoi("info:doi/10.1371/journal.pbio.0000064"); Long id2 = Long.valueOf(; //Third article that relates to new article, but is not linked to by the new article Article articleWithRelationshipNotLinkedTo = new Article(); articleWithRelationshipNotLinkedTo.setDoi("info:doi/10.1371/journal.pbio.0020034"); List<ArticleRelationship> relationships1 = new ArrayList<ArticleRelationship>(1); relationships1.add(new ArticleRelationship()); relationships1.get(0).setOtherArticleDoi("info:doi/10.1371/journal.pmed.0050082"); relationships1.get(0).setType("companion"); relationships1.get(0).setParentArticle(articleWithRelationshipNotLinkedTo); articleWithRelationshipNotLinkedTo.setRelatedArticles(relationships1); Long id3 = Long.valueOf(; return new Long[] { id1, id2, id3 }; } @Test(dataProviderClass = SampleArticleData.class, dataProvider = "sampleArticle", dependsOnMethods = "testIngest", expectedExceptions = DuplicateArticleIdException.class) public void testDuplicateArticleException(ZipFile ingestArchive, Article notUsed) throws DuplicateArticleIdException, IngestException { ingester.ingest(ingestArchive, false); } @Test(dataProviderClass = SampleArticleData.class, dataProvider = "sampleArticle", dependsOnMethods = { "testIngest", "testDuplicateArticleException" }) public void testIngestWithForce(ZipFile ingestArchive, Article expectedArticle) throws DuplicateArticleIdException, IngestException { //Article Relationship that should be included in the ingested article ArticleRelationship relationship3 = new ArticleRelationship(); relationship3.setOtherArticleDoi("info:doi/10.1371/journal.pbio.0020034"); relationship3.setType("companion"); relationship3.setParentArticle(expectedArticle); expectedArticle.getRelatedArticles().add(relationship3); Long id = ingester.ingest(ingestArchive, true).getID(); Article storedArticle = dummyDataStore.get(Article.class, id); assertNotNull(storedArticle, "Article wasn't stored to the db"); compareArticles(storedArticle, expectedArticle); } //Check that ingest didn't create duplicate categories @Test(dependsOnMethods = { "testIngestWithForce", "testIngestWithAssetsAndForce" }) public void testIngestDoesntCreateDuplicateCategories() { Set<Category> categories = new HashSet<Category>(9); List<Category> storedCategories = dummyDataStore.getAll(Category.class); assertTrue(storedCategories.size() > 0, "didn't store any categories to the database"); for (Category category : storedCategories) { assertFalse(categories.contains(category), "Stored duplicate category " + category); categories.add(category); } } @Test(dataProviderClass = SampleArticleData.class, dataProvider = "sampleAssets", dependsOnMethods = { "testIngestWithForce" }, alwaysRun = true) public void testIngestWithAssets(ZipFile archive, List<ArticleAsset> expectedAssets) throws DuplicateArticleIdException, IngestException, NoSuchArticleIdException { final Article article = ingester.ingest(archive, false); List<ArticleAsset> actualAssets = article.getAssets(); assertNotNull(actualAssets, "had null list of assets"); assertEquals(actualAssets.size(), expectedAssets.size(), "incorrect number of assets"); for (int i = 0; i < actualAssets.size(); i++) { compareAssets(actualAssets.get(i), expectedAssets.get(i)); } List<ArticleAsset> storedAssets = null; try { storedAssets = dummyDataStore.get(Article.class, article.getID()).getAssets(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { fail("Article wasn't stored to the db"); } assertNotNull(storedAssets, "stored article had null list of assets"); assertEquals(storedAssets.size(), expectedAssets.size(), "stored article had incorrect number of assets"); for (int i = 0; i < storedAssets.size(); i++) { compareAssets(storedAssets.get(i), expectedAssets.get(i)); } } @Test(dataProviderClass = SampleArticleData.class, dataProvider = "sampleAssets", dependsOnMethods = "testIngestWithAssets") public void testIngestWithAssetsAndForce(ZipFile archive, List<ArticleAsset> notUsed) throws DuplicateArticleIdException, IngestException { ingester.ingest(archive, true); } @DataProvider(name = "imageArticle") public Object[][] getImageArticle() throws Exception { File testFile = new File( IngesterTest.class.getClassLoader().getResource("ingest/").toURI()); ZipFile archive = new ZipFile(testFile); //put the article in the db so we can reingest it Article article = new Article(); article.setDoi("info:doi/10.1371/image.pcol.v01.i10");; Issue issue = new Issue(); issue.setIssueUri("info:doi/10.1371/issue.pcol.v01.i01"); issue.setImageUri(article.getDoi()); issue.setDescription("This description should get overwritten"); Long issueId = Long.valueOf(; return new Object[][] { { archive, issueId } }; } @Test(dataProvider = "imageArticle", dependsOnMethods = { "testIngestWithForce", "testIngestDoesntCreateDuplicateCategories" }) public void testReIngestImageArticle(ZipFile archive, Long issueId) throws DuplicateArticleIdException, IngestException { Article article = ingester.ingest(archive, true); Issue issue = dummyDataStore.get(Issue.class, issueId); assertEquals(issue.getDescription(), article.getDescription(), "issue for image article didn't have description updated"); } /** * Regression test for the bug described <a href="">here</a>. Ingest * an article, then add images to the zip, and try to reingest. * * @param originalArchive * @param alteredArchive * @param expectedPartsDois * @throws Exception */ @Test(dataProviderClass = SampleArticleData.class, dataProvider = "alteredZip", groups = "regressionTest", dependsOnMethods = { "testIngest", "testIngestWithForce", "testIngestWithAssets", "testIngestWithAssetsAndForce", "testIngestDoesntCreateDuplicateCategories" }, alwaysRun = true) public void testForceIngestAfterZipHasChanged(ZipFile originalArchive, ZipFile alteredArchive, List<String> expectedPartsDois) throws Exception { Article article = ingester.ingest(originalArchive, false); //get the original article in the db try { article = ingester.ingest(alteredArchive, true);//force ingestion } catch (Exception e) { fail("There was an error ingesting the altered archive", e); } Article storedArticle = dummyDataStore.get(Article.class, article.getID()); assertEquals(article.getAssets().size(), expectedPartsDois.size(), "stored incorrect number of parts"); //get the parts' ids into a list to compare them List<String> actualPartsDois = new ArrayList<String>(expectedPartsDois.size()); for (ArticleAsset part : storedArticle.getAssets()) { assertNotNull(part, "parts didn't get stored to the db"); actualPartsDois.add(part.getDoi()); } assertEquals(actualPartsDois.toArray(), expectedPartsDois.toArray(), "stored incorrect part ids"); try { ingester.ingest(originalArchive, true); //re-ingest the original archive } catch (Exception e) { fail("There was an error reingesting the original archive", e); } } }