Java tutorial
/* * $HeadURL$ * $Id$ * * Copyright (c) 2006-2011 by Public Library of Science * * * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. | */ package org.ambraproject.article.service; import org.ambraproject.article.BrowseParameters; import org.ambraproject.article.BrowseResult; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod; import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import org.ambraproject.BaseTest; import org.ambraproject.model.article.Days; import org.ambraproject.model.article.Months; import org.ambraproject.model.article.Years; import; import org.ambraproject.testutils.EmbeddedSolrServerFactory; import java.util.*; import static org.testng.Assert.*; /** * Test for methods of {@link BrowseService} that use solr. working directory for the test should be set to either the * new hope home directory or the ambra webapp home directory * * @author Alex Kudlick Date: 5/17/11 * <p/> * org.ambraproject.article.service */ public class BrowseServiceSolrTest extends BaseTest { private static final String JOURNAL_KEY = "PLoSGenetics"; private static final String CATEGORY_1_LEVEL_1 = "Category1"; private static final String CATEGORY_2_LEVEL_1 = "Category2"; @Autowired protected BrowseService browseService; //Just getting the solr factory to seed it with data @Autowired protected EmbeddedSolrServerFactory solrServerFactory; private boolean articlesHaveBeenSentToSolr = false; private static final String DOI1 = "10.1371/journal.pgen.1000096"; private static final String DOI2 = "10.1371/journal.pgen.1000100"; /** * Seed the solr server with some articles to test * * @throws Exception - if there's a problem */ @BeforeMethod public void sendArticlesToSolr() throws Exception { if (!articlesHaveBeenSentToSolr) { Map<String, String[]> document1 = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); document1.put("id", new String[] { DOI1 }); document1.put("doc_type", new String[] { "full" }); document1.put("article_type_facet", new String[] { "Not an issue image" }); document1.put("publication_date", new String[] { "2008-06-13T00:00:00Z" }); document1.put("cross_published_journal_key", new String[] { JOURNAL_KEY }); document1.put("subject_level_1", new String[] { CATEGORY_1_LEVEL_1, CATEGORY_2_LEVEL_1 }); Map<String, String[]> document2 = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); document2.put("id", new String[] { DOI2 }); document2.put("doc_type", new String[] { "full" }); document2.put("article_type_facet", new String[] { "Not an issue image" }); document2.put("publication_date", new String[] { "2008-06-20T00:00:00Z" }); document2.put("cross_published_journal_key", new String[] { JOURNAL_KEY }); document2.put("subject_level_1", new String[] { CATEGORY_2_LEVEL_1 }); solrServerFactory.addDocument(document1); solrServerFactory.addDocument(document2); //we only want to do this once, but can't do it with a BeforeClass method because the //dependency injection wouldn't have occurred. (see // articlesHaveBeenSentToSolr = true; } } @DataProvider(name = "articleDates") public Object[][] getArticleDates() { String journalKey = JOURNAL_KEY; Years years = new Years(); years.getMonths(2008).getDays(6).add(13); years.getMonths(2008).getDays(6).add(20); return new Object[][] { { journalKey, years } }; } @Test(dataProvider = "articleDates") public void testGetArticleDates(String journalKey, Years expected) { Years years = browseService.getArticleDatesForJournal(journalKey); assertNotNull(years, "returned null results"); assertEquals(years.size(), expected.size(), "returned incorrect number of years"); for (Integer year : expected.keySet()) { assertTrue(years.containsKey(year), "didn't return expected year: " + year); Months expectedMonths = expected.getMonths(year); Months actualMonths = years.getMonths(year); assertEquals(actualMonths.size(), expectedMonths.size(), "returned incorrect number of months for year: " + year); for (Integer month : expectedMonths.keySet()) { assertTrue(actualMonths.containsKey(month), "didn't return a month entry for " + year + "-" + month); Days expectedDays = expectedMonths.getDays(month); Days actualDays = actualMonths.getDays(month); assertEquals(actualDays.size(), expectedDays.size(), "returned incorrect number of days for " + year + "-" + month); for (Integer day : expectedDays) { assertTrue(actualDays.contains(day), "didn't return entry for expected day " + year + "-" + month + "-" + day); } } } } @DataProvider(name = "articleCategoryCount") public Object[][] getArticleCategoryCount() { Map<String, Long> counts = new HashMap<String, Long>(2); counts.put(CATEGORY_1_LEVEL_1, 1L); counts.put(CATEGORY_2_LEVEL_1, 2L); return new Object[][] { { JOURNAL_KEY, counts } }; } @Test(dataProvider = "articleCategoryCount") public void testGetArticleCountsByCategory(String journalKey, Map<String, Long> expectedCounts) { SortedMap<String, Long> results = browseService.getSubjectsForJournal(journalKey); assertNotNull(results, "returned null results"); assertEquals(results.size(), expectedCounts.size(), "returned incorrect number of categories"); for (String category : expectedCounts.keySet()) { assertTrue(results.containsKey(category), "didn't return expected category " + category); assertEquals(results.get(category), expectedCounts.get(category), "Returned incorrect count for category " + category); } } @DataProvider(name = "articlesByCategory") public Object[][] getArticlesForCategory() { return new Object[][] { { JOURNAL_KEY, CATEGORY_1_LEVEL_1, new String[] { DOI1 } }, { JOURNAL_KEY, CATEGORY_2_LEVEL_1, new String[] { DOI1, DOI2 } } }; } @Test(dataProvider = "articlesByCategory") public void testGetArticlesByCategory(String journalKey, String category, String[] expectedIds) { BrowseParameters params = new BrowseParameters(); params.setSubjects(new String[] { category }); params.setPageNum(0); params.setPageSize(100); params.setJournalKey(journalKey); BrowseResult browseResult = browseService.getArticlesBySubject(params); List<SearchHit> results = browseResult.getArticles(); assertNotNull(results, "returned null results"); assertEquals(results.size(), expectedIds.length, "returned incorrect number of results"); List<String> actualIds = new ArrayList<String>(results.size()); for (SearchHit result : results) { actualIds.add(result.getUri()); } assertEqualsNoOrder(actualIds.toArray(), expectedIds, "didn't return correct articles"); } @DataProvider(name = "articlesByDate") public Object[][] getArticlesByDate() { Calendar twoThousandSeven = Calendar.getInstance(); twoThousandSeven.set(Calendar.YEAR, 2007); Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance(); Calendar midway = Calendar.getInstance(); midway.set(Calendar.YEAR, 2008); midway.set(Calendar.MONTH, 5); midway.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 15); Calendar yesterday = Calendar.getInstance(); yesterday.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, -1); return new Object[][] { { JOURNAL_KEY, twoThousandSeven, now, new String[] { DOI1, DOI2 } }, { JOURNAL_KEY, twoThousandSeven, midway, new String[] { DOI1 } }, { JOURNAL_KEY, midway, now, new String[] { DOI2 } }, { JOURNAL_KEY, yesterday, now, new String[0] } }; } @Test(dataProvider = "articlesByDate", alwaysRun = true) public void testGetArticlesByDate(String journalKey, Calendar startDate, Calendar endDate, String[] expectedIds) { BrowseParameters params = new BrowseParameters(); params.setStartDate(startDate); params.setEndDate(endDate); params.setPageNum(0); params.setPageSize(100); params.setJournalKey(journalKey); BrowseResult browseResult = browseService.getArticlesByDate(params); List<SearchHit> results = browseResult.getArticles(); assertNotNull(results, "returned null results"); assertEquals(results.size(), expectedIds.length, "returned incorrect number of results"); List<String> actualIds = new ArrayList<String>(results.size()); for (SearchHit result : results) { actualIds.add(result.getUri()); } assertEqualsNoOrder(actualIds.toArray(), expectedIds, "didn't return correct articles"); } }