Java tutorial
/* * $HeadURL$ * $Id$ * Copyright (c) 2006-2012 by Public Library of Science * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.ambraproject.admin.action; import com.opensymphony.xwork2.Action; import org.ambraproject.action.BaseActionSupport; import org.ambraproject.admin.AdminWebTest; import org.ambraproject.admin.service.AdminService; import org.ambraproject.service.article.NoSuchArticleIdException; import org.ambraproject.service.article.ArticleService; import org.ambraproject.views.TOCArticleGroup; import org.ambraproject.views.article.ArticleInfo; import org.ambraproject.views.article.ArticleType; import org.ambraproject.models.Article; import org.ambraproject.models.Issue; import org.ambraproject.models.Volume; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.testng.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.testng.Assert.assertTrue; import static; /** * @author Alex Kudlick 2/1/12 */ public class IssueManagementActionTest extends AdminWebTest { @Autowired protected IssueManagementAction action; @Autowired protected ArticleService articleService; //just using this to get articles by doi and check that they didn't get deleted @Autowired protected AdminService adminService; //just using this to format expected doi strings @Override protected BaseActionSupport getAction() { return action; } @DataProvider(name = "basicInfo") public Object[][] getBasicInfo() { Issue issue = new Issue(); issue.setRespectOrder(true); issue.setIssueUri("id:testIssueForIssueManagement"); issue.setDisplayName("Malbolge"); issue.setImageUri("id:testImageForIssueManagement"); issue.setArticleDois(new ArrayList<String>(8)); List<TOCArticleGroup> articleGroupList = new ArrayList<TOCArticleGroup>(4); for (ArticleType type : ArticleType.getOrderedListForDisplay()) { TOCArticleGroup group = new TOCArticleGroup(type); for (int i = 1; i < 3; i++) { Article article = new Article(); article.setDoi("id:" + type.getHeading().replaceAll(" ", "_") + "-article" + i); article.setTitle("Title for Article " + i + " in group " + type.getHeading()); article.setTypes(new HashSet<String>(1)); article.getTypes().add(type.getUri().toString()); //ensure that articles are ordered in time Calendar date = Calendar.getInstance(); date.add(Calendar.SECOND, -1 * (type.getHeading().hashCode() + i)); article.setDate(date.getTime());; issue.getArticleDois().add(article.getDoi()); //add an articleInfo to TOC group ArticleInfo info = new ArticleInfo(); info.setDoi(article.getDoi()); info.setAt(article.getTypes()); info.setTitle(article.getTitle()); group.addArticle(info); } articleGroupList.add(group); } //group for orphans TOCArticleGroup orphans = new TOCArticleGroup(null); orphans.setHeading("Orphaned Article"); orphans.setPluralHeading("Orphaned Articles"); Article orphan1 = new Article(); orphan1.setDoi("id:orphaned-article-for-IssueManagementAction1"); orphan1.setTypes(new HashSet<String>(1)); orphan1.getTypes().add("id:definitelyNotARealArticleType");; ArticleInfo orphan1Info = new ArticleInfo(); orphan1Info.setDoi(orphan1.getDoi()); orphans.addArticle(orphan1Info); issue.getArticleDois().add(orphan1.getDoi()); ArticleInfo orphan2Info = new ArticleInfo(); orphan2Info.setDoi("id:non-existent-article-orphan"); orphans.addArticle(orphan2Info); issue.getArticleDois().add(orphan2Info.getDoi()); articleGroupList.add(orphans); //sort the issue article list in a weird way so we can tell that the article csv is ordered by toc groups Collections.sort(issue.getArticleDois(), new Comparator<String>() { @Override public int compare(String o1, String o2) { return -1 * o1.compareTo(o2); } }); for (TOCArticleGroup group : articleGroupList) { Collections.sort(group.getArticles(), new Comparator<ArticleInfo>() { @Override public int compare(ArticleInfo o1, ArticleInfo o2) { return -1 * o1.getDoi().compareTo(o2.getDoi()); } }); }; return new Object[][] { { issue, articleGroupList } }; } @Test(dataProvider = "basicInfo") public void testExecute(Issue issue, List<TOCArticleGroup> articleGroupList) throws Exception { action.setIssueURI(issue.getIssueUri()); String result = action.execute(); assertEquals(result, Action.SUCCESS, "Action didn't return success"); assertEquals(action.getActionErrors().size(), 0, "Action returned error messages"); assertEquals(action.getActionMessages().size(), 0, "Action returned messages on default request"); assertEquals(action.getIssue().getIssueUri(), issue.getIssueUri(), "Action returned incorrect issue"); assertEquals(action.getIssue().getDisplayName(), issue.getDisplayName(), "Action returned issue with incorrect display name"); assertEquals(action.getIssue().getImageUri(), issue.getImageUri(), "Action returned issue with incorrect image URI"); //the action should show the article csv in order of the article groups assertEquals(action.getArticleOrderCSV(), adminService.formatArticleCsv(articleGroupList), "Action returned incorrect article csv"); assertEquals(action.getArticleGroups().size(), articleGroupList.size(), "Action returned incorrect number of article groups"); //article groups for (int i = 0; i < articleGroupList.size(); i++) { TOCArticleGroup actualGroup = action.getArticleGroups().get(i); TOCArticleGroup expectedGroup = articleGroupList.get(i); assertEquals(actualGroup.getHeading(), expectedGroup.getHeading(), "Article group " + (i + 1) + " had incorrect heading"); assertEquals(actualGroup.getArticles().size(), expectedGroup.getArticles().size(), "Article group " + (i + 1) + " had incorrect number of articles"); //articles in the group for (int j = 0; j < actualGroup.getArticles().size(); j++) { ArticleInfo actualArticle = actualGroup.getArticles().get(j); ArticleInfo expectedArticle = expectedGroup.getArticles().get(j); assertEquals(actualArticle.getDoi(), expectedArticle.getDoi(), "Article " + (j + 1) + " in group " + actualGroup.getHeading() + " had incorrect doi"); assertEquals(actualArticle.getTitle(), expectedArticle.getTitle(), "Article " + (j + 1) + " in group " + actualGroup.getHeading() + " had incorrect title"); } } } @Test(dataProvider = "basicInfo", dependsOnMethods = { "testExecute" }, alwaysRun = true) public void testUpdateIssue(Issue issue, List<TOCArticleGroup> articleGroupList) throws Exception { //execute the action to get the current CSV action.setCommand("foo"); action.setIssueURI(issue.getIssueUri()); action.execute(); clearMessages(); List<String> existingArticles = dummyDataStore.get(Issue.class, issue.getID()).getArticleDois(); String reorderedArticleCsv = action.getArticleOrderCSV(); String articleToReorder = reorderedArticleCsv.substring(0, reorderedArticleCsv.indexOf(",")); reorderedArticleCsv = reorderedArticleCsv.replaceFirst(articleToReorder + ",", ""); reorderedArticleCsv += ("," + articleToReorder); String[] orderedArticlesForDb = reorderedArticleCsv.split(","); //when we tell the action to order the articles in the issue, it does, but then they are grouped by types List<String> orderedArticlesForCSV = new ArrayList<String>(existingArticles.size()); for (ArticleType type : ArticleType.getOrderedListForDisplay()) { for (String article : orderedArticlesForDb) { try { if (articleService.getArticle(article, DEFAULT_ADMIN_AUTHID).getTypes() .contains(type.getUri().toString())) { orderedArticlesForCSV.add(article); } } catch (NoSuchArticleIdException e) { //suppress } } } for (String article : orderedArticlesForDb) { if (!orderedArticlesForCSV.contains(article)) { orderedArticlesForCSV.add(article); } } String imageUri = "id:newImageURIToSetOnIssue"; String displayName = "Cheech and Chong"; action.setCommand("UPDATE_ISSUE"); action.setIssueURI(issue.getIssueUri()); action.setArticleOrderCSV(reorderedArticleCsv); action.setDisplayName(displayName); action.setImageURI(imageUri); action.setRespectOrder(true); String result = action.execute(); assertEquals(result, Action.SUCCESS, "Action didn't return success"); assertEquals(action.getActionErrors().size(), 0, "Action returned error messages"); assertTrue(action.getActionMessages().size() > 0, "Action didn't return messages indicating success"); //check properties on action assertEquals(action.getIssue().getIssueUri(), issue.getIssueUri(), "action changed issues after update"); assertEquals(action.getDisplayName(), displayName, "action had incorrect display name"); assertEquals(action.getImageURI(), imageUri, "Action had incorrect image uri"); assertEquals(action.getArticleOrderCSV(), StringUtils.join(orderedArticlesForCSV, ","), "action didn't have correct article csv"); //check what got stored to the database Issue storedIssue = dummyDataStore.get(Issue.class, issue.getID()); assertEquals(storedIssue.getDisplayName(), displayName, "Issue got saved to the database with incorrect display name"); assertEquals(storedIssue.getImageUri(), imageUri, "Issue got saved to the database with incorrect image uri"); assertEquals(storedIssue.getArticleDois().size(), existingArticles.size(), "Articles got removed or added from the issue on reordering"); //The db, however, stores articles in the order we told it for (int i = 0; i < orderedArticlesForDb.length; i++) { assertEquals(storedIssue.getArticleDois().get(i), orderedArticlesForDb[i], "Articles didn't get ordered correctly in the database; article " + (i + 1) + " was incorrect"); } } @Test(dataProvider = "basicInfo", dependsOnMethods = { "testExecute" }, alwaysRun = true) public void testActionDoesNotAllowAddingArticleToCsv(Issue issue, List<TOCArticleGroup> articleGroupList) throws Exception { //execute the action to get the original csv action.setIssueURI(issue.getIssueUri()); action.execute(); String originalCsv = action.getArticleOrderCSV(); String incorrectCsv = originalCsv + ",id:some-fake-new-article"; action.setCommand("UPDATE_ISSUE"); action.setArticleOrderCSV(incorrectCsv); action.setRespectOrder(true); action.setDisplayName(issue.getDisplayName()); action.setImageURI(issue.getImageUri()); //should fail String result = action.execute(); assertEquals(result, Action.SUCCESS, "Action didn't return success"); assertTrue(action.getActionErrors().size() > 0, "Action didn't return error messages"); } @Test(dataProvider = "basicInfo", dependsOnMethods = { "testExecute" }, alwaysRun = true) public void testActionDoesNotAllowRemovingArticleFromCsv(Issue issue, List<TOCArticleGroup> articleGroupList) throws Exception { //execute the action to get the original csv action.setIssueURI(issue.getIssueUri()); action.execute(); String originalCsv = action.getArticleOrderCSV(); String articleToRemove = originalCsv.substring(0, originalCsv.indexOf(",")); String incorrectCsv = originalCsv.replace(articleToRemove + ",", ""); action.setCommand("UPDATE_ISSUE"); action.setArticleOrderCSV(incorrectCsv); action.setRespectOrder(true); action.setDisplayName(issue.getDisplayName()); action.setImageURI(issue.getImageUri()); //should fail String result = action.execute(); assertEquals(result, Action.SUCCESS, "Action didn't return success"); assertTrue(action.getActionErrors().size() > 0, "Action didn't return error messages"); } @Test(dataProvider = "basicInfo", dependsOnMethods = { "testExecute" }, alwaysRun = true) public void testActionDoesNotAllowChangingArticlesInCsv(Issue issue, List<TOCArticleGroup> articleGroupList) throws Exception { //execute the action to get the original csv action.setIssueURI(issue.getIssueUri()); action.execute(); String originalCsv = action.getArticleOrderCSV(); String changedCsv = originalCsv.substring(originalCsv.indexOf(",") + 1); changedCsv = "id:this-article-was-not-in-original-csv," + changedCsv; assertEquals(changedCsv.split(",").length, originalCsv.split(",").length, "test added or removed articles instead of just changing one"); action.setCommand("UPDATE_ISSUE"); action.setArticleOrderCSV(changedCsv); action.setRespectOrder(true); action.setDisplayName(issue.getDisplayName()); action.setImageURI(issue.getImageUri()); //should fail String result = action.execute(); assertEquals(result, Action.SUCCESS, "Action didn't return success"); assertTrue(action.getActionErrors().size() > 0, "Action didn't return error messages"); } @Test(dataProvider = "basicInfo", dependsOnMethods = { "testExecute", "testUpdateIssue" }, alwaysRun = true) public void testAddArticle(Issue issue, List<TOCArticleGroup> articleGroupList) throws Exception { String articlesToAddCsv = "id:new-article-for-adding-to-issue1,id:new-article-for-adding-to-issue2"; Article article = new Article(); article.setDoi(articlesToAddCsv.split(",")[0]); article.setTypes(new HashSet<String>(1)); article.getTypes().add(ArticleType.getOrderedListForDisplay().get(0).getUri().toString()); article.setDate(Calendar.getInstance().getTime());; action.setCommand("ADD_ARTICLE"); action.setIssueURI(issue.getIssueUri()); action.setArticlesToAddCsv(articlesToAddCsv); String result = action.execute(); assertEquals(result, Action.SUCCESS, "Action didn't return success"); assertEquals(action.getActionErrors().size(), 0, "Action returned error messages"); assertEquals(action.getActionMessages().size(), 1, "Action didn't return messages indicating success"); for (String doi : articlesToAddCsv.split(",")) { assertTrue(action.getArticleOrderCSV().contains(doi), "Article " + doi + " didn't get added to action's csv"); assertTrue(action.getIssue().getArticleDois().contains(doi), "Article " + doi + " didn't get added to action's issue"); } //the first article should be in the first TOC group boolean foundMatch = false; for (ArticleInfo articleInfo : action.getArticleGroups().get(0).getArticles()) { if (articleInfo.getDoi().equals(article.getDoi())) { foundMatch = true; break; } } assertTrue(foundMatch, "New article didn't get added to correct group"); String orphanDoi = articlesToAddCsv.split(",")[1]; //the second article should be an orphan ArrayList<ArticleInfo> orphans = action.getArticleGroups().get(action.getArticleGroups().size() - 1) .getArticles(); boolean foundOrphan = false; for (ArticleInfo articleInfo : orphans) { if (orphanDoi.equals(articleInfo.getDoi())) { foundOrphan = true; break; } } assertTrue(foundOrphan, "Non existent article didn't get added to orphan list"); //check the values that got stored to the database List<String> storedArticles = dummyDataStore.get(Issue.class, issue.getID()).getArticleDois(); for (String doi : articlesToAddCsv.split(",")) { assertTrue(storedArticles.contains(doi), "Article " + doi + " didn't get added to the issue in the database"); } } @Test(dataProvider = "basicInfo", dependsOnMethods = { "testExecute" }, alwaysRun = true) public void testRemoveArticles(Issue issue, List<TOCArticleGroup> articleGroupList) throws Exception { List<String> articlesToDelete = dummyDataStore.get(Issue.class, issue.getID()).getArticleDois().subList(0, 3); String[] articlesToDeleteArray = new String[3]; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { articlesToDeleteArray[i] = articlesToDelete.get(i); } action.setCommand("REMOVE_ARTICLES"); action.setIssueURI(issue.getIssueUri()); action.setArticlesToRemove(articlesToDeleteArray); String result = action.execute(); assertEquals(result, Action.SUCCESS, "Action didn't return success"); assertEquals(action.getActionErrors().size(), 0, "Action returned error messages"); assertEquals(action.getActionMessages().size(), 1, "Action didn't return messages indicating success"); for (String doi : articlesToDelete) { assertFalse(action.getIssue().getArticleDois().contains(doi), "Article " + doi + " didn't get removed from action's issue list"); assertFalse(action.getArticleOrderCSV().contains(doi), "Article " + doi + " didn't get removed from action's csv"); } //check the values in the db List<String> storedArticleList = dummyDataStore.get(Issue.class, issue.getID()).getArticleDois(); for (String doi : articlesToDelete) { assertFalse(storedArticleList.contains(doi), "Article " + doi + " didn't get removed from issue in the database"); try { articleService.getArticle(doi, DEFAULT_ADMIN_AUTHID); } catch (NoSuchArticleIdException e) { fail("Article " + doi + " got deleted from the database instead of just being removed from the issue"); } } } }