Java tutorial
/* * $HeadURL$ * $Id$ * Copyright (c) 2006-2012 by Public Library of Science * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.ambraproject.admin.action; import com.opensymphony.xwork2.Action; import org.ambraproject.action.BaseActionSupport; import org.ambraproject.admin.AdminWebTest; import org.ambraproject.admin.service.DocumentManagementService; import org.ambraproject.admin.service.SyndicationService; import org.ambraproject.service.article.ArticleService; import org.ambraproject.service.article.NoSuchArticleIdException; import org.ambraproject.article.service.SampleArticleData; import org.ambraproject.filestore.FSIDMapper; import org.ambraproject.models.Article; import org.ambraproject.models.Syndication; import org.ambraproject.views.article.ArticleInfo; import; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import; import; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Comparator; import; import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.testng.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.testng.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.testng.Assert.assertTrue; import static; /** * @author Alex Kudlick 1/24/12 */ public class AdminTopActionTest extends AdminWebTest { @Autowired protected AdminTopAction action; @Autowired protected ArticleService articleService; //just using this to check on articles that got ingested @Autowired protected DocumentManagementService documentManagementService; @Autowired protected SyndicationService syndicationService; //just using this to check that things get syndicated @Autowired @Qualifier("ingestDir") protected String ingestDir; @Autowired @Qualifier("ingestedDir") protected String ingestedDir; @Autowired @Qualifier("filestoreDir") protected String filestoreDir; @Test public void testBasicRequest() throws Exception { //Add a publishable article Article publishableArticle = new Article(); publishableArticle.setDoi("id:publishable-article-for-adminTopAction"); publishableArticle.setState(Article.STATE_UNPUBLISHED); publishableArticle.setDate(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); publishableArticle.seteIssn(defaultJournal.geteIssn());; //Add a syndication for the article Syndication syndication = new Syndication(); syndication.setDoi(publishableArticle.getDoi()); syndication.setTarget("PMC"); syndication.setStatus(Syndication.STATUS_PENDING);; Article failedSyndicationArticle = new Article(); failedSyndicationArticle.setDoi("id:article-with-failed-syndication-for-adminTop"); failedSyndicationArticle.seteIssn(defaultJournal.geteIssn());; Syndication failedSyndication = new Syndication(); failedSyndication.setDoi(failedSyndicationArticle.getDoi()); failedSyndication.setTarget("FOO"); failedSyndication.setStatus(Syndication.STATUS_FAILURE);; //run execute() String result = action.execute(); assertEquals(result, Action.SUCCESS, "Action didn't return success"); assertEquals(action.getUploadableFiles().size(), 7, "Action returned incorrect number of uploadable files"); boolean foundCorrectArticle = false; for (ArticleInfo article : action.getPublishableArticles()) { if (article.getDoi().equals(publishableArticle.getDoi())) { foundCorrectArticle = true; break; } } assertTrue(foundCorrectArticle, "Action didn't correctly return a publishable article"); assertEquals(action.getPublishableSyndications().get(publishableArticle.getDoi()).size(), 1, "Action didn't return publishable syndication"); assertTrue(action.getIsFailedSyndications(), "Action didn't find failed syndications"); } @DataProvider(name = "articlesToSort") public Object[][] getArticlesToSort() { //some fake pub dates Calendar oneYearAgo = Calendar.getInstance(); oneYearAgo.add(Calendar.YEAR, -1); Calendar oneMonthAgo = Calendar.getInstance(); oneMonthAgo.add(Calendar.MONTH, -1); Calendar today = Calendar.getInstance(); //Populate db w/ some articles Article article1 = new Article(); article1.setDoi("id:article-for-sorting1"); article1.setDate(oneYearAgo.getTime()); article1.setState(Article.STATE_UNPUBLISHED); article1.seteIssn(defaultJournal.geteIssn());; Article article2 = new Article(); article2.setDoi("id:article-for-sorting2"); article2.setDate(today.getTime()); article2.setState(Article.STATE_UNPUBLISHED); article2.seteIssn(defaultJournal.geteIssn());; Article article3 = new Article(); article3.setDoi("id:article-for-sorting3"); article3.setDate(oneMonthAgo.getTime()); article3.setState(Article.STATE_UNPUBLISHED); article3.seteIssn(defaultJournal.geteIssn());; final Comparator<ArticleInfo> dateAscending = new Comparator<ArticleInfo>() { @Override public int compare(ArticleInfo article, ArticleInfo article1) { if (article.getDate() == null) { return article1.getDate() == null ? 0 : -1; } else if (article1.getDate() == null) { return 1; } return article.getDate().compareTo(article1.getDate()); } }; final Comparator<ArticleInfo> dateDescending = new Comparator<ArticleInfo>() { @Override public int compare(ArticleInfo article, ArticleInfo article1) { return -1 *, article1); } }; final Comparator<ArticleInfo> doiAscending = new Comparator<ArticleInfo>() { @Override public int compare(ArticleInfo article, ArticleInfo article1) { return article.getDoi().compareTo(article1.getDoi()); } }; final Comparator<ArticleInfo> doiDescending = new Comparator<ArticleInfo>() { @Override public int compare(ArticleInfo article, ArticleInfo article1) { return -1 *, article1); } }; return new Object[][] { { "Sort by Pub Date Asc", dateAscending }, { "Sort by Pub Date Desc", dateDescending }, { "Sort by DOI Asc", doiAscending }, { "Sort by DOI Desc", doiDescending } }; } @Test(dependsOnMethods = "testBasicRequest", dataProvider = "articlesToSort", alwaysRun = true) public void testSort(String directive, Comparator<ArticleInfo> comparator) { action.setAction(directive); action.processArticles(); assertTrue(action.getPublishableArticles().size() > 1, "action didn't have any publishable articles"); for (int i = 0; i < action.getPublishableArticles().size() - 1; i++) { ArticleInfo article = action.getPublishableArticles().get(i); ArticleInfo nextArticle = action.getPublishableArticles().get(i + 1); assertTrue(, nextArticle) <= 0, "Articles weren't in order when sorting by: '" + directive + "'"); } } private String crossrefFileName(String doi) { return doi.replaceAll("[.:/]", "_") + ".xml"; } private String zipFileName(String doi) { return doi.replaceFirst("info:doi/10.1371/journal.", "") + ".zip"; } //Ingester test tests all the different scenarios of ingest, so we won't do anything comprehensive here. Just test the overall ingest. @Test(dataProviderClass = SampleArticleData.class, dataProvider = "sampleArticle") public void testIngest(ZipFile archive, Article article) throws Exception { String zipFileName = new File(archive.getName()).getName(); File crossref_file = new File(ingestedDir, crossrefFileName(article.getDoi())); File articleDir = new File(filestoreDir, article.getDoi().replaceAll("info:doi/10.1371/journal.", "10.1371/")); //delete the article in case it's still in the database from the ingester test try { documentManagementService.delete(article.getDoi(), DEFAULT_ADMIN_AUTHID); } catch (NoSuchArticleIdException e) { //ignore } try { action.setFilesToIngest(new String[] { zipFileName }); String result = action.ingest(); assertEquals(result, Action.SUCCESS, "Action didn't return success"); assertTrue(new File(ingestedDir, zipFileName).exists(), "Zip file didn't get moved to ingested directory"); assertFalse(new File(ingestDir, zipFileName).exists(), "Zip file didn't get moved to ingested directory"); assertTrue(crossref_file.exists(), "crossref file didn't get created"); assertTrue(articleDir.exists(), "Article didn't get written to the file store"); try { articleService.getArticle(article.getDoi(), DEFAULT_ADMIN_AUTHID); } catch (NoSuchArticleIdException e) { fail("Article didn't get written to the database"); } //cleanup } finally { FileUtils.deleteQuietly(crossref_file); try { //move the archive back FileUtils.moveFile(new File(ingestedDir, zipFileName), new File(ingestDir, zipFileName)); } catch (IOException e) { //suppress } try { //delete the files that got written to the filestore FileUtils.deleteDirectory(articleDir); } catch (IOException e) { //suppress } //delete the article documentManagementService.delete(article.getDoi(), DEFAULT_ADMIN_AUTHID); } } @Test(dataProviderClass = SampleArticleData.class, dataProvider = "sampleArticle") public void testIngestDuplicateArticle(ZipFile archive, Article article) throws Exception { String zipFileName = new File(archive.getName()).getName(); Article articleToStore = new Article(); articleToStore.setDoi(article.getDoi());; File destinationFile = new File(ingestedDir, zipFileName); File crossrefFile = new File(ingestedDir, crossrefFileName(article.getDoi())); try {; action.setFilesToIngest(new String[] { zipFileName }); action.ingest(); assertNotNull(action.getActionErrors(), "nul list of errors"); assertTrue(action.getActionErrors().size() > 0, "didn't add an error for ingest"); assertFalse(destinationFile.exists(), "Zip file got moved to ingested dir"); assertFalse(crossrefFile.exists(), "Crossref file got created in ingest dir"); } finally { if (destinationFile.exists()) { try { FileUtils.moveFile(destinationFile, new File(ingestDir, zipFileName)); } catch (IOException e) { //ignore } } documentManagementService.delete(article.getDoi(), DEFAULT_ADMIN_AUTHID); } } @DataProvider(name = "articleToDisable") public Object[][] articleToDisable() throws IOException { Article article = new Article(); article.setDoi("info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.000102"); article.setState(Article.STATE_ACTIVE); //create files in the ingested and file store directories to check that they get moved out File articleDir = new File(filestoreDir, "/10.1371/pone.000102"); File zip = new File(ingestedDir, ""); File crossref = new File(ingestedDir, crossrefFileName(article.getDoi())); if (!articleDir.exists()) { articleDir.mkdirs(); File xml = new File(articleDir, "pone.000102.xml"); if (!xml.exists()) { xml.createNewFile(); } } if (!zip.exists()) { zip.createNewFile(); } if (!crossref.exists()) { crossref.createNewFile(); } Long id = Long.valueOf(; return new Object[][] { { article.getDoi(), id } }; } @Test(dataProvider = "articleToDisable") public void testDisableOneArticle(String doi, Long articleId) throws Exception { try { action.setArticle(doi); String result = action.disableArticle(); assertEquals(result, Action.SUCCESS); assertEquals(dummyDataStore.get(Article.class, articleId).getState(), Article.STATE_DISABLED, "Article didn't get correct state set"); assertFalse(new File(filestoreDir, FSIDMapper.doiTofsid(doi, "xml")).exists(), "article didn't get deleted from the filestore"); assertFalse(new File(ingestedDir, crossrefFileName(doi)).exists(), "crossref file didn't get deleted in the ingested folder"); assertFalse(new File(ingestedDir, zipFileName(doi)).exists(), "zip file didn't get deleted from the ingested folder"); assertTrue(new File(ingestDir, zipFileName(doi)).exists(), "zip file didn't get moved to the ingest folder"); } finally { //Clean up any files that may still be around FileUtils.deleteQuietly(new File(ingestedDir, crossrefFileName(doi))); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(new File(ingestedDir, zipFileName(doi))); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(new File(ingestDir, zipFileName(doi))); try { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(new File(filestoreDir, FSIDMapper.zipToFSID(doi, ""))); } catch (IOException e) { //suppress } } } @Test(dataProvider = "articleToDisable") public void testUnpublishArticle(String doi, Long articleId) throws Exception { try { action.setArticle(doi); String result = action.unpublish(); assertEquals(result, Action.SUCCESS); assertEquals(dummyDataStore.get(Article.class, articleId).getState(), Article.STATE_UNPUBLISHED, "Article didn't get correct state set"); assertTrue(new File(filestoreDir, FSIDMapper.doiTofsid(doi, "xml")).exists(), "article was deleted from the filestore"); assertTrue(new File(ingestedDir, crossrefFileName(doi)).exists(), "crossref file was deleted from the ingested folder"); assertTrue(new File(ingestedDir, zipFileName(doi)).exists(), "zip file was deleted from the ingested folder"); assertFalse(new File(ingestDir, zipFileName(doi)).exists(), "zip file was added to the ingest folder"); } finally { //Clean up any files that may still be around FileUtils.deleteQuietly(new File(ingestedDir, crossrefFileName(doi))); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(new File(ingestedDir, zipFileName(doi))); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(new File(ingestDir, zipFileName(doi))); try { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(new File(filestoreDir, FSIDMapper.zipToFSID(doi, ""))); } catch (IOException e) { //suppress } } } @DataProvider(name = "articles") public Object[][] getArticles() { Article article1 = new Article(); article1.setDoi("info:doi/10.1371/journal.ppat.0030025"); article1.setState(Article.STATE_UNPUBLISHED); article1.setArchiveName(""); Long id1 = Long.valueOf(; Syndication syndication1 = new Syndication(); syndication1.setDoi(article1.getDoi()); syndication1.setTarget("FOO"); syndication1.setStatus(Syndication.STATUS_PENDING);; Article article2 = new Article(); article2.setDoi("info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0015784"); article2.setArchiveName("pone.0015784"); article2.setState(Article.STATE_UNPUBLISHED); Long id2 = Long.valueOf(; return new Object[][] { { new String[] { article1.getDoi(), article2.getDoi() }, new Long[] { id1, id2 } } }; } @Test(dataProvider = "articles") public void testPublishAndSyndicate(String[] dois, Long[] ids) { String[] syndicates = new String[dois.length]; for (int i = 0; i < dois.length; i++) { syndicates[i] = dois[i] + "::FOO"; } action.setArticles(dois); action.setSyndicates(syndicates); action.setAction("Publish and Syndicate"); assertEquals(action.processArticles(), Action.SUCCESS, "Action didn't return success"); for (Long id : ids) { assertEquals(dummyDataStore.get(Article.class, id).getState(), Article.STATE_ACTIVE, "Article didn't get state set to published"); } for (String doi : dois) { assertEquals(syndicationService.getSyndication(doi, "FOO").getStatus(), Syndication.STATUS_IN_PROGRESS, "Syndication didn't get status updated"); } } @Test(dataProvider = "articles", dependsOnMethods = { "testPublishAndSyndicate" }) public void testDisableArticles(String[] dois, Long[] ids) { action.setArticles(dois); action.setAction("Disable and Revert Ingest"); assertEquals(action.processArticles(), Action.SUCCESS, "Action didn't return success"); //We already check moving files around in testDisableOneArticle(), so here we'll just check the db for (Long id : ids) { assertEquals(dummyDataStore.get(Article.class, id).getState(), Article.STATE_DISABLED, "Article didn't get disabled"); } } @Override protected BaseActionSupport getAction() { return action; } }