Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Hamburg Sud and the contributors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.aludratest.service.gui.web.selenium.selenium2; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.aludratest.exception.AutomationException; import org.aludratest.exception.FunctionalFailure; import org.aludratest.exception.PerformanceFailure; import org.aludratest.exception.TechnicalException; import org.aludratest.service.SystemConnector; import org.aludratest.service.gui.web.selenium.SeleniumResourceService; import org.aludratest.service.gui.web.selenium.SeleniumWrapperConfiguration; import org.aludratest.service.gui.web.selenium.SystemDownloadProvider; import org.aludratest.service.gui.web.selenium.httpproxy.AuthenticatingHttpProxy; import org.aludratest.service.gui.web.selenium.selenium2.condition.AbstractAjaxIdleCondition; import org.aludratest.service.gui.web.selenium.selenium2.condition.AnyDropDownOptions; import org.aludratest.service.gui.web.selenium.selenium2.condition.DropDownBoxOptionLabelsPresence; import org.aludratest.service.gui.web.selenium.selenium2.condition.DropDownBoxOptionValuesPresence; import org.aludratest.service.gui.web.selenium.selenium2.condition.DropDownOptionLocatable; import org.aludratest.service.gui.web.selenium.selenium2.condition.ElementAbsence; import org.aludratest.service.gui.web.selenium.selenium2.condition.ElementEditableCondition; import org.aludratest.service.gui.web.selenium.selenium2.condition.ElementEnabledCondition; import org.aludratest.service.gui.web.selenium.selenium2.condition.ElementNotEditableCondition; import org.aludratest.service.gui.web.selenium.selenium2.condition.ElementNotVisibleCondition; import org.aludratest.service.gui.web.selenium.selenium2.condition.ElementValuePresence; import org.aludratest.service.gui.web.selenium.selenium2.condition.IceFacesAjaxIdleCondition; import org.aludratest.service.gui.web.selenium.selenium2.condition.JQueryAjaxIdleCondition; import org.aludratest.service.gui.web.selenium.selenium2.condition.MixedElementCondition; import org.aludratest.service.gui.web.selenium.selenium2.condition.NotCondition; import org.aludratest.service.gui.web.selenium.selenium2.condition.OptionSelected; import org.aludratest.service.gui.web.selenium.selenium2.condition.PrimeFacesAjaxIdleCondition; import org.aludratest.service.gui.web.selenium.selenium2.condition.ValidatingCondition; import org.aludratest.service.gui.web.selenium.selenium2.condition.WindowPresence; import org.aludratest.service.locator.element.GUIElementLocator; import org.aludratest.service.locator.element.IdLocator; import org.aludratest.service.locator.option.IndexLocator; import org.aludratest.service.locator.option.OptionLocator; import org.aludratest.service.locator.window.TitleLocator; import org.aludratest.service.locator.window.WindowLocator; import org.aludratest.service.util.ServiceUtil; import org.aludratest.service.util.TaskCompletionUtil; import org.aludratest.testcase.event.attachment.Attachment; import org.aludratest.testcase.event.attachment.BinaryAttachment; import org.aludratest.testcase.event.attachment.StringAttachment; import; import org.aludratest.util.retry.RetryService; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import; import; import org.databene.commons.Validator; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.JavascriptExecutor; import org.openqa.selenium.Keys; import org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException; import org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchWindowException; import org.openqa.selenium.OutputType; import org.openqa.selenium.StaleElementReferenceException; import org.openqa.selenium.TakesScreenshot; import org.openqa.selenium.TimeoutException; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions; import org.openqa.selenium.phantomjs.PhantomJSDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.remote.Augmenter; import org.openqa.selenium.remote.CommandExecutor; import org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebDriver; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.thoughtworks.selenium.Selenium; /** Wraps an instance of the {@link Selenium2Facade} and provides methods for accessing UI elements and timing. * @author Volker Bergmann * @author Marcel Malitz * @author Joerg Langnickel */ @SuppressWarnings("javadoc") public class Selenium2Wrapper { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Selenium2Wrapper.class); // scripts ----------------------------------------------------------------- private static final String WINDOW_FOCUS_SCRIPT = "window.focus()"; private static final String HAS_FOCUS_SCRIPT = "return arguments[0] == window.document.activeElement"; // static attributes ------------------------------------------------------- private static ProxyPool proxyPool = null; // attributes -------------------------------------------------------------- private final SeleniumWrapperConfiguration configuration; private SeleniumResourceService resourceService; private String usedSeleniumHost = null; private AuthenticatingHttpProxy proxy; SystemConnector systemConnector; private WebDriver driver; private LocatorSupport locatorSupport; private URL seleniumUrl; private WebElement highlightedElement; public Selenium2Wrapper(SeleniumWrapperConfiguration configuration, SeleniumResourceService resourceService) { try { this.configuration = configuration; this.resourceService = resourceService; // TODO support HTTPS if ("http".equals(configuration.getUrlOfAutAsUrl().getProtocol()) && configuration.isUsingLocalProxy()) { this.proxy = getProxyPool().acquire(); this.proxy.start(); } if (configuration.isUsingRemoteDriver()) { this.usedSeleniumHost = resourceService.acquire(); this.seleniumUrl = new URL(usedSeleniumHost + "/wd/hub"); } this.driver = newDriver(); this.driver.manage().timeouts().pageLoadTimeout(configuration.getTimeout(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); this.locatorSupport = new LocatorSupport(this.driver, configuration); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Error initializing Selenium 2", e); String host = usedSeleniumHost; forceCloseApplicationUnderTest(); throw new TechnicalException(e.getMessage() + ". Used Host = " + host, e); } } private synchronized ProxyPool getProxyPool() { if (proxyPool == null && "http".equals(configuration.getUrlOfAutAsUrl().getProtocol()) && configuration.isUsingLocalProxy()) { // TODO support HTTPS URL url = configuration.getUrlOfAutAsUrl(); proxyPool = new ProxyPool(url.getHost(), url.getPort(), configuration.getMinProxyPort(), resourceService.getHostCount()); } return proxyPool; } private WebDriver newDriver() { try { String driverName = configuration.getDriverName(); Selenium2Driver driverEnum = Selenium2Driver.valueOf(driverName); if (configuration.isUsingRemoteDriver()) { return driverEnum.newRemoteDriver(seleniumUrl, configuration.getBrowserArguments()); } else { return driverEnum.newLocalDriver(configuration.getBrowserArguments()); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new TechnicalException("WebDriver creation failed: ", e); } } /** * Closes the application under test respectively the main browser window * and all child windows. */ private void closeApplicationUnderTest() { if (configuration.getCloseTestappAfterExecution()) { forceCloseApplicationUnderTest(); } } private void forceCloseApplicationUnderTest() { if (this.proxy != null) { this.proxy.stop(); getProxyPool().release(this.proxy); this.proxy = null; } if (this.driver != null) { for (String id : getAllWindowIDs()) { try { selectWindowByTechnicalName(id); close(); } catch (Exception e) { // ignore during close } } quit(); } if (this.usedSeleniumHost != null) { resourceService.release(this.usedSeleniumHost); this.usedSeleniumHost = null; } } /** * Closes the application under test. */ public void tearDown() { closeApplicationUnderTest(); } public SeleniumWrapperConfiguration getConfiguration() { return configuration; } /** * * @return currently used SeleniumHost */ public String getUsedSeleniumHost() { return usedSeleniumHost; } public void refresh() { driver.navigate().refresh(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private WebElement doBeforeDelegate(GUIElementLocator locator, boolean visible, boolean actionPending, boolean enabled) { if (actionPending) { waitUntilNotBusy(); } MixedElementCondition condition = new MixedElementCondition(locator, locatorSupport, visible, enabled, configuration.isZIndexCheckEnabled()); try { WebElement element = waitFor(condition, configuration.getTimeout()); highlight(locator); return element; } catch (TimeoutException e) { throw new AutomationException(condition.getMessage()); } } private void doAfterDelegate(int taskCompletionTimeout, String operation) { if (taskCompletionTimeout >= 0) { int timeout = (taskCompletionTimeout == 0 ? configuration.getTaskCompletionTimeout() : taskCompletionTimeout); String failureMessage = "After operation " + operation + "() the system remained busy exceeding the timeout of " + timeout + " ms"; TaskCompletionUtil.waitForActivityAndCompletion(systemConnector, failureMessage, configuration.getTaskStartTimeout(), timeout, configuration.getTaskPollingInterval()); } } private void waitUntilNotBusy() { if (this.systemConnector != null) { int taskCompletionTimeout = configuration.getTaskCompletionTimeout(); TaskCompletionUtil.waitUntilNotBusy(this.systemConnector, taskCompletionTimeout, configuration.getTaskPollingInterval(), "System not available within the timeout of " + taskCompletionTimeout + " ms"); } } public void click(GUIElementLocator locator, String operation, int taskCompletionTimeout) { WebElement element = doBeforeDelegate(locator, true, true, false); click(element); doAfterDelegate(taskCompletionTimeout, operation); } public void doubleClick(GUIElementLocator locator, String operation, int taskCompletionTimeout) { WebElement element = doBeforeDelegate(locator, true, true, false); doubleClick(element); doAfterDelegate(taskCompletionTimeout, operation); } public void hover(GUIElementLocator locator, String operation, int taskCompletionTimeout) { WebElement element = doBeforeDelegate(locator, true, true, false); hover(element); doAfterDelegate(taskCompletionTimeout, operation); } public String clickForDownload(GUIElementLocator locator, int taskCompletionTimeout) { WebElement element = doBeforeDelegate(locator, true, false, true); // get System Connector for download SystemDownloadProvider downloader = systemConnector.getConnector(SystemDownloadProvider.class); if (downloader != null) { Attachment att = downloader.downloadFile(configuration.getUrlOfAutAsUrl(), element, driver.manage().getCookies()); if (att != null) { return att.getFileName() + ":" + att.getFileDataAsBase64String(); } else { throw new FunctionalFailure("Expected file download, but no download available"); } } else { throw new AutomationException( "A SystemDownloadProvider system connector must be available for downloads"); } } public void select(GUIElementLocator locator, final OptionLocator optionLocator, int taskCompletionTimeout) { WebElement element = doBeforeDelegate(locator, true, true, true); select(optionLocator, element); doAfterDelegate(taskCompletionTimeout, "select"); } public void type(GUIElementLocator locator, final String value, int taskCompletionTimeout) { WebElement element = doBeforeDelegate(locator, true, true, true); if (configuration.isTypeSafemode()) { // activate element with a click; element = driver.switchTo().activeElement(); } // setValue instead of sendKeys to ensure field is reset, and to work with file component setValue(element, value); doAfterDelegate(taskCompletionTimeout, "type"); } public void sendKeys(GUIElementLocator locator, String keys, int taskCompletionTimeout) { WebElement element = doBeforeDelegate(locator, true, true, false); sendKeys(element, keys); doAfterDelegate(taskCompletionTimeout, "sendKeys"); } public String getText(GUIElementLocator locator, Boolean visible) { WebElement element = doBeforeDelegate(locator, visible, false, false); String text = getText(element); doAfterDelegate(-1, "getText"); return text; } public boolean isChecked(GUIElementLocator locator) { WebElement element = doBeforeDelegate(locator, true, false, false); LOGGER.debug("isChecked({})", locator); Boolean returnValue = element.isSelected(); doAfterDelegate(-1, "isChecked"); return returnValue.booleanValue(); } public String[] getSelectOptions(GUIElementLocator locator) { WebElement element = doBeforeDelegate(locator, true, false, false); LOGGER.debug("getSelectOptions({})", locator); Select select = new Select(element); List<WebElement> options = select.getOptions(); String[] labels = new String[options.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < options.size(); i++) { labels[i] = options.get(i).getText(); } doAfterDelegate(-1, "getSelectOptions"); return labels; } public String getSelectedValue(GUIElementLocator locator) { WebElement element = doBeforeDelegate(locator, true, false, false); String selectedValue = getSelectedLabel(element); doAfterDelegate(-1, "getSelectedValue"); return selectedValue; } public String getSelectedLabel(GUIElementLocator locator) { WebElement element = doBeforeDelegate(locator, true, false, false); String selectedLabel = getSelectedLabel(element); doAfterDelegate(-1, "getSelectedLabel"); return selectedLabel; } public String getValue(GUIElementLocator locator) { LOGGER.debug("getValue({})", locator); return getValue(findElementImmediately(locator)); } // window operations ------------------------------------------------------- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void waitForWindow(WindowLocator locator) { LOGGER.debug("waitForWindow({})", locator); try { waitFor(new WindowPresence(locator, this), configuration.getTimeout()); } catch (TimeoutException e) { throw new AutomationException("Window not found"); } } public void selectWindow(WindowLocator locator) { LOGGER.debug("selectWindow({})", locator); waitForWindow(locator); selectWindowImmediately(locator); } public void selectWindowImmediately(WindowLocator locator) { LOGGER.debug("selectWindowImmediately({})", locator); if (locator instanceof TitleLocator) { String requestedTitle = locator.toString(); // performance tweak: if the current window is the requested one, return immediately try { LOGGER.debug("driver.getTitle()"); if (requestedTitle.equals(driver.getTitle())) { return; } } catch (WebDriverException e) { // this happens, when trying to call getTitle() // on a driver which has just close()d the recent window. // In this case, I fall back to iterating all windows below } removeHighlight(); // iterate all windows and return the one with the desired title StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (String handle : getWindowHandles()) { try { LOGGER.debug("driver.switchTo().window()", locator); String title = driver.switchTo().window(handle).getTitle(); if (sb.length() > 0) { sb.append(", "); } sb.append("\"").append(title).append("\""); if (requestedTitle.equals(title)) { return; } } catch (WebDriverException e) { // ignore; window has been removed in the meantime } } // if the window has not been found, throw an ElementNotFoundException throw new AutomationException("Element not found. Available window titles are: " + sb.toString()); } else { throw ServiceUtil.newUnsupportedLocatorException(locator); } } public void selectWindowByTechnicalName(String windowId) { LOGGER.debug("selectWindowByTechnicalName({})", windowId); removeHighlight(); LOGGER.debug("driver.switchTo().window()", windowId); driver.switchTo().window(windowId); } public Map<String, String> getAllWindowHandlesAndTitles() { LOGGER.debug("getAllWindowHandlesAndTitles()"); Map<String, String> handlesAndTitles = new HashMap<String, String>(); // store handle and title of current window String initialWindowHandle; try { LOGGER.debug("driver.getWindowHandle()"); initialWindowHandle = driver.getWindowHandle(); } catch (NoSuchWindowException e) { // fallback to next best window - current window has just been closed! LOGGER.debug("driver.getWindowHandles()"); Set<String> handles = driver.getWindowHandles(); if (handles.isEmpty()) { return Collections.emptyMap(); } initialWindowHandle = handles.iterator().next(); LOGGER.debug("driver.switchTo().window(initialWindowHandle)"); driver.switchTo().window(initialWindowHandle); } try { String title = getTitle(); handlesAndTitles.put(initialWindowHandle, title); } catch (WebDriverException e) { // ignore current window LOGGER.warn("Could not determine title of current window. Assuming window has just been closed."); } // iterate all other windows by handle and get their titles String currentHandle = initialWindowHandle; Set<String> handles = getWindowHandles(); for (String handle : handles) { if (!handle.equals(initialWindowHandle)) { LOGGER.debug("Switching to window with handle {}", handle); try { LOGGER.debug("driver.switchTo().window(handle)"); driver.switchTo().window(handle); currentHandle = handle; String title; handlesAndTitles.put(handle, title = driver.getTitle()); LOGGER.debug("Window with handle {} has title '{}'", handle, title); } catch (NoSuchWindowException e) { // ignore this window } catch (WebDriverException e) { // ignore this window LOGGER.warn("WebDriverException when querying window with handle " + handle + ". Assuming window has just been closed."); } } } // switch back to the original window if (!currentHandle.equals(initialWindowHandle)) { try { LOGGER.debug("driver.switchTo().window(initialWindowHandle)"); driver.switchTo().window(initialWindowHandle); } catch (WebDriverException e) { // selenium could now be on an unexpected window LOGGER.warn( "Could not switch back to initial window after window iteration. Active window is now unspecified."); } } return handlesAndTitles; } /** @see Selenium#getAllWindowTitles() */ public String[] getAllWindowTitles() { LOGGER.debug("getAllWindowTitles()"); Map<String, String> handlesAndTitles = getAllWindowHandlesAndTitles(); Collection<String> titles = handlesAndTitles.values(); LOGGER.debug("getAllWindowTitles() -> {}", titles); return titles.toArray(new String[handlesAndTitles.size()]); } /** @see Selenium#getAllWindowIds() */ public String[] getAllWindowIDs() { LOGGER.debug("getWindowHandles()"); Set<String> handles = getWindowHandles(); return handles.toArray(new String[handles.size()]); } /** @see Selenium#getAllWindowNames() */ public String[] getAllWindowNames() { LOGGER.debug("getAllWindowNames()"); String current = driver.getWindowHandle(); List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String handle : getWindowHandles()) { LOGGER.debug("driver.switchTo().window(handle)"); driver.switchTo().window(handle); names.add(executeScript("return").toString()); } LOGGER.debug("driver.switchTo().window(current)"); driver.switchTo().window(current); return names.toArray(new String[names.size()]); } /** @see Selenium#getTitle() */ public String getTitle() { LOGGER.debug("getTitle()"); AludraSeleniumHttpCommandExecutor executor = null; if (driver instanceof RemoteWebDriver) { CommandExecutor ce = ((RemoteWebDriver) driver).getCommandExecutor(); if (ce instanceof AludraSeleniumHttpCommandExecutor) { executor = (AludraSeleniumHttpCommandExecutor) ce; // also reduce timeout for TCP connection, in case remote hangs executor.setRequestTimeout(5000); } } try { return driver.getTitle(); } finally { if (executor != null) { executor.setRequestTimeout(0); } } } public String getWindowHandle() { LOGGER.debug("getWindowHandle()"); return driver.getWindowHandle(); } /** @see Selenium#windowMaximize() */ public void windowMaximize() { LOGGER.debug("windowMaximize()"); driver.manage().window().maximize(); } /** @see Selenium#windowFocus() */ public void windowFocus() { LOGGER.debug("windowFocus()"); executeScript(WINDOW_FOCUS_SCRIPT); } private Set<String> getWindowHandles() { LOGGER.debug("getWindowHandles()"); // try up to three times when getting strange WebDriverExceptions Callable<Set<String>> callable = new Callable<Set<String>>() { @Override public Set<String> call() throws Exception { try { Set<String> handles = driver.getWindowHandles(); LOGGER.debug("getWindowHandles() -> {}", handles); return handles; } catch (Exception e) { // wait a little bit in case of exception, e.g. for browser window to close try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { } throw e; } } }; try { if (driver instanceof RemoteWebDriver) { // also reduce timeout for TCP connection, in case remote hangs CommandExecutor executor = ((RemoteWebDriver) driver).getCommandExecutor(); if (executor instanceof AludraSeleniumHttpCommandExecutor) { ((AludraSeleniumHttpCommandExecutor) executor).setRequestTimeout(5000); } } return, WebDriverException.class, 2); } catch (Throwable t) { LOGGER.error("Could not retrieve window handles", t); return Collections.emptySet(); } finally { if (driver instanceof RemoteWebDriver) { // also reduce timeout for TCP connection, in case remote hangs CommandExecutor executor = ((RemoteWebDriver) driver).getCommandExecutor(); if (executor instanceof AludraSeleniumHttpCommandExecutor) { ((AludraSeleniumHttpCommandExecutor) executor).setRequestTimeout(0); } } } } // iframe operations ------------------------------------------------------- public void switchToIFrame(GUIElementLocator iframeLocator) { LOGGER.debug("switchToIFrame({})", iframeLocator); if (iframeLocator != null) { WebElement element = waitUntilPresent(iframeLocator, configuration.getTimeout()); element = LocatorSupport.unwrap(element); driver.switchTo().frame(element); } else { driver.switchTo().defaultContent(); } } public boolean hasFocus(GUIElementLocator locator) { WebElement element = doBeforeDelegate(locator, true, false, true); LOGGER.debug("hasFocus({})", locator); boolean returnValue = (Boolean) executeScript(HAS_FOCUS_SCRIPT, element); doAfterDelegate(-1, "hasFocus"); return returnValue; } public void focus(GUIElementLocator locator) { LOGGER.debug("focus({})", locator); WebElement element = waitUntilEnabled(locator, configuration.getTimeout()); executeScript("arguments[0].focus()", element); } public String getAttributeValue(final GUIElementLocator locator, String attributeName) { WebElement element = doBeforeDelegate(locator, true, false, false); LOGGER.debug("WebElement.getAttributeValue({})", attributeName); String returnValue = element.getAttribute(attributeName); doAfterDelegate(-1, "getAttributeValue"); return returnValue; } public void keyPress(int keycode) { LOGGER.debug("keyPress({})", keycode); sendKeys(driver.switchTo().activeElement(), String.valueOf((char) keycode)); } public void close() { LOGGER.debug("close()"); try { driver.close(); } catch (WebDriverException e) { // ignore this } } public void quit() { LOGGER.debug("quit()"); driver.quit(); } public String getTable(GUIElementLocator locator, int row, int col) { LOGGER.debug("getTable({})", locator); WebElement table = findElementImmediately(locator); List<WebElement> tbodies = table.findElements(By.tagName("tbody")); WebElement rowHolder = (tbodies.size() > 0 ? tbodies.get(0) : table); List<WebElement> trs = rowHolder.findElements(By.tagName("tr")); if (row >= trs.size()) { throw new AutomationException( "Table cell not found. " + "Requested row index " + row + " of " + trs.size() + " rows "); } List<WebElement> tds = trs.get(row).findElements(By.tagName("td")); if (col >= tds.size()) { throw new AutomationException( "Table cell not found. " + "Requested column index " + col + " of " + tds.size() + " cells "); } return tds.get(col).getText(); } // features that require intervention for authentication ------------------- public void open(String url) { LOGGER.debug("open({})", url); try { driver.get(mapUrl(url)); // do PhantomJS initialization here, if desired if (configuration.getPhantomJsInitScript() != null && (driver instanceof PhantomJSDriver)) { Object result = ((PhantomJSDriver) driver).executePhantomJS( FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(configuration.getPhantomJsInitScript()))); LOGGER.debug("Result of PhantomJS init script: " + result); } } catch (TimeoutException e) { throw new PerformanceFailure("Timed out opening '" + url + "': " + e.getMessage(), e); } catch (WebDriverException e) { String message = e.getMessage(); if (message != null && message.contains("Timed out")) { throw new PerformanceFailure("Timed out opening '" + url + "': " + e.getMessage(), e); } } catch (IOException e) { // could not read init script throw new AutomationException( "Could not read PhantomJS init script " + configuration.getPhantomJsInitScript()); } } private String mapUrl(String url) { String mappedUrl = proxy != null ? proxy.mapTargetToProxyUrl(url) : url; LOGGER.debug("mapUrl({}) -> {}", url, mappedUrl); return mappedUrl; } public void addCustomRequestHeader(String key, String value) { LOGGER.debug("addCustomRequestHeader({})", key, value); if (proxy != null) { proxy.setCustomRequestHeader(key, value); } } // wait features ----------------------------------------------------------- public WebElement waitUntilPresent(GUIElementLocator locator, long timeOutInMillis) { return locatorSupport.waitUntilPresent(locator, timeOutInMillis); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public WebElement waitUntilEnabled(GUIElementLocator locator, long timeOutInMillis) { ElementEnabledCondition condition = new ElementEnabledCondition(locator, locatorSupport); try { return waitFor(condition, timeOutInMillis, NoSuchElementException.class); } catch (TimeoutException e) { throw new AutomationException(condition.getMessage()); // NOSONAR } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public WebElement waitUntilNotEnabled(GUIElementLocator locator, long timeOutInMillis) { ElementEnabledCondition condition = new ElementEnabledCondition(locator, locatorSupport, false); try { return waitFor(condition, timeOutInMillis, NoSuchElementException.class); } catch (TimeoutException e) { throw new AutomationException(condition.getMessage()); // NOSONAR } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public WebElement waitUntilEditable(GUIElementLocator locator, long timeOutInMillis) { ElementEditableCondition condition = new ElementEditableCondition(locator, locatorSupport); try { return waitFor(condition, timeOutInMillis, NoSuchElementException.class); } catch (TimeoutException e) { throw new AutomationException(condition.getMessage()); // NOSONAR } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public WebElement waitUntilNotEditable(GUIElementLocator locator, long timeOutInMillis) { ElementNotEditableCondition condition = new ElementNotEditableCondition(locator, locatorSupport); try { return waitFor(condition, timeOutInMillis, NoSuchElementException.class); } catch (TimeoutException e) { throw new AutomationException(condition.getMessage()); // NOSONAR } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void waitUntilVisible(GUIElementLocator locator, long timeOutInMillis) { try { waitFor(new MixedElementCondition(locator, locatorSupport, true, false, configuration.isZIndexCheckEnabled()), timeOutInMillis, NoSuchElementException.class); } catch (TimeoutException e) { throw new AutomationException("The element is not visible."); // NOSONAR } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void waitUntilNotVisible(GUIElementLocator locator, long timeOutInMillis) { try { waitFor(new ElementNotVisibleCondition(locator, locatorSupport), timeOutInMillis, NoSuchElementException.class); } catch (TimeoutException e) { throw new AutomationException("The element is unexpectedly visible."); // NOSONAR } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void waitUntilElementNotPresent(final GUIElementLocator locator, long timeOutInMillis) { try { waitFor(new ElementAbsence(locator, locatorSupport), timeOutInMillis, NoSuchElementException.class); } catch (TimeoutException e) { throw new AutomationException("An element was unexpectedly found"); // NOSONAR } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void waitUntilInForeground(final GUIElementLocator locator, long timeOutInMillis) { MixedElementCondition condition = new MixedElementCondition(locator, locatorSupport, false, false, configuration.isZIndexCheckEnabled()); try { waitFor(condition, timeOutInMillis, NoSuchElementException.class); } catch (TimeoutException e) { throw new AutomationException(condition.getMessage()); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public String[] waitForAnyDropDownOptionLabels(final GUIElementLocator dropDownLocator) { AnyDropDownOptions condition = new AnyDropDownOptions(dropDownLocator, AnyDropDownOptions.DROPDOWN_OPTION_LABEL_PROPERTY, locatorSupport); try { return waitFor(condition, configuration.getTimeout(), NoSuchElementException.class, StaleElementReferenceException.class); } catch (TimeoutException e) { throw new AutomationException(condition.getMessage()); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public String[] waitForAnyDropDownOptionValues(final GUIElementLocator dropDownLocator) { AnyDropDownOptions condition = new AnyDropDownOptions(dropDownLocator, AnyDropDownOptions.DROPDOWN_OPTION_VALUE_PROPERTY, locatorSupport); try { return waitFor(condition, configuration.getTimeout(), NoSuchElementException.class, StaleElementReferenceException.class); } catch (TimeoutException e) { throw new AutomationException(condition.getMessage()); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void waitForDropDownEntryLocatablity(final OptionLocator entryLocator, final GUIElementLocator dropDownLocator) { DropDownOptionLocatable condition = new DropDownOptionLocatable(dropDownLocator, entryLocator, locatorSupport); try { waitFor(condition, configuration.getTimeout(), NoSuchElementException.class, StaleElementReferenceException.class); } catch (TimeoutException e) { throw new AutomationException(condition.getMessage()); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void waitForDropDownEntries(GUIElementLocator dropDownLocator, String[] labels, boolean contains, boolean checkOrder) { DropDownBoxOptionLabelsPresence condition = new DropDownBoxOptionLabelsPresence(dropDownLocator, labels, contains, checkOrder, locatorSupport); try { waitFor(condition, configuration.getTimeout(), NoSuchElementException.class, StaleElementReferenceException.class); } catch (TimeoutException e) { throw new AutomationException(condition.getMessage()); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void waitForDropDownValues(GUIElementLocator dropDownLocator, String[] values, boolean contains, boolean checkOrder) { DropDownBoxOptionValuesPresence condition = new DropDownBoxOptionValuesPresence(dropDownLocator, values, contains, checkOrder, locatorSupport); try { waitFor(condition, configuration.getTimeout(), NoSuchElementException.class, StaleElementReferenceException.class); } catch (TimeoutException e) { throw new AutomationException(condition.getMessage()); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public String waitForValue(GUIElementLocator locator) { ElementValuePresence condition = new ElementValuePresence(locator, locatorSupport); try { return waitFor(condition, configuration.getTimeout(), NoSuchElementException.class); } catch (TimeoutException e) { throw new AutomationException(condition.getMessage()); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public String waitForSelection(GUIElementLocator locator) { OptionSelected condition = new OptionSelected(locator, locatorSupport); try { return waitFor(condition, configuration.getTimeout(), NoSuchElementException.class); } catch (TimeoutException e) { throw new AutomationException(condition.getMessage()); } } public void waitForTextValidity(GUIElementLocator locator, Validator<String> validator) { // ensure element is visible (scroll into view) waitUntilVisible(locator, configuration.getTimeout()); waitForValidity(new ValidatingCondition(locator, locatorSupport, validator, "Text") { @Override protected String getTextToValidate(WebElement element) { return getText(element); } }); } public void waitForValueValidity(GUIElementLocator locator, Validator<String> validator) { // ensure element is visible (scroll into view) waitUntilVisible(locator, configuration.getTimeout()); waitForValidity(new ValidatingCondition(locator, locatorSupport, validator, "Value") { @Override protected String getTextToValidate(WebElement element) { return getValue(element); } }); } public void waitForSelectedLabelValidity(GUIElementLocator locator, Validator<String> validator) { waitForValidity(new ValidatingCondition(locator, locatorSupport, validator, "Label") { @Override protected String getTextToValidate(WebElement element) { return getSelectedLabel(element); } }); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void waitForValidity(ValidatingCondition condition) { try { waitFor(condition, configuration.getTimeout()); } catch (TimeoutException e) { throw new FunctionalFailure(condition.getMessage()); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void waitForWindowToBeClosed(TitleLocator locator, int taskCompletionTimeout) { try { waitFor(new NotCondition(new WindowPresence(locator, this)), taskCompletionTimeout == -1 ? configuration.getTimeout() : taskCompletionTimeout); } catch (TimeoutException e) { throw new PerformanceFailure( "Window was not closed within the timeout of " + taskCompletionTimeout + " ms"); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void waitForAjaxOperationEnd(String frameworkName, int maxWaitTime) { frameworkName = frameworkName.toLowerCase(Locale.US); AbstractAjaxIdleCondition condition = null; if ("jquery".equals(frameworkName)) { condition = new JQueryAjaxIdleCondition(); } else if ("primefaces".equals(frameworkName)) { condition = new PrimeFacesAjaxIdleCondition(); } else if ("icefaces".equals(frameworkName)) { condition = new IceFacesAjaxIdleCondition(); } if (condition != null) { try { waitFor(condition, maxWaitTime); } catch (TimeoutException e) { throw new PerformanceFailure( "AJAX operation was not finished within the timeout of " + maxWaitTime + " ms"); } } else { throw new AutomationException("Unsupported JavaScript framework for AJAX check: " + frameworkName); } } private <T> T waitFor(ExpectedCondition<T> condition, long timeOutInMillis, Class<? extends Exception>... exceptionsToIgnore) { return locatorSupport.waitFor(condition, timeOutInMillis, exceptionsToIgnore); } // HTML source and screenshot provision ------------------------------------ public Attachment getPageSource() { LOGGER.debug("getPageSource()"); String pageSource = driver.getPageSource(); return new StringAttachment("Source", pageSource, configuration.getPageSourceAttachmentExtension()); } public Attachment getScreenshotOfThePage() { LOGGER.debug("getScreenshotOfThePage()"); final String base64Data = captureScreenshotToString(); final Attachment attachment = getScreenshotAttachment(base64Data); return attachment; } public List<Attachment> getWindowsScreenshots() { LOGGER.debug("getWindowsScreenshots()"); // if close() already has been called, no screenshots available if (driver == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } Base64 base64 = new Base64(); Set<String> windowHandles = getWindowHandles(); String activeHandle = getWindowHandle(); List<Attachment> result = new ArrayList<Attachment>(); int index = 0; for (String handle : windowHandles) { driver.switchTo().window(handle); try { String data = captureActiveWindowScreenshotToString(); byte[] decodedData = base64.decode(data); String title = driver.getTitle(); result.add(new BinaryAttachment("Screenshot-" + (title == null ? "" + (++index) : title), decodedData, configuration.getScreenshotAttachmentExtension())); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { // OK, no screenshot available LOGGER.warn("Web driver is not able to take screenshots; no screenshots available"); } } driver.switchTo().window(activeHandle); return result; } private String captureScreenshotToString() { // use Selenium1 interface to capture full screen String url = seleniumUrl.toString(); Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(http(s)?://.+)/wd/hub(/?)"); Matcher matcher = p.matcher(url); if (matcher.matches()) { String screenshotUrl =; screenshotUrl += (screenshotUrl.endsWith("/") ? "" : "/") + "selenium-server/driver/?cmd=captureScreenshotToString"; InputStream in = null; try { in = new URL(screenshotUrl).openStream(); // read away "OK," if ( byte[3]) < 3) { throw new EOFException(); } ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); IOUtils.copy(in, baos); return new String(baos.toByteArray(), "UTF-8"); } catch (IOException e) { // OK, fallthrough to Selenium 2 method } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(in); } } WebDriver screenshotDriver; if (RemoteWebDriver.class.isAssignableFrom(driver.getClass())) { screenshotDriver = new Augmenter().augment(driver); } else { screenshotDriver = driver; } if (screenshotDriver instanceof TakesScreenshot) { TakesScreenshot tsDriver = (TakesScreenshot) screenshotDriver; return tsDriver.getScreenshotAs(OutputType.BASE64); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(driver.getClass() + " does not implement TakeScreenshot"); } } private String captureActiveWindowScreenshotToString() { WebDriver screenshotDriver; if (RemoteWebDriver.class.isAssignableFrom(driver.getClass())) { screenshotDriver = new Augmenter().augment(driver); } else { screenshotDriver = driver; } if (screenshotDriver instanceof TakesScreenshot) { TakesScreenshot tsDriver = (TakesScreenshot) screenshotDriver; return tsDriver.getScreenshotAs(OutputType.BASE64); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(driver.getClass() + " does not implement TakeScreenshot"); } } private Attachment getScreenshotAttachment(String base64Data) { final String title = "Screenshot"; final Base64 base64 = new Base64(); final byte[] decodedData = base64.decode(base64Data); return new BinaryAttachment(title, decodedData, configuration.getScreenshotAttachmentExtension()); } // element highlighting ---------------------------------------------------- private void removeHighlight() { if (configuration.getHighlightCommands() && this.highlightedElement != null) { // unwrap element if wrapped, for direct access while (highlightedElement instanceof ElementWrapper) { highlightedElement = ((ElementWrapper) highlightedElement).getWrappedElement(); } try { // first try via ID String id = highlightedElement.getAttribute("id"); if (id != null) { executeScript("document.getElementById('" + id + "').className = document.getElementById('" + id + "').className.replace( /(?:^|\\s)selenium-highlight(?!\\S)/g , '' );"); } else { // fallback via Selenium arguments infrastructure executeScript( "arguments[0].className = arguments[0].className.replace( /(?:^|\\s)selenium-highlight(?!\\S)/g , '' );", highlightedElement); } } catch (WebDriverException e) { LOGGER.trace("Highlight remove failed. ", e); } } highlightedElement = null; } private void checkHighlightCss() { // check if our hidden element is present try { findElementImmediately(new IdLocator("__aludra_selenium_hidden")); } catch (Exception e) { // add CSS and element executeScript( "var css = document.createElement('style'); css.setAttribute('id', '__aludra_selenium_css'); css.setAttribute('type', 'text/css'); css.innerHTML = '.selenium-highlight { border: 3px solid red !important; }'; document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(css);"); // add hidden element executeScript( "var hidden = document.createElement('div'); hidden.setAttribute('id', '__aludra_selenium_hidden'); hidden.setAttribute('style', 'display:none;'); document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(hidden);"); } } public void highlight(GUIElementLocator locator) { if (configuration.getHighlightCommands()) { LOGGER.debug("highlight()"); try { removeHighlight(); // ensure that current document has highlight CSS class checkHighlightCss(); WebElement elementToHighlight = findElementImmediately(locator); executeScript("arguments[0].className +=' selenium-highlight'", elementToHighlight); this.highlightedElement = elementToHighlight; } catch (WebDriverException e) { // It does not matter if highlighting works or not, why a // possibly thrown exception must be caught to avoid test // execution termination. LOGGER.trace("Highlighting failed. ", e); } } } // script support ---------------------------------------------------------- private Object executeScript(String script, Object... arguments) { LOGGER.debug("executeScript({})", script); // first unwrap all possibly wrapped arguments of type WebElement, or JavaScript/JSON will fail for (int i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { if (arguments[i] instanceof WebElement) { arguments[i] = LocatorSupport.unwrap((WebElement) arguments[i]); } } // then execute the script return ((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript(script, arguments); } // element lookup and access ----------------------------------------------- private WebElement findElementImmediately(GUIElementLocator locator) { return locatorSupport.findElementImmediately(locator); } private String getText(WebElement element) { LOGGER.debug("getText(WebElement)"); return element.getText(); } private void sendKeys(WebElement element, CharSequence... keys) { LOGGER.debug("sendKeys({}, WebElement)", keys); element.sendKeys(keys); } private String getValue(WebElement element) { LOGGER.debug("getValue(WebElement)"); return element.getAttribute("value"); } private void setValue(WebElement element, String value) { LOGGER.debug("setValue(WebElement, {})", value); sendKeys(element, Keys.END); String text; int tryCounter = 3; while (tryCounter > 0 && !DataMarkerCheck.isNull(text = getValue(element))) { int length = text.length(); String[] arr = new String[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { arr[i] = "\b"; } sendKeys(element, arr); tryCounter--; } if (tryCounter == 0) { throw new AutomationException("Could not clear input field. Maybe covered by other component?"); } sendKeys(element, value); try { sendKeys(element, Keys.TAB); } catch (StaleElementReferenceException e) { // ignore; key could have caused page change LOGGER.debug("Could not fire change event for element because element is now stale."); } catch (WebDriverException e) { // of course, PhantomJS does NOT throw a StaleElementReferenceException, but some evil error... if (e.getMessage() != null && e.getMessage().matches("(?s).*'?undefined'? is not a .*")) { LOGGER.debug("Could not fire change event for element because element is now stale."); } else { throw e; } } } private String getSelectedLabel(WebElement element) { LOGGER.debug("getSelectedLabel(WebElement)"); Select select = new Select(element); return select.getFirstSelectedOption().getText(); } private void select(final OptionLocator optionLocator, WebElement element) { LOGGER.debug("select({}, WebElement)", optionLocator); Select select = new Select(element); try { if (optionLocator instanceof org.aludratest.service.locator.option.LabelLocator) { select.selectByVisibleText( ((org.aludratest.service.locator.option.LabelLocator) optionLocator).getLabel()); } else if (optionLocator instanceof IndexLocator) { select.selectByIndex(((IndexLocator) optionLocator).getIndex()); } else { throw ServiceUtil.newUnsupportedLocatorException(optionLocator); } } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { throw new AutomationException("Selection Item not found"); } } private void click(WebElement element) { LOGGER.debug("click(WebElement)"); try {; } catch (Exception e) { handleSeleniumException(e); } } private void doubleClick(WebElement element) { LOGGER.debug("doubleClick(WebElement)"); element = LocatorSupport.unwrap(element); new Actions(driver).doubleClick(element).build().perform(); } private void hover(WebElement element) { LOGGER.debug("hover(WebElement)"); try { element = LocatorSupport.unwrap(element); Actions actions = new Actions(driver); actions.moveToElement(element).build().perform(); } catch (Exception e) { handleSeleniumException(e); } } // special handling of some Selenium exceptions ---------------------------- private void handleSeleniumException(Throwable e) { Throwable origException = e; String message = e.getMessage(); // check if there is a WebDriverException WebDriverException wde = null; while (e != null) { if (e instanceof WebDriverException) { wde = (WebDriverException) e; break; } e = e.getCause(); } if (wde != null) { if (message == null) { message = wde.getMessage(); } // "not clickable" exception Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(unknown error: )?(.* not clickable .*)"); Matcher m; if (message != null && (m = p.matcher(message)).find() && m.start() == 0) { throw new AutomationException(, wde); } // NoSuchElementException if (wde instanceof NoSuchElementException) { throw new AutomationException("Element not found", wde); } // check for a time out if (wde instanceof TimeoutException) { throw new PerformanceFailure(wde.getMessage(), wde); } throw wde; } // otherwise, throw a technical exception throw new TechnicalException("Unknown exception when clicking element", origException); } }