Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Hamburg Sud and the contributors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.aludratest.service.file.impl; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.aludratest.exception.AutomationException; import org.aludratest.exception.FunctionalFailure; import org.aludratest.exception.TechnicalException; import org.aludratest.service.SystemConnector; import org.aludratest.service.file.FileCondition; import org.aludratest.service.file.FileFilter; import org.aludratest.service.file.FileInfo; import org.aludratest.service.file.FileInteraction; import org.aludratest.service.file.FileService; import org.aludratest.service.file.FileVerification; import org.aludratest.service.file.filter.RegexFilePathFilter; import org.aludratest.service.file.util.FileUtil; import org.aludratest.testcase.event.attachment.Attachment; import org.aludratest.util.poll.PollService; import org.aludratest.util.poll.PolledTask; import org.apache.commons.vfs2.AllFileSelector; import org.apache.commons.vfs2.FileObject; import org.apache.commons.vfs2.FileSelector; import org.apache.commons.vfs2.FileSystemException; import org.apache.commons.vfs2.FileType; import org.databene.commons.IOUtil; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Implements all Action interfaces of the {@link FileService} in a single class: * {@link FileInteraction}, {@link FileVerification} and {@link FileCondition}. * @author Volker Bergmann */ public class FileActionImpl implements FileInteraction, FileVerification, FileCondition { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FileActionImpl.class); /** The configuration for this service instance. */ private FileServiceConfiguration configuration; /** A polling service to delegate poll operations to. */ private PollService pollService; /** Constructor taking the configuration. * @param configuration */ public FileActionImpl(FileServiceConfiguration configuration) { this.configuration = configuration; this.pollService = new PollService(configuration.getTimeout(), configuration.getPollingDelay()); getChildren(getRootFolder()); } @Override public void setSystemConnector(SystemConnector systemConnector) { // empty implementation } /** Provides the root folder of the service instance. */ @Override public String getRootFolder() { return "/"; } /** Lists all child elements of the given folder. */ @Override public final List<String> getChildren(String filePath) { FileUtil.verifyFilePath(filePath); return getChildren(filePath, (FileFilter) null); } /** Lists all child elements of the given folder which match the given regular expression. */ @Override public List<String> getChildren(String filePath, String filterRegex) { FileUtil.verifyFilePath(filePath); return getChildren(filePath, new RegexFilePathFilter(filterRegex)); } /** Lists all child elements of the given folder which match the filter. */ @Override public List<String> getChildren(String filePath, FileFilter filter) { FileUtil.verifyFilePath(filePath); try { FileObject parent = configuration.getFileObject(filePath); parent.refresh(); FileObject[] candidates = parent.getChildren(); List<String> filePaths = new ArrayList<String>(); if (candidates != null) { for (FileObject candidate : candidates) { if (filter == null || filter.accept(new FileInfo(candidate))) { filePaths.add(pathFromRoot(candidate)); } } } if (filePaths.size() > 0) {"Found children: {}", filePaths); } else {"No children found for filter {}", filter); } return filePaths; } catch (FileSystemException e) { throw new TechnicalException("Error retrivieving child objects", e); } } /** Creates a directory. */ @Override public void createDirectory(String filePath) { assertWritingPermitted("createDirectory()"); FileUtil.verifyFilePath(filePath); try { getFileObject(filePath).createFolder();"Created directory {}", filePath); } catch (FileSystemException e) { throw new TechnicalException("Directory creation failed", e); } } /** Renames or moves a file or folder. * @param fromPath the file/folder to rename/move * @param toPath the new name/location of the file/folder * @param overwrite flag which indicates if an existing file may be overwritten by the operation * @return true if a formerly existing file was overwritten. * @throws FilePresentException if a file was already present and overwriting was disabled. */ @Override public boolean move(String fromPath, String toPath, boolean overwrite) { assertWritingPermitted("move()"); FileUtil.verifyFilePath(fromPath); FileUtil.verifyFilePath(toPath); FileObject target = getFileObject(toPath); boolean existedBefore = checkWritable(target, overwrite); try { getOrCreateDirectory(target.getParent()); getFileObject(fromPath).moveTo(target);"Moved {} to {}", fromPath, toPath); return existedBefore; } catch (FileSystemException e) { throw new TechnicalException("Error moving file" + fromPath + " -> " + toPath, e); } } /** Copies a file or folder. * @param fromPath the file/folder to copy * @param toPath the name/location of the copy * @param overwrite flag which indicates if an existing file may be overwritten by the operation * @return true if a formerly existing file was overwritten. * @throws FilePresentException if a file was already present and overwriting was disabled. */ @Override public boolean copy(String fromPath, String toPath, boolean overwrite) { assertWritingPermitted("copy()"); FileUtil.verifyFilePath(fromPath); FileUtil.verifyFilePath(toPath); FileObject target = getFileObject(toPath); boolean existedBefore = checkWritable(target, overwrite); try { FileObject source = getFileObject(fromPath); FileSelector sourceSelector = new FilePathSelector(source.getName().getPath()); target.copyFrom(source, sourceSelector);"Copied {} to {}", fromPath, toPath); return existedBefore; } catch (FileSystemException e) { throw new TechnicalException("Error copying file " + fromPath + " -> " + toPath, e); } } /** Deletes a file or folder. */ @Override public void delete(String filePath) { assertWritingPermitted("delete()"); FileUtil.verifyFilePath(filePath); try { getFileObject(filePath).delete(new AllFileSelector());"Deleted {}", filePath); } catch (FileSystemException e) { throw new TechnicalException("Error deleting file", e); } } /** Creates a text file with the provided content. * @param filePath the path of the file to save * @param content the text to save as file content * @param overwrite flag which indicates if an existing file may be overwritten by the operation * @return true if a formerly existing file was overwritten. * @throws FilePresentException if a file was already present and overwriting was disabled. */ @Override public boolean writeTextFile(String filePath, String content, boolean overwrite) { assertWritingPermitted("writeTextFile()"); FileUtil.verifyFilePath(filePath); return writeTextFile(filePath, new StringReader(content), overwrite); } /** Creates a text file and writes to it all content provided by the source Reader. * @param filePath the path of the file to save * @param source a {@link Reader} which provides the file content * @param overwrite flag which indicates if an existing file may be overwritten by the operation * @return true if a formerly existing file was overwritten. * @throws FilePresentException if a file was already present and overwriting was disabled. */ @Override public boolean writeTextFile(String filePath, Reader source, boolean overwrite) { assertWritingPermitted("writeTextFile()"); FileUtil.verifyFilePath(filePath); String encoding = configuration.getEncoding(); Writer writer = null; BufferedReader reader = null; try { String linefeed = configuration.getLinefeed(); FileObject target = getFileObject(filePath); boolean existedBefore = checkWritable(target, overwrite); writer = new OutputStreamWriter(target.getContent().getOutputStream(), encoding); reader = new BufferedReader(source); boolean firstLine = true; String line; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { if (!firstLine) { writer.write(linefeed); } writer.write(line); firstLine = false; }"Wrote text file {}", filePath); return existedBefore; } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new TechnicalException("Unsupported Encoding:" + encoding, e); } catch (Exception e) { throw new TechnicalException("Error writing text file", e); } finally { IOUtil.close(writer); IOUtil.close(reader); } } /** Creates a binary file with the provided content. * @param filePath the path of the file to save * @param bytes the file content to write * @param overwrite flag which indicates if an existing file may be overwritten by the operation * @return true if a formerly existing file was overwritten. * @throws FilePresentException if a file was already present and overwriting was disabled. */ @Override public boolean writeBinaryFile(String filePath, byte[] bytes, boolean overwrite) { assertWritingPermitted("writeBinaryFile()"); ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes); return writeBinaryFile(filePath, in, overwrite); } /** Creates a binary file and writes to it all content provided by the source {@link InputStream}. * @param filePath the path of the file to save * @param source an {@link InputStream} which provides the content to write to the file * @param overwrite flag which indicates if an existing file may be overwritten by the operation * @return true if a formerly existing file was overwritten. * @throws FilePresentException if a file was already present and overwriting was disabled. */ @Override public boolean writeBinaryFile(String filePath, InputStream source, boolean overwrite) { assertWritingPermitted("writeBinaryFile()"); FileUtil.verifyFilePath(filePath); OutputStream out = null; try { FileObject target = getFileObject(filePath); boolean existedBefore = checkWritable(target, overwrite); out = target.getContent().getOutputStream(); IOUtil.transfer(source, out);"Wrote binary file {}", filePath); return existedBefore; } catch (Exception e) { throw new TechnicalException("Error writing text file", e); } finally { IOUtil.close(out); } } /** Reads a text file and provides its content as String. */ @Override public String readTextFile(String filePath) { FileUtil.verifyFilePath(filePath); BufferedReader reader = null; try { StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter printer = new PrintWriter(writer); reader = getReaderForTextFile(filePath); boolean firstLine = true; String line; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { if (!firstLine) { printer.println(); } printer.write(line); firstLine = false; }"Text file read: {}", filePath); return writer.toString(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new TechnicalException("Error reading text file", e); } finally { IOUtil.close(reader); // InputStream is closed by the Reader } } /** Creates a {@link Reader} for accessing the content of a text file. */ @Override public BufferedReader getReaderForTextFile(String filePath) { FileUtil.verifyFilePath(filePath); String encoding = configuration.getEncoding(); try {"Providing reader for text file: {}", filePath); return new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(getInputStreamForFile(filePath), encoding)); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new TechnicalException("Unsupported Encoding:" + encoding, e); } } /** Reads a binary file and provides its content as an array of bytes. */ @Override public byte[] readBinaryFile(String filePath) { FileUtil.verifyFilePath(filePath); InputStream in = null; try { in = getInputStreamForFile(filePath); ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); IOUtil.transfer(in, out);"Binary file read: {}", filePath); return out.toByteArray(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new TechnicalException("Error reading binary file", e); } finally { IOUtil.close(in); } } /** Creates an {@link InputStream} for accessing the content of a file. */ @Override public InputStream getInputStreamForFile(String filePath) { FileUtil.verifyFilePath(filePath); FileObject file = getFileObject(filePath); try {"Providing InputStream for binary file: {}", filePath); return file.getContent().getInputStream(); } catch (FileSystemException e) { throw new TechnicalException("Error opening InputStream", e); } } /** Polls the file system for a given file until it is found or a timeout is exceeded. * Timeout and the maximum number of polls are retrieved from the * {@link FileServiceConfiguration}. * @throws FunctionalFailure if the file was not found within the timeout */ @Override public void waitUntilExists(String elementType, String filePath) { FileUtil.verifyFilePath(filePath); pollService.poll(new WaitForFileTask(filePath, true)); } /** Polls the file system for a given file until it has disappeared or a timeout is exceeded. * Timeout and the maximum number of polls are retrieved from the * {@link FileServiceConfiguration}. * @throws FunctionalFailure if the file was not found within the timeout */ @Override public void waitUntilNotExists(String filePath) { FileUtil.verifyFilePath(filePath); pollService.poll(new WaitForFileTask(filePath, false)); } /** Polls the given directory until the filter finds a match or a timeout is exceeded. * Timeout and the maximum number of polls are retrieved from the * {@link FileServiceConfiguration}. * @throws AutomationException if the file was not found within the timeout */ @Override public String waitForFirstMatch(String parentPath, FileFilter filter) { FileUtil.verifyFilePath(parentPath); if (!exists(parentPath)) { throw new AutomationException("Directory not found: " + parentPath); } if (!isDirectory(parentPath)) { throw new AutomationException("Not a directory: " + parentPath); } if (filter == null) { throw new AutomationException("Filter is null"); } return pollService.poll(new WaitForFirstMatchTask(parentPath, filter)); } /** Expects a file to exist. * @throws AutomationException if the file was not found. */ @Override public void assertPresence(String filePath) { FileUtil.verifyFilePath(filePath); if (!exists(filePath)) { throw new AutomationException("Expected file not present: " + filePath); } else { LOGGER.debug("File exists as expected: {}", filePath); } } /** Expects a file to be absent. * @throws AutomationException if the file was encountered. */ @Override public void assertAbsence(String filePath) { FileUtil.verifyFilePath(filePath); if (exists(filePath)) { throw new AutomationException("File expected to be absent: " + filePath); } else { LOGGER.debug("File is absent as expected: {}", filePath); } } /** Tells if a file or folder with the given path exists. */ @Override public boolean exists(String filePath) { FileUtil.verifyFilePath(filePath); try { FileObject file = getFileObject(filePath); file.refresh(); boolean result = file.exists(); LOGGER.debug("File '{}' {}", filePath, (result ? "exists" : "does not exist")); return result; } catch (FileSystemException e) { throw new TechnicalException("Error checking file presence", e); } } @Override public void assertFile(String filePath) { FileUtil.verifyFilePath(filePath); assertPresence(filePath); if (isDirectory(filePath)) { throw new FunctionalFailure("Not a file: " + filePath); } else { LOGGER.debug("File is not a directory: {}", filePath); } } @Override public void assertDirectory(String filePath) { FileUtil.verifyFilePath(filePath); assertPresence(filePath); if (!isDirectory(filePath)) { throw new FunctionalFailure("Not a directory: " + filePath); } else { LOGGER.debug("File is not directory: {}", filePath); } } /** Tells if the given path represents a directory. */ @Override public boolean isDirectory(String filePath) { FileUtil.verifyFilePath(filePath); try { boolean result = getFileObject(filePath).getType() == FileType.FOLDER; LOGGER.debug("{} is {}", filePath, (result ? "a folder" : "not a folder")); return result; } catch (FileSystemException e) { throw new TechnicalException("Error accessing file or folder", e); } } @Override public List<Attachment> createAttachments(Object object, String label) { throw new TechnicalException("Not supported"); } @Override public List<Attachment> createDebugAttachments() { return null; } // private helpers --------------------------------------------------------- private FileObject getFileObject(String pathFromRoot) { return configuration.getFileObject(pathFromRoot); } private String pathFromRoot(FileObject file) { return configuration.pathFromRoot(file); } private boolean checkWritable(FileObject file, boolean overwrite) { try { if (file.exists()) { if (overwrite) { file.delete(); } else { throw new FunctionalFailure("File expected to be absent: " + pathFromRoot(file)); } return true; } else { return false; } } catch (FileSystemException e) { throw new TechnicalException("Error checking file", e); } } private void getOrCreateDirectory(FileObject directory) { FileObject root = configuration.getRootFolder(); if (!root.equals(directory)) { try { getOrCreateDirectory(directory.getParent()); directory.createFolder(); } catch (FileSystemException e) { throw new TechnicalException("Error creating directory", e); } } } private void assertWritingPermitted(String operation) { if (!configuration.isWritingPermitted()) { throw new AutomationException("Invoked " + operation + " on a write protected file system"); } } private class WaitForFileTask implements PolledTask<String> { private String filePath; private boolean awaitExistence; public WaitForFileTask(String filePath, boolean awaitExistence) { this.filePath = filePath; this.awaitExistence = awaitExistence; } @Override public String run() { FileObject file = getFileObject(filePath); try { if (!awaitExistence) { // This is a workaround for VFS 2.0's flaws in the // handling of attached/detached state and caching: FileObject parent = file.getParent(); parent.getType(); // assure that parent folder is attached parent.refresh(); // detach parent folder and clear child object cache // (works only if attached before) // ...end of workaround } file.refresh(); if (file.exists()) {"File found: {}", filePath); return (awaitExistence ? filePath : null); } else {"File not found: {}", filePath); return (awaitExistence ? null : filePath); } } catch (FileSystemException e) { throw new TechnicalException("Error checking presence of file ", e); } } @Override public String timedOut() { String expectedState = (awaitExistence ? "found" : "removed"); throw new FunctionalFailure("File not " + expectedState + " within timeout: " + filePath); } @Override public String toString() { return getClass().getSimpleName() + "(" + filePath + ")"; } } /** * {@link PolledTask} that waits for the first occurrence of a file that matches the filter. * @author Volker Bergmann */ public class WaitForFirstMatchTask implements PolledTask<String> { private String parentPath; private FileFilter filter; /** Constructor * @param parentPath the folder in which to search * @param filter the filter to apply in search */ public WaitForFirstMatchTask(String parentPath, FileFilter filter) { this.parentPath = parentPath; this.filter = filter; } @Override public String run() { List<String> children = getChildren(parentPath, filter); if (children.size() > 0) { String result = children.get(0);"File found: {}", result); return result; } else {"No match found for {}", filter); return null; } } @Override public String timedOut() { throw new FunctionalFailure("No match found for filter " + filter); } @Override public String toString() { return getClass().getSimpleName() + "(" + filter.toString() + ")"; } } }