Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Hamburg Sud and the contributors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import org.aludratest.testcase.AludraTestCase; import; import org.aludratest.util.ExcelUtil; import org.apache.poi.hssf.util.HSSFColor; import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.exceptions.InvalidFormatException; import; import; import; import; import; import org.databene.commons.BeanUtil; import org.databene.commons.FileUtil; import org.databene.commons.SystemInfo; import org.junit.Test; /** Tests the {@link JavaBeanExcelDocumentMapper}. * @author Volker Bergmann */ @SuppressWarnings("javadoc") public class JavaBeanExcelDocumentMapperTest { private static final File SRC_TEST_RESOURCES; private static final File TARGET_CLASSES; private static final Class<?> TEST_CLASS = AludraTestCaseImpl.class; private static final Class<?>[] TEST_PARAMS = new Class<?>[] { MergerTestBean.class }; static { try { SRC_TEST_RESOURCES = new File(SystemInfo.getCurrentDir(), "src/test/resources").getCanonicalFile(); TARGET_CLASSES = new File(SystemInfo.getCurrentDir(), "target/test-classes").getCanonicalFile(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } @Test public void testCreationFromScratch() throws Exception { File createdFile = null; try { Method testMethod = BeanUtil.getMethod(TEST_CLASS, "creationFromScratch", TEST_PARAMS); Collection<WorkbookTracker> trackers = JavaBeanExcelDocumentMapper.createOrMergeDocuments(testMethod, null, TARGET_CLASSES); createdFile = trackers.iterator().next().getFile(); verifyExcelDocument(trackers, "test_from_scratch.xls", new String[] { "name1", "name2" }, new String[] { "" }, null); } finally { if (createdFile != null) { FileUtil.deleteIfExists(createdFile); } } } @Test public void testMatchingExcelDocument() throws Exception { final String EXCEL_URI = "test_match.xls"; copyToTarget(EXCEL_URI); Method testMethod = BeanUtil.getMethod(TEST_CLASS, "matchingExcelDocument", TEST_PARAMS); Collection<WorkbookTracker> trackers = JavaBeanExcelDocumentMapper.createOrMergeDocuments(testMethod, null, TARGET_CLASSES); verifyExcelDocument(trackers, EXCEL_URI, new String[] { "name1", "name2" }, new String[] { "" }, new String[] { "Alice", "Bob", "Charly" }); } @Test public void testAdditionalExcelColumns() throws Exception { final String EXCEL_URI = "test_additional_columns.xls"; copyToTarget(EXCEL_URI); Method testMethod = BeanUtil.getMethod(TEST_CLASS, "additionalColumns", TEST_PARAMS); Collection<WorkbookTracker> trackers = JavaBeanExcelDocumentMapper.createOrMergeDocuments(testMethod, null, TARGET_CLASSES); verifyExcelDocument(trackers, EXCEL_URI, new String[] { "name1", "name2" }, new String[] { "" }, new String[] { "Alice", "Bob", "x", "Charly", "y" }); // verify warnings WorkbookTracker tracker = trackers.iterator().next(); List<String> warnings = tracker.getWarnings(); assertEquals(2, warnings.size()); assertEquals("Unmappable column 'add' in sheet 'sheet1' of file 'test_additional_columns.xls'", warnings.get(0)); assertEquals("Unmappable column 'sub.add' in sheet 'sheet1' of file 'test_additional_columns.xls'", warnings.get(1)); Workbook workbook = tracker.getWorkbook(); Sheet sheet1 = workbook.getSheet("sheet1"); Row headerRow = sheet1.getRow(0); assertNotNull(headerRow); assertEquals(HSSFColor.RED.index, headerRow.getCell(2).getCellStyle().getFillForegroundColor()); assertEquals(HSSFColor.RED.index, headerRow.getCell(4).getCellStyle().getFillForegroundColor()); } @Test public void testMissingExcelColumns() throws Exception { final String EXCEL_URI = "test_missing_columns.xls"; copyToTarget(EXCEL_URI); Method testMethod = BeanUtil.getMethod(TEST_CLASS, "missingColumns", TEST_PARAMS); Collection<WorkbookTracker> trackers = JavaBeanExcelDocumentMapper.createOrMergeDocuments(testMethod, null, TARGET_CLASSES); verifyExcelDocument(trackers, EXCEL_URI, new String[] { "name1", "name2" }, new String[] { "" }, new String[] { "Alice", null, "Charly" }); } // helper methods ---------------------------------------------------------- private static void copyToTarget(String uri) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { File sourceFile = JavaBeanExcelDocumentMapper.resolveExcelFile(SRC_TEST_RESOURCES, TEST_CLASS, uri); File targetFile = JavaBeanExcelDocumentMapper.resolveExcelFile(TARGET_CLASSES, TEST_CLASS, uri); FileUtil.copy(sourceFile, targetFile, true); } private static void verifyExcelDocument(Collection<WorkbookTracker> files, String expectedFileName, String[] expectedMainHeaders, String[] expectedSubHeaders, String[] expectedData) throws IOException, InvalidFormatException { assertEquals(1, files.size()); File file = files.iterator().next().getFile(); assertEquals(expectedFileName, file.getName()); Workbook workbook = WorkbookFactory.create(file); Sheet sheet1 = workbook.getSheet("sheet1"); assertNotNull(sheet1); Row headerRow = sheet1.getRow(0); assertNotNull(headerRow); for (String expectedMainHeader : expectedMainHeaders) { int index = ExcelUtil.findCellWithText(expectedMainHeader, headerRow); assertTrue(index >= 0); } for (String expectedSubHeader : expectedSubHeaders) { int index = ExcelUtil.findCellWithText(expectedSubHeader, headerRow); assertTrue(index >= expectedMainHeaders.length); } if (expectedData != null) { Row dataRow1 = sheet1.getRow(1); assertNotNull(dataRow1); for (int i = 0; i < expectedData.length; i++) { Cell dataCell = dataRow1.getCell(i); String expectedContent = expectedData[i]; if (expectedContent != null) { assertNotNull(dataCell); assertEquals(expectedContent, dataCell.getStringCellValue()); } else { assertNull(dataCell); } } } } public static class AludraTestCaseImpl extends AludraTestCase { @org.aludratest.testcase.Test public void creationFromScratch( @Source(uri = "test_from_scratch.xls", segment = "sheet1") MergerTestBean bean) { } @org.aludratest.testcase.Test public void matchingExcelDocument(@Source(uri = "test_match.xls", segment = "sheet1") MergerTestBean bean) { } @org.aludratest.testcase.Test public void additionalColumns( @Source(uri = "test_additional_columns.xls", segment = "sheet1") MergerTestBean bean) { } @org.aludratest.testcase.Test public void missingColumns( @Source(uri = "test_missing_columns.xls", segment = "sheet1") MergerTestBean bean) { } } public static class MergerTestBean { protected String name1; public String name2; public SubBean sub; public String getName1() { return name1; } public void setName1(String name1) { this.name1 = name1; } } public static class SubBean { public String name; } }