Java tutorial
/** * CROSSFIRE JAPAN INCORPORATED * This source code is under GPL License. * * Official web site * * * Copyright (C) 2007 Tomohiro Iizuka * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * *You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package org.alinous.script.runtime; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.alinous.AlinousCore; import org.alinous.AlinousDebug; import org.alinous.debug.StepInCandidates; import org.alinous.exec.ScriptCheckContext; import org.alinous.exec.ScriptError; import org.alinous.exec.pages.PostContext; import org.alinous.expections.ExecutionException; import org.alinous.expections.RedirectRequestException; import org.alinous.script.AlinousScript; import org.alinous.script.IScriptSentence; import org.alinous.script.basic.type.IStatement; import org.alinous.script.statement.FunctionCall; import org.alinous.test.coverage.FileCoverage; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import org.jdom.Attribute; import org.jdom.Element; public class VariableRepository implements IScriptVariable { private int line; private int linePosition; private String filePath; public static final String TAG_VALUE_REPOSITORY = "VALUE_REPOSITORY"; //private ConcurrentHashMap<String, IScriptVariable> variables = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, IScriptVariable>(); private Map<String, IScriptVariable> variables = new HashMap<String, IScriptVariable>(); private Map<PostContext, FinalRepository> finalRepositoryMap = new WrappedMap(); private Map<String, IScriptVariable> aliasMap = new HashMap<String, IScriptVariable>(); public VariableRepository() { } public void clear() { this.variables.clear(); } private boolean isFinalExists(PostContext context, String variablePath) throws ExecutionException, RedirectRequestException { IPathElement variablePathEl = PathElementFactory.buildPathElement(variablePath); return isFinalExists(context, variablePathEl); } private boolean isFinalExists(PostContext context, IPathElement variablePathEl) throws ExecutionException, RedirectRequestException { if (context == null) { return false; } VariableRepository finalRepo = null; synchronized (this.finalRepositoryMap) { finalRepo = this.finalRepositoryMap.get(context); } if (finalRepo == null) { // // AlinousDebug.debugOut("isFinalExists no finalRepo for " + variablePathEl.getPathString(context, this)); return false; } //AlinousDebug.debugOut("isFinalExists(): finalRepo"); //finalRepo.dump(); //AlinousDebug.debugOut("isFinalExists(): finalRepo"); IPathElement current = variablePathEl; while (true) { // debug //AlinousDebug.debugOut("current path is " + current.getPathString(context, this)); IScriptVariable val = finalRepo.getVariable(current, context); if (val != null) { // debug //AlinousDebug.debugOut("isFinalExists variable Exists OKKKK : " + val + " path : " + current.getPathString(context, this)); return true; } if (current.getChild() == null) { break; } current = current.removeLast(); } /* IScriptVariable val = finalRepo.getVariable(variablePathEl, context); if(val != null){ //AlinousDebug.debugOut("isFinalExists variable Exists OKKKK"); return true; }*/ //AlinousDebug.debugOut("isFinalExists variable not Exists repo : " + finalRepo); //AlinousDebug.debugOut("isFinalExists variable not Exists path : " + variablePathEl.getPathString(context, this)); //finalRepo.dump(); return false; } private FinalRepository getFinalRepository(PostContext context) throws ExecutionException { if (context == null) { throw new ExecutionException("Assertion. Context cannot null here."); } FinalRepository finalRepo = null; synchronized (this.finalRepositoryMap) { finalRepo = this.finalRepositoryMap.get(context); } if (finalRepo == null) { // alinosuDebug //AlinousDebug.debugOut("New final repo : " + scopeName); finalRepo = new FinalRepository(); synchronized (this.finalRepositoryMap) { this.finalRepositoryMap.put(context, finalRepo); } } return finalRepo; } public void clearFinalRepository(PostContext context) { synchronized (this.finalRepositoryMap) { this.finalRepositoryMap.remove(context); } } public void putValue(IScriptVariable value, PostContext context) throws ExecutionException, RedirectRequestException { // debug if (context == null) { throw new ExecutionException("Assertion. Context cannot null here."); } // //AlinousDebug.debugOut(" putValue(IScriptVariable value, PostContext context) : " // + variablePath + "," + value + "," + context); IPathElement variablePath = PathElementFactory.buildPathElement(value.getName()); if (isFinalExists(context, variablePath)) { getFinalRepository(context).putValue(value, context); // //AlinousDebug.debugOut(" ---> final"); return; } // alias if (isAlias(value.getName())) { putAlias(value, value.getName()); return; } value.setParentArrayIndex(-1); value.setParent(this); this.variables.put(value.getName(), value); } private void putFinalValue(String variablePath, String value, String valueType, PostContext context) throws ExecutionException, RedirectRequestException { VariableRepository finalRepo = getFinalRepository(context); finalRepo.putValue(variablePath, value, valueType, context); } public void putValue(String variablePath, String value, String valueType, PostContext context) throws ExecutionException, RedirectRequestException { if (context == null) { throw new ExecutionException("Assertion. Context cannot null here."); } // //AlinousDebug.debugOut(" putValue(String variablePath, IScriptVariable value, PostContext context) : " // + variablePath + "," + value + "," + context); if (isFinalExists(context, variablePath)) { putFinalValue(variablePath, value, valueType, context); // //AlinousDebug.debugOut(" ---> final"); return; } // alias if (isAlias(variablePath)) { ScriptDomVariable newVariable = new ScriptDomVariable(variablePath); newVariable.setValue(value); newVariable.setValueType(valueType); putAlias(newVariable, variablePath); return; } IPathElement element = PathElementFactory.buildPathElement(variablePath); IScriptVariable variable = this; while (!element.isLeaf()) { variable = element.input(variable, context, this); element = element.getChild(); } // variable is container if (variable instanceof ScriptDomVariable) { String pathFlagment = ((PathElement) element).getPath(); IScriptVariable currentV = variable.get(pathFlagment); if (currentV instanceof ScriptDomVariable) { ScriptDomVariable newVariable = (ScriptDomVariable) currentV; newVariable.setValue(value); newVariable.setValueType(valueType); } else { ScriptDomVariable newVariable = new ScriptDomVariable(pathFlagment); newVariable.setValue(value); newVariable.setValueType(valueType); ((ScriptDomVariable) variable).put(newVariable); } } else if (variable instanceof VariableRepository) { String pathFlagment = ((PathElement) element).getPath(); IScriptVariable currentV = variable.get(pathFlagment); if (currentV instanceof ScriptDomVariable) { ScriptDomVariable newVariable = (ScriptDomVariable) currentV; newVariable.setValue(value); newVariable.setValueType(valueType); } else { ScriptDomVariable newVariable = new ScriptDomVariable(pathFlagment); newVariable.setValue(value); newVariable.setValueType(valueType); this.putValue(newVariable, context); } } else { // means variable instanceof ScriptArray ScriptDomVariable newVariable = new ScriptDomVariable(""); newVariable.setValue(value); newVariable.setValueType(valueType); ScriptArray arrayParent = (ScriptArray) variable; ArrayPathElement arrayPathElenent = (ArrayPathElement) element; ScriptDomVariable indexDomValue = (ScriptDomVariable) arrayPathElenent.getNumber() .executeStatement(context, this); arrayParent.putAt(newVariable, Integer.parseInt(indexDomValue.getValue()), context); } } public void putFinalValue(IPathElement path, IScriptVariable value, PostContext context) throws ExecutionException, RedirectRequestException { VariableRepository finalRepo = getFinalRepository(context); finalRepo.putValue(path, value, context); } public void putValue(IPathElement path, IScriptVariable value, PostContext context) throws ExecutionException, RedirectRequestException { if (context == null) { throw new ExecutionException("Assertion. Context cannot null here."); } // //AlinousDebug.debugOut(" putValue(IPathElement path, IScriptVariable value, PostContext context) : " // + path.getPathString(context, this) + ", .... ," + context); if (isFinalExists(context, path)) { // //AlinousDebug.debugOut(" ----> final"); putFinalValue(path, value, context); return; } IPathElement lastPathElement = path.getLast(); // last means SELF IPathElement containerPathElement = path.removeLast(); // Set name if (lastPathElement instanceof PathElement) { String valueName = ((PathElement) lastPathElement).getPath(); value.setName(valueName); } // Set parent variable IScriptVariable container = null; if (containerPathElement == null || containerPathElement instanceof VariableRepository) { container = this; } else { container = getAndMakeVariableFromPath(containerPathElement, context); } if (container instanceof VariableRepository) { ((VariableRepository) container).putValue(value, context); } else if (container instanceof ScriptDomVariable) { ((ScriptDomVariable) container).put(value); } else if (container instanceof ScriptArray) { IStatement stmt = ((ArrayPathElement) lastPathElement).getNumber(); ScriptDomVariable valNum = (ScriptDomVariable) stmt.executeStatement(context, this); int pos = Integer.parseInt(valNum.getValue()); ((ScriptArray) container).putAt(value, pos, context); } } public void substitute(IPathElement path, IScriptVariable value, PostContext context) throws ExecutionException, RedirectRequestException, CloneNotSupportedException { if (isFinalExists(context, path)) { getFinalRepository(context).substitute(path, value, context); return; } IScriptVariable dest = getVariable(path, context); if (dest == value) { // if same object return; } if (value instanceof ScriptDomVariable && dest instanceof ScriptDomVariable) { ScriptDomVariable srcDom = (ScriptDomVariable) value.clone(); // clone here ScriptDomVariable destDom = (ScriptDomVariable) dest; destDom.clearClildren(); destDom.setValue(srcDom.getValue()); destDom.setValueType(srcDom.getValueType()); Iterator<String> it = srcDom.getPropertiesIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String prop =; IScriptVariable propValue = (IScriptVariable) srcDom.get(prop); destDom.put(propValue); } return; } if (value instanceof ScriptArray && dest instanceof ScriptArray) { ScriptArray srcAr = (ScriptArray) value.clone(); // clone here ScriptArray destAr = (ScriptArray) dest; destAr.clear(); Iterator<IScriptVariable> it = srcAr.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { IScriptVariable element =; destAr.add(element); } return; } // else putValue(path, (IScriptVariable) value.clone(), context); } public void release(String path, PostContext context) throws ExecutionException, RedirectRequestException { IPathElement element = PathElementFactory.buildPathElement(path); release(element, context); } public void release(IPathElement path, PostContext context) throws ExecutionException, RedirectRequestException { // //AlinousDebug.debugOut("release() context : " + context); //AlinousDebug.debugOut("release() path.getPathString(context, this) : " + path.getPathString(context, this)); if (isFinalExists(context, path)) { // //AlinousDebug.debugOut("Release final"); getFinalRepository(context).release(path, context); return; } // alias IScriptVariable val = getVariable(path, context); if (val == null) { return; } IScriptVariable parentVal = val.getParent(); if (parentVal instanceof ScriptDomVariable) { ((ScriptDomVariable) parentVal).releaseProperty(val.getName()); } else if (parentVal instanceof ScriptArray) { //int idx = val.getParentArrayIndex(); ScriptArray parentArray = (ScriptArray) parentVal; parentArray.remove(val); //throw new ExecutionException("Cannot release object in the array."); // i18n } else if (parentVal instanceof VariableRepository) { // parentVal means this ((VariableRepository) parentVal).variables.remove(val.getName()); } } public IScriptVariable getValue(String key) { // key if (isAlias(key)) { return this.aliasMap.get(key); } return this.variables.get(key); } @Override public IScriptVariable get(String key) { return getValue(key); } public Iterator<String> getKeyIterator() { Set<String> keys = new HashSet<String>(); keys.addAll(this.variables.keySet()); Iterator<String> it = this.aliasMap.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String key =; if (this.variables.keySet().contains(key)) { continue; } keys.add(key); } return keys.iterator(); } public void exportIntoJDomElement(Element parent) { Element repositoryElement = new Element(TAG_VALUE_REPOSITORY); Iterator<String> it = this.variables.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String prop =; IScriptVariable val = this.variables.get(prop); val.exportIntoJDomElement(repositoryElement); } it = this.aliasMap.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String prop =; IScriptVariable val = this.aliasMap.get(prop); val.exportIntoJDomElement(repositoryElement, prop); } parent.addContent(repositoryElement); } public void exportIntoJDomElementWithFinal(Element parent, PostContext context) throws ExecutionException { Element repositoryElement = new Element(TAG_VALUE_REPOSITORY); FinalRepository frepo = getFinalRepository(context); Iterator<String> it = this.variables.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String prop =; IScriptVariable val = this.variables.get(prop); // if final exisits if (frepo != null) { IScriptVariable fval = frepo.get(prop); if (fval != null) { val = fval; } } val.exportIntoJDomElement(repositoryElement); } it = this.aliasMap.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String prop =; IScriptVariable val = this.aliasMap.get(prop); val.exportIntoJDomElement(repositoryElement, prop); } // overwrite Iterator<?> itEl = repositoryElement.getChildren().iterator(); while (itEl.hasNext()) { Object child =; if (child instanceof Element) { Element element = (Element) child; overWriteElement(element, "", context); } } writeVariableInFinal(repositoryElement, context); parent.addContent(repositoryElement); } private void writeVariableInFinal(Element repositoryElement, PostContext context) { VariableRepository frepo = null; synchronized (this.finalRepositoryMap) { frepo = this.finalRepositoryMap.get(context); } if (frepo == null) { return; } Iterator<String> it = Collections.synchronizedSet(frepo.variables.keySet()).iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String prop =; if (this.variables.containsKey(prop)) { continue; } IScriptVariable val = frepo.variables.get(prop); val.exportIntoJDomElement(repositoryElement); } } private void overWriteElement(Element element, String parentPath, PostContext context) { // self // String alinousVariableType = element.getName(); Attribute name = element.getAttribute(ScriptDomVariable.ATTR_NAME); // Attribute type = element.getAttribute(ScriptDomVariable.ATTR_TYPE); // Attribute valueType = element.getAttribute(ScriptDomVariable.ATTR_TYPE); /* AlinousDebug.debugOut("element alinousVariableType : " + alinousVariableType); AlinousDebug.debugOut("element name : " + name.toString()); if(type == null){ AlinousDebug.debugOut("element type : " + null); }else{ AlinousDebug.debugOut("element type : " + type.toString()); } AlinousDebug.debugOut("element value : " + element.getText()); if(type == null){ AlinousDebug.debugOut("element valueType : " + null); }else{ AlinousDebug.debugOut("element valueType : " + valueType.toString()); } */ // SelfPath // Array object name is [1] [11] [23] //AlinousDebug.debugOut(" parentPath " + parentPath); String self = parentPath + name.getValue(); if (name.getValue().startsWith("[") && parentPath.length() > 0) { self = parentPath.substring(0, parentPath.length() - 1) + name.getValue(); } //AlinousDebug.debugOut("###### variablePath -> : " + self); doOverWrite(self, context, element); String nextParentPath = self + "."; // children Iterator<?> it = element.getChildren().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Object ch =; if (!(ch instanceof Element)) { continue; } overWriteElement((Element) ch, nextParentPath, context); } } private void doOverWrite(String selfPath, PostContext context, Element element) { if (context.getParallelFinalVariableScope().isEmpty()) { return; } //AlinousDebug.debugOut("select -> " + selfPath); VariableRepository frepo = null; synchronized (this.finalRepositoryMap) { frepo = this.finalRepositoryMap.get(context); } if (frepo == null) { return; } IScriptVariable val = frepo.get(selfPath); if (val == null) { return; } //AlinousDebug.debugOut("Hit !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -> " + selfPath); if (val instanceof ScriptDomVariable) { ScriptDomVariable dom = (ScriptDomVariable) val; element.setAttribute(ScriptDomVariable.ATTR_TYPE, dom.getValueType()); // encode if (dom.getValue() != null) { String encVal = null; try { encVal = new String(Base64.encodeBase64(dom.getValue().getBytes("UTF-8")), "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } element.setText(encVal); } else { element.setText(""); } } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void importFromJDomElement(Element repositoryElement) { List<Element> list = repositoryElement.getChildren(); Iterator<Element> it = list.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Element element =; IScriptVariable val = JDomScriptObjectFactory.createScriptVariable(element); val.importFromJDomElement(element); this.variables.put(val.getName(), val); val.setParent(this); val.setParentArrayIndex(-1); } } public String getName() { return IScriptVariable.TYPE_REPOSITORY; } public void setName(String name) { // Do nothing } public String getType() { return IScriptVariable.TYPE_REPOSITORY; } /** * path :ex[2].te * @return * @throws ExecutionException * @throws RedirectRequestException */ public IScriptVariable getAndMakeVariableFromPath(String variablePath, PostContext context) throws ExecutionException, RedirectRequestException { IPathElement element = PathElementFactory.buildPathElement(variablePath); IScriptVariable variable = this; while (element != null) { variable = element.input(variable, context, this); element = element.getChild(); } return variable; } public IScriptVariable getAndMakeVariableFromPath(IPathElement variablePath, PostContext context) throws ExecutionException, RedirectRequestException { IPathElement element = variablePath; IScriptVariable variable = this; while (element != null) { variable = element.input(variable, context, this); element = element.getChild(); } return variable; } public IScriptVariable getVariable(IPathElement variablePath, PostContext context) throws ExecutionException, RedirectRequestException { if (context == null) { throw new ExecutionException("Assertion. Context cannot null here."); } // //AlinousDebug.debugOut("getVariable : " + variablePath.getPathString(context, this)); if (isFinalExists(context, variablePath)) { // //AlinousDebug.debugOut(" ----> final"); //this.finalRepositoryMap.get(context).dump(); synchronized (this.finalRepositoryMap) { return this.finalRepositoryMap.get(context).getVariable(variablePath, context); } } IPathElement element = variablePath; IScriptVariable variable = this; while (element != null && variable != null) { if (element.getParent() == null && element instanceof PathElement && isAlias(((PathElement) element).getPath())) { PathElement pathEl = (PathElement) element; variable = this.aliasMap.get(pathEl.getPath()); if (variable == null) { return null; } } else if (element instanceof PathElement) { PathElement pathEl = (PathElement) element; variable = variable.get(pathEl.getPath()); if (variable == null) { return null; } } else if (element instanceof ArrayPathElement) { // check the specified path is valid if (!(variable instanceof ScriptArray)) { return null; } ArrayPathElement arrayEl = (ArrayPathElement) element; ScriptArray array = (ScriptArray) variable; ScriptDomVariable numVal = (ScriptDomVariable) arrayEl.getNumber().executeStatement(context, this); variable = array.get(Integer.parseInt(numVal.getValue())); if (variable == null) { return null; } } element = element.getChild(); } return variable; } @Override public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { VariableRepository repo = new VariableRepository(); Iterator<String> it = this.variables.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String key =; IScriptVariable innerVariable = this.variables.get(key); repo.variables.put(key, (IScriptVariable) innerVariable.clone()); } return repo; } public IScriptVariable getParent() { return null; } public void setParent(IScriptVariable parent) { } public IPathElement getPath() { return null; } public int getParentArrayIndex() { return 0; } public void setParentArrayIndex(int parentArrayIndex) { } public void canStepInStatements(StepInCandidates candidates) { } public IScriptVariable executeStatement(PostContext context, VariableRepository valRepo) throws ExecutionException { return null; } public void setCallerSentence(IScriptSentence callerSentence) { } public void setCurrentDataSource(String dataSource) { } public int getLine() { return line; } public void setLine(int line) { this.line = line; } public int getLinePosition() { return linePosition; } public void setLinePosition(int linePosition) { this.linePosition = linePosition; } public String getFilePath() { return filePath; } public void setFilePath(String filePath) { this.filePath = filePath; } public void checkStaticErrors(ScriptCheckContext scContext, List<ScriptError> errorList) { } @Override public void getFunctionCall(ScriptCheckContext scContext, List<FunctionCall> call, AlinousScript script) { } @Override public void setupCoverage(FileCoverage coverage) { } public VariableRepository getFinelRepository(PostContext context) { synchronized (this.finalRepositoryMap) { return this.finalRepositoryMap.get(context); } } public void dump(AlinousCore core) { AlinousDebug.debugOut(core, "**************************************"); Iterator<String> it = this.getKeyIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String key =; IScriptVariable sv = this.variables.get(key); String value = sv.toString(); AlinousDebug.debugOut(core, "key : " + key + " value : " + value); } AlinousDebug.debugOut(core, "**************************************"); } public void dumpFinals(AlinousCore core) { AlinousDebug.debugOut(core, "**************FINAL************************"); Iterator<PostContext> it = this.finalRepositoryMap.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { PostContext key =; VariableRepository finalRepo = this.finalRepositoryMap.get(key); finalRepo.dump(core); } AlinousDebug.debugOut(core, "**************************************"); } public void dumpFinal(PostContext context) { VariableRepository finalRepo = this.finalRepositoryMap.get(context); if (finalRepo == null) { AlinousDebug.debugOut(context.getCore(), "**************FINAL************************"); AlinousDebug.debugOut(context.getCore(), "Final is null"); AlinousDebug.debugOut(context.getCore(), "**************************************"); return; } AlinousDebug.debugOut(context.getCore(), "**************FINAL************************"); finalRepo.dump(context.getCore()); AlinousDebug.debugOut(context.getCore(), "**************************************"); } public void putAlias(IScriptVariable variable, String name) { this.aliasMap.put(name, variable); } private boolean isAlias(String name) { return this.aliasMap.get(name) != null; } public Set<String> getAliasKeys() { return this.aliasMap.keySet(); } @Override public void exportIntoJDomElement(Element parent, String alias) { // Do not use this } }