Java tutorial
/** * CROSSFIRE JAPAN INCORPORATED * This source code is under GPL License. * * Official web site * * * Copyright (C) 2007 Tomohiro Iizuka * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * *You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package org.alinous.plugin.mysql; import; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData; import java.sql.Driver; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.alinous.AlinousCore; import org.alinous.AlinousDebug; import org.alinous.AlinousUtils; import; import; import org.alinous.datasrc.IAlinousDataSource; import org.alinous.datasrc.basic.ILogProvidor; import org.alinous.datasrc.exception.DataSourceException; import org.alinous.datasrc.types.DataField; import org.alinous.datasrc.types.DataTable; import org.alinous.datasrc.types.PlSQLFunction; import org.alinous.datasrc.types.PlSQLTrigger; import org.alinous.datasrc.types.Record; import org.alinous.datasrc.types.TypeHelper; import org.alinous.exec.pages.PostContext; import org.alinous.expections.ExecutionException; import org.alinous.expections.RedirectRequestException; import org.alinous.plugin.postgres.PostgreSqlConnection; import org.alinous.script.ISQLSentence; import org.alinous.script.runtime.VariableRepository; import org.alinous.script.sql.DeleteSentence; import org.alinous.script.sql.FromClause; import org.alinous.script.sql.GroupByClause; import org.alinous.script.sql.InsertSentence; import org.alinous.script.sql.LimitOffsetClause; import org.alinous.script.sql.OrderByClause; import org.alinous.script.sql.SelectColumns; import org.alinous.script.sql.SelectSentence; import org.alinous.script.sql.SetClause; import org.alinous.script.sql.UpdateSentence; import org.alinous.script.sql.WhereClause; import org.alinous.script.sql.adjustopt.AdjustSet; import org.alinous.script.sql.adjustopt.AdjustWhere; import org.alinous.script.sql.ddl.AlterAdd; import org.alinous.script.sql.ddl.AlterDrop; import org.alinous.script.sql.ddl.IAlterAction; import org.alinous.script.sql.lock.ForUpdateClause; import org.alinous.script.sql.other.ColumnList; import org.alinous.script.sql.other.SelectColumnElement; import org.alinous.script.sql.other.TableIdentifier; import org.alinous.script.sql.other.TablesList; import org.alinous.script.sql.other.VariableList; import org.alinous.script.sql.statement.ColumnIdentifier; import org.alinous.script.sql.statement.Identifier; import org.apache.commons.pool.impl.GenericObjectPool; public class MySQLDataSource implements IAlinousDataSource { private String user; private String pass; private String uri; private ILogProvidor logger; private Driver driver; //private Map<Connection, Statement> batchedStatementMap = new HashMap<Connection, Statement>(); private boolean outSql = true; private TypeHelper typeHelper; private MySQLConnectionFactory factory; private GenericObjectPool connectionPool; private AlinousCore core; public void init(AlinousCore core) throws DataSourceException { this.logger = core.getLogger(); try { this.driver = MySQLDriverSingleton.getDriver(core); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new DataSourceException(e); } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new DataSourceException(e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new DataSourceException(e); } catch (Throwable e) { throw new DataSourceException(e); } this.factory = new MySQLConnectionFactory(this.driver, this.user, this.pass, this.uri); this.connectionPool = new GenericObjectPool(this.factory); this.connectionPool.setMaxActive(32); this.connectionPool.setWhenExhaustedAction(GenericObjectPool.WHEN_EXHAUSTED_BLOCK); this.connectionPool.setTestOnBorrow(true); this.connectionPool.setMinEvictableIdleTimeMillis(1000 * 60 * 5); this.typeHelper = new TypeHelper(this); this.core = core; } public Object connect() throws DataSourceException { /* Properties info = new Properties(); if(this.user != null && !this.user.equals("")){ info.put("user", this.user); } if(this.pass != null && !this.pass.equals("")){ info.put("password", this.pass); } Connection con = null; try { con = this.driver.connect(this.uri, info); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new DataSourceException(e); } */ Connection con; try { con = (Connection) this.connectionPool.borrowObject(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DataSourceException(e); } return con; } public void close(Object connectObj) { if (connectObj == null) { return; } /* Connection con = (Connection)connectObj; try { con.close(); } catch (SQLException e) {} */ //this.batchedStatementMap.remove(con); try { this.connectionPool.returnObject(connectObj); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public boolean begin(Object connectionHandle, int transactionIsolationLevel) throws DataSourceException { Connection con = (Connection) connectionHandle; boolean autoCommit; try { autoCommit = con.getAutoCommit(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new DataSourceException(e); } try { con.setAutoCommit(false); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new DataSourceException(e); } /* Statement batchStmt = null; try { batchStmt = con.createStatement(); this.batchedStatementMap.put(con, batchStmt); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new DataSourceException(e); } */ return autoCommit; } public void commit(Object connectionHandle, boolean lastAutoCommit, String trxIdentifier) throws DataSourceException { Connection con = (Connection) connectionHandle; /*Statement batchStmt = this.batchedStatementMap.get(con); if(batchStmt != null){ try { batchStmt.executeBatch(); } catch (SQLException e) { try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e1) { } try { con.setAutoCommit(lastAutoCommit); } catch (SQLException ignore) {} try { batchStmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e1) { } //this.batchStmt = null; this.batchedStatementMap.remove(con); throw new DataSourceException(e); } } */ try { con.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new DataSourceException(e); } finally { /*try { batchStmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e1) { } */ try { con.setAutoCommit(lastAutoCommit); } catch (SQLException ignore) { } //this.batchedStatementMap.remove(con); } } public void createTable(Object connectionHandle, DataTable table) throws DataSourceException { List<DataField> fields = new LinkedList<DataField>(); List<DataField> indexes = new LinkedList<DataField>(); List<String> keys = table.getFields(); Iterator<String> it = keys.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String fld =; DataField df = table.getDataField(fld); fields.add(df); } Iterator<DataField> primaryIt = table.getPrimaryKeys().iterator(); while (primaryIt.hasNext()) { DataField pf =; indexes.add(pf); } // Make SQL String StringBuffer sqlString = new StringBuffer(); sqlString.append("CREATE TABLE "); sqlString.append(table.getName()); sqlString.append(" ( \n"); boolean first = true; Iterator<DataField> itDf = fields.iterator(); while (itDf.hasNext()) { DataField fld =; if (first) { first = false; } else { sqlString.append(",\n"); } sqlString.append(fld.getName()); sqlString.append(" "); sqlString.append(getSQLType(fld.getType())); if (fld.getDefaultValue() != null && !fld.getType().equals(DataField.TYPE_TEXT_STRING)) { sqlString.append(" "); sqlString.append(fld.getDefaultString()); } } // primary key if (indexes.size() > 0) { sqlString.append(",\n"); sqlString.append("PRIMARY KEY("); first = true; Iterator<DataField> idxIt = indexes.iterator(); while (idxIt.hasNext()) { DataField idxFld =; if (first) { first = false; } else { sqlString.append(", "); } // IF Clob, add keyLength if (idxFld.getKeyLength() > 0) { sqlString.append(idxFld.getName()); sqlString.append("("); sqlString.append(idxFld.getKeyLength()); sqlString.append(")"); } else { sqlString.append(idxFld.getName()); } } sqlString.append(")"); } sqlString.append("\n) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8\n"); if (this.logger != null && this.outSql) { this.logger.reportInfo(sqlString.toString()); } executeUpdateSQL(connectionHandle, sqlString.toString(), false); } private String getSQLType(String type) { if (type.equals(DataField.TYPE_STRING)) { return "VARCHAR(255)"; } if (type.equals(DataField.TYPE_TEXT_STRING)) { return "TEXT"; } if (type.equals(DataField.TYPE_INTEGER)) { return "INTEGER"; } if (type.equals(DataField.TYPE_DOUBLE)) { return "DOUBLE"; } if (type.equals(DataField.TYPE_TIMESTAMP)) { return "DATETIME"; } if (type.equals(DataField.TYPE_DATE)) { return "DATE"; } return "VARCHAR(256)"; } public void delete(Object connectionHandle, String fromStr, WhereClause where, boolean trxStarted, PostContext context, VariableRepository provider, AdjustWhere adjWhere) throws DataSourceException, ExecutionException { if (context != null) { context.getPrecompile().setCompile(false); } DeleteSentence sentence = new DeleteSentence(); String[] fromTokens = fromStr.split(" "); FromClause from = new FromClause(); TablesList tableList = new TablesList(); tableList.addTable(new TableIdentifier(fromTokens[1])); from.setTableList(tableList); sentence.setFrom(from); TypeHelper helper = this.typeHelper.newHelper(false, sentence); StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); sql.append("DELETE "); sql.append(fromStr); if (where != null && where.isReady(context, provider, adjWhere)) { sql.append(" "); sql.append(where.extract(context, provider, adjWhere, null, helper)); } // out string if (this.outSql) { this.logger.reportInfo(sql.toString()); } executeUpdateSQL(connectionHandle, sql.toString(), trxStarted); } public void dropTable(Object connectionHandle, String table) throws DataSourceException { // Make SQL String StringBuffer sqlString = new StringBuffer(); sqlString.append("DROP TABLE "); sqlString.append(table); executeUpdateSQL(connectionHandle, sqlString.toString(), false); } public void executeUpdateSQL(Object connectionHandle, String sql, boolean trxStarted) throws DataSourceException { Connection con = (Connection) connectionHandle; /* if(trxStarted){ try { executeAddBatch(con, sql); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new DataSourceException(e); } return; }*/ try { Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); stmt.executeUpdate(sql); //AlinousDebug.debugOut(sql); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new DataSourceException(e); } } /* private void executeAddBatch(Connection con, String sql) throws SQLException { Statement batchStmt = this.batchedStatementMap.get(con); if(batchStmt == null){ batchStmt = con.createStatement(); this.batchedStatementMap.put(con, batchStmt); } batchStmt.addBatch(sql); } */ public DataTable getDataTable(Object connectionHandle, String tableName) throws DataSourceException { DataTable dataTable = null; Connection con = (Connection) connectionHandle; DatabaseMetaData metaData; ResultSet rsSet = null; try { metaData = con.getMetaData(); rsSet = metaData.getTables(null, null, "%", new String[] { "TABLE" }); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new DataSourceException(e); } try { while ( { String tbl = rsSet.getString("TABLE_NAME"); if (!tableName.toUpperCase().equals(tbl.toUpperCase())) { continue; } // Create DataTable object dataTable = new DataTable(); // Add column informations setupDataTableColumns(metaData, dataTable, tableName); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new DataSourceException(e); } finally { try { rsSet.close(); } catch (SQLException ignore) { } } return dataTable; } private void setupDataTableColumns(DatabaseMetaData metaData, DataTable dataTable, String tableName) throws SQLException { ResultSet trs = metaData.getColumns(null, null, tableName, null); while ( { String columnName = trs.getString("COLUMN_NAME"); String columnType = trs.getString("TYPE_NAME"); DataField fld = new DataField(); fld.setName(columnName); // setType for MYSQL if (columnType.toUpperCase().equals("VARCHAR") || columnType.toUpperCase().equals("CHAR")) { fld.setType(DataField.TYPE_STRING); } else if (columnType.toUpperCase().equals("TEXT")) { fld.setType(DataField.TYPE_TEXT_STRING); } else if (columnType.toUpperCase().equals("TINYINT") || columnType.toUpperCase().equals("INTEGER") || columnType.toUpperCase().equals("BIGINT")) { fld.setType(DataField.TYPE_INTEGER); } else if (columnType.toUpperCase().equals("TIMESTAMP") || columnType.toUpperCase().equals("DATETIME")) { fld.setType(DataField.TYPE_TIMESTAMP); } else if (columnType.toUpperCase().equals("DATE")) { fld.setType(DataField.TYPE_DATE); } else if (columnType.toUpperCase().equals("FLOAT") || columnType.toUpperCase().equals("DOUBLE")) { fld.setType(DataField.TYPE_DOUBLE); } else { fld.setType(DataField.TYPE_STRING); } dataTable.addField(fld); } // PrimaryKeys ResultSet primarysRs = metaData.getPrimaryKeys(null, null, tableName); while ( { String columnName = primarysRs.getString("COLUMN_NAME"); DataField fld = dataTable.getDataField(columnName); fld.setPrimary(true); dataTable.addPrimaryKey(fld.getName()); } primarysRs.close(); } public void insert(Object connectionHandle, Record record, String table, boolean trxStarted, PostContext context, VariableRepository provider) throws DataSourceException { if (context != null) { context.getPrecompile().setCompile(false); } String sql = makeInsertString(record, table); // out string if (this.outSql) { AlinousDebug.println(sql); } executeUpdateSQL(connectionHandle, sql, trxStarted); } private String makeInsertString(Record record, String table) { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); sql.append("INSERT INTO "); sql.append(table); sql.append(" ("); boolean first = true; Iterator<String> itFld = record.getMap().keySet().iterator(); while (itFld.hasNext()) { String field =; if (first) { first = false; } else { sql.append(", "); } sql.append(field); } sql.append(")"); sql.append(" VALUES "); outRecordValue(record, sql); sql.append(";"); return sql.toString(); } public void insert(Object connectionHandle, List<Record> records, String table, boolean trxStarted, PostContext context, VariableRepository provider) throws DataSourceException { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); sql.append("INSERT INTO "); sql.append(table); sql.append(" ("); boolean first = true; Iterator<String> itFld = records.get(0).getMap().keySet().iterator(); while (itFld.hasNext()) { String field =; if (first) { first = false; } else { sql.append(", "); } sql.append(field); } sql.append(")"); sql.append(" VALUES "); doBalkInsert(sql.toString(), records, connectionHandle, trxStarted); /* first = true; Iterator<Record> it = records.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()){ Record rec =; StringBuffer eachSql = new StringBuffer(sql); outRecordValue(rec, eachSql); executeUpdateSQL(connectionHandle, eachSql.toString(), trxStarted); }*/ } private void doBalkInsert(String baseString, List<Record> records, Object connectionHandle, boolean trxStarted) throws DataSourceException { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); sql.append(baseString); boolean first = true; boolean flashed = true; Iterator<Record> it = records.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Record rec =; if (first) { first = false; } else { sql.append(", "); } outRecordValue(rec, sql); flashed = false; // if more than 1M if (sql.length() > 1048576 / 2) { executeUpdateSQL(connectionHandle, sql.toString(), trxStarted); first = true; flashed = true; sql = new StringBuffer(); sql.append(baseString); } } if (!flashed) { executeUpdateSQL(connectionHandle, sql.toString(), trxStarted); } } private void outRecordValue(Record record, StringBuffer sql) { sql.append("("); boolean first = true; Map<String, String> map = record.getMap(); Iterator<String> it = map.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { if (first) { first = false; } else { sql.append(", "); } String val = map.get(; if (val != null) { sql.append("'"); sql.append(AlinousUtils.sqlEscape(val)); sql.append("'"); } else { sql.append("NULL"); } } sql.append(")"); } public void insert(Object connectionHandle, ColumnList cols, ArrayList<VariableList> valueLists, String table, boolean trxStarted, PostContext context, VariableRepository provider) throws DataSourceException, ExecutionException { if (context != null) { context.getPrecompile().setCompile(false); } InsertSentence sentence = new InsertSentence(); sentence.setCols(cols); TableIdentifier tbl = new TableIdentifier(table); sentence.setTbl(tbl); TypeHelper helper = this.typeHelper.newHelper(false, sentence); StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); sql.append("INSERT INTO "); sql.append(table); // col definition if (cols != null && cols.isReady(context, provider, null)) { sql.append(" ( "); boolean first = true; Iterator<SelectColumnElement> it = cols.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { SelectColumnElement element =; if (first) { first = false; } else { sql.append(", "); } try { sql.append(element.extract(context, provider, null, null, helper)); } catch (RedirectRequestException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } String columnName = element.getColumnName().extract(context, provider, null, null, helper); String fldType = helper.getDataFieldType(columnName, context); helper.addListType(fldType); } sql.append(" ) "); } else { // setup cols DataTable dt = getDataTable(connectionHandle, table); Iterator<DataField> it = dt.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { DataField fld =; helper.addListType(fld.getType()); } } // values sql.append(" VALUES "); boolean first = true; Iterator<VariableList> valListIt = valueLists.iterator(); while (valListIt.hasNext()) { VariableList valList =; if (first) { first = false; } else { sql.append(", "); } helper.resetCount(); sql.append(valList.extract(context, provider, null, null, helper)); } if (this.outSql) { this.logger.reportInfo(sql.toString()); } executeUpdateSQL(connectionHandle, sql.toString(), trxStarted); } public void rollback(Object connectionHandle, boolean lastAutoCommit, String trxIdentifier) throws DataSourceException { Connection con = (Connection) connectionHandle; /* Statement batchStmt = this.batchedStatementMap.get(con); if(batchStmt != null){ try { batchStmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) {} //this.batchStmt = null; this.batchedStatementMap.remove(con); } */ try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new DataSourceException(e); } finally { try { con.setAutoCommit(lastAutoCommit); } catch (SQLException ignore) { } } } public List<Record> select(Object connectionHandle, String distinct, SelectColumns columns, FromClause from, WhereClause where, GroupByClause groupBy, OrderByClause orderBy, LimitOffsetClause limit, ForUpdateClause forupdate, PostContext context, VariableRepository provider, AdjustWhere adjWhere) throws DataSourceException, ExecutionException { if (context != null) { context.getPrecompile().setCompile(false); } SelectSentence sentence = new SelectSentence(); sentence.setFrom(from); TypeHelper helper = this.typeHelper.newHelper(false, sentence); StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); sql.append("SELECT "); if (distinct != null) { sql.append("DISTINCT "); } sql.append(columns.extract(context, provider, adjWhere, null, helper)); sql.append(" "); if (from != null) { sql.append(from.extract(context, provider, adjWhere, null, helper)); } if (where != null && where.isReady(context, provider, adjWhere)) { sql.append(" "); sql.append(where.extract(context, provider, adjWhere, null, helper)); } if (groupBy != null && groupBy.isReady(context, provider, adjWhere)) { sql.append(" "); sql.append(groupBy.extract(context, provider, adjWhere, null, helper)); } if (orderBy != null && orderBy.isReady(context, provider, adjWhere)) { sql.append(" "); sql.append(orderBy.extract(context, provider, adjWhere, null, helper)); } if (limit != null && limit.isReady(context, provider, adjWhere)) { sql.append(" "); sql.append(limit.extract(context, provider, adjWhere, null, helper)); } if (forupdate != null && forupdate.isReady(context, provider, adjWhere)) { sql.append(" "); sql.append(forupdate.extract(context, provider, adjWhere, null, helper)); } // out String if (this.outSql && AlinousCore.debug(context)) { this.logger.reportInfo(sql.toString()); } List<Record> tmp = executeSelectSQL(connectionHandle, sql.toString()); return tmp; } private List<Record> executeSelectSQL(Object connectionHandle, String sql) throws DataSourceException { Connection con = (Connection) connectionHandle; Statement stmt = null; List<Record> retList = new LinkedList<Record>(); try { stmt = con.createStatement(); stmt.execute(sql); ResultSet rs = stmt.getResultSet(); ResultSetMetaData metaData = rs.getMetaData(); while ( { int cnt = metaData.getColumnCount(); Record rec = new Record(); for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { String colName = metaData.getColumnName(i + 1); String labelName = metaData.getColumnLabel(i + 1); if (labelName != null && !labelName.equals("")) { colName = labelName; } String value = rs.getString(i + 1); int colType = metaData.getColumnType(i + 1); rec.addFieldValue(colName, value, colType); } retList.add(rec); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new DataSourceException(e); } finally { try { stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException ignore) { } } return retList; } public void setLogger(ILogProvidor logger, AlinousCore core) { this.logger = logger; } public void setOutSql(boolean outSql) { this.outSql = outSql; } public void setPass(String pass) { this.pass = pass; } public void setUri(String uri) { this.uri = uri; } public void setUser(String user) { this.user = user; } public void update(Object connectionHandle, String table, SetClause set, WhereClause where, boolean trxStarted, PostContext context, VariableRepository provider, AdjustWhere adjWhere, AdjustSet adjSet) throws DataSourceException, ExecutionException { if (context != null) { context.getPrecompile().setCompile(false); } UpdateSentence sentence = new UpdateSentence(); sentence.setTable(new TableIdentifier(table)); TypeHelper helper = this.typeHelper.newHelper(false, sentence); StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); sql.append("UPDATE "); sql.append(table); if (set != null && set.isReady(context, provider, adjWhere)) { sql.append(" "); sql.append(set.extract(context, provider, adjWhere, adjSet, helper)); } if (where != null && where.isReady(context, provider, adjWhere)) { sql.append(" "); sql.append(where.extract(context, provider, adjWhere, adjSet, helper)); } // out string if (this.outSql) { this.logger.reportInfo(sql.toString()); } executeUpdateSQL(connectionHandle, sql.toString(), trxStarted); } public void dispose() { GenericObjectPool pool = this.connectionPool; this.connectionPool = null; pool.clear(); try { pool.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } AlinousDebug.debugOut(core, "Disposed mysql pool.............."); } public void storeBinary(Object connectionHandle, InputStream stream, int length, String table, String blobColumn, WhereClause where, PostContext context, VariableRepository provider) throws ExecutionException { UpdateSentence sentence = new UpdateSentence(); sentence.setTable(new TableIdentifier(table)); TypeHelper helper = this.typeHelper.newHelper(false, sentence); StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(); buff.append("UPDATE "); buff.append(table); buff.append(" SET "); buff.append(blobColumn); buff.append("=?"); if (where != null && where.isReady(context, provider, null)) { buff.append(" "); buff.append(where.extract(context, provider, null, null, helper)); } Connection con = (Connection) connectionHandle; boolean lastAutoCommit = false; try { lastAutoCommit = con.getAutoCommit(); if (lastAutoCommit == true) { con.setAutoCommit(false); } PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement(buff.toString()); statement.setBinaryStream(1, stream, length); statement.executeUpdate(); //con.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new ExecutionException(e, "Failed in storing blob"); // i18n } finally { try { if (lastAutoCommit == true) { con.setAutoCommit(lastAutoCommit); } } catch (SQLException e) { } } // UPDATE table SET blobColumn = ? WHERE... } public void readLargeObject(Object connectionHandle, String fileName, String table, String blobColumn, WhereClause where, PostContext context, VariableRepository provider) throws ExecutionException { // SELECT blobColumn FROM table WHERE ... SelectSentence sentence = new SelectSentence(); FromClause from = new FromClause(); TablesList tableList = new TablesList(); tableList.addTable(new TableIdentifier(table)); from.setTableList(tableList); sentence.setFrom(from); TypeHelper helper = this.typeHelper.newHelper(false, sentence); StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(); buff.append("SELECT "); buff.append(blobColumn); buff.append(" FROM "); buff.append(table); if (where != null && where.isReady(context, provider, null)) { buff.append(" "); buff.append(where.extract(context, provider, null, null, helper)); } OutputStream output = null; InputStream input = null; Connection con = (Connection) connectionHandle; boolean lastAutoCommit = false; try { lastAutoCommit = con.getAutoCommit(); if (lastAutoCommit == true) { con.setAutoCommit(false); } Statement statement = con.createStatement(); ResultSet result = statement.executeQuery(buff.toString());; output = new AlinousFileOutputStream(new AlinousFile(fileName)); input = result.getBinaryStream(1); byte[] byteBuff = new byte[256]; int n = 1; while (n > 0) { n =; if (n <= 0) { break; } output.write(byteBuff, 0, n); } statement.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new ExecutionException(e, "Failed in reading blob"); // i18n } catch (IOException e) { throw new ExecutionException(e, "Failed in reading blob"); // i18n } finally { try { if (input != null) { input.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { } if (output != null) { try { output.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } try { if (lastAutoCommit == true) { con.setAutoCommit(lastAutoCommit); } } catch (SQLException e) { } } } public void alterTable(Object connectionHandle, TableIdentifier table, IAlterAction action, boolean trxStarted, PostContext context, VariableRepository provider) throws ExecutionException, DataSourceException { StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(); buff.append("ALTER TABLE "); buff.append(table.extract(context, provider, null, null, this.typeHelper)); if (action instanceof AlterAdd) { buff.append(" "); buff.append(action.extract(context, provider, null, null, this.typeHelper)); } else if (action instanceof AlterDrop) { buff.append(" "); buff.append(action.extract(context, provider, null, null, this.typeHelper)); } executeUpdateSQL(connectionHandle, buff.toString(), trxStarted); } public TypeHelper getTypeHelper() { return this.typeHelper; } public void createDatabase(Object connectionHandle, String dbName) throws DataSourceException { StringBuffer sqlString = new StringBuffer(); sqlString.append("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS "); sqlString.append(dbName); //sqlString.append(" "); executeUpdateSQL(connectionHandle, sqlString.toString(), false); } public void dropDatabase(Object connectionHandle, String dbName) throws DataSourceException { StringBuffer sqlString = new StringBuffer(); sqlString.append("DROP DATABASE "); sqlString.append(dbName); executeUpdateSQL(connectionHandle, sqlString.toString(), false); } public void createFunction(Object connectionHandle, PlSQLFunction func) throws DataSourceException { } public void createTrigger(Object connectionHandle, PlSQLTrigger trigger) throws DataSourceException { } public void dropFunction(Object connectionHandle, PlSQLFunction func) throws DataSourceException { } public void dropTrigger(Object connectionHandle, String triggerName, String table, String opt, boolean ifexixts) throws DataSourceException { } @Override public void createIndex(Object connectionHandle, Identifier indexName, TableIdentifier table, List<ColumnIdentifier> columns, Identifier usingAlgo) { } @Override public void clearPrecompile(Object connectionHandle, ISQLSentence sentence) { } @Override public void setMaxclients(int maxclients) { } @Override public boolean prepareTransaction(Object connectionHandle, String trxIdentifier) throws DataSourceException { throw new DataSourceException("Not supported"); } @Override public void setResultUpper(boolean resultUpper) { } @Override public DataTable[] getDataTableList(Object connectionHandle) throws DataSourceException { ArrayList<DataTable> list = new ArrayList<DataTable>(); ArrayList<String> tables = new ArrayList<String>(); // enum tables String sql = "SELECT TABLENAME as tblname FROM PG_TABLES WHERE TABLENAME NOT LIKE'pg%' AND TABLENAME NOT LIKE'sql_%' ORDER BY TABLENAME"; PostgreSqlConnection con = (PostgreSqlConnection) connectionHandle; Statement stmt = null; try { stmt = con.createStatement(); stmt.execute(sql); ResultSet rs = stmt.getResultSet(); while ( { String tableName = rs.getString(1); // metaData.getColumnName(1); tables.add(tableName); } } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new DataSourceException(e); } finally { try { stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException ignore) { } } Iterator<String> it = tables.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String key =; DataTable dataTable = getDataTable(connectionHandle, key); if (dataTable != null) { list.add(dataTable); } } return list.toArray(new DataTable[list.size()]); } @Override public void dropIndex(Object connectionHandle, Identifier indexName) throws DataSourceException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(); buff.append("DROP INDEX "); buff.append(indexName.getName()); AlinousDebug.debugOut(core, buff.toString()); executeUpdateSQL(connectionHandle, buff.toString(), false); } }