Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Alfresco Software Limited. * * This file is part of the Spring Surf Extension project. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.alfresco.web.config; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import javax.xml.transform.OutputKeys; import javax.xml.transform.Transformer; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory; import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource; import; import javax.xml.xpath.XPath; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathConstants; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpression; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpressionException; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory; import org.springframework.util.Assert; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; /** * Utilities related to DOM and XML usage. * * @author Stefan Schmidt * @author Ben Alex * @since 1.0 * */ public abstract class XmlUtils { private static final Map<String, XPathExpression> compiledExpressionCache = new HashMap<String, XPathExpression>(); private static final XPath xpath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath(); private static final TransformerFactory transformerFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); private static final DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); public static final void writeXml(OutputStream outputEntry, Document document) { writeXml(createIndentingTransformer(), outputEntry, document); } public static final void writeMalformedXml(OutputStream outputEntry, NodeList nodes) { writeMalformedXml(createIndentingTransformer(), outputEntry, nodes); } public static final void writeXml(Transformer transformer, OutputStream outputEntry, Document document) { Assert.notNull(transformer, "Transformer required"); Assert.notNull(outputEntry, "Output entry required"); Assert.notNull(document, "Document required"); transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.METHOD, "xml"); try { transformer.transform(new DOMSource(document), createUnixStreamResultForEntry(outputEntry)); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new IllegalStateException(ex); } } public static final void writeMalformedXml(Transformer transformer, OutputStream outputEntry, NodeList nodes) { Assert.notNull(transformer, "Transformer required"); Assert.notNull(outputEntry, "Output entry required"); Assert.notNull(nodes, "NodeList required"); transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.OMIT_XML_DECLARATION, "yes"); try { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { transformer.transform(new DOMSource(nodes.item(i)), createUnixStreamResultForEntry(outputEntry)); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new IllegalStateException(ex); } } /** * Creates a {@link StreamResult} by wrapping the given outputEntry in an * {@link OutputStreamWriter} that transforms Windows line endings (\r\n) * into Unix line endings (\n) on Windows for consistency with Roo's templates. * @param outputEntry * @return StreamResult * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException */ private static StreamResult createUnixStreamResultForEntry(OutputStream outputEntry) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { final Writer writer; if (System.getProperty("line.separator").equals("\r\n")) { writer = new OutputStreamWriter(outputEntry, "ISO-8859-1") { public void write(char[] cbuf, int off, int len) throws IOException { for (int i = off; i < off + len; i++) { if (cbuf[i] != '\r' || (i < cbuf.length - 1 && cbuf[i + 1] != '\n')) { super.write(cbuf[i]); } } } public void write(int c) throws IOException { if (c != '\r') super.write(c); } public void write(String str, int off, int len) throws IOException { String orig = str.substring(off, off + len); String filtered = orig.replace("\r\n", "\n"); int lengthDiff = orig.length() - filtered.length(); if (filtered.endsWith("\r")) { super.write(filtered.substring(0, filtered.length() - 1), 0, len - lengthDiff - 1); } else { super.write(filtered, 0, len - lengthDiff); } } }; } else { writer = new OutputStreamWriter(outputEntry, "ISO-8859-1"); } return new StreamResult(writer); } /** * Checks in under a given root element whether it can find a child element * which matches the XPath expression supplied. Returns {@link Element} if * exists. * * Please note that the XPath parser used is NOT namespace aware. So if you * want to find a element <beans><sec:http> you need to use the following * XPath expression '/beans/http'. * * @param xPathExpression the xPathExpression (required) * @param root the parent DOM element (required) * * @return the Element if discovered (null if not found) */ public static Element findFirstElement(String xPathExpression, Element root) { if (xPathExpression == null || root == null || xPathExpression.length() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Xpath expression and root element required"); } Element rootElement = null; try { XPathExpression expr = compiledExpressionCache.get(xPathExpression); if (expr == null) { expr = xpath.compile(xPathExpression); compiledExpressionCache.put(xPathExpression, expr); } rootElement = (Element) expr.evaluate(root, XPathConstants.NODE); } catch (XPathExpressionException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable evaluate xpath expression", e); } return rootElement; } /** * Checks in under a given root element whether it can find a child element * which matches the name supplied. Returns {@link Element} if exists. * * @param name the Element name (required) * @param root the parent DOM element (required) * * @return the Element if discovered */ public static Element findFirstElementByName(String name, Element root) { Assert.hasText(name, "Element name required"); Assert.notNull(root, "Root element required"); return (Element) root.getElementsByTagName(name).item(0); } /** * Checks in under a given root element whether it can find a child element * which matches the XPath expression supplied. The {@link Element} must * exist. Returns {@link Element} if exists. * * Please note that the XPath parser used is NOT namespace aware. So if you * want to find a element <beans><sec:http> you need to use the following * XPath expression '/beans/http'. * * @param xPathExpression the xPathExpression (required) * @param root the parent DOM element (required) * * @return the Element if discovered (never null; an exception is thrown if * cannot be found) */ public static Element findRequiredElement(String xPathExpression, Element root) { Assert.hasText(xPathExpression, "XPath expression required"); Assert.notNull(root, "Root element required"); Element element = findFirstElement(xPathExpression, root); Assert.notNull(element, "Unable to obtain required element '" + xPathExpression + "' from element '" + root + "'"); return element; } /** * Checks in under a given root element whether it can find a child elements * which match the XPath expression supplied. Returns a {@link List} of * {@link Element} if they exist. * * Please note that the XPath parser used is NOT namespace aware. So if you * want to find a element <beans><sec:http> you need to use the following * XPath expression '/beans/http'. * * @param xPathExpression the xPathExpression * @param root the parent DOM element * * @return a {@link List} of type {@link Element} if discovered, otherwise null */ public static List<Element> findElements(String xPathExpression, Element root) { List<Element> elements = new ArrayList<Element>(); NodeList nodes = null; try { XPathExpression expr = xpath.compile(xPathExpression); nodes = (NodeList) expr.evaluate(root, XPathConstants.NODESET); } catch (XPathExpressionException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable evaluate xpath expression", e); } for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { elements.add((Element) nodes.item(i)); } return elements; } /** * @return a transformer that indents entries by 4 characters (never null) */ public static final Transformer createIndentingTransformer() { Transformer xformer; try { xformer = transformerFactory.newTransformer(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new IllegalStateException(ex); } xformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes"); xformer.setOutputProperty("{}indent-amount", "4"); return xformer; } /** * @return a new document builder (never null) */ public static final DocumentBuilder getDocumentBuilder() { // factory.setNamespaceAware(true); try { return factory.newDocumentBuilder(); } catch (ParserConfigurationException ex) { throw new IllegalStateException(ex); } } }