Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2005-2010 Alfresco Software Limited. * * This file is part of Alfresco * * Alfresco is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Alfresco is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with Alfresco. If not, see <>. */ package org.alfresco.web.config; import java.util.Iterator; import org.springframework.extensions.config.ConfigElement; import org.springframework.extensions.config.ConfigException; import org.springframework.extensions.config.xml.elementreader.ConfigElementReader; import org.alfresco.web.config.DashboardsConfigElement.DashletDefinition; import org.alfresco.web.config.DashboardsConfigElement.LayoutDefinition; import org.dom4j.Element; /** * Reader for the 'dashboards' config element and child elements. * * @author Kevin Roast */ public class DashboardsElementReader implements ConfigElementReader { public static final String ELEMENT_DASHBOARDS = "dashboards"; public static final String ELEMENT_LAYOUTS = "layouts"; public static final String ELEMENT_LAYOUT = "layout"; public static final String ELEMENT_DASHLETS = "dashlets"; public static final String ELEMENT_DASHLET = "dashlet"; public static final String ELEMENT_GUESTCONFIG = "allow-guest-config"; public static final String ELEMENT_DEFAULTDASHLETS = "default-dashlets"; public static final String ATTR_ID = "id"; public static final String ATTR_COLUMNS = "columns"; public static final String ATTR_COLUMNLENGTH = "column-length"; public static final String ATTR_IMAGE = "image"; public static final String ATTR_LABEL = "label"; public static final String ATTR_DESCRIPTION = "description"; public static final String ATTR_LABELID = "label-id"; public static final String ATTR_DESCRIPTIONID = "description-id"; public static final String ATTR_JSP = "jsp"; public static final String ATTR_CONFIGJSP = "config-jsp"; public static final String ATTR_ALLOWNARROW = "allow-narrow"; /** * @see org.springframework.extensions.config.xml.elementreader.ConfigElementReader#parse(org.dom4j.Element) */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public ConfigElement parse(Element element) { DashboardsConfigElement configElement = new DashboardsConfigElement(); if (element != null) { if (DashboardsConfigElement.CONFIG_ELEMENT_ID.equals(element.getName()) == false) { throw new ConfigException("DashboardsElementReader can only process elements of type 'dashboards'"); } Element layoutsElement = element.element(ELEMENT_LAYOUTS); if (layoutsElement != null) { Iterator<Element> layoutsItr = layoutsElement.elementIterator(ELEMENT_LAYOUT); while (layoutsItr.hasNext()) { LayoutDefinition layoutDef = parseLayoutDefinition(; configElement.addLayoutDefinition(layoutDef); } } Element dashletsElement = element.element(ELEMENT_DASHLETS); if (dashletsElement != null) { Iterator<Element> dashletsItr = dashletsElement.elementIterator(ELEMENT_DASHLET); while (dashletsItr.hasNext()) { DashletDefinition dashletDef = parseDashletDefinition(; configElement.addDashletDefinition(dashletDef); } } Element defaultDashletsElement = element.element(ELEMENT_DEFAULTDASHLETS); if (defaultDashletsElement != null) { Iterator<Element> dashletsItr = defaultDashletsElement.elementIterator(ELEMENT_DASHLET); while (dashletsItr.hasNext()) { String id = getMandatoryDashletAttributeValue(, ATTR_ID); configElement.addDefaultDashlet(id); } } Element guestConfigElement = element.element(ELEMENT_GUESTCONFIG); if (guestConfigElement != null) { boolean allow = Boolean.parseBoolean(guestConfigElement.getTextTrim()); configElement.setAllowGuestConfig(allow); } } return configElement; } /** * Parse a single Layout definition from config. * * @param config * * @return LayoutDefinition for the specified config element. */ private static LayoutDefinition parseLayoutDefinition(Element config) { String id = getMandatoryLayoutAttributeValue(config, ATTR_ID); LayoutDefinition def = new LayoutDefinition(id); String columns = getMandatoryLayoutAttributeValue(config, ATTR_COLUMNS); def.Columns = Integer.parseInt(columns); String columnLength = getMandatoryLayoutAttributeValue(config, ATTR_COLUMNLENGTH); def.ColumnLength = Integer.parseInt(columnLength); def.Image = getMandatoryLayoutAttributeValue(config, ATTR_IMAGE); def.JSPPage = getMandatoryLayoutAttributeValue(config, ATTR_JSP); String label = config.attributeValue(ATTR_LABEL); String labelId = config.attributeValue(ATTR_LABELID); if ((label == null || label.length() == 0) && (labelId == null || labelId.length() == 0)) { throw new ConfigException( "Either 'label' or 'label-id' attribute must be specified for Dashboard 'layout' configuration element."); } def.Label = label; def.LabelId = labelId; String description = config.attributeValue(ATTR_DESCRIPTION); String descriptionId = config.attributeValue(ATTR_DESCRIPTIONID); if ((description == null || description.length() == 0) && (descriptionId == null || descriptionId.length() == 0)) { throw new ConfigException( "Either 'description' or 'description-id' attribute must be specified for Dashboard 'layout' configuration element."); } def.Description = description; def.DescriptionId = descriptionId; return def; } /** * Return a mandatory layout attribute layout. Throw an exception if the value is not found. * * @param config * @param attr * * @return String value */ private static String getMandatoryLayoutAttributeValue(Element config, String attr) { String value = config.attributeValue(attr); if (value == null || value.length() == 0) { throw new ConfigException( "Missing mandatory '" + attr + "' attribute for Dashboard 'layout' configuration element."); } return value; } /** * Parse a single Dashlet definition from config. * * @param config * * @return DashletDefinition for the specified config element. */ private static DashletDefinition parseDashletDefinition(Element config) { String id = getMandatoryDashletAttributeValue(config, ATTR_ID); DashletDefinition def = new DashletDefinition(id); String allowNarrow = config.attributeValue(ATTR_ALLOWNARROW); if (allowNarrow != null && allowNarrow.length() != 0) { def.AllowNarrow = Boolean.parseBoolean(allowNarrow); } def.JSPPage = getMandatoryDashletAttributeValue(config, ATTR_JSP); def.ConfigJSPPage = config.attributeValue(ATTR_CONFIGJSP); String label = config.attributeValue(ATTR_LABEL); String labelId = config.attributeValue(ATTR_LABELID); if ((label == null || label.length() == 0) && (labelId == null || labelId.length() == 0)) { throw new ConfigException( "Either 'label' or 'label-id' attribute must be specified for Dashboard 'dashlet' configuration element."); } def.Label = label; def.LabelId = labelId; String description = config.attributeValue(ATTR_DESCRIPTION); String descriptionId = config.attributeValue(ATTR_DESCRIPTIONID); if ((description == null || description.length() == 0) && (descriptionId == null || descriptionId.length() == 0)) { throw new ConfigException( "Either 'description' or 'description-id' attribute must be specified for Dashboard 'dashlet' configuration element."); } def.Description = description; def.DescriptionId = descriptionId; return def; } /** * Return a mandatory dashlet attribute layout. Throw an exception if the value is not found. * * @param config * @param attr * * @return String value */ private static String getMandatoryDashletAttributeValue(Element config, String attr) { String value = config.attributeValue(attr); if (value == null || value.length() == 0) { throw new ConfigException( "Missing mandatory '" + attr + "' attribute for Dashboard 'dashlet' configuration element."); } return value; } }