Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2005-2010 Alfresco Software Limited. * * This file is part of Alfresco * * Alfresco is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Alfresco is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with Alfresco. If not, see <>. */ package org.alfresco.web.config; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.alfresco.service.namespace.QName; import org.dom4j.Element; import org.springframework.extensions.config.ConfigElement; import org.springframework.extensions.config.ConfigException; import org.springframework.extensions.config.xml.elementreader.ConfigElementReader; /** * Custom element reader to parse config for client config values * * @author Kevin Roast */ public class ClientElementReader implements ConfigElementReader { public static final String ELEMENT_RECENTSPACESITEMS = "recent-spaces-items"; public static final String ELEMENT_ERRORPAGE = "error-page"; public static final String ELEMENT_LOGINPAGE = "login-page"; public static final String ELEMENT_HELPURL = "help-url"; public static final String ELEMENT_EDITLINKTYPE = "edit-link-type"; public static final String ELEMENT_SEARCHMINIMUM = "search-minimum"; public static final String ELEMENT_SEARCHANDTERMS = "search-and-terms"; public static final String ELEMENT_SEARCHMAXRESULTS = "search-max-results"; public static final String ELEMENT_BULKFETCHENABLED = "bulk-fetch-enabled"; public static final String ELEMENT_SELECTORSSEARCHMAXRESULTS = "selectors-search-max-results"; public static final String ELEMENT_INVITESEARCHMAXRESULTS = "invite-users-max-results"; public static final String ELEMENT_TASKSCOMPLETEDMAXRESULTS = "tasks-completed-max-results"; public static final String ELEMENT_HOMESPACEPERMISSION = "home-space-permission"; public static final String ELEMENT_FROMEMAILADDRESS = "from-email-address"; public static final String ELEMENT_SHELFVISIBLE = "shelf-visible"; public static final String ELEMENT_NODESUMMARY_ENABLED = "node-summary-enabled"; public static final String ELEMENT_INITIALLOCATION = "initial-location"; public static final String ELEMENT_DEFAULTHOMESPACEPATH = "default-home-space-path"; public static final String ELEMENT_CLIPBOARDSTATUS = "clipboard-status-visible"; public static final String ELEMENT_PASTEALLANDCLEAR = "paste-all-and-clear"; public static final String ELEMENT_GUESTCONFIG = "allow-guest-config"; public static final String ELEMENT_SIMPLESEARCHADDITIONALATTRS = "simple-search-additional-attributes"; public static final String ELEMENT_SIMPLESEARCHADDITIONALATTRSQNAME = "qname"; public static final String ELEMENT_MINUSERNAMELENGTH = "username-min-length"; public static final String ELEMENT_MINPASSWORDLENGTH = "password-min-length"; public static final String ELEMENT_MAXPASSWORDLENGTH = "password-max-length"; public static final String ELEMENT_MINGROUPNAMELENGTH = "group-name-min-length"; public static final String ELEMENT_BREADCRUMB_MODE = "breadcrumb-mode"; public static final String ELEMENT_CIFSURLSUFFIX = "cifs-url-suffix"; public static final String ELEMENT_LANGUAGESELECT = "language-select"; public static final String ELEMENT_ZEROBYTEFILEUPLOADS = "zero-byte-file-uploads"; public static final String ELEMENT_USERGROUPADMIN = "user-group-admin"; public static final String ELEMENT_ALLOWUSERCONFIG = "allow-user-config"; public static final String ELEMENT_PICKERSEARCHMINIMUM = "picker-search-minimum"; public static final String ELEMENT_CHECKCONTEXTPATH = "check-context-against-path"; public static final String ELEMENT_ALLOWUSERSCRIPTEXECUTE = "allow-user-script-execute"; /** * @see org.springframework.extensions.config.xml.elementreader.ConfigElementReader#parse(org.dom4j.Element) */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public ConfigElement parse(Element element) { ClientConfigElement configElement = null; if (element != null) { String name = element.getName(); if (name.equals(ClientConfigElement.CONFIG_ELEMENT_ID) == false) { throw new ConfigException( "ClientElementReader can only parse " + ClientConfigElement.CONFIG_ELEMENT_ID + " elements, the element passed was '" + name + "'"); } configElement = new ClientConfigElement(); // get the recent space max items Element recentSpaces = element.element(ELEMENT_RECENTSPACESITEMS); if (recentSpaces != null) { configElement.setRecentSpacesItems(Integer.parseInt(recentSpaces.getTextTrim())); } // get the shelf component default visibility Element shelfVisible = element.element(ELEMENT_SHELFVISIBLE); if (shelfVisible != null) { configElement.setShelfVisible(Boolean.parseBoolean(shelfVisible.getTextTrim())); } // get the Help url Element helpUrl = element.element(ELEMENT_HELPURL); if (helpUrl != null) { configElement.setHelpUrl(helpUrl.getTextTrim()); } // get the edit link type Element editLinkType = element.element(ELEMENT_EDITLINKTYPE); if (editLinkType != null) { configElement.setEditLinkType(editLinkType.getTextTrim()); } // get the minimum number of characters for valid search string Element searchMin = element.element(ELEMENT_SEARCHMINIMUM); if (searchMin != null) { configElement.setSearchMinimum(Integer.parseInt(searchMin.getTextTrim())); } // get the search force AND terms setting Element searchForceAnd = element.element(ELEMENT_SEARCHANDTERMS); if (searchForceAnd != null) { configElement.setForceAndTerms(Boolean.parseBoolean(searchForceAnd.getTextTrim())); } // get the search max results size Element searchMaxResults = element.element(ELEMENT_SEARCHMAXRESULTS); if (searchMaxResults != null) { configElement.setSearchMaxResults(Integer.parseInt(searchMaxResults.getTextTrim())); } // get the search max results size Element isBulkFetchEnabled = element.element(ELEMENT_BULKFETCHENABLED); if (isBulkFetchEnabled != null) { configElement.setBulkFetchEnabled(Boolean.parseBoolean(isBulkFetchEnabled.getTextTrim())); } // get the selectors search max results size Element selectorsSearchMaxResults = element.element(ELEMENT_SELECTORSSEARCHMAXRESULTS); if (selectorsSearchMaxResults != null) { configElement .setSelectorsSearchMaxResults(Integer.parseInt(selectorsSearchMaxResults.getTextTrim())); } // get the invite users max results size Element inviteUsersMaxResults = element.element(ELEMENT_INVITESEARCHMAXRESULTS); if (inviteUsersMaxResults != null) { configElement.setInviteUsersMaxResults(Integer.parseInt(inviteUsersMaxResults.getTextTrim())); } // get the invite users max results size Element completedTasksMaxResults = element.element(ELEMENT_TASKSCOMPLETEDMAXRESULTS); if (completedTasksMaxResults != null) { configElement.setTasksCompletedMaxResults(Integer.parseInt(completedTasksMaxResults.getTextTrim())); } // get the default permission for newly created users Home Spaces Element permission = element.element(ELEMENT_HOMESPACEPERMISSION); if (permission != null) { configElement.setHomeSpacePermission(permission.getTextTrim()); } // get the from address to use when sending emails from the client Element fromEmail = element.element(ELEMENT_FROMEMAILADDRESS); if (fromEmail != null) { configElement.setFromEmailAddress(fromEmail.getTextTrim()); } // get the error page Element errorPage = element.element(ELEMENT_ERRORPAGE); if (errorPage != null) { configElement.setErrorPage(errorPage.getTextTrim()); } // get the login page Element loginPage = element.element(ELEMENT_LOGINPAGE); if (loginPage != null) { configElement.setLoginPage(loginPage.getTextTrim()); } // get the node summary popup enabled flag Element ajaxEnabled = element.element(ELEMENT_NODESUMMARY_ENABLED); if (ajaxEnabled != null) { configElement.setNodeSummaryEnabled(Boolean.parseBoolean(ajaxEnabled.getTextTrim())); } // get the initial location Element initialLocation = element.element(ELEMENT_INITIALLOCATION); if (initialLocation != null) { configElement.setInitialLocation(initialLocation.getTextTrim()); } // get the default home space path Element defaultHomeSpacePath = element.element(ELEMENT_DEFAULTHOMESPACEPATH); if (defaultHomeSpacePath != null) { configElement.setDefaultHomeSpacePath(defaultHomeSpacePath.getTextTrim()); } // get the default visibility of the clipboard status messages Element clipboardStatusVisible = element.element(ELEMENT_CLIPBOARDSTATUS); if (clipboardStatusVisible != null) { configElement.setClipboardStatusVisible(Boolean.parseBoolean(clipboardStatusVisible.getTextTrim())); } // get the default setting for the paste all action, should it clear the clipboard after? Element pasteAllAndClear = element.element(ELEMENT_PASTEALLANDCLEAR); if (pasteAllAndClear != null) { configElement.setPasteAllAndClearEnabled(Boolean.parseBoolean(pasteAllAndClear.getTextTrim())); } // get allow Guest to configure start location preferences Element guestConfigElement = element.element(ELEMENT_GUESTCONFIG); if (guestConfigElement != null) { boolean allow = Boolean.parseBoolean(guestConfigElement.getTextTrim()); configElement.setAllowGuestConfig(allow); } // get the additional simple search attributes Element simpleSearchAdditionalAttributesElement = element.element(ELEMENT_SIMPLESEARCHADDITIONALATTRS); if (simpleSearchAdditionalAttributesElement != null) { List<Element> attrbElements = simpleSearchAdditionalAttributesElement .elements(ELEMENT_SIMPLESEARCHADDITIONALATTRSQNAME); if (attrbElements != null && attrbElements.size() != 0) { List<QName> simpleSearchAddtlAttrb = new ArrayList<QName>(4); for (Element elem : attrbElements) { simpleSearchAddtlAttrb.add(QName.createQName(elem.getTextTrim())); } configElement.setSimpleSearchAdditionalAttributes(simpleSearchAddtlAttrb); } } // get the minimum length of usernames Element minUsername = element.element(ELEMENT_MINUSERNAMELENGTH); if (minUsername != null) { configElement.setMinUsernameLength(Integer.parseInt(minUsername.getTextTrim())); } // get the minimum length of passwords Element minPassword = element.element(ELEMENT_MINPASSWORDLENGTH); if (minPassword != null) { configElement.setMinPasswordLength(Integer.parseInt(minPassword.getTextTrim())); } // get the maximum length of passwords Element maxPassword = element.element(ELEMENT_MAXPASSWORDLENGTH); if (maxPassword != null) { configElement.setMaxPasswordLength(Integer.parseInt(maxPassword.getTextTrim())); } // get the minimum length of group names Element minGroupName = element.element(ELEMENT_MINGROUPNAMELENGTH); if (minGroupName != null) { configElement.setMinGroupNameLength(Integer.parseInt(minGroupName.getTextTrim())); } // get the breadcrumb mode Element breadcrumbMode = element.element(ELEMENT_BREADCRUMB_MODE); if (breadcrumbMode != null) { configElement.setBreadcrumbMode(breadcrumbMode.getTextTrim()); } // Get the CIFS URL suffix Element cifsSuffix = element.element(ELEMENT_CIFSURLSUFFIX); if (cifsSuffix != null) { String suffix = cifsSuffix.getTextTrim(); if (suffix.startsWith(".") == false) { suffix = "." + suffix; } configElement.setCifsURLSuffix(suffix); } // get the language selection mode Element langSelect = element.element(ELEMENT_LANGUAGESELECT); if (langSelect != null) { configElement.setLanguageSelect(Boolean.parseBoolean(langSelect.getTextTrim())); } // get the zero byte file upload mode Element zeroByteFiles = element.element(ELEMENT_ZEROBYTEFILEUPLOADS); if (zeroByteFiles != null) { configElement.setZeroByteFileUploads(Boolean.parseBoolean(zeroByteFiles.getTextTrim())); } // get allow user group admin mode Element userGroupAdmin = element.element(ELEMENT_USERGROUPADMIN); if (userGroupAdmin != null) { configElement.setUserGroupAdmin(Boolean.parseBoolean(userGroupAdmin.getTextTrim())); } // get allow user config mode Element userConfig = element.element(ELEMENT_ALLOWUSERCONFIG); if (userConfig != null) { configElement.setAllowUserConfig(Boolean.parseBoolean(userConfig.getTextTrim())); } // get the minimum number of characters for valid picker search string Element pickerSearchMin = element.element(ELEMENT_PICKERSEARCHMINIMUM); if (pickerSearchMin != null) { configElement.setPickerSearchMinimum(Integer.parseInt(pickerSearchMin.getTextTrim())); } // determine whether the JavaScript setContextPath method should // check the path of the current URL Element checkContextAgainstPath = element.element(ELEMENT_CHECKCONTEXTPATH); if (checkContextAgainstPath != null) { configElement .setCheckContextAgainstPath(Boolean.parseBoolean(checkContextAgainstPath.getTextTrim())); } // get allow any user to execute javascript via the command servlet Element allowUserScriptExecute = element.element(ELEMENT_ALLOWUSERSCRIPTEXECUTE); if (allowUserScriptExecute != null) { configElement.setAllowUserScriptExecute(Boolean.parseBoolean(allowUserScriptExecute.getTextTrim())); } } return configElement; } }