Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2005-2010 Alfresco Software Limited. * * This file is part of Alfresco * * Alfresco is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Alfresco is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with Alfresco. If not, see <>. */ package org.alfresco.web.config; import java.util.Iterator; import org.springframework.extensions.config.ConfigElement; import org.springframework.extensions.config.ConfigException; import org.springframework.extensions.config.xml.elementreader.ConfigElementReader; import org.alfresco.web.action.ActionEvaluator; import org.alfresco.web.config.ActionsConfigElement.ActionDefinition; import org.alfresco.web.config.ActionsConfigElement.ActionGroup; import org.dom4j.Element; /** * Config Element Reader for the "Action" config blocks. * * @author Kevin Roast */ public class ActionsElementReader implements ConfigElementReader { public static final String ELEMENT_ACTION = "action"; public static final String ELEMENT_ACTIONGROUP = "action-group"; public static final String ELEMENT_PERMISSIONS = "permissions"; public static final String ELEMENT_PERMISSION = "permission"; public static final String ELEMENT_EVALUATOR = "evaluator"; public static final String ELEMENT_LABEL = "label"; public static final String ELEMENT_LABELMSG = "label-id"; public static final String ELEMENT_TOOLTIP = "tooltip"; public static final String ELEMENT_TOOLTIPMSG = "tooltip-id"; public static final String ELEMENT_SHOWLINK = "show-link"; public static final String ELEMENT_STYLE = "style"; public static final String ELEMENT_STYLECLASS = "style-class"; public static final String ELEMENT_IMAGE = "image"; public static final String ELEMENT_ACTIONLISTENER = "action-listener"; public static final String ELEMENT_ONCLICK = "onclick"; public static final String ELEMENT_HREF = "href"; public static final String ELEMENT_TARGET = "target"; public static final String ELEMENT_SCRIPT = "script"; public static final String ELEMENT_PARAMS = "params"; public static final String ELEMENT_PARAM = "param"; public static final String ATTRIBUTE_ID = "id"; public static final String ATTRIBUTE_IDREF = "idref"; public static final String ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "name"; public static final String ATTRIBUTE_ALLOW = "allow"; public static final String ATTRIBUTE_HIDE = "hide"; /** * @see org.springframework.extensions.config.xml.elementreader.ConfigElementReader#parse(org.dom4j.Element) */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public ConfigElement parse(Element element) { ActionsConfigElement configElement = new ActionsConfigElement(); if (element != null) { if (ActionsConfigElement.CONFIG_ELEMENT_ID.equals(element.getName()) == false) { throw new ConfigException("ActionsElementReader can only parse config elements of type 'Actions'"); } Iterator<Element> actionItr = element.elementIterator(ELEMENT_ACTION); while (actionItr.hasNext()) { // work on each 'action' element in turn Element actionElement =; // parse the action definition for the element ActionDefinition actionDef = parseActionDefinition(actionElement); // add our finished action def to the map of all actions configElement.addActionDefinition(actionDef); } Iterator<Element> actionGroupItr = element.elementIterator(ELEMENT_ACTIONGROUP); while (actionGroupItr.hasNext()) { // work on each 'action-group' element in turn Element groupElement =; String groupId = groupElement.attributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_ID); if (groupId == null || groupId.length() == 0) { throw new ConfigException( "'action-group' config element specified without mandatory 'id' attribute."); } // build a structure to represent the action group ActionGroup actionGroup = new ActionGroup(groupId); // loop round each action ref and add them to the list for this action group Iterator<Element> actionRefItr = groupElement.elementIterator(ELEMENT_ACTION); while (actionRefItr.hasNext()) { Element actionRefElement =; // look for an action referred to be Id - this is the common use-case String idRef = actionRefElement.attributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_IDREF); if (idRef == null || idRef.length() == 0) { // look for an action defined directly rather than referenced by Id String id = actionRefElement.attributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_ID); if (id != null && id.length() != 0) { ActionDefinition def = parseActionDefinition(actionRefElement); // override action definition ID based on the group name to avoid conflicts = actionGroup.getId() + '_' + def.getId(); configElement.addActionDefinition(def); actionGroup.addAction(def.getId()); } } else { // look for the hide attribute String hide = actionRefElement.attributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_HIDE); if (hide != null && Boolean.parseBoolean(hide)) { actionGroup.hideAction(idRef); } else { // add the action definition ID to the group actionGroup.addAction(idRef); } } } // get simple string properties for the action group actionGroup.Style = groupElement.elementTextTrim(ELEMENT_STYLE); actionGroup.StyleClass = groupElement.elementTextTrim(ELEMENT_STYLECLASS); if (groupElement.element(ELEMENT_SHOWLINK) != null) { actionGroup.ShowLink = Boolean .parseBoolean(groupElement.element(ELEMENT_SHOWLINK).getTextTrim()); } // add the action group to the map of all action groups configElement.addActionGroup(actionGroup); } } return configElement; } /** * Parse an ActionDefinition from the specific config element. * * @param actionElement The config element containing the action def * * @return The populated ActionDefinition */ public ActionDefinition parseActionDefinition(Element actionElement) { String actionId = actionElement.attributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_ID); if (actionId == null || actionId.length() == 0) { throw new ConfigException("'action' config element specified without mandatory 'id' attribute."); } // build a structure to represent the action definition ActionDefinition actionDef = new ActionDefinition(actionId); // look for the permissions element - it can contain many permission Element permissionsElement = actionElement.element(ELEMENT_PERMISSIONS); if (permissionsElement != null) { // read and process each permission element Iterator<Element> permissionItr = permissionsElement.elementIterator(ELEMENT_PERMISSION); while (permissionItr.hasNext()) { Element permissionElement =; boolean allow = true; if (permissionElement.attributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_ALLOW) != null) { allow = Boolean.parseBoolean(permissionElement.attributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_ALLOW)); } String permissionValue = permissionElement.getTextTrim(); if (allow) { actionDef.addAllowPermission(permissionValue); } else { actionDef.addDenyPermission(permissionValue); } } } // find and construct the specified evaluator class Element evaluatorElement = actionElement.element(ELEMENT_EVALUATOR); if (evaluatorElement != null) { Object evaluator; String className = evaluatorElement.getTextTrim(); try { Class clazz = Class.forName(className); evaluator = clazz.newInstance(); } catch (Throwable err) { throw new ConfigException( "Unable to construct action '" + actionId + "' evaluator classname: " + className); } if (evaluator instanceof ActionEvaluator == false) { throw new ConfigException("Action '" + actionId + "' evaluator class '" + className + "' does not implement ActionEvaluator interface."); } actionDef.Evaluator = (ActionEvaluator) evaluator; } // find any parameter values that the action requires Element paramsElement = actionElement.element(ELEMENT_PARAMS); if (paramsElement != null) { Iterator<Element> paramsItr = paramsElement.elementIterator(ELEMENT_PARAM); while (paramsItr.hasNext()) { Element paramElement =; String name = paramElement.attributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_NAME); if (name == null || name.length() == 0) { throw new ConfigException( "Action '" + actionId + "' param does not have mandatory 'name' attribute."); } String value = paramElement.getTextTrim(); if (value == null || value.length() == 0) { throw new ConfigException( "Action '" + actionId + "' param '" + name + "'" + "' does not have a value."); } actionDef.addParam(name, value); } } // get simple string properties for the action actionDef.Label = actionElement.elementTextTrim(ELEMENT_LABEL); actionDef.LabelMsg = actionElement.elementTextTrim(ELEMENT_LABELMSG); actionDef.Tooltip = actionElement.elementTextTrim(ELEMENT_TOOLTIP); actionDef.TooltipMsg = actionElement.elementTextTrim(ELEMENT_TOOLTIPMSG); actionDef.Href = actionElement.elementTextTrim(ELEMENT_HREF); actionDef.Target = actionElement.elementTextTrim(ELEMENT_TARGET); actionDef.Script = actionElement.elementTextTrim(ELEMENT_SCRIPT); actionDef.Action = actionElement.elementTextTrim(ELEMENT_ACTION); actionDef.ActionListener = actionElement.elementTextTrim(ELEMENT_ACTIONLISTENER); actionDef.Onclick = actionElement.elementTextTrim(ELEMENT_ONCLICK); actionDef.Image = actionElement.elementTextTrim(ELEMENT_IMAGE); actionDef.Style = actionElement.elementTextTrim(ELEMENT_STYLE); actionDef.StyleClass = actionElement.elementTextTrim(ELEMENT_STYLECLASS); if (actionElement.element(ELEMENT_SHOWLINK) != null) { actionDef.ShowLink = Boolean.parseBoolean(actionElement.element(ELEMENT_SHOWLINK).getTextTrim()); } return actionDef; } }