Java tutorial
/* * #%L * Alfresco Solr Client * %% * Copyright (C) 2005 - 2016 Alfresco Software Limited * %% * This file is part of the Alfresco software. * If the software was purchased under a paid Alfresco license, the terms of * the paid license agreement will prevail. Otherwise, the software is * provided under the following open source license terms: * * Alfresco is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Alfresco is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with Alfresco. If not, see <>. * #L% */ package org.alfresco.solr.client; import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.alfresco.encryption.DefaultEncryptionUtils; import org.alfresco.encryption.KeyProvider; import org.alfresco.encryption.KeyResourceLoader; import org.alfresco.encryption.KeyStoreParameters; import org.alfresco.encryption.MACUtils.MACInput; import org.alfresco.encryption.ssl.SSLEncryptionParameters; import org.alfresco.error.AlfrescoRuntimeException; import org.alfresco.httpclient.AlfrescoHttpClient; import org.alfresco.httpclient.AuthenticationException; import org.alfresco.httpclient.HttpClientFactory; import org.alfresco.httpclient.HttpClientFactory.SecureCommsType; import org.alfresco.opencmis.dictionary.CMISDictionaryRegistry; import org.alfresco.opencmis.dictionary.CMISStrictDictionaryService; import org.alfresco.opencmis.mapping.CMISMapping; import org.alfresco.opencmis.mapping.RuntimePropertyLuceneBuilderMapping; import org.alfresco.repo.cache.MemoryCache; import org.alfresco.repo.dictionary.*; import org.alfresco.repo.i18n.StaticMessageLookup; import org.alfresco.repo.tenant.SingleTServiceImpl; import org.alfresco.repo.tenant.TenantService; import org.alfresco.service.namespace.QName; import org.alfresco.util.DynamicallySizedThreadPoolExecutor; import org.alfresco.util.Pair; import org.alfresco.util.TraceableThreadFactory; import org.alfresco.util.cache.DefaultAsynchronouslyRefreshedCacheRegistry; import org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.enums.CmisVersion; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethod; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.ByteArrayRequestEntity; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.PostMethod; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.json.JSONException; import*; import; import; import; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; /** * Tests {@link SOLRAPIClient} Note: need to make sure that source/solr/instance is on the run classpath. Note: doesn't * currently work, need to change to use SSL. * * @since 4.0 */ public class SOLRAPIClientTest extends TestCase { private static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(SOLRAPIClientTest.class); // private static final String TEST_MODEL = "org/alfresco/repo/dictionary/dictionarydaotest_model.xml"; private SOLRAPIClient client; private SOLRAPIClient invalidKeyClient; private SOLRAPIClient tamperWithClient; private DictionaryDAOImpl dictionaryDAO; private CMISStrictDictionaryService cmisDictionaryService; // private M2Model testModel; private void loadModel(Map<String, M2Model> modelMap, HashSet<String> loadedModels, M2Model model) { String modelName = model.getName(); if (loadedModels.contains(modelName) == false) { for (M2Namespace importNamespace : model.getImports()) { M2Model importedModel = modelMap.get(importNamespace.getUri()); if (importedModel != null) { // Ensure that the imported model is loaded first loadModel(modelMap, loadedModels, importedModel); } } dictionaryDAO.putModelIgnoringConstraints(model); loadedModels.add(modelName); } } @Override public void setUp() throws Exception { if (client == null) { TenantService tenantService = new SingleTServiceImpl(); dictionaryDAO = new DictionaryDAOImpl(); NamespaceDAO namespaceDAO = dictionaryDAO; dictionaryDAO.setTenantService(tenantService); CompiledModelsCache compiledModelsCache = new CompiledModelsCache(); compiledModelsCache.setDictionaryDAO(dictionaryDAO); compiledModelsCache.setTenantService(tenantService); compiledModelsCache.setRegistry(new DefaultAsynchronouslyRefreshedCacheRegistry()); TraceableThreadFactory threadFactory = new TraceableThreadFactory(); threadFactory.setThreadDaemon(true); threadFactory.setThreadPriority(Thread.NORM_PRIORITY); ThreadPoolExecutor threadPoolExecutor = new DynamicallySizedThreadPoolExecutor(20, 20, 90, TimeUnit.SECONDS, new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>(), threadFactory, new ThreadPoolExecutor.CallerRunsPolicy()); compiledModelsCache.setThreadPoolExecutor(threadPoolExecutor); dictionaryDAO.setDictionaryRegistryCache(compiledModelsCache); // TODO: use config .... dictionaryDAO.setDefaultAnalyserResourceBundleName("alfresco/model/dataTypeAnalyzers"); dictionaryDAO.setResourceClassLoader(getResourceClassLoader()); dictionaryDAO.init(); DictionaryComponent dictionaryComponent = new DictionaryComponent(); dictionaryComponent.setDictionaryDAO(dictionaryDAO); dictionaryComponent.setMessageLookup(new StaticMessageLookup()); // cmis dictionary CMISMapping cmisMapping = new CMISMapping(); cmisMapping.setCmisVersion(CmisVersion.CMIS_1_0); DictionaryNamespaceComponent namespaceService = new DictionaryNamespaceComponent(); namespaceService.setNamespaceDAO(namespaceDAO); cmisMapping.setNamespaceService(namespaceService); cmisMapping.setDictionaryService(dictionaryComponent); cmisMapping.afterPropertiesSet(); cmisDictionaryService = new CMISStrictDictionaryService(); cmisDictionaryService.setCmisMapping(cmisMapping); cmisDictionaryService.setDictionaryService(dictionaryComponent); cmisDictionaryService.setDictionaryDAO(dictionaryDAO); cmisDictionaryService.setSingletonCache(new MemoryCache<String, CMISDictionaryRegistry>()); cmisDictionaryService.setTenantService(tenantService); cmisDictionaryService.init(); RuntimePropertyLuceneBuilderMapping luceneBuilderMapping = new RuntimePropertyLuceneBuilderMapping(); luceneBuilderMapping.setDictionaryService(dictionaryComponent); luceneBuilderMapping.setCmisDictionaryService(cmisDictionaryService); cmisDictionaryService.setPropertyLuceneBuilderMapping(luceneBuilderMapping); luceneBuilderMapping.afterPropertiesSet(); // Load the key store from the classpath ClasspathKeyResourceLoader keyResourceLoader = new ClasspathKeyResourceLoader(); client = new SOLRAPIClient(getRepoClient(keyResourceLoader), dictionaryComponent, dictionaryDAO); trackModels(); } } private void trackModels() throws AuthenticationException, IOException, JSONException { List<AlfrescoModelDiff> modelDiffs = client.getModelsDiff(Collections.<AlfrescoModel>emptyList()); HashMap<String, M2Model> modelMap = new HashMap<String, M2Model>(); for (AlfrescoModelDiff modelDiff : modelDiffs) { switch (modelDiff.getType()) { case CHANGED: AlfrescoModel changedModel = client.getModel(modelDiff.getModelName()); for (M2Namespace namespace : changedModel.getModel().getNamespaces()) { modelMap.put(namespace.getUri(), changedModel.getModel()); } break; case NEW: AlfrescoModel newModel = client.getModel(modelDiff.getModelName()); for (M2Namespace namespace : newModel.getModel().getNamespaces()) { modelMap.put(namespace.getUri(), newModel.getModel()); } break; case REMOVED: // At the moment we do not unload models - I can see no side effects .... // However search is used to check for references to indexed properties or types // This will be partially broken anyway due to eventual consistency // A model should only be unloaded if there are no data dependencies // Should have been on the de-lucene list. break; } } HashSet<String> loadedModels = new HashSet<String>(); for (M2Model model : modelMap.values()) { loadModel(modelMap, loadedModels, model); } if (modelDiffs.size() > 0) { afterInitModels(); } } public void afterInitModels() { cmisDictionaryService.afterDictionaryInit(); } protected AlfrescoHttpClient getRepoClient(ClasspathKeyResourceLoader keyResourceLoader) { // TODO i18n KeyStoreParameters keyStoreParameters = new KeyStoreParameters("SSL Key Store", "JCEKS", null, "", "ssl.repo.client.keystore"); KeyStoreParameters trustStoreParameters = new KeyStoreParameters("SSL Trust Store", "JCEKS", null, "", "ssl.repo.client.truststore"); SSLEncryptionParameters sslEncryptionParameters = new SSLEncryptionParameters(keyStoreParameters, trustStoreParameters); //MD5HttpClientFactory httpClientFactory = new MD5HttpClientFactory(); // HttpClientFactory httpClientFactory = new HttpClientFactory(SecureComm); // // invalidKeyEncryptionService = new EncryptionService("", 8080, keyResourceLoader, keyStoreParameters, encryptionParameters); // AlfrescoHttpClient repoClient = httpClientFactory.getAlfrescoHttpClient("", 8080, invalidKeyEncryptionService); // //SecureHttpClient repoClient = new SecureHttpClient(httpClientFactory, "", 8080, invalidKeyEncryptionService); // invalidKeyClient = new SOLRAPIClient(repoClient, model.getDictionaryService(), namespaceDAO); // // keyStoreParameters.setLocation("org/alfresco/solr/client/.keystore"); // tamperWithEncryptionService = new TamperWithEncryptionService("", 8080, keyResourceLoader, keyStoreParameters, encryptionParameters); // repoClient = httpClientFactory.getAlfrescoHttpClient("", 8080, tamperWithEncryptionService); //// repoClient = new SecureHttpClient(httpClientFactory, "", 8080, tamperWithEncryptionService); // tamperWithClient = new SOLRAPIClient(repoClient, model.getDictionaryService(), namespaceDAO); // // encryptionParameters.setMessageTimeout(30*1000); // keyStoreParameters.setLocation("workspace-SpacesStore/conf/.keystore"); // EncryptionService encryptionService = new EncryptionService("", 8080, keyResourceLoader, keyStoreParameters, encryptionParameters); // repoClient = httpClientFactory.getAlfrescoHttpClient("", 8080, encryptionService); //repoClient = new SecureHttpClient(httpClientFactory, "", 8080, encryptionService); // client = new SOLRAPIClient(repoClient, model.getDictionaryService(), namespaceDAO); HttpClientFactory httpClientFactory = new HttpClientFactory(SecureCommsType.getType("https"), sslEncryptionParameters, keyResourceLoader, null, null, "localhost", 8080, 8443, 40, 40, 0); // TODO need to make port configurable depending on secure comms, or just make redirects // work return httpClientFactory.getRepoClient("localhost", 8443); } public ClassLoader getResourceClassLoader() { File f = new File("woof", "alfrescoResources"); if (f.canRead() && f.isDirectory()) { URL[] urls = new URL[1]; try { URL url = f.toURI().normalize().toURL(); urls[0] = url; } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new AlfrescoRuntimeException("Failed to add resources to classpath ", e); } return URLClassLoader.newInstance(urls, this.getClass().getClassLoader()); } else { return this.getClass().getClassLoader(); } } private class ClasspathKeyResourceLoader implements KeyResourceLoader { @Override public InputStream getKeyStore(String location) throws FileNotFoundException { return getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(location); } @Override public Properties loadKeyMetaData(String location) throws IOException { Properties p = new Properties(); p.load(getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(location)); return p; } } /** * Full testing of ChangeSets, ACLs and Readers */ public void testGetAcls() throws Exception { AclChangeSets aclChangeSets = null; aclChangeSets = client.getAclChangeSets(null, null, null, null, 50); assertTrue("Too many results", aclChangeSets.getAclChangeSets().size() <= 50); if (aclChangeSets.getAclChangeSets().size() < 2) { return; // Not enough data } AclChangeSet aclChangeSetCheck = null; AclChangeSet aclChangeSet0 = aclChangeSets.getAclChangeSets().get(0); AclChangeSet aclChangeSet1 = aclChangeSets.getAclChangeSets().get(1); long id0 = aclChangeSet0.getId(); long commitTimeMs0 = aclChangeSet0.getCommitTimeMs(); // Now query for the next ID Long nextId = id0 + 1; aclChangeSets = client.getAclChangeSets(commitTimeMs0, nextId, null, null, 1); assertEquals(1, aclChangeSets.getAclChangeSets().size()); aclChangeSetCheck = aclChangeSets.getAclChangeSets().get(0); assertEquals(aclChangeSet1, aclChangeSetCheck); Map<Long, AclChangeSet> aclChangeSetsById = new HashMap<Long, AclChangeSet>(); for (AclChangeSet aclChangeSet : aclChangeSets.getAclChangeSets()) { aclChangeSetsById.put(aclChangeSet.getId(), aclChangeSet); } Set<Long> aclIdUniqueCheck = new HashSet<Long>(1000); // Now do a large walk-through of the ACLs Long minAclChangeSetId = null; Long fromCommitTimeMs = null; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { aclChangeSets = client.getAclChangeSets(fromCommitTimeMs, minAclChangeSetId, null, null, 10); if (aclChangeSets.getAclChangeSets().size() == 0) { break; } // Now repeat for the ACLs, keeping track of the last ChangeSet Long nextAclId = null; while (true) { List<Acl> acls = client.getAcls(aclChangeSets.getAclChangeSets(), nextAclId, 512); if (acls.size() == 0) { break; // Run out of ACLs } Set<Long> aclIds = new HashSet<Long>(1000); for (Acl acl : acls) { long aclId = acl.getId(); aclIds.add(aclId); if (!aclIdUniqueCheck.add(aclId)) { // ignore duplicates for lazy/eager shared acl creation //fail("ACL already processed: " + aclId); } // Check that we are ascending if (nextAclId != null) { assertTrue("ACL IDs must be ascending: " + aclId, nextAclId.longValue() <= aclId); } nextAclId = aclId + 1; } // Now get the readers for these ACLs List<AclReaders> aclsReaders = client.getAclReaders(acls); // Check that the ACL ids are all covered for (AclReaders aclReaders : aclsReaders) { Long aclId = aclReaders.getId(); aclIds.remove(aclId); } assertTrue("Some ACL IDs were not covered: " + aclIds, aclIds.size() == 0); } // March in time AclChangeSet lastAclChangeSet = aclChangeSets.getAclChangeSets() .get(aclChangeSets.getAclChangeSets().size() - 1); fromCommitTimeMs = lastAclChangeSet.getCommitTimeMs(); minAclChangeSetId = lastAclChangeSet.getId() + 1; } } public void testGetTransactions() throws Exception { // get transactions starting from txn id 1298288417234l Transactions transactions = client.getTransactions(1298288417234l, null, null, null, 5); // get transactions starting from transaction 426 transactions = client.getTransactions(null, Long.valueOf(1), null, null, 5); List<Long> transactionIds = new ArrayList<Long>(transactions.getTransactions().size()); for (Transaction info : transactions.getTransactions()) { logger.debug(info); transactionIds.add(Long.valueOf(info.getId())); } // get the first 3 nodes in those transactions GetNodesParameters params = new GetNodesParameters(); params.setTransactionIds(transactionIds); List<Node> nodes = client.getNodes(params, 5); for (Node info : nodes) { logger.debug(info); } // get the next 3 nodes in those transactions i.e. starting from the last node id (inclusive) params = new GetNodesParameters(); params.setTransactionIds(transactionIds); params.setFromNodeId(nodes.get(nodes.size() - 1).getId()); nodes = client.getNodes(params, 3); List<Long> nodeIds = new ArrayList<Long>(nodes.size()); for (Node info : nodes) { logger.debug(info); nodeIds.add(info.getId()); } NodeMetaDataParameters metaParams = new NodeMetaDataParameters(); metaParams.setNodeIds(nodeIds); List<NodeMetaData> metadata = client.getNodesMetaData(metaParams, 3); for (NodeMetaData info : metadata) { logger.debug(info); } } public void testMetaData() throws AuthenticationException, IOException, JSONException { NodeMetaDataParameters metaParams = new NodeMetaDataParameters(); List<Long> nodeIds = new ArrayList<Long>(1); nodeIds.add(1l); metaParams.setNodeIds(nodeIds); List<NodeMetaData> metadata = client.getNodesMetaData(metaParams, 3); for (NodeMetaData info : metadata) { logger.debug(info); } metaParams = new NodeMetaDataParameters(); nodeIds = new ArrayList<Long>(1); nodeIds.add(9l); metaParams.setNodeIds(nodeIds); metadata = client.getNodesMetaData(metaParams, 3); for (NodeMetaData info : metadata) { logger.debug(info); } metaParams = new NodeMetaDataParameters(); nodeIds = new ArrayList<Long>(1); nodeIds.add(19l); metaParams.setNodeIds(nodeIds); metadata = client.getNodesMetaData(metaParams, 3); for (NodeMetaData info : metadata) { logger.debug(info); } // individual tag/category // TODO check why the category path has a null QName metaParams = new NodeMetaDataParameters(); nodeIds = new ArrayList<Long>(1); nodeIds.add(49437l); metaParams.setNodeIds(nodeIds); metadata = client.getNodesMetaData(metaParams, 3); for (NodeMetaData info : metadata) { logger.debug(info); } // content with tags metaParams = new NodeMetaDataParameters(); nodeIds = new ArrayList<Long>(1); nodeIds.add(49431l); metaParams.setNodeIds(nodeIds); metadata = client.getNodesMetaData(metaParams, 3); for (NodeMetaData info : metadata) { logger.debug(info); MultiPropertyValue multi = (MultiPropertyValue) info.getProperties() .get(QName.createQName("{}taggable")); if (multi != null) { for (PropertyValue propValue : multi.getValues()) { logger.debug("multi property values = " + propValue); } } } // content with null property values for author metaParams = new NodeMetaDataParameters(); nodeIds = new ArrayList<Long>(1); nodeIds.add(117630l); metaParams.setNodeIds(nodeIds); metadata = client.getNodesMetaData(metaParams, 3); for (NodeMetaData info : metadata) { logger.debug(info); } // content with accented characters in title properties metaParams = new NodeMetaDataParameters(); nodeIds = new ArrayList<Long>(1); nodeIds.add(117678l); metaParams.setNodeIds(nodeIds); metadata = client.getNodesMetaData(metaParams, 3); for (NodeMetaData info : metadata) { logger.debug(info); } } public void testGetModel() throws AuthenticationException, IOException, JSONException { AlfrescoModel alfModel = client .getModel(QName.createQName("", "contentmodel")); M2Model model = alfModel.getModel(); assertNotNull(model); assertEquals("Returned model has incorrect name", "cm:contentmodel", model.getName()); assertNotNull(alfModel.getChecksum()); } public void testGetModelDiffs() throws AuthenticationException, IOException, JSONException { List<AlfrescoModelDiff> diffs = client.getModelsDiff(Collections.<AlfrescoModel>emptyList()); assertTrue(diffs.size() > 0); } // public void testMAC() throws IOException, JSONException // { // // dodyClient has a secret key that is not the same as the repository's. This // // should fail with a 401 // try // { // Transactions transactions = invalidKeyClient.getTransactions(1298288417234l, null, null, null, 5); // } // catch (AuthenticationException e) // { // assertEquals("Should have caught unathorised request", e.getMethod().getStatusCode(), HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED); // } // // try // { // tamperWithEncryptionService.setOverrideTimestamp(true); // Transactions transactions = tamperWithClient.getTransactions(1298288417234l, null, null, null, 5); // } // catch (AuthenticationException e) // { // assertEquals("Should have caught unathorised request", e.getMethod().getStatusCode(), HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED); // } // finally // { // tamperWithEncryptionService.setOverrideTimestamp(false); // } // // try // { // tamperWithEncryptionService.setOverrideMAC(true); // Transactions transactions = tamperWithClient.getTransactions(1298288417234l, null, null, null, 5); // } // catch (AuthenticationException e) // { // assertEquals("Should have caught unathorised request", e.getMethod().getStatusCode(), HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED); // } // finally // { // tamperWithEncryptionService.setOverrideMAC(false); // } // } private void outputTextContent(SOLRAPIClient.GetTextContentResponse response) throws IOException { InputStream in = response.getContent(); if (in != null) { logger.debug("Text content:"); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in, "UTF-8")); String line = null; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { logger.debug(line); } } } /** * Overrides request encryption to create dodgy MAC and timestamp on requests */ private static class TestEncryptionUtils extends DefaultEncryptionUtils { private boolean overrideMAC = false; private boolean overrideTimestamp = false; public void setOverrideMAC(boolean overrideMAC) { this.overrideMAC = overrideMAC; } public void setOverrideTimestamp(boolean overrideTimestamp) { this.overrideTimestamp = overrideTimestamp; } @Override public void setRequestAuthentication(HttpMethod method, byte[] message) throws IOException { if (method instanceof PostMethod) { // encrypt body Pair<byte[], AlgorithmParameters> encrypted = encryptor.encrypt(KeyProvider.ALIAS_SOLR, null, message); setRequestAlgorithmParameters(method, encrypted.getSecond()); ((PostMethod) method).setRequestEntity( new ByteArrayRequestEntity(encrypted.getFirst(), "application/octet-stream")); } long requestTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); // add MAC header byte[] mac = macUtils.generateMAC(KeyProvider.ALIAS_SOLR, new MACInput(message, requestTimestamp, getLocalIPAddress())); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Setting MAC " + mac + " on HTTP request " + method.getPath()); logger.debug("Setting timestamp " + requestTimestamp + " on HTTP request " + method.getPath()); } if (overrideMAC) { mac[0] += (byte) 1; } setRequestMac(method, mac); if (overrideTimestamp) { requestTimestamp += 60000; } // prevent replays setRequestTimestamp(method, requestTimestamp); } } }