Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (C) 2011 - 2013 Alfresco Business Reporting project
 * This file is part of the Alfresco Business Reporting project.
 * Licensed under the GNU LGPL, Version 3.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.alfresco.reporting.db;

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.TreeSet;

import org.alfresco.error.AlfrescoRuntimeException;
import org.alfresco.model.ContentModel;
import org.alfresco.reporting.Constants;
import org.alfresco.reporting.ReportLine;
import org.alfresco.reporting.ReportingHelper;
import org.alfresco.reporting.ReportingModel;
import org.alfresco.reporting.mybatis.InsertInto;
import org.alfresco.reporting.mybatis.ReportingColumnDefinition;
import org.alfresco.reporting.mybatis.ReportingDAO;
import org.alfresco.reporting.mybatis.SelectFromWhere;
import org.alfresco.reporting.mybatis.UpdateWhere;
import org.alfresco.reporting.mybatis.WorkflowDAO;
import org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.NodeRef;
import org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.StoreRef;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

public class DatabaseHelperBean {

    private static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(DatabaseHelperBean.class);
    private Properties globalProperties;
    private ReportingDAO reportingDAO;
    private WorkflowDAO workflowDAO;
    private ReportingHelper reportingHelper;
    private final String LASTSUCCESSFULRUN = "lastsuccessfulrun";

    public String fixTableColumnName(String inName) {
        return reportingHelper.getValidTableName(inName);

    private ReportingHelper getReportingHelper() {
        return reportingHelper;

    public void setReportingHelper(ReportingHelper reportingHelper) {
        this.reportingHelper = reportingHelper;

    public void setWorkflowDAOImpl(WorkflowDAO workflowDAO) {
        this.workflowDAO = workflowDAO;

    public void setReportingDAOImpl(ReportingDAO reportingDAO) {
        this.reportingDAO = reportingDAO;

    public void setProperties(Properties properties) {
        this.globalProperties = properties;

    public void logAllProperties() {

        Enumeration<Object> keys = globalProperties.keys();
        while (keys.hasMoreElements()) {
            String key = (String) keys.nextElement();
            if (key.indexOf("reporting.") > -1) {
                if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                    logger.debug(key + "=" + globalProperties.getProperty(key));



    public Map<String, String> getShowTables() {
        Map<String, String> sm = new HashMap<String, String>();

        List<String> tables = reportingDAO.getShowTables();
        logger.debug("Found show tables results: " + tables.size());
        for (int t = 0; t < tables.size(); t++) {
            String tablename = tables.get(t);
            logger.debug("Processing table " + tablename);
            int amount = reportingDAO.getNumberOfRowsForTable(tablename);
            logger.debug("Returned " + amount);
            sm.put(tablename, String.valueOf(amount));
        return sm;

    public Map<String, String> getShowTablesDetails2() {
        Map<String, String> sm = new HashMap<String, String>();

        List<String> tableList = reportingDAO.getShowTables();
        Iterator<String> tableIterator = tableList.iterator();
        while (tableIterator.hasNext()) {

            String tablename =;
            if ((tablename != null) && !LASTSUCCESSFULRUN.equalsIgnoreCase(tablename)) {

                String timestamp_w = getLastTimestamp_w(tablename);
                String timestamp_a = getLastTimestamp_a(tablename);

                String status = reportingDAO.reportingSelectStatusFromLastsuccessfulrun(tablename);
                String status_w = reportingDAO.reportingSelectStatusFromLastsuccessfulrun(tablename + "_w");
                String status_a = reportingDAO.reportingSelectStatusFromLastsuccessfulrun(tablename + "_a");

                if (!"Done".equalsIgnoreCase(status)) {
                    if ("Running".equals(status_w))
                        status = "Running";
                    if ("Running".equals(status_a))
                        status = "Running";
                    if ("Done".equals(status_w) && "Done".equals(status_a))
                        status = "Done";

                String totaal = String.valueOf(reportingDAO.getNumberOfRowsForTable(tablename));
                logger.debug("Rows for table " + tablename + ": " + totaal);

                sm.put(tablename, timestamp_w + "," + timestamp_a + "," + status + "," + totaal + ",");

            } // end if !LOASTSUCESFULRUN
        } // end while
        return sm;

     * This method provides the input for the Admin Dashlet. 
     * (All but the lastSuccessfulRun timestamp....)
     * @return
    public Map<String, String> getShowTablesDetails() {
        Map<String, String> sm = new HashMap<String, String>();

        List<String> tableList = reportingDAO.getShowTables();
        Iterator<String> tableIterator = tableList.iterator();

        // for each table in the list of tables
        while (tableIterator.hasNext()) {

            String tablename =;

            if ((tablename != null) && !LASTSUCCESSFULRUN.equalsIgnoreCase(tablename)) {
                tablename = tablename.trim();

                String status = reportingDAO.reportingSelectStatusFromLastsuccessfulrun(tablename);

                String timestamp = getLastTimestamp(tablename);
                //String timestamp_a = getLastTimestamp_a(tablename);

                logger.debug("Current Status for " + tablename + "=" + status);

                if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                    logger.debug("Processing table >" + tablename + "<");

                String totaal = "";
                String isLatest = "0";
                String isNonLatest = "0";
                String isWorkSpace = "0";
                String isArchive = "0";

                totaal = String.valueOf(reportingDAO.getNumberOfRowsForTable(tablename));
                logger.debug("Rows for table " + tablename + ": " + totaal);

                if (!Constants.VENDOR_ORACLE.equalsIgnoreCase(reportingHelper.getDatabaseProvider())) {

                    if (!"0".equals(totaal)) { // an exception will be thrown if there are no rows...
                        logger.debug("Lets prep for reportingSelectIsLatestPerTable");
                        List<Map<String, Object>> rowList = reportingDAO.reportingSelectIsLatestPerTable(tablename);
                        logger.debug("Done reportingSelectIsLatestPerTable: " + rowList.size());

                        Iterator<Map<String, Object>> rowIterator = rowList.iterator();
                        //for each row in the resultlist
                        while (rowIterator.hasNext()) {
                            Map<String, Object> columnMap =;
                            Iterator<String> columnIterator = columnMap.keySet().iterator();
                            boolean isLatestKey = false;
                            boolean isNonLatestKey = false;
                            boolean isLatestSet = false;
                            boolean isNonLatestSet = false;
                            long value = 0;

                            // iterate over the column. Each column appears in the actual case, and upperCase
                            while (columnIterator.hasNext()) {
                                String key =;
                                logger.debug("isLatest key=" + key + " value=" + columnMap.get(key));
                                if ("islatest".equalsIgnoreCase(key) && columnMap.get(key).toString().equals("1")) {
                                    isLatestKey = true;
                                    //isLatest = Long.toString(map1.get(key));
                                if ("islatest".equalsIgnoreCase(key) && columnMap.get(key).toString().equals("0")) {
                                    isNonLatestKey = true;
                                    //isNonLatest = Long.toString(map1.get(key));
                                if (key.toLowerCase().startsWith("count")) {
                                    //value = (Long)columnMap.get(key); 
                                    if (isLatestKey && !isLatestSet) {
                                        isLatest = String.valueOf(columnMap.get(key));
                                        logger.debug("Setting isLatest=" + columnMap.get(key));
                                        isLatestKey = false;
                                        isLatestSet = true; // set the value only once
                                    if (isNonLatestKey && !isNonLatestSet) {
                                        isNonLatest = String.valueOf(columnMap.get(key));
                                        logger.debug("Setting isNonLatest=" + columnMap.get(key));
                                        isNonLatestKey = false;
                                        isNonLatestSet = true; // set the value only once
                                } // end if (COUNT(*))
                            } // end while (keyIterator1.hasNext())

                        } // end while list1Iterator.hasNext()
                        rowIterator = null;
                        rowList = null;

                        logger.debug("isLatest=" + isLatest + " isNonLatest=" + isNonLatest);

                        try { // can be dangerous if applied to table without spacestore details like groups
                            rowList = reportingDAO.reportingSelectStoreProtocolPerTable(tablename);
                            logger.debug("Done reportingSelectStoreProtocolPerTable: " + rowList.size());

                            rowIterator = rowList.iterator();
                            while (rowIterator.hasNext()) {
                                try {
                                    Map<String, Object> columnMap =;
                                    Iterator<String> columnIterator = columnMap.keySet().iterator();
                                    boolean isArchiveKey = false;
                                    boolean isWorkspaceKey = false;
                                    boolean isArchiveSet = false;
                                    boolean isWorkspaceSet = false;
                                    long value = 0;
                                    while (columnIterator.hasNext()) {
                                        String keyString =;
                                        logger.debug("SpaceStore key=" + keyString + " value="
                                                + columnMap.get(keyString));
                                        if (Constants.KEY_STORE_PROTOCOL.equalsIgnoreCase(keyString) && ("archive"
                                                .equalsIgnoreCase(columnMap.get(keyString).toString()))) {
                                            isArchiveKey = true;
                                            //isLatest = Long.toString(map1.get(key));
                                        if (Constants.KEY_STORE_PROTOCOL.equalsIgnoreCase(keyString) && ("workspace"
                                                .equalsIgnoreCase(columnMap.get(keyString).toString()))) {
                                            isWorkspaceKey = true;
                                            //isNonLatest = Long.toString(map1.get(key));
                                        if (keyString.toLowerCase().startsWith("count")) {
                                            //value = (Long)columnMap.get(keyString);
                                            if (isArchiveKey && !isArchiveSet) {
                                                isArchive = String.valueOf(columnMap.get(keyString));
                                                logger.debug("Setting archive=" + columnMap.get(keyString));
                                                isArchiveKey = false;
                                                isArchiveSet = true; // set value only once
                                            if (isWorkspaceKey && !isWorkspaceSet) {
                                                isWorkSpace = String.valueOf(columnMap.get(keyString));
                                                logger.debug("Setting worksace=" + columnMap.get(keyString));
                                                isWorkspaceKey = false;
                                                isWorkspaceSet = true; // set value only once

                                        } // end if COUNT(*)

                                    } // end while keyIterator2.hasNext()
                                    logger.debug("setting isWorkspace=" + isWorkSpace + " isArchive=" + isArchive);
                                } catch (Exception e) {
                                    // table without workspace info

                            } // end while list2Iterator.hasNext()
                            rowIterator = null;
                            rowList = null;
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            // drop it
                  "Trying to process spacestore column:  " + e.toString());
                        } // end try/catch

                    } // end if (!"0".equals(totaal))
                } // end if not Oracle   
                logger.debug("Through with a single loop");
                //int tableLength = tablename.length()+5;
                sm.put(tablename, timestamp + "," + status + "," + totaal + "," + isLatest + "," + isNonLatest + ","
                        + isWorkSpace + "," + isArchive);

            } // end exclude lastsuccessfulrun table
        } // end while (tableIterator.hasNext())

        return sm;

    public void init() {
        if (logger.isInfoEnabled())
  "Starting init - " + reportingHelper.getDatabaseProvider());

        try {
            Map<String, String> p = getShowTables();
            SortedSet<String> ss = new TreeSet<String>(p.keySet());
            Iterator<String> keys = ss.iterator();
            if (ss.size() == 0) {
      "  No reporting tables to display...");
            } else {
                while (keys.hasNext()) {
                    String key = (String);
          "  " + key + " (" + p.get(key) + ")");
            } // end if ss.size()         
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.warn("Reporting table information could not be retrieved!!");
            logger.fatal("Exception was: " + e.getMessage());


    // ------------------------------------------------------------------
    //       methods for retrieving workflow props from Alfresco
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------

    public List<String> getCreatedTasks(String fromDate, int maxItems) {
        return workflowDAO.getCreatedTasks(fromDate, maxItems);

    public List<String> getDeletedTasks(String fromDate, int maxItems) {
        return workflowDAO.getDeletedTasks(fromDate, maxItems);

    public HashMap<String, Serializable> getPropertiesForWorkflowTask(String id) {
        return workflowDAO.getPropertiesForWorkflowTask(id);

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------
    //       methods for retrieving process instances props from Alfresco
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------

    public List<String> getCreatedProcesses(String fromDate, int maxItems) {
        return workflowDAO.getCreatedProcesses(fromDate, maxItems);

    public List<String> getCompletedProcesses(String fromDate, int maxItems) {
        return workflowDAO.getCompletedProcesses(fromDate, maxItems);

    public HashMap<String, Serializable> getPropertiesForWorkflownstance(String id) {
        return workflowDAO.getPropertiesForWorkflowTask(id);

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------

    public boolean isEnabled() {
        boolean returnBoolean = !globalProperties.getProperty("reporting.enabled", "true")
        return returnBoolean;

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------
    //                     generic SQL statements
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------

    public void extendTable(String table, String column, String type) throws Exception {
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
            logger.debug("enter extendTable colum=" + column + " type=" + type);
        try {
            table = fixTableColumnName(table);
            column = fixTableColumnName(column);
            ReportingColumnDefinition rcd = new ReportingColumnDefinition(table, column, type);
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                logger.debug("extendTable: prep starting reportinggDAO");

        } catch (Exception e) {
            // nothing. Probably, column exists
            logger.fatal("@@@@ Exception: extendTable: " + table + " | " + column + " | " + type);
            logger.fatal("@@@@ " + e.getMessage());
            throw new Exception(e);
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
            logger.debug("exit extendTable");

    public String selectFromWhere(String select, String from, String where) throws Exception {
        String returnString = "";
        try {
            returnString = reportingDAO.reportingSelectFromWhere(select, from.toLowerCase(), where);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.fatal("Exception selectFromWhere: select=" + select + " from=" + from + " where=" + where);
            throw new Exception(e);
        return returnString;

    public boolean rowExists(ReportLine rl) throws Exception {
        boolean returnValue = false;
        try {
            SelectFromWhere sfw = new SelectFromWhere(null, rl.getTable().toLowerCase(),

            returnValue = reportingDAO.reportingRowExists(sfw);
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                logger.debug("rowExists returning " + returnValue);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.fatal("Exception rowExists: " + e.getMessage());
            throw new Exception(e);
        return returnValue;

     * Returns true if the given UUID & isLatest=true has an empty 
     * archivedDate.This is to determine if the object has been archived, 
     * since the archive action does not modify the modified timestamp.
    public boolean archivedDateIsEmpty(ReportLine rl) throws Exception {
        boolean returnValue = false;
        try {
            SelectFromWhere sfw = new SelectFromWhere(null, rl.getTable().toLowerCase(),

            // this method will fail if there is no archived item in the database,
            // because the column will not exist...
            returnValue = reportingDAO.reportingArchivedDateIsEmpty(sfw);
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                logger.debug("archivedDateIsEmpty returning " + returnValue);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.fatal("Exception archivedDateIsEmpty: " + e.getMessage());
            throw new Exception(e);
        return returnValue;

    private boolean rowEqualsModifiedDate(ReportLine rl, String lastModified) throws Exception {
        // if this query exists, there already is a valid entry. Workaround for issue that Lucene search does not return time, just date
        boolean returnValue = false;
        logger.debug("rowEqualsModifiedDate: lastModified=" + lastModified + " vs. "
                + rl.getValue(Constants.KEY_MODIFIED));
        try {
            SelectFromWhere sfw = new SelectFromWhere(null, rl.getTable(), rl.getValue(Constants.KEY_NODE_UUID));

            if (rl.hasValue(Constants.KEY_VERSION_LABEL)
            //&& (!"archive".equals(rl.getValue("sys_store_protocol"))) // exclude archived nodes from version check 
            ) {
                returnValue = reportingDAO.reportingRowVersionedEqualsModifiedDate(sfw);

                if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                    logger.debug("rowEqualsModifiedDate: Versioned! VersionLabel="
                            + rl.getValue(Constants.KEY_VERSION_LABEL) + " returns: " + returnValue);
            } else {
                returnValue = reportingDAO.reportingRowEqualsModifiedDate(sfw);
                if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                    logger.debug("rowEqualsModifiedDate: returns: " + returnValue);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.fatal("Exception rowEqualsModifiedDate: " + e.getMessage());
            throw new Exception(e);
        logger.debug("exit rowEqualsModifiedDate: " + returnValue);
        return returnValue;


    public int updateVersionedIntoTable(ReportLine rl) throws Exception {
        logger.debug("enter updateVersionedIntoTable modified=" + rl.getValue(Constants.KEY_MODIFIED)
                + " vs. archived=" + rl.getValue(Constants.KEY_ARCHIVED_DATE));
        try {
            //If item is archived, do not check modified date, because it uses archivedDate
            boolean isArchivedItem = true;
            if (rl.getValue(Constants.KEY_ARCHIVED_DATE) != null
                    && rl.getValue(Constants.KEY_ARCHIVED_DATE).isEmpty()) {
                isArchivedItem = false;

            if (!rowEqualsModifiedDate(rl, rl.getValue(Constants.KEY_MODIFIED)) || isArchivedItem) {
                try {
                    logger.debug("updateVersionedIntoTable table=" + rl.getTable());
                    logger.debug("updateVersionedIntoTable vaidUntil=" + rl.getValue(Constants.KEY_MODIFIED)); // sdf.parse
                    logger.debug("updateVersionedIntoTable sys_ode_uuid=" + rl.getValue(Constants.KEY_NODE_UUID));

                    String modified = "'" + rl.getValue(Constants.KEY_MODIFIED) + "'";
                    if (Constants.VENDOR_ORACLE.equalsIgnoreCase(reportingHelper.getDatabaseProvider())) {
                        modified = "TO_DATE(" + modified + ",'yyyy-MM-dd HH24:MI:SS')";

                    UpdateWhere updateWhere = new UpdateWhere(rl.getTable(), // next line: sdf.parse
                            "validUntil=" + modified + "", // isLatest=0 added in template
                            "sys_node_uuid LIKE '" + rl.getValue(Constants.KEY_NODE_UUID) + "'"); // AND (isLatest=1) added in template
                    logger.debug("exit updateVersionedIntoTable");
                    return insertIntoTable(rl);

                } catch (Exception e) {

                    logger.fatal("Exception updateVersionedIntoTable1: " + e.getMessage());
                    throw new Exception(e);

            } else {
                logger.debug("exit updateVersionedIntoTable 0");
                return 0;
                //return insertIntoTable(rl);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.fatal("Exception updateVersionedIntoTable2: " + e.getMessage());
            throw new Exception(e);
        //return 0;

    public int updateIntoTable(ReportLine rl) throws Exception {
        logger.debug("enter updateIntoTable");
        int myInt = 0;
        try {
            UpdateWhere updateWhere = new UpdateWhere(rl.getTable(), rl.getUpdateSet(),
                    "sys_node_uuid LIKE '" + rl.getValue(Constants.KEY_NODE_UUID) + "'");
            myInt = reportingDAO.reportingUpdateIntoTable(updateWhere);
            logger.debug("exit updateIntoTable " + myInt);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.fatal("Exception updateIntoTable: " + e.getMessage());
            throw new Exception(e);
        return myInt;

    public int insertIntoTable(ReportLine rl) throws Exception {
        logger.debug("enter insertIntoTable");
        int myInt = 0;
        try {
            logger.debug("### sys_store_protocol=" + rl.getValue(Constants.KEY_STORE_PROTOCOL));
            Properties classToColumn = getReportingHelper().getClassToColumnType();
            Properties replacementTypes = getReportingHelper().getReplacementDataType();
            if ("archive".equals(rl.getValue(Constants.KEY_STORE_PROTOCOL))) {
                // validFrom = cm_created, validUntil=sys_archivedDate, isLatest=false
                String created = rl.getValue(Constants.KEY_CREATED);
                String archived = rl.getValue(Constants.KEY_ARCHIVED_DATE);

                rl.setLine("isLatest", classToColumn.getProperty("boolean", "-"), "false", replacementTypes);
                rl.setLine("validFrom", classToColumn.getProperty("datetime", "-"), created, replacementTypes);
                rl.setLine("validUntil", classToColumn.getProperty("datetime", "-"), archived, replacementTypes);
            } else {

                if ((rl.getValue("noderef") != null) // exclude the groups and other objects that have null vaue for noderef
                        && rl.getValue("noderef").toString().startsWith("version")) {
                    String validFrom = rl.getValue(Constants.KEY_CREATED);
                    String validUntil = rl.getValue(Constants.KEY_MODIFIED);
                    rl.setLine("isLatest", classToColumn.getProperty("boolean", "-"), "false", replacementTypes);
                    rl.setLine("validFrom", classToColumn.getProperty("datetime", "-"), validFrom,
                    rl.setLine("validUntil", classToColumn.getProperty("datetime", "-"), validUntil,
                } else {

                    String modified = rl.getValue(Constants.KEY_MODIFIED);
                    rl.setLine("validFrom", classToColumn.getProperty("datetime", "-"), modified, replacementTypes);
                    //rl.setLine("validUntil", classToColumn.getProperty("datetime","-"), null, new Properties());



            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                logger.debug("insertIntoTable table=" + rl.getTable());
                logger.debug("insertIntoTable keys=" + rl.getInsertListOfKeys());
                logger.debug("insertIntoTable values=" + rl.getInsertListOfValues());

            InsertInto insertInto = new InsertInto(rl.getTable(), rl.getInsertListOfKeys(),

            myInt = reportingDAO.reportingInsertIntoTable(insertInto);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.fatal("Exception insertIntoTable: " + e.getMessage());
            throw new Exception(e);
        logger.debug("exit insertIntoTable " + myInt);
        return myInt;


     * dropTables drops a list of tables if they exist
     * @param tables a comma separated list of table names
    public void dropTables(String tablesToDrop) throws Exception {
        logger.debug("Enter dropTables: " + tablesToDrop);
        try {
            for (String table : tablesToDrop.toLowerCase().split(",")) {
                table = fixTableColumnName(table.trim());
                logger.debug("dropTables: before: " + table);
                logger.debug("dropTables: after: " + table);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.fatal("Exception dropTables: " + e.getMessage());
            throw new Exception(e);
        logger.debug("Exit dropTables: " + tablesToDrop);

     * gets the list of all reporting tables, and drops each one of them
    public void dropAllTables() {
        logger.debug("Starting dropAllTables");
        try {

            List<String> tables = reportingDAO.getShowTables();
            for (String tablename : tables) {

        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.fatal("Exception dropAllTables: " + e.getMessage());
            throw new AlfrescoRuntimeException(e.getMessage());


     * createEmptyTables: creates emtpy tables for the known Alfresco types
     *                    only if the table does not exist yet
     * The one and only column created is sys_node_uuid
     * @param tables a comma separated list of table names
    public void createEmptyTables(String tablesToCreate) throws Exception {
        logger.debug("Starting createEmptyTables: " + tablesToCreate);
        try {
            for (String table : tablesToCreate.toLowerCase().split(",")) {
                table = fixTableColumnName(table);
                if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                    logger.debug("createEmptyTables: now table " + table.trim());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.fatal("Exception createEmptyTables: " + e.getMessage());
            throw new Exception(e);

     * create the default indexes for a reporting table (sys_node_uuid AND sys_node_uuid+isLatest)
     * @param tablenames
    public void createIndexesForTable(String tablenames) {
        logger.debug("Starting createIndexForTable: " + tablenames);
        try {
            for (String table : tablenames.toLowerCase().split(",")) {
                table = fixTableColumnName(table);
                if (!LASTSUCCESSFULRUN.equals(table)) {
                    if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                        logger.debug("createIndexForTable: now table " + table.trim());
                    reportingDAO.createCustomIndex(table.trim(), "sys_node_uuid", table.trim() + "_uuid_idx");
                    reportingDAO.createCustomIndex(table.trim(), "sys_node_uuid,isLatest",
                            table.trim() + "_uuid_islatest_idx");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.fatal("Exception createIndexForTable: " + e.getMessage());
            throw new AlfrescoRuntimeException(e.getMessage());

    public void createIndexForTables() {
        logger.debug("Starting createIndexForTables");
        try {

            List<String> tables = reportingDAO.getShowTables();
            for (String tablename : tables) {

        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.fatal("Exception createIndexForTables: " + e.getMessage());
            throw new AlfrescoRuntimeException(e.getMessage());


     * @param tablename
     * @param columnname can be a concatenation (comma separated list) of values
    public void createCustomIndexForTable(final String tablename, final String columnname) {
        final String table = fixTableColumnName(tablename);
        final String index = fixTableColumnName(table + "_" + columnname + "_index");
        if (!LASTSUCCESSFULRUN.equals(table))
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                logger.debug("createIndexForTable: now table " + table.trim() + ", column: " + columnname
                        + ", indexname: " + index);
        reportingDAO.createCustomIndex(table.trim(), columnname, index);

    public Properties getTableDescription(String table) throws Exception {
        Properties props = new Properties();
        try {
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                logger.debug("Starting getTableDescription");
            table = fixTableColumnName(table);
            props = reportingDAO.getDescTable(table);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.fatal("Exception getTableDescription: " + e.getMessage());
            throw new Exception(e);
        return props;

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    //                LastSuccesfulRun table management
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    public void setAllStatusesDoneForTable() {

    public void resetLastTimestampTable(String tableName) {
        tableName = fixTableColumnName(tableName).toLowerCase();
        logger.debug("enter resetLastTimestampTable table=" + tableName);
        reportingDAO.updateLastSuccessfulRunStatusForTable(tableName, Constants.STATUS_DONE);

    public void clearLastTimestampTable(String tableName) {
        tableName = fixTableColumnName(tableName).toLowerCase();
        logger.debug("enter clearLastTimestampTable table=" + tableName);

    //used outside this bean
    public String getLastTimestampStatus(String tablename) {
        tablename = fixTableColumnName(tablename);
        logger.debug("enter setLastTimestampStatus table=" + tablename);
        //String returnString = reportingDAO.getLastSuccessfulRunDForTable(tablename);
        String returnString = reportingDAO.getLastSuccessfulRunDateForTable(tablename);
        logger.debug("exit getLastTimestampStatus returning: " + returnString);
        return returnString;

    public String getLastTimestamp(String tableName) {
        tableName = fixTableColumnName(tableName).toLowerCase();
        logger.debug("enter getLastTimestamp table=" + tableName);
        String returnString = reportingDAO.getLastSuccessfulRunDateForTable(tableName);
        logger.debug("getLastTimestamp (" + tableName + ") returns " + returnString);

        if ((returnString == null) || (returnString.trim().equals(""))) {
            // if there is no date available, make it somewhere early 1970, so we 
            // include as much as possible in the reporting DB 
            SimpleDateFormat format = reportingHelper.getSimpleDateFormat();//  Constants.getAuditDateFormat();
            Date myDate = new Date(1);
            returnString = format.format(myDate);
            returnString = returnString.replaceAll(" ", "T").trim();
        logger.debug("exit getLastTimestamp returning " + returnString);
        return returnString;

    public String getLastTimestamp_w(String tableName) {
        boolean checkOldTable = false;
        SimpleDateFormat format = reportingHelper.getSimpleDateFormat();//  Constants.getAuditDateFormat();
        tableName = fixTableColumnName(tableName).toLowerCase();
        String tableName_w = tableName + "_w";
        logger.debug("enter getLastTimestamp_w table=" + tableName_w);
        String returnString = reportingDAO.getLastSuccessfulRunDateForTable(tableName_w);
        logger.debug("getLastTimestamp_w (" + tableName + ") returns " + returnString);
        try {
            if (returnString.trim().length() < 10) {
                checkOldTable = true;
                throw (new Exception("date is not set"));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Date myDate_w = new Date(1);
            returnString = format.format(myDate_w);
            returnString = returnString.replaceAll(" ", "T").trim();

        try {
            if (checkOldTable) {
                // get the original without the _w
                returnString = getLastTimestamp(tableName);
                if ((returnString == null) || (returnString.trim().equals(""))) {
                    // if there is no date available, make it somewhere early 1970, so we 
                    // include as much as possible in the reporting DB 

                    Date myDate = new Date(1);
                    returnString = format.format(myDate);
                    returnString = returnString.replaceAll(" ", "T").trim();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // nothing
  "getLastTimestamp_w got a non-fatal error, most likely a null-pointer string: "
                    + e.getMessage());
        logger.debug("exit getLastTimestamp_w returning " + returnString);
        return returnString;

    public String getLastTimestamp_a(String tableName) {
        boolean checkOldTable = false;
        SimpleDateFormat format = reportingHelper.getSimpleDateFormat();//  Constants.getAuditDateFormat();
        tableName = fixTableColumnName(tableName).toLowerCase();
        String tableName_a = tableName + "_a";
        logger.debug("enter getLastTimestamp_a table=" + tableName_a);
        //String returnString = getLastTimestamp(tableName_a); 
        String returnString = reportingDAO.getLastSuccessfulRunDateForTable(tableName_a);

        logger.debug("getLastTimestamp_a (" + tableName + ") returns " + returnString);

        try {
            if (returnString.trim().length() < 10) {
                checkOldTable = true;
                throw (new Exception("date is not set"));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Date myDate_w = new Date(1);
            returnString = format.format(myDate_w);
            returnString = returnString.replaceAll(" ", "T").trim();

        try {
            if (checkOldTable) {
                // get the originl withoout the _a
                returnString = getLastTimestamp(tableName);

                if ((returnString == null) || (returnString.trim().equals(""))) {
                    // if there is no date available, make it somewhere early 1970, so we 
                    // include as much as possible in the reporting DB 
                    Date myDate = new Date(1);
                    returnString = format.format(myDate);
                    returnString = returnString.replaceAll(" ", "T").trim();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // nothing
  "getLastTimestamp_a got a non-fatal error, most likely a null-pointer string: "
                    + e.getMessage());
        logger.debug("exit getLastTimestamp_a returning " + returnString);
        return returnString;

    public boolean tableIsRunning(String tableName) {
        boolean returnBoolean = reportingDAO.lastRunTableIsRunning();
        logger.debug("exit tableIsRunning (" + tableName + ") returning " + returnBoolean);
        return returnBoolean;

    public void setLastTimestampAndStatusDone(String tableName, String timestamp) {
        tableName = fixTableColumnName(tableName).toLowerCase();
        logger.debug("enter setLastTimestamp for table " + tableName + " timestamp=" + timestamp);
        reportingDAO.updateLastSuccessfulRunDateForTable(tableName, Constants.STATUS_DONE, timestamp);

    public void setLastTimestamp(String tableName, String timestamp) {
        tableName = fixTableColumnName(tableName).toLowerCase();
        logger.debug("enter setLastTimestamp for table " + tableName + " timestamp=" + timestamp);
        reportingDAO.updateLastSuccessfulBatchForTable(tableName, timestamp);

    public void setLastTimestampStatusRunning(String tableName) {
        tableName = fixTableColumnName(tableName);
        logger.debug("enter setLastTimestampStatusRunning: for table=" + tableName);
        reportingDAO.updateLastSuccessfulRunStatusForTable(tableName, Constants.STATUS_RUNNING);
        logger.debug("exit setLastTimestampStatusRunning");

    public void createLastTimestampTableRow(String tableName) {
        tableName = fixTableColumnName(tableName).toLowerCase();
        logger.debug("enter createLastTimestampTableRow table=" + tableName);
        logger.debug("exit createLastTimestampTableRow");

    public void dropLastTimestampTable() {
        logger.debug("enter dropLastTimestampTable table=lastsuccessfulrun");

    public void openReportingConnection() {
        try {
        } catch (SQLException e) {
           logger.error("failed to open an SQL connection...");

    public void closeReportingConnection() {
        try {
        } catch (SQLException e) {
           logger.error("failed to close an SQL connection...");