Java tutorial
/* * #%L * Alfresco Repository * %% * Copyright (C) 2005 - 2016 Alfresco Software Limited * %% * This file is part of the Alfresco software. * If the software was purchased under a paid Alfresco license, the terms of * the paid license agreement will prevail. Otherwise, the software is * provided under the following open source license terms: * * Alfresco is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Alfresco is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with Alfresco. If not, see <>. * #L% */ package org.alfresco.repo.version; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.alfresco.model.ApplicationModel; import org.alfresco.model.ContentModel; import org.alfresco.repo.cache.TransactionalCache; import; import; import org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.AssociationRef; import org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.ChildAssociationRef; import org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.NodeRef; import org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.NodeService; import org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.Path; import; import; import org.alfresco.service.cmr.version.Version; import org.alfresco.service.namespace.NamespaceService; import org.alfresco.service.namespace.QName; import org.alfresco.service.namespace.RegexQNamePattern; import org.alfresco.test_category.OwnJVMTestsCategory; import org.alfresco.util.GUID; import org.alfresco.util.TestWithUserUtils; import org.alfresco.util.debug.NodeStoreInspector; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category; /** * @author Roy Wetherall */ @Category(OwnJVMTestsCategory.class) public class NodeServiceImplTest extends BaseVersionStoreTest { private static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(NodeServiceImplTest.class); /** * version store node service */ protected NodeService versionStoreNodeService = null; /** * Error message */ private final static String MSG_ERR = "This operation is not supported by a version store implementation of the node service."; /** * User password */ private static final String PWD = "password"; /** * Dummy data used in failure tests */ private NodeRef dummyNodeRef = null; private QName dummyQName = null; /** * Called during the transaction setup */ protected void onSetUpInTransaction() throws Exception { super.onSetUpInTransaction(); // Get the node service by name this.versionStoreNodeService = (NodeService) this.applicationContext.getBean("versionNodeService"); // Create some dummy data used during the tests this.dummyNodeRef = new NodeRef(this.versionService.getVersionStoreReference(), "dummy"); this.dummyQName = QName.createQName("{dummy}dummy"); } /** * Test getType */ public void testGetType() { // Create a new versionable node NodeRef versionableNode = createNewVersionableNode(); // Create a new version Version version = createVersion(versionableNode, this.versionProperties); // Get the type from the versioned state QName versionedType = this.versionStoreNodeService.getType(version.getFrozenStateNodeRef()); assertNotNull(versionedType); assertEquals(this.dbNodeService.getType(versionableNode), versionedType); } /** * Test getProperties */ public void testGetProperties() { // Create a new versionable node NodeRef versionableNode = createNewVersionableNode(); // Get a list of the nodes properties Map<QName, Serializable> origProps = this.dbNodeService.getProperties(versionableNode); // Create a new version Version version = createVersion(versionableNode, this.versionProperties); // Get the properties of the versioned state Map<QName, Serializable> versionedProperties = this.versionStoreNodeService .getProperties(version.getFrozenStateNodeRef()); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("original (" + origProps.size() + "): " + origProps.keySet()); logger.debug("versioned (" + versionedProperties.size() + "): " + versionedProperties.keySet()); } for (QName key : origProps.keySet()) { assertTrue(versionedProperties.containsKey(key)); assertEquals("" + key, origProps.get(key), versionedProperties.get(key)); } // NOTE: cm:versionLabel is an expected additional property //assertEquals(origProps.size(), versionedProperties.size()); // check version label assertEquals("first version label", "0.1", versionedProperties.get(ContentModel.PROP_VERSION_LABEL)); // TODO do futher versioning and check by changing values } /** * Test getProperty */ public void testGetProperty() { // Create a new versionable node NodeRef versionableNode = createNewVersionableNode(); // Create a new version Version version = createVersion(versionableNode, this.versionProperties); // Check the property values can be retrieved Serializable value1 = this.versionStoreNodeService.getProperty(version.getFrozenStateNodeRef(), PROP_1); assertEquals(VALUE_1, value1); // Check the mlText property // TODO // Check the multi values property specifically Collection<String> multiValue = (Collection<String>) this.versionStoreNodeService .getProperty(version.getFrozenStateNodeRef(), MULTI_PROP); assertNotNull(multiValue); assertEquals(2, multiValue.size()); String[] array = multiValue.toArray(new String[multiValue.size()]); assertEquals(MULTI_VALUE_1, array[0]); assertEquals(MULTI_VALUE_2, array[1]); } /** * Test getChildAssocs */ public void testGetChildAssocs() { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { // Let's have a look at the version store .. logger.trace(NodeStoreInspector.dumpNodeStore(this.dbNodeService, this.versionService.getVersionStoreReference()) + "\n\n"); logger.trace(""); } // Create a new versionable node NodeRef versionableNode = createNewVersionableNode(); Collection<ChildAssociationRef> originalChildren = this.dbNodeService.getChildAssocs(versionableNode); assertNotNull(originalChildren); // Store the original children in a map for easy navigation later HashMap<String, ChildAssociationRef> originalChildAssocRefs = new HashMap<String, ChildAssociationRef>(); for (ChildAssociationRef ref : originalChildren) { originalChildAssocRefs.put(ref.getChildRef().getId(), ref); } // Create a new version Version version = createVersion(versionableNode, this.versionProperties); if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { // Let's have a look at the version store .. logger.trace(NodeStoreInspector.dumpNodeStore(this.dbNodeService, this.versionService.getVersionStoreReference())); logger.trace(""); } // Get the children of the versioned node Collection<ChildAssociationRef> versionedChildren = this.versionStoreNodeService .getChildAssocs(version.getFrozenStateNodeRef()); assertNotNull(versionedChildren); assertEquals(originalChildren.size(), versionedChildren.size()); for (ChildAssociationRef versionedChildRef : versionedChildren) { ChildAssociationRef origChildAssocRef = originalChildAssocRefs .get(versionedChildRef.getChildRef().getId()); assertNotNull(origChildAssocRef); assertEquals(origChildAssocRef.getChildRef(), versionedChildRef.getChildRef()); assertEquals(origChildAssocRef.isPrimary(), versionedChildRef.isPrimary()); assertEquals(origChildAssocRef.getNthSibling(), versionedChildRef.getNthSibling()); } } /** * Test getAssociationTargets */ public void testGetAssociationTargets() { // Create a new versionable node NodeRef versionableNode = createNewVersionableNode(); // Store the current details of the target associations List<AssociationRef> origAssocs = this.dbNodeService.getTargetAssocs(versionableNode, RegexQNamePattern.MATCH_ALL); // Create a new version Version version = createVersion(versionableNode, this.versionProperties); List<AssociationRef> assocs = this.versionStoreNodeService.getTargetAssocs(version.getFrozenStateNodeRef(), RegexQNamePattern.MATCH_ALL); assertNotNull(assocs); assertEquals(origAssocs.size(), assocs.size()); } /** * Tests get target associations by property value.</p> * See <b>MNT-14504</b> for more details. */ public void testGetTargetAssocsByPropertyValue() { // Create a new versionable node NodeRef versionableNode = createNewVersionableNode(); QName propertyQName = PROP_1; Serializable propertyValue = VALUE_1; // Store the current details of the target associations List<AssociationRef> origAssocs = this.dbNodeService.getTargetAssocsByPropertyValue(versionableNode, RegexQNamePattern.MATCH_ALL, propertyQName, propertyValue); // Create a new version Version version = createVersion(versionableNode, this.versionProperties); List<AssociationRef> assocs = this.versionStoreNodeService.getTargetAssocsByPropertyValue( version.getFrozenStateNodeRef(), RegexQNamePattern.MATCH_ALL, propertyQName, propertyValue); assertNotNull(assocs); assertEquals(origAssocs.size(), assocs.size()); } /** * Test hasAspect */ public void testHasAspect() { // Create a new versionable node NodeRef versionableNode = createNewVersionableNode(); // Create a new version Version version = createVersion(versionableNode, this.versionProperties); boolean test1 = this.versionStoreNodeService.hasAspect(version.getFrozenStateNodeRef(), ApplicationModel.ASPECT_UIFACETS); assertFalse(test1); boolean test2 = this.versionStoreNodeService.hasAspect(version.getFrozenStateNodeRef(), ContentModel.ASPECT_VERSIONABLE); assertTrue(test2); } /** * Test getAspects */ public void testGetAspects() { // Create a new versionable node NodeRef versionableNode = createNewVersionableNode(); Set<QName> origAspects = this.dbNodeService.getAspects(versionableNode); // Create a new version Version version = createVersion(versionableNode, this.versionProperties); Set<QName> aspects = this.versionStoreNodeService.getAspects(version.getFrozenStateNodeRef()); assertEquals(origAspects.size(), aspects.size()); for (QName origAspect : origAspects) { assertTrue(origAspect + "", aspects.contains(origAspect)); } } /** * Test getParentAssocs */ public void testGetParentAssocs() { // Create a new versionable node NodeRef versionableNode = createNewVersionableNode(); // Create a new version Version version = createVersion(versionableNode, this.versionProperties); NodeRef nodeRef = version.getFrozenStateNodeRef(); List<ChildAssociationRef> results = this.versionStoreNodeService.getParentAssocs(nodeRef); assertNotNull(results); assertEquals(1, results.size()); ChildAssociationRef childAssoc = results.get(0); assertEquals(nodeRef, childAssoc.getChildRef()); NodeRef versionStoreRoot = this.dbNodeService.getRootNode(this.versionService.getVersionStoreReference()); assertEquals(versionStoreRoot, childAssoc.getParentRef()); } /** * Test getPrimaryParent */ public void testGetPrimaryParent() { // Create a new versionable node NodeRef versionableNode = createNewVersionableNode(); // Create a new version Version version = createVersion(versionableNode, this.versionProperties); NodeRef nodeRef = version.getFrozenStateNodeRef(); ChildAssociationRef childAssoc = this.versionStoreNodeService.getPrimaryParent(nodeRef); assertNotNull(childAssoc); assertEquals(nodeRef, childAssoc.getChildRef()); NodeRef versionStoreRoot = this.dbNodeService.getRootNode(this.versionService.getVersionStoreReference()); assertEquals(versionStoreRoot, childAssoc.getParentRef()); } /** ================================================ * These test ensure that the following operations * are not supported as expected. */ /** * Test createNode */ public void testCreateNode() { try { this.versionStoreNodeService.createNode(dummyNodeRef, null, dummyQName, ContentModel.TYPE_CONTENT); fail("This operation is not supported."); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException exception) { if (exception.getMessage() != MSG_ERR) { fail("Unexpected exception raised during method excution: " + exception.getMessage()); } } } /** * Test addAspect */ public void testAddAspect() { try { this.versionStoreNodeService.addAspect(dummyNodeRef, TEST_ASPECT_QNAME, null); fail("This operation is not supported."); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException exception) { if (exception.getMessage() != MSG_ERR) { fail("Unexpected exception raised during method excution: " + exception.getMessage()); } } } /** * Test removeAspect */ public void testRemoveAspect() { try { this.versionStoreNodeService.removeAspect(dummyNodeRef, TEST_ASPECT_QNAME); fail("This operation is not supported."); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException exception) { if (exception.getMessage() != MSG_ERR) { fail("Unexpected exception raised during method excution: " + exception.getMessage()); } } } /** * Test delete node */ public void testDeleteNode() { try { this.versionStoreNodeService.deleteNode(this.dummyNodeRef); fail("This operation is not supported."); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException exception) { if (exception.getMessage() != MSG_ERR) { fail("Unexpected exception raised during method excution: " + exception.getMessage()); } } } /** * Test addChild */ public void testAddChild() { try { this.versionStoreNodeService.addChild(this.dummyNodeRef, this.dummyNodeRef, this.dummyQName, this.dummyQName); fail("This operation is not supported."); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException exception) { if (exception.getMessage() != MSG_ERR) { fail("Unexpected exception raised during method excution: " + exception.getMessage()); } } } /** * Test removeChild */ public void testRemoveChild() { try { this.versionStoreNodeService.removeChild(this.dummyNodeRef, this.dummyNodeRef); fail("This operation is not supported."); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException exception) { if (exception.getMessage() != MSG_ERR) { fail("Unexpected exception raised during method excution: " + exception.getMessage()); } } } /** * Test setProperties */ public void testSetProperties() { try { this.versionStoreNodeService.setProperties(this.dummyNodeRef, new HashMap<QName, Serializable>()); fail("This operation is not supported."); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException exception) { if (exception.getMessage() != MSG_ERR) { fail("Unexpected exception raised during method excution: " + exception.getMessage()); } } } /** * Test setProperty */ public void testSetProperty() { try { this.versionStoreNodeService.setProperty(this.dummyNodeRef, this.dummyQName, "dummy"); fail("This operation is not supported."); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException exception) { if (exception.getMessage() != MSG_ERR) { fail("Unexpected exception raised during method excution: " + exception.getMessage()); } } } /** * Test createAssociation */ public void testCreateAssociation() { try { this.versionStoreNodeService.createAssociation(this.dummyNodeRef, this.dummyNodeRef, this.dummyQName); fail("This operation is not supported."); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException exception) { if (exception.getMessage() != MSG_ERR) { fail("Unexpected exception raised during method excution: " + exception.getMessage()); } } } /** * Test removeAssociation */ public void testRemoveAssociation() { try { this.versionStoreNodeService.removeAssociation(this.dummyNodeRef, this.dummyNodeRef, this.dummyQName); fail("This operation is not supported."); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException exception) { if (exception.getMessage() != MSG_ERR) { fail("Unexpected exception raised during method excution: " + exception.getMessage()); } } } /** * Test getAssociationSources */ public void testGetAssociationSources() { try { this.versionStoreNodeService.getSourceAssocs(this.dummyNodeRef, this.dummyQName); fail("This operation is not supported."); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException exception) { if (exception.getMessage() != MSG_ERR) { fail("Unexpected exception raised during method excution: " + exception.getMessage()); } } } /** * Test getPath */ public void testGetPath() { Path path = this.versionStoreNodeService.getPath(this.dummyNodeRef); } /** * Test getPaths */ public void testGetPaths() { List<Path> paths = this.versionStoreNodeService.getPaths(this.dummyNodeRef, false); } /** * Tests that we can store and retrieve unicode properties * and association names. * If there's something wrong with how we're setting up the * database or database connection WRT unicode, this is a * test that'll hopefully break in testing and alert us! */ public void testUnicodeNamesAndProperties() { // Get our cache objects List<TransactionalCache> cachesToClear = new ArrayList<TransactionalCache>(); cachesToClear.add((TransactionalCache) this.applicationContext.getBean("propertyValueCache")); cachesToClear.add((TransactionalCache) this.applicationContext.getBean("node.nodesCache")); cachesToClear.add((TransactionalCache) this.applicationContext.getBean("node.propertiesCache")); // First up, try with a simple English name+properties String engProp = "This is a property in English"; QName engQName = QName.createQName("NameSpace", "In English"); NodeRef engNode = nodeService .createNode(this.rootNodeRef, ContentModel.ASSOC_CONTAINS, engQName, ContentModel.TYPE_CONTENT) .getChildRef(); nodeService.setProperty(engNode, ContentModel.PROP_NAME, engProp); // Check they exist and are correct assertEquals(engProp, nodeService.getProperty(engNode, ContentModel.PROP_NAME)); assertEquals(1, nodeService.getChildAssocs(this.rootNodeRef, ContentModel.ASSOC_CONTAINS, engQName).size()); assertEquals(engNode, nodeService.getChildByName(rootNodeRef, ContentModel.ASSOC_CONTAINS, engProp)); // Now French String frProp = "C'est une propri\u00e9t\u00e9 en fran\u00e7ais"; // C'est une proprit en franais QName frQName = QName.createQName("NameSpace", "En Fran\u00e7ais"); // En Franais NodeRef frNode = nodeService .createNode(this.rootNodeRef, ContentModel.ASSOC_CONTAINS, frQName, ContentModel.TYPE_CONTENT) .getChildRef(); nodeService.setProperty(frNode, ContentModel.PROP_NAME, frProp); assertEquals(frProp, nodeService.getProperty(frNode, ContentModel.PROP_NAME)); assertEquals(1, nodeService.getChildAssocs(this.rootNodeRef, ContentModel.ASSOC_CONTAINS, frQName).size()); assertEquals(frNode, nodeService.getChildByName(rootNodeRef, ContentModel.ASSOC_CONTAINS, frProp)); // Zap the cache and re-check // (If the DB is broken but the cache works, then the above // tests could pass even in the face of a problem) for (TransactionalCache tc : cachesToClear) tc.clear(); assertEquals(frProp, nodeService.getProperty(frNode, ContentModel.PROP_NAME)); assertEquals(1, nodeService.getChildAssocs(this.rootNodeRef, ContentModel.ASSOC_CONTAINS, frQName).size()); assertEquals(frNode, nodeService.getChildByName(rootNodeRef, ContentModel.ASSOC_CONTAINS, frProp)); // Next Spanish String esProp = "Esta es una propiedad en Espa\u00f1ol"; // Esta es una propiedad en Espaol QName esQName = QName.createQName("NameSpace", "En Espa\u00f1ol"); // En Espaol NodeRef esNode = nodeService .createNode(this.rootNodeRef, ContentModel.ASSOC_CONTAINS, esQName, ContentModel.TYPE_CONTENT) .getChildRef(); nodeService.setProperty(esNode, ContentModel.PROP_NAME, esProp); assertEquals(esProp, nodeService.getProperty(esNode, ContentModel.PROP_NAME)); assertEquals(1, nodeService.getChildAssocs(this.rootNodeRef, ContentModel.ASSOC_CONTAINS, esQName).size()); assertEquals(esNode, nodeService.getChildByName(rootNodeRef, ContentModel.ASSOC_CONTAINS, esProp)); // Zap cache and re-test the Spanish for (TransactionalCache tc : cachesToClear) tc.clear(); assertEquals(esProp, nodeService.getProperty(esNode, ContentModel.PROP_NAME)); assertEquals(1, nodeService.getChildAssocs(this.rootNodeRef, ContentModel.ASSOC_CONTAINS, esQName).size()); assertEquals(esNode, nodeService.getChildByName(rootNodeRef, ContentModel.ASSOC_CONTAINS, esProp)); // Finally Japanese String jpProp = "\u3092\u30af\u30ea\u30c3\u30af\u3057\u3066\u304f\u3060\u3055\u3044\u3002"; // QName jpQName = QName.createQName("NameSpace", "\u3092\u30af\u30ea\u30c3\u30af\u3057\u3066\u304f"); // NodeRef jpNode = nodeService .createNode(this.rootNodeRef, ContentModel.ASSOC_CONTAINS, jpQName, ContentModel.TYPE_CONTENT) .getChildRef(); nodeService.setProperty(jpNode, ContentModel.PROP_NAME, jpProp); assertEquals(jpProp, nodeService.getProperty(jpNode, ContentModel.PROP_NAME)); assertEquals(1, nodeService.getChildAssocs(this.rootNodeRef, ContentModel.ASSOC_CONTAINS, jpQName).size()); assertEquals(jpNode, nodeService.getChildByName(rootNodeRef, ContentModel.ASSOC_CONTAINS, jpProp)); // Zap the cache and check the Japanese for (TransactionalCache tc : cachesToClear) tc.clear(); assertEquals(jpProp, nodeService.getProperty(jpNode, ContentModel.PROP_NAME)); assertEquals(1, nodeService.getChildAssocs(this.rootNodeRef, ContentModel.ASSOC_CONTAINS, jpQName).size()); assertEquals(jpNode, nodeService.getChildByName(rootNodeRef, ContentModel.ASSOC_CONTAINS, jpProp)); } /* * Test that during applying versionable aspect to the node * that does not already have versionable aspect * version history of this node should be deleted */ public void testALF1793AddVersionableAspect() { // Create a new versionable node and create new version NodeRef versionableNode = createNewVersionableNode(); createVersion(versionableNode, this.versionProperties); //Copy UUID from node properties Map<QName, Serializable> oldProperties = this.dbNodeService.getProperties(versionableNode); Map<QName, Serializable> newProperties = new HashMap<QName, Serializable>(); newProperties.put(ContentModel.PROP_NODE_UUID, oldProperties.get(ContentModel.PROP_NODE_UUID)); // Delete node and create new one with the same UUID this.dbNodeService.deleteNode(versionableNode); NodeRef newNode = this.dbNodeService.createNode(rootNodeRef, ContentModel.ASSOC_CHILDREN, QName.createQName("{test}MyNode"), TEST_TYPE_QNAME, newProperties).getChildRef(); // add the versionable aspect to the node and create new version this.dbNodeService.addAspect(newNode, ContentModel.ASPECT_VERSIONABLE, null); Version version = createVersion(newNode, this.versionProperties); assertNotNull(version); } public void testTakeOwnershipPermission() { NodeService proxyNodeService = (NodeService) applicationContext.getBean("NodeService"); // Authenticate as system user because the current user should not be node owner AuthenticationComponent authenticationComponent = (AuthenticationComponent) this.applicationContext .getBean("authenticationComponent"); authenticationComponent.setSystemUserAsCurrentUser(); // Create folder Map<QName, Serializable> folderProps = new HashMap<QName, Serializable>(1); String folderName = "testFolder" + GUID.generate(); folderProps.put(ContentModel.PROP_NAME, folderName); NodeRef folderRef = this.nodeService.createNode(this.rootNodeRef, ContentModel.ASSOC_CHILDREN, QName.createQName(NamespaceService.CONTENT_MODEL_1_0_URI, folderName), ContentModel.TYPE_FOLDER, folderProps).getChildRef(); // Create document Map<QName, Serializable> docProps = new HashMap<QName, Serializable>(1); String docName = "testDoc" + GUID.generate() + ".txt"; docProps.put(ContentModel.PROP_NAME, docName); NodeRef docRef = this.nodeService.createNode(folderRef, ContentModel.ASSOC_CONTAINS, QName.createQName(NamespaceService.CONTENT_MODEL_1_0_URI, docName), ContentModel.TYPE_CONTENT, docProps).getChildRef(); // Create user String userName = "testUser" + GUID.generate(); TestWithUserUtils.createUser(userName, PWD, this.rootNodeRef, this.nodeService, this.authenticationService); // Apply editor permission to document permissionService.deletePermissions(docRef); permissionService.setInheritParentPermissions(docRef, false); permissionService.setPermission(docRef, userName, PermissionService.EDITOR, true); // Authenticate test user TestWithUserUtils.authenticateUser(userName, PWD, this.rootNodeRef, this.authenticationService); // Check if a user has not the "take ownership" permission directly through permissionService boolean isAble = AccessStatus.ALLOWED == permissionService.hasPermission(docRef, PermissionService.TAKE_OWNERSHIP); assertEquals("Incorrect TakeOwnership permission.", false, isAble); // Add ownable aspect to the document this.nodeService.addAspect(docRef, ContentModel.ASPECT_OWNABLE, null); // Take ownership through addAspect method Map<QName, Serializable> properties = new HashMap<QName, Serializable>(4, 1.0f); properties.put(ContentModel.PROP_OWNER, (Serializable) userName); try { proxyNodeService.addAspect(docRef, ContentModel.ASPECT_OWNABLE, properties); } catch (AccessDeniedException e) { } // Retrieve the data directly from the node service to ensure its not been changed String updatedOwner = (String) this.nodeService.getProperty(docRef, ContentModel.PROP_OWNER); boolean isUserOwner = updatedOwner == null || !updatedOwner.equals(userName) ? false : true; assertEquals( "Ownership's rights to the document have been taken by the user that has Editor permissions (addAspect).", false, isUserOwner); // Take ownership through addProperties method try { proxyNodeService.addProperties(docRef, properties); } catch (AccessDeniedException e) { } // Retrieve the data directly from the node service to ensure its not been changed updatedOwner = (String) this.nodeService.getProperty(docRef, ContentModel.PROP_OWNER); isUserOwner = updatedOwner == null || !updatedOwner.equals(userName) ? false : true; assertEquals( "Ownership's rights to the document have been taken by the user that has Editor permissions (addProperties).", false, isUserOwner); // Take ownership through setProperties method try { proxyNodeService.setProperties(docRef, properties); } catch (AccessDeniedException e) { } // Retrieve the data directly from the node service to ensure its not been changed updatedOwner = (String) this.nodeService.getProperty(docRef, ContentModel.PROP_OWNER); isUserOwner = updatedOwner == null || !updatedOwner.equals(userName) ? false : true; assertEquals( "Ownership's rights to the document have been taken by the user that has Editor permissions (setProperties).", false, isUserOwner); // Take ownership through setProperty method try { proxyNodeService.setProperty(docRef, ContentModel.ASPECT_OWNABLE, (Serializable) userName); } catch (AccessDeniedException e) { } // Retrieve the data directly from the node service to ensure its not been changed updatedOwner = (String) this.nodeService.getProperty(docRef, ContentModel.PROP_OWNER); isUserOwner = updatedOwner == null || !updatedOwner.equals(userName) ? false : true; assertEquals( "Ownership's rights to the document have been taken by the user that has Editor permissions (setProperty).", false, isUserOwner); } }