Java tutorial
/* * #%L * share-po * %% * Copyright (C) 2005 - 2016 Alfresco Software Limited * %% * This file is part of the Alfresco software. * If the software was purchased under a paid Alfresco license, the terms of * the paid license agreement will prevail. Otherwise, the software is * provided under the following open source license terms: * * Alfresco is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Alfresco is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with Alfresco. If not, see <>. * #L% */ package org.alfresco.po.share.user; import static org.alfresco.po.RenderElement.getVisibleRenderElement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import org.alfresco.po.HtmlPage; import org.alfresco.po.RenderTime; import org.alfresco.po.exception.PageException; import org.alfresco.po.exception.PageOperationException; import org.alfresco.po.share.NewPagination; import org.alfresco.po.share.SharePage; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException; import org.openqa.selenium.TimeoutException; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; /** * As part of 42 new features the user can recover or completely delete from the respository using my profile trashcan * * @author Subashni Prasanna * @since 1.7.0 */ public class TrashCanPage extends SharePage { private static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(TrashCanPage.class); protected static final By TRASHCAN_SEARCH_INPUT = By .cssSelector("input[id$='trashcan_x0023_default-search-text']"); protected static final By TRASHCAN_SEARCH_BUTTON = By.cssSelector("button[id$='default-search-button-button']"); protected static final By TRASHCAN_CLEAR_BUTTON = By .cssSelector("button[id$='user-trashcan_x0023_default-clear-button-button']"); protected static final By TRASHCAN_SELECTED_BUTTON = By .cssSelector("button[id$='user-trashcan_x0023_default-selected-button']"); protected static final By TRASHCAN_RECOVER_LINK = By.cssSelector("a[class^='recover-item yuimenuitemlabel']"); protected static final By TRASHCAN_DELETE_LINK = By.cssSelector("a[class^='delete-item yuimenuitemlabel']"); protected static final By TRASHCAN_SELECT_BUTTON = By .cssSelector("button[id$='user-trashcan_x0023_default-select-button-button']"); protected static final By TRASHCAN_SELECT_ALL_LINK = By.cssSelector("a[class^='select-all yuimenuitemlabel']"); protected static final By TRASHCAN_SELECT_NONE_LINK = By .cssSelector("a[class^='select-none yuimenuitemlabel']"); protected static final By TRASHCAN_SELECT_INVERT_LINK = By .cssSelector("a[class^='select-invert yuimenuitemlabel']"); protected static final By TRASHCAN_EMPTY_BUTTON = By .cssSelector("button[id$='user-trashcan_x0023_default-empty-button-button']"); protected static final By TRASHCAN_ITEM_LIST = By .cssSelector("div[id$='user-trashcan_x0023_default-datalist']"); protected static final By TRASHCAN_SELECTED_LIST = By.cssSelector(""); protected static final By TRASHCAN_SELECTED_RECOVER = By.cssSelector(" a.recover-item"); protected static final By TRASHCAN_SELECTED_DELETE = By.cssSelector(" a.delete-item"); protected static final String TRASHCAN_PAGINATION_MORE_BUTTON = "button[id$='paginator-more-button-button']"; protected static final String TRASHCAN_PAGINATION_ACTIVE_MORE_BUTTON = "//button[contains(@id,'paginator-more-button') and not(contains(@disabled,'disabled'))]"; protected static final String TRASHCAN_PAGINATION_ACTIVE_LESS_BUTTON = "//button[contains(@id,'paginator-less-button') and not(contains(@disabled,'disabled'))]"; protected static final String TRASHCAN_PAGINATION_LESS_BUTTON = "button[id$='paginator-less-button-button']"; protected static final By TRASHCAN_EMPTY = By.cssSelector("td.yui-dt-empty"); protected static final By PAGE_LOADING = By.cssSelector("td.yui-dt-loading"); private static final By HEADER_BAR = By.cssSelector(".header-bar"); /* * Render logic */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public TrashCanPage render(RenderTime timer) { try { elementRender(timer, getVisibleRenderElement(TRASHCAN_SEARCH_INPUT), getVisibleRenderElement(TRASHCAN_SEARCH_BUTTON), getVisibleRenderElement(TRASHCAN_CLEAR_BUTTON), getVisibleRenderElement(TRASHCAN_SELECT_BUTTON), getVisibleRenderElement(TRASHCAN_EMPTY_BUTTON)); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { } catch (TimeoutException e) { } return this; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public TrashCanPage render() { return render(new RenderTime(maxPageLoadingTime)); } public ProfileNavigation getProfileNav() { return new ProfileNavigation(driver, factoryPage); } /** * Input serach text and perform search with in the items which are displayed in the trashcan page. * * @param searchText String * @return - TrashCanPage as response */ public HtmlPage itemSearch(String searchText) { WebElement inputField = driver.findElement(TRASHCAN_SEARCH_INPUT); inputField.clear(); inputField.sendKeys(searchText); driver.findElement(TRASHCAN_SEARCH_BUTTON).click(); waitUntilElementDisappears(PAGE_LOADING, 1); return getCurrentPage(); } /** * Method to clear the entered serach field. * * @return - TrashCanPage as response */ public HtmlPage clearSearch() { driver.findElement(TRASHCAN_CLEAR_BUTTON).click(); return getCurrentPage(); } /** * Method to Get the list of trashCan item * * @return - list of WebElement */ private List<WebElement> getTrashCanItemElements() throws NoSuchElementException { List<WebElement> results = new ArrayList<WebElement>(); if (hasTrashCanItems()) { try { results = driver.findElements(By.cssSelector("tbody.yui-dt-data tr")); } catch (NoSuchElementException nse) { throw new PageOperationException("The trashcan item list table is not visible", nse); } } return results; } /** * Method to find out whether we have items in trashcan page * * @return boolean */ public boolean hasTrashCanItems() { try { WebElement info = driver.findElement(TRASHCAN_ITEM_LIST); String value = info.getText(); if (value.contentEquals("No items exist")) { return false; } } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { return false; } return true; } /** * TrashCan Search Results */ public List<TrashCanItem> getTrashCanItems() throws PageOperationException { List<TrashCanItem> results = Collections.emptyList(); if (hasTrashCanItems()) { results = new ArrayList<TrashCanItem>(); List<WebElement> items = getTrashCanItemElements(); for (WebElement element : items) { TrashCanItem item = new TrashCanItem(element, driver, factoryPage); results.add(item); } } return results; } /** * This method will get TrashCanItem for the File * * @return - TrashCanItem * @throws PageOperationException */ public List<TrashCanItem> getTrashCanItemForContent(TrashCanValues trashCanFileType, String contentName, String contentPath) throws PageOperationException { List<TrashCanItem> trashCanItemList = getTrashCanItems(); List<TrashCanItem> item = Collections.emptyList(); if (!trashCanItemList.isEmpty()) { item = new ArrayList<TrashCanItem>(); for (TrashCanItem itemElement : trashCanItemList) { if (itemElement.getFileName().equalsIgnoreCase(contentName) && itemElement.getFolderPath().contains(contentPath)) { switch (trashCanFileType) { case FILE: if (itemElement.isTrashCanItemFile()) { item.add(itemElement); break; } case FOLDER: if (itemElement.isTrashCanItemFolder()) { item.add(itemElement); break; } case SITE: if (itemElement.isTrashCanItemSite()) { item.add(itemElement); break; } default: break; } } } } return item; } /** * Empty the trashcan */ public TrashCanEmptyConfirmationPage selectEmpty() { driver.findElement(TRASHCAN_EMPTY_BUTTON).click(); return factoryPage.instantiatePage(driver, TrashCanEmptyConfirmationPage.class); } /** * Click on Selected Recover of trashcan * * @return - TrashCanRecoverConfrimationDialog */ public TrashCanRecoverConfirmDialog selectedRecover() { try { driver.findElement(TRASHCAN_SELECTED_BUTTON).click(); findAndWait(TRASHCAN_SELECTED_RECOVER).click(); return factoryPage.instantiatePage(driver, TrashCanRecoverConfirmDialog.class); } catch (TimeoutException te) { throw new PageOperationException("Selected Recover is not possible", te); } } /** * Click on Selected Recover of trashcan * * @return - TrashCanDeleteConfirmationDialogPage */ public TrashCanDeleteConfirmationPage selectedDelete() { try { driver.findElement(TRASHCAN_SELECTED_BUTTON).click(); findAndWait(TRASHCAN_SELECTED_DELETE).click(); return factoryPage.instantiatePage(driver, TrashCanDeleteConfirmationPage.class); } catch (TimeoutException te) { throw new PageOperationException("Selected Recover is not possible", te); } } /** * Click on select in the trashcan Page * * @param selectAction String Action Type * @return - TrashCanPage */ public HtmlPage selectAction(SelectActions selectAction) { try { driver.findElement(TRASHCAN_SELECT_BUTTON).click(); switch (selectAction) { case ALL: findAndWait(TRASHCAN_SELECT_ALL_LINK).click(); return factoryPage.instantiatePage(driver, TrashCanPage.class); case INVERT: findAndWait(TRASHCAN_SELECT_INVERT_LINK).click(); return factoryPage.instantiatePage(driver, TrashCanPage.class); case NONE: findAndWait(TRASHCAN_SELECT_NONE_LINK).click(); return factoryPage.instantiatePage(driver, TrashCanPage.class); default: throw new PageException("Selection does not exist"); } } catch (TimeoutException te) { throw new PageException("Cannot perfom any selection", te); } } /** * Checks if pagination next button is active. * * @return true if next page exists */ public boolean hasNextPage() { return NewPagination.hasPaginationButton(driver, TRASHCAN_PAGINATION_MORE_BUTTON); } /** * Checks if pagination previous button is active. * * @return true if next page exists */ public boolean hasPreviousPage() { return NewPagination.hasPaginationButton(driver, TRASHCAN_PAGINATION_LESS_BUTTON); } /** * Selects the button next on the pagination bar. */ public HtmlPage selectNextPage() { new NewPagination().selectPaginationButton(driver, TRASHCAN_PAGINATION_MORE_BUTTON); findAndWait(By.xpath(TRASHCAN_PAGINATION_ACTIVE_LESS_BUTTON)); return getCurrentPage(); } /** * Selects the button previous on the pagination bar. */ public HtmlPage selectPreviousPage() { new NewPagination().selectPaginationButton(driver, TRASHCAN_PAGINATION_LESS_BUTTON); findAndWait(By.xpath(TRASHCAN_PAGINATION_ACTIVE_MORE_BUTTON)); return getCurrentPage(); } /** * Returns true if No items message displayed */ public boolean checkNoItemsMessage() { try { WebElement emptyTrashCanMessage = driver.findElement(TRASHCAN_EMPTY); return (emptyTrashCanMessage.isDisplayed() && emptyTrashCanMessage.getText().equals("No items exist")); } catch (NoSuchElementException nse) { return false; } } /** * Return <code>true</code> if the Deleted Documents and Folders title is displayed on screen. * * @return boolean present */ private boolean isHeaderTitlePresent() { boolean present = false; try { present = findAndWait(HEADER_BAR).getText().equals("Deleted Documents and Folders"); return present; } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { } return present; } /** * Method to verify all controls are displayed on TrashCanPage page * * @return true if page is correct */ public boolean isPageCorrect() { boolean isCorrect = false; try { isCorrect = isElementDisplayed(TRASHCAN_SEARCH_INPUT) && isElementDisplayed(TRASHCAN_SEARCH_BUTTON) && isElementDisplayed(TRASHCAN_CLEAR_BUTTON) && isElementDisplayed(TRASHCAN_SELECT_BUTTON) && isElementDisplayed(TRASHCAN_EMPTY_BUTTON) && isElementDisplayed(TRASHCAN_SELECTED_BUTTON) && isElementDisplayed(By.cssSelector(TRASHCAN_PAGINATION_MORE_BUTTON)) && isElementDisplayed(By.cssSelector(TRASHCAN_PAGINATION_LESS_BUTTON)) && isHeaderTitlePresent() && checkNoItemsMessage(); return isCorrect; } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); } return isCorrect; } }