Java tutorial
/* * #%L * share-po * %% * Copyright (C) 2005 - 2016 Alfresco Software Limited * %% * This file is part of the Alfresco software. * If the software was purchased under a paid Alfresco license, the terms of * the paid license agreement will prevail. Otherwise, the software is * provided under the following open source license terms: * * Alfresco is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Alfresco is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with Alfresco. If not, see <>. * #L% */ package org.alfresco.po.share; import static org.alfresco.po.RenderElement.getVisibleRenderElement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import org.alfresco.po.ElementState; import org.alfresco.po.HtmlPage; import org.alfresco.po.RenderElement; import org.alfresco.po.RenderTime; import org.alfresco.po.exception.PageException; import org.alfresco.po.exception.PageOperationException; import; import org.alfresco.po.share.util.PageUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException; import org.openqa.selenium.StaleElementReferenceException; import org.openqa.selenium.TimeoutException; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; /** * @author Charu To get the list of groups and group members this page is used */ public class GroupsPage extends SharePage { private static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(GroupsPage.class); private static final String SHOW_ALL_LABEL = "label[for$='_default-show-all']"; private static final String SHOW_ALL_CHK_BOX = "input[id$='_default-show-all']"; private static final String BUTTON_BROWSE = "button[id$='default-browse-button-button']"; private static final String BUTTON_SEARCH = "button[id$='default-search-button-button']"; private static final String BUTTON_ADD = ".groups-newgroup-button"; private static final String GROUP_NAMES = "a[class$='groups-item-group']"; private static final String USER_NAMES = "a[class*='groups-item-user']>span[class$='-item-label']"; private static final By NEW_SUBGROUP_BUTTON = By.cssSelector("span[title='New Subgroup']"); private static final By ADD_GROUP_BUTTON = By.cssSelector("span[title='Add Group']"); private static final By ADD_USER_BUTTON = By.cssSelector("span[title='Add User']"); private static final String USER_ADDED = "//a[contains(@class, 'groups-item-user')]/span[contains(text(), '%s')]"; private static final By DELETE_GROUP_FORM = By.cssSelector("div[id*='deletegroupdialog_h']"); private static final By DELETE_GROUP_BUTTON = By.cssSelector("button[id*='default-remove-button-button']"); private static final By CANCEL_GROUP_BUTTON = By.cssSelector("button[id*='default-cancel-button-button']"); private static final String ADD_USER_ICON = ".groups-adduser-button"; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static final String EDIT_GROUP_ICON = ".groups-update-button"; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public GroupsPage render(RenderTime timer) { RenderElement actionMessage = getActionMessageElement(ElementState.INVISIBLE); elementRender(timer, getVisibleRenderElement(By.cssSelector(BUTTON_BROWSE)), getVisibleRenderElement(By.cssSelector(BUTTON_SEARCH)), getVisibleRenderElement(By.cssSelector(SHOW_ALL_LABEL)), getVisibleRenderElement(By.cssSelector(SHOW_ALL_CHK_BOX)), actionMessage); return this; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public GroupsPage render() { return render(new RenderTime(maxPageLoadingTime)); } /** * @return GroupsPage */ public GroupsPage clickBrowse() { findAndWait(By.cssSelector(BUTTON_BROWSE)).click(); return this; } /** * @return NewGroupPage */ public NewGroupPage navigateToNewGroupPage() { try { findAndWait(By.cssSelector(BUTTON_ADD)).click(); //TODO Fix me by adding to FactorySharePare map. return factoryPage.instantiatePage(driver, NewGroupPage.class); } catch (StaleElementReferenceException e) { return navigateToNewGroupPage(); } } /** * Get list of available groups. * * @return List<String> */ public List<String> getGroupList() { List<String> nameOfGroups = new ArrayList<String>(); List<WebElement> groupElements = findAndWaitForElements(By.cssSelector(GROUP_NAMES)); for (WebElement webElement : groupElements) { nameOfGroups.add(webElement.getText()); } return nameOfGroups; } /** * Select Group name from available group list in the Groups page * * @param groupName -To select this group name from the list of groups * @return {@link GroupsPage} */ public GroupsPage selectGroup(String groupName) { PageUtils.checkMandotaryParam("Group Name", groupName); try { for (WebElement name : findAndWaitForElements(By.cssSelector(GROUP_NAMES))) { if (groupName.equalsIgnoreCase(name.getText())) {; return this; } } } catch (TimeoutException e) { logger.error("Unable to get the group from list of Groups : " + e.getMessage()); } throw new PageOperationException("Unable to select group : " + groupName); } /** * Assert method to verify any group name is present in the list of groups in groups page * * @param GroupName -To verify this group name is present in the the list of groups * @return Boolean */ public boolean isGroupPresent(String GroupName) { PageUtils.checkMandotaryParam("Group Name", GroupName); try { List<WebElement> groupList = driver.findElements(By.cssSelector(GROUP_NAMES)); for (WebElement groupName : groupList) { if (groupName.getText().contains(GroupName)) { return true; } } } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("Unable to find group in list"); } } return false; } /** * Assert method to verify any group name is present in the list of groups in groups page * * @param groupName -To verify this group name is present in the the list of groups * @return int */ public int countGroupPresent(String groupName) { PageUtils.checkMandotaryParam("Group Name", groupName); int count = 0; try { List<WebElement> groupList = driver.findElements(By.cssSelector(GROUP_NAMES)); for (WebElement group : groupList) { if (group.getText().contains(groupName)) { count++; } } } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("Unable to find group in list"); } } return count; } /** * Get list of group members for any group in groups page * * @return List of Users */ public List<UserProfile> getMembersList() { try { List<UserProfile> listOfUsers = new ArrayList<UserProfile>(); List<WebElement> groupMembers = findAndWaitForElements(By.cssSelector(USER_NAMES)); for (WebElement webElement : groupMembers) { UserProfile profile = new UserProfile(); String text = webElement.getText(); StringTokenizer userInfo = new StringTokenizer(text); int userDispalySize = 0; int userInfoSize = userInfo.countTokens(); while (userInfo.hasMoreElements()) { if (userDispalySize == 0) { profile.setfName((String) userInfo.nextElement()); } else if (userDispalySize == 1 && userInfoSize > 2) { profile.setlName((String) userInfo.nextElement()); } else if (userDispalySize == 2 || (userDispalySize == 1 && userInfoSize == 2)) { profile.setUsername((String) userInfo.nextElement()); } userDispalySize++; } listOfUsers.add(profile); } return listOfUsers; } catch (TimeoutException e) { logger.error("Unable to get the list of members : ", e); } throw new PageOperationException("Unable to get the list of members : "); } /** * click on Add user button in GroupsPage * * @return AddUserPage */ /* * public AddUserPage clickAddUser() * { * try * { * WebElement addUserButton = findAndWait(By.cssSelector(BUTTON_ADD_USER)); * if (addUserButton.isDisplayed() && addUserButton.isEnabled()) * { *; * return new AddUserPage(driver); * } * } catch (TimeoutException nse) * { * logger.error("Unable to find Add User button"); * } * throw new PageOperationException("Not found element is : " + BUTTON_ADD_USER); * } *//** * Click on Add Group button in GroupsPage * * @return AddGroupPage */ /* * public AddGroupPage clickAddGroup() * { * try * { * WebElement addGroupButton = findAndWait(By.cssSelector(BUTTON_ADD_GROUP)); * if (addGroupButton.isDisplayed()) * { *; * return new AddGroupPage(driver); * } * } catch (TimeoutException nse) * { * logger.error("Unable to find Add Group button"); * } * throw new PageOperationException("Not found element is : " + BUTTON_ADD_GROUP); * } */ /** * Click on Remove icon on members list in group page * * @param userName -To remove the userName from the list of Users in the groups page * @return RemoveUserFromGroupPage */ public RemoveUserFromGroupPage removeUser(String userName) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(userName)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("User Name is required."); } try { WebElement element = findAndWait( By.xpath(String.format(".//span[contains(text(),'%s')]/..", userName))); mouseOver(element); element = element .findElement(By.cssSelector("span.yui-columnbrowser-item-buttons>span.users-remove-button")); mouseOver(element);; //TODO Fix me by adding to FactorySharePare map. return factoryPage.instantiatePage(driver, RemoveUserFromGroupPage.class); } catch (TimeoutException e) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("User: \"" + userName + "\" can not be found in members list.", e); } } throw new PageException("User: \"" + userName + "\" can not be found in members list."); } /** * Verify list of users are displayed in Group page * * @return Boolean */ public boolean hasMembers() { try { WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector(USER_NAMES)); if (element.isDisplayed()) { return true; } } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("Unable to find member in list", e); } } return false; } /** * Verify User is the member of group * * @return Boolean */ // , String groupName public boolean isUserGroupMember(String fName, String lName) { List<UserProfile> userProfiles = this.getMembersList(); for (UserProfile userProfile : userProfiles) { if (fName.equals(userProfile.getfName())) { // Verify user is present in the members list if (userProfile.getUsername().contains(lName)) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Verify User is Admin * * @return Boolean */ public Boolean isUserAdmin(String fName, String lName) { String siteAdmin = "ALFRESCO_ADMINISTRATORS"; selectGroup(siteAdmin); List<UserProfile> userProfiles = this.getMembersList(); for (UserProfile userProfile : userProfiles) { if (fName.equals(userProfile.getfName())) { // Verify user is present in the members list if (userProfile.getUsername().contains(lName)) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Click on the group (select it) and then click to the New Subgroup * * @return NewGroupPage */ public NewGroupPage navigateToCreateNewSubGroup(String parentGroup) { selectGroup(parentGroup).render(); findAndWait(NEW_SUBGROUP_BUTTON).click(); //TODO Fix me by adding to FactorySharePare map. return factoryPage.instantiatePage(driver, NewGroupPage.class); } /** * Click on the group (select it) and then click to the Add Group * * @return AddGroupForm */ public AddGroupForm navigateToAddGroupForm(String group) { selectGroup(group).render(); findAndWait(ADD_GROUP_BUTTON).click(); //TODO Fix me by adding to FactorySharePare map. return (AddGroupForm) factoryPage.instantiatePageElement(driver, AddGroupForm.class); } /** * Click on the group (select it) and then click to the Add User * * @return AddUserToGroupForm */ public AddUserToGroupForm navigateToAddUserForm(String group) { selectGroup(group).render(); findAndWait(ADD_USER_BUTTON).click(); //TODO Fix me by adding to FactorySharePare map. return factoryPage.instantiatePage(driver, AddUserToGroupForm.class); } /** * Verify that user was added to the group and displayed * * @return Boolean */ public boolean isUserDisplayed(String user) { try { getCurrentPage().render(); WebElement userElem = driver.findElement(By.xpath(String.format(USER_ADDED, user))); if (userElem.isDisplayed()) { return true; } } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("Unable to find user in list", e); } } return false; } /** * Click on Edit icon on group in group page * * @param groupName -To edit the group from the list of groups in the groups page * @return EditGroupPage */ private EditGroupPage selectEditGroupAction(String groupName) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(groupName)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Group Name is required."); } try { WebElement element = findAndWait( By.xpath(String.format("//span[contains(text(),'%s')]/..", groupName))); mouseOver(element); element = element.findElement(By.xpath(String.format("//span[contains(text(),'%s')]/..", groupName) + "//span[@class='groups-update-button']")); mouseOver(element);; //TODO Fix me by adding to FactorySharePare map. return factoryPage.instantiatePage(driver, EditGroupPage.class); } catch (TimeoutException e) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("Group: \"" + groupName + "\" can not be found in groups list.", e); } } throw new PageException("Group: \"" + groupName + "\" can not be found in groups list."); } public GroupsPage editGroup(String groupName, String newGroupName, boolean edit) { EditGroupPage editGroupPage = selectEditGroupAction(groupName).render(); return editGroupPage.editGroup(newGroupName, edit).render(); } /** * Click on Delete icon on group in group page * * @param groupName -To delete the group from the list of groups in the groups page * @return GroupsPage */ public GroupsPage deleteGroup(String groupName, boolean delete) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(groupName)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Group Name is required."); } try { WebElement element = findAndWait( By.xpath(String.format("//span[contains(text(),'%s')]/..", groupName))); mouseOver(element); element = element.findElement(By.xpath(String.format("//span[contains(text(),'%s')]/..", groupName) + "//span[@class='groups-delete-button']")); mouseOver(element);; findAndWait(DELETE_GROUP_FORM); if (delete) { WebElement deleteButton = findAndWait(DELETE_GROUP_BUTTON);; } else { WebElement cancelButton = findAndWait(CANCEL_GROUP_BUTTON);; } //TODO Fix me by adding to FactorySharePare map. return factoryPage.instantiatePage(driver, GroupsPage.class); } catch (TimeoutException e) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("Group: \"" + groupName + "\" can not be found and deleted from groups list.", e); } } throw new PageException("Group: \"" + groupName + "\" can not be found and deleted from groups list."); } /** * Click add user icon * * @return AddUserGroupPage */ public HtmlPage selectAddUser() { try { WebElement addUser = findAndWait(By.cssSelector(ADD_USER_ICON));; return factoryPage.instantiatePage(driver, AddUserGroupPage.class); } catch (TimeoutException e) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace(ADD_USER_ICON + "isn't present at a page", e); } } throw new PageException("Add user dialogue isn't opened"); } /** * Get list of added users * * @return List<String> */ public List<String> getUserList() { List<String> nameOfUsers = new ArrayList<String>(); List<WebElement> userElements = findAndWaitForElements(By.cssSelector(USER_NAMES)); for (WebElement webElement : userElements) { nameOfUsers.add(webElement.getText()); } return nameOfUsers; } /** * Click on Edit icon on list of groups in group page * * @param groupName String * @return EditGroupPage */ public EditGroupPage selectEditGroup(String groupName) { try { WebElement first_column_group_locator = findAndWait( By.xpath("//span[contains(@class,'yui-columnbrowser-item-label') and contains(text(),'" + groupName + "')]"));; mouseOver(first_column_group_locator); WebElement edit_group_button = findAndWait(By.xpath("//span[contains(text(),'" + groupName + "')]/parent::*/span/span[contains(@class,'groups-update-button')]"));; //TODO Fix me by adding to FactorySharePare map. return factoryPage.instantiatePage(driver, EditGroupPage.class); } catch (TimeoutException e) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace(groupName + " isn't displayed", e); } } throw new PageException(" Edit group page isn't opened"); } /** * Click on Delete icon on list of groups in group page * * @param groupName String */ public DeleteGroupFromGroupPage deleteGroup(String groupName) { try { WebElement first_column_group_locator = findAndWait( By.xpath("//span[contains(@class,'yui-columnbrowser-item-label') and contains(text(),'" + groupName + "')]"));; mouseOver(first_column_group_locator); WebElement delete_group_button = findAndWait(By.xpath( "//*[contains(text(),'" + groupName + "')]/ancestor::a//span[contains(@class, 'delete')]"));; //TODO Fix me by adding to FactorySharePare map. return factoryPage.instantiatePage(driver, DeleteGroupFromGroupPage.class); } catch (TimeoutException e) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace(groupName + " isn't displayed", e); } } throw new PageException(" Delete group page isn't opened"); } /** * Click on Remove icon on members list in group page * * @param userName -To remove the userName from the list of Users in the groups page * @return RemoveUserFromGroupPage */ public RemoveUserFromGroupPage selectRemoveUser(String userName) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(userName)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("User Name is required."); } try { WebElement element = findAndWait(By.xpath("//li[2]//span[contains(text(),'" + userName + "')]")); mouseOver(element); element = element.findElement(By.xpath("//span[@class='users-remove-button']"));; //TODO Fix me by adding to FactorySharePare map. return factoryPage.instantiatePage(driver, RemoveUserFromGroupPage.class); } catch (TimeoutException e) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("User: \"" + userName + "\" can not be found in members list.", e); } } throw new PageException("User: \"" + userName + "\" can not be found in members list."); } }