Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Alfresco Software Limited.
 * This file is part of Alfresco
 * Alfresco is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * Alfresco is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with Alfresco. If not, see <>.

package org.alfresco.jlan.server.filesys.db;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.alfresco.jlan.locking.LockConflictException;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.SrvSession;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.core.DeviceContext;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.core.DeviceContextException;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.filesys.AccessDeniedException;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.filesys.DiskDeviceContext;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.filesys.DiskFullException;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.filesys.DiskInterface;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.filesys.DiskOfflineException;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.filesys.DiskSizeInterface;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.filesys.DiskVolumeInterface;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.filesys.FileAccessToken;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.filesys.FileAttribute;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.filesys.FileExistsException;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.filesys.FileIdInterface;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.filesys.FileInfo;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.filesys.FileName;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.filesys.FileNameException;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.filesys.FileOfflineException;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.filesys.FileOpenParams;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.filesys.FileSharingException;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.filesys.FileStatus;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.filesys.FileType;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.filesys.NetworkFile;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.filesys.SearchContext;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.filesys.SecurityDescriptorInterface;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.filesys.SrvDiskInfo;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.filesys.SymbolicLinkInterface;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.filesys.TreeConnection;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.filesys.VolumeInfo;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.filesys.cache.FileState;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.filesys.cache.FileStateCache;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.filesys.loader.FileRequest;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.filesys.loader.FileRequestQueue;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.filesys.loader.FileSegment;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.filesys.loader.FileSegmentInfo;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.filesys.loader.NamedFileLoader;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.filesys.loader.SingleFileRequest;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.filesys.quota.QuotaManager;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.locking.FileLockingInterface;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.locking.LockManager;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.locking.OpLockInterface;
import org.alfresco.jlan.server.locking.OpLockManager;
import org.alfresco.jlan.smb.SharingMode;
import org.alfresco.jlan.smb.WinNT;
import org.alfresco.jlan.smb.nt.SecurityDescriptor;
import org.alfresco.jlan.smb.server.SMBSrvException;
import org.alfresco.jlan.smb.server.ntfs.NTFSStreamsInterface;
import org.alfresco.jlan.smb.server.ntfs.StreamInfo;
import org.alfresco.jlan.smb.server.ntfs.StreamInfoList;
import org.alfresco.jlan.util.MemorySize;
import org.alfresco.jlan.util.WildCard;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.springframework.extensions.config.ConfigElement;

import com.base.config.UserBean;
import com.util.DBUtil;
import com.util.DiskUtil;

 * Database Disk Driver Class
 * @author gkspencer
public class DBDiskDriver implements DiskInterface, DiskSizeInterface, DiskVolumeInterface, NTFSStreamsInterface,
        FileLockingInterface, FileIdInterface, SymbolicLinkInterface, OpLockInterface, SecurityDescriptorInterface {

    private Logger log4j = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass());
    //  Attributes attached to the file state

    public static final String DBStreamList = "DBStreamList";

    //  Default mode values for files/folders, if not specified in the file/folder create parameters

    public static final int DefaultNFSFileMode = 0644;
    public static final int DefaultNFSDirMode = 0755;

    //  Maximum file name length

    public static final int MaxFileNameLen = 255;

    //  Maximum timestamp value to allow for file timestamps (01-Jan-2030 00:00:00)

    public static final long MaxTimestampValue = 1896134400000L;

    //  Enable/disable debug output

    private boolean m_debug = false;

     * Close the specified file
     * @param sess  Session details
     * @param tree  Tree connection
     * @param file  Network file details
     * @exception IOException
    public void closeFile(SrvSession sess, TreeConnection tree, NetworkFile file) throws IOException {

        //  Access the database context
        DBDeviceContext dbCtx = (DBDeviceContext) tree.getContext();
        String shareName = tree.getContext().getShareName();
        //  Check if the file is an NTFS stream

        if (file.isStream()) {

            //  Close the NTFS stream

            closeStream(sess, tree, file);

            //  Check if the stream is marked for deletion

            if (file.hasDeleteOnClose())
                deleteStream(sess, tree, file.getFullNameStream());

        //  Debug
        //   log4j.debug("DBD#closeFile() file=" + file.getFullName());

        //  Close the file

        dbCtx.getFileLoader().closeFile(sess, file);

        //  Access the JDBC file

        DBNetworkFile jdbcFile = null;

        if (file instanceof DBNetworkFile) {

            //  Access the JDBC file

            jdbcFile = (DBNetworkFile) file;

            //  Decrement the open file count

            FileState fstate = jdbcFile.getFileState();

            //  Check if the file state is valid, if not then check the main file state cache

            if (fstate == null) {

                //  Check the main file state cache

                fstate = getFileState(file.getFullName(), dbCtx, false);

                //  DEBUG
                //        log4j.debug("** Last file close, no file state for " + file.getFullName());
            } else {

                // If the file open count is now zero then reset the stored sharing mode

                if (dbCtx.getStateCache().releaseFileAccess(fstate, file.getAccessToken()) == 0) {

                    //  DEBUG
                    //           log4j.debug("** Last file close, reset shared access for " + file.getFullName() + ", state=" + fstate);
                } else {
                    //           log4j.debug("** File close, file=" + file.getFullName() + ", openCount=" + fstate.getOpenCount());

                // Check if there is an oplock on the file

                if (jdbcFile.hasOpLock()) {

                    // Release the oplock

                    OpLockInterface flIface = (OpLockInterface) this;
                    OpLockManager oplockMgr = flIface.getOpLockManager(sess, tree);


                    //  DEBUG
                    log4j.debug("Released oplock for closed file, file=" + jdbcFile.getFullName());

                // Clear the access token


            //  Release any locks on the file owned by this session

            if (jdbcFile.hasLocks()) {

                //  Get the lock manager

                FileLockingInterface flIface = (FileLockingInterface) this;
                LockManager lockMgr = flIface.getLockManager(sess, tree);

                //  DEBUG
                log4j.debug("Releasing locks for closed file, file=" + jdbcFile.getFullName() + ", locks="
                        + jdbcFile.numberOfLocks());

                //  Release all locks on the file owned by this session

                lockMgr.releaseLocksForFile(sess, tree, file);

            //  Check if we have a valid file state

            if (fstate != null) {

                //  Update the cached file size

                DBFileInfo finfo = (DBFileInfo) fstate.findAttribute(FileState.FileInformation);
                if (finfo != null && file.getWriteCount() > 0) {

                    //  Update the file size


                    //  Update the modified date/time


                    //  DEBUG
                            "  File size=" + jdbcFile.getFileSize() + ", modifyDate=" + jdbcFile.getModifyDate());

                //  DEBUG
                //        log4j.debug("  Open count=" + jdbcFile.getFileState().getOpenCount());

            //  Check if the file/directory is marked for delete

            if (file.hasDeleteOnClose()) {

                //  Check for a file or directory
                if (shareName.equals(DBUtil.SHARENAME_RECIVEFILE)) {
                    log4j.warn(DBUtil.SHARENAME_RECIVEFILE + "   ?? ? path:"
                            + file.getFullName());
                    throw new AccessDeniedException("??");
                } else {
                    try {
                        if (file.isDirectory())
                            deleteDirectory(sess, tree, file.getFullName());
                            deleteFile(sess, tree, file.getFullName());
                    } catch (AccessDeniedException ex) {
                        throw new AccessDeniedException("??");

                //  DEBUG
                log4j.debug("  Marked for delete ,fileId:" + file.getFileId() + " ,fullName:" + file.getFullName());
        } else {
            log4j.error("DBD#closeFile() Not DBNetworkFile fileId:" + file.getFileId() + ", file=" + file);

        //  Check if the file was opened for write access, if so then update the file size and modify date/time

        if (file.getGrantedAccess() != NetworkFile.READONLY && file.isDirectory() == false
                && file.getWriteCount() > 0) {

            //  DEBUG
            log4j.debug("  Update file size=" + file.getFileSize());

            //  Get the current date/time

            long modifiedTime = 0L;
            if (file.hasModifyDate())
                modifiedTime = file.getModifyDate();
                modifiedTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

            //  Check if the modified time is earlier than the file creation date/time

            if (file.hasCreationDate() && modifiedTime < file.getCreationDate()) {

                //  Use the creation date/time for the modified date/time

                modifiedTime = file.getCreationDate();

                //  DEBUG
                log4j.debug("Close file using creation date/time for modified date/time");

            //  Update the file details

            try {

                //  Update the file details

                FileInfo finfo = new FileInfo();


                finfo.setFileInformationFlags(FileInfo.SetFileSize + FileInfo.SetModifyDate);

                //  Call the database interface

                dbCtx.getDBInterface().setFileInformation(file.getDirectoryId(), file.getFileId(), finfo,
            } catch (DBException ex) {

     * Create a new directory
     * @param sess   Session details
     * @param tree   Tree connection
     * @param params Directory create parameters
     * @exception IOException
    public void createDirectory(SrvSession sess, TreeConnection tree, FileOpenParams params) throws IOException {

        //  Access the database context

        DBDeviceContext dbCtx = (DBDeviceContext) tree.getContext();
        String shareName = tree.getContext().getShareName();
        String userName = sess.getClientInformation().getUserName();
        String ipAddress = sess.getClientInformation().getClientAddress();
        // Check if the database is online

        if (dbCtx.getDBInterface().isOnline() == false)
            throw new DiskOfflineException("Database is offline");

        //  Get, or create, a file state for the new path. Initially this will indicate that the directory
        //  does not exist.

        FileState fstate = getFileState(params.getPath(), dbCtx, false);
        if (fstate != null && fstate.fileExists() == true) {
            log4j.error("Path " + params.getPath() + " exists");
            throw new FileExistsException("Path " + params.getPath() + " exists");

        //  If there is no file state check if the directory exists

        if (fstate == null) {

            //  Create a file state for the new directory

            fstate = getFileState(params.getPath(), dbCtx, true);

            //  Get the file details for the directory

            if (getFileDetails(params.getPath(), dbCtx, fstate, userName, shareName) != null) {
                log4j.error("Path " + params.getPath() + " exists");
                throw new FileExistsException("Path " + params.getPath() + " exists");

        //  Find the parent directory id for the new directory

        int dirId = findParentDirectoryId(dbCtx, params.getPath(), true, userName, shareName);
        if (dirId == -1) {
            log4j.error("Cannot find parent directory path:" + params.getPath());
            throw new IOException("Cannot find parent directory");

        //  Create the new directory entry

        FileAccessToken accessToken = null;
        int fid = -1;

        try {

            //  Get the directory name

            String[] paths = FileName.splitPath(params.getPath());
            String dname = paths[1];

            if (params.getPath().equalsIgnoreCase("\\" + dname)) {
                if (shareName.equalsIgnoreCase(DBUtil.SHARENAME_USERFILE)
                        || shareName.equalsIgnoreCase(DBUtil.SHARENAME_COMMFILE)
                        || shareName.equalsIgnoreCase(DBUtil.SHARENAME_COMMFILE_ALIAS)) {
                    log4j.warn("DBD#createDirectory() ?? , path:"
                            + params.getPath());
                    throw new AccessDeniedException("??");
            if (params.getPath().equalsIgnoreCase("\\" + userName + DBUtil.SPECIAL_CHAR + "\\" + dname)) {
                if (shareName.equals(DBUtil.SHARENAME_COMMFILE)
                        || shareName.equals(DBUtil.SHARENAME_COMMFILE_ALIAS)) {
                    log4j.warn("DBD#createDirectory() ??, path:"
                            + params.getPath());
                    throw new AccessDeniedException("??");
            if (shareName.equalsIgnoreCase(DBUtil.SHARENAME_RECIVEFILE)) {
                throw new AccessDeniedException("??");
            //  Check if the directory name is too long

            if (dname != null && dname.length() > MaxFileNameLen) {
                log4j.error("Directory name too long, " + dname);
                throw new FileNameException("Directory name too long, " + dname);

            //  If retention is enabled check if the file is a temporary folder

            boolean retain = true;

            if (dbCtx.hasRetentionPeriod()) {

                //  Check if the file is marked delete on close

                if (params.isDeleteOnClose())
                    retain = false;

            //  Set the default NFS file mode, if not set

            if (params.hasMode() == false)

            //  Make sure the create directory option is enabled

            if (params.hasCreateOption(WinNT.CreateDirectory) == false) {
                log4j.error("Create directory called for non-directory");
                throw new IOException("Create directory called for non-directory");

            // Check if the file can be opened in the requested mode
            // Note: The file status is set to NotExist at this point, the file record creation may fail

            accessToken = dbCtx.getStateCache().grantFileAccess(params, fstate, FileStatus.NotExist);

            //  Use the database interface to create the new file record

            fid = dbCtx.getDBInterface().createFileRecord(dname, dirId, params, retain, userName, shareName,

            //  Indicate that the path exists

            fstate.setFileStatus(FileStatus.DirectoryExists, FileState.ReasonFolderCreated);

            //  Set the file id for the new directory


            //  If retention is enabled get the expiry date/time

            if (dbCtx.hasRetentionPeriod() && retain == true) {
                RetentionDetails retDetails = dbCtx.getDBInterface().getFileRetentionDetails(dirId, fid);
                if (retDetails != null)

            //  Check if the file loader handles create directory requests

            if (fid != -1 && dbCtx.getFileLoader() instanceof NamedFileLoader) {

                //  Create the directory in the filesystem/repository

                NamedFileLoader namedLoader = (NamedFileLoader) dbCtx.getFileLoader();
                namedLoader.createDirectory(params.getPath(), fid);

            // Release the access token

            if (accessToken != null) {
                dbCtx.getStateCache().releaseFileAccess(fstate, accessToken);
                accessToken = null;
        } catch (DBException ex) {
            log4j.error("createDirectory error", ex);
            throw new IOException();
        } finally {

            // Check if the file is not valid but an access token has been allocated

            if (fid == -1 && accessToken != null)
                dbCtx.getStateCache().releaseFileAccess(fstate, accessToken);

     * Create a new file entry
     * @param sess SrvSession
     * @param tree TreeConnection
     * @param params FileOpenParams
     * @return NetworkFile
    public NetworkFile createFile(SrvSession sess, TreeConnection tree, FileOpenParams params) throws IOException {

        //  Access the database context
        String userName = sess.getClientInformation().getUserName();
        String shareName = tree.getContext().getShareName();
        String ipAddress = sess.getClientInformation().getClientAddress();
        DBDeviceContext dbCtx = (DBDeviceContext) tree.getContext();
        // Check if the database is online

        if (dbCtx.getDBInterface().isOnline() == false) {
            log4j.error("Database is offline");
            throw new DiskOfflineException("Database is offline");

        // Check if this is a stream create

        FileState fstate = getFileState(params.getPath(), dbCtx, true);
        log4j.debug("DBD#createFile(); params.isStream:" + params.isStream() + " ; path:" + params.getPath());

        if (params.isStream()) {

            // Make sure the parent file exists

            if (fileExists(sess, tree, params.getPath()) == FileStatus.FileExists) {

                //  Create a new stream associated with the existing file

                return createStream(sess, tree, params, fstate, dbCtx);
            } else {

                // Parent file does not exist
                log4j.error("Parent file does not exist to create stream, " + params.getPath());
                throw new FileNotFoundException("Parent file does not exist to create stream, " + params.getPath());
        } else if (fstate.fileExists()) {

            // File already exists
            log4j.error("File exists, " + params.getPath());
            throw new FileExistsException("File exists, " + params.getPath());

        //  Split the path string and find the directory id to attach the file to

        int dirId = findParentDirectoryId(dbCtx, params.getPath(), true, userName, shareName);
        if (dirId == -1) {
            log4j.error("Cannot find parent directory path:" + params.getPath());
            throw new IOException("Cannot find parent directory");

        //  Check if the allocation size for the new file is greater than the maximum allowed file size

        if (dbCtx.hasMaximumFileSize() && params.getAllocationSize() > dbCtx.getMaximumFileSize()) {
            log4j.error("Required allocation greater than maximum file size");
            throw new DiskFullException("Required allocation greater than maximum file size");

        //  Create a new file

        DBNetworkFile file = null;
        FileAccessToken accessToken = null;

        try {

            //  Get the file name

            String[] paths = FileName.splitPath(params.getPath());
            String fname = paths[1];

            //  Check if the file name is too long

            if (fname != null && fname.length() > MaxFileNameLen) {
                log4j.error("File name too long, " + fname);
                throw new FileNameException("File name too long, " + fname);

            if (params.getPath().equalsIgnoreCase("\\" + fname)) {
                if (shareName.equalsIgnoreCase(DBUtil.SHARENAME_USERFILE)
                        || shareName.equals(DBUtil.SHARENAME_COMMFILE)
                        || shareName.equals(DBUtil.SHARENAME_COMMFILE_ALIAS)) {
                    log4j.warn("DBD#createFile() ?? , path:" + params.getPath());
                    throw new AccessDeniedException("??");
            if (params.getPath().equalsIgnoreCase("\\" + userName + DBUtil.SPECIAL_CHAR + "\\" + fname)) {
                if (shareName.equals(DBUtil.SHARENAME_COMMFILE)
                        || shareName.equals(DBUtil.SHARENAME_COMMFILE_ALIAS)) {
                            "DBD#createFile() ??, path:" + params.getPath());
                    throw new AccessDeniedException("??");
            if (shareName.equalsIgnoreCase(DBUtil.SHARENAME_RECIVEFILE)) {
                throw new AccessDeniedException("??");

            //  If retention is enabled check if the file is a temporary file

            boolean retain = true;

            if (dbCtx.hasRetentionPeriod()) {

                //  Check if the file is marked delete on close

                if (params.isDeleteOnClose())
                    retain = false;

            //  Set the default NFS file mode, if not set

            if (params.hasMode() == false)

            // Check if the current file open allows the required shared access

            if (params.getPath().equals("\\") == false) {

                // Check if the file can be opened in the requested mode
                // Note: The file status is set to NotExist at this point, the file record creation may fail

                accessToken = dbCtx.getStateCache().grantFileAccess(params, fstate, FileStatus.NotExist);
            int fid = dbCtx.getDBInterface().createFileRecord(fname, dirId, params, retain, userName, shareName,
            //  Create a new file record

            //  Indicate that the file exists

            fstate.setFileStatus(FileStatus.FileExists, FileState.ReasonFileCreated);

            //  Save the file id


            //  If retention is enabled get the expiry date/time

            if (dbCtx.hasRetentionPeriod() && retain == true) {
                RetentionDetails retDetails = dbCtx.getDBInterface().getFileRetentionDetails(dirId, fid);
                if (retDetails != null)

            //  Create a network file to hold details of the new file entry

            file = (DBNetworkFile) dbCtx.getFileLoader().openFile(params, fid, 0, dirId, true, false, userName);


            //  Open the file

        } catch (DBException ex) {

            // Remove the file state for the new file


            // DEBUG
            log4j.error("Create file error: ", ex);
        } finally {

            // Check if the file is not valid but an access token has been allocated

            if (file == null && accessToken != null)
                dbCtx.getStateCache().releaseFileAccess(fstate, accessToken);

        //  Return the new file details

        if (file == null) {
            log4j.error("Failed to create file " + params.getPath());
            throw new IOException("Failed to create file " + params.getPath());
            else {
              // Save the file sharing mode, needs to be done before the open count is incremented
              fstate.setSharedAccess( params.getSharedAccess());
              fstate.setProcessId( params.getProcessId());
              //  Update the file state
        //    log4j.debug("DBD#createFile ?1.....");
        //    try {
        //      Thread.sleep(1000);//??1
        //      log4j.debug("DBD#createFile ?");
        //   } catch (Exception e) {
        //      e.printStackTrace();
        //   }
        //  Return the network file
        return file;

     * Delete a directory
     * @param sess  Session details
     * @param tree  Tree connection
     * @param dir   Path of directory to delete
     * @exception IOException
    public void deleteDirectory(SrvSession sess, TreeConnection tree, String dir) throws IOException {

        //  Debug
        String userName = sess.getClientInformation().getUserName();
        String shareName = tree.getContext().getShareName();
        String ipAddress = sess.getClientInformation().getClientAddress();
        log4j.debug("DBD#deleteDirectory() dir=" + dir);

        //  Access the JDBC context

        DBDeviceContext dbCtx = (DBDeviceContext) tree.getContext();
        if (shareName.equalsIgnoreCase(DBUtil.SHARENAME_RECIVEFILE)) {
            log4j.warn(shareName + " ,??");
            throw new AccessDeniedException("??");
        if (dir.equalsIgnoreCase("\\" + userName + DBUtil.SPECIAL_CHAR)) {
            log4j.warn(dir + " ,??");
            throw new AccessDeniedException("??");

        // Check if the database is online

        if (dbCtx.getDBInterface().isOnline() == false) {
            log4j.error("Database is offline");
            throw new DiskOfflineException("Database is offline");

        //  Get the file state for the path

        FileState fstate = getFileState(dir, dbCtx, false);
        if (fstate != null && fstate.fileExists() == false) {
            log4j.error("Path does not exist, " + dir);
            throw new FileNotFoundException("Path does not exist, " + dir);

        //  Create a file state if it does not exist

        if (fstate == null)
            fstate = getFileState(dir, dbCtx, true);

        //  Get the directory details

        DBFileInfo dinfo = getFileDetails(dir, dbCtx, fstate, userName, shareName);
        if (dinfo == null) {
            log4j.error("dinfo does not exist, " + dir);
            throw new FileNotFoundException(dir);
        if (dinfo.isReadOnly()) {
            log4j.warn(dir + " ,?");
            throw new AccessDeniedException("?");

        //  Check if the directory contains any files
        try {

            //  Check if the file loader handles delete directory requests. Called first as the loader may throw an exception
            //  to stop the directory being deleted.

            if (dbCtx.isTrashCanEnabled() == false && dbCtx.getFileLoader() instanceof NamedFileLoader) {

                //  Delete the directory in the filesystem/repository

                NamedFileLoader namedLoader = (NamedFileLoader) dbCtx.getFileLoader();
                namedLoader.deleteDirectory(dir, dinfo.getFileId());

            //  Delete the directory file record, or mark as deleted if the trashcan is enabled

            dbCtx.getDBInterface().deleteFileRecord(dinfo.getDirectoryId(), dinfo.getFileId(),
                    dbCtx.isTrashCanEnabled(), userName, shareName, ipAddress);

            //  Indicate that the path does not exist

            fstate.setFileStatus(FileStatus.NotExist, FileState.ReasonFolderDeleted);
        } catch (DBException ex) {
            log4j.error("DBException:", ex);
            throw new IOException();

     * Delete a file
     * @param sess  Session details
     * @param tree  Tree connection
     * @param name  Name of file to delete
     * @exception IOException
    public void deleteFile(SrvSession sess, TreeConnection tree, String name) throws IOException {

        //  Access the JDBC context
        String userName = sess.getClientInformation().getUserName();
        String shareName = tree.getContext().getShareName();
        String ipAddress = sess.getClientInformation().getClientAddress();

        DBDeviceContext dbCtx = (DBDeviceContext) tree.getContext();
        if (shareName.equalsIgnoreCase(DBUtil.SHARENAME_RECIVEFILE)) {
            log4j.warn(shareName + ", ??");
            throw new AccessDeniedException("??");
        // Check if the database is online

        if (dbCtx.getDBInterface().isOnline() == false) {
            log4j.error("Database is offline");
            throw new DiskOfflineException("Database is offline");

        //  Check if the file name is a stream

        if (FileName.containsStreamName(name)) {

            //  Delete a stream within a file

            deleteStream(sess, tree, name);

        String ext = DiskUtil.getExt(name);//?
        //  Get the file state for the path

        FileState fstate = getFileState(name, dbCtx, false);
        if (fstate != null && fstate.fileExists() == false) {
            if (StringUtils.isEmpty(ext) || "tmp".equals(ext)) {
                log4j.warn("DBD#deleteFile() ? File does not exist  name:" + name);
                //          return ;// ?
            } else {
                log4j.warn("File does not exist, " + name);
                //       throw new FileNotFoundException("File does not exist, " + name);

        //  Create a file state for the file, if not already valid

        if (fstate == null)
            fstate = getFileState(name, dbCtx, true);

        DBFileInfo dbInfo = null;

        try {

            //  Check if the file is within an active retention period

            getRetentionDetailsForState(dbCtx, fstate);

            if (fstate.hasActiveRetentionPeriod()) {
                log4j.error("File retention active");
                throw new AccessDeniedException("File retention active");

            //  Get the file details

            dbInfo = getFileDetails(name, dbCtx, fstate, userName, shareName);

            if (dbInfo == null) {

                if (StringUtils.isEmpty(ext) || "tmp".equals(ext)) {
                    log4j.error("DBD#deleteFile() ? FileNotFoundException  name:"
                            + name);
                    //            return ;// ?
                } else {
                    log4j.error("DBD#deleteFile() FileNotFoundException  name:" + name);
                    throw new FileNotFoundException(name);

            //  DEBUG
            log4j.debug("DBD#deleteFile() name=" + name + ", state=" + fstate);
            /* ??(office??) start 
            int userId = 0;
                 UserBean user = dbCtx.getDBInterface().getUserByUsername(userName);
                 if(null != user)
                    userId = user.getId();
              catch (DBException ex) {
                 log4j.error("User is not exist from database, userId:"+userId+" username:"+userName,ex);
                 throw new AccessDeniedException("User is not exist from database, userId:"+userId+" username:"+userName,ex);
            DBFileInfo finfo = dbCtx.getDBInterface().getFileInformation(0, fstate.getFileId(), DBInterface.FileNameOnly,userId,shareName,userName);
            if(null != finfo)
               String[] paths = FileName.splitPath( name);
                String fname = paths[1];
                  return ;//???
                 log4j.warn(fstate.getFileId()+" ,?");
                 throw new AccessDeniedException("?");
            /* ??(office??) end */
            //  Delete the file in the filesystem/repository, the loader may prevent the file delete by throwing
            //  an exception
            //      boolean canDel = !"xls".equals(ext);//xls??,xls2003
            boolean canDel = (!"xls".equals(ext) && !"xlsx".equals(ext))
                    || (!"doc".equals(ext) && !"docx".equals(ext));//xls??,xls2003
            if (dbCtx.isTrashCanEnabled() == false && canDel)
                dbCtx.getFileLoader().deleteFile(name, fstate.getFileId(), 0, shareName);

            //  If the file is a symbolic link delete the symbolic link record

            if (null != dbInfo && dbInfo.isFileType() == FileType.SymbolicLink && canDel)
                dbCtx.getDBInterface().deleteSymbolicLinkRecord(dbInfo.getDirectoryId(), fstate.getFileId());

            /* ???WPS?doc? (Office2007
            // Check if the file has any NTFS streams
            StreamInfoList streamList = getStreamList( sess, tree, name);
            if ( streamList != null && streamList.numberOfStreams() > 0) {
               // Make a copy of the streams list as streams are removed from the original list as we delete them
               StreamInfoList sList = new StreamInfoList( streamList);
               // Delete the streams
               StringBuilder sPath = new StringBuilder( 256);
               sPath.append( name);
               int delCnt = 0;
               for ( int idx = 0; idx < sList.numberOfStreams(); idx++) {
                  // Get the current stream details
                  StreamInfo sInfo = sList.getStreamAt( idx);
                  if ( sInfo.getName().equals( FileName.MainDataStreamName) == false) {
                     // Build the full path to the stream
                     sPath.setLength( name.length());
                     sPath.append( sInfo.getName());
                     // Delete the stream
                     deleteStream( sess, tree, sPath.toString());
               // DEBUG
                if ( delCnt > 0)
                   log4j.debug("DBD#deleted " + delCnt + " streams for name=" + name);
            //  Delete the file record
            if (null != dbInfo && null != fstate)
                dbCtx.getDBInterface().deleteFileRecord(dbInfo.getDirectoryId(), fstate.getFileId(),
                        dbCtx.isTrashCanEnabled(), userName, shareName, ipAddress);

            //  Indicate that the path does not exist
            /*  ?????????*/
            //      if("tmp".equals(ext)|| "xls".equals(ext))
            //       if("tmp".equals(ext)|| "xls".equals(ext) || "xlsx".equals(ext) || (name.startsWith("~$") && "doc".equals(ext)) || (name.startsWith("~$") && "docx".equals(ext)))
            //      if("tmp".equals(ext) || "xls".equals(ext)  || (name.startsWith("~$") && "doc".equals(ext))||(name.startsWith("~$") && "xlsx".equals(ext)))
            if ("tmp".equals(ext) || "xls".equals(ext) || (name.startsWith("~$") && "doc".equals(ext))
                    || (name.startsWith("~$") && "xlsx".equals(ext))) {
                fstate.setFileStatus(FileStatus.NotExist, FileState.ReasonFileDeleted);
                        "DBD#deleteFile() FileStatus.NotExist-fstate.setFileId(-1): name" + name + " , ext:" + ext);

            //  Check if there is a quota manager, if so then release the file space

            if (dbCtx.hasQuotaManager() && null != dbInfo) {

                //  Release the file space back to the filesystem free space

                dbCtx.getQuotaManager().releaseSpace(sess, tree, fstate.getFileId(), null, dbInfo.getSize());
        } catch (DBException ex) {
            log4j.error("Failed to delete file " + name);
            throw new IOException("Failed to delete file " + name);

     * Check if the specified file exists, and it is a file.
     * @param sess  Session details
     * @param tree  Tree connection
     * @param name  File name
     * @return int
    public int fileExists(SrvSession sess, TreeConnection tree, String name) {
        //  Access the JDBC context
        String userName = sess.getClientInformation().getUserName();
        String shareName = tree.getContext().getShareName();
        DBDeviceContext dbCtx = (DBDeviceContext) tree.getContext();
        //    log4j.debug("DBD#fileExists name=" + name);
        //  Check if the path contains an NTFS stream name

        int fileSts = FileStatus.NotExist;
        FileState fstate = null;

        //  Check for the root directory    
        if (name.length() == 0 || name.compareTo("\\") == 0) {
            //        log4j.debug("DBD#fileExists  ,  DirectoryExists ");
            return FileStatus.DirectoryExists;
        if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("\\" + userName + DBUtil.SPECIAL_CHAR)) {
            //       log4j.debug("DBD#fileExists username@ ,  DirectoryExists ");
            return FileStatus.DirectoryExists;
        if (name.toLowerCase().startsWith("\\" + userName.toLowerCase() + DBUtil.SPECIAL_CHAR) == false) {
            log4j.warn("DBD#fileExists ??name? ,  NotExist ; name:" + name
                    + ",userName:" + userName);
            //       return FileStatus.NotExist;
            userName = name.substring(name.indexOf("\\") + 1);
            if (userName.indexOf(DBUtil.SPECIAL_CHAR) > 0) {
                userName = userName.substring(0, userName.indexOf(DBUtil.SPECIAL_CHAR));
            } else if (userName.indexOf("\\") > 0) {
                userName = userName.substring(0, userName.indexOf("\\"));
            log4j.warn("?userName : " + userName);

        if (FileName.containsStreamName(name)) {

            // Get the file information for the stream       
            FileInfo fInfo = null;
            try {
                fInfo = getFileInformation(sess, tree, name);
            } catch (IOException ex) {

            // Check if the file information was retrieved for the stream       
            if (fInfo != null)
                fileSts = FileStatus.FileExists;

            //  Debug
            log4j.debug("DBD#fileExists() nameWithStream=" + name + ", fileSts=" + FileStatus.asString(fileSts));
        } else {

            //  Get, or create, the file state for the path

            fstate = getFileState(name, dbCtx, true);

            //  Check if the file exists status has been cached

            fileSts = fstate.getFileStatus();

            //        if ( fstate.getFileStatus() == FileStatus.Unknown) {
            String ext = DiskUtil.getExt(name);
            if (fstate.getFileStatus() == FileStatus.Unknown
                    || (fstate.getFileStatus() == FileStatus.NotExist && DBUtil.SUPPORT_EXT.contains(ext))) {
                //fstate.getFileStatus()==FileStatus.NotExist &&DBUtil.SUPPORT_EXT.contains(ext) ?

                //  Get the file details

                DBFileInfo dbInfo = getFileDetails(name, dbCtx, fstate, userName, shareName);

                if (dbInfo != null) {
                    if (dbInfo.isDirectory() == true)
                        fileSts = FileStatus.DirectoryExists;
                        fileSts = FileStatus.FileExists;

                    // Save the file id

                    if (dbInfo.getFileId() != -1)
                } else {

                    //  Indicate that the file does not exist

                    fileSts = FileStatus.NotExist;

                //  Debug
                //        log4j.debug("DBD#fileExists() name=" + name + ", fileSts=" + FileStatus.asString(fileSts));
            } else {

                //  DEBUG
                //         log4j.debug("@@ Cache hit - fileExists() name=" + name + ", fileSts=" + FileStatus.asString(fileSts));

        //  Return the file exists status

        return fileSts;

     * Flush buffered data for the specified file
     * @param sess  Session details
     * @param tree  Tree connection
     * @param file  Network file
     * @exception IOException
    public void flushFile(SrvSession sess, TreeConnection tree, NetworkFile file) throws IOException {

        //  Debug

        //  Flush any buffered data



     * Return file information about the specified file
     * @param sess  Session details
     * @param tree  Tree connection
     * @param name  File name
     * @return SMBFileInfo
     * @exception IOException
    public FileInfo getFileInformation(SrvSession sess, TreeConnection tree, String name) throws IOException {

        //  Check for the null file name
        String userName = sess.getClientInformation().getUserName();
        String shareName = tree.getContext().getShareName();
        if (name == null)
            return null;
        //  Access the JDBC context

        DBDeviceContext dbCtx = (DBDeviceContext) tree.getContext();

        // Check if the database is online

        if (dbCtx.getDBInterface().isOnline() == false) {
            log4j.error("Database is offline");
            throw new DiskOfflineException("Database is offline");

        //  Check if the path is a file stream

        FileState fstate = null;
        FileInfo finfo = null;

        if (FileName.containsStreamName(name)) {

            //  Check if there is an active file state for the stream

            fstate = getFileState(name, dbCtx, true);
            //       fstate = getFileState(name,dbCtx,false);//?

            if (fstate != null) {

                // Check if the file stream exists

                if (fstate.getFileStatus() != FileStatus.NotExist) {

                    //  Check if the file information is available

                    finfo = (FileInfo) fstate.findAttribute(FileState.FileInformation);
                } else
                    return null;

            //  If the cached file information is not available then create it

            if (finfo == null) {

                //  Get, or create, the file state for main file path

                String filePath = FileName.getParentPathForStream(name);
                FileState parent = getFileState(filePath, dbCtx, false);

                // Get the file information for the parent file to load the cache

                if (parent == null) {

                    // Get the file information for the parent file
                    log4j.debug("parent is null ?:getFileInformation() ; filepath:" + filePath
                            + ", finfo:" + finfo);
                    getFileInformation(sess, tree, filePath);

                    // File state should exist for the parent now

                    //           parent = getFileState(filePath,dbCtx,false);
                    parent = getFileState(filePath, dbCtx, true);//?

                //  Check if the top level file exists

                if (parent != null && parent.fileExists() == true) {

                    //  Get the top level file details

                    DBFileInfo dbInfo = getFileDetails(name, dbCtx, parent, userName, shareName);

                    if (dbInfo != null) {

                        //  Get the list of available streams

                        StreamInfoList streams = getStreamList(sess, tree, filePath);

                        if (streams != null && streams.numberOfStreams() > 0) {

                            // Parse the path into directory, file and stream names

                            String[] paths = FileName.splitPathStream(name);

                            //  Get the details for the stream, if the information is valid copy it to a file information
                            //  object

                            StreamInfo sInfo = streams.findStream(paths[2]);

                            if (sInfo != null) {

                                //  Create a file information object, copy the stream details to it

                                finfo = new DBFileInfo(paths[1], name, dbInfo.getFileId(), dbInfo.getDirectoryId());



                                //  Attach to the file state

                                fstate.addAttribute(FileState.FileInformation, finfo);

                                //  DEBUG
                                log4j.debug("DBD#getFileInformation() stream=" + name + ", info=" + finfo);
        } else {

            //  Get, or create, the file state for the path

            fstate = getFileState(name, dbCtx, true);
            //       fstate = getFileState(name, dbCtx, false);

            //  Get the file details for the path

            DBFileInfo dbInfo = getFileDetails(name, dbCtx, fstate, userName, shareName);

            //  Set the full file/path name

            if (dbInfo != null)
            finfo = dbInfo;
        //  DEBUG

        //    if ( Debug.EnableInfo && hasDebug() && finfo != null)
        //      Debug.println("getFileInformation info=" + finfo.toString());

        //  Return the file information

        return finfo;

     * Determine if the disk device is read-only.
     * @param sess  Session details
     * @param ctx   Device context
     * @return true if the device is read-only, else false
     * @exception IOException  If an error occurs.
    public boolean isReadOnly(SrvSession sess, DeviceContext ctx) throws IOException {
        return false;

     * Open a file
     * @param sess    Session details
     * @param tree    Tree connection
     * @param params  File open parameters
     * @return NetworkFile
     * @exception IOException
    public NetworkFile openFile(SrvSession sess, TreeConnection tree, FileOpenParams params) throws IOException {

        //  Access the JDBC context
        String userName = sess.getClientInformation().getUserName();
        String shareName = tree.getContext().getShareName();
        DBDeviceContext dbCtx = (DBDeviceContext) tree.getContext();

        // Check if the database is online

        if (dbCtx.getDBInterface().isOnline() == false) {
            log4j.error("Database is offline");
            throw new DiskOfflineException("Database is offline");
        //  Get, or create, the file state
        FileState fstate = getFileState(params.getPath(), dbCtx, true);

        // Check if the file has a data update in progress, the file will be offline until the
        // data update completes

        if (fstate != null && fstate.hasDataUpdateInProgress()) {
            log4j.error("DBD#Data update in progress");
            throw new FileOfflineException("Data update in progress");

        //  Check if we are opening a stream associated with the main file

        if (fstate != null && params.isStream()) {

            //  Open an NTFS stream

            return openStream(sess, tree, params, fstate, dbCtx);

        //  Get the file name

        String[] paths = FileName.splitPath(params.getPath());
        String fname = paths[1];
        // DEBUG
        //    log4j.debug("DBD#openFile FileName [1]= " + fname);

        //  Check if the file name is too long

        if (fname != null && fname.length() > MaxFileNameLen) {
            log4j.error("DBD#File name too long, " + fname);
            throw new FileNameException("File name too long, " + fname);

        //  Get the file information

        DBFileInfo finfo = getFileDetails(params.getPath(), dbCtx, fstate, userName, shareName);

        if (finfo == null) {
            //      throw new AccessDeniedException();
            log4j.error("DBD#openFile FileNotFoundException, fname:" + fname);
            throw new FileNotFoundException();

        //  If retention is enabled get the expiry date/time

        if (dbCtx.hasRetentionPeriod()) {
            try {

                //  Get the file retention expiry date/time

                RetentionDetails retDetails = dbCtx.getDBInterface().getFileRetentionDetails(finfo.getDirectoryId(),
                if (retDetails != null)
            } catch (DBException ex) {
                log4j.error("DBD#Retention error, " + ex.getMessage());
                throw new AccessDeniedException("Retention error, " + ex.getMessage());

        // Check if the current file open allows the required shared access

        FileAccessToken accessToken = null;

        if (params.getPath().equals("\\") == false) {

            // Check if the file can be opened in the requested mode

            accessToken = dbCtx.getStateCache().grantFileAccess(params, fstate,
                    finfo.isDirectory() ? FileStatus.DirectoryExists : FileStatus.FileExists);

        // DEBUG
        //    log4j.debug("DBD#openFile() name=" + params.getPath() + ", sharing=0x" + Integer.toHexString(params.getSharedAccess()) + ", PID=" + params.getProcessId() + ", token=" + accessToken);

        DBNetworkFile jdbcFile = null;

        try {
            //  Create a JDBC network file and open the top level file

            jdbcFile = (DBNetworkFile) dbCtx.getFileLoader().openFile(params, finfo.getFileId(), 0,
                    finfo.getDirectoryId(), false, finfo.isDirectory(), userName);



            // Set the granted file access

            if (params.isReadOnlyAccess())
            else if (params.isWriteOnlyAccess())

            //  Set the file owner

            if (sess != null)

            // Save the access token

        } finally {

            // If the file object is not valid then release the file access that was granted

            if (jdbcFile == null)
                dbCtx.getStateCache().releaseFileAccess(fstate, accessToken);

        //  Return the network file

        return jdbcFile;

     * Read a block of data from a file
     * @param sess  Session details
     * @param tree  Tree connection
     * @param file  Network file
     * @param buf   Buffer to return data to
     * @param bufPos Starting position in the return buffer
     * @param siz   Maximum size of data to return
     * @param pos   File offset to read data
     * @return Number of bytes read
     * @exception IOException
    public int readFile(SrvSession sess, TreeConnection tree, NetworkFile file, byte[] buf, int bufPos, int siz,
            long pos) throws IOException {

        //  Debug
        //     log4j.debug("DBD#readFile() fileId:"+file.getFileId()+",name:"+file.getName()+",fileSize:"+file.getFileSize()+",filePos=" + pos + ", len=" + siz);
        //  Access the JDBC context

        DBDeviceContext dbCtx = (DBDeviceContext) tree.getContext();

        // Check if the database is online

        if (dbCtx.getDBInterface().isOnline() == false) {
            log4j.error("Database is offline");
            throw new DiskOfflineException("Database is offline");

        //  Check that the network file is our type

        int rxsiz = 0;

        if (file instanceof DBNetworkFile) {

            //  Access the JDBC network file

            DBNetworkFile jfile = (DBNetworkFile) file;

            //  Check if there are any locks on the file

            //  Check if there are any locks on the file

            if (jfile.hasFileState() && jfile.getFileState().hasActiveLocks()) {

                //  Check if this session has write access to the required section of the file

                if (jfile.getFileState().canReadFile(pos, siz, sess.getProcessId()) == false) {
                    log4j.error("DBD#readFile() LockConflictException jfile.getFileState().canReadFile == false");
                    throw new LockConflictException();

            //  Read from the file

            rxsiz = jfile.readFile(buf, siz, bufPos, pos);

            //  Check if we have reached the end of file
            if (rxsiz == -1) {
                log4j.debug("DBD#readFile() rxsiz==-1 ?");
                rxsiz = 0;

        //  Return the actual read length

        return rxsiz;

     * Rename a file
     * @param sess  Session details
     * @param tree  Tree connection
     * @param oldName Existing file name
     * @param newName New file name
     * @exception IOException
    public void renameFile(SrvSession sess, TreeConnection tree, String oldName, String newName)
            throws IOException {

        //  Debug
        String userName = sess.getClientInformation().getUserName();
        String shareName = tree.getContext().getShareName();
                "DBD#renameFile() ,time:" + System.currentTimeMillis() + ", from=" + oldName + " to=" + newName);
        if (oldName.equalsIgnoreCase("\\" + userName + DBUtil.SPECIAL_CHAR)) {
            log4j.warn(oldName + " ,????");
            throw new AccessDeniedException("????");
        //  Access the JDBC context

        DBDeviceContext dbCtx = (DBDeviceContext) tree.getContext();

        // Check if the database is online

        if (dbCtx.getDBInterface().isOnline() == false) {
            log4j.error("Data is offline");
            throw new DiskOfflineException("Database is offline");

        //  Get, or create, the file state for the existing file

        FileState fstate = getFileState(oldName, dbCtx, true);

        try {
            //  Get the file name

            String[] paths = FileName.splitPath(newName);
            String newFname = paths[1];

            String[] oldPaths = FileName.splitPath(oldName);
            String oldFname = oldPaths[1];

            //  Check if the file name is too long

            if (newFname != null && newFname.length() > MaxFileNameLen) {
                log4j.error("Destination name too long, " + newFname);
                throw new FileNameException("Destination name too long, " + newFname);

            //  Check if the file is within an active retention period

            getRetentionDetailsForState(dbCtx, fstate);

            if (fstate.hasActiveRetentionPeriod()) {
                log4j.error("File retention active");
                throw new AccessDeniedException("File retention active");

            //  Get the file id of the existing file

            int fid = fstate.getFileId();
            int dirId = -1;

            if (fid == -1) {

                //  Split the current path string and find the file id of the existing file/directory

                dirId = findParentDirectoryId(dbCtx, oldName, true, userName, shareName);
                if (dirId == -1) {
                    log4j.error("DBD#renameFile() dirId==-1 FileNotFoundException ,name:" + oldName);
                    throw new FileNotFoundException(oldName);

                //  Get the current file/directory name

                int userId = 0;
                try {
                    UserBean user = dbCtx.getDBInterface().getUserByUsername(userName);
                    if (null != user) {
                        userId = user.getId();
                } catch (DBException ex) {
                    log4j.error("User is not exist from database, userId:" + userId + " username:" + userName, ex);
                    throw new AccessDeniedException(
                            "User is not exist from database, userId:" + userId + " username:" + userName, ex);
                //  Get the file id

                fid = getFileId(oldName, oldFname, dirId, dbCtx, userId, shareName, userName);
                if (fid == -1) {
                    log4j.error("DBD#renameFile() fid==-1 FileNotFoundException ,name:" + oldName);
                    throw new FileNotFoundException(oldName);
                //  Update the file state


            //  Get the existing file/directory details

            DBFileInfo curInfo = getFileDetails(oldName, dbCtx, fstate, userName, shareName);
            if (dirId == -1 && curInfo != null)
                dirId = curInfo.getDirectoryId();

            //  Check if the new name file/folder already exists

            //      DBFileInfo newInfo = getFileDetails(newName, dbCtx);
            DBFileInfo newInfo = getFileDetails(newName, dbCtx, null, userName, shareName);//shareName userName
            if (newInfo != null) {
                //         log4j.warn("Rename to file/folder already exists,?" + newName);
                //         boolean isWord2003 = oldName.toLowerCase().endsWith(".tmp") && oldName.indexOf("~")>-1;
                boolean isWord2003 = oldFname.startsWith("~") && oldFname.toLowerCase().endsWith(".tmp")
                        && newName.toLowerCase().endsWith(".doc");
                if (isWord2003) {
                    //office ?word????????
                    log4j.error("isWord2003 FileExistsException oldName:" + oldName + " ,newName:" + newName);
                    throw new FileExistsException("Rename to file/folder already exists," + newName);
            String oldExt = DiskUtil.getExt(oldFname);
            String newExt = DiskUtil.getExt(newFname);
            boolean isWpsRename = !oldFname.toLowerCase().endsWith(".tmp")
                    && newFname.toLowerCase().endsWith(".tmp");
            boolean isWordRename = !oldFname.startsWith("~$") && newFname.startsWith("~$");
            if (isWpsRename || isWordRename) {
                log4j.warn("DBD#renameFile() ????!isWpsRename:" + isWpsRename + " , isWordRename:"
                        + isWordRename + ", oldFname:" + oldFname + ", newFname:" + newFname);
                //         fstate.removeAllAttributes();
                //         FileState newFstate = getFileState(newName, dbCtx, true);
                //         //file id??
                //         if(null != newFstate)
                //         {
                //            newFstate.setFileId(0);
                //            newFstate.setFileStatus( FileStatus.FileExists, FileState.ReasonFileCreated);
                //         }         
                //         log4j.error("DBD#renameFile() ??? newFstate:"+newFstate);
            } else {

                //  Check if the loader handles rename requests, an exception may be thrown by the loader
                //  to prevent the file/directory rename.
                //          if ( dbCtx.getFileLoader() instanceof NamedFileLoader) {
                //            //  Rename the file/directory
                //            NamedFileLoader namedLoader = (NamedFileLoader) dbCtx.getFileLoader();
                //            namedLoader.renameFileDirectory(oldName, fid, newName, curInfo.isDirectory());
                //          }

                //  Get the new file/directory name

                int newDirId = findParentDirectoryId(dbCtx, newName, true, userName, shareName);
                if (newDirId == -1) {
                    log4j.error("DBD#renameFile() newDirId==-1 FileNotFoundException , name:" + newName);
                    throw new FileNotFoundException(newName);

                //  Rename the file/folder, this may also link the file/folder to a new parent directory
                int newFid = dbCtx.getDBInterface().renameFileRecord(dirId, fid, newFname, newDirId, shareName,
                FileSegmentInfo fileSegInfo = (FileSegmentInfo) fstate
                if (null != fileSegInfo) {
                    dbCtx.getDBInterface().modifyFileTemporaryFile(newFid, fileSegInfo, shareName);//null
                if (newFid != fid) {
                    if (dbCtx.getFileLoader() instanceof NamedFileLoader) {
                        //  Rename the file/directory
                        NamedFileLoader namedLoader = (NamedFileLoader) dbCtx.getFileLoader();
                        namedLoader.renameFileDirectory(oldName, newFid, newName, curInfo.isDirectory());
                    fstate = getFileState(newName, dbCtx, true);
                    //file id??
                    if (null != fstate) {

                        if (null != fileSegInfo) {
                            File temFile = new File(fileSegInfo.getTemporaryFile());
                            if (null != temFile && temFile.length() > 0) {
                    fstate.setFileStatus(FileStatus.FileExists, FileState.ReasonFileCreated);
                     fstate.setFileStatus( FileStatus.NotExist, FileState.ReasonFileDeleted);
                    fstate = getFileState(newFname, dbCtx, true);//?
                    fstate.setFileStatus( FileStatus.FileExists, FileState.ReasonFileCreated);
                     //  Save the file id
                } else {
                    if (dbCtx.getFileLoader() instanceof NamedFileLoader) {
                        //  Rename the file/directory
                        NamedFileLoader namedLoader = (NamedFileLoader) dbCtx.getFileLoader();
                        namedLoader.renameFileDirectory(oldName, fid, newName, curInfo.isDirectory());
                //  Update the file state with the new file name/path
                dbCtx.getStateCache().renameFileState(newName, fstate, curInfo.isDirectory());
        } catch (DBException ex) {
            log4j.error("DBD#renameFile() FileNotFoundException , name:" + oldName + " , newName:" + newName, ex);
            throw new FileNotFoundException(oldName);

     * Seek to the specified point within a file
     * @param sess  Session details
     * @param tree  Tree connection
     * @param file  Network file
     * @param pos   New file position
     * @param typ   Seek type
     * @return  New file position
     * @exception IOException
    public long seekFile(SrvSession sess, TreeConnection tree, NetworkFile file, long pos, int typ)
            throws IOException {

        //  Debug
        log4j.error("DBD#seekFile() pos:" + pos + " , typ:" + typ);

        //  Check that the network file is our type

        long newpos = 0;

        if (file instanceof DBNetworkFile) {

            //  Seek within the file

            DBNetworkFile jfile = (DBNetworkFile) file;
            newpos = jfile.seekFile(pos, typ);

        //  Return the new file position

        return newpos;

     * Set file information
     * @param sess  Session details
     * @param tree  Tree connection
     * @param name  File name
     * @param info  File information to be set
     * @exception IOException
    public void setFileInformation(SrvSession sess, TreeConnection tree, String name, FileInfo info)
            throws IOException {

        //  Debug
        String userName = sess.getClientInformation().getUserName();
        String shareName = tree.getContext().getShareName();
        log4j.debug("DBD#setFileInformation() name=" + name + ", info=" + info + ", set flags="
                + info.getSetFileInformationFlagsString());

        // If the only flag set is the delete on close flag then return, nothing to do

        if (info.getSetFileInformationFlags() == FileInfo.SetDeleteOnClose)

        //  Access the JDBC context

        DBDeviceContext dbCtx = (DBDeviceContext) tree.getContext();

        // Check if the database is online

        if (dbCtx.getDBInterface().isOnline() == false) {
            log4j.error("Database is offline");
            throw new DiskOfflineException("Database is offline");

        //  Get, or create, the file state

        FileState fstate = getFileState(name, dbCtx, true);

        //  Get the file details

        DBFileInfo dbInfo = getFileDetails(name, dbCtx, fstate, userName, shareName);
        if (dbInfo == null) {
            log4j.error("FileNotFoundException :" + name);
            throw new FileNotFoundException(name);

        try {

            //  Check if the file is within an active retention period

            getRetentionDetailsForState(dbCtx, fstate);

            if (fstate.hasActiveRetentionPeriod())
                throw new AccessDeniedException("File retention active");

            //  Check if the loader handles set file information requests, an exception may be thrown by the loader
            //  to prevent the update

            if (dbCtx.getFileLoader() instanceof NamedFileLoader) {

                //  Set the file information

                NamedFileLoader namedLoader = (NamedFileLoader) dbCtx.getFileLoader();
                namedLoader.setFileInformation(name, dbInfo.getFileId(), info);

            //  Validate any timestamp updates
            //  Switch off invalid updates from being written to the database but allow them to be cached.
            //  To allow test apps such as IFSTEST to complete successfully.

            int origFlags = info.getSetFileInformationFlags();
            int dbFlags = origFlags;

            if (info.hasSetFlag(FileInfo.SetAccessDate) && info.getAccessDateTime() > MaxTimestampValue)
                dbFlags -= FileInfo.SetAccessDate;

            if (info.hasSetFlag(FileInfo.SetCreationDate) && info.getCreationDateTime() > MaxTimestampValue)
                dbFlags -= FileInfo.SetCreationDate;

            if (info.hasSetFlag(FileInfo.SetModifyDate) && info.getModifyDateTime() > MaxTimestampValue)
                dbFlags -= FileInfo.SetModifyDate;

            //  Check if the inode change date/time has been set

            if (info.hasChangeDateTime() == false) {
                if (info.hasSetFlag(FileInfo.SetChangeDate) == false)
                    info.setFileInformationFlags(info.getSetFileInformationFlags() + FileInfo.SetChangeDate);
            } else if (info.hasSetFlag(FileInfo.SetChangeDate) && info.getChangeDateTime() > MaxTimestampValue)
                dbFlags -= FileInfo.SetChangeDate;

            // Check if file attributes are being set

            if (info.hasSetFlag(FileInfo.SetAttributes)) {

                // Check if this is a folder, make sure the Directory attribute does not get reset

                if (dbInfo.isDirectory() && (info.getFileAttributes() & FileAttribute.Directory) == 0)
                    info.setFileAttributes(info.getFileAttributes() + FileAttribute.Directory);

            //  Update the information flags for the database update


            //  Update the file information

            if (dbFlags != 0)
                dbCtx.getDBInterface().setFileInformation(dbInfo.getDirectoryId(), dbInfo.getFileId(), info,

            //  Use the original information flags when updating the cached file information details


            //  Copy the updated values to the file state

            if (info.hasSetFlag(FileInfo.SetFileSize))

            if (info.hasSetFlag(FileInfo.SetAllocationSize))

            if (info.hasSetFlag(FileInfo.SetAccessDate))

            if (info.hasSetFlag(FileInfo.SetCreationDate))

            if (info.hasSetFlag(FileInfo.SetModifyDate))

            if (info.hasSetFlag(FileInfo.SetChangeDate))

            if (info.hasSetFlag(FileInfo.SetGid))

            if (info.hasSetFlag(FileInfo.SetUid))

            if (info.hasSetFlag(FileInfo.SetMode))

            if (info.hasSetFlag(FileInfo.SetAttributes))

            //  Update the file state

        } catch (DBException ex) {
            throw new IOException();

     * Start a search of the file system
     * @param sess SrvSession
     * @param tree TreeConnection
     * @param searchPath String
     * @param attrib int
     * @return SearchContext
     * @exception FileNotFoundException
    public SearchContext startSearch(SrvSession sess, TreeConnection tree, String searchPath, int attrib)
            throws FileNotFoundException {

        //  Access the JDBC context
        String shareName = tree.getContext().getShareName();
        DBDeviceContext dbCtx = (DBDeviceContext) tree.getContext();
        String userName = sess.getClientInformation().getUserName();

        log4j.debug("##DBD#startSearch  searchPath:" + searchPath + ",userName:" + userName + ", shareName:"
                + shareName);
        // Check if the database is online

        if (dbCtx.getDBInterface().isOnline() == false) {
            log4j.error("Database is offline");
            throw new FileNotFoundException("Database is offline");
        //    log4j.debug("DBD#startSearch searchPath:"+searchPath+", shareName:"+tree.getContext().getShareName()+" ,attrib:"+attrib);

        //  Prepend a leading slash to the path if not on the search path
        if (searchPath.startsWith("\\") == false)
            searchPath = "\\" + searchPath;
        if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(searchPath) && !searchPath.equals("\\") && !searchPath.equals("\\*")
                && searchPath.toLowerCase()
                        .startsWith("\\" + userName.toLowerCase() + DBUtil.SPECIAL_CHAR) == false) {
            log4j.warn("DBD#startSearch  ??searchPath!  searchPath:" + searchPath + ",userName:"
                    + userName);
            //       return null;
            userName = searchPath.substring(searchPath.indexOf("\\") + 1);
            if (userName.indexOf(DBUtil.SPECIAL_CHAR) > 0) {
                userName = userName.substring(0, userName.indexOf(DBUtil.SPECIAL_CHAR));
            } else if (userName.indexOf("\\") > 0) {
                userName = userName.substring(0, userName.indexOf("\\"));
            log4j.warn("?userName : " + userName);

        //  Get the directory id for the last directory in the path
        //    log4j.debug("DBD#startSearch findParentDirectoryId  ,searchPath:"+searchPath);
        int dirId = findParentDirectoryId(dbCtx, searchPath, true, userName, shareName);
        if (dirId == -1) {
            //       log4j.error("DBD#startSearch dirId==-1, Invalid Path "+searchPath);
            throw new FileNotFoundException("Invalid path");

        //  Start the search

        SearchContext search = null;

        try {

            //  Check if the search path is a none wildcard search, the file information may be in the
            //  state cache  

            if (WildCard.containsWildcards(searchPath) == false) {

                //  Check if there is a file state for the search path

                FileState searchState = getFileState(searchPath, dbCtx, false);
                if (searchState != null && searchState.fileExists() == true) {

                    //  Check if the file state has the file information attached

                    DBFileInfo finfo = (DBFileInfo) searchState.findAttribute(FileState.FileInformation);

                    if (finfo != null) {

                        //  Create a single file search context using the cached file information
                        //           log4j.debug("DBD#startSearch finfo != null  ,finfo:"+finfo.getFileId()+" ,fullName:"+finfo.getFullName());
                        search = new CachedSearchContext(finfo);

                        //  DEBUG
                        //            log4j.debug("DBD#StartSearch using cached file information, path=" + searchPath + ", info=" + finfo);

            //  Start the search via the database interface, if the search is not valid

            if (search == null) {

                // Start the search

                DBSearchContext dbSearch = dbCtx.getDBInterface().startSearch(dirId, searchPath, attrib,
                        DBInterface.FileAll, -1, userName, shareName);

                // Check if files should be marked as offline


                //        log4j.debug("DBD#startSearch getDBInterface().startSearch end ,dirId:"+dirId+" , searchPath:"+searchPath);
                search = dbSearch;
        } catch (DBException ex) {
            throw new FileNotFoundException();

        //  Return the search context

        return search;

     * Truncate a file to the specified size
     * @param sess   Server session
     * @param tree   Tree connection
     * @param file   Network file details
     * @param siz    New file length
     * @exception The exception description.
    public void truncateFile(SrvSession sess, TreeConnection tree, NetworkFile file, long siz)
            throws {

        //  Debug
        String userName = sess.getClientInformation().getUserName();
        String shareName = tree.getContext().getShareName();

        //  Check that the network file is our type

        if (file instanceof DBNetworkFile) {

            //  Access the JDBC context

            DBDeviceContext dbCtx = (DBDeviceContext) tree.getContext();

            //  Get the JDBC file

            DBNetworkFile jfile = (DBNetworkFile) file;

            //      log4j.debug("DBD#truncateFile(),fullName:"+jfile.getFullName());
            if (jfile.isStream()) {
                log4j.warn("DBD#truncateFile(),?? fullName:" + jfile.getFullName());

            //  Get, or create, the file state

            FileState fstate = jfile.getFileState();

            //  Get the file details

            DBFileInfo dbInfo = getFileDetails(jfile.getFullName(), dbCtx, fstate, userName, shareName);
            if (dbInfo == null) {
                log4j.error("FileNotFoundException ,fullName:" + jfile.getFullName());
                throw new FileNotFoundException(jfile.getFullName());

            //  Check if the new file size is greater than the maximum allowed file size, if enabled

            if (dbCtx.hasMaximumFileSize() && siz > dbCtx.getMaximumFileSize()) {

                // Mark the file to delete on close


                // Return a disk full error
                log4j.error("Write is beyond maximum allowed file size");
                throw new DiskFullException("Write is beyond maximum allowed file size");

            //  Keep track of the allocation/release size in case the file resize fails

            long allocSize = 0L;
            long releaseSize = 0L;

            //  Check if there is a quota manager

            QuotaManager quotaMgr = dbCtx.getQuotaManager();

            if (dbCtx.hasQuotaManager()) {

                //  Determine if the new file size will release space or require space allocating

                if (siz > dbInfo.getAllocationSize()) {

                    //  Calculate the space to be allocated

                    allocSize = siz - dbInfo.getAllocationSize();

                    //  Allocate space to extend the file

                    quotaMgr.allocateSpace(sess, tree, file, allocSize);
                } else {

                    //  Calculate the space to be released as the file is to be truncated, release the space if
                    //  the file truncation is successful

                    releaseSize = dbInfo.getAllocationSize() - siz;

            //  Set the file length

            try {
            } catch (IOException ex) {

                //  Check if we allocated space to the file

                if (allocSize > 0 && quotaMgr != null)
                    quotaMgr.releaseSpace(sess, tree, file.getFileId(), null, allocSize);

                //  Rethrow the exception
                throw ex;

            //  Check if space has been released by the file resizing

            if (releaseSize > 0 && quotaMgr != null)
                quotaMgr.releaseSpace(sess, tree, file.getFileId(), null, releaseSize);

            //  Update the file information

            if (allocSize > 0)
                dbInfo.setAllocationSize(dbInfo.getAllocationSize() + allocSize);
            else if (releaseSize > 0)
                dbInfo.setAllocationSize(dbInfo.getAllocationSize() - releaseSize);

            //  Update the last file change date/time

            try {

                //  Build the file information to set the change date/time

                FileInfo finfo = new FileInfo();


                //  Set the file change date/time

                dbCtx.getDBInterface().setFileInformation(jfile.getDirectoryId(), jfile.getFileId(), finfo,

                //  Update the cached file information

            } catch (Exception ex) {

     * Write a block of data to a file
     * @param sess  Session details
     * @param tree  Tree connection
     * @param file  Network file
     * @param buf   Data to be written
     * @param bufoff Offset of data within the buffer
     * @param siz   Number of bytes to be written
     * @param fileoff Offset within the file to start writing the data
    public int writeFile(SrvSession sess, TreeConnection tree, NetworkFile file, byte[] buf, int bufoff, int siz,
            long fileoff) throws IOException {

        //  Debug
        String userName = sess.getClientInformation().getUserName();
        String shareName = tree.getContext().getShareName();
        //     log4j.debug("DBD#writeFile() fid:"+file.getFileId()+",size:"+file.getFileSize()+",isStream:"+file.isStream()+",name:"+file.getFullName()+" , siz:"+siz+", fileoff:"+fileoff);

        //  Access the JDBC context

        DBDeviceContext dbCtx = (DBDeviceContext) tree.getContext();

        // Check if the database is online

        if (dbCtx.getDBInterface().isOnline() == false)
            throw new DiskOfflineException("Database is offline");

        //  Check if the file name is a stream

        if (file.isStream()) {
            log4j.warn("DBD#writeFile() NTFS Alternate Data Streams ??? ???? , fid:"
                    + file.getFileId() + ",name:" + file.getFullName() + " , siz:" + siz + ", fileoff:" + fileoff);
            //       return 0;//
            return siz;

        //  Check that the network file is our type

        if (file instanceof DBNetworkFile) {

            //  Access the JDBC network file

            DBNetworkFile jfile = (DBNetworkFile) file;

            //  Check if there are any locks on the file

            if (jfile.hasFileState() && jfile.getFileState().hasActiveLocks()) {

                //  Check if this session has write access to the required section of the file

                if (jfile.getFileState().canWriteFile(fileoff, siz, sess.getProcessId()) == false)
                    throw new LockConflictException();

            // Check if there is a maximum file size, if so then check if the write is beyond the allowed file size

            if (dbCtx.hasMaximumFileSize() && (fileoff + siz) > dbCtx.getMaximumFileSize()) {

                // Mark the file to delete on close


                // Return a disk full error
                log4j.error("Write is beyond maximum allowed file size");
                throw new DiskFullException("Write is beyond maximum allowed file size");

            //  Check if there is a quota manager

            QuotaManager quotaMgr = dbCtx.getQuotaManager();

            if (quotaMgr != null) {

                //  Get the file information

                DBFileInfo finfo = getFileDetails(jfile.getFullName(), dbCtx, jfile.getFileState(), userName,
                if (finfo == null) {
                    log4j.error("FileNotFoundException name:" + jfile.getFullName());
                    throw new FileNotFoundException(jfile.getFullName());

                //  Check if the file requires extending

                long extendSize = 0L;
                long endOfWrite = fileoff + siz;

                if (endOfWrite > finfo.getSize()) {

                    //  Calculate the amount the file must be extended

                    extendSize = endOfWrite - finfo.getSize();

                    //  Allocate space for the file extend

                    quotaMgr.allocateSpace(sess, tree, file, extendSize);

                //  Write to the file

                try {
                    jfile.writeFile(buf, siz, bufoff, fileoff);
                } catch (IOException ex) {

                    //  Check if we allocated space to the file

                    if (extendSize > 0 && quotaMgr != null)
                        quotaMgr.releaseSpace(sess, tree, file.getFileId(), null, extendSize);

                    //  Rethrow the exception
                    throw ex;

                //  Update the file information

                if (extendSize > 0)
            } else {

                //  Write to the file

                jfile.writeFile(buf, siz, bufoff, fileoff);

        //  Return the actual write length

        return siz;

     * Parse/validate the parameter string and create a device context for this share
     * @param shareName String
     * @param args ConfigElement
     * @return DeviceContext
     * @exception DeviceContextException
    public DeviceContext createContext(String shareName, ConfigElement args) throws DeviceContextException {

        //  Check the arguments

        if (args.getChildCount() < 3) {
            log4j.error("Not enough context arguments");
            throw new DeviceContextException("Not enough context arguments");

        //  Check for the debug enable flags

        if (args.getChild("Debug") != null)
            m_debug = true;

        //  Create the database device context

        DBDeviceContext ctx = new DBDeviceContext(args);
        //  Return the database device context

        return ctx;

     * Get the file id for a file
     * @param path String
     * @param dbCtx DBDeviceContext
     * @return DBFileInfo
    protected final DBFileInfo getFileDetails(String path, DBDeviceContext dbCtx) {

        return getFileDetails(path, dbCtx, null, null, dbCtx.getShareName());

     * Get the file id for a file
     * @param path String
     * @param dbCtx DBDeviceContext
     * @param fstate FileState
     * @return DBFileInfo
    protected final DBFileInfo getFileDetails(String path, DBDeviceContext dbCtx, FileState fstate, String userName,
            String shareName) {
        //   log4j.debug("DBD#getFileDetails ;path:"+path+" , userName:"+path+" , shareName:"+shareName);
        //  Check if the file details are attached to the file state
        String ext = DiskUtil.getExt(path);
        if (fstate != null) {
            //  Return the file information      
            DBFileInfo finfo = (DBFileInfo) fstate.findAttribute(FileState.FileInformation);
            if (finfo != null)
                return finfo;
            ////      log4j.debug("DBD#getFileDetails fstate != null ;fileId:"+fstate.getFileId()+" ,fullName:"+fstate.getPath()+" , status:"+fstate.getFileStatus());
            //      if (fstate.getFileStatus()==FileStatus.NotExist && DBUtil.SUPPORT_EXT.contains(ext))
            //      {
            //         log4j.debug("DBD#getFileDetails fstate != null ??-------"+path);
            //      }
            //      else if ( finfo != null)
            //        return finfo;

        //  Check for the root directory    
        if (path.length() == 0 || path.compareTo("\\") == 0) {
            //  Get the root directory information from the device context
            DBFileInfo rootDir = dbCtx.getRootDirectoryInfo();

            //  Mark the directory as existing
            if (fstate != null)

            //      log4j.debug("DBD#getFileDetails root   fileId:"+rootDir.getFileId()+" ,fileName:" + rootDir.getFileName());

            return rootDir;

        if (path.equalsIgnoreCase("\\" + userName + DBUtil.SPECIAL_CHAR)) //
            //  Get the root directory information from the device context
            DBFileInfo rootDir = dbCtx.getRootDirectoryInfo();
            rootDir.setFileName(userName + DBUtil.SPECIAL_CHAR);
            //  Mark the directory as existing
            if (fstate != null)

            //        log4j.debug("DBD#getFileDetails root   fileId:"+rootDir.getFileId()+" , userName:"+userName+" ,fileName:" + rootDir.getFileName());

            return rootDir;

        if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(path) && !path.equals("\\") && !path.equals("\\*")
                && path.toLowerCase().startsWith("\\" + userName.toLowerCase() + DBUtil.SPECIAL_CHAR) == false) {
                    "DBD#getFileDetails  ??searchPath!  path:" + path + ",userName:" + userName);
            if (path.toLowerCase().startsWith("\\" + userName.toLowerCase())) {
                path = path.replaceFirst(userName, userName + DBUtil.SPECIAL_CHAR);
                log4j.warn("DBD#getFileDetails  ??searchPath!  ?path:" + path + ",userName:"
                        + userName);
            } else {
                userName = path.substring(path.indexOf("\\") + 1);
                if (userName.indexOf(DBUtil.SPECIAL_CHAR) > 0) {
                    userName = userName.substring(0, userName.indexOf(DBUtil.SPECIAL_CHAR));
                } else if (userName.indexOf("\\") > 0) {
                    userName = userName.substring(0, userName.indexOf("\\"));
                log4j.warn("?userName : " + userName);
                //          return null;

        //  Split the path string and find the parent directory id    
        int dirId = findParentDirectoryId(dbCtx, path, true, userName, shareName);
        if (dirId == -1) {
            //       log4j.warn("DBD#getFileDetails  findParentDirectoryId dirId =-1 ;path:"+path);
            return null;

        int userId = 0;
        try {
            UserBean user = dbCtx.getDBInterface().getUserByUsername(userName);
            if (null != user) {
                userId = user.getId();
        } catch (DBException ex) {
            log4j.error("iduserName:" + userName);
            return null;

        // Strip any trailing slash from the path

        if (path.length() > 1 && path.endsWith(FileName.DOS_SEPERATOR_STR))
            path = path.substring(0, path.length() - 1);
        //    log4j.debug("DBD#getFileDetails path.substring  path:"+path);
        //  Get the file name

        String[] paths = FileName.splitPathStream(path);
        String fname = paths[1];

        String filePath = null;

        if (paths[0] != null && paths[0].endsWith(FileName.DOS_SEPERATOR_STR) == false)
            filePath = paths[0] + FileName.DOS_SEPERATOR_STR + paths[1];
            filePath = paths[0] + paths[1];

        //  Get the file id for the specified file
        //    log4j.debug("DBD#getFileDetails path.substring path:"+path+" ,filePath:"+filePath);
        int fid = getFileId(filePath, fname, dirId, dbCtx, userId, shareName, userName);
        if (fid == -1) {
            // Set the file status as not existing
            if (fstate != null)

            return null;
            //       log4j.warn("DBD#getFileDetails fid == -1;dirId:"+dirId+" ,fname:"+fname);
            //       if (DBUtil.SUPPORT_EXT.contains(ext))//
            //       {
            //          log4j.debug("DBD#getFileDetails fstate != null ??2222-------"+filePath);
            //       }
            //       else 
            //          return null;

        //  Create the file information

        DBFileInfo finfo = getFileInfo(filePath, dirId, fid, dbCtx, userName, shareName);

        if (finfo != null && fstate != null) {

            //  Set various file state details

            fstate.setFileStatus(finfo.isDirectory() ? FileStatus.DirectoryExists : FileStatus.FileExists);

            //  Set the file name


            // Check if files should be marked as offline

            if (dbCtx.hasOfflineFiles() && finfo.hasAttribute(FileAttribute.NTOffline) == false) {
                if (dbCtx.getOfflineFileSize() == 0 || finfo.getSize() >= dbCtx.getOfflineFileSize())
                    finfo.setFileAttributes(finfo.getFileAttributes() + FileAttribute.NTOffline);
        } else if (finfo == null && fstate != null) {

            // Set the file status


        //  Check if the path is a file stream

        if (paths[2] != null) {
            //       log4j.debug("DBD#getFileDetails paths[2] != null paths:"+paths);
            //  Get the file information for the stream

            finfo = getStreamInfo(fstate, paths, dbCtx);

        //  Return the file/stream information

        return finfo;

     * Get the file id for a file
     * @param path String
     * @param name String
     * @param dirId int
     * @param dbCtx DBDeviceContext
     * @return int
    protected final int getFileId(String path, String name, int dirId, DBDeviceContext dbCtx, int userId,
            String shareName, String userName) {

        if (path.equalsIgnoreCase("\\" + userName + DBUtil.SPECIAL_CHAR) || path.equalsIgnoreCase("\\" + userName)) //
            return 0;//\admin@\
        //  Check if the file is in the cache

        FileStateCache cache = dbCtx.getStateCache();
        FileState state = null;

        if (cache != null) {

            //  Search for the file state

            state = cache.findFileState(path);
            if (state != null) {

                //  Checkif the file id is cached
                if (state.getFileId() == -1) {
                    if (state.isDirectory())
                        return state.getFileId();//??

                    //          log4j.debug("@@ Cache hit - getFileId()==-1 name=" + name);
                    if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("desktop.ini") || name.equalsIgnoreCase("Thumbs.db")
                            || name.equalsIgnoreCase("folder.jpg") || name.equalsIgnoreCase("folder.gif")
                            || name.equalsIgnoreCase(".LFS"))
                        return state.getFileId();

                    log4j.debug("@@ Cache hit - getFileId()==-1 ,status:" + state.getFileStatus() + " ,path:" + path
                            + ", name:" + name + " , dirId:" + dirId + " , shareName:" + shareName);

                if (state.getFileId() != -1) {

                    //  Debug
                    log4j.debug("@@ Cache hit - getFileId() name=" + name);

                    //  Return the file id

                    return state.getFileId();
                } else if (state.getFileStatus() == FileStatus.NotExist) {

                    //  DEBUG
                    log4j.debug("@@ Cache hit - getFileStatus() name=" + name + ", sts=NotExist");

                    //  Indicate that the file does not exist

                    return -1;

        //  Get the file id from the database

        int fileId = -1;

        try {

            //  Get the file id

            fileId = dbCtx.getDBInterface().getFileId(dirId, name, false, false, userId, shareName, userName);
        } catch (DBException ex) {

        //  Update the cache entry, if available

        if (state != null)

        //  Return the file id, or -1 if the file was not found

        return fileId;

     * Load the retention details for a file state, if enabled
     * @param dbCtx DBDeviceContext
     * @param fstate FileState
     * @exception DBException
    protected final void getRetentionDetailsForState(DBDeviceContext dbCtx, FileState fstate) throws DBException {

        //  If retention is enabled get the expiry date/time

        if (dbCtx.hasRetentionPeriod()) {

            //  Get the file retention expiry date/time

            RetentionDetails retDetails = dbCtx.getDBInterface().getFileRetentionDetails(-1, fstate.getFileId());
            if (retDetails != null)

     * Find the directory id for the parent directory in the specified path
     * @param ctx DBDeviceContext
     * @param path String
     * @param filePath boolean
     * @return int
    protected final int findParentDirectoryId(DBDeviceContext ctx, String path, boolean filePath, String userName,
            String shareName) {

        if (null != path && path.equalsIgnoreCase("\\" + userName + DBUtil.SPECIAL_CHAR))//
            return 0;

        //  Split the path
        String[] paths = null;

        if (path != null && path.startsWith("\\")) {

            //  Split the path      
            paths = FileName.splitPath(path);
        } else {

            //  Add a leading slash to the path before parsing

            paths = FileName.splitPath("\\" + path);

        if (paths[0] != null && paths[0].compareTo("\\") == 0 || paths[0].startsWith("\\") == false)
            return 0;

        //  Check if the file is in the cache

        FileStateCache cache = ctx.getStateCache();
        FileState state = null;

        if (cache != null) {

            //  Search for the file state

            state = cache.findFileState(paths[0]);
            if (state != null && state.getFileId() != -1) {

                //  Debug
                //         int pid = 0;
                //        String path1 = paths[0];

                //       log4j.debug("@@ Cache hit - findParentDirectoryId() path=" + paths[0]);

                //  Return the file id

                return state.getFileId();
                //        return pid;

        //  Get the directory id list

        int[] ids = findParentDirectoryIdList(ctx, path, filePath, userName, shareName);
        if (ids == null) {
            //       log4j.warn("DBD#getFileDetails  findParentDirectoryIdList ids=null ;path:"+path);
            return -1;

        //  Check for the root directory id only

        if (ids.length == 1)
            return ids[0];

        //  Return the directory id of the last directory

        int idx = ids.length - 1;
        if (filePath == true && ids[ids.length - 1] == -1)

        return ids[idx];

     * Find the directory ids for the specified path list
     * @param ctx DBDeviceContext
     * @param path String
     * @param filePath boolean
     * @return int[]
    protected final int[] findParentDirectoryIdList(DBDeviceContext ctx, String path, boolean filePath,
            String userName, String shareName) {
        //     log4j.debug("DBD#findParentDirectoryIdList() path:" +path+" , filePath:"+filePath+" ,userName:"+userName);
        //  Validate the paths and check for the root path
        String[] paths = FileName.splitAllPaths(path);

        if (paths == null || paths.length == 0)
            return null;
        if (paths[0].compareTo("*.*") == 0 || paths[0].compareTo("*") == 0
                || (filePath == true && paths.length == 1) || path.equals("\\" + userName + DBUtil.SPECIAL_CHAR)) {
            int[] ids = { 0 };
            return ids;
        if (paths[0].startsWith("\\")) {

            //  Trim the leading slash from the first path

            paths[0] = paths[0].substring(1);

        //  Find the directory id by traversing the list of directories

        int endIdx = paths.length - 1;
        if (filePath == true)

        //  If there are no paths to check then return the root directory id

        if (endIdx <= 1 && paths[0].length() == 0) {
            int[] ids = new int[1];
            ids[0] = 0;
            return ids;

        //  Allocate the directory id list

        int[] ids = new int[paths.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < ids.length; i++)
            ids[i] = -1;

        //  Build up the current path as we traverse the list

        StringBuffer pathStr = new StringBuffer("\\");

        //  Check for paths in the file state cache

        FileStateCache cache = ctx.getStateCache();
        FileState fstate = null;

        //  Traverse the path list, initialize the directory id to the root id

        int dirId = 0;
        int parentId = -1;
        int idx = 0;

        int userId = 0;
        try {
            UserBean user = ctx.getDBInterface().getUserByUsername(userName);
            if (null != user) {
                userId = user.getId();
            } else {
                log4j.error("User is not exist from database ,userId:" + userId + ", username:" + userName);
                return null;

            //  Loop until the end of the path list

            while (idx <= endIdx) {

                //  Get the current path, and add to the full path string

                String curPath = paths[idx];
                //        log4j.debug("DBD#findParentDirectoryIdList() idx:" +idx+" , curPath:"+curPath+" ,pathStr:"+pathStr+", parentId:"+parentId+",dirId:"+dirId);
                //  Check if there is a file state for the current path

                fstate = cache.findFileState(pathStr.toString());

                if (fstate != null && fstate.getFileId() != -1) {

                    //  Get the file id from the cached information

                    ids[idx] = fstate.getFileId();
                    parentId = dirId;
                    dirId = ids[idx];
                } else {

                    //  Search for the current directory in the database

                    parentId = dirId;

                    dirId = ctx.getDBInterface().getFileId(dirId, curPath, true, true, userId, shareName, userName);

                    if (dirId != -1) {

                        //  Get the next directory id

                        ids[idx] = dirId;

                        //  Check if we have a file state, or create a new file state for the current path

                        if (fstate != null) {

                            //  Set the file id for the file state

                        } else {

                            //  Create a new file state for the current path

                            fstate = cache.findFileState(pathStr.toString(), true);

                            //  Get the file information

                            DBFileInfo finfo = ctx.getDBInterface().getFileInformation(parentId, dirId,
                                    DBInterface.FileAll, userId, shareName, userName);
                            fstate.addAttribute(FileState.FileInformation, finfo);
                                    finfo.isDirectory() ? FileStatus.DirectoryExists : FileStatus.FileExists);
                    } else {
                        //             log4j.warn("DBD#findParentDirectoryIdList  dirId = ctx.getDBInterface().getFileId  dirId=-1 ;dirId:"+dirId+",curPath:"+curPath);
                        return null;

                //  Update the path index


                //  Update the current path string

        } catch (DBException ex) {
            return null;

        //  Return the directory id list

        return ids;

     * Return file information about the specified file, using the internal file id
     * @param path String
     * @param dirId int
     * @param fid int
     * @param dbCtx DBDeviceContext
     * @return DBFileInfo
     * @exception IOException
    public DBFileInfo getFileInfo(String path, int dirId, int fid, DBDeviceContext dbCtx, String userName,
            String shareName) {

        //  Check if the file is in the cache
        FileState state = getFileState(path, dbCtx, true);

        if (state != null && state.getFileId() != -1) {

            //  Debug
            log4j.debug("@@ Cache hit - getFileInfo() path=" + path);

            //  Return the file information

            DBFileInfo finfo = (DBFileInfo) state.findAttribute(FileState.FileInformation);
            if (finfo != null)
                return finfo;

        //  Get the file information from the database

        DBFileInfo finfo = null;

        try {

            //  Get the file information
            int userId = 0;
            UserBean user = dbCtx.getDBInterface().getUserByUsername(userName);
            if (null != user) {
                userId = user.getId();
            } else {
                log4j.error("User is not exist from database ,userId:" + userId + ", username:" + userName);
                return null;
            finfo = dbCtx.getDBInterface().getFileInformation(dirId, fid, DBInterface.FileAll, userId, shareName,
            //       log4j.debug("DBD#getFileInfo ; dirId:" + dirId+" , fid:"+fid+", userId: "+userId+", shareName :"+shareName);
        } catch (DBException ex) {
            finfo = null;

        //  Set the full path for the file

        if (finfo != null)

        //  Update the cached information, if available

        if (state != null && finfo != null) {
            state.addAttribute(FileState.FileInformation, finfo);
            state.setFileStatus(finfo.isDirectory() ? FileStatus.DirectoryExists : FileStatus.FileExists);

        //  Return the file information

        return finfo;

     * Get the details for a file stream
     * @param parent FileState
     * @param paths String[]
     * @param dbCtx DBDeviceContext
     * @return DBFileInfo
    public DBFileInfo getStreamInfo(FileState parent, String[] paths, DBDeviceContext dbCtx) {

        //  Check if the file is in the cache

        String streamPath = paths[0] + paths[1] + paths[2];
        FileState state = getFileState(streamPath, dbCtx, true);

        if (state != null && state.getFileId() != -1) {

            //  Debug
            log4j.debug("@@ Cache hit - getStreamInfo() path=" + streamPath);

            //  Return the file information

            DBFileInfo finfo = (DBFileInfo) state.findAttribute(FileState.FileInformation);
            if (finfo != null)
                return finfo;

        //  DEBUG

        log4j.debug("DBD#getStreamInfo parent=" + parent.getPath() + ", stream=" + paths[2]);

        //  Get a list of the streams for the parent file

        DBFileInfo finfo = null;

        try {

            //  Get the list of streams

            StreamInfoList sList = (StreamInfoList) parent.findAttribute(DBStreamList);

            if (sList == null) {

                //  No cached stream information, get the list from the database

                sList = dbCtx.getDBInterface().getStreamsList(parent.getFileId(), DBInterface.StreamAll);

                //  Cache the information

                parent.addAttribute(DBStreamList, sList);

            //  Find the required stream information

            if (sList != null) {

                //  Find the required stream information

                StreamInfo sInfo = sList.findStream(paths[2]);

                //  Convert the stream information to file information

                if (sInfo != null) {

                    //  Load the stream information

                    finfo = new DBFileInfo();

                    //  Copy the stream information


                    //  Get the file creation date, or use the current date/time

                    if (sInfo.hasCreationDateTime())

                    //  Get the modification date, or use the current date/time

                    if (sInfo.hasModifyDateTime())
                    else if (sInfo.hasCreationDateTime())

                    //  Get the last access date, or use the current date/time

                    if (sInfo.hasAccessDateTime())
                    else if (sInfo.hasCreationDateTime())
        } catch (DBException ex) {
            finfo = null;

        //  Set the full path for the file

        if (finfo != null)

        //  Update the cached information, if available

        if (state != null && finfo != null) {
            state.addAttribute(FileState.FileInformation, finfo);

        //  Return the file information for the stream

        return finfo;

     * Get the cached file state for the specified path
     * @param path String
     * @param ctx DBDeviceContext
     * @param create boolean
     * @return FileState
    protected final FileState getFileState(String path, DBDeviceContext ctx, boolean create) {

        //  Access the file state cache

        FileStateCache cache = ctx.getStateCache();
        if (cache == null)
            return null;

        //  Return the required file state
        return cache.findFileState(path, create);

     * Connection opened to this disk device
     * @param sess  Server session
     * @param tree  Tree connection
    public void treeOpened(SrvSession sess, TreeConnection tree) {

     * Connection closed to this device
     * @param sess          Server session
     * @param tree          Tree connection
    public void treeClosed(SrvSession sess, TreeConnection tree) {

     * Check if general debug output is enabled
     * @return boolean
    protected final boolean hasDebug() {
        return m_debug;

     * Return disk information about a shared filesystem
     * @param ctx DiskDeviceContext
     * @param info SrvDiskInfo
     * @exception IOException
    public final void getDiskInformation(DiskDeviceContext ctx, SrvDiskInfo info) throws IOException {

        //  Check if there is static disk size information available

        if (ctx.hasDiskInformation())

        //  Check that the context is a JDBC context

        if (ctx instanceof DBDeviceContext) {

            //  Access the associated file loader class, if it implements the disk size interface then call the loader
            //  to fill in the disk size details

            DBDeviceContext dbCtx = (DBDeviceContext) ctx;

            if (dbCtx.getFileLoader() instanceof DiskSizeInterface) {

                //  Pass the disk size request to the associated file loader

                DiskSizeInterface sizeInterface = (DiskSizeInterface) dbCtx.getFileLoader();

                sizeInterface.getDiskInformation(ctx, info);

                //  DEBUG
                log4j.debug("DBD#getDiskInformation() handed to file loader");

        //  Check if there is a quota manager, if so then get the current free space from the quota manager

        if (ctx.hasQuotaManager()) {

            //  Get the free space, in bytes, from the quota manager

            long freeSpace = ctx.getQuotaManager().getAvailableFreeSpace();

            //  Convert the free space to free units

            long freeUnits = freeSpace / info.getUnitSize();

            //  DEBUG
            log4j.debug("DBD#getDiskInformation() freeSpace:" + freeSpace + " , freeUnits:" + freeUnits);

     * Determine if NTFS streams support is enabled. Check if the associated file loader
     * supports NTFS streams.
     * @param sess SrvSession
     * @param tree TreeConnection
     * @return boolean 
    public boolean hasStreamsEnabled(SrvSession sess, TreeConnection tree) {

        //  Check that the context is a JDBC context

        if (tree.getContext() instanceof DBDeviceContext) {

            //  Access the associated file loader class to check if it supports NTFS streams

            DBDeviceContext dbCtx = (DBDeviceContext) tree.getContext();
            if (dbCtx.hasNTFSStreamsEnabled()) {

                //  Check if the file loader supports NTFS streams

                return dbCtx.getFileLoader().supportsStreams();

        //  Disable streams

        return false;

     * Get the stream information for the specified file stream
     * @param sess SrvSession
     * @param tree TreeConnection
     * @param streamInfo StreamInfo
     * @return StreamInfo
     * @exception IOException 
    public StreamInfo getStreamInformation(SrvSession sess, TreeConnection tree, StreamInfo streamInfo)
            throws IOException {

        //  DEBUG
        log4j.debug("DBD#getStreamInformation() called ###");

        return null;

     * Return the list of available streams for the specified file
     * @param sess SrvSession
     * @param tree TreeConnection
     * @param fileName String
     * @return StreamInfoList
     * @exception IOException  
    public StreamInfoList getStreamList(SrvSession sess, TreeConnection tree, String fileName) throws IOException {

        //  Access the JDBC context
        String userName = sess.getClientInformation().getUserName();
        String shareName = tree.getContext().getShareName();
        DBDeviceContext dbCtx = (DBDeviceContext) tree.getContext();

        //  Get the file state for the top level file

        String parentPath = FileName.getParentPathForStream(fileName);
        FileState fstate = getFileState(parentPath, dbCtx, true);

        //  DEBUG  
        log4j.debug("DBD#getStreamList() fileName=" + fileName + ", userName:" + userName);

        //  Check if the file state already has the streams list cached

        StreamInfoList streamList = (StreamInfoList) fstate.findAttribute(DBStreamList);
        if (streamList != null && streamList.numberOfStreams() > 0)
            return streamList;

        //  Get the main file information and convert to stream information

        DBFileInfo finfo = getFileDetails(fileName, dbCtx, fstate, userName, shareName);
        if (finfo == null) {
            log4j.warn("DBD#getStreamList() getFileDetails  finfo==null; fileName=" + fileName + ", userName:"
                    + userName);
            return null;

        //  Create the stream list

        streamList = new StreamInfoList();

        // Add an entry for the main file data stream

        StreamInfo sinfo = new StreamInfo("::$DATA", finfo.getFileId(), 0, finfo.getSize(),

        //  Get the list of streams

        StreamInfoList sList = loadStreamList(fstate, finfo, dbCtx, true);
        if (sList != null) {

            //  Copy the stream information to the main list

            for (int i = 0; i < sList.numberOfStreams(); i++) {

                //  Add the stream to the main list


        //  Cache the stream list

        fstate.addAttribute(DBStreamList, streamList);

        //  Return the stream list

        return streamList;

     * Create a new stream with the specified parent file
     * @param sess SrvSession
     * @param tree TreeConnection
     * @param params FileOpenParams
     * @param parent FileState
     * @param dbCtx DBDeviceContext
     * @return NetworkFile
     * @exception IOException
    protected final NetworkFile createStream(SrvSession sess, TreeConnection tree, FileOpenParams params,
            FileState parent, DBDeviceContext dbCtx) throws IOException {

        //  Get the file information for the parent file
        String userName = sess.getClientInformation().getUserName();
        String shareName = tree.getContext().getShareName();
        DBFileInfo finfo = getFileDetails(params.getPath(), dbCtx, parent, userName, shareName);

        if (finfo == null) {
            log4j.warn("DBD#createStream() AccessDeniedException  parent:" + parent);
            throw new AccessDeniedException();

        //  Get the list of streams for the file

        StreamInfoList streamList = (StreamInfoList) parent.findAttribute(DBStreamList);
        if (streamList == null)
            streamList = getStreamList(sess, tree, params.getPath());

        if (streamList == null) {
            log4j.warn("DBD#createStream() AccessDeniedException  parent:" + parent);
            throw new AccessDeniedException();

        //  Check if the stream already exists

        if (streamList.findStream(params.getStreamName()) != null) {
            log4j.error("Stream exists, " + params.getFullPath());
            throw new FileExistsException("Stream exists, " + params.getFullPath());

        //  Create a new stream record

        DBNetworkFile file = null;
        FileAccessToken accessToken = null;
        FileState fstate = null;

        try {

            // Check if the file can be opened in the requested mode

            fstate = getFileState(params.getFullPath(), dbCtx, true);
            accessToken = dbCtx.getStateCache().grantFileAccess(params, fstate, FileStatus.FileExists);

            //  Create a new stream record

            int stid = dbCtx.getDBInterface().createStreamRecord(params.getStreamName(), finfo.getFileId());

            //  Create a network file to hold details of the new stream

            file = (DBNetworkFile) dbCtx.getFileLoader().openFile(params, finfo.getFileId(), stid,
                    finfo.getDirectoryId(), true, false, userName);

            //  Set the file state for the file


            // Store the access token


            //  Open the stream file


            //  Add an entry to the stream list for the new stream

            StreamInfo stream = new StreamInfo(params.getStreamName(), file.getFileId(), stid);

            //  DEBUG  
            log4j.debug("DBD#createStream() file=" + params.getPath() + ", stream=" + params.getStreamName()
                    + ", fid/stid=" + file.getFileId() + "/" + stid);
        } catch (DBException ex) {
            log4j.error("Error: " + ex.toString());
        } finally {

            // Check if the stream file is not valid but an access token has been allocated

            if (file == null && accessToken != null)
                dbCtx.getStateCache().releaseFileAccess(fstate, accessToken);

        //  If the file/stream is not valid throw an exception

        if (file == null) {
            log4j.error("AccessDeniedException ,fullPath:" + params.getFullPath());
            throw new AccessDeniedException(params.getFullPath());

        //  Return the network file for the new stream
        return file;

     * Open an existing stream with the specified parent file
     * @param sess SrvSession
     * @param tree TreeConnection
     * @param params FileOpenParams
     * @param parent FileState
     * @param dbCtx DBDeviceContext
     * @return NetworkFile
     * @exception IOException
    protected final NetworkFile openStream(SrvSession sess, TreeConnection tree, FileOpenParams params,
            FileState parent, DBDeviceContext dbCtx) throws IOException {

        //  Get the file information for the parent file
        String userName = sess.getClientInformation().getUserName();
        String shareName = tree.getContext().getShareName();
        DBFileInfo finfo = getFileDetails(params.getPath(), dbCtx, parent, userName, shareName);

        if (finfo == null) {
            log4j.warn("DBD#openStream() AccessDeniedException  parent:" + parent);
            throw new AccessDeniedException();

        //  Get the list of streams for the file

        StreamInfoList streamList = getStreamList(sess, tree, params.getPath());
        if (streamList == null) {
            log4j.warn("DBD#openStream() AccessDeniedException  parent:" + parent);
            throw new AccessDeniedException();

        //  Check if the stream exists

        StreamInfo sInfo = streamList.findStream(params.getStreamName());
        if (sInfo == null) {
            log4j.error("FileNotFoundException Stream does not exist, " + params.getFullPath());
            throw new FileNotFoundException("Stream does not exist, " + params.getFullPath());

        // Open the stream

        DBNetworkFile jdbcFile = null;
        FileAccessToken accessToken = null;
        FileState fstate = null;
        log4j.debug("DBD#openStream() file=" + params.getPath() + ", stream=" + sInfo.getName());
        try {

            //  Get, or create, a file state for the stream

            fstate = getFileState(params.getFullPath(), dbCtx, true);

            // Check if the file stream can be opened in the requested mode

            accessToken = dbCtx.getStateCache().grantFileAccess(params, fstate, FileStatus.FileExists);

            //  Check if the file shared access indicates exclusive file access

            if (params.getSharedAccess() == SharingMode.NOSHARING && fstate.getOpenCount() > 0
                    && params.getProcessId() != fstate.getProcessId())
                throw new FileSharingException("File already open, " + params.getPath());

            //  Set the file information for the stream, using the stream information

            DBFileInfo sfinfo = new DBFileInfo(sInfo.getName(), params.getFullPath(), finfo.getFileId(),



            fstate.addAttribute(FileState.FileInformation, sfinfo);

            //  Create a JDBC network file and open the stream
            log4j.debug("Create a JDBC network file and open the stream");

            jdbcFile = (DBNetworkFile) dbCtx.getFileLoader().openFile(params, finfo.getFileId(),
                    sInfo.getStreamId(), finfo.getDirectoryId(), false, false, userName);


            //  Open the stream file, if not a directory

        } finally {

            // Check if the stream file is not valid but an access token has been allocated

            if (jdbcFile == null && accessToken != null)
                dbCtx.getStateCache().releaseFileAccess(fstate, accessToken);

        //  Return the network file

        return jdbcFile;

     * Close an NTFS stream
     * @param sess  Session details
     * @param tree  Tree connection
     * @param stream  Network file details
     * @exception IOException
    protected final void closeStream(SrvSession sess, TreeConnection tree, NetworkFile stream) throws IOException {

        //  Debug
        log4j.debug("DBD#closeStream() file=" + stream.getFullName() + ", stream=" + stream.getStreamName()
                + ", fid/stid=" + stream.getFileId() + "/" + stream.getStreamId());

        //  Access the JDBC context

        DBDeviceContext dbCtx = (DBDeviceContext) tree.getContext();

        //  Close the file

        dbCtx.getFileLoader().closeFile(sess, stream);

        //  Access the JDBC file

        DBNetworkFile jdbcFile = null;

        if (stream instanceof DBNetworkFile) {

            //  Access the JDBC file

            jdbcFile = (DBNetworkFile) stream;

            //  Decrement the open file count

            FileState fstate = jdbcFile.getFileState();

            //  Check if the file state is valid, if not then check the main file state cache

            if (fstate == null) {

                //  Check the main file state cache

                fstate = getFileState(stream.getFullName(), dbCtx, false);

            // Release the file access token for the stream

            if (jdbcFile.hasAccessToken()) {

                // Release the access token, update the open file count

                dbCtx.getStateCache().releaseFileAccess(fstate, jdbcFile.getAccessToken());

            //  Check if we have a valid file state

            if (fstate != null) {

                //  Update the cached file size

                FileInfo finfo = getFileInformation(sess, tree, fstate.getPath());
                log4j.debug("DBDiskDriver.closeStream ; path:" + fstate.getPath() + " , fstate:" + fstate);
                if (finfo != null && stream.getWriteCount() > 0) {

                    //  Update the file size


                    //  Update the modified date/time


                    //  DEBUG
                            "  Stream size=" + jdbcFile.getFileSize() + ", modifyDate=" + jdbcFile.getModifyDate());
        } else
            log4j.debug("closeFile() Not DBNetworkFile file=" + stream);

        //  Check if the stream was opened for write access, if so then update the stream size

        if (stream.getGrantedAccess() != NetworkFile.READONLY && stream.isDirectory() == false
                && stream.getWriteCount() > 0) {

            //  DEBUG
            log4j.debug("  Update stream size=" + stream.getFileSize());

            //  Get the current date/time

            long modifiedTime = 0L;
            if (stream.hasModifyDate())
                modifiedTime = stream.getModifyDate();
                modifiedTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

            //  Check if the modified time is earlier than the file creation date/time

            if (stream.hasCreationDate() && modifiedTime < stream.getCreationDate()) {

                //  Use the creation date/time for the modified date/time

                modifiedTime = stream.getCreationDate();

                //  DEBUG
                log4j.debug("Close stream using creation date/time for modified date/time");

            //  Update the in-memory stream information

            String parentPath = FileName.getParentPathForStream(stream.getFullName());
            FileState parent = getFileState(parentPath, dbCtx, false);
            StreamInfo sInfo = null;
            int sattr = 0;

            if (parent != null) {

                //  Check if the stream list has been loaded

                StreamInfoList streamList = getStreamList(sess, tree, parentPath);
                if (streamList != null) {

                    //  Find the stream information

                    sInfo = streamList.findStream(stream.getStreamName());
                    if (sInfo != null) {

                        //  Update the stream size

                        sattr += StreamInfo.SetStreamSize;

                        //  DEBUG
                        log4j.debug("Updated stream file size");
                    } else
                        log4j.error("** Failed to find details for stream " + stream.getStreamName());
                } else
                    log4j.error("** Failed to get streams list for " + parentPath);

            //  Update the file details for the file stream in the database

            try {

                //  Check if the file strea, details are valid

                if (sInfo == null) {

                    //  Create the stream information

                    sInfo = new StreamInfo();


                    sattr += StreamInfo.SetStreamSize;

                //  Set the modify date/time for the stream

                sattr += StreamInfo.SetModifyDate;

                // Set the stream information values to be updated


                //  Update the stream details

                dbCtx.getDBInterface().setStreamInformation(stream.getDirectoryId(), stream.getFileId(),
                        stream.getStreamId(), sInfo);
            } catch (DBException ex) {

     * Delete a stream within a file
     * @param sess SrvSession
     * @param tree TreeConnection
     * @param name String
     * @exception IOException
    protected final void deleteStream(SrvSession sess, TreeConnection tree, String name) throws IOException {

        //  Access the JDBC context
        String userName = sess.getClientInformation().getUserName();
        String shareName = tree.getContext().getShareName();
        DBDeviceContext dbCtx = (DBDeviceContext) tree.getContext();
        log4j.debug("DBD#deleteStream ; name:" + name + " , shareName:" + shareName + ", userName:" + userName);
        //  Get, or create, the file state for main file path and stream

        String filePath = FileName.getParentPathForStream(name);
        FileState fstate = getFileState(filePath, dbCtx, true);
        FileState sstate = getFileState(name, dbCtx, false);

        //  Check if the file is within an active retention period

        if (fstate.hasActiveRetentionPeriod()) {
            log4j.error("AccessDeniedException File retention active");
            throw new AccessDeniedException("File retention active");

        //  Get the top level file information

        DBFileInfo finfo = getFileDetails(filePath, dbCtx, fstate, userName, shareName);

        //  Get the stream list for the top level file

        StreamInfoList streamList = (StreamInfoList) fstate.findAttribute(DBStreamList);
        if (streamList == null)
            streamList = getStreamList(sess, tree, filePath);

        if (streamList == null) {
            log4j.error("FileNotFoundException Stream not found, " + name);
            throw new FileNotFoundException("Stream not found, " + name);

        //  Parse the path string to get the directory, file name and stream name

        String[] paths = FileName.splitPathStream(name);

        //  Find the required stream details

        StreamInfo sInfo = streamList.findStream(paths[2]);
        if (sInfo == null) {
            log4j.error("FileNotFoundException Stream not found, " + name);
            throw new FileNotFoundException("Stream not found, " + name);

        //  Delete the stream record from the database

        try {

            //  Call the file loader to delete the stream data

            dbCtx.getFileLoader().deleteFile(name, sInfo.getFileId(), sInfo.getStreamId(), shareName);

            //  Delete the stream record

            dbCtx.getDBInterface().deleteStreamRecord(sInfo.getFileId(), sInfo.getStreamId(),

            //  Remove the stream information from the in memory list


            //  Set the streams file state to indicate that it does not exist

            if (sstate != null)
        } catch (DBException ex) {
            log4j.error("Error: " + ex.toString());

     * Load the stream list for the specified file
     * @param fstate FileState
     * @param finfo DBFileInfo
     * @param dbCtx DBDeviceContext
     * @param dbLoad boolean
     * @return StreamInfoList
    protected final StreamInfoList loadStreamList(FileState fstate, DBFileInfo finfo, DBDeviceContext dbCtx,
            boolean dbLoad) {

        //  Check if the stream list has already been loaded

        StreamInfoList sList = (StreamInfoList) fstate.findAttribute(FileState.StreamsList);

        //  If the streams list is not loaded then load it from the database

        if (sList == null && dbLoad == true) {

            //  Load the streams list from the database

            try {

                //  Load the streams list

                sList = dbCtx.getDBInterface().getStreamsList(finfo.getFileId(), DBInterface.StreamAll);

                // Cache the streams list via the parent file state

                if (sList != null)
                    fstate.addAttribute(DBStreamList, sList);
            } catch (DBException ex) {

        //  Return the streams list

        return sList;

     *  Rename a stream
     * @param sess SrvSession 
     * @param tree TreeConnection
     * @param oldName String
     * @param newName String
     * @param overWrite boolean
     * @exception IOException
    public void renameStream(SrvSession sess, TreeConnection tree, String oldName, String newName,
            boolean overWrite) throws IOException {

     * Return the volume information
     * @param ctx DiskDeviceContext
     * @return VolumeInfo 
    public VolumeInfo getVolumeInformation(DiskDeviceContext ctx) {

        //  Check if the context has volume information

        VolumeInfo volInfo = ctx.getVolumeInformation();

        if (volInfo == null) {

            //  Create volume information for the filesystem

            volInfo = new VolumeInfo(ctx.getDeviceName());

            //  Add to the device context


        //  Check if the serial number is valid

        if (volInfo.getSerialNumber() == 0) {

            //  Generate a random serial number

            volInfo.setSerialNumber(new java.util.Random().nextInt());

        //  Check if the creation date is valid

        if (volInfo.hasCreationDateTime() == false) {

            //  Set the creation date to now

            volInfo.setCreationDateTime(new java.util.Date());

        //  Return the volume information

        return volInfo;

     * Return the lock manager implementation
     * @param sess SrvSession
     * @param tree TreeConnection
     * @return LockManager 
    public LockManager getLockManager(SrvSession sess, TreeConnection tree) {

        // Access the context
        DBDeviceContext dbCtx = (DBDeviceContext) tree.getContext();
        return dbCtx.getFileStateLockManager();

     * Return the oplock manager implementation
     * @param sess SrvSession
     * @param tree TreeConnection
     * @return OpLockManager 
    public OpLockManager getOpLockManager(SrvSession sess, TreeConnection tree) {

        // Access the context

        DBDeviceContext dbCtx = (DBDeviceContext) tree.getContext();
        return dbCtx.getFileStateLockManager();

     * Enable/disable oplock support
     * @param sess SrvSession
     * @param tree TreeConnection
     * @return boolean
    public boolean isOpLocksEnabled(SrvSession sess, TreeConnection tree) {

        // Access the context

        DBDeviceContext dbCtx = (DBDeviceContext) tree.getContext();
        return dbCtx.isOpLocksEnabled();

     * Convert a file id to a share relative path
     * @param sess SrvSession
     * @param tree TreeConnection
     * @param dirid int
     * @param fileid
     * @return String
     * @exception FileNotFoundException 
    public String buildPathForFileId(SrvSession sess, TreeConnection tree, int dirid, int fileid)
            throws FileNotFoundException {

        // Access the JDBC context
        String userName = sess.getClientInformation().getUserName();
        String shareName = tree.getContext().getShareName();
        DBDeviceContext dbCtx = (DBDeviceContext) tree.getContext();
        //  Build an array of folder names working back from the files id

        ArrayList<String> names = new ArrayList<String>(16);
        log4j.debug("DBD#buildPathForFileId ; dirid:" + dirid + " , fileid:" + fileid + " , shareName:" + shareName
                + ", userName:" + userName);
        try {

            int userId = 0;
            UserBean user = dbCtx.getDBInterface().getUserByUsername(userName);
            if (null != user) {
                userId = user.getId();
            } else {
                log4j.error("User is not exist from database ,userId:" + userId + ", username:" + userName);
                return null;

            //  Loop, walking backwards up the tree until we hit root

            int curFid = fileid;
            int curDid = dirid;

            FileInfo finfo = null;

            do {

                //  Search for the current file in the database
                log4j.debug("do: curDid:" + curDid + " , curFid:" + curFid);
                finfo = dbCtx.getDBInterface().getFileInformation(curDid, curFid, DBInterface.FileIds, userId,
                        shareName, userName);

                if (finfo != null) {
                    //  Get the filename


                    //  The directory id becomes the next file id to search for

                    curFid = finfo.getDirectoryId();
                    curDid = -1;
                } else {
                    log4j.warn("FileNotFoundException ; curFid:" + curFid);
                    throw new FileNotFoundException("" + curFid);

            } while (curFid > 0);
        } catch (DBException ex) {
            return null;

        //  Build the path string

        StringBuffer pathStr = new StringBuffer(256);

        for (int i = names.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {

        //  Remove the trailing slash from the path

        if (pathStr.length() > 0)
            pathStr.setLength(pathStr.length() - 1);

        //  Return the path string

        return pathStr.toString();

     * Determine if symbolic links are enabled
     * @param sess SrvSession
     * @param tree TreeConnection
     * @return boolean
    public boolean hasSymbolicLinksEnabled(SrvSession sess, TreeConnection tree) {

        //  Access the associated database interface to check if it supports symbolic links

        DBDeviceContext dbCtx = (DBDeviceContext) tree.getContext();
        if (dbCtx.getDBInterface().supportsFeature(DBInterface.FeatureSymLinks)) {

            //  Database interface supports symbolic links

            return true;

        //  Symbolic links not supported

        return false;

     * Read the link data for a symbolic link
     * @param sess SrvSession
     * @param tree TreeConnection
     * @param path String
     * @return String
     * @exception AccessDeniedException
     * @exception FileNotFoundException 
    public String readSymbolicLink(SrvSession sess, TreeConnection tree, String path)
            throws AccessDeniedException, FileNotFoundException {

        //  Access the associated database interface to check if it supports symbolic links
        String userName = sess.getClientInformation().getUserName();
        String shareName = tree.getContext().getShareName();
        DBDeviceContext dbCtx = (DBDeviceContext) tree.getContext();
        DBInterface dbInterface = dbCtx.getDBInterface();
        String symLink = null;

        if (dbInterface.supportsFeature(DBInterface.FeatureSymLinks)) {

            //  Get, or create, the file state for the existing file

            FileState fstate = getFileState(path, dbCtx, true);

            //  Get the file id of the existing file

            int fid = fstate.getFileId();
            int dirId = -1;

            if (fid == -1) {
                //  Split the current path string and find the file id of the existing file/directory

                dirId = findParentDirectoryId(dbCtx, path, true, userName, shareName);
                if (dirId == -1) {
                    log4j.warn("DBD#readSymbolicLink() FileNotFoundException  path:" + path);
                    throw new FileNotFoundException(path);

                //  Get the file/directory name

                String[] oldPaths = FileName.splitPath(path);
                String fname = oldPaths[1];

                int userId = 0;
                UserBean user;
                try {
                    user = dbInterface.getUserByUsername(userName);
                } catch (DBException e) {
                if (userId < 1) {
                    log4j.error("User is not exist from database ,userId:" + userId + ", username:" + userName);
                    return null;

                //  Get the file id

                fid = getFileId(path, fname, dirId, dbCtx, userId, shareName, userName);
                if (fid == -1) {
                    log4j.error("FileNotFoundException " + path);
                    throw new FileNotFoundException(path);

                //  Update the file state


            try {

                //  Database interface supports symbolic links, read the symbolic link

                symLink = dbInterface.readSymbolicLink(dirId, fid);
            } catch (DBException ex) {
                log4j.warn("DBD#readSymbolicLink() FileNotFoundException  path:" + path, ex);
                throw new FileNotFoundException(path);

        //  Return the symbolic link data

        return symLink;

     * Return the security descriptor length for the specified file
     * @param sess      Server session
     * @param tree      Tree connection
     * @param netFile   Network file
     * @return int
     * @exception SMBSrvException
    public int getSecurityDescriptorLength(SrvSession sess, TreeConnection tree, NetworkFile netFile)
            throws SMBSrvException {

        return 0;

     * Load a security descriptor for the specified file
     * @param sess      Server session
     * @param tree      Tree connection
     * @param netFile   Network file
     * @return SecurityDescriptor
     * @exception SMBSrvException
    public SecurityDescriptor loadSecurityDescriptor(SrvSession sess, TreeConnection tree, NetworkFile netFile)
            throws SMBSrvException {

        return null;

     * Save the security descriptor for the specified file
     * @param sess      Server session
     * @param tree      Tree connection
     * @param netFile   Network file
     * @param secDesc   Security descriptor
     * @exception SMBSrvException
    public void saveSecurityDescriptor(SrvSession sess, TreeConnection tree, NetworkFile netFile,
            SecurityDescriptor secDesc) throws SMBSrvException {


    public int OfffileExists(SrvSession sess, TreeConnection tree, String name, int createOptn) {
        //  Access the JDBC context
        String userName = sess.getClientInformation().getUserName();
        String shareName = tree.getContext().getShareName();
        DBDeviceContext dbCtx = (DBDeviceContext) tree.getContext();
        //  log4j.debug("DBD#fileExists name=" + name);
        //  Check if the path contains an NTFS stream name

        int fileSts = FileStatus.NotExist;
        FileState fstate = null;

        //Check for the root directory    
        if (name.length() == 0 || name.compareTo("\\") == 0) {
            //      log4j.debug("DBD#fileExists  ,  DirectoryExists ");
            return FileStatus.DirectoryExists;
        if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("\\" + userName + DBUtil.SPECIAL_CHAR)) {
            //     log4j.debug("DBD#fileExists username@ ,  DirectoryExists ");
            return FileStatus.DirectoryExists;
        if (name.toLowerCase().startsWith("\\" + userName.toLowerCase() + DBUtil.SPECIAL_CHAR) == false) {
            log4j.warn("DBD#fileExists ??name? ,  NotExist ; name:" + name
                    + ",userName:" + userName);
            return FileStatus.NotExist;

        if (FileName.containsStreamName(name)) {

            // Get the file information for the stream       
            FileInfo fInfo = null;
            try {
                fInfo = getFileInformation(sess, tree, name);
            } catch (IOException ex) {

            // Check if the file information was retrieved for the stream       
            if (fInfo != null)
                fileSts = FileStatus.FileExists;

            //  Debug
            log4j.debug("DBD#fileExists() nameWithStream=" + name + ", fileSts=" + FileStatus.asString(fileSts));
        } else {

            //  Get, or create, the file state for the path

            fstate = getFileState(name, dbCtx, true);

            //  Check if the file exists status has been cached

            fileSts = fstate.getFileStatus();

            //      if ( fstate.getFileStatus() == FileStatus.Unknown) {
            String ext = DiskUtil.getExt(name);
            if (fstate.getFileStatus() == FileStatus.Unknown
                    || (fstate.getFileStatus() == FileStatus.NotExist && DBUtil.SUPPORT_EXT.contains(ext))) {
                //fstate.getFileStatus()==FileStatus.NotExist &&DBUtil.SUPPORT_EXT.contains(ext) ?

                //  Get the file details

                DBFileInfo dbInfo = getFileDetails(name, dbCtx, fstate, userName, shareName);

                if (dbInfo != null) {
                    if (dbInfo.isDirectory() == true)
                        fileSts = FileStatus.DirectoryExists;
                        fileSts = FileStatus.FileExists;

                    // Save the file id

                    if (dbInfo.getFileId() != -1)
                } else {

                    //  Indicate that the file does not exist

                    fileSts = FileStatus.NotExist;

                //  Debug
                //      log4j.debug("DBD#fileExists() name=" + name + ", fileSts=" + FileStatus.asString(fileSts));
            } else {

                //  DEBUG
                //       log4j.debug("@@ Cache hit - fileExists() name=" + name + ", fileSts=" + FileStatus.asString(fileSts));

        //  Return the file exists status

        return fileSts;