Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2005-2010 Alfresco Software Limited. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * As a special exception to the terms and conditions of version 2.0 of * the GPL, you may redistribute this Program in connection with Free/Libre * and Open Source Software ("FLOSS") applications as described in Alfresco's * FLOSS exception. You should have received a copy of the text describing * the FLOSS exception, and it is also available here: *" */ package org.alfresco.extension.wcmdeployment.mongodb; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import org.alfresco.deployment.DeploymentTarget; import org.alfresco.deployment.FileDescriptor; import org.alfresco.deployment.FileType; import org.alfresco.deployment.impl.DeploymentException; import org.alfresco.extension.wcmdeployment.NoopOutputStream; import org.alfresco.util.GUID; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject; import com.mongodb.DB; import com.mongodb.DBCollection; import com.mongodb.DBCursor; import com.mongodb.DBObject; import com.mongodb.Mongo; /** * ####TODO: Add description * * @author Peter Monks ( * @version $Id$ */ public class MongoDbDeploymentTarget implements DeploymentTarget { private final static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(MongoDbDeploymentTarget.class); private final static String DEFAULT_MONGO_DB_HOSTNAME = "localhost"; private final static int DEFAULT_MONGO_DB_PORT = 27017; private boolean authenticate = false; private String hostname = DEFAULT_MONGO_DB_HOSTNAME; private int port = DEFAULT_MONGO_DB_PORT; private Mongo mongo = null; private ConcurrentMap<String, Map<String, Object>> deployments = null; public void init() { log.trace("MongoDbDeploymentTarget.init()"); try { mongo = new Mongo(hostname, port); } catch (UnknownHostException uhe) { // Tra-lala-lala I hate checked exceptions... throw new DeploymentException( "Unable to connect to MongoDB server at: " + hostname + ":" + String.valueOf(port), uhe); } deployments = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>(); } /** * @see org.alfresco.deployment.DeploymentTarget#begin(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, int, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) */ public String begin(final String target, final String storeName, final int version, final String user, final char[] password) { log.trace("MongoDbDeploymentTarget.begin(" + target + ", " + storeName + ", " + version + ")"); String result = GUID.generate(); DB database = mongo.getDB(storeName); // We use the target name as the Mongo database name if (authenticate && user != null && user.trim().length() > 0) { if (!database.authenticate(user, password)) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to authenticate with MongoDB database '" + target + "'."); } } Map<String, Object> deploymentState = new HashMap<String, Object>(); deploymentState.put("target", target); deploymentState.put("store", storeName); deploymentState.put("version", Integer.valueOf(version)); deploymentState.put("database", database); if (deployments.putIfAbsent(result, deploymentState) != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("A deployment to this target is already in progress."); } database.requestStart(); return (result); } /** * @see org.alfresco.deployment.DeploymentTarget#prepare(java.lang.String) */ public void prepare(final String ticket) throws DeploymentException { log.trace("MongoDbDeploymentTarget.prepare(" + ticket + ")"); // Note: MongoDB isn't transactional, so this is a NO-OP } /** * @see org.alfresco.deployment.DeploymentTarget#createDirectory(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.util.Set, java.util.Map) */ public void createDirectory(final String ticket, final String path, final String guid, final Set<String> aspects, final Map<String, Serializable> properties) throws DeploymentException { log.trace("MongoDbDeploymentTarget.createDirectory(" + ticket + ", " + path + ")"); //####TODO!!!! //####NOTE: may need to be stored anyway (as some kind of placeholder document), to ensure getListing works as authoring expects // NO-OP - we don't need the concept of directories in MongoDB } /** * @see org.alfresco.deployment.DeploymentTarget#delete(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) */ public void delete(final String ticket, final String path) throws DeploymentException { log.trace("MongoDbDeploymentTarget.delete(" + ticket + ", " + path + ")"); DBCollection collection = getCollection(ticket); DBObject document = findByPath(collection, path); if (document != null) { collection.remove(document); } } /** * @see org.alfresco.deployment.DeploymentTarget#getCurrentVersion(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) */ public int getCurrentVersion(final String target, final String storeName) { log.trace("MongoDbDeploymentTarget.getCurrentVersion(" + target + ", " + storeName + ")"); int result = 0; DB database = mongo.getDB(storeName); DBObject currentVersionDoc = findOrCreateVersionDoc(database); Object currentVersion = currentVersionDoc.get(target); try { result = Integer.valueOf(String.valueOf(currentVersion)); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { log.warn("Unable to parse version '" + String.valueOf(currentVersion) + "' from current version document. Ignoring and resetting version to 0."); result = 0; setVersion(database, result); } return (result); } /** * @see org.alfresco.deployment.DeploymentTarget#getListing(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) */ public List<FileDescriptor> getListing(final String ticket, final String parentPath) throws DeploymentException { log.trace("MongoDbDeploymentTarget.getListing(" + ticket + ", " + parentPath + ")"); List<FileDescriptor> result = new ArrayList<FileDescriptor>(); DBCollection collection = getCollection(ticket); DBObject parentPathQuery = new BasicDBObject(); DBCursor cursor = null; collection.ensureIndex("parentPath"); // Make sure we index parentPath, so that listings are efficient parentPathQuery.put("parentPath", parentPath); cursor = collection.find(parentPathQuery); while (cursor.hasNext()) { DBObject document =; result.add( new FileDescriptor((String) document.get("path"), FileType.FILE, (String) document.get("_id"))); } return (result); } /** * @see org.alfresco.deployment.DeploymentTarget#send(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.util.Set, java.util.Map) */ public OutputStream send(final String ticket, final String path, final String guid, final String encoding, final String mimeType, final Set<String> aspects, final Map<String, Serializable> props) throws DeploymentException { log.trace("MongoDbDeploymentTarget.send(" + ticket + ", " + path + ")"); OutputStream result = null; if (mimeType.equals("text/xml") || mimeType.equals("application/xml") || mimeType.endsWith("+xml")) { DBCollection collection = getCollection(ticket); DBObject document = new BasicDBObject(); document.put("_id", guid); document.put("path", path); document.put("parentPath", getParentPath(path)); document.put("filename", getFileName(path)); document.put("mimeType", mimeType); // We use a BufferedOutputStream here since using the XmlToBsonMappingOutputStream results in "read end dead" IOExceptions. ####TODO: Get to the bottom of this... result = new BufferedOutputStream(new XmlToBsonMappingOutputStream(collection, document)); } return (result); } /** * @see org.alfresco.deployment.DeploymentTarget#updateDirectory(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.util.Set, java.util.Map) */ public void updateDirectory(final String ticket, final String path, final String guid, final Set<String> aspects, final Map<String, Serializable> properties) throws DeploymentException { log.trace("MongoDbDeploymentTarget.updateDirectory()"); //####TODO!!!! // NO-OP - we don't need the concept of directories in MongoDB } /** * @see org.alfresco.deployment.DeploymentTarget#commit(java.lang.String) */ public void commit(final String ticket) { log.trace("MongoDbDeploymentTarget.commit(" + ticket + ")"); // Update the version number then clear out the transient deployment state DB database = getDatabase(ticket); setVersion(database, getVersion(ticket)); database.requestDone(); deployments.remove(ticket); } /** * MongoDB isn't transactional, so this is effectively a NO-OP. * * @see org.alfresco.deployment.DeploymentTarget#abort(java.lang.String) */ public void abort(final String ticket) { log.trace("MongoDbDeploymentTarget.abort(" + ticket + ")"); // Clear out the transient deployment state if (deployments.containsKey(ticket)) // WARNING WARNING WARNING: Not thread safe { getDatabase(ticket).requestDone(); deployments.remove(ticket); } } /** * @param authenticate the authenticate to set */ public void setAuthenticate(final boolean authenticate) { log.trace("MongoDbDeploymentTarget.setAuthenticate(" + authenticate + ")"); this.authenticate = authenticate; } /** * @param hostname the hostname to set */ public void setHostname(final String hostname) { log.trace("MongoDbDeploymentTarget.setHostname(" + hostname + ")"); this.hostname = hostname; } /** * @param port the port to set */ public void setPort(final int port) { log.trace("MongoDbDeploymentTarget.setPort(" + port + ")"); this.port = port; } /** * Retrieves the collection for the given ticket. * ####TODO: Refactor to use a collection per source document root element * * @param ticket The ticket <i>(must not be null, empty or blank)</i>. * @return The collection (if any) for that ticket <i>(may be null)</i>. */ private DBCollection getCollection(final String ticket) { log.trace("MongoDbDeploymentTarget.getCollection(" + ticket + ")"); return (getDatabase(ticket).getCollection("deployedData")); } private DB getDatabase(final String ticket) { return ((DB) deployments.get(ticket).get("database")); } private String getTarget(final String ticket) { return ((String) deployments.get(ticket).get("target")); } private String getStore(final String ticket) { return ((String) deployments.get(ticket).get("store")); } private int getVersion(final String ticket) { return ((Integer) deployments.get(ticket).get("version")); } private DBObject findByPath(final DBCollection collection, final String path) { DBObject result = null; if (collection != null && path != null) { DBObject pathQuery = new BasicDBObject(); collection.ensureIndex("path"); // Make sure we index path, so that listings are efficient pathQuery.put("path", path); result = collection.findOne(pathQuery); } return (result); } private String getParentPath(final String path) { return (path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf('/'))); } private String getFileName(final String path) { return (path.substring(path.lastIndexOf('/'))); } private DBObject findVersionDoc(final DB database) { DBObject result = null; if (database != null) { DBCollection collection = database.getCollection("deploymentSystem"); result = collection.findOne("version"); } return (result); } private DBObject createVersionDoc(final DB database) { DBObject result = null; if (database != null) { DBCollection collection = database.getCollection("deploymentSystem"); result = new BasicDBObject(); result.put("_id", "version"); result.put("version", 0);; } return (result); } private DBObject findOrCreateVersionDoc(final DB database) { DBObject result = findVersionDoc(database); if (result == null) { result = createVersionDoc(database); } if (result != null) { if (!result.containsField("version")) { // Shouldn't happen, but just in case... log.warn("Version document was missing 'version' field. Resetting to 0."); result.put("version", 0); setVersion(database, 0); } } else { // Shouldn't happen, but just in case... throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to find or create version document."); } return (result); } private void setVersion(final DB database, final int version) { if (database != null) { DBCollection collection = database.getCollection("deploymentSystem"); DBObject query = new BasicDBObject(); DBObject statement = new BasicDBObject(); query.put("_id", "version"); statement.put("$set", new BasicDBObject("version", version)); collection.update(query, statement); } } }