Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2007-2016 Peter Monks. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * This file is part of an unsupported extension to Alfresco. * */ package org.alfresco.extension.bulkimport.source.fs; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NavigableSet; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.alfresco.repo.content.ContentStore; import org.alfresco.service.ServiceRegistry; import org.alfresco.util.Pair; import org.alfresco.extension.bulkimport.source.BulkImportSourceStatus; import static org.alfresco.extension.bulkimport.util.LogUtils.*; import static org.alfresco.extension.bulkimport.source.fs.FilesystemSourceUtils.*; /** * This interface defines a directory analyser. This is the process by which * the contents of a source directory are grouped together into a list of * <code>FilesystemBulkImportItem</code>s. * * @author Peter Monks ( */ public final class DirectoryAnalyser { private final static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(DirectoryAnalyser.class); // Status counters private final static String COUNTER_NAME_FILES_SCANNED = "Files scanned"; private final static String COUNTER_NAME_DIRECTORIES_SCANNED = "Directories scanned"; private final static String COUNTER_NAME_UNREADABLE_ENTRIES = "Unreadable entries"; private final static String[] COUNTER_NAMES = { COUNTER_NAME_FILES_SCANNED, COUNTER_NAME_DIRECTORIES_SCANNED, COUNTER_NAME_UNREADABLE_ENTRIES }; private final ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry; private final ContentStore configuredContentStore; private final MetadataLoader metadataLoader; private BulkImportSourceStatus importStatus; public DirectoryAnalyser(final ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry, final ContentStore configuredContentStore, final MetadataLoader metadataLoader) { // PRECONDITIONS assert serviceRegistry != null : "serviceRegistry must not be null."; assert configuredContentStore != null : "configuredContentStore must not be null."; assert metadataLoader != null : "metadataLoader must not be null."; assert importStatus != null : "importStatus must not be null."; // Body this.serviceRegistry = serviceRegistry; this.configuredContentStore = configuredContentStore; this.metadataLoader = metadataLoader; } public void init(final BulkImportSourceStatus importStatus) { this.importStatus = importStatus; importStatus.preregisterSourceCounters(COUNTER_NAMES); } /** * Analyses the given directory. * * @param sourceDirectory The source directory for the entire import (note: <u>must</u> be a directory) <i>(must not be null)</i>. * @param directory The directory to analyse (note: <u>must</u> be a directory) <i>(must not be null)</i>. * @return An <code>AnalysedDirectory</code> object <i>(will not be null)</i>. * @throws InterruptedException If the thread executing the method is interrupted. */ public Pair<List<FilesystemBulkImportItem>, List<FilesystemBulkImportItem>> analyseDirectory( final File sourceDirectory, final File directory) throws InterruptedException { // PRECONDITIONS if (sourceDirectory == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("sourceDirectory cannot be null."); if (directory == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("directory cannot be null."); // Body if (debug(log)) debug(log, "Analysing directory " + getFileName(directory) + "..."); Pair<List<FilesystemBulkImportItem>, List<FilesystemBulkImportItem>> result = null; File[] directoryListing = null; long analysisStart = 0L; long analysisEnd = 0L; long start = 0L; long end = 0L; String sourceRelativeParentDirectory = sourceDirectory.toPath().relativize(directory.toPath()).toString(); // Note: JDK 1.7 specific // List the directory start = System.nanoTime(); analysisStart = start; directoryListing = directory.listFiles(); end = System.nanoTime(); if (trace(log)) trace(log, "List directory (" + directoryListing.length + " entries) took: " + (float) (end - start) / (1000 * 1000 * 1000) + "s."); // Build up the list of items from the directory listing start = System.nanoTime(); result = analyseDirectory(sourceRelativeParentDirectory, directoryListing); end = System.nanoTime(); if (trace(log)) trace(log, "Convert directory listing to set of filesystem import items took: " + (float) (end - start) / (1000 * 1000 * 1000) + "s."); analysisEnd = end; if (debug(log)) debug(log, "Finished analysing directory " + getFileName(directory) + ", in " + (float) (analysisEnd - analysisStart) / (1000 * 1000 * 1000) + "s."); return (result); } private Pair<List<FilesystemBulkImportItem>, List<FilesystemBulkImportItem>> analyseDirectory( final String sourceRelativeParentDirectory, final File[] directoryListing) throws InterruptedException { Pair<List<FilesystemBulkImportItem>, List<FilesystemBulkImportItem>> result = null; if (directoryListing != null) { // This needs some Clojure, desperately... Map<String, SortedMap<BigDecimal, Pair<File, File>>> categorisedFiles = categoriseFiles( directoryListing); if (debug(log)) debug(log, "Categorised files: " + String.valueOf(categorisedFiles)); result = constructImportItems(sourceRelativeParentDirectory, categorisedFiles); } return (result); } private Map<String, SortedMap<BigDecimal, Pair<File, File>>> categoriseFiles(final File[] directoryListing) throws InterruptedException { Map<String, SortedMap<BigDecimal, Pair<File, File>>> result = null; if (directoryListing != null) { result = new HashMap<>(); for (final File file : directoryListing) { if (importStatus.isStopping() || Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) throw new InterruptedException( Thread.currentThread().getName() + " was interrupted. Terminating early."); categoriseFile(result, file); } } return (result); } /* * This method does the hard work of figuring out where the file belongs (which parent item, and where in that item's * version history). */ private void categoriseFile(final Map<String, SortedMap<BigDecimal, Pair<File, File>>> categorisedFiles, final File file) { if (file != null) { if (file.canRead()) { final String fileName = file.getName(); final String parentName = getParentName(metadataLoader, fileName); final boolean isMetadata = isMetadataFile(metadataLoader, fileName); final BigDecimal versionNumber = getVersionNumber(fileName); SortedMap<BigDecimal, Pair<File, File>> versions = categorisedFiles.get(parentName); // Find the item if (versions == null) { versions = new TreeMap<>(); categorisedFiles.put(parentName, versions); } // Find the version within the item Pair<File, File> version = versions.get(versionNumber); if (version == null) { version = new Pair<>(null, null); } // Categorise the incoming file in that version of the item if (isMetadata) { version = new Pair<>(version.getFirst(), file); } else { version = new Pair<>(file, version.getSecond()); } versions.put(versionNumber, version); if (file.isDirectory()) { importStatus.incrementSourceCounter(COUNTER_NAME_DIRECTORIES_SCANNED); } else { importStatus.incrementSourceCounter(COUNTER_NAME_FILES_SCANNED); } } else { if (warn(log)) warn(log, "Skipping '" + getFileName(file) + "' as Alfresco does not have permission to read it."); importStatus.incrementSourceCounter(COUNTER_NAME_UNREADABLE_ENTRIES); } } } private Pair<List<FilesystemBulkImportItem>, List<FilesystemBulkImportItem>> constructImportItems( final String sourceRelativeParentDirectory, final Map<String, SortedMap<BigDecimal, Pair<File, File>>> categorisedFiles) throws InterruptedException { Pair<List<FilesystemBulkImportItem>, List<FilesystemBulkImportItem>> result = null; if (categorisedFiles != null) { final List<FilesystemBulkImportItem> directoryItems = new ArrayList<>(); final List<FilesystemBulkImportItem> fileItems = new ArrayList<>(); result = new Pair<>(directoryItems, fileItems); for (final String parentName : categorisedFiles.keySet()) { if (importStatus.isStopping() || Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) throw new InterruptedException( Thread.currentThread().getName() + " was interrupted. Terminating early."); final SortedMap<BigDecimal, Pair<File, File>> itemVersions = categorisedFiles.get(parentName); final NavigableSet<FilesystemBulkImportItemVersion> versions = constructImportItemVersions( itemVersions); final boolean isDirectory = versions.last().isDirectory(); final FilesystemBulkImportItem item = new FilesystemBulkImportItem(parentName, isDirectory, sourceRelativeParentDirectory, versions); if (isDirectory) { directoryItems.add(item); } else { fileItems.add(item); } } } return (result); } private final NavigableSet<FilesystemBulkImportItemVersion> constructImportItemVersions( final SortedMap<BigDecimal, Pair<File, File>> itemVersions) throws InterruptedException { // PRECONDITIONS if (itemVersions == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("itemVersions cannot be null."); if (itemVersions.size() <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("itemVersions cannot be empty."); // Body final NavigableSet<FilesystemBulkImportItemVersion> result = new TreeSet<>(); for (final BigDecimal versionNumber : itemVersions.keySet()) { if (importStatus.isStopping() || Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) throw new InterruptedException( Thread.currentThread().getName() + " was interrupted. Terminating early."); final Pair<File, File> contentAndMetadataFiles = itemVersions.get(versionNumber); final FilesystemBulkImportItemVersion version = new FilesystemBulkImportItemVersion(serviceRegistry, configuredContentStore, metadataLoader, versionNumber, contentAndMetadataFiles.getFirst(), contentAndMetadataFiles.getSecond()); result.add(version); } return (result); } }